The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 20, 1907, Image 3

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in Rom. CotomM Count Buk
ii wt v r. kt
icaunlnud WIMB mum vtrant
AMtMor Uwi U puicbMl o( Jud
t a Moor black 8, City of ft. Itettnt,
coatiitlnf ol loU 60100, th purch
arte Ula iw '' w
Lk It bit lulu now, nd will MA
i resldenc thr nd otkril Iwprov
U M loon Circttltttuiacn win perwu,
w. -i..nt tad bt wy la KirwMd
uatr It lo bur Unit or money rtlf
CluW County tank.
r-At frappoo, Oregon, on Hep-
iuahar 14. 1WM. MOW vm., " ""-I
tatd B rrt, mima mm nwii
ngatd wm bora la Brookl County,
KM, OB IUiy I, Iswve. "
View 0 coaaiKiwu i -
1 ..... I SIm. Yam
Davie of wrrB. suf,a,
,,.rrh WM 8114 IO WBOWIOH aa "S-
ctMnl Mil w0 Bumotjr oi insnu.
Mm w wi ri i" """"f
MiM Klttli Moon rcii nrtt prt
... . M l- . - . 1.- . . .11 I- ..i
I Uw own rur wr m bto uwhj
Bor-Spfnibr 4th I SOT, to Mr. Bad
Kit, S. naiMr, oi whwi
Mr. C. N. GaW, ot Narrow, llanwy
CwBly, waa vlalllng nn oiu irwnn oara
Tb steamer Pronto, Captain Ed Watt,
a a L
at taken too ABiaricB t piaco npon n
Wiliatoctl otoOKB row.
prof. Allan, wbo baa bora togfd a
iaclpal of our ptibll Ktwoi, waa in
Wednesday In Morcn 01 living
Htin, (Know isfgiua oam ww iruuj
ant Slonda ro pwtn oev avw.
Ur. . ft. Mile, wbo la In St. Mary't
loipiul at Portlond, waa operated npon
Uat TtKoUr. tm oprrauun m rrporwa
aim been mccoomui ana it w tnougui
if ill toon recover ni neaito.
Ur. Klrner Duncan, wbo loat s groatat
pvt of bit root in mtpng camp acci
nt nscentlr, M aull at in nt. Ilaian
koUl. aodar trantnwnt, owl M rapiiur
katavrlox and ill toon M abM to raaoma
Vim Bertna Kin t(t Wdnday for
ktr Domain Fremont. Ktbnuka. mm
Um baa barn Honrnlnx W. Ilawna
mnrai moama for iua mmii wi
kcalth. bk-b baa bB I watly imnrorwl.
ta4 tba tatrw4 a bop ol rtturninc at
i lutur lint, ilar hionda bar will
brtaaacd to bar bar I top roaiiiM.
Ktr. Aaa Sltalh will praaen at llonlton
Mit Babbatb . M. BB4 at M. liawna in
On molnt.
Far 81 A tract ol t men ol ttm-
btr. at a tow?iMtc II takan tB.
Columbia Coontv Hank.
Ur. and Mr. A. T. Lftw an.l Ml
Xtllt Ur want In Rlnlr5lunu lor
U onr Kuntiay viaii wun rvwuna.
Black lord, ol Clataknni, alartod
Komla lor B lit to tkMton, nlaatacbn
MtU, wber b iprOM W pur uia
aangtitrr in tb Mount Ida aawinarr, on
l lb Itailina InMltoUon ol tb Kurt.
Whit away tb udc will vUit bi rain-
lira in Illlnoia.ntttrniu In about on
turn lb.
IUr yon loat 25f Mr. M. C. Gray
ka a bucket book containlnc tnal
mount, whkb aa lell in iu awn.
Oantf ran bar tb tarn by proving
pronrty ana paying V) cnt ror idw
Ur. and Mr. Jacob Oorg ntrlaind
krre party ol young propt Uat Friday
tnaing. fir l!uuiir4 wna lb gam.
Dtliciou rvlrmhnirnta wr arcd.
Rrr. F. 9. Gray, ol I'lttoborg. Pnn-
trlranla, at on tint paator ol tu
Epdcopal Church ol Ht. lUlana, la tb
tacit ol Mr. II, R. CltO. at IMir ocaaiua
eotUge. wbar tby will rawaip Boont
tradava btlora latnrnlntl born to ol.
Ur. Jama Muckl. ol Portland, wa B
Titltor to bit old hoin In ht. Ilalcn tbia
Lulgi Rom ico, tb ganUnet who top-
Vlci HI. HeUn and Houlton with gren
IMxla, hM dacldwl to put out about Ibre
kunilrcd arana root ol arltlM b b-
lltntuut auitad to thla viclnlly.
tlw Ullrm that tba nnall (trip ol rocky
land anrroundlnn St. Illni. witu
Mtcha ol wry lertlla Boll , lll produc
toad anricota. and in tb nar tutor -
pitci to axperimant with that iruit.
Mrt. Ood(rt la under medical treat'
Bent at Fortland.
EdJauw and Qeo. F. Moock, Jr.. ol
JUInler. wer 81. IK-lena vlallor laat
nttnrday, preparatory to a Sunday
hnntlnif in tba duck 'lake ol Sauvle
Mr. L. Deckw hataccaptad tba agncy
Ol the Biltiler Rlaam Laundr. All Ot-
den lutruitnd in him will racel orontpt
Utentlon. Tb Rainier Unnrtry la
Columbia Count Inatltutlon and w
bom our peonl will civ It lblr patron
age, eapcclally at It it dolug aiceueni
work at reatonabla rate. Meaar. Le
Hudton. tba nmnrlator. liar 0Vr
twenty thouMnd dollar inveated In tbit
tnterpriae and vry thouMnd give ui-
ployuient to a reiUlent ol Columbia Coun
ty, they now havlrnr a lore ol about
twenty uv peraont nggrt.
Mr. J, B. Qodlroy I boy thl wk
boking tlx aucMUient ol St. Halent,
placiog property at it lull caih vatu
id you ought to bear torn ol them
tick, iu wonderful how tb Tlu ol
inoda Rhrlnkt when th BMtuor callt.
Mra. Mildred J. WatU hat filed In tht
dcrk'e office a new addition to tli town
ol RcappooM, to be known at Watt' ad
dition, competing block 7 to 11 In
tlmlve, Mr, Qeorsa Plane, who lor th pt
ywr haa aaalatad In tba Ulat offic it
It yon don't kiww thii tu b
foi I will prova it to you. Yon
od nutavun buy n aook until
yon tr eoiivlnoiHl.
Strayed Front my preuiltet at Deer
laiann, a dark bay ware, weluhlnir l.
twn ten and eleven hundred. Anyone
oaring information at to her where-
about pla notify me.
Deer laland
Sl milci of the Maatm logging road
i bora couplet,! and Mr. Maaten It
now waiting on tit pile driver to drive
u piling lor hi mllway. When that
1 completed everythlug will be ready lor
boaiueM ana logging operation will be
begun at one. Tb tint low nut Into
tb water will b lor tb Pattern and
Wtro and will be over on hun
drd feet In length. Such Iok are worth
bout (Igblecn dollar per thouMnd and
ar yery tcarc. Tb lumber buaineM 1
looking up again. Prtcea ar turner
M tber It Bior luiiuiry, to it Ueipect-
a(cniptnd uillla will be able to
run tedlly through th wittier, and a
lb harm! la about over, thcr thould
be bo trouble In tccurlng good help.
Mi Lulu Ueorge took the A A C. lor
Qulnrcy but Saturday evening, where
ah baa oven engaged at pi iuclpal ol the
public achool. Tb diatiict la a joint
on with Urge attendant-, tbetn being
two Uacher betide Mim Ccortte.
Money order at on bail price at the
Columbia Connty Bank.
Fir it goad tervant but bad maater.
I your property I mured? II not,
Whit It Aodrtaou, at Houlton, wbo are
resident agent lor th German Ameri
can laaurancw Company, ol New York;
oooi tb firat companies to pay 8 m
Franciaco loan in lull. W alto have a
Notary Public at our atom and ar pre
pared to take car ul all kind ol Notary
Word baa been received Itom Sheriff
Wblt to tb effect that hit mother,
wbo UtncM called hi in Kul, ia much
Improved In health. It i expected at
tb court booM that th aberifl will be
bom In lew da .
A Columbia county wan, on Johu I,
Snyder, ha earned place In legal hit
lory by beginning auit agalntt the South-
era Pacific railroad company to ewnipel
tbern to tell blm a tract ol 100 acrea at
th price ol J.30 per act, at provided
by the tame ol tbir grant from the
United State. Snyder filed on the land
nly 30, but, and tutweqnenlly tendered
th railroad company fWO in pavment
lor th quarter lection. Tb offer wat
refuted, and fr'nyder now eeckato rn'orc
the Ml ol th land by the company for
conrtdrratton ol 3.80 an acre, acconling
to the term ol tb grant by which Con
grcM trnferrl about fl,W,0l0 acre ol
land to the corporation by the acta ol
April 10. m, nd May 4, 1870. The
pa pert wer ervd on therailruad people
lat Monday, and they will be required to
niak an appearance when th United
Stale Circuit Court I convened on the
(Irat Monday in Oct jber. A. W. Laflerly
la Snyder' ttomey.
Ooen an account with thl Bnk and
draw check Iu payment ol your tilla.
It give you Handing in tb butlneM
community, and you hav receipt lor
tb payment mad aaid from the re
celled bill. Columbia County Bank.
Mri. J. W. Tinkbam, ol w arren, oat
brouirht to th Mitt offic tptciroent ol
poutoea raited by her that we believe
ill compare lavorauiy w" 7
hav teen thl y. mey are ov.
.h..-J. t verv larue tire, and witu very
ahallow e,--Jutt tucb aa the economical
boutcnif like lo purehato.
The TeleBraob Company hat begun the
work ol pnttlng In new polM ,0 take the
plac ol lb rotten old tnK that have
to long been a menace to life ana
in thl community.
Now England Supper.
The Udi' Aid ol St. Helen will give
a Nw KngUud Supper at the Matomc Thuradav evening, oept.
will be terved from i to nine
oolock. After wpper old time game
will b playwl. and a general goon me
laaMured. A cordial tnviiauon
tended to all. Supper 25c.
' OregonVFruit
Al lb nqoeil ol the Oregon Develop.
PfM.dent oltheStnt ,M - HU-
cnllnr. hrt0oniirnej i .----0
a .tatemcnt ftbout
OB l.un-n-M " - -- .,... I-
Orgr,nfralttl.tnonni m- v -
v . Lnu, m t ha tonaue ol
yry imigu'
in excel. In fruit. Proof i Be-
u". Mra the cknowiegeu
caute t-r -r, - Mahmt
....l.r I nf the WOriU, ow"B b---
j . n .ri.aml Berlin.
,i.t.l nrunot.
"Her peri O'"'"'"' " ', .
.t!:..lLJu.hava a national np-
other .ectlon of the uuiteu mm
V........ iu.,i nature hnt K'
Sr.funntifu. color, Arm text.
I ..Haiti (til nil Villi
. "."Lolthe eomlitlont."
W le auv,,."B-
Wher) to Pay-
(Bill concluded)
J R l'ftllai,.,. ,,
J PHhw.lcy
P Hemphill
0 OutUfaon ,
3 Builth
M Chrltlenten
A J HoUliklM
Iltiuian A Son ,
H Chrlttenton ,
Chat Mnlmtten
A M Norih.,,.. r ,
R. I). 3.
0 Zimmerman
11, I). 10.
C LConyert..,, ,
Scott Hull..
R. I). 11.
V IS Elliott ,
10 35
20 33
0 63
6 08
IS 75
4 05
30 00
8 10
18 00
27 30
37 60
20 75
Ilronghlon 4 Wigging m 45
Following Mlla wer ordered paid out
oi lUt fundi of the respective diatrictt
If. D. 8.
Walert j3 00
K 8 Faaou 80 00
B 1'lne 67 fit
W Campbell 9 00
K tjmiili..., $3 33
O Zimmerman ...... 13 07
WAMuIntyr , 10 40
llruc Ktuinn U 12
O Walther io 03
R Jiltrlca... 12 78
8 Kilviu. 10 03
E Walth.-r I IK)
W Water ". 11 30
TatumARowen 14 02
Krlck Morton 40 78
P A llul....
57 50
07 00
40 50
30 07
38 00
35 00
S5 00
37 20
50 00
44 00
24 00
27 00
22 00
E R Hyde
K S Fon
8 I-amiu.. ,
R A Smith .
R. 1). 4.
P Mvtlinger
Wm Mellinger
U M Bet-gliley
Wm Pi ingle
A L Parker
UlidiTroill .
Willie Pilngl,..;
3.1 00
33 00
7 00
43 00
20 00
20 00
65 20
2 25
1 50
6 00
27 50
11 00
21 05
13 80
10 28
15 00
8 00
4 50
0 50
1 75
20 00
a oo
10 00
10 05
17 25
00 35
47 00
10 05
148 25
40 00
33 00
40 34
120 37
71 80
17 12
130 25
12S 75
57 50
40 26
47 60
W Paikr
A Wool
J I) Hull
I) Mil
V 8 Melll ger
11 nirp...
D S- nun ,
R. I). $.
A J WikatroM
W A Mclniyi
A VanHoUh
K Muter
J F Hire.
O R IlvJe
Chat Hunt -
R Jl lt.lM
Ueo F Hyde
W A Mmchett
E I Dnponl P. N Pwd Co
McCntiley. .,
R. D. 10
U Fither
A M towe
Ola Nelton
K Wood
E L Cunyer
W Q John
II Rico ...
0 Johiiaon
F Rice
Tichenor Co..
A M Lowe
F Uwltton
A Erickwm ...
0 A Kelty ...
(ieo Mitter.
C Nordin...
Oeo Dalley .........
A Kttntuian
110 CO
70 00
4 25
C J Johnton
K O illarkford
K. I). 12.
J Hendlund..
120 00
M Crittenden...
172 50
WoxU-r 128 00
RD 13
A IVtt rson "
J A Ynn.
15 00
Vane liurt....
21 25
.... 32 60
.... 27 50
.... 25 00
.... 15 00
tlto Fither.....
Al Mellit
.... 0 87
L Hlntt.
TP Burl
.... 20 02
.... 13 75
.... 15 00
.... 23 75
5 60
F Banter
Ed Lyon
F Peterton
I Aldridg
W Deed
.... 7 60
.... 10 00
.... 15 00
F JPeterron
Clans Meeting..
.... 10 00
.... 20 00
.... 202 60
N D Petenon...
K Mill.
It D 15
20 70
A Lniuion
ii 1 Wllmin ..........
24 30
20 25
10 13
15 75
W M Duggtn.
0 Dent.,
J D Hall.....
15 75
Hoy Tocker
15 88
18 00
6 75
13 60
U 03
17 50
6 25
2 85
T B Mill
j Kdliolm
Will Palmer
A Sword
P Hergerton...
Wm Dngglni-
Attention to tuiuor detail hat contrib
uted largely to the weees. of thl insti
tution. Columbia County Bank.
I have money to loan on approved
rele.tateKcnrity.w H roWELLi
St. Helen, OreRon
Syrup of White Tine and Tar, the old
reliable eough remedy. For al by A.J.
America's Greatest Weekly
Toledo Blade
The Ikit Known Newinaper In th
United State.
In many retnecti the Toledo Blade ia
th moat remarkable weekly newt pa per
pub) lulled in th United State. It ia
the only newtpaper eapecially edited for
nuuonai circulation, it naa naa tne
largett circulation for more yeare than
any newipnper in America. Further
more, it la the cbeapeat newtpaper in th
world, aa will be explained to any pei-eon
who will write ut for tcrma. Tbe Newt
of the World to arranged that buay
people can morteaaily comprehend, than
iy reading cumbereome colunina of
dailie. All current tooict made Dial a in
each ittue by tpecial editorial matter
written from inception down to date.
The only paper publiahed eapecially for
people wbo do or do not read daily newt-
ptpert, and yet tbirat for plain facta.
That thia kind of a newtpaper ia popular,
it proven dv tne lact mat tne weekly
Blade uow baa over 180.000 yearly tub-
tcribert, and it circulated in all porta of
the United Statet. In addition to the
newt, tbe lllade publiabet tbort and at-rial
tloriet. and many department! of matter
tutted to every member ot tbe family.
Only one dollar a year.
Write for free apecimen copy.
Toledo, Ohio.
The Blade and Mitt fl.25 per year
for a abort time. Take advantage of
tbit great offer.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Or
egon in and for the County of Col
umbia. Charles 11. Fleck, plaintiff
Vera F. Fleck, defendant
To Vera F. Flock, defendant.
in lb name ol tlie Mute ol Oregon,
you are hereby summoned nd required
to appear in the above entitled caute
and amtwer the complaint of the plaint
iff in tbe above entitled stilt on orlx-rore
tha twenty-eighth dnyof September,
11107. or judgment and decree for want
ol an answer thereof will be taken
against you In accordance with tbe
prayer of the complniut. The pnrpoe
of tliia tuit it to obtain a decree of abso
lute divorce in favor of the plulimfl
rgalnst Ihedefendunt.
The date of tlie order of publication
of tbia anniinon it August 14th 1IH)7 ami
the dnt of the Oral publication tliereol
U Augoat 10, l!K7
Altornev. for 1'lailtttfT I
In the Circuit Court ol the Stale of Oregon.
ror Inecouniv oi iiuhuh
ThnmanC. Tbonipaon, plalutm
Rnnadeite M. Tbompmn. defendant.
To ihe aim? uaniiHt delvtidaut:
111 III name Ol Hie eiaie w urcTiw. jwu
KrMliv noilli.1 and required lo appear herein
on or belurt tbe lt'ih Jo ufOcl. HOT toamwer
the complaint Hied airalnrt rou In the abort
aniltled court and eauw. II you do not appear
aud anawer by that dale th pUlntlfl will ai.ply
to tlie court fur a divorce Iruiu you aud lor
enteral n-uei. ..... . ...
Thla mi iu num. ! published by onW of Hon
ornl.lo K. H. Ilallan. Judue ol tut) I oiint.
Conn of Orenon lor Columbia Co mi. n,del
Chamta-n on the tlilnl ilay ot Kcpi.-muer, l'.K.
Ilrectlna the pntiiieatiou oi inn :ni oi ,o
Ihe Olcaon lllil lorlirollwci:uv
tflnntllt oo lle mo nny o, peiHPiiHwr, ..v
ii.. r.l...l iu Ihe onler diiaellnx tula loiu-
Iicatioli l lx eell and Ihe dv on which yoj
lit, ml appear nefein ia uio iav ioiimii.a
plratton ol tlx weeka Iroin the ante ol Ihe nrxt
publlcallou bereol. ...- ,lnunw
Attorney lor Plalntilt.
Notice for Publlcallou
leirtmenl of Ihe Interior
Lauii Olhce at Porllaud, Oregon, September,
that Atevinder Aeak.
ot Yankton. Oreaon, li. Hied nnilee of hit In
tention to make ttnal commutation prool In
. m n. ut. .I.lm wl. ItmnAKtend I
No. Taw made ep. . ItOtforihaeE! a
.n KVkii awl, tw nKW K RWt tee and
...... . - .m ...... a n.irfh Kanea
3 iwl aud tJiat aaid prool mM be made beloro
the Itetnaier and Receiver at Portland. Oregon.
on October i. iw. . .,
He narnaa the lollowtn wllneaaea lo prove hl
eonilnuoutraaldeuee ujhu aud rulllvallou ol
''c'nTImna. ol Yankton, Oreaon: Robert
B...k'.. ... v.. At.... ,m.i..u JiMU'nh I11IHI1.
of Yaiikton, Oregvm; Leopold Dupont. ot Y auk-
tou. Oregon. ...., n.D
AI.liAn.oii i'm..
Western ffleat Market
; Ed. Hafliger, Prop.
Carrie. complete line of Ireth and cured
Our own brand kettle rendered lard alwayt on hand.
Symptom of It are Seen Daily
Rubbers, Rubber Caps, Coats and Shoes, for Old and Young, Men and Women
Keep Dry and be Well
Keep Cool and do Well
Houlton, Oregon
Undk-rtaak. and Emkalhxm
Uetrw for funcrali at all polntt on river and
rail, fbouaat ourexpaua.'
Osteopathic Physician
Ceniultatioa fna
t Perry' Raw
Houm 3D to p. m.
Boutlon, Or
Steamer Iralda
C. I. HooghUri, Matttr.
Leave Rainier dallr (ricct4 8on4iT) (or Poit-
lnil. ni A. U.. deuartlna from Ht. Helena at I
o'clock. Kelurnlua, leav fortland at 2:39 P
u., arrlvlnc at at. Uelent U
Passeneers and Fast Freight.
Columbia County Bank
Does General Banking
Principal Corretpondenta: First National
Bank, Portland, Orej Hanover
National Bank, New York.
Wm. M. Ross, Proprietor,
To All IVrwin. Cirned,an to the leaal
voir, a unw avoiallr realtime in iwappooM rre-
cluct. Ciiluuibla loun:y, buie ol Oregon, In
Ymi au'l each of ron will take notice and you
are ltereliv nutlHed that 1. F. A. Blackwell, will
mi the lilh day ol October, li-OT, aiply to the
Honorable I ounly Lourt oi tne niMir 01 roii
ill and lor the Countr ol Columbia, lorallcene
to wl Kviltnoiia, vinous and malt liquora and
anil lHr,L..niMl rifir In leav nuantitieM than one
rallou lor a period ol one yer. at Beappooae. in
H,.ppnowi l-reeluct,.iiintlaCouutj staieol
Oreieon: whicb appuratiou win i aupponeo
aud bi.e,l uon the followina; Mt(llon, lo-wit:
Iu the l ounlv Court ol Hie aula ol Oregon
for the County "1 Columbia.
In ihi. mailer of tll ADDllcatioB ol F. A.
Biaeknell lor a l.leen to Hell i)irlmou, Viu-
ouk and Mail LtMiiora and Fermented cider Id
Qiiaulllle. than one Gallon, at XeapiMoae,
In Hcappooae fraeiuct, Columbia County, IS law
olOreiou. pET,TIOS.
T0 theHonoral.leCouuljr Court of Columbia
Counir, State ol Dreg u: '
We, the uiiocr.lsiied, eomprlstnir an actual
majnrltTol the hole number ol leaal voieraol
Mcppooe PreclnK. Columhia county, Stale of
nr.,"nn ami uho now reid In and have
ctunlly resldwl in aaid 8,-a,ipooc I'reciuct lor
more lhaii thl.ty daya Immrdlaiely preeedlnK
theilaleolilguinir.niine aim preaeniaiiou oi
Oil. petition, hereby reDcct(ully pettllou thla
Honorable Court to eraat to F. A. ttlackwetl a
iimlu i.,aii ar.irltooua. vinoua and malt
'in lorn aud lemieiited elder ii, le ,uantitiea
thau one f allou. at BcappooM In iieapiwoae pre-
elnei. Columbia vouuiy suiw oi vrep,u, lor a
""lleo1 Kl mtSil" Pete Blackwell, W C Pool, C H
Fleuih, Ueo Wlel. Tom Callahan. Clnda Somer
) H Flrn, V II Hl.hop, V J Lyman. W 8 Wlet
0 H Miilor. K T Ooro. R A Nc Kay, Due 8et-
-i... i. O.Ih n J WhitH. P 1.
Chaney. K. V Baleta. 1 J Morgan. John Ro. D
E Freeman. K C Smith, Tlion cioninirer. uw
ey, F R Adama, o L Kuudle, 8 M W 'lejt, , C. H.
v..Ai.u. idB umiiivton. Jun Roerle. B Bartell
ii n.iiinakv. 14 D McKae. T L llroiey A D
Monro. Ii Kewmau. J C Wirth. A Andenwn.
r w Urani. J ZeiKinun, Jnliul Shoenburg. Carl
Oranat. K LtinaA-t, L Muller. 7 Kallahan. D. A.
Smith. P IxiuslKUont. Ii L Lounlgnoni, M Han
ion. tl lliptolt John Eltenbltie. W wll1'm.1
Ed Crawlor.1, Paul Petcrasn, R M Mianachy.O
Uua.Ceo Ciraut. Frill Kammeyar. Peter Maaert
II II Sicrckn. 11 Schmidt. J D McKay. A E Buck,
U Newman. W I. Hotly, K E Morrla. John iesl.
Henry Uwn, A H Larsen, 0 C Johniwd . Bvrou
W Brown. Harry lloyer. A M Yieat. Jew rose,
Geo Calktna, J B Duncan. L Long. W K Jone.,
F M Brauey. J M Blcbanllnn, Jeo Howard. Burt
Bonnett. Pal Cooper, J L Sanborn. J Johnaon,
W O Jeta, at Bacnelder. W K ittevena. t Rabin
.. ill.. 11 11 E C Hon, E
M (ilbba. L Brown, B 'Haa. emau, E W Wleat,
Chat C Troxell, N Hill.
meat. Try our home cured bacon
Carrie a Complete Line of
Dry Goods
Flour and Feed
Fancy Goods
In fact, everythine nauallr kept in a first
clat General Merebandiee Store. My
price will be found aa reasonable aa any
ttore in Colombia Connty. Yonr trade
In thl Circuit Court of the Mate of Oregon In
aud lor the County of Columbia.
Anna B. Bchennerhorn, Plaintiff
Bvron J. Mchermerhorn. Defendant
To Byron J. Bchermcrhom, delendant.
jn tn name oi ine niaie oi urcnuu jnm are
hereby aummnned and reUlrel to appear In
tne aoove eillllieu eaose aim answer me com
niaint of the nlalniift in tbe above entitled ault
oo or neiore ir,e iweniy-eianm uy u. ocwm
ber I9U7, or jndgmeot and decree for want of an
antwer thereof will be taken agalnat
ron Iu
iih the prayer ol the complaint.
euruoae of tbit anit la to
urpoae of thu (Hit ia to obtain a decree of
abaolute divorce In favor of the plaintiff agalntt
Lh dlMtida,it.
Tha dale of Ihe order of publication of this
tnmmona ia Auirutt I4tb IW7, and the date ol
thelirat publication thereof l Augnut 1907.
Attorney! for 1'laiiillll.
In theClrcultCnnrt of Ihe taleof Ongon in
and lor the vuuntyoi voiumuta. -Mary
Moore, Plaiutiff
Nathaniel Moore, Defendant
To fiatbaiilel oore. ncrenoanr:
in ih n.Hi.Af tba Htaia o, oreeon. tou are
herebv aummoned and required to'in
ibe above entitled cauaeaud anhWcrthe com-
Plalut of Ihe Klaiuiin in ll.c above eniiuea mni
on or before tbe J&th day of October, !:)7
or Judnnient and decree for want of au antair
tnereoi will oe LaarH bk.ihm iwm iu .numr
with tha pracr of toe complain'. The pur
noae ol thtc still is to obtiiin adeeree of absolute
divorce In favor ol Ihe plaiutia aguinst the ile
fendant. , 4 .
The date or Ihe orocr ot piiTjii. aiTon oi inn
lummom ia tept. u, I'JOT, and Ihe dale of the
inl publication tliereol l nept. w. rju..
Allornevt lor Plaintiff.
In the. County Court ol Ihe State ol Oregon
or tbe county ot Miuiuoman
In the matter ol thetiuaniiauahip of w alter F.
Scott, a minor,
ii anoearin to this Court from the petition
thl.rir nreaenled and riled br Anna SvOlt. the
Guantiau ot the person and of the estate of
waller r.scotl, a minor, praying ior au onier
of aale of certain real eatiue aituate In Colum
bia Couutv ami Slate ol Oregon, and more par
ticularly d'efri!Ht a folloa. lo-wil: ThewCNt
hall (w) ol the south west quarter aim
he norm eaat onar ter IN F'i) oi the wiuth west
niMrfrfHai.liif Section niuuiMicl thirty I
IX!) In township even (7) North ol K tin ire live
(d) west ol tne Willamette aiunotau. oeioiiituiH
lo aaid waril. aa-1 that 't is lor the best intcrciu
of said ward, and uecewary that euch real
estate should be sold. II I" hereby ordered
thai the next of kiu of tbe Kid uan). an.l all
peraoua Interested in tne aula entate. appear
lielore thla Court ou the -.'no. day oi septeuiwr
19U7. at 9 30 o'clock a. m. ai me court nana oi
this court in Ibe city ol I'orllaud, Couutv ol
Multnomah, orccon. Iheti and lucre lo snow
eatu why an ortier should not le granted fo.
h. .a m ol Koch eataie. anil it is limner oruerea
ihaiacmv nf this order lie luibiilieil at least
ouce a week for four tum-aive weeks Iwiore
the said day ol hearing in the "Oregon Mist ", a
ne'n,per ol general circulation in aaio ioi
umblal'onuty. and state ol Orraon, published
ouce awevk. at si. Helens. Oregon.
Signed MU.r.l. n, , r.ll,
Dated this Slh day of August, 1I7
First pu hlicatlon August 9, 1W7.
auu Union Pacific
UNION DKPOT. ji J-cavea
SPKCIAL for the Eat Daily,
via Huntington l
6:i P. if
sPOKANB FLY K B,;, 6:15 I'
8:00 A.N.
tor Eastern Washing
inn. Walla Walla. Lew
taion, Coeur d'Alene
and Great Northern
for the East via Huntington-
g;lS P. M.,71i A. H
i Dally. Dally.
Lower Columbia River.
Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally, except
Suudav, al 8;uu p. m. eaiuruay so. p. m
.... s.'tnrla and wav landlnat. Keturntrt
leaves Astoria tt 7:00 a. m. dally, except
Sunday. As L. CRAIQ,
Qeneral PattetuTOr Agent. PORTLAND Ore.
Four per cent interest paid
on laving depoiit. Intereet
compounded aemi-annnally,
March 1 and September 1.
W. B. LOTTMAN, Cashik.
Collections Made : Draft Iued
m 'i mmmm, '
Sallowness Transformed
to Dusky Beauty
A dark ikin becomes fascinating
when delicately toft, undertpread
with the radiant glovr which iniii
eatetahealthy. active skin. Robert
ine keepi the sltin refinril in quality,
keeptportsfreefromei't;,'!.' (;ira';e
and ttimulatei the tiny r.ipUlar its to
contribute the color wi:ii.iic!'rmi'n
blonde and bninttteaiiic. Rclvrt
Ine it certain prote ct'on trnin.t t.m,
tunbum and freckles U aj.; i. l-c-fore
expottire fo t-n ot wind.
Spreads like an imperceptible them
of jrauze overskin u f:;c, (urrninj; a
shield itlrr.u'ating and prucning a
i . i . .. . . i ...
In the Clrcnit Court of the Slate cf Oregon, lor
tne tjouniy oi t .oiumma.
Ella Davis, plaintiff.
Robert R. Davit, defendant
To Kobeit K. Davis, tha above named defend
ant: In the name ol thestaln of Ontgon yon are
herebv reonfred to annear and answer to tha
complaint filed against yoo. In the above en
titled suit on or before the expiration ot tit
weeks from thedateof the first publication of
this summons, to-wit: on or before iht 2,ah da"
of October. 17, and II yon fail to so answer
lor want thcrcol ihe Plaintiff will apply to tha
Court lor the relief prayed forli. Ihe complaint,
to-wit: for a vorce from Iht marriage exist
ing between you and plaiutth.
ints summons is putitnto. oy onier ot
Hon. This,. A. McKride. Judee of Ibe Circuit
Court ol ihe Slate of Orecon, for tbe Connty of
Columbta, made on the lath dayol Jnly 19U7,
direcliitit Umt said publication bs maile at least
once asfk for six conecitiva weeks it, the
Orecon Mist, and the date of tbe flrst public
lion oflhis snmmons be made on tht iiun day
ol September, 1'jo?. and that Ihe Inst publica
tion be maue on ine j-un iay "i ucuruer mh.
Attorneys lor Plaintiff
P. O. Address, Portland. O..
Timber Land Xotice.
(Tlnib, r Laud Art Jnne S 1S7)
I nlted state. Land office. Portland Oregon.
April !. I!7.
y..lhe i. Iiereby given that in compliance
tviih tlie prov iiflou nljthe act ol Congress of :
Jiinet. IST entilled An ai:t far the sale of
liit,UTli.n. iu the State of California, Orecon,
Nevada and Wathimilon Territory." aa extend
ed to all I'u'-Itc lknd State by act of AUKiiat
I irJ, Kate M. Cameron of Portland conuty of
Multtioutnh stnie ol orecou has this day tiled
in IhisolfM-e statement No. 7'il, for
the purchase of tlie 6K t of section 33 in
I..wu-hli No. 4 North Kunce No. S West and
uill orti r v. to .how that the land souehi
13 more vuhmMe for its timber or stone than
for agrieullural pnrjwises, and to establish her
claim lo Kild Ian I l.lore Kesrister and Kecelmir
at I'lirttnnd. lrcc..o ou Thursday Ihe 7th day of
Novcnita-r, P.IU7. Site name as witnesses: J.
. Hurkc, Cha. i .iiri.c Ed, Harke, and Jat.
Miller, all ol fortlni. I. OreEon.
Any and all neronis claiming adversely the
slaivu-ile-critiCd Lmds arc retinested lo Pie
their claims in thi o'-ice on or before said 7th
lay ol November. li.
Iiepsrlment of Ihelntcrior.
Land office at Portland, Oregon, Seplemlr,7,
Kotlie is hereby given ihet Tell Sonle of Ver
nouia. Oreeou. has tiled notice ol his Intention
make final five year prool in support oi nia
laim. via: Homestead Entrf No. Illi7 mt'le
A ileum 5, IttfW. lor Ihe KB'1, ol Section li. Town-
hip -l norm ranuei west, anu ioai wm poa'i
II be made before me Kegtster sno Ktecirer
at Port In ml. Oregon n OctotHr 17. 11SI7.
He names the loilowina wunesae to prove
hia contirttiotis residence upon, and cultivation
l, tne ooiu iic: ....
. e. Jone. of Porllsnd. Oregon: C. A. Halm-
sten ef Vernonla, Oregon: t. P Spencer ol
Vcrnoma. Oregon: . V. tiurt oi ernouia.
,resoo. .-.
AtXt C. li . W. n. ysiwts,
. Beglster
I'ullcl Statea IjiuiI Office, Portland. Oregon,
Auitust a. 1:J7.
Kmto Is irtvan that the State Of Ore-
eon ou April .M, lsi. aoplieil tor NW li of SE X
of Section at T.IKKI W and tiled in this
oittce a lirt ft school indemnity sslectiona in
which it selected said land: and that aula list
ia open to the public for inspection.
Ally anil ttll perMHIS ciaimms; a'iverm:iy o
bove described land or any lecal snlaiivlslon
thereof or rlaiminu the same tinderthe mining
laws, or deslrine to show said land to be mora
valuable for minemi than for agricultural pur
posea, or to object to aaid selection for any
.cat reason, should Hie their claims or the r
attiduvitsof ptofest or contest in Ibis office on
or bclorc Iho --Oih day ol Oct. li7
auulkxom . ttse.f-r.K.
N.itice la herchv alven bv the nndersiened. tt
administrator of the estate of John 8. Perry,
dewasvd, that he has Hied in Ihe office ol Iho
Couutv Court of Columbia County , Bute of Or-
egou. his ttnal account and ttnal reiort ot hit
administration upon said ealate. and that the
Hon. R. . H tit tan, juuge Ol saw l onn. nas p
poiuied Saturdav. the ilst day of September,
IW7, at iu o ciock in me lureuwiu mcrvoi h .uv
time, and the court loom of said Court in St.
Helens. Oregon, as Ihe place of hearing said
account aud report; tt which lime ana piece
v person Interested in simi estate may apiwar
aud Ble objections in writing iu saiu accouu.
aud report, or auv part oi eitner ot tne same.
A. (J vpniouiinw.
W. H. Powell, attorney tor administrator.
Peparlmcnt of the Interior.
Laud Oitlce at Portland, Oregon, August 17
Sottce is hereby given that Oust Strom of
Vankton. Oreiron. has Bled notice of hit inten
tion to make Bnal seven ver proof in support
ol his claim, vis: Homestead Knlry No ls7
maueNnv.m. 1JW- ,or tn oi oecwou s.
Township 4 N, Kanw W, and that said proof
will lie made beioro the KeKisicr uud Keceiver
at Portland, Oregon, on October S, 1-J07.
He names tne iniiowins; witnesses io pro.o
his ooiiiluuons residence upon, aud cultivation
of. the laud, via: ..... ,
Gustav tianuoerg ot lanaion, vrcKou, van
8andburg ol Portland, Oregon. Joseph Nitch. of
Portland, Albert ocnwiixer Ol X auaiou vireKVU.
la the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In
and for the Couutv ot Columbia
B. O. Belland, Flaintlft
Anna O. Belland, Defendant
To Anna O. Holland, delendant above named,
IN the name nf the state of Oregon, you are
eby rwiuired toappearand answer the com
plaint tiled against yon in the tlmve enlltied
court and suit by the Kith day ol October, 11)07, .
the same being tno time prescnueu iu tne oruer
tor publication of tlie summons made and
entered herein by the Hon. K. . Hattan, Couu
tv Judue, for Columbia County, Oregon, in the
absence ot kou. t . a. stennoe, jiiiiw '
Circuit Court for and Iu Columbia County Ore
gon; and 11 you fall to aopeur aud answer said
summous .nereii, ,or wan. ,nu.w,
herein will apply to tliu alx.vt nsniwl court for
the relief demanded In said complaint.
Thorelleiueuiiinuea inaHiiioiiiiipiMiii. i. " ;
an order ami decree oi tne anove eiiuucu cu....
to dissolve Ihe marrlsge contract now existing
bolwecn plaiutlft and delendant herein- and lor
such other, further, different and addltlnnsl
rellel as tne auoyu ouurs iuay ireou mw wm
el'ilty. ,. , . v.. ..j . ....
Thin summons is piiousiiuii o oi.iw. .. :
Hon. It. 8. Hattan, County Judge for and tit
Columbia County, Mute of Oregon, in tno
atisence ot tno iton. i. a. sunmis, . "j
the i lrcuin:uiirl ol tha State ol Oregim for and
In Columbm Couutv, ns per order ol lourt duly
made and entered therein hasrd upon the, affi
davit ol plaintiff Hied In sold suit and court on
the 2(1. duyof August. A. D lwfl.
Dateof llrst pnbUuatlon August i, 1907..
Last puWlcation. VTkoiiK.IWK.
iiaHasaanMsasjMilalilintiiaswjiiW r tt 1 ' ' i- -W-1T