OREGON MIST Entered at tbe Postoffiee at St. Helens, Oregon, M second-chus moil matter, ISSTOD EVKRY FRIDAV BV E. H. FLAC.G. EOfTOR AND PROPRIETOR. COLUMBIA AT THE FAIR. Columbia County' exhibit t the State Fair wou fourth wise, aud this. taking evtrythlng Into consideration, U as good at could hav been expected and OLEMAN DECLARED SANE COLUMBIA'S CATTLE Commiasion Appointed by Judge McBrid eo Decide. The October term of Circuit Court Harry Weil' Great Triumph at the State Fair SUBSCRIPTION RATKS rc4iw:WDiTujoow..jtuiiertoii, wno niwU two week from next Monday, had it la charge. No ont could havt and Albert Oleman, tht fouiteen year worked i harder to achieve ocss and, old boy alio kilied h i foster mother, iiv oiivm v mo vwn uoraas. tow i blame is' not hi but -rettt upon thote I who thoold have given blra better sup port The mna awarded tht foartli A SPEED WONDER High PraUe Given Our Little Iralda, (Telegram, Sept. 20) One of the moat Interesting racea pulled off lately wa iwwn One year Six months . piiM IS 1150. and this eooa into th. ,.1.K0 county's treasury, leaving tht expense (Statesmani) Hairy Wert, ol the Sunny Hank farm, .teamert Joseph Kellogg and lrM. Mr. Ayies, at Warren, will havt to BeapwMae, fa feeling line these days, yesterday, the Utter being beaten timid trial on ih. i ..,.,..i.. ... I His breakfast seta well, likewise his dm- .hmit unuartercf a mile In tht run . . ,-inav v IIIMI 4V 111 ' (he first degree. Oleu.an.ha the pre- oer and his supper. Ills digestion ii from Portland to Rainier. The contest sumption of lrreponaibility in his favor, gd. sUrted immediately after the craft and the State mna. alVriVtma that VtMs.1 It is all because of tht fact that his had rloarvd the horbor limits. Uoth aiimnti.in .! nmM Ki. ..!:-1 n.in. I Jsrsev herd has such an array of blue L.rrln! full lUta of naawnirvr who etr ot an exhibit at the State Fair only U50, Hand the nature of the crime bo tore ha ribbon at would make a more prelen- couraired the officer to put the boats ihh ouu was apprm tated. a I ean be eouvicted . Ti, MMri. n,. tious mail than Mr. n est need a barret worthy of notice, however, that Cwuni- comuiiMion found htm w.m hoop around his head. But Mr. West bia leads Clataop County, which made h are caused hi commitment to the i. does not feel that way at alt. an appropriation of 1,000 for exhibit une asylum. It ia not conclusive of his Hm r ' Prl lhil nl purpose. II that um had been placed aaoltv. but la ..,). h. nnuu. to him when the Judging was overs rim iu age duii. Championship on asm bull. we are confident Columbia would have B,i ohu. k.u. f .V. . . , " Seeoud on senior bull calf. ben at least aeeondinther.ee. as to tht nronrlrt. f i.,i-.i.-V. First on junior bull calf. iiut the exhibit in the pavillion was lri,t. TbeJury will bthlndMr M.l Also a championship ami a grand not tht only place where Columbia MnU, Mi Urtini0I1- ,n ruUon th . ch.mpion.hlpon (he same buU calf county was represented at the State will nmhahiw La i .w w! First on am cow. For Trs our dairy herds havt ,he nroeecntlnn n, th. a-, n, Also championship and a grand chani VVvTV'm V I . . r """J uu mvr opinion of at Mr. Futlerton's disposal there would three expert alienist, and poeslbly not have l)en a different .tory to tail, end tna ,dma,hl, wIdwL, & , Advertising rates made known on appli cation. Legal notices 23 cents per line, CIRCUIT COl'RT OFFICERS : Thomas A. McBridb ..District Judge G. I. Hhdc.es.... .-District Attorney COUNTY OFFICERS: R. S. IUttak, JmlRtt... St. Helens W. A. Harris. Clerk St. Helens martin v HtTR, Sheritf .St. Helens Caspkr I.iuki., Commissioner. Mist H. West, Comm'r.. Scappoose Edwin Rass, Treasurer..... St. Helens A. T. Laws. Assessor ...St. Hrlen. Wn win-.- ,,A .hi. i I r. . wwiwo. viw I. H. Copkland. school SnDt.:..HouitoB IIT .l "J.. . 1 , 7.. J . .I" been a model prieoner and baa F"P ' rank r pavnr ; ' o.:.. "e. rnu r rases anu adhnrad mn.t.i.nfi. . u. .. Second on aire cow. - WU1 , .t.,suMi i. . a e a t vsV v utaj tUM IWIT w..., , rapP carrieu away t M 4,w , we t b M the grea est honor, at the fair. Mr. ,od Mrs. Ayre. He ha. excited J rrea Frakea winina tho hnt tt wltl. hi. I . . . .. S,wl SEPTEMBER 27. a . Il....r ..... v.. " " Fair. Frank B. H. R. Curr, Coroner..........St. Helens X.- THANKS. The Mist fa In. receipt of a printed communication from Walter J. Ballard, boosting William Howard Taft for the presidency. It would take about two columns of this paper's space, but that la no objection, as Mr.- Ballard informs us that he makes no charm?, except that he desires five free copies sent to his ad dress in Los Angeles, California. This ia such an extiemelv modest Fern receiving the award aa the best baby bulL Columbia county should never fail to have an exhibit at the' State Fair, but we trust the county court next year will appropriate a sufficient sura to enable the comity to be properly represented. THE INCREASED criminologists wno nave interviewed and examine! bius, and no doubt hit trial will b of interest-o those who make crime and criminal a study. Following 1 th re port in full: Portland, Or., July 19, 1007. Hon. Thomas A. Mc Bride, Judge Circuit Court. Dear Sir Your medical commission. appointed to examine into tbe mental Second on age cow, First on two year old cow. First on senior yearling heifer. First on senior calf. Second on aame. First on junior calf. First on age herd. First on breeders' herd. First on calf herd. Second on get of bull. First and third on product of cow, This is certainly a magnificent string of winnings, aud it shows that Mr. West ha some ot tbe finest Jersey stock In to their greatest speed. The Kellogg covered at least 13 mile an hour. Contain Krusti wa In command of the Hellogg and Captain llooghkirk the Iralda. Though the steamers are owned by the same company, the skip ! persand crwe of each boat had anxious ly awaited an opportunity to engage in a speed contest. Each side- was positive that their vessel would make the better showing, From the start the Kellogg took the lead and held It, although it was all she could do. Running; close to her heel for the first twenty mile th Iralda came puffing like a greyhound. The passenger cheered and the crew shouted. There was no slacking of speed on account of narrow channel or shoals. Steamers headed up stream gv the contestant full right of way After 20 mile had been covered the Iralda began to loose out, but she con tinued at the fastest pace of which she wa capable to the end. On reach ing a faint opposite Rainier the Kellogg slackened her speed and made it known . . I . . . . I nt twtaata Jt tl.A C..t V. !. I . I JttATfia sppointed to examine into tbe mental L. ..." " J'r sioc. m whw rival that the latter had more condition of Albert Oleman. alteced to "e united states. In Uct, when rich thn met her m.teh. The o Under date of September II, Mr. R. j have committed a murder, have made HP"n f Ihe United Slate arruiwmt w th, iubject. a the truth Barker, general manager of the Be- repeated examination for th.i i V """ or wc' lMlt represents o ru. it.tmet ... r-.dii- .amiit.!. ... T I . .. . I. .. . - r-ll t (f . Lwvlrl,.. 1 . . " . .uumcrvoaipan.Tav l rescou. wooee DOUl In the Chanter, at th. r " -s ""7 that we have no doubt manv cooutrv I mill has the lartrest output of any in the I Court for Mnttnnm.h ,u. . - I wwwassa WW WMU 1(1 UV editors in Oregon will comply with it. county, writes to the Portland Timber- jail where he is now beina- held for eoa- main tssi fVll l.-viatB a I it . ing Jerseys Mr. West over, could Mr. Ballard happens to be one of those I man as follows unselfish patriots who imitate Happy Hooligan by butting in at every possible opportunity for the purpose of telling tbe common people bow the affair of thi country should be conducted and just who should do the conducting. He speaks in the positive mood, and assures us that: . - ' Without doubt the strougest and most suitable available man before the American people for election as Presi dent in November is William Howaid Taft, nominally Secretary of War. but really representative at large of Ameri canism in all its best phases and tnibt-1 dace lumber Prescott, Ore., Sept. 11, 1007. Tne Timbsraian : In reply to yonr inquiry of the 6th iust.f regarding the increase in the luisteni rail rate, will say that it means just this: If we are obliged to meet tha difference in rale by selling our lumber for that much less, we will be obliged to close down. Hoping that tbe proposed increase In rail rates will not go into effect, I remain, Yours truly, BEAVER LUMBER COMPANY. R. F. Barker, General Manager. flnement. Counsel on both tide have also secur. ed for ns witnexe poaseaecd of knowl edge of the life, characteristics and physical condition of the defendant. prior to the time of the alleged com- Oregon . v.iuiv, iuu wo navw also had under advisement hi confession to W. H. Powell of tbe prosecution. We would therefore respectfully sub- mil me lollowing: took all tha spare, Oregon I coming to tbe front In fact I already to the front- the leading stat in the breeding of Jersey, and such men as Mr. West have contributed much to this reputation, which is an asset that i worm a vast amount of mona to NEHALEM BRIEFS 1. Wa h1iswi that nt.t riAM.. i. I nrscun uiiii seem to oe a ivor- capable of aniniatin. th. i .., Indian rammer is with u. The beautiful salmon, which has made The Joseph Kellogg pile between Portland and point on th CowliU, while the Iralda goe no frther than Rainier. So, on arrival at the Utter towp, the race wa necessarily brought to a conclusion. Among the boat which have been noted for their pci operating from Portland are the Tele graph, Telephone, Charle R. Spencer. Dalle City and Bailey Catxert. From now on it i claimed the list will have to include the Kellogg and Iralda. The latter wa recently rebuilt and en larged She I not much more than half the sue of th Kellers-. Accord. l!!lSiliMLILf! TENTH AND MORKISON STREETS, PORTLANQl r-O A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL. at. rHieAt. dent to a xsllloii a amm a couipetent. Quality I our molto, aiJl7.'lt thoroiurh work brinif us over 100 call Her month km Kducate for sucvess Iu a sliort tliut and at total! eipenae, and . i to a position a ikw a competent. Quality I our nioltL thoroiigh vrotk bring us over 100 call per month fur office hsla. JZT structlon Insure rl4.l progreea. W teach th loose leaf, th TasraTr voucher aud other uiotlerq ntethinl of bookkeeping. Cliartlt Ul. writ today. Reference! any merchant, any bank, an a.. . ' ' any merchant, any bank, any awpstarT! C. T. 1'lSKHCOlT i:. K, QUICK. Tun Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO, Abstracts Mas. Titles K.vaminhd Non-Kksidknt Taxks Paid Rkal Kstatk Loans, kc I St. Johns!! St. Johiisll A GILT EDGED INVESTMENT! Situated between the rivers, with deep water fronu on all siJes, surrounded and crossed by five transconi Mental railways, it must become the manufacturing si stopping center of Portland. MONTHLY PAYROLL toO.OOOl Invest now, you will double your money in to yew H. HENDERSON 103,',' Philadelphia St St. Jobns.Orm, iJuujLuuuurini)rrrsr irTrrsTsTrvrnrnrrrr v.L.f .... liner tt Kmb i akj. 1 U. .... ... 1 ably situated a. an, in the countr. It o.,"."7 ZT" V,V Mma'- " "'"' to "7tr , " " V"' WWHK'r i.n...j ,. . r . r wmcu ne may oe mate wieir appearance. Hundreds of " " wnumuia rivers. ,;,. . " h ww w iutuisu uiem ana mousanas or trout are being ed a, fully ty the American oeonle a. h. snr mill on tb. Commhi. Riv,,' Tr ih I Z-TZ, necessary I caugnt every day i net Ue recent rain. Sl'MVSS is by his commanding officer, the Presi- new rate com Del it to cloaedoa-n it mn.ti I Robert McNeely 1 chief engineer at 'llT"!""" e ut ol ot tr j . .. i. . "i are mennea in hiiva th.ti.i.. ,i ,,, i.. iiiir, "ui.. I be assumed that all Uim ml, n,in. in L. , .. .. . i" ajw mm. to w ion, t.uiuii1 - . j u.v ue capabh of completely reallslnc tha It is hardly complimentary to Mr. Taft to say that he is "nominally" Sec retary ol W ar, but we suppose Mr. Bal iara knows what he is talkinir aboat. and that the Secretary's duties in hi new office of "Representative At Large oi Americanism" keeps him so buy that he is able to give but little of hi time or thought to his apoiutive office. "Am ericanism," according to the new cult, seem to mean adoration of the reign ing mmily and all its appanages. Dr. Johnson had bis Bosworth, whose ful some adoration brought discredit upon a really great man and President Roose velt seems to be burdened with the same clsss of parasites. The king can do to no wrong ana everything he toucnes, according to these adulators, is thereby rendered sacred. Mr. Ballard is one M this class. He "crooks the pregnant hinges of the knee" in the hope that "thrift may follow fawning." This is not the "best phase of Americanism." Ihe very foundation of good citizenship is independence of thought. Take that away and we aie no more fitted for self government than are the mongrel races mat innabil the riulippines. It is prob- uie inai uaiirua is a volunteerand that his efforts ia Taft' lhr.U have no nigner incentive than a desire for some of the crumbs that may fall from the iat man's table should he become Pres ident. the county will do tbe same. Prescott ?, r lP bL..r",' lnd, W,tr' believe that he i. Teachers are getting scarce in this part winter. iVfrmUm but Clatskanie, with its large lumber industry, must depend upon rail ship ments slone. It mnst be that th rail road do not care to carry lumber and are making tbe rate prohibitive in order to bave the nse of their cars for other classes of freight. Between tbe car shortage snd tbe advanced rates It looks a if some of the mill of Oregon will be compelletr to go out of business. possessed of at least the ordinary intolll geneeof boys of his years. 3. We consider that he is competent to refrain from the commission of nn lawful or criminal acta If at the time he believes he might be detected and puniabed therefor. He mav be con sidered as a mild or partial type of what is known as a "born criminal," possess ing a he doe in some degree the innate defective appreciation of certain im moral act; but at the same time be is of ths State Nearly half of tha action). in the valley are without teachers. Johnson, the shingle man. has aolJ hi abare in th Xordby A Johnson mill located at Mist, to Walter Turner. Mr! J . will retire from the business for a few uu w visum: wicnigan and way pumu. Jim Mill, lbs hotel man of Mist, is ramingung and loniewhat improving aw noiei Duildlng. Mls Urace Powell bid JNehalem fare well last week. Miss Grace will attend tloimes' liualnes College at Portland tor a lew month. B. N. Llnd, the carpenter, paid Mr. Fred Mulkey's method of adver tising himself as a candidate for United ful'y cognizant of penalty In iu relation States Senator possesses the merit of to crime, and is stronslv imbued with originality. He is sending out a calen- tb 8enM f preservation, and is the I '""d a visit list week. oar, ue principal feature of which ia a j "" ol person who would prove to be a I Emil Messing and Oscar " uuuBuunr .en. ine oest-1 i..cu. , n t,wyiuai or convict I Willi the P. B. & N looking man in Oregon i not afraid to ,n a Penitentiary. Jewell and Oliiev 1 u : . . . . . I A W. L.I I '' 1119 winimenis see mm evervuae. I oeuev mat n tie i m tin, - There is plenty of room on th nl.ni I deceased, a chanred. tlt ii .... I .. . . purchased the but we see nothing there in regard tc i conceal a previou Urceny. or wa L TJ,"1 'Dd Hlatrmnf K 1 Ur.. ... . . tha nmlnrf f . ..u. f " ousilieM. .miu uvrf iiui : i - r.n. w, n rj,Ui, w mvniingDi or 1'Oft- Joiie are surveyors between will retire REGARDING There TAXES And now It is said that the Oregon savings s Trurt Co will sxn resume b'Jsiness at the old sUnd, "bigger and better than ever." Which goe to prove there never wa good cause for it suspension. As a man named Grant once remarked, "The way to resume is to resume." We hope, however, the new dealer will take down that snake sign. It's a hoodo. One Thousand Per Cent are quite a number of tax payers who seem to be fearful that the immense advance in the valuation ol this county means an in;ra in ri,u;r (... We are confident that this U not true .T,,e Pr're of the l.w honestly snd sofar astbeaveratre resdnt r.v,,,.,. vigorously applied to Standard Oil af. aie concerned. Values have leen, on at 'h8 New York investigation, de- lmproved real estate, household goods l"e 'rtling fact that that bug! town loss, etc., in some insiame C0Dcer" MW "e profit of 1000 per cent doubled; but on timber lauds they are in P annon" O" its investment and busi- some cases twenty times as high as last M By de8ree the A"'V secrets of year. The Noriliern Pacific has been ,hl ccursed monopoly, long and jeal- raised to 05,000 per mile atd the As- Sly b,d(Se" lrom he outside world, loriaroadt j30,00O. The valuation of arB Mng d"Ked int0 he open, and me county tnu year will not be les than v Beginning to learn the true 115,000,000 or three times what it was 'nwadne o( the term, and processes of last year. The levy, then, to lalid the ni0,,ern "mmoatlous." It i fast mak same amount of monev. ahouiri t.. 1D! ociaIiU of people who never knew third ol what it was L.st year, or about nor cared 40 know' ,je firrt principles of live mills. Take eight mills, to be safe, ' ana " l", Anericao temper Is and if your afSfSgmeut is doubled your not a,tlet,ie'' misunderstood, there Is taies will be still les than they were g0,n 10 very lateI ''koning for the ... . . J I "f nil Hro" , .ii iaoi var, me remainder beili naid . rwt iw iineve wno mainly by non-reaidout speculators and wantonly and shamelessly ex lailroad corporations. ploited the whole nation all these years, There 1 one n-jint. hw ,... o in uand and doctrine of resenU needs to be guarded, aud tnat is the T"1 not WoP Bt t,le reat types of special levies far road and school pur- ' pursuing the destruction poses. In some districts the full amount f tU,8 Pr:nc'P!a nd pra-.tiee, Ihe re should be Jevied, but in other that is P thIck ,ld ,a8t n the unnecessary, a one half the rate will ng r ,I,e '"ulator, the raise sufficient funds for all leiritiinam pet y loCHl robber. well as his arch- purposes. It should not be lost sight o ' government of the United of, however, that r.o is the tinm m . flte" WM never en8a2d in a work of build roads. Whan the timbur ia off the i c,'arac,er ,han u pursuing lund the burdeu upon the residents will . aDMt of litis tremendous le gremfr than ever. The ti.uUr srP1.. . ol robery' nd ' hoPe of the ulutorhas no interest in the couniv revenge, sucn as usually prompts the criminal, and entertained because of the lack of a full appreciation of the enormity of the crime. 6. He presents none of the Dhviical stigmata of degeneration and is evident ly not insane. 6. In the foregoing comparison of bis mental state we reason from the basi of the average boy of his age. Reipectmlly ubmifted W. T. Wiluamsom William House Akobiw Smith, Medical Commission He i here to t kin it of its wealth and take hi monry out of the state or to Portland.' It in the piirt of wisdom to to limke him contribute' ns hiril . possible for good roads and commodious school houses. , Altentios. Everybody is invited to attend the "Farmers' Iustitote" at Natal October 10. Both day and evening. nation ia that its couraa mv Iu, ,,. that when it is through, there will be I never again, the faintest shadow of . show for the resumption of the blasting niomous. Monopoly is on trial before me world today, and tomorrow we hope to chronicle thedeatb of its infinitely bad qualitie. the wjrst of which have been exemplified by the infamous Stan. Uard Oil Company, whose retentive and remorsels code bs wrought Um HOULTON Mis Ada Schrader Is spending tills week with her parent at Yankton. Burnett and Whitney gave a well at tended bouse party Saturday night. Don't forget the dance at Siwnm.' r . I vpera House next Saturday. Two Immense coast defense sruna w.,,t through here last Tuesday to someplace iui coasi near Astoria. Each gun occupied a whole flat car and was nearly as long st the car. Mr. and Mrs. Dolpb Coy spent Sun day in Portland. John Winter ttopned off her s.n,. day on his way to Clatskanie. aftr . day spent at the State Fair. He ssys the (air 1 tbe best ever thi year. d Hafleger for the bast nnHr... oucus and chicken. Mr.' H. B. Kichola. of Portland i.ir- ed our burg Sandfly. Mis Hilda Peterson left Nehalem last week for Monmotb where tin will at- ienu ins SUte Kormal. Irving Knowles is in a state of deep meditation at present. Mr. Birkenfeld has remodeled and re painted the Merrill bailing at Mist wim-n ue purcnased some time ago, iiemeniber the "Farmer' Institute" to be held at Vernonla, Oct. 9: Natal w. i, rismiawi, wi. n. Kverybody lntereted in gricoltur ihonld it.,.,i This inititute I headed by Dr. Wilhy combe and other of Ihe 0. A. C. Lar Magnuten hss built an ad.iiii,... 10 bis house. We sre sorry to learn that Mr. Dow. manager of the Hazel wood I'aatuerlzlng Want, i about to leave for Snokan. ttr- . ..... r: u. vi maae in future home To rn-v wiMen ilM lv asial dl.n,.t,i in m- u.uo m vn nut ill Orrriiu r ... ii.rvoT r..inirru iu a,uw., ....... llUnl enurl nl mu, u or hlra ..i,ir,!.r Sur. 1 1W7. vhlrh i. .,7.. Z. ? l ". I Ihr ,ki im,-K.t u lb am pipliU, .ii'.n n.u I. L 7Z 1 , " ' .. . f.fI lf .... .... .-.,. .,, i,irim,,nr no nuiiin W lwn sbo. namnl ... rt .. , " "T ibi r,.uu... . : . ,..nwin, court ttrmt M .t.,1 l lh llaaorl,l H. ll.n.u .., ... ilTilf 'n'1",l "h.U .1.7 m( m aiion- Mrnr.vrr ... I r'Z,"-"0 " ! r.uwk.u,, 8UMM0NS KuiKn. I ',jiwl lk,r...i... To i,, (;., !. ,,t ,,,, Mtuif piim nit.) .t .iz.z"' ''.": court n. em,.r.,a ... i ..."'!; ' 'il in hi..h,. ... i r"""" -"i w in nrM bui.ni'.it... .j . ' oov.iMinttUi.hmir.i,.! .i..,r...,. . f??T itch oikcr atM i, . ."'' MAIMIION A M,t,Viy NEW FALL SHOES WaIk....Over...and....Soro$U $3.50, $4.00, and $5.00 They are Better than Ever AH the Good New Patterns All the Old Good Patterns Catalogue will be Snt upon Reque.t KNIGHT SHOE CO., THIRD AND WASHINGTON, r0Tl.ANO. OBC. in n mitmrmmmmwitimitrmitf imrnimtflmw ;THE BIG STORE !D0WN BY THE DIG SAWMILL Receiving New Goods Every Day In the Week. Jfetlee Tor l'lllcatlo (Tlml . . . ... . . . oaiM ,i,v Cm ri"m REUBEN Mr. Anton Wis and Mis Nallla t. turned home from the hop fields Friday. V. Iloven, watchman on U. m. Elder, laid off to visit his family this . ieu wensen 1 watching io hi puce. Assessor's Hotlee ef XMUag of Board er eqaallsaUen. Notice is hereby given that nuon tl.. third Monday in October, to-wit: Octnhr ist, 1W7, tbe Board of Eaualization .in attend at tbe office of the Countv nrfc of Columbia County, Oregon, and public ly examine the assessment rolls and eor. rect all error in valuation, deacriotion. or qualitie of lauds, lota or other prop. "ST- t Dated at my office thi 24th day of A. T. LAWS, County Atsessor. fliiss Kuby Arnold and Vil.. p.. !.--.( . . . . ' uosaira visited Ithelr relative and friends at Woodland last week. Mr. Tempest Clarkf Aberdeen, Wn, Cr wuier anu mother, Mr snd Mr. Antone Wise. Bom-Tothe wife of Albert Lsmen, September 21, 1007, a 9 pound son. T, 8. rettyjobn aud wife, of Portland nave moved to Munvlll. Mr. Pettyjohn "-u.uBu anueuoDle Milling Con,. r-"7 ujiii uu jone creek. Pen I. Dt.L. ... , ... V . .v " PU""K a water will in uooie and Beuben. In Ren 1.. n V. . ,. M....t .. .. is goitiiiK ine water frnm ..lis anu ai uooie lis Intend to brlnir It f.n,.. uivuurf 01 oouie erek. iis Jlttimtait,,., ,. o ,, ...... .. .. 3 !': iVi-iW": ti w ' r 10 1 3 Dart & Muckle. j i St. Helen,, . . 0neai In ou.hil u mnr. v.lual ,1. 7, ViT.i. ? "n DM me tU UntmMm- tb.,,, nay .ihi nil wova-t'Ulim - Hetilnltr, Hl'JIJIO.V.I To receive and pay II V XMi..... a compliment S'rayed-From my premises st Deer ianu, a aara bay mare, weighing be, ana eleven Hundred. I. inrarmauon as to her ,!.... about please notify me. IRWIN SEFFERT, Deer Island. I have money to loan on approved real estate tecurity. W.H. POWEIX, ' auae of o,.. "t?M '.'.- . . lneHt.l.,OfB,,i,, y, . .r.'h "m ' Ihe flr.t .lav of ..! " frl.l.. PDlr lo ih .il,.,.w' pUliillir Kin tha complain,, re"el f'-VoO lor ln Till. Hum,,,,, i,. I. "Kwlved. ordaroMh. lion. 1 In,, a E if!! '"'" lo an Jiidm Ilia alwiv. uohii.' M,; ihsMlhUarof'S'"; '' on juiih DiTciinnitN , flat. nr.! siI,!1atloniViVi','.r yi "'illir. It PUWIcailoa hSASgS I K ' "I SUMMONS """riiu riainuir hwmsol ir",""V "' ''tilo.i.t; In 'I'llred u, apimr ami an,w, h'' r" sxalnst y,,,! ) ,h. ' """?','? .fern W.lnl mt.,i ' Friday ihn llr.i d.V .1 '"i"" ur which lalx wik liiZSZ '. Nuv"lr, uit 1l of II,. lh IW7 lh And II von l.H ,!. "..It."1"" l I lis lllni,,,,,,. 4UHN IIIT('IIUnw I JOB r - at I ill I i : i is our 0i i - 5 wxMnth 1 1 . ... .. . i a I I lllll V ll 11 1 Ml 7 1 I "IK Wfllf'f" III ... , ... ... 2 5 'pnl we ar I do all him on short i J I most t : LL A TBIAl Will PRIWTIWC DUSINES9 beat and most Md Job Print (MQinbia Count j' I L-.-J prepared to v of Printing otice and at easonahle prices CONVINCE RUST aiia.iAtbirnsjLXuUljUtaiti 1 I A