NEWS OFTHE WEEK In i tczkl fcna fcr Csr BAfPEf;:::scFTi3Cc.TmB'n A Humt of tht Uu Important but Not Leas Intoi-tatlng 1 Evaota ' of th Pttt Wtth. Th United States ptMloa roll It rapidly deeieaaing. Mutal Hang ha InrlWtd e crushing dlt on the iuiuo 01 MoroeoQ. Hundred ot parson have been ar rested in Kansas City tor floating tht Sunday closing la. Tha Waitings fhavt been rtlxuMtd from jail am) Uit Russia- pullet admit they nitut a mitieie. Tha Western Co loo claims that a Dumber ot iia striking operators al Cbl. eago bar applied fur lelnetaWmenL Tha Brillah freighter Qaeeo Cbrlt- tlna, bound from Ran Francisco to purl land. struck tbt rm near Cree cent City, Gal., and will bo a luUt km. A number ot Indictment hivt been Murnwl In New Mm loo igalnat mat mlri owaere charging thera with hav ing obtained theli kuida from tha go eminent fraudulently. , Minnesota attorney gvrmrml baa boo fined 1100 lor conUmpt by a United Mates District toart. Tha cast will be appealed to Iba highest court and atatM rights will receive a tost. Whist nay go to IS per bushel. Tba German tmptrof la to vlaii Eng land In pomp. Ksneae City theater owners will fight Sunday elating. Tht Oklahoma hs settled down to business. . . Prominent Pittsburg people art flght Ing tlx fuodttufl Irnet. Tha reoaot rat riot In Now Orlaana doe to itligloui lanstirs. Bishop Potter Haa shocked Richmond by Inviting a negro lo dinner. No naw case ot Iba plagn hart been repotted In San Francisco tinea Octo ber 16. Joseph Chamberlain, leader ot tba boost of comment, seeks to place bla ton In bit plana. Tha ratot of atocka bsvt shrunk $S, 000,000,000, bat tba whole country tx orpi Wall street, la prosperous. Hchwaitschild A Slbrg-r, big Chi cago packers, art to srstrt t packing bona at Portland. Tbt plant will tost t)i)0,000. Tha If ago coaler bat andad. Tba Ford Jury It not yet complete. President Boossvtlt bat killed bai, . "- Governor itocbes, o( Xew York, aayt ba will not ba a candidate lot pr-il- denl. , . ,,' la a haUIn between police and no groea at Naw Oilasuu oat tni killed on aeh tldo. , f One man wm killed tod two badly wounded In n war between Chin tonga tt Philadelphia. Small haa given op tbt attempt to retain tbt prealdeoey ot tht tht etrlk lug telegraph operalou. Tim attamer Tartar oolllded with tht ferryboat which ront between Vancou ver and Victoria. Tbt reeeel will prob ably be total kM. Tbt United State tlgnal eorpa baa inat won tht Lahni enp by wiling lelloon more than 420 mllet. The Uit wm made tram Bt. Loala. Wllliamton t appeal to tbt United fftatet Bupremt oourt hu been Died. He waa oonvloted at Portland for ocm pliclty in tha Oragoo land fraud. At torney Uentrtl Bonaparta will pereon ally argue Uit owe. ' Tht general eondlllou ot Emperor Vranoit Joeeph la. not qultt to good. ' Maroooi'a wlrelea ayettm between Ireland and Nova Bootla la now open fur tommerolnl bailneea. Americana In tbt Phllipplnea art anilout for Taft lo make a declaration ol Iba ration polo towarda tin ialaodi. : p . , Another antpecf bag been arreeted In eonntotlon with tha robbing ot Anierl ean mall of gold dtut In Alaakaf ' " The jnry lor' tht teoond Ford trial' hat not been aeoured. Indloationt teem thit Heney lll not call Kuet In the oomlng trial. , Iha Helmet have Wen driven from the Mew York itnck etchangt On eo count of heavy loeaea due to no tQort to oarner Copper, ' , -i - Bli pollot doga art on their way from Belgium to New York. Jn many of the oltlea ot tht old country dogi are lound a great benefit, Mulal HaBg'a army la marching on Cut Blanoo where an attack on French wopa la to bt mada. , 3 . ' A paaeenger train left tht rail at Hhrewibnry, Kngtand, killing 16 per- one and injuring many, Preaident Bmall defloe tht telegraph Operator'! nnl hnant deDoee Lhlrn and pronilaee flgbt. Much of tha old French machinery at be Panama canal li being, need whlub i otto thought entirely Vitiate. SMALL QUITS IN If ARB, Striking Ttlrgrapnara Hlia Ftrmer keener from Platform Chicago, Oct. Sa.-Followed by Jeen ou umn, R, J. Bin.ll. form., dent ol the Commercial Telegrapkera ouloo, lelt Olrlch'a hall In teal( m oey arternn. He did not let th. vlndlmtlon which be eutivl.t .t ii,. I - mw tianli of Uie rank and Ale of the local union. Aa HniM.ll t). i.. k-..L. i. . i . 'TV hi vfuincnniiia anil (II.imva,i t...i given op the flght for reetoretion to hie foidirr re)ltiou. 111. iuvu. w or Brattle, of Weehlngton, wbo waa vice' prwueni oi int organlutlon, waa for mally reoounliaii u th n. i ui anion, ue announced that bit pol When tha mntin. Hmall. who had Um nttin in .n ante-room lot a chance to be beard, inriuei 10 me piatiurm. Hardly bed he aecendrd the eUoe to tha nl.ifnrm when a number of etrikre eot nn uul lort the MOttl. Tha othnni hnnlxl .nH blened BO that tha went, rut tha fmm prraldanl were drowned. In a pathetic ay be appiwled to the older mem hen 01 me nniun Keying mat be tied child ren and that lh ahnuM nnl Ym ,11a. graced by the branding of their let her ee uienoneH eiinmii one bit or evldcnoe end wltii.iut a hearing. Thie eppral, however, had little ef fect, although a iivat man nl Iha itrlkere after tbt meeting bed adjourn ed egreed thai Bmell bed been treated tbamefully and at leaet thou Id have been reralved with common decency. It waa voted to aaaeea broker and Iraaad wife niMtrmtim tma itava' naw each week In lieu of calling them out on itrlke. POLITK TO WOMEN. Robber Makea Oemende Only no Hie Men Pateeegera. Belt Leke, Oct. S3.-The Murray etage, oani lor the oenveyanoe of pae- eengereontbe Una .botween Bingham J unci Inn and Handy wee btuugbt to a halt by a marked robber early thle morning at Loredaht. The driver and the male paearniterc In the coach were ordered down (rum theij arti and erhen the roblwr faced them ltb drawn re volver they leedlly complied with bit demand fur money and valuable. Oolv 112 waa olUlnd from trie party, It wm aaid today, but the driver, ho bad a ouniiaeiaiiie torn oi money In bla poaaeeiion, managed to eeoueeter It nnder Uit erat of the itae while hit paaevngere were climbing down from their eeale. Tbt puree wee overlooked by the robber. Tbt women paeeengert, of whom there were a number, were not moleat- ed. Hetiefled that he bad obtained everything ot value that bla victim poeetaeed, the bandit, alter permitting them to return to their eeaU, touk a Diet alongeida the diner and rode with the party to tht end ol the etage line, where be demounted and eeraped under covet ol the dark neat. Bourne OtTert Price. tr..Munn fVt. 12. Hon. Jona than lkHtrne, Jr., of Oregon, United Blah) aenator, baa taken a unique atep to !eat tha aentlment of the country on the presidential tltuation. TbrouKh the Netionel megaiine, ol Boeton, he hat offered a eaih prlie ot $1,000, 0ien a,.,uan nannlo. for the ttroogett and beet written argument in itipport of a teoond etettlvt term tor Kooeevelt. The prlee will be awarded March 18, IBOH, the conical eioaiiig un. liar and thiee iodnet will be named ahortly to paw upon the argument1. 4 Amaricani In Ruatlan Jail. D. n,...k.. (Xt 13. William PI. I 10f"iBI Engllah Walling, of Indlanepolit, hit lie and tltcr-ln-law, Mine Koee Btmnaky, were arreeted In thia city to . ... l" . .,. nf Mnitarmiia becauae mint oj m ----ottlteir aaeoflaUon wltb teveral mem ber! of tha rinnitn j nmreaaii . .nil Ulnn hald at the IfCD- daimee' headquarter! at a late hour. A repreaentaMve oi i baiey apjwared al tha bendqiMrteri In Ibeir oenaii- Prairie Flrt It Raging. III. UInn Oft. 22. A cralrle fire It uriibu. nnnut. Mlnneeota, and three ferma have already been wip ed out. rue amag ZM at $00,000. . Tbu. hr a 1 rf-J to cheeK tne pionmw " : - . 4.t .11 tl.a fai'mer In been nnnvaui". - - --- . the vicinity tonight are plowing Uie country In an attempt to itop Uie Amica. ' CK ;" '? . Caprura Mexican Ba"ndlt. nudiei to una '"if" ,der of the gang wh rh aat week ttoh, ..... l... 1 1 inn fmrn Ilia nre- gln.lKiO worm oi uu"i r- clnl ating room ol the Kiianajnata Con X. led Mining A MIIUnR company, T . ...-j .rinr ha ns woundwl r-.Tmr S hl wai taken all uieTtolen bullion. In hit confenion hi Implicated 40 pertoni. ; ' Prealdent la 8nubbrd. ; ' j.okn, Mil... fTT'cruel that Pretldent Roov.l J haar-0 uieer, UOVOniur , Hurricane In Norway. Th.aTy't J .ti, the-Dreeeut lime miariuK t ,i ievenllvMbtvobeenloit. , .;. ST. HELENS, OREGON STATE ITEF.IS OF INTEREST SUaaWg FRUJT LAND IN DEMAND. Many Salee of Rogue Rlvtr Valley Orchard!. Aibtand Thing! have been dolnt in Kogue river valley orchard landa re-1 cent ly ai never before and nnmetoui aloe have been made In avarv nortlnn of the valley at prices that a lew yean ago wouiu nave been counted fabulooi, but which lo reality are demonetrated lo bt only fair valuee when the retnrni from them and the poaelbilitiee oi the future art taken into conilderaiion. Hundred! ot thoueanda of dollar of outalde capita) art being poured Into orcnara maueirjr in the Bognt river valley, In the purobaae of bearing orch arda, at well aa in tbt planting ot naw orchaida. Inqnlriee for larger or imall er traota ol the highly prlied realtatate of thli valley are coming In from many titra. Those who thought nrlcet of orchaid landi bad reached Uie top notch a year or two ago art atill wondering were it U going to atop, and ptoplt wbo old too toon are turry. Suipend Enrolling Ftt, Klamath Fall la order to get addi tional land! under tht Klamath protect Igned np, tbt Watermen' amociation baa voted to impend for the next 90 dayt Uie eniolling fee ot 65 centa per acre, charging only tba aeeriement fee ol 10 centi per acre. It la hoped tbnt to intuit the beginning of tbt Clear lake dam next year. Thoet familiar with eonditlona cay that no difficulty will be encountered in aecurlng Uie. ad ditional lend. . A leeolutlon wai drawn up, protecting againtt the recent action of the reclamation eervice In leaning the Clear lake reeerve to abeepmen, at it li feared Uiat when the attempt It made to take ebeep on a range where cattlemen have alwaya had control' ae- rioua trouble will aria. Correipondenct Work Succeie. University of Oregon. Eugene The demand throughout tht itate for Uie oorreepondenct work now being offered by the Univemty ol Oregon la greatly aurpaaaing Uie expectation! ot Hi moat aanguine aupporteii. In a number ol town! the teacher art forming eiuM and carrying on work nnder tba direc tion of the nnivenity Inatruotori. The interact hi not confined to teacher, however, foi many young men and wo men who have found it Impofiible to attend college are taking Uie work. To begin with, only a email number of courier are being offered, inch aa nu ll ah Clateloe and Bhakeepeare, fcngiiah llietory. Pedagogy. Algebra, etc., bot other will be added from time to time. Bulletin on Oregon Fir. TTnlvarait n( OtAsnn- EuMna Willi v .... .... y - - n , n ntnmlaaa In ha tn tha lumbering inte- reeli oi Uie Pacific North weet one of the mot valuable bulletioe ever publiibed li tne bulletin to no leeueo next apring he tha denartment of foreetrv on Uie ilrengUi of Oregon fir. During Uie pact tejo yean a moat thorough ana ex- han.tlva aarlaa nf teata have been made by J. B. Knipp, engineer in charge at the vniveralty ol Oregon letting iu- ilAt In tha nrananttlnn of the reDOrt. conaiderable collateral data will be ueed, and Mr. Knapp ie now In Wash- Ington preparing nn material. . Do Not Need Rata. SalemThe 8tat Railway commie- Un Ka hmaIvaH an anaarar ham O. A. Malhnuf tn a letter inaulrlng al to the advliabillty of putting in a low rate on applet from polnti weal oi Ainany on H,a nnrvallia A Enatern He left the amount ot fruit in that district, to the beat of Information, la Incontiderable. He added be wat Inquiring ana if be Inn,,,! nam! nf tha rate ha would con sult with Uie proper authoritlet and ettabllib it. . . ;f Fruit Man Form Union." ' Enowna At a meeting of a bomber of Lane county fruit grower! itept were taken to form a fruit growen' union for the purpose ol mutual protection and to facilitate Uie chipping and handling of Irult. A committee conriiting oi tht following wai appointed to draft bylawi and oomtltution and to prepare artioleaof inooiporatlon: George A. Dorrla, Dr. II. F. McCornack, Frank Chaae, 0. Holt and M. H. Hnrlow. Dalrylrg In Klamath Country.', vi.m.ih rfalla The Bonania cream. erv naid the farmera of Klamath noun- ty laat nioni" n tnww ... I amn onnd aliowlni. teklng Into oonehleratlon the fact that the creamery hai been eetebllthed butt lew monuie ..., th.t ihia awt ion haa alwav been a cattle country and not dairy country. The creamery li now paying, w ouw for butter fat, but not getting al it can hande. Prepare Permanent Exhibit. North BendThe chamber lof ; com merce of North Bend it preparing a permanent exhibit ol tht varlout .pro duct of Uie olty and tht aurroundlng oountry. The exhtbltrwill De arrangeo attractively in one oi in. w on the wharf to that it may be Inupect- ed by on tbt boaw wnren itop here. There will bt tampiea pi many dinerem xinua vi r":(,i';. Muat Apply tn. Pereon.'l ."' Grande The 1 Grande .land i. i. uuuilnt nl InatrnetJonl from office the oowmlMloner of the general land olllce that nereaner an appiiKanmia lie of laolated traota muat be made the in peraon i by the applicant at ine no Ttatnfnra annlloDta COUlu ofllce. make out their papen belort a notary Ipubilo OR1X20N, , STUDAY, OCTOBER S5, 1907. 1 MONEY IN CRANBERRY MARSH. Coot Bay Farmera, Add New Crop That Bringt Profit. MaraTifleld Tht growing of cranber rlea li proving to bt one of Uie moat profitable farm crop! for Coot county. Several rancb ownen for a number of yeara peat bave railed tht crop with profit, but it waa not generally taken up until the paet year. Now qultt a number have cranberry ma i thee. Land which ia known aa peat or veg etable bog If required for the railing of tha crop, and nearbj there mutt bt an unlimited ' mpply of freah water, which can be placed under control. There are, however, many audi tract of land in the county, and cranberry growing promieet to be one of tbt moat Important of Uie farming Induatriea of tbe eommnnity. - . W. D. McFarlan, who la the pioneer cranberry man of the Pacifio eoaet, baa followed tht buiineet In Coot county for many yean. He haa a els-acre manh which baa never failed to yield a large crop. He haa never made leta than $200 an acre clear profit, tome aeaeom be net amount haa beta great er. Excepting at harvett time, when help li needed In picking, one man can attend to a marsh of 15 or 20 acree and bave time for other farm work, aa tbe crop it flooded during tbt winter and need! no attention. Tbt yield on : the Coo county cranberry marabea thia year li particulaily good. , Unlveralty'a Great Growth. University of Oregon, Eugene The registration of tht Univertity ot Oregon in Uie department! at Eugene, exclu livt of the Be bool of M oiio, haa prac tically reached tilt 400 mark. The total enrollment in all department! at tbe preeent time la between 750 and 80 J. At tbe beginning of President Campbell'! adminiitration in 1002 the attendance waa 224. Tha preeent freah man claea nnmbera almost aa many eto denta at Uit total enrollment at that time. If the preeent rate of growth continoet, it ia expected Uit number of tudentt next year will reach 600 in tht department! at Eugene exclusive ol mutio. The university often no blch school lubjecte, Uit requirement for entrance being the completion of Uie tour-year high aobool course. Freight Via Weed and Bray. Klamath Falls A petiUon la being circulated among Klamath Falla busi ness men addressed to the Bontbera Pa cific company, asking that nil freight and paaeenger bualneea bt routed via Weed and Bray over tbe California Northeastern. The petition citea Uie difficulties encountered on Uie Pokegama route during tht winter,- especially with freight, and tht high rate for the hauling to this city. Tbt company la akeed to route via the new road at Uie earileet pctaible moment. ' Locatort Form Long Lint. LakevlewTho liat ot appllcacta to purchase government land who are wait ing in line before the United Btatea land edict hai Increased to 80 in num ber, and ie growing steadily. Befqrt October 28. when the lmds Included In tbe rettoratlon will be subj-ct to entry In the land office, tht number ot peo ple in lint it expected to inrpaaa the number wbo preceded any previoni reetoiaUon, Most of those in line are applicant! nnder Uie timber law. , - PORTLANO MARKETS. ', Wheat-rClub, 8990eT blaeetem, 9192c; valley, 8;990o; red,8788o. Oat No. 1 white, $28; gray, $27. Barley Feed, $27.60 per ton; brew ing, $29; rolled, $30S1. t i Corn Whole, $32; cracked, $33. ' : Hay Valley Timothy, No. 1, $179 18. per ton, Eastern Oregon tlmoUly, 23; clover,, $1&; cheat, $11; grain hay, $1314; allalta, ,$13&14. a Fruitt Applea, $192.60 per box cantaloubee, $1 1.60 .per qrate; peaches, 80c$l per crgte; pruneg, t60q per crate;" watertheloni, lo per pound; peers, $11.78 per box; grapee, 40o$1.6O per crate; caAba, $2.26 per doen; quinces, - $11. 26 - per 'bolxi huckleberxlea, 7(SVfio per pound ; eras berriee, $9.6010.W per barrel. .4 ' . Vegetable Turnips, $1.26 per tack; beets, $1.26 per sack; carrota, $1.26 per rack; cabbage, ll)jc per pound: oauliflowef,-26o$l per doaen; celery, 50cl per doten; corn, 86oal per eackcucumberi, 10 15c peA doaen; onloni , 1620q per dosen y parsley, 20o per doien; peppers, 8i0o per pound; pumpkins, lIMc per pound; , radish-es,-20o per' dosen; spinach; 6o per poundf eqnaeh, 60c$l . per box; to matoe2680e per box. ' - Onions $1 60(1.66 per tack. Potatoee 7686e per hundred, de livered Portland; tweet potatoee, 2c per pound. ',,."; :.'.'' 'vj,t ' Butter Fancy oieameryH 27X36c per' pound. : . ' ..' ... Yealr-t5 l& pound,- iii9e per pound; 126 to 150 pounds, 7o; 160 to 200 poumla, 8(70. " . Pork Block,- 76 to 180 ponnda, 8 8 Wo per pound; packen, 7i8o , . Poultry Average old heoi,. ld UXo per pound t- mixed chickens', 119 lier epring hicken,; (l)ai2ft; Old rooetcM, 8fe9d dreteed-chickeni, 13 14oj turkeyt, live, old," Ijflf.yoa-g, 18; geese, live, 888o; ducks, lBc; pig eons, $11.60 per dMen ; squabs, $203. v Egt Freeh Mnioh, candled, 82) 8Ro per doaenf - .'".r.",' "''J' 39tH-OOT, T)i0b per poundr old?, 46o.'- - H 1. wool Eastern Oregon, average beet, 1622o per pound, nceotding to ahiink ige; valley, 2022o, according to flne near mohair, choice, 2930. per pou-d. :'. " ' . . BATTLE ON STREETCAR. , Ont Man Killed and. Three Injured Over Tranafav. 'f 4; San Franclaeo, Oct. 21 -Ae a remit ot trouble over tranifer illp on a Polk street car of the United Bailroada sj tem Saturday evening', one man wai ihot and killed, another, to seriously wounded that ' death will' probably en sue, and two other men lea aeveitly Injured. - , , . - i " When tbt car left tht ferry to pen out Miaaion street, on ita way to Polk, it was packed with paasengen, includ ing men returning from work, and 'wo men and bildren who bad been ' scroat tbe bay. Tba crowded condition' of tht car made it difficult for tht eon ductor to collect farea and, when Polk atieet waa reached, both be and Uit un comfortably crowded paaaengen were) In a condition of Irritable nervonnneaa. j The man wbo started tht trouble, ac cording to bla own adiniaaiona to the police, waa John Monger. Be aaid that when he paid hit fare, early on tbe trip, he bad asked tba conductor for- a tranifer. Brown waa buay and told Monger to wait awhile. Monger re peated his request several timee, and Brown tailed to band him Uie allp. Finally Monger concluded that Brown did not intend to give him tbt ticket, and struck at tbt conductor. ' Tbt lat ter dodged tht blow and struck back at Monger, striking him In the fact and knocking him down. It was at thia Juncture that the hoofing commenced. At tbe name tlma soma one threw off tbe trolley and tbecnr came to standstill. The stop page of Uie car, coupled with tht noise in tbe rear, led tbe motorman to be lieve that his matt was in danger and, revolver in hand, be pushed his way through Uie crowded passengers. RAILROADS GAIN. Reduced Paesangtr Rata In Nebraska ' Swella Eaminga. Omaha, Oct. 21. Instead of tht new two-cent railroad fare law having re duced Uie rate in Nebraska, It has act ually Increased the average rate per milt in thia state, according to tht re port of tht Union Pacifio railroad, which baa just been filed with tbe State Railway commission. And in stead ol Uie railroads having a fear of the two-cent law, they bavt been laughing in their eleevea over tbe di veraion they have creaetd by kicking against Uie passenger rate and drawing attention from Uit high freight rates charged in tbt trsna-Mirsiaaippi coun try. . .V . - ' Tbe annual report of Uit Onion Pa cific, which had just been filed with tbe commission, proves on examination to be a brief in behalf oi the two-cent fare. Binoe the new law was enacted, Uie Union Pacific and other Nebraska railroad! are charging full two oenta per mile, a permitted by law. No ex cursion rates, no rednced fare, no com mutation tickets of any kind and in fact nothing lees than straight two cent fare ticket li sold in Nebraska. But the report which Las Just been made public ahows that last year Uie average paaaenger traveled in Nebraska at tbe rate of 1.96 cents for each mile, a rate actually lower than that which is now charged by the railroads nnder Uit new law. - TAFT'8 DELPHIC WORDS. ' Sara Ht Will Probably bt Private Cit--. lien In Two Yeara. ; ', Manila, Oct. 21 -At a banquet given in bia -honor in thia city Saturday night. Secretary of War William H. Taft made a moat significant statement. He was referring to the fact that be had already visited the Philippines three timea and in expressing bia in tention to come here again, he said: '"I hope in another two yeara to visit Manila again, "but then I probably will come aa a private citiaen." Tbsx significance of Mr. Tatt'a re marks in relation to.the chancee of bis nomination for. tht . presidency next year, did pot seem to strike his audi ence. The secretary's cpetch wat re ceived, with much enthusiasm by the representatives of tht Filipinos pres ent, when he declared Uie government wai anxious and ready to help the busi ness prosperity ot Uie islands. Mr. Taft devoted Uie day to an In spection of Uit school of Manila. s Oppose Pulp Export. -Ottava, Oct, 21 .For tome time there thai been a strong movement In Canada In favor of a radical change in the fiscal condition governing tha ex port of pulp wood to the United Btatea. This movement, which hss for months been '' giowing in ' force and intensity, cufmibated in the demand oi deputa tion from Uit pnlp and paper manufac turers of the Dominion, Who came to Ottawa and petitioned the government that the exportation ot pulp wood from Canada thould be prohibited and Uie supply conserved. . . .. , : s -' Dangeroua Fire in Dei Mointt. Des Moinee, Ia., Oct. 21.-Fire In Iha nlaht nf tha Standard Oil nnmnanv today threatened for a time to do ser ious property damage and to remit in lose of life. In tbe plant were tank nnntalnin thnnaanda of irallon ot oil and gaaolipe, and it tht fire had i cach ed these a horrible exploelon would have occurred.' The firemen put up a desperate fight, however, and) succeeded in getting the Are. under control..; The damage.1 has not yet been ascertained. ,r, ' Valuable' Quirtx Stolen.' ' j ' fian Fnacieco.-'Oot'. 21. Some vandal stole1 fro cabinet at the mineral building at tbt University of Califor nia gold, bearing quarts and other 'spe cimens valued at $1,000. The faculty it searching for olews to Uie thlei'i .Identity, .. OPENUPlIISulSSIPPI ' A , . f,'if ' ,r' "... - ; ,4- " I J; Text c! Speech bj its ?n:izz . at Fickstcrfl. FARMERS AEE EELPLD PRIAEILI Next Session of Congrtst Will Bt . Asked to Start Improvement of Tftla Great River. f i Vickabnrg, Mies., Oct. 22. Alter a fortnight spent in tbe canebrakes, and looking bronsed and vigorous, Preaident Roosevelt paid a flying visit to Vlcke borg this afternocn. . . Tbt president was introduced by Con gress man John Sharp W i 1 1 lama . When Mr. Williams said thatJTheodore Roose velt waa president of Uie whole country Dixit land and Yankee land alike the demonstration was notable. When the president arose to reply tbt big crowd accorded him a noisy demonstra tion that lasted several minutes. In bis speech here the pnaident laid: "It seem to me that no American president could spend his time better than by seeing for himself jutt what rich and wonderful region tbe lower Missisaippi vslley is, so that ht may go back, aa I thai) go back, to Washington, with tbt set purpose to do everything that lies in mt to see that tbt United 8tatee doee ita full share In making tbt Mississippi river practically a part ot tbe set, coast, in making ita deep chan nel to the Great lakes from Uie Gulf. I wish to see the leveet to strongly bnilt as to remove completely from the minds of dwellers of those lower regions all apprehensions of s possible overflow. I advocate no impossible task. No difficult task. The people of Holland, a little nation, took two-thirds ol their country out from under tbe sea, and they live behind the dykea now and have lived behind them for centuries in safety. i " "With one-tenth the effort we, a mnch greater nation, can take tbe in comparably rich bottom lands ot tbe Lower Mississippi oat ol ue tear oi Re in g flooded or even being overflowed by tha Missisaippi, and whilt I do not likt to say in advance what I intend to do, I shall break my rule in this cue and say that in my next message : to congress I shall advocate at heartily as I know how, that the congress now elected shall take Uie first steps to bring about that deep channel way and At tendant high and broad levee system, which will make of these alluvial bot toms the richest and most populous and most prosperous agricultural land, not only in thia nation, bot on the tact ' ot tbe globe, and, gentlemen, here is tbt reason I am particularly glad to be able to advance such a policy. I think any oolicr which tends to Uie uplifting ef sny portion of our people In Uit end distributee ita benefits over tne whole people. Bot it ie far easier, originally, to put into effect a policy which shall at Uie moment help the people concen trated in tbe center! of the population and wealth than it is to put into effect a policy which shall help Uit dwellers in tbe country and tbe tillers oi tne SOU.-'. . ':.' ' -I' "Now hers we have a policy whose first and direct benefit will come to tbt man on tht plantation, Uie tiller ot the toil, the man who makea his fortune from what he grow on the soil. ' "Mr. Williams hss laid that In our day we can sink ail mere party differ ences. Binoe I nave been preeident l have found, aye, most ot tbe time ' I bavt needed to sink them, because Uie differences of party are of small im port noe compared to Uie great funda mentals of good citisenehip upon which all American citixens should be united." The president said he agreed heartily that tht constitution ot Uie United Btatea represents a fixed aeries of prin ciples. Yet he said that, in Uie inter est of tht people, it must bt interpret ed, not as a traitjacket, not as laying the hand ol deevth upon all develop ments, but as an investment designed for Uie life and health and growth of tbe nation. .. . . I Mora Powder for Japan. New York, Oct. 22 Japan is man ufacturing mare munition! of war it the present time that at any time dar ing Uie war with Russia. Under peace Japan ha one more arsenal and one more naval base than it bad nnder Uie exigency of war. Both the arsenal and the naval base have been established within the last aix months and at each plaoe day and night shifts, of laborers are being worked. Port Arthur or Oy roju, as tbt Japanese have renamed tbe place, ia the new naval bast wheie there ii so much activity. : r tamping Out tha Plague. . i Seattle, Wash., Oct. 22. At a Joint meeting ot tbe. city, and stale health board! here laBt night, It wai decided to ask Uie state board of Oregon to co operate with Washington health au thorities in the handling of the bubonic plague; which has made its appearance in thia city. One case has been report ed, tba of a Chinese who died nearly a week ago, but the city health officer have adopted prompt measures to sup press any threatened danger, j . Leak In Mart Island Dock, ' - San Francisco, Oct. 22. Tbe massive drydook vyhioh tbe government is haw log constructed at tbe Mare island navy yard sprung a teak Friday, and in on der to 'save- Uie structure from almost complete destruction it was necessary to blow out the entire front ot the deck. The cost -of. Uie dock, whioh la being J built by contract, will bt $3,000,000, NO. 46. ARRANGE COMPROMISE. Warring Telegraphers to Settle Differ ence m Convention. Chicago, Oct. 18. Warring officials ot Uit itriking telegraphers reached compromise tonight. They have post poned hostilities until tbt convening oi tbt emergency convention, tailed to Milwaukee for October 23. The elimination ot 8. 3. Small, for mer preaident, at a factor In tht flght will be sought at tht convention by tbt executive committee. A temporary president to sooceed Small and direct tbt strike or its settlement will bt chosen, it Is expected, from tht com mittee's membership. Mr. Small still emtends that no convention will bt called, bat it making effort! to control it action through hii friends. The tinoe of tbt battling officii !a came after a descent upon tht tele grapher' headquarters in tbt Monoa building by ex-President Bmall andjs, bodyguard of detectives. They arrived before Uit members of the extent iv committee reached tbt office and took poeeeaaioo at once. Tbt eommittot members tad Secretary Russell wert refused admission to the ofBoea. . After much parleying tbe lata comer were permitted to take their place, and Small locked himeelf in bit private office. Tht terms of tbt oompromles were not given ont by tbt participants. General Superintendents Cook u4 Ospen, of tbt telegraph companies in sert that bom six to tea men apply for reinstatement daily In Chicago. They declare that in other lauge citlee al most a fall number ot men wert at work,, wbilt mora applications wort being received daily. Fifteen asked re ins temet yesterday In New fork, ev en! in West Oakland, Cel.. and tht entire force of Columbia, B. C. ' i . TRADE HAS NOT DECREASED. American-Asia Association Expect fto War With Japan. New York, Oct. 18. That thtre haa not been a falling off in trade with Japan following the Japanese-Rosa ian war, but on the contrary a healthful re sumption of normal conditions, wat tbt statement of Jamea R. Morse, preai dent of Uie American-Asiatic associa- , tion, at the annual meeting oi tbt or ganisation today. Conditiooa la China have not been . so good, but there art prospect of recovery from depressed conditions. In the secretary's report, John Ford says: r "Tbt obviously temporary character of Uie settlement of the Japanese ex clusion question in California tended to encourage rather titan to cheek the circulation of foolish and miacbevioat rumors oi impending war between tbt two countries. All tbt inflntnet of your executive committee has been ex erted to demonstrate Uie aburdity ol assuming that there could bt any seri ous quarrel between the two govern ments in dealing with the leant raised in California." RAILWAY CLEARING HOUSE. Official Suggtsts Ftatlblt 8ehtmt to Prtvent Car Shortage. ' Los Angeles, Oct 18. Nearly every railway company ia studying to perfect plana for the quick movement of tart and rolling stock, with a view to elim inating the shortage feature of tbt buaineet this winter. It is argued that with Uie proper thif ting ot cart and a careful adjustment nearly one-third more business can be transacted with Uie present equipment. It is suggested by sn official bert, and tbt plan is nnder consideration, that there bt formed a pool of equip ment by tht various roads and a clear ing house for cars. Any demand for ca-s by any road would bt made to Iha clearing bouse, and that eoneera would givo over Uit required number of cart from tht nearest aopply, or in oaaa oi a ahoitage, or a multiplicity of de mand! the orders would be filled pro rata. Under this plan it would bt Uit duty of every road to wire daily report of tbt exact location of all its ears. Tbt entire equipment ol tbe pool would bt registered in Uit clearing bouse, much -In the same manner in which tht cam of a line art tabulated by tech ot tbt different roads at present. His First Rlda Tln. Seoul, Oct. 18. tne emperor and crown prince of Cores left Seoul for Chemulpo at 12:30 this afternoon to receive the crown prince of Japan, To- . shishlto. This waa the first time tbt crown prince of Core had ever ridden on a railroad train, and he showed a childlike interest in the proceeding. He wai delighted with the speed of tht cart. Tht Japanese crown prince land ed from a warship lq the haiDor at I p. m. and ht was greeted at Uie dock by tbt Corean emperor and tht Coresn crown prince. Trap for Blackmailers. Lead, 8. D., Oct. 18. An attempt to extort $20,000 from J. Grler, manager ot the JHomeetake gold mint, nnder threat of dynamiting bis borne unices Uie money wss placed in a designated place, waa frustrated last night when Uie oolice arrested Mrs. Anna Maljas and Chrla. Maljas, her husband, and Matt Zimboia, who cams to the place designated. Grler'a house, the finest ' in Booth Dakota, is located on tht top of. a steep hill in the center of town. 1 Older Sue Hit Kldneptrt. San Francisco, Oct. 18. Buit wss filed today by Fremont Older against Luther G. Brown, G. A Wyman and Ben Cohn, alleging false arrest and imprisonment and demanding damages of $100,260. The suit growl out ot tht recent kidnaping of Mr. Older, tbt three defendant having been concerned in that adventure. , . .