THE OREGON tol. xnv. ST. HELENS, OBEQON, FBIDAY,MAY 31, 1907. NO. 25.: 7 IVllO NEWS 0FJ11E VEEK In footed Fern tr Cor HAPPENINGS CF WO CCOTENTS A R.tum of th Uh Important but Net Uu Interoatlns; Ivemo of th Ps Week. hay Irwin, the noted nctr n marrlod her former theatrical man lr. Heavy rein are causing great damage from wbout In f.nnaylvaul. An experimental school has been opened In I'ltlsburg for Instruction It ; preveutlug win explosion. The great London hor bow which !'" June T U expected to have l.outt animal on exhibition, BwMary Tft hat openly declared himself In favor ot urllf revision. ,i ttuoaevelt It considering tht quotum seriously. KlnK Edward will visit Ireland M , l,ritnU Individual, ao th viceroy HI mil have to pay tbe expenses of nlrtlnlng bin. A liohomlan swindler who re semble Tboroaa A. Edison In pr mal appear, baa buncoed many ralthy German In Berlin. The National Mining Congrea la planning lo build a magnificent headquarter bulldlnt In Denver to cost about on million. It la rumored that John F, Stev en., formerly chairman of tha Isth mian canal commission, will ba pre. .tul of tha Northern raclflc. It ha hn proven that tha Ban Francisco Gee Company paid $20,000 to nt their rata raised from 1i to US cots par thouaand tt. Huef and Krhrolt aach got 11.310. Twiitr-nlna parh prleat of Paris hava formed co-operative purchas ing society, and thna gal all thalr prurUtoni and ttpptla much ebeap r. Two street ear collided baad-on In El I'aan. Texa, aarloualy Injuring .ii it. .f ihxtr naaeenaer. They houtd hava paaaad at a, near-by saltrb. but neither crew would glva way. inland la ravallng In tba novelty of freeduut. King Alfonso, of Spain, will ant gago in breeding flna cattle. KrtPi.ii.u la Austria mada sub- turn in I gnlna on ra-ballot. Siolypla given warning to dooms and condemns tba mora to expro priate land. Four Jurors hava been secured for tha trial of Mayor Bcnmiu enu othnr venire la ordered. Inspector Mclaughlin, of tba Chi cago pillca forea, baa resigned to gat aay from Investigations. Judge Oaynor of tba Supreme Court, of New York, aaya tha rail roada hava not raformad tn tha laaat. Oklahoma republican denounce tha work of their constitution mk tra and want tha election postponed. At Gusymae. Mexico. 1.100 Chi min tried to land forcibly from HrMUh ataamer In defiance of Quar amino law. Coo Hay peopln hava begun 110 Individual aulta agalnaa tha South rn 1'aclHc to com pel tha road to aell land In obodlooce to Ita government grant. A Chicago grand Jury la Inveatl intin tharioi that doctora ana nildwlvea raguarty paid tha author Itlra tor liomunlty In performing criminal opnratlona. Tba publla nttlltlM committee of Bnn VrHiu'tu-a aunervlaora la oonnld- erlng a reaolutlon ordering the linllpd ttallwava to ooerata their lluua or fortolt their francblaa. Hri.tirv Oarflnld will vUlt the Tloton Irrigation project. Brhoot director! of Chicago refuaa to bo fired by Mayor Bueae. Kirn at Trinity eolleg. Hartford, did damage to the amount oi i 000. Hoover mlllman nd woodworker reived an adranca of 10 par eent In wagoe. Councllmen of Locknort. N. T are charged with huge boodllog op eration. One baa conreaeM. Trealdont Corey, the dopoaed prea Idunt of tha United Htatea Steel Cor poration, haa aold all 61 atock Political boaaea of New York have urrendored comnlotoly and Govern r Hughe' word gooa without quo lion. The North American Baotltt con ventlon at Jameatown la oppoaod to a union with tha Southern ana tlunal convention. A Colorado court hai reoognUed the loiinllty of a oontract marriage by Krantlnv a rilvnrr In the cna The contract wai made la California in ih3. Tha Chinavn div H.llwav Com Puny ha refuied the demand of It employe for better hour, but con cdo tba advance In wage naked or. Doaporadoe looaened a rail on tha Bouthern Paclfio near Lo Angeloa, Jttnched a wire, and when tha Coaat Una Llmltod train approachod they dullherately nulled tha rail aalde, CHttalng a bad wreck In which two rnnn wore klllmt .nit Annan Inlured The wrookera were concealed In the vruaa and made their eacape. OEOKIVINQ THI PUBLIC, Strlkebraakart Smath Oar Window and Then Heport Riot. Ban rranclaco, May J 8. A lively row developed between tha police and the United Railroad In connec tion with the withdrawal of car on Kentucky atreet and San Oruno ave nue line yeaterday, owing to alleged violence of union eympathlaer and Inadequate police protection. Chief of I'ollce Dinan made pub lie report of aorae of hi officer. In which It la charged that aome of the vtrlkebreaklng motormen and con ductor deliberately amaahed the window In their car to make It ao- pear that violence had been commit ted and then reported to tha com pany ttmt the cara had been greeted with a fuvllade of atone. Cnplaln Duke, of tba Bouthern Police Htatlon, In whoa dlatrlct are the line on which the cara were withdrawn, In a report made to Chief Dlnan, drclared that the re port of aome of the non-union em ploye of the United Kallroad are niallrloua falaehooda. and In luunort of which he autimlttvd tba report oi aome or nia men. Corporal of I'ollce John Morlarlty reported that he aw Inapector I). Uorman deliberately break all the Indow of a car on Eighteenth atreet yeaterdny morning wltb an Iron bar, and declared that Gorman aulwequently reported that the car had been atoned. Officer A. O. Bkelly made a written report that be anw a conductor fire a brick through three window In hi car on San Bruno avenue. The car wa running at aurh peed. according to the officer, be could not board It. Thornwrlt Mullally, aaalatant to Prealdent Calhoun, waa very Indig nant when he hoard that the police bad made public ut-h report. lie admitted that aome of the company' employe broke window in their rani, but aald that tt waa done In or der that flying glaa might not en danger tha paaaenger. tt waa a comparatively quiet day. About tha uaual number of ear were run. There were laolated Inatancea of rork-throwlng, but no aerlou dlatnrbance occurred. About 7 o'clock laat evening a riot call wa ent In from California and I'realdlo avenuea, where a car nad been derailed and wa aurroanded bv a crowd, tteveral rock were thrown from behind a hedge which aklrta Ih mad at that point. No one waa Inlured. Although partial aer vlr baa been maintained for nearly two week, the number of paaaen-a-cre that pntronlae tha cara dally I .nil lea than one-third of the nor mal number carried before tha atrlke. iranairernririiiiiiiwiniiiia imnrn i iiimai iiiina m in an iimiaaaaa I OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST j I awiirarmarr- a in mm inn i i . THOUSANDS "SICK" IN KANSAS. MILK CONDENSER FOR ALBANY. I STATE HAS LAND TO SELL. Capltallat Propot to Etabllh Big Plant In Linn County. Albany A condensed milk factory coating about $75,000 and with au output of 10.000 can a day, may ba entaullahed In Albany. If local bua- Kelllher, covering aome 30,000 acre Ineaa men will take $10,000 worth of and next week, after the new law IRISH WILL RESIST. Kelliher Tract to Be Put on Market Soon. Balem Tbe State La ad Board ha decided to (land by it act cancelling atnte land certificate held by A. T. "Ireland for tha lrlhM Boycott All Thing Cngllih. London. May 1, Whon Parlla ment meet today Sir llenry Camp tutil.Hannerman will tell the Com rnnn what the Cabinet propoaea to do with the Irlah Council bill. Every one emecta It will be dropped with aa little ceremony aa poealble. hul u. ii.tfmir. the director of the op poaltlon, l not likely to lot It paa without a chance to remina im cuu try how the Liberate In hla opinion. mnri.itiHt the hualneaa. Tbe chance are that the govern .in An nnthlna for Ireland thl eaaton, alnee tha member of the r.Mnnt reaent the repudiation oy t,.ir Irlah- alllea of the Irlah Coun II bill. Mr. Blrreii, i niet rmrj i,.i.n,t hvtook hlmseir 10 m country belore the Dublin convention and hi aocreiary rciua miur -Hon a to hla whereabouta to all in terviewer. . . A revival or irouoioua vim Ireland after everal yeara oi n m i dlacuaaed. Tne aocieij .- meanlna literally for ouraolvea." composed of tbe bcittest of tbe antl-Iiritona. a mjr them young men. ha gained much Importance lately, n pur.,. iri.hmen to refuae to enter Into bua- tnea or oclal relation with tne rnellah in Iri'iana, enu Lwlble tor Irishmen to abataln from Slug the employ of Engll.hmen. atock In the venture, the vlnatltutlon I aavured. Outalde capital I be hind tha enterprise, and while the name of the chief Investor I being kept (ecret for the present, the prop osition I being handled here by re spectable men. Qbe proposition waa made public Inst evening at a meeting of tbe Alco Club. Stole Senator Krauk J. Mil ler, who bua been canvassing tbe alt uutlon on behalf of local business men, spoke on tbe project and ad dreesoa on tbe general Industry of milk condensing were made by Dr. Tamasle, of ltlllsboro, who la Inter ested In tbe plant at that city and Korest Drove; and State Dairy and Kood Commissioner J. W. Bailey. The question of subscription of stock by local people Is being taken up today, and If business men here make good, work on the plant win soon begin. Tha machinery alone will cost 140,000. Tbe country tributary to Albany Is regarded a ideal for the supply of such au enterprise. BERRY SEASON OPENS. Hood River Valley Thronged With Picker of Many Kind. Hood River Kor tbe first time In two year Hood River will have a cbaracterUtlo strawberry season, with all Ita attendant rush and ex citement. Kor two seasons tbe river haa not been high enough for boats to land at tbe town and dellever their merry cargoea of berry picker from both up and down the river. Thl year there 1 high water. Tbe boats began landing at to town today, ana from now on until the season ends. Indians, school teacher, resident of Portland and towna In the Willam ette Valley and along the Columbia Rlvor will pour Into Hood River lor the berry season. Hood River mer chant always expect a brisk busi ness during the berry season, jn some yeara more money la realised from strawberries than apples, ana the returns being quicker, It geta to circulation at once. Picker who are admit and Industrious earn from i to S3 per day. and aome aa nign as 13.60. A ride tnrougn tne vauey rlnrtna the aeaaon show strawberry fields everywhere dot tod with pick er In a variety of plctureaque garbs. frr.m alrls In blue overalls to tae stately Indian In hi flaming red blanket or bead dresa. goes Into effect, tbe board will repay to Kelllber the portion of the pur chase price already paid, and then advertise tbe lands for sale to high est bidder in tracts of not to exceed 320 acre. Kelllber wa before tbe board wltb requeat that deed be granted to assignee of certain certificate wblch be clulmed were granted upon genuine applications. The request wa denied. He also requested tne privilege of buying for member of bl family aome 1,300 acrea of land at 12.50 an acre, in consideration of which be would give tbe board the cruising of bl 30,000 acre of can celled lands, but this wa also refused. Tbe -board took a strong "stand pat" attitude, and refused to com promise or make any agreements, but will put all cancelled land up for sale on equal terma to all. as some of Kelllber' land are sup posed to be quite valuable, there is likely to be some scrambling for de sirable tracts when tbey are offered for sale, which will probably be early next month. " , Still Applying tor 8. P. Land. Eugene The refusal of the Bouth ern Pacific to accent money offered by Lane County people for railroad lands, ba not affected tbe Interest in tha movement here nor caused any considerable abatement in tbe line of annllcanta for timber landa at 13.50 per acre. In tbe neignbornooa oi 600 applications have been made from this county and the Interest In tba outlying district Is aa great no It wa in tbe town a lew aays go. Crushed Rock for Eugene Street Euaene A carload of machinery ss arrived here for crushing rock to be used In the paving of Willamette street, and it is thought paving will heirln at once. The only obstacle In tha way of pushing tbe work la tbe arrival of rail for the Willamette alley Comnany. and they are looked for dally. The machinery will be taken at once to the rock aupply back of Skinner' Butte. Bryan 8pak to PrlnUr. i .Lenin. Neb. May 28. William J. Bryan delivered the addres at the Lincoln printer memorial exe .y 'dwell ng' on the value of l.lo.l. and the beauty Mnltr. Referring to " JHe. . Union, whose memoera class of tradesmen of he highest intelligent, be said that n hi. e IX .n8. ' .'EL ..i. of 20 and 30 aw In the rraiernni est kiud of brotherly love Stormy M.allng at Z.on City. ri Mny 18. Following I rlotou. meeting at Zlon City thl. aft- in tha enurse of which Wll- bur Glenn Vollva. the lnte John Al exander Dowlo't ucce.sor w r..ihnlln Church, found ventlon to restore order, a n faction, opposed to , VoIIt laU tnrahln" wa a ff ecled which I oea . T .. 1 1 .1 A mw 1 II nil.,- iini tn overtnrow tetnber church council. n..hiuaa Formosa, London. May 8.-J"7'-Jn .""rosubuRatethewhole nB" r""7".;; ..t coast of the is- f vo?mosa. An expeditionary land of orn"' PnP Autumn resistance good progres. ua. - made. . m i.. R.llera Want RaU. r"r" .i r,a nivde sea' Q,Ta meeting Sn urda'y night me? hBld.. " ini,?tlon to intimate rmmndlate if to the .toamshlp owners Immediately o iii inoranse of that U tnoir l 18 wage. I not granted by May 29, trem measure will be taken. 8. P. Refuses to 811 Land. Eueene Attorney A. C. Wood cock, who waa sent to San Francisco to tender the money put up oy aooui 50 Eugene people for the purpose of buying timber lands In tbe Southern Pacific Company land grant, ha returned from the Bay City. He says ih.i whn h tendered the money It wa promptly refused and that the officials in tbe omce oecame mrj .nit little short of ordered him out, The matter will now be taken into the court and those who have put their money Into the pool have hopes of a decision oon to force the com pany to ell. Malheur Irrigation Project. Vale The chief engineer for the rhrl.tlan Co-Oueratlve Federation in v.ia Hunoav irom run inn,i and in connection wttn oionoi a. Wheeler, weir resioem aiiur- Wa. left for Willow CreoK h.r ho have nurcbaaed reservoir f..r thulr Irrlaatlon project in that valev. The cniei eugiuor a,.t. iharn would be a crew of ur in arrtva here soon, and that they would commence work on that project at once. The Irrigation of ...i. .nn. the reclamation or .mxathinv like 160.000 acre of val uable land. , ft. ney F.daral In.oeetor Will Dip Sheep It 11 train a The souabble over the en forcemcnt of the new law, whloh re- , o. - :."". latl ftnAn 111 hU'l llKi J cvivivm --- the le county farmer, who declared that they will not allow an inapector to dip their .beep. E. N. Hutchinson, of the United Btat-a bureau of animal in- t. h.e,e r:1 VrA0" VlltaB- 'ivnno f a disc! and that the oUtor wou.d be left alone. Several rcuorei Hispw.i will do Uie work. of Long Rid Soon to 8tart. ., . iir,nii navennort. Miiveriuii u .. v.,..,..- m .1 . save inni u r'to from thl. ""y 0" 7. Kentucky d Arnoian ---.... .,. die 0 """."r" ; .h- W.nfnclcv L-se! Thu'eiranc, tHp 1. to be made under tne u"" -- ; United State. War Irtent jd U . understood that the .tarting In mrl 1 1 I1B 1 1 VJ 14 Wash., instead of Sllverton. a.iu Will Aid Railway, Astoria The Chamber of Com ouriiia n.tlwav land-Oregon ne t"w ,rd ?rCZx!m V ey 'Tchamber Xe absolution condemn lng dance hall. Clataop Will Exhibit. A-torla The special committee ofAth. Chamber of Commerce ap pointed to consider the advisability Clatsop County mBklng an exhibit I The'coming .tat. fair. ha. proj pared It report recommending that the exhibit be made. Druggltt Worked to Death Filling "Prescription' for Liquor. Topefca, Kan., May 27. A large part of the people of Kanaaa were "111" yesterday. Untold thousands were victim of all sort of com plaint. A record of the "sick" one make Kanaaa look Ilk an infirm- nr. .. . . . ... Colncidenumy tne orug atores am more business than they have done In many years probably than ever be fore, in pue oi tne epiaemic wi variegated dieeaaes tha doctor bad a sleeoy Sunday, but before night the drag clerks were wan and worn from over-work. All Kama used tbe same medi cine beer and whiBky. Skeptical person see a connection between thl condition of affair and tbe fact that the saloon have been closed and tbe brewer and wbcleeale li quor dealer driven out of business. There I Just one way to get a drink In Kanaaa now go to a drug store and sign a certificate to tbe effect that the beverage la for medical purposes. Moreover, the purchaser must designate tbe malady wttn which be is afflicted. Every disease known to medical science haa Ita vic tims, according to these certificates. Insomnia and indigestion are tbe most common, but St. Vitus' aance Is running wild and the palsy is staa-KerinK through tbe state Chlck- enpox is flying around and yellow fever victims wallc tne Streets, ana nobodv aeema afraid of caching it from them. GrlD. Bright'a disease. mumps, bronchitis dandruff, epi- leDsv. tvDhoId fever, scarlet fever, pneumonia, cuta and burn, deafnes not to mention corns, wans ana bunion for all these thing and many more beer or whisky is tbe only aure remedy, guaranteed to cure or money refunded. I I mmAfaa1v ftA tho Klff fire I In April. 1906, when the Mint waa Oregon, Idaho, Montana. Minnesota, used 'or banking purposes, mere i ana tne uaaotaa. the money remained for a few days, I Much of the evidence In these when It was drawn out piecemeal in I fraud was obtained by Detective int. of 150.000. converted into cur-1 Burns, who la engaged In the muni Not In many yeara has this town I .,,. ,nd n.M over to Ruef and by leioal craft oroaecution in San Fran- been "Jointless." Tbe dens where I him naaaed on to the Mayor and Iclaco. and by Francis J- Heney, woo intoxicants were aold openly in vlo-tne Supervisor. Tbe evidence Is I is prosecuting the same San Fran- lation of law, are closed, locaea ana i strengthened by bit of conversation, icisco grafters, upon tn conclusion barred. Irnrnrda of conferences at the office I of their work In San Francisco, Mr. The consequence la that arugin xirev L Ford, attorney lor the I Heney and Mr. Bum are expected to store OI a certain Class are now ou- nnlted Railroads. The fact that the I return to tne government wrrm iw lng a thriving business. The certill-1 Mayor received 350.000 for signing a a J- 41 1 a I . a I catea aignea Dy purciiiuwua '"it,e ordinance granting tne overneaa- momniy wun me rrooaie I trolley permit was learned tnrougn tbe testimony of Kuer. Fourteen indictment were re- MRS. McKINLEY ISJDtAO. , I turned charging Calhoun, Mullally. Ford. AODou, tscnmiu ana at 1:06 P. M. Sunday. Canton. May 27. Mr. Wm. Mc- Kinley, widow of the late President, died at her home here at l:va clock yesterday afternoon, Shad for Oregon. Oregon City Supt. O'Malley. of the United States Bureau of Fish eries, has returned from an omctai visit of Inspection of the government hatcheries on the Upper Columbia. He said today that the bureau would mnriiirt oneratlons with shad ia June and will take eggs between Ore- inn Pltv and the mouth ot tne niarkamaa. In the Willamette River. A shad hatchery will be operated at Willamette Fall. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club. 84 St 85c: bluestem 87&8Sc: Valley, 83684c; red, 82 8lc . Oats No. 1 white, izg.ouuia gray. 28. . . Rve I1.46tTl.ou per cwi. Barley Feed. 821.6022 per ton: brewing, nominal; roiiea 41 R ft iff 4 K0. . .... .-.J Corn Whole, 2; crncaeu, e.i "' .. T . tit Hay vauey tiraoinj, w. 18 Per ton: Eatern Oregon tim othy. 121 23: clover, $9; cheat. 19 iffXO: araln bay. swiu; nmit a rmiia oirawuorri! isu.lBe ner nound: Oregon, 20 25o per pound; cherrtea, $1.75 per hnr annle. Ilitz.DU per nnaoherrlea. 8 ffr 1UC per pounu. Root vegetaoies lurnips i sack: carrots, 12.60 per saca; Deeia, ti tKift KO ner lack: garlic. IW 10c nor pound; norseraaisn, i per pound. t - fnmia. 13.50 ner sack: cauliflower, it iff 1 25: doien: lettuce, head, 85 4Rc doien: onions, mi w m,' tnniAtoea. 12.x aw 4. ou crtim npleV. 25S0c: artichokes, 65 hothouse lettuce, $2 box nnas. 7410c: radUhes. 20c doxen " 7 B. nminfl? hell leD ners, SOisrstiO pouno; 'UK'"a'"'Z per pound; cucumber., spinach, 81.50 per crate: bean, 15e per pouna; squasn, iwwi vj Onions Oregon. 12 2.50 per nAri,A- Texas. 1C per pound Potatoes Jobbing price; Oregon .a Pa-tam ti.oo ner sack: new po- tntoes, 6HOI60 pouna; iwwi ve toes, 60 per pound. Butter City creameries: Extra .m..v nua ner nound. State ,amerles: Fancy creamery, SO satin: store butter. uiin. Butter fat First grade cream 2lo per pound: second grade cream, 9m laa. nfr nound. full cream twin, lffl17c: Young. America, 17 18 nA rtmiffirf- Poultry-Average old hens, 14c; mixed chickens; 18 He; 8prlng fry er and broiler. 20 25c; old roos ters 9 10c: dressed chickens, 10 17o: turkev. live, 18 15c: turkeys dressed, choice. 18tt20c; geese, live, per pound, 8c; young duck, nominal: old duck. 16 18c; pig eons, $11.50; squabs, 28. Eggs IstPtaiC per nuwu. Beet Dressed bull, 44tto per pound: cows, 6 7c; country teer, 78e. ' . : M Mutton Dressed, fancy, 10 lOHo. per pound; ordinary, 6c; with nelta. 9 10c. Veal Dressed, 75 125 pound, 8c; 18160 pounds, 7c; 1500100 pounds, 6c; 200 pound and up, 6H so, BIG CHIEFS INDICTED TIMBER FRAUDS IN MANY STATES President of United tsllnsds la Grand Jorj Net. KONEY TRACED DOWN THE LINE Two Senator Implicated bi Bigg Land Conspiracy Yet. Chicago, May 84. A dispatch to the Tribune ttom Washington,, D. 0.. ay: . A mating revelations of a conspir acy to defraud 'the United Bute of millions of dollar worth of mineral and timber lands will be laid before the grand Juries of half a doxen states within a few days. The frauds. it Is alleged, will Involve in criminal m.... ..-. R.m.lrarf far Ball-Man I charges the names of men high In " I 1 - 111 I vi,1-t u b. Boamif uu wiiv... IV nvwm vaiea I ,rn TTnlrf Stataa Ranator. one ex-United States Senator, a man re- , . , . Th. puted to be one of the wealthiest San Francisco. May J 5. 'The , ,.n,.i . people of San Francisco want J kBOwn from a,, tUnUc to the P not woraa. i win oui; u " " will make good wherever we accuse" a . at a. m aftil!,. . T waa tne nnei comm OI O0a smaller fry. Including railroad Burns tasi nigui, uu wa. -,ii. iw.rato. and men at only ttaiemeni maae lor fo. tn8 nead of fuel companies. by tne prosecution auer n na - mhomM .,, cannot complished what half of the ''en" I be made pubUo before the grand Jury They Iflc; two of the wealthiest lumber barons In the United States; numer- shlp of San Francisco declared to-be Impossible the indictment of one of the most powerful magnates known to Wall street in the person of Patrick Calhoun. The prosecution ha traced the 8200.000 with which the United Railroads secured its franchise from Wall atreet to the San Francisco acts. It la declared here, will surely be Indicted by the evidence which is In the hands ot the United States District Attorneys In half a doxen Western states. These frauds, it was declared yes terday in an official quarter, extend Into a number of states. Including California, Colorado, Washington, Ruef I the prosecution of the timber and mineral land thieves. Some of the araftera in San Francisco are also I said to be Implicated In the f rands. FIVE WORKMEN KILLED. . Plant'WIth Deadly Fume. Chicago, May 24. Five workmen were killed and several otner ser iously Injured this afternoon when an ammonia nine exploded In the P...ed Away Peaceful., and Palnlassl, ' Jrt I Bursting Ammonia Pip. Fill. Packing . . . , . . bribed, so it may therefore be seen that three of the Indictments were held in reserve. This is the Heney method. The 14 indictments win act as a sort of advance guard to EVi mm, vo.ra Mr. McKlnlev had I draw the fire ot the defense. been an invalid. Sbe recovered from I If tbe defense succeeds in snooting i beef-killing department of Armour at the shock of her husband'a tragic any holes in them, tne tnree in re- . t t tt- ttoAyariam The death, but It left ita mark, and when serve will be altered to make them . .. . orke- ti lt w.i known that she had suffered a impregnable, taking advantage of bnlldlns w f u 11 of w orkm J"M stroke of paralysis, little hope was the facta brought out. time, and the deadly fumes, escaping felt that she could survive, l ne ena i juage uouey anuuuurcu. irrom nnaer nign pressure, peu came peacefully, almost Impercept- running hla eye over the indictments trated through every department of !u !V a trtir!nfl' hr life. I it 0 000 (on each of the 89 counta. I the building In such a short Urn. or the solicitous hope of her sister He gave the accused unUl 11 o'clock that 20 ot the men were overcome and other relatives and Irienas toritoaay 10 mrnisn oonas ua rwuiu oetore tney coma maae meir ai her recovery. that he would accept in lien thereof 1 the fresh fcb. AU Dnt flT ot these At the McKinley home when aeam casn can oi u u yu wu. . . , fc came there were present Secretary I Assurance waa given that pending i , . ?m. ... apvl n vlL fh- .rr.nmnt of hail no arrests their companions In sach a serious uoneiyou. ar, .ao o. n?, "".TV. .V. I m ... .,rT to I take them to a nearby hosoltaL An Ineffectual effort to search ror I dead in the Interior ot the building I waa made by employes wearing saie ty masks, but they were driven back hour. Mra. Sarah Duncan. Mrs. Luth- will be made by the prosecution, so er Day. Justice and Mrs. William R.I the nine men accused of the giving Day. Doctor Porteman ana iiixeyior insing oi onu- . v 7 n Itheir own recognizance nntll 11 "Mra. McKinley llred longer tnaniociocs. ioaay. . , . . u c. , . I Tk. atalamcnt waa mane nnonl' w" "PT5-... , "Jr-vT ?;. 1.1.11. aii hnt ii 40.000 of the br the fumes, and It was not until President Rooaevelt and Secretary entire amount of the bonds of 890,- six boors after the explolonj that tho Loeb will arrive in Canton Wedncs- 000 will be forthcoming at the ap- tlrat body that of an nnldentitied da? morning to attend the funeral pointed hour today. a man, burned beyond recognition was wrvlcet. vfce President Fairbanks. Schmitx, In addition to $50,000 ae- uken from the fonrtn j. ktow n " "en. D.TL ot them having been here in 4Tme to attend the funeral the five counts of extortion brought barncd In a horrible manner. I.s.ln.l Mm anil RlMr lolntlV. Will I services. I ?'"" V-. I UDo aa.iriaii WW HIPAB nrATN. The body of Mr. McKinley win ne nave 10 pui u nv,w i . ..... I - ., ...,i in WnatlawnlRnef will have to out up 1140,000,1 cemetery, which holds also tne re- out, inasmucii K " ' . I May Uvs Day or Two., but cannot malna oi ner mariyrea nusoanu, an- uui. "" ---- -til the completion of the National prisoner without any immediate hope Mausoleum on Monument Hill, when of release. It is understood that he both casket will be transterrea 10 1 win rae w i"u.j". r'eceV'e- thnt tomb Tram AJ& that he turned state evidence, ne prefers to remain the prisoner of Elisor Biggy- v President Glass, ot the Telephone Comnany. already has given bonds In the sum of $90,000. He will have to put up $20,000 more to retain his liberty. . Halsey has put up xiiv.uvv eroua friend of Mr McKinley, Mrs. R.rhnnr received telegrams .ot con- dnlonce on the death ot her sister. imnni them were telegrams irom President Hoosevelt and Vice Presl-1 dent Fairbanks. . - - Solit Ron's Head With Axe. New York, May J7. Domlnlck ziuta. S3 veara of age. was touna Recover. Canton. Ohio, May $4. After a consultation yeaterday afternoon at the McKinley home with Dr. Fort- man, the family physician of Mrs. McKinley, and Dr. B. J. Eyman, sup erintendent of the Massillion State Hospital and a physician of wide re pute, a statement was lasned that there Is no Indication that Mrs. Mc Klnlev could lone survive the attack in lot apoplexy from which she Is suffer- The doctors say, nowever, mat Knn MM.In. 1Kb 11 inritrtniant I Inc. whuo, . " " a .... . . ... ... . dead in bed yeserday by his mother, previously found against him. He they thing wawiutioa wm joi wo.. SttSlWnJ. crushed by wil, have to put up $10,000 addition or a JgbF w 5!!LWhV'.25 t0wU Foreman Oliver, of the stot'ed that there are no ground, tor u,r -.- h", hnd nd lurv. filed the 1 indictment, hope of a better turn Antonio Zlssa, was arrestea. i ne i in coun. u .1 1.1 th.f K. ann WRH me I oniv a UHrilHI rcuun iiww 1"V: ...T f the family, her hits- grand Jury." Thla I taken to mean band not having worked for some that more indictments are to follow. months. Father and son irequenuy i Buy Army Mules by tne pouna. Sursreon-Oeneral Rlxey reached here at 6:46 o'clock this morning. auarreled. the father demanding and the son refusing It. An tonio had often threatened the boy. Striker Are Active. San Francisco, May 14. In conse- auence ot Increased violence attend' Washington. May 25. Increased I tn. the extension of service by the difficulty ia being experienced In ob-1 United Railroads to several new lines v ...a ,i tn ha I vaatnrdav. Thornwell Mullallay. aa- Another Week te Get Jury- " . 6 irta which have lust been sistant to President Calhoun, made a nnia. irtnhn. May 2? From pres-l ih.i nri... .annraiw I demand UDon Chief of Police Dlnan " . . - - iuucucu ouu. .. V . c , - ... . . . . . ent Indications It would seem, that have increased. The Quartermaa- for better protection by tne jouce another week must elapse before the ter's Department says that Army for the company property jand em taklng of testimony can begin In the muie8 are bought practically by the ployes. 8hortly after S o clocki about . . . r. n.Mii n u.v-nA ftp.t nf ..-j An niurimuii ia heina loo strike symDathlxers mobbed an the alleged "Inner circle" ' of the made at Fort Riley. Kan., In buying Eighth-street car at Eighth and Bry- ur.i G..rgtlr.n nf nitnera to face Ivonrlv a amall number of Dediereed I ant Bireeis. inw iriaeur.iu . 4rv tn answer to the state s cnarge i colta and Dutting tnem inrougn a nf .nn.nirlnff to murder ex-Qovernor I course of training for the cavalry Steunenberg. But la memoera in i service, 'inia experimem uu jiruou crew operating tbe car, were badly beaten.. the second special venire ot proposed I beneficial lurvmen remain. A ltn taiesmau was drawn Saturday afternoon. Anarchist Expelled from Palace. S200.000 Year for Singing. London. May 24. In an Inter view with a representative ot the Tri bune Enrico Caruso confirmed hla statement that Director Conrled, of the Metropolitan Opera House, New Alfonso Will Raise Fine Cattle. Madrid, May 25. King Altonso ia nearotlatina for an island In Northern Copenhagen, May 27.-The police where ha DroD08es to bulla a the . Metropolitan "P H'w?" " breed thor- wUhhlTtoTtour-yeltM at .yearly .NK1!,,ei!J,., !.. ,. It was ouahbred cattle. The example of salary of $200,000. Caruso, on hi. - "1.77 I. .7" . . . i.-v I . ,n h. . rnnrlad'a dla. suspected that he tntenaeo to maae King aawsra o ""7 " . ,Z7" cWear and an attempt On tne lives Ol sovereigna i oiemeu promyieu mo n.iuS f'.""- ZZ i ...h visiting the royal household. Other The Queen Is taking a keen Interest to ft, rnraiffnara are nemx in tne nroieci. ana uuciui .".u ui watched. - Jealous of Japs, London, May 27. The Times' Tnkin corresDondents ot Japan do not attach great Importance to the pleasure the summer holidays under I appoints. the conditions sne was laminar wm in England. I Spain and England Getting Thick. If. Tne asaarra ltndon. May Roosevelt Will Attend Regatta. (correspondent of the Telegraph says New York. May 25. President that tne relation oeiweeu iu t--... h. tnt.r-li.h and Rritiah royal families ore be- attaCRS on me Japanese reaiaurnum .huutcick "i"1" 'r. .. . I 7 7. j.n h... nf tha in San Franc.lco. which they attrl- collegiate regatta thl. year on Hud- co i.Yj ". .!.,.i rnmnotitinn. what Interests him. Itlme in Bpain.- u 200 pounds and up, fjttc what Interest, him.