The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, February 07, 1908, Image 1

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    rTT 1115 Fr?TTVO MMt ' ' -
Helena, Oregon, February 7, 1908.
No. 9.
- - -
Ik to Roa.. Columwavouniv au.
In-To the wile ,Su Isaacson,
is, o Sundsy lt. at 5 o'clock a.
OB . '
Is-To the wile fl Jack Black, of
,tr, on Monday i, a uaugiiier.
v Jack was eon,nl to the bullae,
L Tly h wa sumcfenily tf.
Id to b out shuttling mow from
kiawwalX W nrorr hiwmw
hr tb bnr to rum nt
, Clretua, former resident of C'ol-
county. will probably b tit nest
Stairs Hirict Attorney, mroetor
t hering withdrawn Hit nam ol
ScburUt una tbe delegation
rm having unaiilmoualy mamtd
o. It Is said rkbtM-bel will be hi.
Lre will b srvk in tlx Episcopal
Is Senday evening nest. K. Brk
Ait art cor'tl-Uf lnMI to -
tu ewetlmr Wednesday mainc th
t.nioctl aceeptcl Mr. Ihltsrd's deed
i M. Ail tlx dnrd t now la tt
ill tit council ami a deed tit lb
r tract will b given to lit County
kutk on the ""t bow pla will
i )at puaiM.
Et J. t. ItiMn was la tit, Helen
londay lor tlx pUrjmae l making
artltrtnent of tb estate of Peter
lie attwol .llttf IitoI Warren diatrM,
lcit majority of tb m, favor tb
Imclioa o' new acttaol lulling.
Iprewnt building l uiimI and Uu-
art, sad Warrew l a rapidly grow-
rowutanlty, lb awetaity ol
ft become greater year by yr
Ukr tb present nppurtuuUy.
i labor ami lumiwr can be procured
trssuasMe jwtc
lr. Harry R, Cll reports a ukm! rc
markabla awldcnt Iront tha llrtr Uland
(lKbburboo4. Mr. C. Kebour was out
bunting and wat tttlng ittioklea powder
In a black powder gun, wben tb breech
biota blew back penetrating the bead
through tb raviiy of the eye a distance
of two and on quarter tneb. 1'rlendi
tried lo utricat the piece of meul, fmt,
fortunatelr (or Mr. Htbour bty were
nnmtcceMful. When the doctor arrived
bo procured I alinilar brrecb block end
by ItaabapeaawtlMt It could not have
bren drawn Mraight out without break
ing the bun, but by manipulation be
uccf.W.l In gtling It out. Relur
we taken to the boapltal In Portland
ihtunUy nigbt. and, to the doctor'
Mtonl)imui, an antlntion of tb eye
bowed that tb tight bad not been d
etroyed, and II la hoped that It way be
entirely restored, tkoogb lb cat he not
uffietcnlly progreeawl for that to be
All that la Bcwry li to -M a
llttt beat tony buckvbeal flour,
and tul yon bar not caka. or to
nty eight kind of oreala and
bar oiuib, There I no bighrr
grade good omiIo Ibaa what I
Imn in tht line. If you grt aar
thing ol me that U not all right,
I waul i lo report It to me, no
lo nrlghhnf. 1 will refund tour
money, he wont. The brt
5-w.I. will tometinte become
riyrujiof White I'mrand Tar, Die old
reliable cough rrmetly. 1'itr aalc by A J.
Iferntng, druggiat,
for Sile Cheap On Hayton cootuut
iog aral with turntable, on grocer
coltr mill, one cbeea box and knife,
on aUty gallon oil lank and pump, one
dura fajuare candy )ara. Inquire ol L.
Swrtt, Kainier. Ore
White Anderaon ofttr thin renark-
rirtSo. U baa Wllm.iltl to lU able bargain. Included In Iheir January
Clraran. aic aniil red. lam. lain I
t wprrintenddnt for hi (tfval.
U illfrcta, the plan for a tuodrrn
il fanilding. I'll ft, with Cloak room
library, well lit, with good nllU-
t a probable coat of ft, KM,
attention of the gam warden b
called to tb favt that par lira liave
runalng deer with bound In the
ktun nrighbotboiKl, and It la eic.
mill nwu t a eitit of Inveatig'
to that wrt of the county.
rait Intnrctur llolailay I getting
and aiding the orcbardiata and Ur
ol the county in their eflot to !'
tit fruit pct Il l ai&naidcrin g
ofgaiiutton of a Columbia Conuty
I glower and cker aaaoctatioit.
grcuuau IClliahaaaecurvd lurrcaae
iiHi lor the following reaident of
uibia Ciimlr: Ktland A. Cnahrtian
t,yi JohiiathaD II. VanUrden,
llrlent f 12 William II. llawkim.
112- Cbaney Weal, Vcrnunl.
IVter C. ''wanl, Yankton.
H. Decker, tit. "I. "
-wills 114,011, of varrn, wlillo out
' itb a .'hot gun ,t. '"l
r and lent the chai
Thf War lmuill.i.lJ ' tnek
'tll tlml-r. h.'n4 ,w0
' which Mr. llaron ,4n
'lb him and will endeavor to r.
'Circuit Court for Columbia cminly
"i a pechii arulon beginning
""lay In nnler to dLlIoae of the
nalatlon of hualnru r.-A I, the
1 holiday.
T. U Inform u that be will
' houac. constructed before
"" on tb pmerty hn recently
" troni Judg V, A. Moor.
AM ha. MjM Ilia imiy.rtv li now
lpic to 'Icputy county clerk II. K.
0 will take noaacaalnn In
10 nioutlu.
u mil fr th6 year mi I now in
moJ o thr sheriff and that officer
I'M llcilUtv r .. n.l1
1,1 Mllvi ,..,.1. iniuv,iu.l nf the
'""rtbifiircqoire,! l0 Coiitrilmt lor
aw good., file rolt I the Inrgeat
county",, ltlstury, anoiiutiiig U!
''WOK. Tim I, n,l,t l.w
Ddiridual ia tlit JL Itomuoi. who
hWillou tothapr.ll onr ilU.OOO.
neglect lo rait onbcm and aeenre tome of
Ihetr first Claa good, at a great reduction.
Scttw TaKK Uf Supioaeit lo belong
to f, A. Gibbon. A one roomed, lead
colored acow, with an organ. The owner
can hare II by proving property, or ap
plying at lb Chapman boom near tVap
pooae, Oregon, or at Hcappnoa to Henry
.Hitcact. )Uf
Mr. Percy Harriaon, who la employeil
by the Ui River (loom Company, il
having lti luuilwr hauled for the con
.trucllon of a hanJaouic retidence on the
! bluff near Mr. liage' home.
Buy where your money go, fartherct.
Try Whjt A Anderaon.
Tlia ll reuitdy known lody lor all
atoirm li trouble la KoJul, wbich I guar
iittK-it to givt prompt relelf. It I a
prompt relief. U natural digralalii;
it dig. 4 what you, at II la pleaant lo
tk. HhU by A. J , Darning and Soap
p.Ka lrug Co.
Herl Barber, ol Klton. Wi... aayt: "I
Imv only inkan f.ur dow. of your Kid
ney and Illadder I'illa and they bare
dune fiir mn uiom Iran any oilier itieill
o'nab.ver done. Mr. Ibtrher refer
tiiKiWIll' Kldliny and Madder Till.
Tlmy ar ld by A. J. Hemming and
Heappoo pnig Co.
Mr. ltd WWkerabain write, from la-
tnport, Iowa: "III UijulU cold, dry,
, -dy and dualy here. Ice I running In
" , tiMppl river and piling up on
tT.u t r'lnt. "n'y lhe Ure ter"
1 i , - are running. Mr.. Wicker-
StS. Weniurt
bavtthe MlaU" ,
,u nimo prepanmon i
Uatlliai oigesiRuia
luiorsfouod in a
do wilt dl
Kol..l U a
vegetable aclda with
and eonUInt tha ma
goat, mora than 8.000 gtaina J
Bold by A. J..I)I" ,0il,POM
Mr. and Mr. A. J JS'
laid up with a aever. attack of tb g.tlpl.
I'oor Uualer.
The Bcnignu Lumber Co. of Houltou,
1,BV, inatallcd a large nw jdauer and a
Mm. N'. J. Dupont, ol IlotlUm U rc
coveriun Iwm qulto aovara atuck ol
grijjrpav- .
Bachelor Flat
Bchool wa returned here again on
Monday, I'eU. 3, with Mr. li. 8, I'axon
a. teacher, but owing to the aeriou III
neaa of Mr. I'axon tit achool wa dl
untll I'eti. loth.
Mia. Ruth Saxon wa vbiting in Houl
Ion laat Huuday.
Mr. Ceorite Ilerdahl i. traniacting
buainea. in 1'ortland Ihi week.
Mr and Mia. J. W. Saeton and Mr.
and Mr. II, Biinigardneratteiided J'omo
na Orange at Waircu.
Meaar.. A. M. Hanaen and A. H. Hol
dabl. of Portland, are gueaUatthe Saon
Mr. Ole Olaon ba. moved into bi. new
home purchanedd of Mr. Wm. Reaiiniua,
and i. again living under bi. own roof.
Mr. K. C. Alnaworth. of Clatakanie,
wa th gueat of Mr. and Mr. and Mr.
C. C Moyer on Wednesday of laat week.
Mr. Joe Dupont I. on the .irk liat.
On laat Saturday afternoon a merry
crowd of our young Mk were aknting
on the Siaiera lake, but tile ice wa. too
thin lo be perfectly safe.
Mia. Fannie Sleeve will entertain with
a valentine party at her home on the
evening ol the Ulh.
C. C. Moyer wa. a mtsiner viiitor to
the county srat on Tuesday,
Mr. ami Mrs. I. K. Rice were vlaillng
in lloutton Sunday,
Mr. J. I. Montgomery and wife return
ed home alter a few day in Tort
tend. Mr. Wm Soderburg. of Kuappa, Ore.,
wa. viuiing Mr. and Mr.. Nagel laat
Miss Kuth Saxon wilt take teacher
examination at Ml. Helen next week.
Real EaUte Transfer!,
Tha entries for the pnt week Includ
ing tha dt aooti whi.h each Instru
ment wa. filed for record.
Jau 2U rtanaer to tfenxcr puit-
claim 1
Dean Manclmnl to W C Richards
kit S and 4 bik 10 Ul.ndi.nls
add to Rainier
Jan '.-)-A Land J N Brtnn (- T
I. Holstln land in SS.S:). 3 5
Fb 3 A L tHrkeraon to Andrew
OIn 75x100 feet In blk U
Dobbins add to Kainier X)
Jan 30-3 and It 8 llattan to city
of Hi. lielnns U 0 blk 11 St.
lltilen. : 800
Jan A C and M M Johnaon to
Detroit Truit Co lot 1 ee 8,
0 5 10
Feb t-A T and F K U to 1! K
and A LatUre lot 1 aud w qr
lot 23 blk 17 St. Helena 1
Jan a-M C I-ockwood to K K
Ward paitof K O llryant dlu
Jan 2t L, A and O Mak'ol it to I 8
lliimgaidiirr qr nw qr sic
I0 5 HO
Jan UH-C C and M M MaaU-n to
Mnatpn LnirRing Co various
parcel, of land and timber 1
C J and J 0 Murkle to City of St.
Helen lut 7 blk 11 St. Helen 230
Jan ai-O A C B R to It C I.lddi ll '
aeqrseor 17 8 2 180
Jan S"C J Ciiva to city of Rai
nier 2 ftcrtM in 28 7 2..
K J SMlunott'e to Mr. Julia Both
lot & and 6 blk 2U Kninier... ; t&0
Jan 2H-K M Walla to Awl I Hola-
daynbfaoqrll 3 2 1S00
Jsn 2H C C Maaten to Mattlen
Ixiggiug Co various It-itfcs 1
Jan So J and R II Mitchell to
0 A Kvans w hf blk 7 Dobbins
add to Rainier 050
Jim 20 O V and M J Moeck to
. Itilinn OeiiK lot 0 blk A
Moeck second add to Rainier 150
Jan 28 Murphy by gnaidlan to
Maslen Logging Co timber oil
w nr sw or 8 4 1 and e bf ae
qrl 42 3800
i.m u I P Mnmliv li Maal.lll !
rfW v ...... t j -
LoKffllld Co timber on sw jr
sw qr 0 4 4 and e bf e qr 1 4 2 1
Hon. K, B. Tongue, of Hillaboro, bas
filed with the HecreUry of Slate bi.
declaration ol intention to become a can
caudidals for the nomination ol Disirict
attorney for this dUtrict. His platform
read as follows.
"If I m nominated and elected I will,
during my Una of olllce, honettly, vig
orously and impartially perform all the
oillcial dtitie of the office of disirict at
torney without fear or favor, endeavor
ing always to accord to every individual
irrtsajiectireof party, potili.s or ienion
alitie, a square deal Under tbe law,
keeping always upiermost in my mind
tbe Interest of the taxpayer. In said dis
ttirt and stale." ,
' Mr. Tongue is an able yoiing man,
and. while be Is not rnnnlng on bis an
cestry, a rood many will feel kindly
toward liW and put faith in his ability
from Ibo knnwledff of llio fact that lie
i the son ot tho ablest Congrenunau Or
egon ever sent to Washington. Mr.
Tongue will have practically a solid vote
ia Washington Couittr.and a. hiaonly op
ponent Is from Clatsop, and a. thatcoon
ty now bas far more than its share of
polithMl lionoia, we have no ifoubt be
will receive tha vottot Columbia county.
In order lint the voter may understand
bow Clatsop County lias prospered in
politics we giue tbe following list of
State flli- now belt by residents o(
Astoria: II. U. VanUnarn, master fish
warden ; Alfred C. McKenney, member
state board of health; R. It. Wallace,
member of Barber's Board of examiner ;
Samuel Klinore, Board jf Cominiiabner
of the Port of Columbia ; Faank J. Tay
lor, A. W. 1'emlleUn, Albert C. Itoaa be
ing three out of (our member con.tito'
ing the State Board of Pilot Commirs-
ionen; Oawe',1 West, a member f tba
railroad Commissioner.; F. 1 Dunbar
has ju.l fln'mlted two term as Secretary
of Stale, aud Harriion Allen was elected
to two terms a. district attorney, the
second term expiring o i tb first of last
July. Mr. Allen was first elected to the
office the term wa for a period ot two
ywirs.but during hi term it wss ex tend
ed to loor, and Mr. Allen was therefore
elected to what was equivalent to four
terms ot office, as th same wss held by
Messrs. Clreton, Barrett, McBride and
It has always been the custom among
the counties to allow the district attor
neys office to go in rotation lo the dif
ferent counties comprising the Uis'rict.
It 1 now Washington County's turn to
have it, esneciully as her candidate is in
every way worthy and well qualified.
Teacher's Examinations
Notice Is hereby given that the County
Superintendent of Cofumbi I County will
hold the regular examination of appli
cants for Stste and county papers at St.
Helens, Or , a follow.:
wr statk paphrs
Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 12tlt
nt tf o'clock a. m., and continuing until
Saturday Feb. 15th at 4 p. m.
Wednesday l'enmanship,pelling, his
tory, physical geography, reading, psy
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, gmmmnr, bookkeeping,
physics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, com
position, algebra, Knglish literature.
Satunlay Botany, plane geometry,
general history, school law.
Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 12th at
t o'clock a. in., ai;d continuing until
Friday, Feb. 14th, at 4 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday Penmanship, historv, or
thography, reading physical geography,
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, physiology.
Friday Geography, school law, civil
government. Fuuiiah literatures
Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, this 20th
day of January, Isitm.
Be It Uemeinbered, Tha a regular
term of the county court of the State of
Oregon for Colombia county, was began
and held at tbe court bouse la the city
ol Sr. Helens, in ssid county and State
on Thursday, January 2nd, 1006, tbe
same being tbe time fixed by law for
holding a regular term of said court,
wben were present:
Hon. R.8. llattan. County Judge
Hon. Casper Libel, Commissioner
Hon. II. West County Commissioner
W. A. Hi rr a. Clerk
Martin IV We, Sheriff.
Due proamnion being made the fol
lowing proceeding wete had :
In the matter of the Petition of Frank
Bishop to lay water pipe along conoy
On Ibis 2nd day of Jaa 1006 come on
in iw nearu ine petition or rranK nialiop
lo lay water pipe along tie county road
as follow:
Beginning at a point on the county
riMil nae thai almtl luina in
school district No. 20, thence following
said road through section 12 In township
6 North, Range 2 West to and through
tli town ol (joule and across th North. '
em Pacific Railroad to tbe end of raid
county road at a point near the 0. K.
Hunter place in the town of tiublc; and
the court being advised in the preuiues,
it i ordered by the court that said ti
tion be, and tbe same is hereby allowed.
In the matter of the claims against
the County of Columbia.
On this day the claim as docketed
were examined by th court and allowed
in tbe several amount set fourth in lbs
docket and tbe clerk ordered to Issue
wsrrnnt on the County Treasurer in
payment of the same.
Whereupon court adjourned until Jan.
Friday Jan 3d 1908, 2nd Judicial day.
Coort cam pursuant lo adjournment.
All officers bing present, due procla
mation being mad the following pro
ceedings were had:
In tha matter of the petition of John
Freeman for a liquor license lor heap
poose precinct.
On the 3rd day of Jan. 1008 comes on
tor hearing the petition ol John Free
man, for a license lo sell spirituous, vin
oim and malt liquor and ferment!
cider in lew quantities than oue gallon
in Scappoose product Columbia county
Ana ii appearing 10 me court max a
majority of all the legal voters to! said
precinct, who are actual residents of
Scappoose Precinct and who have actu
ally ressded therein al least 30 day pro
ceeding the sighing of mid petition ; and
it further appearing to the Comt from '
the affidavit of tbe publisher of
the "Oregon - Mist" a weekly
newspaper ol general circnlatiot pub
lished in said county and state, thatsaid
petition together with a uotice ol the
day upon which said petitioner would
apply to this court for such license has
been publiihdd for four ronsecntive
weeks iu his said news paper; and It
further apppearing from one of the affi
davit of one of tl.e signers of said oeti
tlon and of two ot the resident house
holders of said precinct, Uiat written
copies ol said petiti in1 and notice Itad
been posted for four consecutive weeks
in three of the most public place in
said Scappoose precinct, and the raid
Joliu Freeman having filed with the
clerk of thia court his bond duly approv
ed by the County Judge, and a dupli
cate receipt from the rounty Treasurer
for the sum of 400.00 and there being
no remonstrance sgainrt the granting of
said petition on file, and the court being
fully advised in the premise, It is thre-
(To be continued)
Notice is hereby given that I will not
be responsible for the acts or conduct
ol Kruivl Buctl, my son, or for any debts
or bills made on account of him.
LtiWIS M. 11CK1.L.
llillsboro, Jauuary23, 1008.
County School Superintendent,
Rvery farmer, every family, regardless
of locality can now have the comfort of a
100 candle power light on a common
kerosene oil lamp by using tbe "Index
burner.' See ad on' page 4.
, I have money to loan on approved
real estate security. . '
St. Heitiis, Oicgoa
For Sale Nearly new Bain wagon, or
will trade lor fresh milch cow. A. J.
Parmer, on tbe Meeker ranch miles
from St. Helens.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts
gently but promptly on the bowels. It
stop tbe cough by soothing the throat
and lung Irritation. Sold by A. J. Dent
ing and Scappoose Drug Co,
Use DeWltt's Little Karly Riaars,
plrusanl little pills. They are ray to
bike. Sold by A. J. Peming and Scap
pooHo Drug Co. v
County warrants cashed at par.
Colombia Ccainty Bank.
vu"" ej Co., Oak-