The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, February 07, 1908, Image 4

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    - '
The Oregon Mist
Eater.! t t&C PtwSi 5- Krefi
lascxa Evtr Fatoar Br
jf itee st u
I rw-""itr i s. .!
!(', . i Matf,e
.'- e- It hi
'. ft. ft I. as!
' -A ' . StfO c . .tt-,.-;,
(M C0'K' r
ir.jrt :a t . WV
i' i .
cbsctso Suras
ft wwatia ...
Ad-vrteg rttct, as.. kawwa ca :Tv.
alaoa hticni bogocs SS orsta pe use.
ol the Bajrview Peoph?. ! J , Ho
Small hett-nt (U.i!ll tl." Hi-il. -
lit -ailt-ill Ft'UlxS
within jrr ol lit. i' "" "
.. ii "
fri.m ir li.t M 'lr-ln.ijU.nt ul-fi!l
n.l, t.:ry p-otit"'-. put ut-arripiio-i
!- Path ',
' .........I -ff ...I In HAf ItaJlljfC
tan.. 4itiLt.,t,,M " bio.-o.m-.U.MV.-
t.r'wlt-Sith W.. "Frril" A!l ',Vt
u... . v..,.. I.,.-. r.,t ., M . : tfv.n a .m...M '."
. ,., .(-. - -Wi
nn a.. a .i' '- .
py,Vol Veil ) f- t .. W ; i
prl-flsiM by ttiinrt'i'U g itw ' '
its U fre hiuluf ! !' i
boA. McKJr In-tii.- Ji!'i
tt- I- Hwic. Zr:ztJk!lmf
JL S. Hstua, J-'.t s. !!'
W. A. IiArr, CSert m. Htlea a ::. -"t'-f R r:.
I l l . i'. a n t- '-i.-ff. .
i-: .-,;-
K T-risrrr r. !r.iB
A - T. Li-". 4 tlirwr
I. H. ir- r : . ScI ?a;" i :.'..;
'. K . KaMt
U.K-CtS. Cxnktr ?. llrti
T!.. I"ft i
G)unty Official
! ,J .! us t r .
k.s ... ... .,v,..t . . ' ike owi t:.n l " i" l' I'
rrprttceied. if un tifcirt". n
l live tr ji ri
T! I
. icu
' ' Mr. W. E- lyittka. f sr. St Ea:.k
tt-feitie nj in.3 jb! mitorr T:.r
U do kU skiU in t: rs cct thj-
if dsJ rt Ijt burn &t a
'x io ar.t for whicb thr foi
tin tJ ni .lqute fvtaro. c J Ihb
f b tt.e cnrat.; t!. a.
ftacdt ia the ol our roTrns s'vcj
mote (ractiro! and l.o.
We bare fes aanaair e.;s- U pT
the ;r.i-rfci oo aa iETttceist of car!
a tQi'iioa duiurt, ar d, a a ro e, tis
mooer .a been ai&J ia t.apUiztr-J
aod ODfCiertSjjc teitprarT work. I: i
eay to fte thete ficts, but not to tt ;
to Kirgett a rtmedT that moa'A lie
opuUetoa tuffic'est ncmter of tl
popie u caose iu .JotJi,n. At a re
cent meeting of the o Use luinser Com
mercial Clati it was orfesl by Eolert
Yocn:i Ibat the eoactr be boEded f..r a
Urge turn acd a xrieoUfie atd wriuncu!
STKem ot tiad be baiit undrr tie di
rection of a ki!lel engineer and rol
baUder. Oi ecure noihi. g of l tie kir.d
cooll b be doue itixjot Sccsriiig ti
consent of Ue fcpie at aa eiecti&D,
even if it be aJnat! tht i !h bet
method of procedure. Xei!htr U it prb-
abie lht toco an e!.'iioa eoul l be b?!i
until two jTtar Jr. to oi; June, m lit
triere u pSeniy oi Utur l-jr U.e dltcuniun
of the matter. The first thing to !o if
to rouse the people to a fu'J uoderUnJ-
mj of the importance of gnod road, and
wben tbi if iulty appreeined tfwr
be wiJliDg to pay abated t price ie u
ary to SeCsre tinc. It i aor.Jfcrfu;
that ny I, nier or buvnfj auntlsouM
bai at ijayinK uxn- ki r J parr-Ore.
'u fanner in Coiutubia County can a:-
lord to erade taxes at tee expente of
baricg bis coaimonication aisii Li, u,ar-
ket cot Off fur a great portfoa U t!ie j rar,
auJ eipecui.y at toe tiaje afaea bi pra
dace a-oaid briog the hizbifst prke.
The difference in tde price of a kwi
of potatoes at harvest time and liter is
, Ho. J.,ii S.a; a'r el t"j ld
I vaio tlw rr a a ttl rcwriit-
ssrtoia f a . ta rr;cu
I tsrew ia rrMi i--c-jt- a et
I tat.'.ai at. a!a,l tmH.s tor ir
t! 3 f .i r ; . n .1 ilr
Sawja a l"refcJj,t cf t.' ti'
;e, avl m .a-t.., n gsrii i.e
r." .ttta b. i;.t.---.!i arvi;
rtlt!uf e er-.iux CreJ s;t
Mi. - "I C"'j v:.: Ur !! Vtit '
Ue in it fa;it t,!a. it t ,j 4 r.u(
of t'. p' tbi Siau. .Soith'i.i i.ttrf ivmm.1 ia. i vr S
cuceaa ritriB. mbft oc rars vf
th j! V,- hid i' it r r a ! .-err-
lij; Mr, I i i-oa ! oie W t .
h i b5wt I ' T ar iinSt for avil
.'rr3&-.t. a&i b h.a ti c.rj 4
t. e -: tx.t.
V. e t! . 1 oter, that Mr. Ujd-
sa asd aZi ! r v; jvr.. nt ot i
;ai ry ?trta ad ju!eint N. 1
are ia an iu '..i.u4. ctr.t. atd
fat th tK.4e elrt a Ij-glatar
tit ill br i4J.-ftl t wad to t:
ClsitM JU' rrat er re-i
U-gtt rujwr.fy .if rt it the Juee
elUoii, to if it iiapnea t t
a I':t. Te i;" ef rr(a fat
a,.-,.: t.irty t' Rjia'i scaa -jif.
i r, c. ii n-pjU.caa cai l ii
fcaJ lb puia it i or-u-iiy a av
r j.a i i(4 f i(,ri- hi J IJte ilj of t;i
ws p and ae nu reawn fcy it'
hn8 d .ot be rr,e:-i. Tt.e dar of t:. I; b.i bat ptaord, an 1 e Uf
it w .'l nevirr return. It biouht i.t-
wi;i j ri enii'-'iiw a itr i-'i.K.f . . i... by robbing u pn,'.t J .
lit mm unTnrij:i. aati. howmju:!,
st 1 r-3j.t Hturd and deieat to the tc-pabiw-aa
rtt. Ia proportioa Ui ii
allha.'d jK rrila'.ion "rii t njre
o rrst-t Feno..Tr.ia. ThU the
T:m to ii eh Mr. l!'I..o ); to
retu.r., aat! be ia to krot-k o-it.
ivivtrilt ar.d l lately aaoihiiate act
rin to tail hinw-U a Ke- '
pabiican ahi restorrt to d (!rf itl
dial. We are of t ooinka that the
joint wmtor froji Mu!uotn!j aed Cj!
uaibia Coaiitiea, if Ite aocredt in h.t dt
vgua, will I coiopeiied to tn-g ec; hi
pr vate t u-;r" Et!er Miek to tlw
print tii 'p, Ero Hit.ja nii Jet ti e 1
prty drit! ...n to rfi, a i' i sj-e
to d' aitiwot y.-fir a'.ie itaWrsiiip
..1 k I ... I . .11. h .M.,!!..!! Mill
i.i.r. an rflti t ti M-tilr- , ful. if
t...;li'i-. n '.- )' In ranr.
T? Jfitti n ' thr "(!iCil irr .f
;- .-.Mi'iiv, :i 1 :t : ! t " 1-V'.
tt atid flwijiftl tr i-.i II ",
ttf m:r.J that il bi!J ' tw t" well.
j!o llio n-nl pl' al'l W
hpm'-iMIo full, tti. rrl Ttt( (Ian
j j I .aariio, giti-ii aivklr, m.d .'I li !
;,o rrtUd i (.nu t iii t Mi I 1? .i'i kwi ym
the I .v;ri r-
asjuui-oa-It 'iiiip;l.
Vfte. atueiiber .t are:n i..U:h ri t.p. v ui'-rl s-t i iNrnt..!
o o oor xirmbrnv Char'ei fugii?!..
of rv I jii'i trasg: ..., tht-rv-t .
t it !!!, t-at to b. d-atii
!nat a at tf, and a ti..! tU'lil
it t I'arshe-, re-.. tJt en r
tr lw draped 8Kjr3 ag Ira tr.i
ol t .in day and a r j j atst ! if." '
rnTei fn.i v an J a c j,r j.UtJ ujb
tii r- c i u
Jr t 1. 1.
J A . i i .1 n i .
I ant T it
The cmaitit m ti,'a:iit i.tri.t
r In Irlitnl In tli. M:! md l In wi d
.nj lo th iiorji.i dur a;d oiw ti in
. ! . a i-e
CAl'ITAU tai.ooa )
ir p-r rm mtft
roinpontidtJ mUno!ulU
, M.h 1 and rWpi,a7u7, t
CollftCioit Ma4.. Orafu himt
Columbia County Bui
IK General Uankiog
rr)tMil Cv-repoadrBU
i'if N.tumal t. PottUaJ.Ortp,
H.nov Sank, Nt Yii,
VVm. Ross, Troprictor
t. Hi:MC!(9. out', '
I Sv :i -r. , . 'a.
t f. 'U
T t t
i t
r .(
ak"S ihr ft
k i at r
The Uppr Columbia.
Tb pr aperti ior U. openi&r of
tf-r CufamVa rir to eagtti-n
mad mytn ho;efa! by the trio of
ipectnn jrtt Uic-n by gj-.ernment
ittntcrt to Kettle Fill. It U gratifying
to learn tte'.-ffi;:a!.t f ndon ii lion
mstli betr tlia . they expert, tiiruj.'ti
it VI ."H.-ru CUUD'T. ti-
peeially tfaow of the OtJaml-ia ai.y. c:aM ' f:,ra " ' Jegr.
here never hi iva any do i .t that j 4 """" r""r " :. Ultm
atth a very ream-4 exoe-idi'ur ' l ' 1 ,r '" l' '
liWu.tot, Ci.iiin1.. tr.Tautji l'
nna den,'nc a itstsjuiubie ar-4 w
jut th- pror.j tt ,n io eic:u4 It ia Lit
aU-io iLasr.fa.",aring j-!i;t ottif
-arr.pttor. of ty and that
!! e ptip of Org n ih drteat anv
! tnniire wo prrntei l.;r ap-
j provaJ at t; p,,i;. We b- i.eve m-
U?a.J of e-tsip'.iEg any d i t n .-,)
;i; p-fiy fr .su taxation is h .uU b the
dity of our w:nukeri t.i thai
all e!aie of propMty io- !a! n Iran
ciiisr aa i .x'i- rpirain. e:c ,
b-artlnj4r jai lur cf tli tSi;c bur
x U P. 1 x.
M I' V , w
K. H. ,t.,...i
O IO.I.i!frf
Th Mjiit nu mool Iftal ih. ,
zrang Cou'.ly dnrentiin meet at
Ciattkan e March 7th. Karti turbi
nate granga ia entiUei ti thre deV- ;
rte and three a!troal M the ejui,tr :
cor.Tnt!.n. which eleet d'.rgate to'
the Stat" Grange.
An illii.-attotl .at avr.-ep!eJ fr foluo
nt ui-es win th Yariaiot iran
oa May 2ud.
At me etnmg M&i-a thtr
-I M, i ,
tu .t
,! !.
. .I.'irf,,n
I 0
- lit.,
j .nirra.W
ti 4 , I
. I I.
' ' cl"f '
; a k
tw u:i
t. -pri u4 tut b iic.Mvi
I l.'lt ut . t 'II
I ' t .-I -i ... ..- te . i .. tt4
Nr . fi t a
t -. .11 I :.. r . . ... .(
.. n t;i..-' t -l U...ia ia.
,, ...! -In. . .,f..,, ii,, lti6 4a. ut
-"..-i-t Im.ii ;,,, i ,.r,.,n
ft--:. :Lt .. . l i,,'r i,., .,.t. i
.... I. l. . . " - .1 mi t . ... : f j,
,,f .,.) ,.,,,
"" "'' th 4 lo uat
' ' " ' ' : ; !,.. ib.
,tr.. .... I 4 , : t.t:: .na
4 V.l. ': li .i...
t.ltrf , 4 . j Jl
..I r.l t;,, A H.
Hit Xvf'Sj,
a a
Ure liw
K'tt!e Fa! , e ii 1 !
va!ubi j rhtnaet f .r
I h. 'r;
a.- 1 m
I w a .wi i
...I ta.'i.
J' lBfl.J p ' S.i'l.'j
,f-".. !!..;,!. t(j.
Il,l l-;'.. 'It
1'ir ..,,?l.r.( ..y
t t r-lf,, K.r n
il t-,. ., ... , 1..1 . I
I.'f. i:wi.
!' ! "J K ,
'""" t.. .
X!i-! .JJu j... 1 I, l-..
l. .' t,UM a A!.. (
W H. I' ...t.'i. tSom.. I , IV. .,.,.
for the bent in Job
Printing. Particular
People Pleated . . .
r km gt,
) i, a, iurr,
T ll(t.ka
...ill. w
n vl
' I- i"lil.,r
4W t
1- -I ,..
I t'J. tl...
nrer, a far a
r.tertJ i.-jto i
trans poration.
Tfie I:kelihjd that a icc-t w:i! sn
rown tfi ttl rt to t--'ir. i-npr i-n.'nt
of th'J opper C-Jfonbi wii! h ! ,tur:l
by all retida: ia t iJt k rt . .- i ;i th l'i-
and I.mpire, a trrit..-y nn-qniie l f.jr
the year itonld generaUy pay the Uxta 3a:oriI resource and pr.jtl-ictivity
t ...... I Tl-. i"v.!tiT,.i. 'r- ;. i., .... . . .
i in tiii.e ai.ea true
for a year. It
economy sagta the wists expeaditurr
of large cam of moaey under curefu
tupenrijioij. So Ur a Cviatnbia connty
u concerned it i the question of o-
preme importaQce and ia pressing 1 r
aettieinent. Far the greater portiou ct
thit county is corered with timcr. At
present it is a great source of revenu
f T the euunty, tboah in the put it ha
u.xeefuUy evaded iU j i. hare of tax
ation. In a few year it mil hae bn
The Columbia :iry i (iro-vm among
freit region In rfterrns eoanty it
rariea fro-n three to l m:l- tfid. nd
everr where U f i -id a prof u-ion of t..e
nne!t orchard product! k on t.) the
west. It in one of ih g! r: horti-
cu!tara! domains of eatrj r-hiiii;ion.
Tne opening of the upper Columbia
to navigation will ar i nn osly to the
fruit groavn a readier a -c-'t to m;r-;
ktt. but will prtive an Inn-imai. e btn
to ail reidetit in tiiat pait of Steven)
t.Hi. Tnt-r aas al excii-i.t irtru
ujci.ia! uiatie by tne Wartru ..-c .-?tra,
an ! a rrrit.i.n by Mr-. J ,v. r. g'J
lVfure a ijurmueot ,f
franks pa-.-d to th m.-i M .t-r
( r ill- l'...!.l.u!- a .d to l:.e lirane for
th..-ir p!ndd io-p-.!a!ity.
' " ft- -i isii 1
t-f . JeX s' ; ., f . , i, ,
t i.i iai a t, I , .mat
i...- ,.,. .. . .. . .1
. , ,sl a,K(, rltaa at
"' kgii-
Steamer Iralda
'I. l t
,.i v.,
t ...
in .1..
Ill I s H HI.
t I ..(..,
i ml!.,'
A!!.t M -ier, of KrtUnd, aat in toan j
Motnlay. i
A. Winan wta trait tatting buti.-.e.
in Portland on Monday.
The rv h'ura -r Irene tailed bom V.
City Mob lay with a ld ol t.ct f,r ,S.,ii fu', '"
I'e.iro. Cat. ' r , , ,
K. W.JorUnU- a!.vg, rul. M m I uX! i':. n,
:T Bigot. I.y it getting it over the ' ,,V, ,. '" " "
haitef roiicymd lurowir.g Uwt. ; '" !.iiVSl';,".:ia', V'L
O. J. Thorn. J. W. Jatri.-k. K. it ..,,i7.,V:,,..' '-ii .u, B,j
. -ttvi.
..,. noai ta. na.o t
ai,t lrOaM at I f
a fV
PasseEiers asl Fat rreiiit.
"ltn.4M, L TAYLOR ST
con vertex! inta lumber acd in iu atead P""11?- a People who have proved fit-m-) c- J Fo!r a-,-1 T. (". Wait, a(.
we will have thoaeandsof aces of tuo,p
tana, to make tin land acceaeib'.e and
of any vaiae, good road are indipeni-
abie, and u the part of wisdom for the
owner of timber land, unlet he i hold
ing lor purely speculative pnrpo in
which case he i entitled to very amall
coisideratir.n tontaad with the settler
elm enterpmi.-.g and energetic snd M the Pomona a! Warren, rM
who orsquesu.nahiy are entitled to the f 'We. grange.
better arcmolationi which th im- C. C. Uoven ret'irned to hit iiiion
provement of t'i river
Spokesman Keview.
ill give. aatchroin on the G. tV. Kider after
a mont.ia va-ti n.
At liie 'hoiiiu ol Mr.
nnd Mr, liuv
Hare Money by Haying Chamberlain's I Smith, at Reuhea, Feb. 4th. lies, Miw
t.eagb Kenedy i trda Ruben wst umtird in niarriatrii '
Ynn trill rtv inmi h.h.1 I... 1. . i ' . . f .. - o.... t... ,, ..
and cheerfully bear hi pin Of Ike bor-Lf r!j,.mh.rl.i'. r...,..t. t .... i.J , ,c,""
denofarhigrcad, second to th "70 7 Z'ZZ, TZt ZZZL?," , I ."T " T " ?A . ?"l
,, ..ut .i....Miiva.rrttm;l Ivl . ilin'
ft .la . I i- . r. . II
- t ... ..i nr..,,,,,, ,),,, ,ft ., "' wit,
I .... M "' I'. fBitr, I
Jir.l i, ,.,!(,. ,.,J0 , j ,
"'. Ii I.. , ' f- .' '
U ll ... I M
.. " '".ri.l..
.... Jinl.v
Ml fmnnr I.imv:
Unioin Pacific
t ! ki
I'l. Wtr,.
of no ottier county in the State. No ad
vert uemeiit could eriual it. So
TU (lil'iiifiiiw
' we it hrri-i...
tne material tnteretttof tbi conntr bv h .m. ,.i ,i, a . .!,
. , - I . t. . w v v'tt a t aa u f , U'I JWU Krt K J i
i ia nrrr'iv iivfii tint n,
".turn .,., V1 '!n'1"-
you save mony in La vine if. The iv- rjd wife. II I). Potter and ;(.. .i
other in;? in what vr.n ut tint H lioi n w..M ': ir lt
one thin- wnnld do . .h ... ' - " I
. . ' w "'"lt me tore to-care you ouaiitv u in ever. Tl.e follow n;,.i.i i: c" ' n nn.-.i,,,..! "
... - - ' ,TT ....iiiirii ol i. ........ .. .1'. -" '.iuini',i.
N' 329. were Inntalled bv V. J .'m.... ! r.. 0'.""irl C. Ii n.,r.,
tt.lll. K.n ..a., t. V-....I.. ... ... ' . . -.. rv , .. ... "T ie VOUtltv Court ..t .1.- c. .
tioii. We are xud UK kmin-.(V.l,.;. h..,M. i.. .t .. . 7 . : .. . ' . ' . ' ' ..1..1. '"""I"
, , - 1 " aiiuvjfl. triivw nMiuiiiunn, y. 4. munis, jiaaur ; t. t;. In,,.- '
nb bat tUrted the ball rolhne and and when vou hi. .,,!, n,ii,. ... ; r...,. i tv ij.i.i.i, ........ .. ' ""
lu . !ir 1. ... - ' ' " '" , ., V1I..1 1.I1H, I, ,
,. wm. tv htaeu nntot want to be ail re eon are a-ttin tt..t s w Uv'nt. u-xt.. l . . . " irr,i i ., .,.,.
grangeaand by t. people general , Wre yoogold. CWIaieLect-rer; W.'K. Kfcker, " 1 nTr',;'' ' -
t ie ai:t wtii cIieerlDliv itive goace for I
.... r - v..,. a i ice , ii . jorimii. ami. nicnar l : .tlrt. 1 : 1 -t " 'inti at rm, I,,,.. . .
l.tV' j"" afrirtt
1 a at I in r. M.
i hi
JMi Inn. I. . w , i . :
u i. i .. i
" U.iiiiiii,i " ,i
tXVX iv r-iririi-. ..sti;
' "tu
uiililifd a ,ti, l,
i Court t i si,...
a County. ,(
tny ami B; XKt,
disunion of this most iuirortaiit que- land 50 cent a bottle.
tloa I Detning, ilroggitt.
For sale be A. J
Lady A.t ; Mr. M. C. Jordan,' j " Jtoed'ttJ h!!', d"e
uateseeper; x. v. watt, Ireaaurer. I r, jAn,Yi Wniury, iiMl8,
a 1 1, am i, " iiv.... .
i.. .k. t , .
: Ji.lly. 1 Pall;.
ItOWER Columbia River.
l,, a.i ?, tiiai i,, m, ti,u,. m y . a
lJI.,V" "J War l.a.ll,... nr.ilB
War lanilluaa. H.luroliH
uilaf7 V ? 1.ll.. tet
J. "tt wi ... '
. ,.,,,W.t .D fcft 1 "JI .
w-Ww Bwa
'""I Aautiaail. -. . ""-