The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 27, 1907, Image 3

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    H '' "' LOCAL'" -' fi
Talk to Rom. Columbia Cottnlv Bank,
Ilorn-To tha wi( of Antona Kill,
Monday, Dec, J3, a on. , ,
A nitiMgt mi received here on Satur
day rntu an undertaker at Nortliport,
Wttlngioi, announcing the death of
C,uy Warren Cole. No particular wire
given. Colt mi resident ol St. Helen
lor nwmlitr ol year, and partner
ol Huprewe Judge I'. A. Moor, lie
waa a highly educated wan mul poaac
n ul coualderaule ability, being con
sidered at competent an ofnee lawyer
could be (ouud in the State. Unlor'.u
nalely lor hi marl I and alt with whom
U waseouuected, ba seemed unable to
control bla appetite lor trongdil.ik, and
o( lata year baa lad a wandering Ufa).
I tia liula pig for aata, il nioutbaold
it 12.00 each. ..
(UhU't place. Warren, Or.
81. Hclana Lodge No. 32. A. P. and A.
M., bald lu annual election of offlrer
ta.t Saturday night with tba lolloping
re.utt: .W. M.. Aaa Holladayi 8. W.,
K,lwiuRo;J. W., M. C. tiray; 8cre
laiy, K. K. Quick j Treasurer, Janie Itart,
There will ba a Joint loatallalloo wltb
Miipeh Chapter ol lha Kaatern Star till
(Friday) evening. All Mason., thalr
wives, tainlliee and awactbaarU are In
vited to attand. '
Mr. I. ttaumjarducrand wlfe.ol Balcm,
have bran vulting Irltmla and relative
In Columbia couuty during the paet week.
Mr, llauiugardcr claim tbat tba capllul
city la mora pcviaperou (ban aver.
Tba Peninsular Lumlwr Company baa
a lurce ol over thirty men employed In
rilr and construction work on It plant
near Columbia City. N 'rack ing
laid and new bridge art taking the place
ol the old one.
The Warren orchestra gave an orderly
and well attended dance lt Friday
night. Tba orchestra la composed ol
even piece and not eaceltent
tuoaic. It would ba a creditable musical
organisation In a much larger com
munity. Mr. J. J. Bralro, ol Rainier. wa a
visitor to ft. Helen tart 8unUy with
hit gaaotina launch. Ha baa been In lb
employ ol two agent ol the Northern
Pacific Mill who era visiliug all tl l-g-glng
eauipe of tba Columbia river and
tributary tarritory, prohaMy with the
view ol aWng op tba upply ol log on
hand. It la avldent tba Inquiry It In
creasing and before piug all the campa
wilt bain lull Wart.
Fon SauH-Ona horae lor tale cheap.
Color, bay; about JOU weight, tame and
gentle. Will take part lu trade.
- Peer laland,
Tba atacaard valuattou ol road dittrlcl
ty. J la 2.4 U.0.1). The figure were
unintentionally omitted from the Mial'a
Ubnlatlon Urt week, and are now pub
liehed aa a guide lor the taapayer at
the meeting to be held at the couuty
court room neat Saturday evening.
Kvety 4aapayerabould be aura and at
tend. John Frederick Erlckaon. ol Ingll.
i... ail the county clerk hi
petition to become a cltlsen of the United
Stale. ,
t have money to loan on good security
Yankton, Ore.
Tl.. nnwrnor' "little loka" will post
,v.. A. alien a number of Iniml-
KranU Irwn foreign hore would have
become e!tlene of Columbia county.
.ThY October term of court having died a
t.u.l l,.ih tliera can be no more cttwen
abln camera lawed nutll the Jnne election,
ti.. i.. ....rrulv atatea that no
m un w -r v
ahall be Itaucd within
thirty daya neat preceding a general
.wiinn There are nrobably other com
plication tbat will arlra and the court
will ba yeare atraigiucuing w
aulU of bla eacelleneye lorgctmiu.
Itev. Sleetb will deliver a peclal
....... t the M. K. Church
tlHIIllWHW."'"" - ' -
in il.u rlt on Sunday craning nrat.
There will alao be a )ecial niu.ical pro
gramme by tba choir. All are cordially
Invited to attend and enoy tba arrvlce.
K. E. Quick, 0. F.Preacott.Clay I're
cott aud 8. Baulaer tart to morrow for
Jackaon county, to do tome development
w,u nnnn the orotwrty ol the Lore
ol which Mr.
Quick U a member. They will probably
i .i.t atvut two month. In thrlr
abaenca J. W. Quick will have cbra of
the abatract and notarial wora oi i
umbla County Abtri t and Trut Co.
ThaO K. Cogging Company, BloV
A Company, 8. Benwn bogging v.o.
n.n.. i,.i,H Wettero Timlier Com-
mkv. Tnnlnir-McRae LotfKing Cottipauy
it.. ri...,,.n Timber Company have
all appealed to tha Circuit Conrt agint
the aaement of their timber land. In
Columbia County.
it .l.ii iha (ollowinir achool dl
trlct bava filed with the county clerk
I..I. l . trmeu tax eW. OO
l( wt w - - i .g mill.: thirteen, 4 null
fifteen, 3 mill; nineteen, 3 mill i thirty,
& mill; thirty lx & ininai wiiy-ume
3 mill i fifty-two, 8 mill.
. u A. RlMth will preach at Itoulton
n.t Rahlath at II a. tu and nt Saint
Helen at 7:80 p.m. .
D...I White ik Anderton't advertlee
ment tbl week. Thete rnterpritlng
Houlton marobant are eiiRnged In ail
active campaign to keep all the money
lolble In Columbia county.
Mr. Ralph Haaen, Mr Jti. Uuccn,
Tr . Mr ami Mr. M. F. Haieii and Mr.
lamea Bernle, of Warron, were St, Heley
- . a I ....
Bacuta the delay tbl week, ChtUtma
The Beaver Lumber
Up-to-Dtite Plant at
. If you don't know thli to lie a
fact I will prove it to you. You
jiend not even buy a attck until
you am convinced.
Wa pay Iulerc.t on Time Drimtlta.
Columbia County Bank
I. L. (1. Rom, of Portland,' ipent
lurkey Itay altlt win, Kom ami latuiiy
at hi parental borne.
For HjIc KegUtered Poland-China
Swine from prize winning herd. Ad
dree 6 Lyncb, Hcammote, Or.
The Cbrittuia tree celebration held at
the Orandview church, four mile norlb
of Rainier, Monday evening waa one of
the largest and moit aucceful aociai
ratlieriiiifi held lit the church tince VMM.
More than fifty dollar wa donated lor
ChrUtmaa pretenta lor lha tree. After
the regular Cbrtatma program, prearntt
were dittributed, then a lunch of coffee
and raka wa aerved. Then came the
lun. uat. dueta. drclainatiottf, mono
loguca and all o InUrmlngled to give
plenty of variation The poem ny a
I.m-.I .rltrr waa the hit of tba evening.
The crowd dUpereed at midnight alter
one of lha beat . cveulng baa amrc nut
Th. cit council, at It meetinir Iat
night, levied a taa ol two mill lor city
purpuac. At Ihe achool meeting a tax
ol one and on half mill waa levied.
Tlila i a MilMlanlla! reduction a com
utMtl iih lart tear' levy, but a the
aluation i areatlv iiicreael, Hie am
ount U ettiinated to be auificieut.
Mi I.iaxs kOTH -Married, at the rel
.lence of Vt. II. R Cliff and wife, In 81
ir.i.n. - (ViluiHhla County. Orriton, on
WedneaiUy, leeember fnh, Mia Mar
u.ri IV Mrl.aren to folm Franci Kom
- ' ...
Mr. Roth I the daughter oi air.
m llneh McLaren, ol run J'.igio,
nm.rln. Cauada. and ti.tcr of Dr. A. F.
nt..n Hi. rsll known Rainier phy
icin, with whom he ba retlded and
mtnm adicient auulant he ha been ir
HmWol vear. Mr. Rolb'a parent
trm Herman and alillreidt-ln the father
lid. He ha for tome time part been a
reaidmt of Rainier. Tha wetluing cere
t... nrrlurmed by Rev. I. P. Mo
Larto, of Rockland, Caoaaa , an untie o
the bride, who came to On gon lor tnm
nurnoMi. The attendance wa lliuiwa 10
r.Lti. l the bride. Dr. Clid'a family
.nd Mr. and Mra. Potter. The room
r haodtomeiv decorated witn
Amkah vain, hollv. lernt and polnattu
B-- " .. .
. i..iiu...i .ml.trooical blooia) ) Hilda
...i a attendant on the
mu a.
k.i.i.i Miinla. the ceremony being inai
ol tha Prebylerian churcn. ana mm
t Molrcn hid a hot ol friend In
Rainier and many of them tent beautiful
wedding gift to th bride, Vboae genial
dlapoaltiou ba galnea wr nerwu
hii.imi tna dcm wuiKi and ot all WOO nave
..i .u hrr acoua nttnee. lor luc
I1IOU.W w. - 1
. ...,l nrnerltv of Mr. and Mra
o1T.Uv ..... r- - -
Uoth. The newly marnea coupie
the evening train lor California, where
they will pend their honeymoon, after
which they will be at nome ai naiuier.,
FIvA n'.ruU Au. a'aIiwiV Aw. Affl.-!lf
In the inoniliiir : un Iuhid Lha aaw mill
eraw, further aleep acornlug,
i nu yon evar lea a real np to ante iaw
mill where avarv man knowa bia i.!ce.
and where every aecoiid ol lime la ac
counted for by every mailt If you have
not, go to 1'reacott Junta few mile above
Kaliilur; il I worth your wh le. You
will ua one of the finest nilll, not only
in the Htate, but anywhere on tba Pa
cific Conat. A hundred thounnd feet
every tan houu li the record of tbat
mill. Here you will lee bow a log I
floated Into' the endleta chain from
whence it It carried to tha utatforni
where a man pulla a lever which eeml
It toward Ibe carriage. Here it lie until
the lawyer pulla another lever; two big
bare reach out like the arm of a great
giant, and put a log aix feet in diameter
and fnrt v four fuet tune on tl.e earriace
with a much enaa a a man picka up a
match. Three carriage men, eacn lua
nli,u:ilnir lever. Kiiuire (he cut. The
aawyer pulls another lever which eeml
the ton throuirh, and the lnrhtning like
need wtlli which the carriage return.
would Uirow the novice hradlong fur
twenty feet, but the m inner in which
the earring men iwiy to and fro make
it look very eaay.
Right here la the aeciet of big rerult
in mill. The return of the carriage,
the great lime aaver. The luatant the
alab or boud droM liom the earrl ige, it
faila on Mien that are continually go-
lug. Three roller carry the hoard to
the edger from the other tide ol which
they emerge Qnlibed and ready for mar
ket. From here the lumber il loaded
onto carta and run to the dock or line
the yard aa desired. The re-aaw li an
other valuable adjunct to a flrt-claa
mill which Increaeu It capacity tweniy
Ave per cent. A uew r-a baa juat
been liiattilled lu the Pretcott mill.
Tha liiuuente enslne doe Ita work a
eaaily and noituWatlyaaif il acre simply
running for the puuiure of the looker
In the eiiiilne roo u I alao found
K. T. Wlnan. of Hood Ulver, Il viU
lug with hi brother, A. Wlnanl.
... .. I U!iml lh.1 EdBl-
T. w. wau ' -
orn- SWr Lodg Kalnn.a Wedneday
a. Wlnana randea ehlpment if lur-
nips to Portland on Thuraday.
if l.l.mi and wile rtlld AIM.
" "' . . . .., .... .i
Adams' .liter, of Deer I.iaiui, v...u
ir.iuuia on Thutnduy. ,
u. i XI Lindsay i a paenger lor
til J .
1'o.tlandoiillie Kellogg Thuwiny-
En.ild and Julian Waer were Port
ia.l vl.ttorj Thurrdny.
ri.a r.,liimhla Timlier Company have
,..d ihelroaniD lor two montli.
i ..!.. .,i,l wlfn vlsitod Willi
i.i..,uU In Kelao on Friday.
. ..i...i u ilUtrl.ll No. ffl) clow I
Friday f.u n three wyek' waiuo u.-
iitu tin h .llliy.
Mr. SiiiiiuI Munll inant &nnwy .
Pwilluwl with hla timer.
Mr. Bert M.lklmter vliltod amm
on Monuiiy.
A. Wlimiu waa a Portland vis tor on
Monday. '
G. W. Jordan and wile and r. w. Jor-
duniuid am were h-uiuni v..... -
M.inilaV. '
w Wilann and wife and Lord Pt-
rick and wllaapentX'Ma. Willi Wend.
1,1 Portlnn.l. '
J. W. l'atrlck und i a rblpmenl, or
opnUi t" Portland on I'hurxiay.
7 Card of Thank
To the neighbor, friends and all who
have been o kind, and contributed to u.
to freely In our ml.fortuiu-. we would
.,u nf nen cunuot exprciu the
HMtltude w feel and wa can only Sy
.. t. . .ml 111.
wa tnana
elrvtiiu light plant wliLh furniihea light
for eveiy building cwinecUU Willi the
Heaver Lumber Co. property. The two
immeiito boilera of two hundred hore
lwer e;i.h, ate fed automatiodly from
il,. aiiw dual which U carried from the
u hv an rii.lleat carrier. Room I it.'i
for another two liundreU lioree power
b-.ll. r almli will bo placed aa toon a
iredcl. Kveo'lbiug i aurinmut,-
illy a lar aa numau iukcuuivj vi
The whole lyatem wa plumd and
nrrled out bv Mr. 11. Barker, wh even
planned the ground and took the
amiiidliiin for plaCIDI the piling.
Mu. h credit 1 due to Mr. E. LeDuc
the able mill wrlght who had cbirge of
buildilU ooiittruction. BO well waa l.ia
that when the machinery waa
tel in motion, not a bitch occured, and
every.blng ran aa noothly at the woraa
of a new Elgin,
One hnudred and Oily Ihouannd dol
lar! have already been expended In the
above plant, and It will take another
Bfty thousand doltara to put in the plan
ing mill and dry kllna, wuicn win oe
dotti ai toon ai butlnwa juatiBei eipen
dure. "
A large hotel and atore taite care oi
laborer! and lopplie provt.ion lor
tamilie and those boarding themaelves.
Bevenlv Ave meu are employed un
nay roll of from leven to eisht thou-
and dollara per month. A ayatera of
lime keeping i in vogue nere ny wuitu
every man keep bi own time on a card
given him for that purpose and O. K'd
by the time keeper, aim wneu u"
time U prewnled at the office there la
never any dilute a to the amount of We do not know
i.ii,.r thin la a ytem formulated by.
Mr. Qninn, the book keeper, or not, bet
the genial manner lu wtucn ne git
Ml comer, and the perfect confidence
..i.i. hirh aach man accept ma euwt
It nndouBtedly a great uiacou i
' Mr. Barki-r itatrs that he tried hard
to gtt a location at Rainier, aa the? ban
. .i...i. m run a hotel or Ure. They
- i in il.. lumber tiUBIIlfW, oui
waiucu vim;
water front at Rainier woe too high com
pared with the price ol their prent
For p er cent interest paid
nn H. Tnt.r.fc
compounded aemi-annnally,
ojarca i sepiemoer i.
W. B. tOTTMAN, CAiniaa
Colic ctloni Made : Drafte Isawed
A Word to Our Patrons
We note a number of people ate sending to' Port
land houses for groceries, flour, sugar, feed, and
supplies. This is done no doubt with the thought
of saving money and we do not blame any one for
watching all corners, We do it ourselves. But
we do want to inform the, people of Houlton and
vicinity that there is absolutely nothing gained
stores. ' If you doubt this v
We Will Prove It to You!
Bring your order for goods wanted, with Portland
price list, to our store, and we will fill the order AT
have to pay the freight, either. Our past ex
perience has been that in the majority of cases our
regular prices have been lower than the Portland
store quoted the customer. Money "spent in
Portland is GONE: if spent with the home merchant
it stays here and you can readily see that at the
present time Houlton needs all the mouey that,
can be left at home. Another advantage in buying
with the home merchant is you are not buying
blindly or in the dark. In other words you see
what you get, and if there is anything Hot satiffac
tory,itcanbe made so at once. We trust our
friends will remember that
We Guarantee the Price
And when contemplating buying any goods in
Portland in future will give us the oppo'rtunity.
Thanking you for the way we have teen favored
since coming to Houlton and wishing each - and
every one a Merry Christmas and a happy and
prosperous New Year.
White 2s Anderson
cinet Columbia County, State of Ore-
Kn, in particular:
Mxou and each of you will take notice
that L O. E. Hunter, will, on Saturday,
the 4th day of January, 1908,! anply
co the Honorable County Cocrt of the
I state oi uregon xor ine iouniy oi
oua, vinona and malt liquor and fer-
Imeniea ciaer in less auanuun vna
one gallon, for a period of aix montha
.u. .nil... nv,i.
Ill, .us .itwD v. ww.v., ... .waaw u.w
cinct, Columbia County, State of Ore,-
gon, wnicn application win oe aup
I Dorted and baaed on the following
I petition, to-wit:
Petition in tnw bounty court ot oie
-State of Oregon for Columbia Co.
I In the matter of the apolication cf
I S 17 UIm 4n m Um tn aI
spirituous, vinous and malt liquor!
.nl fannAnlo iAnr in 1a.. lil.ntiti.
than one gallon at Coble, in Coble
t " ' i-: - . C1 . . - M
precinct, ivvmmoi vuiitjr, ouiiv ua
Tn-rha Hnnnrahle Cmintv Court of
Columbia County, Oregon:
We, the nndersigned, comprising a'
majority of the legal voters of Goble
precinct, ittiumma wuniy, state ox
Oregon, who now reside and actually '
have resided in aaid Goble precinct for
mam .han thitV 4av. fiKW-.tinr Hat.
n,... .in.. mjmr f - " .
of signing, filing and presenting of thia
thia Honorable Court to grant to O. E.
vinous and malt liquor and fermented
cider, in less quantities wan otic g.t
n . rinkla in Hnhl. nrfv-ini-t fVillim-
bia Coenty.' State of Oregod, for a
penoa oi six moninu.
C. H. Fowler, Walter Hunter, C. W.
McFarland, I. H. Base, Ed Fair, Or
ville Young, H. Blake, F. W.Jordan,
W. U. Wagner, Ai onuoo, rraiiK -u.
Cleaver, H. W. Fowler, Geo. S. Snyder, .
C. P. Anderson, Chaa. Brunner, Ernest
Koble, t. A. Jsmiin, J. m. rowter.
R. N. Hamilton, V- Macim, r. uisnop.
nuu mvtiiMuiM, - -
Kenny, Lomis Burkhard, Pete Hoeaon,
. . . . , r , f .1 1
S. E. CUttS,. AOe linK, wurtSB jnurci
Paul Morel. Nic Welter, A. L. Mal
colm.W. F. Carry, Gua Oarlsteraon,
AI G. Harting, Fred Wngacner,
Louis Lengacher, Fred Hyland, ire.
Withow, Gottiiub R. Anliker, 8. Brad
ley, Edward Black, H. Wand, F. Anli
ker, O. S. Peterson, L. Metcalf, G. C
Fowler, Emile wasser, nenry vnasscr,
Emeat Washer, G. W. Lairmer, C.
Kratzke, C. H. Mclntri, C. E. VeUl,
W. L, Chapin, Charlea Link, N.An
derson. O. D. Hunter, T. C. Watta,
A C. McCoy, Charles weiaon. nenry
Blake, Hirum Holee, S. H. Whitney,
E. D. Patter, M. Link, Antone Wise,
C. A. Metcalf, A. C. Gigtee, Wm.
Person, Job. Lawerence.
)B. 0;t, Cl'NSlSOUAM
Osteopathic Physician
Coniulttloa liea-
rerrjr' Kovr
Uturt : p. m.
Boilton, Ore
Meat Market
Sallowness Transformed
to Dusky Beauty
A dark ikin become (ascinaung
when delicately 6ft, umlcnpread
with th racial clam winch inili
catetahealthy, active kin. RoUrt
ine keepi the ikin rofincJ in quality,
and tiinulate die tiny capilUicJto
contribute tliecolor which charm in
blonde and bnmette alike. Robert
ine in certain protrct:on apiinst tan,
tunburn and IrecUci if appliede
lora expoiure to un or wind,
c ...... I. Iili..n imnercenlible ihcen
oicauie over ikin nut fact, lonnine a
delicate, luauoui ocauiy
If I -L
ip i aiuciu
In the County Court ol Clatsop Coun-
tv. State ot uregon. ' .
In the matter ot the estate oi ncruc.i
S. Bria.aminor .
. t.BMK, w.n thai .. I . i.
nwiire u ...w"7 ft.- ' -
n-. i ' l ; n f i.. n-ntnn and estate
ol Herbert S. Brix a minor, umlerand by
virtue ot an oraer oi tne vuuuiy -"
of Clatsop county, ouiie u;
made and entered on the 10th day ot
October. UW7, in the matter of the
i -:.i n.rVwri si Hrii a minor.
C91.IC VI nii v v, , t
authoriiing and empowering ucn guar
dian to sell the real estate hereinafter
described: will on Monday the 27th
dav of January iuob at
uJi cf A dav at the
one u vivn.. - t
r. nnnr nf the Coimtv Court House of
f-.,i,i,u rmintv. State ol Oregoa, sell
at DUDIIC aucuvu w , .
-u .1.. till, rtniin and in-
. . -i.ia s nrit In and to the
Southeast quarter (SE) and the fccmtb
half of the Northeast quarter (S H of the
Western Meat
Ed. Hafliger, Pr p
Carrie, a coinolete line ol fresh and cured meata. Try our home cured bacon.
- ..... . ... , i
Our own brand Kettle rendered laro always on uanu.
Vntir ! herebv iriven bv the under
signed as administrator of the estate ol
.... a J . 1 . . t. .
Samuel A. soggs, aeccoaeu, mm .
filed in the couuty court of the State of
Oregon for Columbia Couuty. bis final
account, and nia nnai report unu pcuuuu
.. . .. . 3 .i ua r c
lor oisiriowion; ana uni m, u. .
T.,.l.f- ,,f .v.. !, i rt mart ha. ary-
pointed Saturday, the 17th day of Janu
ary, 1VU9, at III Q cioca. iu wio iw.v-uw.. w
. , . 1 1 HnJ V. rvn,, T.VATI.
Salu oay astue iiiiic,
of said court in St. Helen, Oregon, aa
the place, of hearing tlie aame ana set
tling tue accounts oi aaiu comic, ... "-
Bn. rurr,n i n t pt-' rtl fflH anrjear
apar and file ojectiona to the same -or
any part oi eituer oi iu:iu.
W. H. Powell, at tornevfordmlnistrator
y-jR. KDW1S BOSS. .
In the Ctrciilt Court ol Ihe Steta of Oregon
lor i;oiHinii ,,umy
Sarah J, llaworth FluluUff
Henrv XI.Hworlh. Defciidant.
To Keury llaworth, the above named Ualcua-
I i th. nam al lha State ol tTreaoo: Voo are
ta f y 1 VnetliMI. ntll tef of tllC
Northeast quarter (NEl of the NE)
of Section nine (9); Also, the t-outhweat
W) of Section ten tlU), ""'";
lialf of the Northwest quarter (N S of
the NW U) of Section ntteeu tioj aa
v.M,rtnnr Ul North of Range two(2)
West Ol tne niname"o , I horeDy minima 10 apimr ""u , . .. ,in..;i
d.i.1 ..u i i. midA tiff quo in uuu t n i in n m isa i vou in imi.m-,..v".":"
" OHiuauio r.. i.inrt and oaiue on or bffo
Court of the County of Clatsop, State of
Oregon. ,.n ...u.. ion7
Dated tnl loin nay oi '""'""1
Guardian of the estate of
Herberts. Brix a minor.
-a- AT.nvvlM A SHERWOOD-
Hears hr luneralt at all points on river at a
rail, fbone al our expense.
aaaaa o..ul awHtaO.
BmiMM w" " ""
I Will. or noma i-i cau.
SM Waia ton. "H 9Mmnm vm-.
A Real Wenderland
South Dakota, with Us rich silver
..,i. Win.mra farms, wide ranges and, . t -
strange natural formatlous, is a veritable
wonderland. At Mound Cily, In the
home Of B. D. Clapp, a wonderful case
of healing ha lately occured. Her son
ur death with liiui; and throat
trouble. "Exhausting coughing pells
occured every five minutes, "-write Mrs.
Clapp. "when I began giving Dr. Kins'
New Dlscovvery, the great medicine that
saved hi life and complf tely cured nun.
Guaranteed for coughs and colds, mrom
court and oaue on or bctore SalnM" v yob lt
M08 whli h U ix weeks a'ter Pee, i lWt't"",
onlored lor the Ural outillttlon ot thU nolH,
ami .1 vou lU l o m)war and auajryr the
plaliillft will apply for the rel M prayed '''"
fienxnrlliit,lo-wl: ' ,,0?r,i,.t fwloS
above narawl plaintiff and delendaut, anil i lot
nu ll oiher aim mnnor ram -mi.roeetuliu.t.
. .
k. 8. Halt in lulKe ol the. Coiiiit
court, mad. and entered the l,"' V: '"
". . Attorneys lor Plaintiff.
First publlcaUon Dec. 80, W. Ust publlontlon
Jan. SlltM.
Steamer Iralda
C. . . ifaafer.
.., ..i,.f.n.te.A..lf.,PArt
land, al A. M.. departing from 8k ele" ,e
Deer 1
A tmliM. hv Houlton
laud, Warren and Scappoose do.ilers. 50c
for the best in Job
Printine;. Particular
People Pleased. . . .
R.turnlitff. lBavns Portlaud at 2:30 P
arriving at ttk Helena at 4:4a.
Passemers ani Fast Mill
IfToownntclthfraVlhmtlnnSlinltle.nnlnrjr ,
hbuttloor ainiHThn-.wl t',A'4i.l
Hewing Machine write U
Orange, Niass.
ll"r sewine machines are itisde to ll retsrdlf d
quality, but tl, Sew Moma it aiade to tat
Our irmrantir never runs out
Beta by authorised dealer. Mlt.
jva ui r . . . '
J.S Crane, Portland, Ore
Carries a Complete Line of
Dry Goods
Flour and Feed
Candies ' .
Fancy Goods
In-fact, eVcrything usually kept in a first
class General Merchandise btore. My
prices will be found as reasonaDie as any
store in Columbia County. Vour trade
A DauferoBs Deadlock
that sometimes terminates fata fry, la the
stoppage ol liver and bowel lunctions.
To nuiclclv end this condition without
dissagreeable sensations, Dr. King's new
Life Pill should be your remedy. Uunr
anteed absolutely aatisfactory in every
instance or money back, at Houltj'n,
Columbia County Bank
Does General Banking
'", Principal Correspondent
First National Sank, Portland, Oregon.
Hanover National Bank, New York.