The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 01, 1907, Image 3

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    Knight of Pythiut gave Prank
III Dual degree ul TiH ml y
J'v tr""''"' 'i'"-' ' I y, Oeorgt.
P LUUAL Mm, h. It. Italley ot Houttoii u
t.w . ? ?) roriianu visitor mommy,
Two bin shins, (lie Hltitram ami Chetir
arrived tiers Hill week mill have cum
r.ik lo Rose. Columhl County Bank.
... ir twall and Warreu Quick visit
.tithe Mwtote lodge at Rainier
Mr, James Kenedy of Uoble wm
....n Monday. . '
... .s r,w.ns.r of Warren wm In 8t.
W. v. i -.1.1.
h Monday laat.
Dod't lorget that ell you to do to
b..u nf uar.lnn Seed rM U to
gets " nn u or writ.
.... i.-. Havbura end Mies Kdns
jure j" " ' .
Slicrlll. ul Portland, !" Sunday
Mr. I. B. Godfrey.
Mr and M. Ww, 0'Hrieit Islt lert
Monday v,,u wllh riemU ""J . wl
ativc In Attoria.
Otilliuo cigar ,,,r twenty-tiv cU.
..... .
Leaders in quautr.
.......n.l,tiu Tim Deoosill. Col
H.e,. I .
umbia County Bank.
Wm have el tUt office about a busho
. .....i. .!. furnished lT the govern
Ol HW'iiii - ...
mcnl lor free distribution. Anybody
nienctil loading tie lor ttie south, This
Is thi) Kliilrutn' second trlti tn this oort
tjiat time alia took over 1.200.000 feet
mid ber load will be about tb same thi
Painta. Etc.,
OroccricH. Etc.,
Feed, Etc.
All Guaranteed. Etc,
The fireman at tlie Brouifblon, & Wig
gin camp, near Uoble, was killed on
Mondav but bv being itruck by a loir
i 1.1-.. . riai-tlll ol them cull, or wrltt I Hut jumped (rum the tog (mute,
and wa will ad them postage rt paid. Hey. Wreck held aervlce In the I'.plsco-
Money to loan at Jilghl per c nt. Col- pal cimrcn in una city last w euncst.ay
umbia County lUuk.
Mr. C. It. John visited with her
lUter, Mr. Wn. Muckle. In lUinler till
... ....I t David 11 and Mra.
Jim Cox ol Portland int Saturday and
Sunday ai tba gucau ol Mr. and Mra.
H. Cos
Vol. 1. So. 1. ol lb Woodland KtUo.
... Vmh T. WoixlUnd la a
...m Hut conld upiort newpper
.. . l.,..- H.m xtilnr ol Ilia ItcllO Will
nil w
.( rich In hla vantare
Mr. and Mr. Dennl Perry vlaited Mr.
ii...-' H. ihrr. Mr. laiuea um uia
Columbia County jopt are luvllcd to
mtroulic th Vienna Cafe. No. i'M Mor
I.Krrn Hccondand TliUd, keiH
i. r ... I ...,.r. ol HratiTkioae. I"t Bleat
in the city.
it. fr. uuIe a trln to tome
. ..nlou.wo uii the valley. Il went
Pridav morning and did not return nuitl night
Wm. CUrk ol IVr I.Und w a caller
at tliia odlca Monday.
Takkk l Hy Ime Kennedy, at bl
place near UoW. a Ur ly noraa euu
2 year old, both bind leet white white
,tri down it I., black man and tall.
Il.nrrtll lun u Dypro11K H,
.n.l .Mvintf exociiac. .It
A lun.UIula caused conti'lerable 1I4111
H.r Huuia ol the 8. 1U0 l'lume
Company, al Qulntey, during the receut
torro, occaalonmg ceataiion wi -tion.
at the mltl. The damage la being
rcairc'l and the mill wilt be In opera
lion br the Srrf ol Marcn.
Syrup ol White Pine and Tar. the old
reliable cough rmely. ror aie oy )
IVmlnir. dmcgiat.
utu 4VIMt .One Ihre Vear old bciler.
while with brindle ajiot. marked with
1.. i.ii. in Irlt ear. la Ireth or
will 1 anon. Pinder pleaat notify owner
Jfta. V. Mcllonough, rkappooae. Oregon
Will la rewanl.
One of the donkey engine lr Mr.
Muieri' camtt h arrived at Moullon
.n.l .111 Id Inken Into lb Wool aoon
n.. ....,(... u .!. one. nude by the
Willamette: Iron Work at Portland.
w 11 Ifnrr. ol Kvarr. and II. W
llro.n. of Inirlia. wct in town paying
Uxm lt Tueaday,
In a lew daya the taacaament of thi
rouniv wlltcommencei. The work In the
.......... ,.;,. 1. wrll 1111. and the aea
HIM T 1 M II K II I) Kill
10,000 Acre rar Uuhlo Mold
Tin tinilcrt lor the new hoDitat at
Italnler baa been revived and the greater
nart ol the atock Hibtcribed. Kucb an
Inatitution would be a great benefit, nut
only to Kaioirr, but !o to Lolumuia
The cltv election at Rainier lake place
next Mondav, the main iteue bclug the
conttructtou ol a city water ayatem, ror
the unit time In year the taloon men ol
the town are divided, tome lavoring one
Initiative act and the olhera another. The
main diflercnca ia that one propoacd or
dinance nauie the member of the pro-
poMt l water board while the other make
the Preaidenl ol the Council bead ol tlie
water board and virtually put the whole
matter under hla control
llarrlaon Allen, fioaacntinii Attorney
lor thia Judicial district, wa In Atorl
Monday and madn the lormal snnounre
mriil that lie bad teudurod bit relg
,..!. ,n in liovernor Cliamberlniil. to
Ukd enVct tolay. Mr. Allen eald I
bam bKHima convinced that with my
removal to Portland to engag tbera lu
tha oractica of m proleaalon In con-
mm-i Ion with JuditD 0. II- Carey, It wn
only rla-htan l proper to raigii, although
it uaa in niv iiroviiicv. under iim inw,
to rotaln my rffldencbreandoontlnoe
In ii.h tifllM. Mt realirnatlon l wilhont
rfrvUon. and I bv no knowledge
who my auwinwor will bo.
WliHtla a ii.l to m tin b'ffdiat ileul III
.. ... ... . ... ... .. r. .
Columbia Hivnr tliubor land aver mad
araacoinpletod Monday, when the Clark
& Wilton Lumber Company purubawxl
10,0)0 tore near Gobi for 800,000,
WllllBin Rol nd hi Utlier-ln-iaw, v.
C. lVHnn. iiraalibint ol the Danker' k
Lttintmnuen'a Dank, ol Portland were
Una frniAr nwnara Tlie tract contain
about 400,000,000 feet of tanJlng timber
and tha purchaae lnclmlua tne uonie,
Nabaloiu Ik Pacific Railway, a logging
road ten tulle lu litngth and all the log
ging and camp equipment now on the
Tha hwirliiK outfit formerly worked on
the tract bat been putting about 100,000
fact ol log Into the river aaiiy. iue
nnn-liaatira announce that the capacity
will 1 Incretaed, making the daily out
bout 150,000 (eel. The log" will be
ro'ted and towed to the Clark 8i Wllaon
Couipany'e mill at Unnton, where they
will lie cut into lumber, me ciara a
Wilson Company plan to carry on It
own logging ortlon In the future.
Held & Valuta have hld this tract
Jiiatsold for three year. During that
period It incroaned immensely In value.
The purchane price Juat pid lor in
timber I largely "velvet," but juat how
big a portion could be callwl llial tne
teller deelino to stain.
Tha Clatk A Wilson Lumber Corn-
nan la made no ol 0. M. and W. W.
Clark and 0. G. and J. A. Wilson. The
Clark are Witconaln lumbermen ana
lived neighbor to William Held in that
Sut. Their acquaintance helped the
deal along, for the sale wa negotiated lit fM.raoll directly Interested wlih-
- - . . .
ont the Intervention 01 sny oniamo
agent. ,
Tlie CUrk A Wilnon Loniner wompany
was organlxed to year ago end the
mill at l.lnnton wa then bought and
enlarged until it now ha s capacity ol
200,001) feet daily. It covera a large site
and owns 180 fMit ol deep waierirom,
alonj which good dock have been built.
Alter two year lumbering in uregon,
11. f'Urka am 1 Wilaoii are contldent
of the future of the Induitry in lhi
.i.t.. Ttin heavy nurchaise ol limuer
Juat cliwe.1 how how highly they re
gard investments ol till character
ineuiWs In gninl itandin, a gnin ol 4 1
Since !h I-Ht iii"ellni(and wv'nl enndi
dnleaonhn d. Nelon Pi ck"fv-i'
CLATfKAXlK (JiiAXUit-Heporla about
theHame memljership a at last report
A nuinbei ol new member have been
secured and s number dropped for non
payment o( duet. Nettie Boltvert sec
retary. Gout. a 0Aso-ReporUi the lose ol
two member. Geo. Maknter secre
The report nl the Secretary ana treas
urer wa submitted, (bowing a balance
of ftli.55 on band. Bepon reierrea 10
finance committee.
Finance committee appointed conaist
ing of N. Plnckney, M. Link, W. J.
HitMu Inr Iwnntv minutuS.
Finance committee reported finding
the books of secretary ana ireaur
correct. The report was adopted ana
itrttnm Ittaj. itiartiarired.
The committee on resoiuuone rrptirv
ed a follow:
whr-.. w hnllava tlie Columbia
County exhibit at several fair during
i,. .,..1 a,o or three vear have been
beneficial to Colombia County; there
lore, be it
Betolved. that thi Pomona (.range
reccomend that W. J. Full rln. ol
Warren be oppolnUd by me roomy
n.nrt In manaire a Columbia County ex
hibit at the BlaU Fair lor tb v-r 1M07.
H. t. niir,
G. W. Makimtkk
W. A. Vomo
E. H.Flagg moved the adopt iot of
the report.
ti, Mivirt waa adonled.
The Pomona Granire unanimo ily
adopted a resolution of thank 10 E. II
t-i. ..far id manner in which be eon
ducted Columbia Cooaty s exmoii -
the Lewis A Clark Espoaitioii ami me
gtate Fair ol 1007.
tv,. invitation of Kcnnoose f.raiige for
Pomona to meet at that plf 'or it ilnanlmnDilV auooicu.
HUb WWlvu " " -
Th. .l.ta of tha meet Ina was niw
1.. flr.t KiinnlM iii May. which will
V. All,.
Attention wa called to Hie iaci ui
1.. mnntv ivinvenlion meet at 01.
Helens Saturday, March 0, a notice of
appears elsewhere In this paper.
Some one to buy
half interest in abstract and real
estate business. REASON To
much business. Need an active
Address A. H. Holton, St. Helens, Oregon
Mi Myra Bowman and Mia Sophia
Freeman were Portland viallor vr
Mr. Slim IVniperaiid Winnie Andru
attended the ball at Houltou Saturday
Several ol the Granger from hew
atlemltfd Pomona at t.ohle.
Mi.. Amila Overhobaer, ol Portland,
vl.ltrd with hr iter, Mrs. Ja Holiday
over Siltidiiy.
Mr. Th. Cailaghan ha sold hi place
to Mr. Warren ol Idaho.
Jji.ia rialtteiia lis sold his 5 si re
Imct ol land back ol Deer Island to W.
. f'i,.,W rr. Clark calculate t'linu-
lug lu the spring and will make it
lua home.
t . .1.,. iwi, vp.r
- -
J.a. Galtlei who waa so crumiy
1 ...I wwk iwo I improving, .mis.
I..,....-- - -- --- - - -
her liaini" i
School Report.
Following i the report of the St.
Helen school lor the mouth ending Feb
22, in district No. 2.
NV bovs enrolled
No. girl enrolled 81
No. day taught 19
No. day attendance
No. day absence 1
No. time tnply 11 neither absent nor tardy during
the month were Maudie Richardson,
Dorothy John. Loi Clear, Pay Lynch.
Harry Richardson, Susie Ketel. Harry
Thorp. Ruth Dicker, Chs. Lw. Friik
Thorp, Virgil Hattan. Floyd Henderson,
1. i.., Ada Ucorife. Searl
II. IIJ ..v.. .
llultim, Ernert Johns.
So Protectlou for SalmoB.
Uxiuyer In a few day. The aasrscmenl
.1.1 111 t i.i Utile diHurcnt horn
tuip ;s w(i s' w" - .
other years, eacept a to the value ol
timber land. The assessment ol timlwr
ha bceu Irom Jt to ,14 per acre. The
aaneasor ha prepared a circular letter
nolilvlug timber owner that on account
i .i. 1 -.1 n( tlmlwr laud
Ul v iiitrvww.
In Columbia county, this year the
mcnt will lw at from I2 to ,10 per acre,
and re.tueting them to fumiah him w'tn
Information as to the true value ol each
legal sub division ul their land.
Wantkii One hundred men to make
stavu bolt at l .40 per cord. Pint el
yellow fir timlicr. Call on or communi
cate with the Weitvrn Cooperage Co.,
lloiillon, Or.
... liurned oil
., ii.,,n lmt is able to be atound
aurasor office U well up, u w - . , ,
or and hi deputy will be calling on the ahhough not nbh. lo use her right l.m
' . 1 ........ n I ... a, 1 ......II. .tlwli.tliu I KIT
f 1....1 ...I..-.I at i.reajlll. II IH-er Inland
- . . ,
1... .... I.,. I in I IR Ill'Jtl SIX lunilllin
a it baa the past ix H' l1,l,l,t
have to enlitrg it .-bo il ro .ma.
.. . ..1 .- ....!. a.,til ' IMtl 1)1 111
hotiia plnoo lo K.neHt Horgren who cn-
douplule building a nic nou.n ...
Cha EnglUb Sr, I laid up this week
.1.1. a illit attack ol Ihe Grippe.
lHi-r MMid'swaterwork nif compU-t
cl noiv and all the borne upplietl
wlili plnnty ol walur,
... .1 ..... .1.,... Miiaiinarnde ulven by
the Grange on the Kith w ' tttv",u
ed and every body bad a a"001' liul0'
Tlie Houltou music wn Hue.
I have money to loan on
real estate seen rity . ,.. n
8t. Helen, Oregon
ir... il.. nrntoctlouol the uilnjon in-
d.try ol the Columbia Kiver, the Oie
gou Uglalaiure did little or nothing,
nor will the Washington lgiaiu
more aince remedial lawi must be en-.-.l
,nM,.nrr.nllv in the two stAtc.
The clo.tM Sumluy and lle sooner
fishing seasons in April sud Aligmt
u.i. ..... t in the Oreaoii Senate,
though grre.l to by joint committees of
the two horn from me tgisii....
the two tle.
For two years more, then, the salmon
hBtcherlio'oltho Columbia river are to
be almost idle, as during the last three
vear. or unlll there (ball 00 laws w
save breeding salmon.
Om more the fisheries nnvo ieijis.i
fi fr tbemsidves and again have done
mulling or worse). bus wen Ntm ire
quently thst the flnherie will not be
protected until they have been almost
.i...,,.,.-..,l or until other interests ol
the twOMtt shall lake the matter out
I .. .i..!. 1,, ..! and h'tfisliite in ft sensi
ble manner. Must thlaturtt out true?
An Interesting aud Eucoaraglng Se-
Mien of the I obm J uranae
How 10 Itenialn Yoons;.
t rnniiiiim yoonc in health sad
...n. An mm Mrs. JI. F. Bowsn, Mc-
11 did. She savs: "Three
"-"""" - .
bottle of Electric BltWrs cured me of
chronic liver and stomach tronuie, com
unhealthy con
nr 11.. hl.nvl that 111V Ikin turned
red a flannel. 1 am now practically 20
! vn,.n.r than before I took r-lee
QiH.H I . n now do all my work
H'S Ul.."- - - "
with esse and assirt in my hnshsnd s
atore." Gusrnteed by aU omggiw
Price 50c.
fi.. .ntvinlinate manses. Patrons of a,r hnrehv notified that the
county convention for the election of
delegates to the Stale Grange Ukes
place at St. Helen, on aaiuruay msreii
at 1 :30 p. 10. Each grange i entitled
to three delegstes to the county oouvon
in 0W1 three delegate to the Stale
Grange, which meets at Hood Kiver,
May 28.
W. A. Youno
K. N. Lovslacx
District Deputies.
MJKennvto V L Malcolm e
0fswqrec25 8 6
J L, Jr. and 0 F Lamberson to 5
J and 8 J Dupont 10 acres
Rrovles die
J J McDonald to W W Johnson
LumlierConnd bioi e m 01
aw nr A w bl of e or sen 2 4 6
L and I M Montgomery to West
ern Timber Co lie qr ol ne qr
22, a bfof nwqr, nw qr nw
tut 23 4 4
L and I M Montgorneyy to West
ern Timber Co several tracis
O F and M i Moeck to F O Mc-
Coakey lot 4 blk 39 Rainier. . .
G Cnnd M Morris to T Band Wm
Morrie qr ol se qr 28. a hi
....I nr of na or See 28 7 8
II 0 ond I W T Oliver, by herifT
to W E Bailev part 01 uroyiee
die 1015.60
V and L Pope to A A Mead lot 4
blk8Vemonla... '
John Pringle to John FCheldelln
lota 4 6 A 6 blk 7 Vernonia. . .
D W and M A Price et si to W A
Chrisamorenwqrof sw qr sec
11 a 2
Johh Stanley to C G Anderson 5
acres sec 2 4 Z
R E and J G Watts to W A Chisa-
more nw or olsw qr sec 11 8 3
E M Wstti to trustee of First Con
gregallonal Church of Scap
poose 60x100 feet in sec 12 8
Q Wand B Watter to John Ber
ry 1-6 acre in tec 84 81
U 8 to Wm Earth, patent, e hi of
nw qr aud n bf ol w qr sec 20
I . . . w ... n t... I STa
npfriai kobs) nora "-
v..iu-i lihmbi civen to any and all
parties wishing to bid on special road
work in road district 3. That sealed bid
accompanied with bond equal to one
third the bid, must be filed with the
County Clerk by March 7th, 1007. Bid
will be received for the Hignest, numoer
nr ..V.; varrla of crnahed rock, to be
diatrihuted on the road under the direc
tion of auDerviaor or master, the County
to furnish crusher, engineer, fuel, and
stand all breakage, tie waaer 10 luraisa
all help outside of above named.
1st. From the Honlton bridge to top
of Frantz bill for nine hundred dollars.
2nd. From south line of district on
Warren road going north for eight hun
dred dollar.
3rd. From north line of city limits
of St. Helen going toward Columbia
City for nine hundred dollara.
By order of County Court.
In the Circnit Court of the State of Ore
gon lor tne county otcoinmoia: Virginia
L. Rover, olaintiff. vs. William T. Soyer,
defendant. .
To William T. Boyer, defendant in tne
aooye emiuca sun.
In the name of the State of Oregon you
are hereby required and commanded to
appear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit be-
tween now ana ue avn oay v. wwu,
1907. , .
Said suit is commenced against you try
plaintiff for absolute divorce, and if you
- . . . maw mnA mmiA time
IH1I w .mwu ucmwi,
for want thereof the plaintifl will Uke
. 1 . : . ... .... . . . Vnl m f .
divorce and disaolntion of the marriage
vnai and aald
Thi summon is served by publication
in pursuance of an order made by the
Honorable T. A. McBrede, Jndge of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, lor
the County of Columbia, dated February
7, 1907. Said orde provides that the
first publication of this summons shall be
made on the 8th dry of Februtry, 1907,
ana tnat tne lasx pcDiiomuu v"
the 22nd day ol Marca, iwi.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Mntlr is hereby eiven to any and all
parties wishing to bid on special road
arork in district No. lour, twelve, uur-
teen. fourteen and fifteen, that copies of
the pecification can be louno wun me
supervisor aud 'the postmaster of the
above named districts.
finlcrl bid, accompanied by bond,
equal to one third the bid, mut be filed
,th the Conntv Clerk by Marcn tux.
1907. All work to be completed by Sep
tember 15th. 1907.
By order of the County Court.
M. a a v. Sk.r alaas aavutaawail arv.
e1 hu betn pool o led dm Id 1st rate r of tlie
. -a- kl lfAar a4abtwaaaLa4 VlV. the
Court of the 6ute ol Oregon, tor the Cetuty o
Columblav AuymaA all venom bavin claim
until tifl estaie are nerany irimrw w k--ent
theiweto my Mtoroey, H. Powell,
at hi Law Offlte at 8U Helena. Ore ton. duly
veriH?1 a-rotMinf o law. within aU imoiiUii
iron mc aiu ncnwi. .ttvviannatf
A. O. VUl'.'i'OU
DaUd Feb. 1907.
fi.. ii.rn.luai mother in the little town
A lv a" j-f.' -
of Ava, Mo., is Mr. 8. Kupye. one
wiiwa: "One year ago my on waa
down with such eiiou lung trouble
ti.. ,.,.r i.livataian was nnaple to help
i.:,.. . i,un h uur druiraiat'S advice I
it,..., j -" .
i..,. uivlnv biui Dr. King New Dis
covery, and I soon noticed improvement
I kept thi tiBtmeiil upior a lew
i.. 1.. w.. Ia wa nerfeclly well. He
ha worked (teadily ince at carpenter
.....1, nr. Kiiw'a New Discovery saved
his Hie." Guaranteed by all clruggiai
50c 111111 fl.00. Trial bottle free.
Things to Leara.
Learn to laugh. A good laugh ia
l.tirr than medicine
Ii n to attend strictly to your own
busine a very important point.
Learn the art of saying kind and en
couraging things, e-pecially to the
7WK- ... '
Learn to avoid ail 111 naturea re
marks and everything calculated to
create friction.
T. ut tell a eood story. A well-
told story is a welcome a a sunbeam in
. alpk room.
Taarn to stoo sTumblins. If yon can
not see any good in the world, keep the
bad to yourslf.
Learn to keep yoor troubles to your
self. The world is to busy to care lor
your ills and sorrows.
Learn to greet your menus wnu a
smile. They carry too many frowns in
their own hearts to be bothered Willi
any of yours.
1 m to hide your aches ana pain
muler a nlessant iroile. Ho one cares
whether yon have the earacue, neauacne
or rheumatism.
August Herring, of Scappoose, wu
cut from here to th State Insane
A.v.i,,.n I...I Tueaihiv alteriiooti. Nr.
Herring lm lived in thi. county for wim
.1 1 ....1 1. kni.wit and esteemed
by many. He was formerly a merchant,
licing lu the (tore bnatue aio-. -- j
He wa. arrested by Sheriff l'omeroy. of
Clatsop county, at Hwaco. Shcriri
l'omeroy took him to Astoria and will
for Sheriff White who brought him here.
The steamer Mascot, which ha trav
ersed the blue waters of the Lewi river
lor no many year, never missing a tr p
when it wa. possible for any craft to
mike It, made her last visit to Wood
land Sunday afternoon. nn
to puss the rigorous Government inspec
tion, and wa therefore condemned a
unsafe for any kind ol traffic, and ha
run her Inst run and tooted her last toot
on the placid watera of old Lewi river.
...1 .1... .nnuitltiie lu tlie
U l rumurc" v.
near future the Wetren to.,
will put lu a dock and warehouse in St.
Helens. They have option on consider
able proircrtv here and own a part of the
river front near the mouth of Mggw
tlrcek. A place to ship by boat would
be of great benefit to them, a the cur
.shortage ha caused considerable delay
.this winter in getting out shipments.
The Mist and the Weekly Oieg'
$2 per year.
rxtiartmrnt of the interior
Land Oltlce al INmland. Oiegon. reb. 7, 19B7.
(onKraaa of Jane 3, 1X78. enlilled An,
Calllornla. Nevada lll Waabinaton Territory,
...xtended u all the public laud states by act
o( Augiut 4ih. IS!. Caroline Bnl7..f
(taut, uouniyt.i y.uir v..m. . -
tomla. ha thia rtT Hied In thia oftiee hli .worn
Ub-mi No. 7iiS lor the pinvhasa of W ;
ot ea "i ami wu. ' v" ---- ' .
ahlp North Kanse 3 w ami wn. h--"
to ahow that the laud .ought la mora valuable
for ltatlTnOer or vwue i" " ..---....-- r --
Ua indT.eahli.h hU claim toasM land be
fore Ibe R-itrnd Rwelver at Portlsud, Or.,
on Tueaday the iiri day ol April 1WJ-
He names as wltnea:J.C. Burke of Port
land. Ureuon. Charles ttebora. of Portland. Ore
Lx 1'orUaud, Oreon. hd.
burse, of PorUaml. Oreem. .
shove dfK-rlbe.1 land, are rejiieste.1 tnm tbetr
clalma In this oBlce on or before aald -rd day of
April l.i. ncirauKR Rnrlabtr.
ALUtB.W.i . wi
roTice nr sheriff t su. .
In the Circuit Coert ot the Rata of Oregon for
ColnmM County. .
WUUam ilark. Plaintiff, va Bertha J. Oocksoa
and Tne Northwest Wood Coal Co. De
fendants. . ' . "
Bt virtne ol an execution. Issued out ol the
above entitled Court la the above entitled
cauae. to me directed and dated the 11th day
of Jannarv. lsu,, upon a juuameu 'c:
I and entered In aald court sod cause on the Ilia
iday ot Dewnber, 1908 la favor of tha above
I named plaintiff, and erslnst ihe sbove names
6 per cent Aom Jan. aith WW. and w with
inlerex at a per mninn tL I .t Iii,
tne lunner aura . i V i. 1. r ,
cent irom April 11. . ' : l ,-"
of HiO.OO as attorney s fees asMaatlnc JoSii.i.Jto
ana ine iurnir ui. T.
at th instance of the plaintiffs
Attorney. I levied upon the lollmrlne. property
aa the property ot Bertha J. Dnekson on of the
above itametl defendanu, on the 4th day of Feb
ruary lSKrt. being part of the same properly
attached In the above enUtled cause oa lata
davof Oct. 1WCJ. Ceacrihed aa foll".
All of blocka A B D and 1 In Dobbin Add
to Kainier, aa me anme f"-'- - ', ;
in the office ol the County Clerk ol Columbia
Conntv. Oreeon.
Now therefore by virtne ot said executton.
end in compliance with the command of said
writ, I will on Saturday theKth day ot Mart h.
1907 at the hour of 11 o'clock of said day. al the
- r .... 1 ........ tn,.mt Uiu.u. In th.
Irout floor 1,1 ie- w.m,j " -
k, Tl.ln. Columbia County. Oreeon,
Nttictof Inttntion t Mppl fer
Liquor Lktntm.
trout noor 01 ine iwnij v-w,,. .v...
city 01 m. neieup. vuimi..' " .7 :
to the hk-he.1 bidiler for ch In hand, all the
Mrit, line arm iut.n. "
. . . . . t 1. In .nn n th. .hnv. AMrrin.
ed real rmpertv, to satisfy aald execution, to
gether with all eosts auii I sccminf ..
sherlffol Columbia County, OiwaoB.
XMted Uiia jth day of February, 19OT.
f ... Wa.,! ti.e,luv'a TelcBram published
quite a long article on It. first rg atont
1'lhcrt inetuati, bcvuuih"" -plHitograph.
Part of it Is interesting and
Lructlve. telling how il l. probable
that a part of Olemnn'. skull pressing on
his hi lu produced a mental condition
that led to the killing of Mrs. Ayre. It
. 1.. i ...tcinir una ubcrlption
a SO Simula w. n 11.
' ......1. ... a u ece of his
to secure i ,
skull removed. Then comes . ... -
the article that would indicate
writer of it need, the part ol hit bral"
that 1 devoted to imnginaiion, v.. ,
or at least cut down. Here it
.'Tcnchcr aud parent. i" "
XulSnthe town
vtl?ti,epur;ur.d. fips aud
. . .1 . u, 11 lu
Some of the nay. ..."
rtnence i set - "ditscipiHne,
?l,Ktr VicTen. is at aneU and in many
III St. Helen ia ai tiiouijh
home the roil n. '
needed auy. . ...,...,. , ....
There i uo trmii - -
pirsc:...r:iht ,: t into th.
S'oVZeeyoung.ter. to make
such threat.
l'.uiuma for Columbia County met at
Gobleon Saturday hut. Following
a lull report of the proceeding.
Holl called and vncancy mica oy !'
1.. Dim Worth v Maater.
Minutes of last meeting read and ap
proved with the esccpllon a clerical
CuriTCi."". .. .. , ,1 ....1....
The Muster appoint J 1110 io.u.i"a
Kwwlutlon-M. .
Mnklnater, W. A. Young.
Condolonce-Jounie Lovelace, Miuth
Monroe, K. II. VSt- , , .
The following reports Jot subordinate
....... ivnra made.
0."..w..-iu luirootlsUnding. average
attendance 20; several wialldijUa m
1 1 m.mii.v in tre taiiry,
. 1 .rii.ritfurv.
V a a'-lti'poi I -10 members, an Increase
,,,,..1.... i,.t trnoit. Money In the
treasury and expect booh to own It own
'"'J.'" .......... ri mumlmrs 111 (rood tland
, ... in .1.... to Stats Oiange paid.
1.... ..tirchaswl the Yankton
hall and ha raised 130 .itice last Po'o-
NArti.-Total memborship 03-, a nuiu'
1.... i initiations bIuco hwtmBetiiig
,i,.nd ntlmidaiico and a prosparou
Vml It. reiMMOD. BCVlcm.t
8 nvr.HVAi.i.KY-nMport.41 member.
1 nttauidauoe. Mr. Jonnle iAJVelace
n rinovu-Knnorls i'l meuiuo
good atteiidance. and good urogre be
toward payment for hall.
Dana latASo aAi-ReporU 39
Following are the translers of real
estate reconled In tne omoe ui
County Clerk for the week ending Feb
Q A and A M Brliin to Wm Roa
n..'..ll. tl CI
n 7 s 08 leet mi, "
0 J sud M J Bryant to Walter S
Hall lot 3, 4. 5, bin 1 uryaui-s
1st add to Clatskanie
W A Chrlsamore to D W Price.
tlmlieroiinwiirorsw qr ec
11 S'2
WKConyer to Cliriliiw KJil-
berif, lot 10 W K uonyers a u
to Mumdwood cemetery.
F and D Converse to D t and U
L Cox und "a of outll east qr
sec 23 w qr of sw qr 21, nw
qr nw qr 25, neqr neqr20, e
bf of ee or andw qrsec25 6 3
D W, L M, II. and T R Copp to
Colmnibia Timber Jo nw qr
a.-8 0 2
Chas Coides to K and A Horgren
iiimii T. W Harris d I c
0 and M 1"' to John Prlngle lot
A Mb IS Yariioll ia
John Fuog to Western Lumber Co
lots 1 and S and s 111 01 no qr
lui Qil a s
M I and D Henshaw to C and L J
Perry part of A Broyle a ic (
K an 1 8 H Hodgren to W W
Johnson Timber Co hf ofse
qr s?c 28 7 2 hf of e hf of W
hf of ae ar ec 8 4 5. ...
A C and M M Johnson to Detroit
Trust Co nhf of nwqr nw
qr ol ne qr sec 8 and w qr ol
WmKarthto Benson L & LCoe
hi of nw qr, n hi ot sw qr eo
1W 6 8 '
(Timber Und Act JnneS Wrj)
Vnllcl (MatM Und Oltlce. Portland Oregon.
.. .?. 'W'i K.. .
entire H neren ' ; -
UmbeVland. In the State of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Waahinston Territory." extend
ed t.. U Public Und State, by art ot
1 10 Sarah K. lavi.lnnol Porllsnd eonntj of
Muunomah State of Oreiron ha. thia dav tiled
In tola mee her sworn 'atnt ; J "
the tmo-baae of the SW i of section il lu
T.w,hln Ko.S North Kausc No. t and
will ofler tr to "how that the lani aouaoi
s more vaiuatue lor u uuiiwr v. -v"
for agricultural purpose, and to esuMlah her
claim 10 twiil land before Kelter and Receli er
at Portland, Oregon on naturuay ui
April ISW, sue name, aa aimnn. ..v,
oiiliu. of Portland. rego. W. U. . ;''
t'ttUuiirtr. 1. rt'pin. Mm. . . . .
burs, oreaon. Oliver whear, of Rainier. Uremia..
AlIV ailil ail ptirwua i'iaiHuun ma.-
sbove-dwrlheiV landa are riucste.l t tllj
r,...i. .1.1... n .hi ultra on nr before said ?Jth
day ol April 1907. .... . nRKiWK,,
To all IVraons: Yon and each of yort, . will
Uke notice that John Wleat and Georse Wleat
"if on Saturday March 16, WJ7. aPPl he
lltHtorabie --"-,,,:"-'
swte oioregou ...r - r.JlE"i"u.'
year, at ppuc-ie. in WJ "'
iimbla County. Oreiron: which will be b-l
Tthe "county iOTof the wui of Oregon,
for Columbia I'oiinfr.
In ihe matter of the application of
Welat and lieorge Welst, W sell arlrltnous, ma't
and vl noil, liqors. and fenuetiied cider. In leu
unnnrahle County Court for Columbia
onntyStat.oiOrcgonj i
gi.u. auu niuu, -. -:.,---lin ,h.
In the County Court ol Ihe Stale of Oregon for
Hie coMtii) i v,,iiii,,'i.
In Ihe matter of the estate of Samtial A. no If.
T.i N.tli.n iliwin. of ilw Camn. Ptato nf
North Carolina, and to all other heirs and .leu-
neesuf bninuiil A. bokct,
there tw. auu 10 an "mt-, i-.w.,. ....... - - --
tlie al property beli.nglug to tlio estate of wild
ueuvni,.. : - Vn and
in the name 01 01c " ' " . . .
each ot you are he.-ehy cited and re.iiiire.1 to
Mipeai Hi the Comity Court of the State of Ore
m i for t be County of Columbia, at Ihe Court
a" thVroot. at St. Helen., It. aald ( oumy ami
Slate on saiumay m " ""j " i
al ten o clock in the forenoon of Mid
then and there ' '""V.'"?: ." "" ""WriO
KliVahr. SXHotMtoiiZA. lh
iH-loiiauie to ine estate 01 .iuti,.wii; -KiHity
l Multiioinah and State of t'rvmm
sliolllil not IHJ mane, mm ... ,
lion of Charlea Morris, the administrator of the
estate, on rile In aald Court. ....
The real property described and petitioned In
vV . , . . .1 t.nil.,.,l .lti,.,Ml in the
UlvlMou linn. i.' " -
County of Miiltn imah, State ol Oregon.
Vtlttieifl tne IIUII. 1.. ii.Mii, -",. --
Conmy Court ol the stale of Oregon for the
Conntv 01 Columbia, with the seal of sa d
Court affixed, this 14 day ol February, A. D.
Atiesl: W. A. HARRIS, Clerk.
Seat ot County Court. .... .,
V. II. Powell, Attorney (or Administrator.
gou. anit naviug a ...
SS2i thi SSaU anS illai A this ,,tition.
and comprising all actual ma ority of the whole
number of kiai voters of said Precinct, hereby
MtUlon the Honorable Comity l onrtof Colom
tor. nut"; Oregon, to grant to John Welst and
trgi "velst. partners, a license to sell splntu. ,,,,ur.,lU,Me,7ne"lei
cider, cotnmimly known as hard cider, in lew
ouantiMea lha.l one gallon, at eaMPpoose. lu
3 a.' Precinct, Columbia county, Orego ,
fr.m;,r! year irom the dateol the
i granting of sal.lll.
V,el"'". tiTitw K ilagev. William
WIkIus. William Heaiuau, O II llnrleani, J f
Morgan, J a "'.V';..f..' "7.".V .,t. 1,7 Mill
Ursen, Wm Teruahtin. M. ft
K'l'SeVS JH W,;a- M We.;., k M
I haac iroye... -ji c.rv, - j- .
r - v ZZZZ? it w.i.
dell. FLaAea. H Jorrseu.
John A iisou. rv.. v, v.r.
HenryCTis.m. mi i. ' Jl ,,Vvi.i Jai
Hart Harnett, Frank Pipe. i' ' "wio T
tXnHaTr Vkiver U Smith. I. U Pnrdy. K
iiiieii. ...m.j vi.t-.... . u. i.1... J b'r.tinaii
A McKay, J !?. -1 "V T.
Adain John J."le", S I'M Welst. J R Sanborn.
O L Kindle" V J Lyman. Job.. lIcimHl er 11
KOerharkUNewaonie. v. ..
T TOhHhe'S.. Wm BowTi't O Loiilsnont,
V lit abnioiit. O L Louaiguont. Ueo Htggen
LttS " t. K Rlr.1. John llavolik, W, K. Stevens,
Wit Hammon, W K Htrowser, A. H Ursen
Merman st-nniKis. " .;! .r ,v r- . u vv
NOTICB Is hereby given that Gust H. Apder
son has applied to the County Court of the
titate of Orexon for the Conmy of Columbia to
have hia name changed to that of (.!
an.loerg: a.m u... ."" v.."T:7X
Juitge Ol SJila tour, nna aw -
Court at St. Heleus. Oregon, as I he time and
, 1 I ..... ..I.t ...nlLallnn .M aC
place Ol nr.. ."a -i ' . , ..
objections that may be mad thereto. Any
and all persons are required to make any
objections Mi said application, II any tner be,
at said hearing. .. ...... ,,h.
nituess tne uon. 1.. ....m.,
. . .. . , . 1. ..... . . , ... f . th.
county mun o, uiv v"- .. ,
County of Columbia, this oth day of February.
A. V. IWI.
I COIRT Atwt. w.A.Hnrrt., Clerk
W. V. Powell Attornny for Applicant.
(Vallalian. V A BlackweU. . f m2r,??n
Trttkoalia. jo ? ,
Sr A WilUwr ierrhV Wm V Ryan. The. A
T.ten uo February 17 '07 at Lang-
.i,.. nrna saw mill. 6 mile west of
Goble, a bay colt about 3 years old, with
two white hind feet, wliite tnpe in iacc
n ...... Vi.vo it hv rjavinir leea dui.
v""v " ' .' " .. . . ,,v,o
Goble, Or.
(Timber Und, Act June 8, WW.)
t'nlted States Land Office, Portlaud, Oregon,
February IS 1!W. . , ,
Nottt ia hereby given that In eompllsnc
with Ihe provisions of the act of Congress 01
June 9 isr, entitled "An set for the sale of
timber lands lu the States ot Calllornla, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Teriilory." taa ex
tended to all the Public Und Slates by act pi
Ai.Kitstt, 1HW! Peter Hodman. 01 Baoona, county
of Wasbinrtou. Slate oi Oregon, has this day
filed lu thia oltlce hi sworn statement o. Tjl
lor tne pnrensse 01 "-
lu Township So. 4 North Keng 8 West
and will ouer proof tc ahow that the land
souuht Is more valuable for lu Umber or stone
hail lor agnc. ,PT; -- - --
Hsn ins io Shu, ,nM v,".w -- !i
ami Receiver at IHirilatid. Orcg"n. on Wednes
day thesth iiayot siayi.a. ne nin
timsea; C t;. Kclsou, of Baoona. Oreoon: S,
.leplarson, 01 oac.'ii-', .,r.-ii, ...
of lla.sma, Orvgi.; Tom Muchan. otMuuatsiu.
Any and all fftn clalmlnr dvrwly the
sbuvt-ilescrilwd taints arerciietcd to le their In this udice 011 or before said bin day ut
T n.,-mio m, TuiHlIK CLAIMS AND
Timber. We will buy for cash any good
timber tributary to tne rsenaiem river.
Will deal with owner only, ao omen
need answer, Write giviug full particu
lar to box 8, V. P. Station, rortlanu
Oregon. 2 20.
lathe Circuit Court of th 8lte of Oregon, lor
Columbia Conntv
Jas. II. Smith, plaintiff, vs John Helm. Be
fendent To Johu Hcltne. Ihe above named defendant.
in th name 01 iDeoiaieot tj
hereby required to appear ami answer hfm
Plalnt filed agalust you In the above uillled
cause, and suit, on or before the explmtloa of
sis wees tnira .ne uaio o, .o. r""-;r. i,
of this Mimmona. to wll: on or before the J
diivolilsrcn, i;.ano '7,' S -J-
court lur th rUet pniyd (r In bU ao11
now ou nie nvrv.u, w,,w, ...... ,
la s follows, to-wif. that you b eiulrl to
answer herein within th time perscrlbed by
law, and bv this aumtnons, and to set lorln
fullv the nature, character extent ol th
Interest or claim had or asserted by you to the
tract of land deacrlheU in said enmpUlnl. to-
that sain nan iu.t w . --- -
bv said eouitand that upon the hearing ol Oils
cause that yon lie deoreerf not hsv. any
VKal;v ; or7Ve .hereof: 7nd tK
lee ot sain premises, .uu mw ;
hat his title hitherto be forever .misled, ami
hat plaluilfl have judgment agafast you .o
blscoauand dlabuntemenU herelii. ,
Th Is suinmotia is usnaan "i -"
Honorable H. s. Hatua Judge of the Coaiity
Court 0 Columbia o.inty, State of Oregon,
which s. d order waa made and dated on the U
day of Fs b M. d'? ,lh,lf ''"of 0 this suinmona 1 the 14 day of
Atty. te'Flaiullaa