The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 07, 1907, Image 2

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Entered at the PoetofRce at St. Helens,
Oregon, at eecond-daee mail matter.
Issued Evbry Friday Bv
Editor and Paoraiaroa.
"SuascaiKtwN Ratks
One rear
Six months .
- .75
AdvertiaJng rates made known on api
Mtinn. Lml notices 25 cenU per U
Thomas A. McBkidk. District Judge
O. In Hkdcbs......... District Attorney
It. S. Hatta, JodRe.... .St. He ens
W. A. HAnniS, Clerk St. Helens
Maktin Whits, Sheriff St. Helens
Cash Libel, Commissioner Mist
M Vl'nr. fomm'r... .-Scappooe
Edwin Ross, Treasurer-....-...St. Helens
a T T.wa. Anesnr.... St. Helens
I H. CnpKLAND. School Supt Honlton
Frank B. PaBSCOTT. Surr Rainier
H. R. Cuff. Coroner St. Helens
j olb rmen s UMUT.
The Oregon lan laments what It con
aiders a change of taste, as evidenced
by C-e fact that out of forty -five attrac
tions billed at a local play house twenty
one are musical comedies, and bat "one
sinerle Shakesperlan performance stsnds
out as a reminder that the public doesn't
want the best, or that the race of great
actors hss died oat." We do not think
iKo nnklu; taste hss changed. The
Sbakespereaa drama, ably interpreted,
has lost none of its drawing power. In
fact, monla will natronise a very feeble
rendition of Shylock, Macbeth, Hamlet,
or any of the other old time favorites
But it is true that the race of great
actors has vanished from the stage.
There is no one today with the genius of
Edwin Booth, Forest, Barrett, McCul
Icon, or Sheridan, and no such stock
companies as the one McCnlloch main
tained at the old California, with Barton
Hill as leading msn, Mother Judah as
the Nurse, Bobert and Bella Fateman,
Krene and the MesUyers. The greatest
star in the theatrical firmament could
be assured of adequate support at the
California and at the best Eastern
theatres in the old days. The stage was
a profession then, but now it is a trsde
or business. It has pasted into the
bands of a trust, and the only thought
of its controllers is as to whether a pro
duction will bring profit to the manage
ment. Ne plar is too vile for them to
handle provided there is a profit in it,
and the only restraint they recognize is
that of the law, or a public opinion that
will diminish their box receipts. Such
msaasvrsaa Irving. Barrett, and Mc-
Culloocb are unknown, and with them
the best traditions of the stage have de-
Darted. The great theatrical trust is
destructive of genius, which cannot
thrive without independence, and there
is no inducement for the present generi
tion of actors snd actresses to devote
years to the bard study necessary for
thorough understanding and truthful
production of the plays of the great
master. Doubtless the editor of the Or-
egooian is a stndeot of Shakespeare.
Otherwise he could not be the writer he
undoubtedly is. Shakespeare wrote for
all time, and with a marvelous knowl
edge of human nature. He sounded
the gamut of tbe follies, virtues, vices
and passions of the human race. Iago
is as complete a character as Othello,
and Cordelia as truly drawn as Goceril
and Reagan. The book will endure tor
ever, and in time it' may be that con
ditions will Change so tbst tbe great
characters that are banUhed temporarily
from the stsge may reappear, and worthy
success of the old time artists sgain bold
the mirror op to nature.
Would it be too much to ask of the
managers of the A. Sc C. railroad that
they pres?rve order on hoard their Sun
day trains and compel tbe drunks and
hoodlums to have some dexree of respect
for men and women who pay their fare
for ths purpose of securing decent trans
portation? Last Sunday's down train
appeared to be in possesion of the mob.
They filled tl.e aisles and platforms and
amused themselves with loud singing
and conversation that is seldom heard
outside of the slums. Tliey traversed
tbe cars repeatedly from end to end, and
made nuisances of themselves generally,
without any interference on the pare of
the conductor. At Scapprae a num
ber of them got off the train longenough
to load it with a fresh supply of beer
bottles, snd under the influence of the
malt beverage they prccced'-d to demon
strate their utter indifference for the
comfort of other paaengeig. Not only
is the allowance of such conduct on a
public veh cle and on a day held sucted
by many a disgrace to the country; but
it is also a menace to the life of passen
gers. A moment's delay ca ised hy one
of these drunken mobs may be the cause
of a train wreck, snd then w e upw
we would hear the c ictumary verd'et i
that no one was to blan.e. There should i
be a regulation absolutely prohibiti l
drinking sud boisterous conduct on pass
enger trains. In this connection it
should be remembered that s number
of deal m n hve b-.n fou id lou the
railroad track in Co'umbucounty wiih'u
tbe p 1st few wie' s. The coroner has
deemed it impoesible to s i iire evidence,
and therefore h declined to bold in
quest t bu,'t i"c of their frequency,
it might be well for bim to do si here
after, as there is more titan a pro) ability
thst lainess on the part of tbe company
ia permitting drunken and dieoid.rly
men t t ccupy tbe platforms may have
bad something to do with these deaili.
li. tbe name of decency and public safety
th A. & t!. niaiiHifeiiient sliO'i'd eee
that its traits a e run in tetter th.ipe.
From 8aln It is n-ported Ibat Ilia
Grand Army of tha Republic marched
to 111 cemetery on Memorial Pay with
out mlc, because tl members could
not afford lo pay Ilia $10 demanded
the local Und. Ildora not seeitt that
the charge was unusually high, ss it
would take the greater part of a dyV
work, to it must be inferred that Setlg
wick Post, as stated, did not lee I able to
pat the turn demanded. If they hid
made their needs knowu we have n
doubt the oeople would hare raited the
required smn, or ten limes that amount
il necessary, rather than to bate te
the Yeterans march without mnK.
The toad from Salem's tlrand Army hall
is a long one and, generally very d'ts'y
on Memorial Day, and the sight of thews
old veterans trudging along without the
inaperati' n of mattial niuie must have
Ikfii an unpleasant one, and certainly
reflected no credit npon the community
Mrs. Robert Yount left Rainier
Wednesday morning for Corvallis where
she goes to witness the 0. A. C. com
mencement exercises to be held Mon
day. Tuesday and Wednesday. She
will return with her sister and brother,
Merchant J. L. Bell transacted busi
ness in the metropolis Wednesday,
Mrs. N. E. Sandel visited Portland
Monday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maxwell who have
resided in this place the past six months
moved to Clstsksnie Wednesday.
Mr. Canute Wanty returned home
Saturday from a two week's visit with
relatives on Lewis River.
Mrs. J. W. Branson returned home
Saturday from a two weeks visit with
friends at Amity and HopwelL
Lost Between Moeck's residence and
the Depot Sunday afternoon, a gold
stick pin set with a pearl and solitaire.
Not valuable, but an old keep sake.
Finder please leave at this office and re
ceive reward.
A Daily Freight Beginning on Mon
day last the freight train service on the
A. & C. was doubled and Rainier now
has a daily freight to and from Portland.
Beginning to-morrow there will be an
extra passenger train from Portland to
Seaside, leaving Portland at 3:10 p. m,
Mr. and Mrs. Georee Doll arrived in
Rainier Wednesday morning-' and will
make this their future home.
Mrs. F. M. Fowler has been spending
the past week visiting her daughter
Mrs. Harry Coleman, at Oak Point.
Miss Harris was a passenger to Port
land Wednesday.
The annual school meeting occurs
Monday, June 17th. One new director
and a district clerk will be chosen and
any business that may come before the
other meeting. Everybody Interested
in our public schools and qualified to
vote, should attend.
Mrs. M. L. Rathbum and daughter
of Mt. Tabor spent Sunday in Rainier
the guests of Mrs. Rathbum'a daughtei
Mrs. J. B. Hodson.
Mr. Langenbacher visited Portland
last Monday.
Mr. William Huycke, wife and family
spent Sunday at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Roberson spent
their Sunday at the Beaaide,
Misses Theresa and Eva Burns were
among the passengers going to Seaside
Sunday moming.
Mrs. T. Omsbee, of Portland, spent
Sunday with her husband in Rainier.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Csse of Port
land visited with relatives in Rainier
over Sunday.
The Rainier baseball team went to
St. Helens Sunday last and played two
games during the day, one with a mixed
nine from Houlton and St. Helens and
one with the Kelso-Catlin team. The
game with the Houlton-St, Helens boy
was well contested, resulting in a vic
tory for Rainier by a score of 7 to 5,
while the game with Kelso-Catlin boys
was something of a massacre, the
Washingtonians being completely out
The Ladies of the Rebeekah Lodge
gave a very pleasant social evening last
Friday to their husbands and other in
vi ted guests. A short program was
rendered after which the evening was
spent with cards and other social amen
lties. Dainty refreshments were
Mrs. E. P. Moasman was a visitor to
Portland this week
Rainier's new boat, the Weown made
its initial appearance at the water front
this week.
A number of Rainier people joined
the excursion to Seaside last Sunday.
First thoughts are not always best.
Therefore we are going to have a cele
bration of the ever glorious Fourth.
The Magic Mo. 8 .
J. umber three is a wonderful mascot
for Geo. H. Parrieh, of Cedsr Groe Me,
sccording to a 1 Iter wlifcti read-
"After suff-ring much with liver and
kidney troatle, and I ecoming greatly
discouraged hy the Inilure to ffnd relief
I trieil electr'c betters, an I ss s result
am a well rain tod y, fr t bottle
relehed me a id tli re -bottles completed
th tore." Gnsrsiiteeil best on earth
for stomach, liv-rad kidney trouble
by all druggists, 50c.
By concesling it about their person;
by stowing It away n tangr, ju.s, and
Jare; by sewing It up i rkirts snd tb-ks:
by tucking it under the couches and
carpets, In cupbo ir.'s a bureau draw
ers; theee are some of the ways by which
people lose their money sn , i ometimes
their lives. Why not deposit it with as.
Columbia U n . Bank.
Interest paid on Time Deposits. Col
umbia County Bank. .
T. K. North and ton brought thtlr
trn horse engine over from Sclimldilln's
Monday. They have sent east for a
shingle ml I and expect to have tbe
miii in operation soon.
Mis. Tom Turk took their two young-
rt children to a doctor in Hitltborotor
reatment. I did not learn the disease.
Tom is working oa the railroad.
J. R Dallas lost a good two-year-old
colt. It had gravel in the bladder.
It renneat of Jodie HstUn, Sam
Mow and W. D, Case were in tlifs vtcln
Ity measuring and making out ipectoca
tlnns tor two bridges acrocs the Nehalem
River, one at Philip Sheelev't place and
one forty iods below tbe mouth of Clear
Miss GalUnsth Lad to dismiss school
one dy hut week snd visit Dr. Hatfield
St had tore lluoal.
The new road is now open up as lar as
the McCulUch place. It is run on a one
and a half per rene grade and is a great
improvement over the old one.
Our sheep men have been taking out
their wool the last few Java. Twen'jr
cents per pound is reported.
Dynamite thunder ran be beard down
tbe river on tbe county road ond op the
river on the railroad right of way aad
The new telephone line don't work
we can't ring up or talk over il. The
strange part of it Is tbst the talk on tbe
Vernon is ground circuit line cap be
heard on our m.talic line, but we can
talk to them or each other. So we w!
have to stand exasperated at the phone
until information comes from Portland,
He Fired the Mick
"I've fired the walking-stick I've
carried over 40 years, on account of
tore that resisted every kind ol treat
ment, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica
Salve; thst hss Dialed the sore and
made me a happy man," writes John
Oarrett, of North Mills, N. C. Una ran
teed for Piles, Burns, etc by all drug.
gilts, 85c
Twelve million feet of yellow fir tim
ber, six miles from the Columbia River,
Address F. The Review, Rainier.
To All Whom It May Concern
are hereby notified that I. Win. M
the undersigned, a eitisen of the United
States, and an actual bona Ode settler
upon tbe lands hereinafter described,
have made application to the Oregon
Central Kailroad Company and Its sue
eessors snd assigns, lor ttie pui
tbe following described real property
situated in the County of Columbia, and
Lstate of Oregon, to-wit :
sou'nwea. quarter oi section nine,
township fonr north of rang) three west,
of tbe Willamette Meridian, containing
160 acre of land, mors or less, in ac
eotdaoee with ths U. S. Government
Surrey of the asms, and that I claim ths
same adversely toward all persons.
This application land selection is made
for my own eiclusive nse sod benefit
and is also made fr tbe pnrpose of ac
tual settlement, improvemeut, cultiva
tion and occupancy, tnat I have not di
rectlv srjndirectly selected or applied
for this property for tbe use or bei.erH
of any other person or persons. This
notice and my said application is made
under and by virtue of the general laws
of toe United 6tstes and particularly
under the Act of Congress approved
Uay 4th, 1870, granting lands to aid
construction of a railroad.
Witnesses. Application snd settler.
J. V. Barker,,
J. Warren Quick.
To All Whom It May Concern: Yon
are hereby notified that I, J. U. Barker,
the undersigned, a citizen of the United
States, and an actual bona 6de settlor
upon the lands hereinafter descr.bed,
nave maae appiicaitioa to tne uregon
Central Kailroad Company and its suc
cessors and aaaigna. for tbe purchase of
the following described real property
situated in tbe County of Colombia, and
Diaiv oi vregvo, wan;
Southeast quarter of section nine,
rAarnahin fjia n-krtr, nf na , 1, ..
Willamette Meridian, containing 160
acres of land, more or less, in accordance
with tne V- 5. oovernment Survey of
tne tame, ana tnat l ctaiiu me same ad
Tersely toward sll persons, fhis so.
plication and selection is msde for my
own exclusive nse sod benefit and is also
made for tbe: pnrpose of sctusl settle
ment, improvement, cultivation, ai.d oc-
copancy : tnat i nave nat directly or in
directly selected or applied for this br.p-
erty lor toe nee or oetient oi aoy ottiee
person or persons.
This noteee and my aDollcatlon la
made under and by virtue of tba (Jen.
era! Laws of the United States, snd par
ticularly under the Act of Conarreaa an
proved May 4tli, 1870, granting lands to
aid construction or a railroad.
Dated June 8, 1907.
Application snd Kettler.
Wi.iieeses: i. Warren Quick. F. Y.
To all whom it may concern : Yon are
hereby notified that 1. F. Y. Oaick. the
undersigned, a cilixen of lb United
btates and an aiiual bona fids settler
upon the lands herein described, have
made spplicasiou to the Oregon Cei tral
Railroad Comoany and iu suiesenrs
and sseiims , for the porch se of the fol
lowing described real property, situate
in ths County af Columbia and State if
Oregon; to-wit: quarter of
b-vuoii nine, in lown-inp 4 n irtti ol
range 8 west of the Willamette Merid
ian. COnOainini 100 acrea nl land, innra
or less, In accordance with the United
Slates Uovernment survey of tha alma.
and that I claim the same advsrtaly to-
aaiuau pcnuiit,
This sppl.cation and selection Is maee
for my Own rxelotiva una arui hansflr
and is also msde for the purpose of ac
tual rettlement, Improvement, cultiva
tion, and : that I hava nnr rtl
rectly or Indirectly selected or applied for !
uii protieT.j iot ine use or oeneut 01 '
any other peraon
Hilt notice ai
or pcrtont.
mad under and b-virtue of tbaUen v
ral Uwt of tba UoiUd SUtot. and Dsr-
ticularly under tbe Act of Congreaf ap
proved Mar 4th. 1870. ffrantine land, tn
aid vonatriu ttun ul a tailroad.
IMkrJ June., IU7.
Anblli utiiiii , H UmiUrr
y 11 ic-iea: j. v. Uarber
i. Hair n
Columbia County people are Invito! to
patronise ths Vienna Cafe, No. SiSl Mor
rison, between Second and Third, kept
h Cus Lanire. of Scanpooae. He t meal
in the dir.
The Mist snd the Weekly OiegnuMi
t.60 per year.
I have monev to loan on ar proven
real estate security. ......
VV. ii. row skin
St. Helens, Oregon
Monev Orders st fifteen cents s hun-
ilred. Columbia County nan
Sallowness Transformed
to Dusky Beauty .
A dark skin becomes faionatinf
when delicately soft, undenprasd
with Ik radiant slow which todi-
catesahtallhy. activs skin. Robert
int keens the skin refined in quality.
keeps pores free from clomringwast
and ilimuUtri the tiny capilUrieito
contribute tliecolor which charmi ia
blonde ami brunette alike. Robert
Ine it certain protection api nit tan,
unburn and freckles if applied be
fore exiHxur to tun or wind.
Spread like an Imperceptible ihten
of gatm ovenkin surface, forminga
hirlil nlmulstin and Dreeervint S
PJTT ' delicate, lustrous beauty.
k;NSe jum sfw romr
v- noT'TsTIlTT? I
Short line
Union Pacific
HstiiS DEbiiif' rrTt I Arttva-.
SPK.'IAL lor tha !' Iallr-
Tla Huotluaton. L .
"srOICANK rtYKK.!.!' P. H.S.OO A M
lor Kaatara Wuhllta II iMtll.
Ina. Walla Walla. lw
taloa, Coeur d'Alrne
aod Oreat Morlbern!
ATLAjifit: KXPHKS8 ills M
lortheKaal tla Uunl-I DaJljr.
liiKttm l ,
f t A. M.
i Dallf.
Lower Columbia River.
Steamer Hawaii leave Portland dally, except
Sundan, all;US a. m. Saturday 10 p. m
lor Aatorta and way landliif Rmn!r-i
leaeea Astoria al 7:00 a. ra d.llr. axeept
Sunday. A. L. CRAIQ,
Qeneral Pasaeiuro r Asenl. PORTLAND Or.
. Four per cent interest paid
on saving deposits. Interest
compounded semi-annually,
March 1 snd. September 1.
W. B. LOTTMAN, Cashihb
Collections Made -:- Drafts Issued
Bids mill be received for $28,000 bonds
to be known ss "Rsinier Wsler Bonds,"
in denomination of not less than 1 100
nor more than $1000 each, to conform
with an act passed Marrh 4, M07, en
titled "An Act to amend Town Charter
of Kainler." raid bond will bed.ted July
1, 1!KJ7; will be due July 1, l'.r.7, witii
tbe right reserved to redeem all or any
part of Sams after ten years from raid
date of Issue; principal and intoreat will
be made payable at a designated Fiscal
Agency III the c,ty ol Portland, Oregon
Bidders sre requested to name prl-.-e
and rate of interest, not exceeding tl per
cent per snnuin, st which ttiey will pur
ensse saju nonns.
A certified check of 2 per cent of the
a moo nt of bonds bid for to accompany
each bid.
B:ds will be received for the almve
mentioned bonds until 12 o'clock noon.
JanelS, 1007. The right being reseived
to reject any and nil bill'.
All bids should bo sealed and address
ed to the nndersiuned secretary of the
i.M, 11 1 1 o.ici iu,jjujieau.i.
Psax Hi.ANi'iMaii, Chairman,
Bsx W. Rtso, Secretary.
Strictly Private
We solicit your banking
business; and with the
assurance on our part
that it will be kept
The Columbia County
Titles Examined
Real Estate
lB hnr.nll0Hrt..llheStti0ro. "
that'nui t' t t'lilimioU,
p. M, Halt Lewla. puluillt.
10 Mary n. iii mv-.-i r er he hire I ha M r i, i.. ,!n ol
lililn mM llms. 'r "" theiw't the rWt'
Mid euart foir.llll' the
lalnuVao.! IWen.Ui.1. '"f
mrlhar and dleni rrllel aa lo ths
ma meat ami amiilable. . .
Mill H.inam'M.a la pul.llhd ,f.f' .SJ
tloa.Tnna. A Mclirlite. Jul of the ilrcull
Court at tha Mats olOraipw, ..r t "'"'f.
(-.gurabta. wa.1 1 enlaeaj n Ilia lJ Mf
ot May. 1W. and whlrS onlee .llnwia thai
.MMir .u.l aiuwar aaM .mvlaliil
arVta (rum tha ltr.1 ublieailun el ISM "
aTh dais ol lh Srrt niibllrailnn ol ihla Sura
uu...U,.1;.Saar.rJ.v1..i()ml( Allornrr Sw rialulHt.
In tti Tiinnly
rnurl ot tha Nuts ol Ortsu".
... ,'..l..Mhl. .'..,. V
a tha mailer ol tha aaMW ot John J
Noilra la hereby lh. udenlsned,
ni k nl John J. Uuliilan.
la.ea.eU, lo all oenwua balns elalma
, i ,...m.i 1 1, toraanl Iheto.
. llh tha nropar ouchera, wlihla all mooibj
om lha data ol Ihla nolle. I., la rl!,,2
dmlniairalrls. al lha U o IMManl a
" " "'rarKlrrK;
Paled Mateh IS, lU7. ... , ,.
Admlnl.tralfis ol lh kaUIS ol Jobs J. Quin
tan, deoeaaed.
v.,i!m i. kMh alvao. thai tha aadartlvnad,
Anna K. Wo.lbuty. iluardlan ol I hatlea Will
iam l-aul. Ifella Mellnda I'aul, Mailaaa Jaoa
l-aiil and lenlin iianm raai. nno-, oy.
-I ,K i',u,hi, i:nn nl iba Mlala ol Ifr
eton lot lha I'oumr nl Mnlln.Mnah, -lit va
Tna,iay. ina lain uar oi jun. a v. .
lha ten oVI S. M. al tha Iroat door
ih. rHi Ciuirt Huum In lha lama ol M.
Helena, In tha 1-o.inif of toinatixa.
(I won. salt al nubile aalc. In lha hlihaal W.I-
da lw rath, all or ina ni.erwat oi taia -ian
ami lolhaHoa'h HaMuartar (a. r.,ol lha
K..rtK uttartar In. a. or.laod tha Morta
Hall (n. V.) ol lha Nor.h Kaal vlaariar ta. a. or.)
ollheHomh Kul tjiiartar la. a. ,r.) ol Kavtioa
Tw.ulr H. (iM In 1owo.M( all a) HurU. ol
Ham rue (V Wart, Willamette- XerMiaa.
sttuat In lidiimhla t'ouniy. Mai nl Onmun.
Mid aal la ma.1 MbWI In niannaallaM he
wld on ty Court ot lha Stale l Omrua lor
Mallnoaiah County.
Inlereat ol -aid minora la Ih undivided hall
ol aald hnl property. uhct to U dow.r rlhl
ol aald Anna K. ,ti,rir.
listed May Hlh, IWI.
NorthupA Sorlhap, Atloraeya,
Waahiuatva Bld(, Port la ml
?lin la hereby (Ire thai lha andenleaad
adnitnlttramr ol iheeaut olaiintn K. tillttter.
daeeaael. ha. nlad hU ritwl AeetHinl la aald
tale In the County l ourt at ih Stale ol IH
ro lor toliimbiai ouoir. awl ih HouorabW
Ja,l ol aaid lourl haa appointed Satunlar
.. ......I I-M- IMT t. .. nj ...
! o clock lu the loraootm, mm the time for Ih
hrl( ol tha -bjertuina to aucS riual AOHMBI .
an.1 IhaMlHemaullheraol.
All panon. Uiuril In aald aalat at r
qtilrad to SI Ihalr ohlactlona themto la aald i
ouaiy I our) oa or before aald day appuiutva
fur such haorlna.
Iai.i at at. Ilalcoa, Orefna, Iht day ol
April A. I. iw;.
a r.iitiTNts.
N.dle la hervhy alrea lhal Ih,lrod
sa a,lmlultrabr t tha aauw ol W. H. I'aliaer
deccaae,! haafllvdtnlh oSIc Ih t'ouniy
Conn olth Couuiy l C"luiM. StaU ol or.
Soa hi. Snal account ol hta adatlnletrailoa u
oa muI sui. u ..ihar vita hla Snal report
and 11 1 lino h diairloulloo : and that the lloa.
K. s. Italian. Judaa ol Mid Court, haa eppolnl-
. ra oa.ur.HiT on trvi . mm .u u . . , n ,
, l,yriioa ol aal-1 day, aa Ih Urn, and ISed
I Court rooia ol aald Court la M. Ilalaoa. unwon.
aa the nlaoe, ol haarltig ih atu, alnalch
i Iloi and place, any rus latraid la aald
i auie mar appear awl al ohtartion la wrtiln
. lo aald Dual account or aald Snal report aod
! petition tor distribution, oe any portion ol
altharol tha aaat.
Admlnlitralor ol Ihewtal ot W. M. PalaMf,
w. II. Powell alloroy Ine sdatnlMraioe.
la the Circuit Court ol Ih Stale af Orefoa.
lor Coluabla Count v
Oeors A McNeil plaintiff
Etlillh II McNeil. dWru.tanl
Tu Klliahatb II. Me.Nil,lh abut a Banud de
le ndant:
In th nam ol Ih SUI ol Oretoo, yoa ar
hvby raqoirad 10 appear and aanwer lb
eomptalol filed ecalnet yoa In the aim.
annuel .ull and curt on or hlor Ih llih
day ol June I'Ali.and II you 111 to ao appear
in piaiutin will apply to Ih court lot tha re-
leif praye.1 lor In aald complaint. t
aia complaint. sl. Wm a
deerr ol dleorc dlaudrlna th bond, ol
tit nalrl
nt'niy heretolor and now eilulna liatwcea
rouneiienu riaintin ami lor auch other and
further relict a to lha court may aecn axal
ami eMUllalde. Thl. .umtnona la putduhed lor
Is .,i'cc.l waeh. iirlor to J una Uth in
IheOieaon MM weeafr uawauapar pulilNlil
at Nt, Helena, Columbia t'ouniy, Oregon t,
orlar ol lha Hon. T. A. HcBrtda, Judi ol I lie
circuit Court ol th Mala al Oregon, tor lha
county oli:iimll who haa appointed lha llh
day ol Jim IW7, a. lha day lor jmt in appear
andan.wcr. Thedai olih n rat nutilkallou
ol thla aumntona I. May Ira, 107.
H. S. PA(lt!.
Attorney lor Plaintiff
Steamer Iralda
C. I. Hofhtirt. Matttr.
1. i .r. tept un,lar for Port-
A. M., datrtla Irom a. 1... ala
Passengers a.l Fast Freitlit.
A. M. Hfil TAM f
.... vMavii
Abstracts Made
Taxes Paid
Loans, etc
V r, ...,,.-t-rja
We are wholesale dealers iu the great Eclipa Steel
Range, and can accordingly auote lower pricei than are
aslted by other houses haudliug inferior rangea. You
do not pay $65 for an Eclipse 6-hote range, but only
$45niaking mitg tl f:o. lie pricei go up My
xst so drop us a postal card for our fine catalogue,
NOW. We carry all sues, with and without reservoirs,
Mention the MIST when you wrue.
.- - n TrnrT ?rrVi? I
I7J-I75 P,r8t strett,.sTnrTTnrT.iiiiiiiMiill.Biiii.irj
5 cfnr ci
Spring Tics snd Oxfords I3.50 And $4.00
C The most up-to-date hosiery
E Men, Women
3rd and Washington
Walkover and Sorosis Store
The largest specialty store in the Northwest
dllHII LI MM IJtA t.1 1 1 UJL
I Receiving New
In the
the arooKiaOH otoejqI
. Hai a Repoutlon of Long Standing lor Oaly lb Bart la 2
General Merchandise!
Dart & Muckle.
; St. Helens, -
iUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiiiilliiUtt lillMI.'ll'H'H'll'lI'lI'M11111
18 OUR
WKIiavethe best and most
fn. . miIlv finipiiedJobPrtnt
ing Office in tiilnmbla County
And we are prepared to
do all lands of Printing
on short notice and at
most reasonable prices
Illustrated Furniture Catalog
Telling How YouCan Secure
Delivered to your home
freight prepaid for
in oaois
Then you may pay $5
monthly. You use the
Kauge while you pay
for it.
Portland, Oregon
c sprinq
department in the city for
and Children.
Portland. Oregon 3
Goods Every Dayl
- . Oreson.i
'a? 'r.-ia WlfMWSIWe