VOL. XXV. NEWS OF THE VEEK h i tedrl tea to fer EAPPEmaCFTmCmBTS A Rura f th Leas Important but Net Leas Intsrwaitnf Kvwnte f the) Put Week. On p'on tu killed sod two injur. d in black band outrage at Pittsburg. An unknown vessaj ia rajrrUd wrerk ti a diorl disttanc aootb ot Man Iran. Ths eouit martial ot Oanaral 8(ommI It swing an and. The tv tdaac looka tad (ui bin. Bowh. tha great M Iwauk br.w iba declared lot ft reatrwiloo of iba HqouT traffic. ttmiM'a band waa la a train wreck la MlrhlgBn bat only ona msrater waa hurt and ba not faially, , Havrral naval vessel ara (quipped lib alleles Ulephoaa and eipsd nwnU thtai far are eailalaeturv. Ctiiraao doe not want tba National Psniacratie ooniaolion and iba nwetlng will duubtlwa ba bald either at M. fanl or Louisville. , -. Nearly SO.OOO Ilallana have left tha Col-ad mates tlooa Uwtobvr I. They at returning so lht noma country on aorounl of financial stringency. Iba California 8oprme aoait bat aiind iba speial holiday ataiai ra esntly passed bf Iba legislature allow- In court aaaalona on apaeially called bollilsya. A iliJay bicycle raoa la on In Nw . Turk. Mr. Loo la Tail, nwibnf ot Seera tsrly Tafl, la deed. Clustav V, aoo ol lb daad monarch, I now king ot twedM. Railroads will not 'grant ladocad raia to national ooavaoUoM. American bmorora ara to replar) Jar Igner In tba I'ltuburg eok works. li la deflnletly known that tba dead la iba Moeoogah wine ailoatoo will reach 6 BO. Tba Mineowoars' aaaoslallon ot Qo Id le Id, Nevada, la dele unload to have an oiwneamp. ', Oregon national banka have oaab re Nfn on hand tar In an ol tba legal rtHjulrsinsnta. Tba eall for tba Repobllcao Host Ion I ennvantloa baa bmo Isaosd, to uaat la Chicago on J ana 16, 1V08. Tha tramp alaamar Botoyoroe, an roata Iron Cuqollls rlr to Han Fran eiseo with Into bar, waa burned al aaa. Tha araw all escaped. J. Data!! Brown, general manager ol a drlnnrt San Vranolaao troat oonv pany, la nndar arrant lot lalonlooa cm beulement, and officers ere slier an other official ol tba aaraa company. Tail! la on baa way lo tha TJaltad Btataa. Tafl' rootbar la moch worn and all bopa ol bt,raaovry baa bran given op. Japan baa thankad itaoaevell lor tba itand he takes on tba Japanese spol- Hon. Harry 8. Naw baa baan alaetad chair- man of the National Kepuniwen eom mill, Larae amounts ot gold oontlnnoto romo to thla oountty liom London and Farla. .- Tha Pott Flit National bank ol Pitta- boif haa oloaad. Tba bank waa organ laod (d 1869. Bocrrtary Cortelyou baa aold bat half oi th Panama bonds, ina otnara win b bald ontll lha monry la nacdad. , A mommy haa oal baan bionght to Nw York whlh la tald to ba that ol a woman who lived about 4,000 yaart ago. . .. A strong, movement haa developed in Japan that may fore tba gown men! to atop all ammlgration ol labor' an to tha United State and Canada. Tha National Rivers and Harbor ao iarMM liaa Mtltlonad eongraaa to ap- proprlala 150.000,000 annoally lor th 7'tatnatlg and onlntarruptad tmprova- mnt ol tha national watarwaya. Managnrt ol New York the ten hara dncldad to gl no Sunday ahowa. Hunaarlana ratornlng horoa from America ara oaualng rlota on lha Iron tier. ' ' Henator Borah haa laft Waehlngton for Uuit to tako part In tha Pettlbon rial. ITU. . -l n l I. Ina. Tha crown prlnoa baa baan appointed K"n(, . All tha bod lea ol tha miner who J".' tlMir Uvea at Fayatta City, Fa bita bean raeorarad. Tronp hva been lent to Goldfleld, "vaaa, to pravent a minora' riot. Harrlman ba ordered oonntroctlon work to proceed on bit entire lyatero Th German riobtag baa laooeeded In reduolng the powe ol tba cabinet, coring a victory over Chancellor von "ueiow. . Governor Chamberlain aava Deoem "t U will and tha legal holldaya lor Oregon on lea torn onforeeeen elrcnm Itan noma ap. at I ART WITH NON-UNIONnUN Ownara Will Opan Up OoldA.ld Mlnaa Wunday. Qoldfleld. tine. 1 n w.in.. haa btwn dofliiltuly ducldad upon aa th dny tor ropnlng th mine in Uoldflald. An authoritative tatniant mad tonight tbat already lufllcleut """" "Mil airaaay aumcieui' ire on the ground to work the llJt 01 man ara mlnaa, ' tma auitftiv brnuvht in . - - application to r.turn toTh" r fwrnw poaltlon. I pined at lo.' TtarJ ara about lioo Wet.ra F.dor.tloi mao out. Th men who ara to take tbe place of th atrlkare are not to be bouaed at the mlnea, but will be mined war upon tl.la form ol fraud. oattrd through the camp and pro-j Every Eaatorn Oregon town ia being touted, for each Individual will ba Impoaed upon by thla form of money. S.V.m'I4. tr.m,t:"0n br th MlD,-.M"nr n.wV crlap clean Confederate T nltr. ? o-h... h-n .i "- ol all the imall da- an opan camp for all time and tba lo t1Jd 'd early lowering ot the wage seal. At tl,r' nJ itl' to tu P0"'- tbe aam time tbe Mlniownnra' A a- biliiy of conviction, a tb money ia aoclatioa la going to begin a vigor- not really counterfeit in a at i let con. ou cruaade to lower tbe coat of llr- ,atruction ol the law. Ing la Goldfleld. liiatrlct Attorney lvanboe, ol La lOranda; baa filed three Information Denver, Deo. lO.Tbe executive' Bgl,,t man cangbl In tbe act ol pa. tS!2Lf-tti.!,r?,U,2 Aw"on,ot lng Contaderet money, to-wlt: For ,?;.f0""'! paaalngeountwfelt money, for obUin- M nmwnra' Aaam-lallnn ml lha Uoldfild Miner' Uulon: "On December (, J'rraldent Hoc. veil laaued a proclamation ordering federal troop to proceed to Gold- fluid, Nov., oatimalbly for tba pur. iua murv waa arvr any aan:r to either pereon or property la empha tically dcolvd by tbe officar ot Ea meralda county, and by tb mer . . . . .. j . chant and clilaen of Ooldflald. The only rvaaon for th preaent trouble waa me deciaion of the mine opera- lore to force upon tbe miner a acrlp that would not be taken at par by in railroad company, tbe Welle- Fargo Etpreaa Company, Ike poat- office, the atore or tba boarding- houao. Neither would tbe mlneown- ra guarantee tbat they would re- deem thla acrlp at any time In the future. "In refualng lo accept thla worth-! 1mm acrlp In exchange for their bard labor. tba minora of Qoldfleld ara taking a manly ataad a gal net tha uaurpatlon of governmental fuuc- tlooa by unreliable banking flrma, than any otber claaa of student. Re which aaaume th riaht to act aalde porta ot abaencea ot all atudenta are tbe legal money of tbe nation. I 'We dealre to call the attention of tha American people to the awful diaaater at Monoogab, W. Va., where too coal mlnera were murdered by tea capitallat ayalem In Ita greed lor protlta. Had President Kooeevelt been aa anxloua to enforce the lawa In Weat Virginia, bad be conaldered aa well tha protection of the llvee of those mlnera by demanding that the mlneownere aafwguard their em ployee against onneceaaary danger, a be la to end the regular army to cruab aa organisation whose only aim la to hotter the condltlona and make happier lha live ot tb work- lag claaa. too blackened corp.oa would not today b laid upon the altar ot greed at Monongah. W. Va., around which weop widowed wlvea and orphaned cklldren. FOREIQNERS MUST GO. Eighty Thousand Will Be Replaced by Amarwan Naar.P'Irtsborf- . Flttsburg, Deo. 10. Independent cokeumkers of the Flttsburg and Connellavllle district have decided to decrease the price ot producing coke 'orimCer"T,b.,5:v one tLuZ 'SK workmen. The day of the foreigner. . ,m,mM1. mmnu. baa paaaed. and hereafter none but American born or naturalised cut-, sens ot tbe Uultod 8tatea will be em ployed about tha 10,767 ovenaof the indopendent operator. 10 tnes Americans will be paid higher wagoe than waa paid to the foreigners, but the oporatora expect to decrease tbe coat ot production. There are XI or tuna inaopena- ents who own i0.77 ovens, tha H. C, Krtek Coke Company, the fuel end of the stool corporation, owning ana operating 1,00 ovens. In tha 10,887 oveus in tne ais- trlct. owned by both Independents and tha ateel corporation, there are employed more than 80,000 men, the majority of whom are at tha present time forelgnora. Theae men are paid n average of 85 per montn. ' ine statisticians find tbat ot tha 185 a month which tha foreigner makes, ha Bills back Into circulation but 120 a month, living In absolute squslor rturin nia aiav in inia country, While the remaining I6t per month ia saved. ' flMal Britain Mourns. i in Tha itaath nf UIBUUU, vw. .v. King Oscar of Sweden baa cauaed tha greatest regret In Great Britain. The relation between the two coun- triea and between the two royai families have been of the closest for many yeurs, but Englishmen ot the enotn'Br Whlch no girls attend. Of present generation have a warm re- C0UTie both sre In small remote dls gard for th dead monarch because trct. District 84. in Fox Valloy, of hla friendly attitude during the noar Lyon., haa eight pupils, all of South African War. King Oscar paid whorn Br, boys, and District 119. hla last visit to Englnnd In 100, MM Bweet Homo, hns only five stu- wben camonage university wu- furred upon him tne Honorary uo- grea ol LL. D. Labor Troubles for Mx'co Mexico City, Dec 10. That - Ico. which for yeara baa been from the question, la to have her labor problem, waa made v'a. l0 PJ maua ptiurii. . mealing w. ...-)"." - - . .w- branches of labor throughout the republlo would ba held early next January. It la piannea at mi wi ventloo. by certain oiwawari .ted labor leadera. toorganl.e a, VXr?r " Valuable Pslntlrg Stolen, -...rai ttnlelnm. Dec 10. One of Van Dyke' great masterpieces . . a a v nnn " ri R been .to ion fronT'lh. Church of ! th. r.Vn.. Th. thieve carefully Tha Erection m m n " ,k- frimm nut o the eanva. from tha frame cut oft tha eanva. and carried It away, ST. HELENS, OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST CRkHISTOfllO MONEY. . Confederate B.lla and Old Rtate Bank -P" Circulation. I I ... - . . . . .. i renuieion ma nnm m iwnntvrruit m0Mr ,n lh "''P ' Confedeiata "Ito. bank Wlto god paper money hauad befor. tha war, which li now , being circulated In Eaatern Oregon la caoalng tba official to begin a deter- n iiauu. ... wimn will be able to convict nnder one of tbe three charge. A concerted effort will be made by EatU-rn Oregon diatriot attorney to convict thote paaaing thia form of i . Football Men Qood Student. Univeraity of Oregon. Eugene Vnlveraltv of Orecon football men during tbe eeaaon Juat paat have made good record In tb clan room aa well a on tbe football field. Tbe recorda ot the tteglatrar' office ahow that of the twenty men compoalng tbe regular aquad, only ball a doaen bave received grade aa low aa "D" in any of their aubjecta. There bave been no falluree and their work aa a whole compare favorably with tbat ot laat year, when in tba final lexamlnationa In February, the foot- ball team ranked (lightly better than tbe average for the wbole atu- dunt body. Tbe recorda ahow aiao that for the two montba Juat paat. football men bave cut fewer cluasea mat to tbe Kc-glatrar'a office daily and a careful record la kept. Tne Univeraity work on tba theory tbat atudenta are there first to atudy, and thla mean regular attendance at claeaee, Seve Fruit from Frost Portland At the anggrstion ol J. P. O'Krirn, grneial manager of the O. B. A N. company, a rule has been promul gated by which apple shippers can ablp their products in car Iota whether in refrigerator cars or In otdinary freight car. Th railroad will permit a care tak.r to accompany each carload of applea croeaiug the mountains, and If neoeasary. to the Kaatern market. Tbe caretaker will be furnlrbed with return transportation. He will keep sufficient flr burning in the oar to prevent dam age to tbe buifi by Iroat. Appeals to Commissioner. Burnt An appeal to tha eommia slonei ol tba general ' land tffloe haa just been tiled in the Bnrni land oflloe from tha deciaion ol tb register and receiver in tbe Important contest ot tbe claimants, involving the rights of the latter company to draw water from tba 81 Ivies river for the Irrigation ol about 70,000 acres of land. Astoria Planta Cut Wagaa. Astoria On account of the disturbed Lsondltion ol tha lumber market and In W . . . 1 M -f older to guard against a snwuuwu ui their planU, the Clatsop Mill company and the Astoria Bog company bave made a cnt in the wages ol their em ploye! ol 25 cents per day on each man. The new eenle became effective Otoem ber 8. The Tongue Point Lumber eom pany la also said to have made a cnt In wages amounting to about 15 per oent. Boost Msrv'a River Apple. Philomath Tke fruUgrowera of .ki. -.. i ..n mat tiiliv n ii H effected nrvanliatlon to be known aa the , Marv'a River Prultgrowera' ABaocla- .inn prnreaanr nenrv dubhk, o( the moat progressive hortltfultur- ists of thla aectlon ia president ana W. F. Caldwoll, secretary. ucu iu- .... la holnat taken In the matter h. man fnmiora aa hundreda ot ' . I " j ... h. Kon acrea or ireea nu .u set oui. iov vBfc mw ... . Qjeer Schoola. 111..11V I.tnn r.nuntv has one '.ghool without a single boy pupil and aonti and all ,r, gr)l, Make Appointment Later. 0a i.h. f3AH.nn, Phamharlain has " , - not considered the appointment oi a ii.. i.,. ni..u it. 1 ,lwCaaor to the late Circuit Judge Fra suocessor w uiv miv viivm.h vuav . ,nd wi not do ao tor lome days, '" -h no oocm1oi1 tor hasty - . i m i.u . ia a t ton ,nd he will take time to o mult Sb member, of th. Multnomah conn- ty bar gulkev Not a candiosia. Balem While In BaJem Presuien b . , A.htand nornli, ..id W. eiu.xey, , h, l'orSupeenpnb - llo Instruction, with which aspiration ha la credited. Cash for Government Check. i.tra-la Arranaemrntl bav hean made throngh tha local banks by which Xove3nt checY. a 1 1 li'pald In .ve,rm?"' " k cash in tne luiuro, as iiiui"- "",. ... . w. .h-t rmrncee. roeiveu vj - i OREGON, Fill DAT, UECEMBEIl IS, 1907. immrn RUSH RAILROAD WORK. - . , Sou l ham Pacific Annloua to deaeh Ktamath Fa.... .. ' Klamath v.n.Ti. Hnnuutrn pu n oompaay aeemi bent on extending tba ' ' domination and mak California Northeaatern railway Into tba, th,ih'" ethe D;rD0M of th. Klamath bMin at an early d.te, a. m J jCt andMqulvo! there haa been no ceaaatlon. of work1, T. .i! " 1.. , ,.n.i-I . there has been no cessstlon. of since tbe flnsnclal flcurry made it ap - pea ranee. There bave, of coarse, been rumors that work is lo be dlaoontin- to ear it any ateps bave already bean ned, but tha methods being pursued by tsken toward Importing non-union tb contractor indicate tbat tbe work;mlnera in aufflcient number a to re Is to be rushed rather than delayed. , open the mlnea, which are now idle ErlckemA Peterson, the contractors, and rapidly filling wUh water, but who are now bnllding roadbed near Vd that many f .... .l .u a i received hourly, offering men, and ouds neoron, in "7.. Butte creek valley, are Incieaslng their forces, and Archie Mason, who has the contract lor building the dike across Klamath marsh, nst below this city, haa also inoreased hla lore and bsa an other large dredge n route to be used on tbe work. : , Little can be learned aa to the plan ol tbe Southern Pacific and the engin era in eharge of tbe California North- eastern extension make no farther statement than that they bava ordrra to construct tha road in tne least pos sible time. " Tba distance from Bray, the present fermlnna, to Klamath Falls is about 37 miles. Nineteen miles ol this, tba distance acroea Butte creek valley, ia a level sagebrush plain and construction of a road across it will require bnt a abort time. Apptae Bring Good Money. Medford J. A. Perry, president ol the Rogue River Fruitgrowers' anion, stale that financial conditiona have bad little bearing npon tbe fruit gBipplng indualry of tha onion. He says: "W have ahipped to data all varletie ol ap plea which we have handled at a- date corresponding to this in previous years. Ws have received good price lor an fruit shipped, and we now have in transit to London and otber markets, for which w (hall also receive . good prices, sa I think tbe English - market will not be objected to financial condi tions aa in tbe United Btatee." Pilot Rock' Getting Ready. Pendleton It 1 announced tbat train eervloe over the Pilot Rock branch of the O. R. A N. will be inaugurated De cember 15. Arrangement for a dem onstration In Pilot Rock that day are being made and it is expected tbat sev eral hundred people will go ont over tb new line from this city on tha'Srit train. - Th regular service on thia line will consist ol a combination train one way each day, leaving Pendleton la the morning and returning In the afternoon. ' Klamath Condltlona Better. Klamath Falls It ia hoped here that tha present eost ol labor will reduce tbe eetimated eost ot water on tbe Kla math project. The original estimate of 918 per acre waa made at a lime, when labor was cheap and plentiful, bnt la bor conditiona -changed and tbe aril mate was made higher. Now that con ditions have again changed !t la thought tbe original eatimatea will ba approxi mated. - Like the Ashland Normal. Ashlsnd Hon. Milt A. Miller, ol Linn county, I a member ol the state textbook commission, a regent ol the state univeraity and deeply Interest ed in the educational system ol the state. He addressed the normal atu denta in chapel briefly and after visit ing tbe different department and look ing over tbe buiidinga and grounds, expressed himself , aa being Impressed with the school and its work and pleased with the beautiful grounda.' ; PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 83o; blueatem, 85c; vallev, 83c; red, 8Io Oate No. 1 white, $29; gray, 829. Barley Feed, IS8.B0 per ton; brew ing, 130; rolled, 83031. ' Corn Cracked, (33; whole, 132. - Hay Valley timothy, No.. I, 17 IS per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, 923; clover, 81Bj cheat, 15; grain hay, tl(16; alfalfa, $14; vetch, 14. Butter Fancy creamery, 3032Xe per pound. '., ,i-.-' - Veal 75 to 125 pounds. 88H'o; 125 to 150 pounds, 7o ; . 150 to. 200 pounds, 5(80. . .- ... ' . . Pork Block, 75 to 150 pound, "Xe; packers, Oo. , ' Poultrv Average Old hens," 1 1 A j20 per pound; mixed chickens, 11 llHc; spring ch let ens, luxojuo; roosters, 8o dree sod chickens, 1291 So; turkey, live, 1415o; geese, live, lOot ducks, 1218),o; pigeons, (1 1.60; squabs, $2(3. . '.. Egge Fresh ranch, eandlcd, 374 40o perdosen.' '-''. -.".'-: Fruita Apples, 75c$2 p'. neachee. 75cOll per orate; pears, $1 25 a 1.75 per box; quinces, 60960s per jy r- - - - - box; cranberries, fw.ootis f r. I ir,...v,u-lT.imlmi si 9fi rjnrsaek: 1 . r . ' - - r: 'e.rrots, 1.25 per sack ; btett, pernor e. r Vhat have eVrated '..ckj beans, 7tfAi per pound, oabbage, J and trt ahow that have existed i . . -mi mh Hnwav. HivaiMua aoa: t le per pound; cauliflower, 6X)90o dos; pound; radishes, 20o dos; spinach, 6c pound: sprouts, ao per pouna, aqiHiKu, - nonnd tomatoes, . II. 261. 85 - . . Unions t.nmgta per saoa, Potatoes Delivered Portland, 60 75c per hundred; sweet polatoee. 2$o per pound. " . Hops 1907, 67jfo per pound; olds. 2.(3 Ho per pound. Wool Eaatern Oregon, average best, 13(920o per pound, according to shrink - itel valfey, 1820o, wcording to nn - ,..., nv,.i,. ehotoe. xOfaSOc per I - - ' nound. " . . WAR ON MINER J UNION. 800 U. 8. Regular Now bi Camp al Qolofi.ld, Nevada. Goldfleld, Dec. . Encouraged, doubtlaaa, by tha preaence of federal troop In Goldfleld, the Goldfleld Mlneownara' Aaaociatlon bald a m sat in reaterday afternoon, and laat LiJki .... i.t.n-.nt In vhlrb 1 Mttt'bJi i5 Iftlolu i , ... . n.u a aeierminou irussiv w iro uvw th ' weatern Federation of Mlnera. I offlcere of the association refused Jtbst within 18 houri the mines coulo be opened with tbe aama number ol men aa were formerly at work in them. One concern In Ban Francisco It la aald. offered to aend 1,000 men on an hour'a notice. Tbe officers ot the association say, however, tbat In their belief there are enough men In tbe camp who will leave the union now to make tha Importation of men onneceaaary, and tbey are looking for these men to make application early in the week. It le impossible, the operators say, for them to get enough men In tbe mine at present to operate tht pomps and keep them clear of water. Cave-ins are constantly taking place, and otber damage Is being wrought by reason of tbe Inactivity. No unusual excitement was eausec by the arrival ot the first detachment ot troops and the crowd that gath ered at the depot quickly disperseo after the troops had marched to tht mess,' In the northwestern part of th. city, where they bave gone Into tem porary encampment. Qoidiieia u quiet and there are no Indications ot Impending trouble. The Nevada workman, organ o the-mine workers in Ooldfield con tains a statement by Charles K. Mae klnnon, president ot ' tbe Goldflel. Mlnera' Union, in which he aays: There la no aane man in tbe dis trlct who will aay that there was an: need tor the federal troops in Gold field." The paper says editorially: "It ia evident that the Mlneown era' Association intends to re-enar tha tragic scene ot Colorado. The coming of tbe troops means notbln, short of that. Violence and dlsorde will ensue npon tbe arrival ol th troops and it la apparent that th gloomy history ol coioraao ia to rx rewritten." A statement to the public by the Ooldfield Mine Operators Associa tion states In the beginning that "re nested outrage against Indlridua rlghta and banishment from the camt of men desirous ol investing in in mines, open looting of every mine carryins- high grade ore and daedt of violence have become so unbear able tbat the owners must either close the mines, hand them over tc the union, or make a desperate effort to rain the right to work them aa we please. We have choaen the latter alternative, and propose to make on final atruggle for the right to man age our own property." KINO OSCAR IS DEAD. Beloved Rulr of Sweden 8inka Pain laaaly to th End. Stockholm, Dec 8. King Oscar It dead. . Stockholm. Dec. 8. Although the theatera and other place o! amnse ment were open aa uanal last even ina. tha crowd, numbering thou sands, patiently waiting in a pouring rain in front of the palace, testified to the DODular sympathy for the agec monarch, whose lite waa slowly ebb tag. ' ' Within the palace, members ot tht royal family, high ecclesiastics, tht Premier and tha Minister of Foreign Affairs had been assembled for sev eral hours In the King's study, to which room Hla Majesty had been re moved In. bed at noon, when still unconscious. This measure waa taken to enable all the family and. the offl olala to be present at the last mo ments without undue crowding. The physicians in attendance ad' ministered stimulants, consisting of saline solution. . camphor and dlgl talis, which were Injected at Inter vale, and they relieved also aa far as possible the vesical trounie xrom which the King had suffered severe ly all through the Illness Indict All Sunday Actors. Kansaa City. Dec i.' Drastle meaaurea were taken here yesterday to enforce the- Sunday closing law as a result, of the resent campaign be gun by Judge William H. Wallace, of the Criminal court. Tne county arand Jury Indicted 228 traveling ao tore and actresses and employea ot local theaters, charged with violating the Missouri law forbidding labor on Sunday. Ot thla number 41 were ar rested and gave bond for 8200 each. while the others evaded tha offlcere V Penny Arcade Cloaad Cleveland, O., Deo. 9. While thare have been no Sunday theatrical performance allowed in Cleveland i . . f l Tafl En Route Home. Cuxhaven, Dec 9. The steamship President Grant, with Secretary ot War William H. Taft. and the mam- Uia .. nn hnBrfl atf hfipA at noon todajr tor New York, via Bou logne and Plymouth. r Lid On In Kalamaxoo. V"m 1 a m i wrvi-t Thompson Issued an order that all ot . the theatera here cloae during Sun 'dsy The order prohibit. "entirUIn. mont or any other form ot amuse ment. . C. T. PRESC0TT E. E. The Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. Titles Examined Abstracts Made Non-Resident Taxes Paid Real Estate )g Loans, etc St. Johns!! A GILT EDGED Situated between the rivers, with deep water frontage AS on an siaes, surrounaea ana crossea Dy nve iransconu nental railways, it must become the manufacturing and shipping center of Portland. MONTHLY PAYROLL, S60.000! Invest now, you will double H. HENDERSON loa Philadelphia St ' SoroaU WrNo.? You will find Style, Wearing Qualities, Size, and the Comfort You Want. Sorosis Fall Shoes Have All Arrived. Everything, from the . Heavy, Flexible Shoes to the Dainyy Evening Slippers. S'''"--m: J ' -'"''Appropriate for OrOSIS Hosiery Every Occasion KNIGHT SHOE CO., THIRD AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND, ORC. ' nf isi iU 3 s : m DART & Carry a Complete Stock of the Best in General Merchandise at Lowest Prices Consistent with Quality. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Groceries, Dry "Goods, Hardware, Boots or Shoes We Solicit Your Patronage and As snre You Courteous Treatment ST. HELENS, OREQON JOB PRINTING IS OUR WE have the best and most ' fnlly equipped Job Print ing Office in Columbia County And we are prepared to do all kinds of Printing on short notice and at most reasonable prices A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE OREGOW RSIIST Lea. vvveivJwvvvV NO. 1. QUICK. F. B. PRE8COTT m st. jonns.i INVESTMENT! ; your money in two years. St. Johns,Oregon S hoes 1 MUCKLE Iff w I Iff BUSINESS nvAmmm. 1 w