..Mlllrf """ ' " f Sirlf. rfKi ROW Hi CViiiyw Kail.. eminrmil' U .LCo.... IKrlckwn. Meyer 1 0 II It One thr. lllaM 10 , Mr. K. I. Chamberlain, of Clinton, .10 ' Maine, 4yol llurkleii' Arnica Halve, 01 78 "It dwt buliies; I h.v tiwd It tut A '.'ft pllr. nuil It cured tti.ui. Vinl it for DO 5 . clnirtl hands and It ctirrd them, Ap lift I. II i. .. 4 do jiiicii ii 10 an um Mir nun ii uraieii it without leaving x ur bchlu.l." 'I'ta nt lloulUm, Warrcu, rtcapposa and Deer Island dealer. iU. '"'II KllloU Lt.i ttiwn jnlllHKNI...' Mwl Kilfttun..- KIIMl Iil ll.iglwrtt..- "" tllloixl'n Itrmli'tl & lllolt tr Hlirwr to Birhnl't k Ui"f it .No 13 her I MlmlU-. y Mll! - idx" .-I -- ... . town Km -klmm v Met ' AIM.,... . KU 1 I. Hill L K'trlW ....... L Mluil( , Mil!., n. ...... k rirtm itmirtf -" L I'deraon , ...... -- I'i.t N4 14 M-iluigrf ..... . Ur ........ Ktthmau ...... t kik'in ... ll.wliitd . ........ it. -n ! Dinger. . ..... ... Il'riugte . . M - hn kof , - Hettinger. , ,. fl-lliiK-'f . , lunten, ... . , :ulrn .. ,,.,.,...- rr.ni' ........ . i.-ilrn ...... ltOI;B .... ..... ! llilitfwr ., . 'n"jf ukr. , . . . Ii t'urhrr . ... ... tun .... .pwrjf . .... , .1 , !ir.t I Smith , ... lj.!rlilH , . . r.ti .ti'iKwii .... . . islk i m 43 M IU1 (Ml II 8 60 V 10 l 'i DO 10 40 B M l!l 7S 1'iO 17 10 1A 7 17 50 U 40 , 87 47 M 75 0 m so 7 43 60 7 W 4 a 3 n B 70 1J w 3 2V0 14 S .! 9 ft) ? W a 1 73 42 51 27 a 10 4 It to a -a! 2 7S 0 8 JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE A t yrr fur MUrry. "1 Iwvt luwuil cure fur the iitlwry umUrlit irinlun'." Myn U, M. Jnmc, ol IMirllril. A. C. "It'i lalluil I'.lcitric IUllirm. allit mmm til !WI rptit tuttllfta II tircitk up (' til rhllli ut a Milium tliu:k In uliiiiitt notime;nti(l It put yd low Uumllcc clraii out ol cminilttlnn." Till it'fit tiilc uicilUiiie iiinl IjIixhI ttiiriflrf tlttea lluk'k rplirl tu Bll ftloillttlil Hvcr n) klilucy comiillnt mil the nil- ry ! Uic U k. Md umlrr Kiurontr tv It. Hilton, rfe., tkappuuw mul I'm .laii'l ilfttlrtK, lis j The following are a few of the unparalleled bargains we are offering this month. ftu prs. jicns aim SUMUOHS In lh Cllrillt ui.fl o llll ill tlirjgll l.ir I .IMlnl.U "mimi MrUj, 11 1 It I'HluHd lr tl lUonlll). K-l-.tUI Tulli lUouitb. Ih lw nawfl iUIU'l In IB nam n Nam i uir.n. ru aif tifbt ritiir.l Ui jf ftb.t wt.r Hi roin. llltl mH 1M M IU Ihi rlillllr.1 L . . .4 .... . I I..... ...,..... I -1. . ummIiI h U aika'lf t. JVIlt ihff.Ul U(.lir4 (.. il. Dim iml'tirallOu Ihla iiimi. U'l .1 'Vr aiul iiKM i.iatHllH a.-l l"f IhrMlM w-XI ' In l.-r ratUI"l. I'H! Ml 4lM.illuti lllll UltbUol Mllflll IM atUU'ttf lirlwwl alt- Himr.l .(lul ami trleuUl.l, au-l Utt wH t.ilf aul I'llllu r IvIU't lu llir-K.il urnitmrrtflH I .i. Iku aunintia la iml.ll.l l.j..i l.rnl h. . Il.iuo ) il lh I ouiiiy utit. H-W alfl i.li"l Wtb "t 1"J Hl llw M.ii,4 (til rialMlIlt n.W . .Miralli.ll tl'. 1U. 11 Ull)ltlW a? tX) V, V) 8 3! av J Joys Working Shoes. Regular price ranging from $3.50 to f 7.5c. bale price 15 to 20 per cent off. This will bear looking into. 7 prs. Men's Loggers Regular price S5.50.Salc price $4.75 75 prs. Ladies' and Misses Shoes Regular prices ranging from $1.75 .to i3-5- o:ile price 15 to 20 per ' . . rr t. ." ceni 011. luvcsugaie ims; lu ll.a t tf.tlHrl 4lk M'U ( 0wn M t wlmol.la 1 Mitif . rtml J. Iiuuanll Uiuillt foil tltMlll ll(B'Ulll tu l iln t-uaaauil. naixnt lclaiail In tha ka U ai ul Ixf"' i ..it'.j iaiwlHNi hi a, t-.r ai. l ao. ih rumflalui - Ml"l ) lu ata. u HI 11 oxill ai.-l fla .. r l.l.u aaui lol r4. I 1 lW.laaUara.HMJ iJ ll. Iba Oa u.l.nl ! UiM aullulrallMll ul II. I. Mi, ami II " 'all afl-a' aJ ai..w-l ll. . ,11111 will a.t 111 Hr T'lll t.a"i I l l l. tatlil. 1.1 oil M .M J. ma ll.a ul .airti'-o " "" ......al'f ...,t iU.!altt.t I IMP r'.'"---. - - ai.. ii awl ibr a'4 lunl't Kllfi i lia lull .ii'a l iwi.il irtr Ilia Jladtalt. l la I "Mills mirJ i U. l '!af ul iTr. llut..i.l.i 11 ataau1. iwa4 Mi Ali"irt lur I" ainiltl HM bMl.UralU'H I-' ! Jl'tltl'' Jan l. ! 90TUK Of MrAKDUS H4I.K ' HKALKHTATK ' ' in 1 Jim in) lit r II .'lv, Mt 01 , ., , .1.5 4 M I ' l the iu' '! Kie !' l lcWffl j -VI'! It. "I"" . , ,!'? ' .. . . 1 i. i,. ii.,t 1 i. i. K.n 73!... .:.,.,.ii.n ,.l ihc Krai.ii ml rainiir i ,S ,c : ..a ;' : .So prs. Ladies' and Misses' Slippers Kelts and Julicttcs. Regular price ranging from 75c to 51.75. Sale price 50c to $1.25 2 Dozen LADIES FINE JERSEY RIBBED FLEECE LINED VESTS. Regular price 50c. Sale price 35c 18 prs. Men's Trousers Splendid values. Regular price $1.25 to $3.50. Sale pi ice.... $1.00 to $2.25 6 prs. BOYS' JEANS Length 26 to. 3oinches. Regular price $1. Sale price 75c 12 Boys' Suits Ages 5 to 15. If you w ant something suitable for both school and Sunday wear dont' neglect this. Regular prices $2 to $5. Sale price $1.50 to $4 12 Comlorts Regular price JM.40.Sale price. $1.15 4 Wool Lined Top Rain Coats Regular price $1.25 to $2.00. Sale price $1 to $1.50 4 Glass Water Sets Regular price $2. Sale price . $1.50 I llr.. ii)iliii t! tli wrm ei .. i ... . Ii. ....... .!.... tni.li.ritliillivi.ai 6 JiUlfiu 1 onlrril the I utility touu. h J l t i " l'' ' 1 ... I. .nlnml OH lllff f i)rci!u4l. Mill ilny ul iM.i.i.1 !.'.'.'.".T.'.". It ! . ., . . it 7ft unit, in the m'.tt ul ili 4 ,Ule.iwt-l lift II". liitnor. 3 41) iitlH.nlii mi l euMcilttK well m-ar- '.U-f: "if MohiUv the V'.th -Uu .t nfY l'" ,!lf ,H",,r (.... o'cUk I'. M- t( Mb) l the : ,.n .Iu.it ! th County Court llu o cotumw. Cmuiuv. .!"'"?. ,'r'1 !l twhlw nutllntt hB bishrtt W.l.lrr t.t cb,ll th. riKht. IHlc cUitti .ml In- 7ft ,c.ll.lHrrlH hn m n.l to H- W tt-..nh.4t furtcr tSK', -nl lh! Souito ball .ftli Ntthr twftfr o the Mi , I mxl III N''hra.l .iii-.tcr the Pi NuMl'wlii.KMSK'! S h ' . '. .in u-. . ili Stiuthvtrtt ..... 1 . ....1 ii. i.iiiih lidtf ! ; .iii.iirr ! " V.u, 145 U. Nurllntrit ijimltrl lb N "" . . k-. . ..iidtlXf IN Ita 41 111 HI I II -' - ' 10 I "I 4 7 5?5 it ttt 2 ti I Hi NW t,H.( Srciii.it ltlin dfi) ll tn Jtullll "1 nmiBT i 1 10 411 1 01 1 tKl will '.Ii .... , 1 Al Ma, II I 1I1T..1II ill! lllll Smith. wlh..,, ., ITmtl In Smith M Hlllitll...,. . III. ... Munh ... ....... I'-lll'V .,.,...,,,.. IITiiill ...... rhti'itin-ii , uiU. , .... I'lilkrl' , ......,. I KII1..I1H Hull Mi..., null ill Son . ... , . kioirii I'.rm Hurt S Wllfc.n 1'i.ik.T limn AHiin Turk Itutvliklu I l'.irk. r A Muw V . Muw iVK) A Mow IftW HH.I.UHINO UKNKH At HOAIJ Ml .!. WKHK lllUICCIKIl Diit No 7 .tltuwn ,11 IM.tNdlO n K. 8. Drjrmtt......; W -1. 1. ....... 4 rt ol I" " ' V V 1. 1 . . 1 -ni i mailn l ircaall 111 Imu.I r no uh.-t i "nHiiii'" h ComiiI W 1 ....n'M.m. State O ,j J 1 nun Ol IUK VUU'.'J 1 2 Hft 1 4,TiItMl Oil- IHtll vol IVt-rinUr, ItKlT. 7 00 1. )- ml: , ClUt.ll.ill Ul IIP e' " llerlieit f . Hftx mliiof 5 Ladies and Misses' Coats Exceptional values. You can't afford to overlook this. Regular priccs8. 50 to J15. Sale price $5 to $10.50 A few odds and ends of our fancy assortment of Japanese Ware which attracted so much attention before the holidays we will close out at 25 per cent below regular prices. Various other items to numerous to mention at correspond ing reductions. This is an opportunity you cannot afford to miss, as it enables you to buy first class goods at a saving. We guarantee these prices to be genuine reduc tions fromqur regular prices and will prove it if necessary. Bring this ad vertisement to our st(re and look over the bargains. We will take pleasure in showing the goods. REMEMBER this sale continues throughout the month and the terms are CASH Or its equivalent. Remember also our guarantee of competitive Portland Prices as per our advertisement ill the Mist two weeks ago still holds good and will continue to hold good, Try us and see 1 WHITE & ANDERSON urin TrtM nRECON C. T. rilESCOTT E. E. QCICK. F, B. PBESCOTX NOTICE OF FINAL SETTtlKIMT NutK-e l "e!.y K'ven ihr ""'r') ,!nCT . mlmtiilairator " H. m.url A. H.KK. l h" lile.1 111 Ihrroimtv irt ol l.c Mole I. ,,!(l..i tor ClumW C.untv In' " v.mnl. ami Ii.. lil l V T- . ........... 1 1.1 tin lion. It. St. Ilatl.il. Jii.Il'CoI ll.ewi.l court hiu n pSirt" Sl...l,.v. the 17th .'.ay o( J.nu- ' ... 1.1 ....I..-L- In the lurenooil ol arv. iw-, ..., in.) ilav utllie IMii. " ne " The Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. Titles Examined vj? Abstracts Made 4 M 7 n 0 73 ft is OH 6 40 1.1 7a i M 2 70 2 W 13 no !tair ..' " . .: u .1..,. )rc.m. a. ol aiinl court in "- H 13 1 the iil.ice. o( hearing the a-me ' ' 10 62 i I aaouiit.ol :tt. w' ' . j many per'" interte,l may 1I ... ! ai.. tile olectio... l- the m. T,l)!','f,U,ei,,,e7itHU:S MORRIS. 00 '' W. II. 1'owcH, atlomey (.ir .lmiiitrttlt- 'J fdj " SOTirK Til" CUKUITOKS 4 60 ! Notice 1. hereby iyen Ihnt the under- ol the ii vi ""'! ' J ,v, I Z ir K r..lun.& County, ami b. ; ,iiiiv iu.inii. 'i 1', , t iLvliu. el:i ttl al" MlA t"w 1 ?";,!: VerLuh. Orej.o.1. ' ,; V lornev. W. " Towcll, l,t'tl".' ' cZ., vrir,e.Ucc.rlinK t law. wilhiu t?x 1. ontli. Iroin the date hereol. Non-Resident Taxes Paid Real Estate IS? Loans, etc II. i ii BLACKSMITH Warren Oregon Good work at Reasonable prices. Wagon and Cairiage work a speci alty. Your patronage solicited. Urowrlo. Dry Uoods lUiilwnro I'r caery Flour n:U' l s Hay Nutliuia Camliet BUHom-ry I'ancy Oootls H. H0R6U S Carries a ccmplcte line of all the Best iu General Merchandise At reasonable prices. Your patron age Solicited. j America's Greatest Weekly Toledo Blade TOLEDO, OHIO The B-t Known Nmrpaper iu lb Cnitrd States. , C1KCULATI0N 180.000. roi'i'ik IX F.VKIIY r-OTE. Iu many respcctn the Toledo Blade ia ihe mt remurkable weekly neipaper published to the timed Slate H i the only newspaper especially edileil for National circulation. It ha. bad lb. larRest circulation lor wrc ;ear tbau any newspaper in America. Further- nion. 11 1 tu cuepsi neiJiJi-i ir world. a will lie explfineil to any prraou who will write u for tertna. The Now. ol the World arranged lhat buty people can more easily conipreuelifl, tuau bv readinj! cumbersome colunip. ol dailiea. All current tupic made plaia In each issue bv special editorial matter written Irom inception ilowu to rtate. The onlv rmper published especially for people who do or do not read daily new.- papers, Tina vei tuirai ii... That thi kind of anewspmier is popular, is proven bv the fact that the Weekly Blade now lius over 180,000 vearly tub scriliers, and is circulated in all part, ol the United Slates. In addition to the news, the lllade publishes short and atrial stories, and many department, of matter suited to every member ol the family. . (ii.w m ilollar a vear. Write lor free specimen copy. Address THE BLADE, Toledo, Ohio. The Blade and Mist $1.25 P y for a short time. Take advantage of this great offer. . at. , ;;;il,'", J baACaT '"8 vo,"eor Co.i On