The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, February 01, 1907, Image 3

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Talk to Ki. ColtimbUCuiinlv Iliitik.
The Orrgoiihiii sny the l-eglslalor
"ran null mhw1 to run th I.rgl.
Uturc a "Jesus woU''1 ,,,v ru" " "
lis would probably have ran It out of the
building-. "t 'N'1 Uwt olllr ln"u-'11
l jolMtvr away back In old Jerusalem.
Two four-iuiitd schooner mxl full
...m . itintf t io4d tic ....i
lumlicr at tlil lrt
I, ,, wmkc help to the place, bid how
much licticr It would Iw It they were Krt
ting thrtr eargoe from 8t. Ilelciu mill
Instead of from the mill of Lewi River.
Numerous partie ,mve devored to
wvure mill ! here but fortune rtanoii
tlirv have lwy fiillrd. We uiideMtmid
th,a Mr. Mtvn will dixe of mill
itc on lit property Jut "'love town nl
very re'iible prirt.
Optimo clar j two for twenty-live cte.
I,r.lrr in iililv. I'riim Hroe.
Iutcrrt jmld on Time DrpoolU Col
miiliiii County Itault.
Mr, Jorph llollldnv, of iH-rr NUnd,
Ciiitv (rlt In.intor for ColiutliU
Cumttv, Ut If" conrmeil 10 liU liouw
,y ui'knrM lor tlir it two week. At
m, hi lie ! able to rruuie work we
jieia him to bexln ctlve crutade
MUjiint tile fruit t tint Itllful the
orclurd mid deprive the farmer ol
iiiiuy tuouuudt of dollar iiiiully.
Nw It the I time of the year to pro
in, ilc thi Hood work, and the timn (
M.mry to Umii at lii;lit per cent. Col
itnilia County Hank.
Mr.n Julin lilililce, lcii IU.111' lurj
an I lico Moet-k were vuilnr to the
county r it on Monday lat, eapec'.iiiK
lint the Kituler towiuite ce would be
tikriiu. Krp trier Kimyon mi I IttlllT
Wall werealo in attendance, but owinjj
l.i the kkneu ol Judc Mcllride, there
,t noiliiiii doinj In the legal line.
A'totnny Vrlht. of I'ortlund won on
li iu I to rtpici.Mil the town.
Scvrn room h-mae for Mle or nrnl. In
ijn:rr 01 J., r.. tiiia, iicicnw.
Columbia County people are Invitctl to
I jirMUr the Vienna Cafe, No. i!l Mor
riMiu, lirtwren Scroud and Third, kept
l.v i'.u Ljuij-c, ol tkuppotiM. Ik-t meal
in the city.
Thne l a prulMbitily thai StterV
d, ..Uiiiy will lie rlbl!h(d the
Adanif pl. reiTUlly purvhawd by Mr.
M ulni. Mr. Mtrli li been approach'
r I in regard to the mailer and ha agreed
.. biiule fifteen acre of laud, including
(he niln ol the ol 1 Adan mld. nit
Tin- .iic it one of the wot. Iieautiful tint
c i il l lie Imagined, up m huh land, with
a in xtitl'u-ic-ttt view of the river and the
mo iUl iii'iuntaint. The etUlilitll
ntnit nl tuch an Inttitutlon ol fariun
w i il-l be one ol the jr.'alet lcncl,l to
tlm o immunity, and with other imlut in ir tlut are taklil pi. ice hrrc,
mrjiu thecoiitlructum olan electric line
hum to the County Seat ol
C'llnuibu County.
Stu ivhikih 8xtit.HK One cow. Iron
uray, with "W on rifiht hip. white tar
in !i,rrlirid", while '"elly, thort tail . Dia
iiej,ed three weeka (jo lnm my place
l Hunker Hill. 11 reward will I Riven
lor ilriiulie Information concerning aame.
Yankton, Or, .
The contract for urryinu the mail
lii-vn St. Helen an I lloulton lut
Ucn r.lrt t Mr. McCauley lor flflu,
viloi li it a routiderable advance aver the
olil pin e, though atill tpiilc rr.itotiabli .
Tki;n t-y O. tl. Unit, co and
, the cow i red aud the rail white,
no iiiaikt. The owner can have them
by paving lor the Iced.
0. 11. HI LT, Veruoui.
Mr. aul Mr. II. H. I.illarc vititrd
Iricii'U nnd relative in CluUkanie latt '
Syrup ol White Tine and Tar, the obi
rrliuble coiikIi remedy. I'or aule by A.J.
licuiiiiK, ilriiKKi't.
Mm, llriirv R. NcIo., ol Heep River,
Wah,, write to Mr. W, II. I'owetl of
thit citv tlut her hul and wat III train
wir. W on a loiuk' r-,Jd at that place on
Sund.iv latt, uiul narrowly cavaped with
hi Hie, He ,it on the engine when It
iuniH-i the truck on a down grade, and
w Hi three othrrj wx burled bjiieatll it.
They were all ived, but Mr. Nc')il wnt
very nerioutly ili)urcd by liciilif bruited
and calileil. Mrt. N -lnoit 1 a titter u(
Mr. W. II, I'owell, mid her hutband w
formerly a rci1ent ol Columbia cotintv,
Hit iujiiric will illwible him for work for
piite a while, mul, from the nature? of
the accident, It it wonderful that nny of
them ciiine out alive. Mr. Nclaon wa
foreiiiiin of the rifting crew mid hud
gone onto the engine only for the pur
pote ol going up to the ramp.
Columbia County hit aevctileen
stinlfiiu enrolled nt the Oregon Agri
cultural College, The new term open
in M. ir eh, when tha enrollment will
proladily las 8.10. Kvcry county 111 the
Statu i represented, except Curry.
Wantki: jnc hundred melt to innke
"luvo Ixill at f 1 .40 rx-r cord. First cbn
vellow fir timber. Call on or com in mil'
cute with the Western Cooperage Co.,
II Milton, Or.
The electric light were turned on In
the Iiiibla lor the first lime on Monday
last. She I now a comfortable aud
complete a passenger boat as plica th
water of the Columbia an 1 Willamette,
and In uddillon to this ahe I a little
l;cdier Hutu ever. Th company l to
be cotnuiriiileil for lis enterprise and the
people between Rainier mid 1'ortUtnd
should show their appreciation of tlie
first class service furnished them by
Hiving it a lilieral patronage, l'ugct
Sound parlies have offered a good figure
(or the bo it, but it owners intend to
keep It on Its prescut run, and we hope
It will gy them good returns.
loan on approved
IV. If, I'OWKMi,
Hi. Helens, Oregon.
We liniw our reader will tir,h, .1.-
lrrrKitlHty with which they ,Vfl re
etlvcil their mrr the pi Km y,
due to repealed breakdown! lit our .'
Wt b. I.cvo tl.ut cvcryihliu,
..-I i ... . .
III Wfl.tll t,ll.,l... ... .1
........... uMicr miw, nun 1 lie pa
pers will leave Hid jNntollice ut St. Helen
every 1 nitriulay afternoon. For comity
news It I, alway hm been, ami will con -
I have money lo
rnil cslnlg security,
tiiiue to I, the be.t paper In w county. ! V,l'hiy "v,"f. nulling In n vie
We a.k your coii.l.lrratiou ol thlt num-"ry ," l,"'Klr,, ' ec'iitinK the uiot
: r : -. ,,e,i
tirw of
PuilllH, Ktc,
Croccrics. VAc,,
Fcoil, Ktc.
AH (luiimutocd. Klc,
M. C. (;n.vv.
.-oit riii hi urot . m Vaukton. who ti.,,1
Intemled to illtcontlniic titer tuwiuill
bii.inctaat their pre-ent location, have
retently purchated a fine My of timlcr
from Mucklw llrother, and will continue
operation at the old ttatid.
The fimt car load of coal direct from
the mine to St. Helen It due to arrive
llil week. It I fiuiu the l'acific Coal
and Oil Co., whote mine 1 about thirty
mile eatt of Taronia, and wa ordered by
M. v. iiray, who I a ttockholder in the
concern. The coal i to lie delivered in
hulk at the low price of fil.73 er ton,
which it ipi!ie a raving at compared
with Portland price.
Mr. IS. II. I'Ugg vttited I'ortlund but
Monday, jut ill time to gel caught in
the bluard mid detained lor lew ilayt.
It. Morgu It preparing to build two
Cottage on hi piojierty, adjoining the
lrvker homi'.
County Surveyor I'rctcott. ol Rainier,
wit In St Helen on Wedncflay latt,
running nome line lor Mr. V. I'owell.
The ttcatu M'hooiier Nome City arrivetl
here Tbuiflny morning to get a partial
a 'go of limiber.
Mr. l;d limb, ol Kalama, wa buti
ncw vi.llor to St. Helen Thurwlay,
nt:t imx.
The ice in the Columbia River broke
out aliiiml all of the Columbia Timber
Coiuny' Uxtui, an account of wbkh
the camp i not running. The repair lo
the boom ill be uiade a ioou the I
driver cull be bad.
C. C. Hoveu, who hat been watchmuti
on the tie .incr Ceo. Kbler ever iince
lr. reti-rtou bought her, it borne fur a
vacation of a mouth.
One ol the plcannt event of the tea-
ton wa a utrpritc party yivcn to Mr.
and Mr Martin lloven at their home In
Reuben Utt Saturday evening. The
neighbor met at the pott olllce in the
evening, armed with batket coutniuing
a dainty luncheon. At H :t t they matched
to the rrtldenre of Mr. and Mr. Hovcn
and took potrwklott. Card tnd mutic
were enjojed by all until 12:30, when all
iarUH)k ol a Cue luuchen. After the
luncheon the hott and holr reuiarkttl
tttat they would like to be nurprited
agdiu. Tliote prctcut wet; Mr. anil .Mr.
Henry We.ter. Mr. aud Mr, li. S.
Siijder Mr. ail I Mr. U. W. ordun,
Mr. ami Mr. At l.arton, Mr. nnd Mr.
T. C. Watt, Mr R. Ilinham. Mr, t".
C. lloven, Mim Nellie ir, Mui Cow en, Min J, II. Mngniitcil,
Aulone titc, Vml Jen ten, Orvillc Link-
Willie Nlcholtou.
Thousand ( timing, Hut Knirgy ( au
Make It Tru of Thousand.
1 hi tte wa never to well prepared
to take advantage of the colonist one
way rate to Orrgoii at at the present
time, because many thousand people nre
asking regarding fariuiux opportunities
in Oregon, and nre receiviuu literutiirc !
Irom many ol the orjiiuuatum hohlmk'
uieiul-ership in the Oregon Devrlopinetit
League, repiesciitative of all nection ol
the Suite.
CounnenciiiK March 1st nnd continu-
inu daily until April IlOth, ticket will be
on ,tle for any point in Oregon, for fit
from Kansns City and all other Mieaonrt
river Kiinti thi also mean from St.
Paul and ,Mliiiicaxilis, and all the
country west, incliiilin the most import
ant agricultural nection ol the I mtccl
Stale, and from just where we wnut our
home builder.
Theits ticket are good by way of I'ort
lund all the way round to Ashland, or to
any Intermediate pupil, also to Astoria;
anil to all point east ol finiitillu the
rate is i.M, Holders of these tickets
can Let a ston over of ten day ut any
point In Oregon on the O. K, : :
The !
same privilege is given to all holders '
tickets lietwecn I'ortlund and Ashland, ,
except that stop over are to be secured
bv detxisitlng ticket in the 1'nion I'epol
at I'ortlaiul.
The rule fiom St Louis is or fi'.oO j
to point m Oregon east oi i iihiuh". ;
fact, these rate, are avuuaoic 7
million ol people, emhracmg the Missim
. . . ,:- .1 ..IL,.. nnil nil tile
Isslppi iinu missi.,,.,
territory contiguous tntriio. '
The .HMcreni coun t
tbi. Sta'e that are sending out lite ran ,
,mve adopted the very sensible plan of
i.-. ti,M . inu us. i-tir i i-i
can make ust u effective an auvert
inent by making It f-T. briefly describing
tlie beauties ol the trip, etc
Every citicii of Oregon altould get
busy and write lo friends of this oppor
tunity to come out to Ibis country.
giving uie noc t iwihniil tliis week vlaitinu with upon the tax payerf, tna aliriea Here-
Stance, I'cmlleton make, her 1 verlising ; days n rl '2 t " tofore paid being divided among the
ctfectiv. when she put f2-.&0 in big lyi fi uu.ds '' t"ltiu'- tho dilleren counties aslaiilyas possible,
a, the rate from all point in Kansas am ; r. A, V. McLaren was t k l to ho
Nebraska to Pci..Ht.m, while Ashland st. Vincent h.spiti.l I. oitland last, . . , .
HA I , M Kit
Mr.f, ; AiImiiim, formerly of Vcrno
ill, llll'll Ht III!) flood HlllllHl ilHIl hospital
In J'ortlmul 011 Niiturdiiy lust, was
at one tllm, n iM,,.,t ,,( HniuifT, where
h slilcr now resides. Tlio remains
Ul 7 , :""rw",", l.e.othw
' irounbui of thti amilv 1, l.,i.l
lllCI content between the, Imv and
' uu:iy "eimol clause
1 ""' (;"""'K""''al church
i((lrl' Hunday mjIihoI clause was held in
In I liiu I'il V
onm..fn lor llm fiinrliir. Kiilroliinciim
i-Oioilntlng of c'loiolutn m,i c,,e were
'rvi ia tin, room lmlii,H uiiii ,i...
'Hiy Iiho u giHitl tiiunri! iih-hI of "Korcu"
mid ueio inviicl to look
liku Kuiiny
Mr .,...1 i,.- -.i ......
vnia. uioiniiuiai. who
rmiibt n luiit onu hi ilo noiitlieimt from
town, nar tin, K. I'. B.-im toiy. hud the
mitfortiine to .e their infant ton, ngi,
twenty moiilliM, from I In, cftVot ol
hooping coiil, o Hiimltiy Ht. The
fuuiifiil took plm-tf Titetday, ltv. Cnr
inlcliai'l i.nioiatiiig.
Mr. John . Nelaon bad tlie inUfor-
tune to loelhi(wof tbu flugeiMof hi
right hand lout Mommy while at work In
NeJnoil Brother' nawiuill. i.liont ai
lilih-a from lliit city.
Mi. J-iiic liwu wa in I'onlaiid
Tiifwluy hmt and n-Miii Mr. Ime t-il
he tlowly I nproving.
Mrr. V. Ilirman mid Mr. ;,1. Clark
were I'onlaiid viailoia Friday and Sat
urday. Mrs. W. C. l- wita t pajtengvr to the
lildtropoli Satiirdiy.
Mr. I), (i. HrUcoll, ol lloultoj. vlit,d
with fr.viuU in Itainier oer Siilunliiy
and Snnilny.
Mr. Carl HUaart wa a vioitor to Kel
ro Huturtlay ..
Mr. and Mm, I,. S. Thoina upeut tt-v-
il. 'I i1hv In Ilia n.ftioliiln ili imp l
MiM Ii IVrry attended the It-acln-iV
mi-it iim tifltl at CUtakaiilo IhmI hjlur-
Mr. Joe Mux til epeut Sd:il.,y Willi
lii-r pareiitii, Mr. mid Mrs. Knit man, at
Mr, and Mm. I.. 11, Haxton, wboweiv
rmlyfiichHr of tu i,o.H .icp.rt-
mi-lit of the l'..rdan.l I-nmli -r (Joiiipa-
ny'a logging cimp, i.ave Muuied the
liiaillt'nifnl of tin, K.iirii'r H.ri'1 mi l!
are now ariv.iig tim public with neni ami
ord rly linli'l cf iinitio.l.illoiu.
Mr. nnd Mr. F. M. Foal r left Httn
djy evening (or a ttcek't with tlii'.r
in and hit w id, Mr, ami Mix. Will
Fowlur.of llwai-o, A'lisli.
Til) (. iiiii lcm of HiU tb inity li ivotf
frclc I . It-Hi ii-iiiiry or.a ;i;.:l!ioii of a 1 -
l unioii mi I an orgHiuu-r II bu In tt-
j Febri ny 3d to luntall olli. i-rt mi ll gel the
(Uiii'ii into working order.
Mi, tio irne Anib rs ,n. wlu I at l o, n
ill ino ptttt two week, ut taken lo ll.ui
S . Viutt-iit h spital ill 1'viUaii'l last '
Friday night.
Mi l, John IU mi I pasK-i.ger for
I'orthiii '. M nsiliiy.
Mr. Geo. F. Mjeck wna county s-nt
visitor Moiiil.iv.
Mi Margmt Mcl.nim visited li-r
brother, Or. A. 1'. Mcl.-iren ut the ft.
Vincfiit biHpiial Monthly l.t-t.
MM Ague It urn, it, of Ilo, I .on,
nmotig l'ie pawengt-r going to lVrtiaml ,
Moi d.iy moriiing. j
Mr. W. T. Juc o( tbu firm of
Jacibtou-Uidt- Co. of I'-'ttUiul ns in:
liiinl.-r riiiiidiiy. Mr. Jacobsot and
Win, Hied Jr. nre erret-ting a m mill nn
KoXt'ut k, t so in from town. Mr.
laio'oou ia also iotrts ed in llu
Westtl'ii Cedar Co,, and wa looking
I into tl"' imitft-r i f moving tlio tluui--
wblcli How ai-enit to s in the Muvt.
Mr. l.otl Itrant tin a pam'tignr to
I'ortlaiul Mom lay, nnd the
ftlliirl ,,f Victor Feiv Tilstlny ut Uni
Verdty I'mk.
Mr. Ft-1 .x IVUitl ot to ITuivorslty
I'ltlk M.iinl.y lo unt il 1 the funeral of
!bis br-'tbt-r in-biw, Victor Fflce, who
d.ed al Unit phc Hal m day, Jan. I'll, of
i tliahuti-i.
Mr, (i,.,i lUiubo nnd iittr, Mr.
McKae of Mill City, arrived in Haulier
SituriUy t'V.-uiiu ' visit with tlieir
sistt-r Mi lUuibt', lio has bet-u very
III th pnst week.
Mr. Clinton Kilby retiirnetl lioaie
Monday moriiing from Hip timid Samari
tan bospiUl, wloiv bo hll bt-fil Cn
llne'd llif pint ten week with n brokfii
leg rt'cieved ill the traiil wreck lit
Hockey' logging cunp.
A nict'tiug was held by cull at the
Hfview olllca IhhL Monday evening for
the purport! oi uisci.fsiiig Mioimtoef,
to lio placed before the people by itiili
alive petition lo the council, providing
for all lite necessary Hops preliminary
to the to,u of Rainier' conat meting
nnd owning iia own waterworks. Those
prea'at were W. It. Untuiuli, Cliaillou
Louis, W. C. Hschcr, I Van Itlam-huid,
John Diblilee, Laud Rutherford, V, M.
P.iv. I'aiker Sttunick, A. I.. Clink,
:iia Sllv. J. A. Siliunertm, lio. F.
jj,, j, J, Siewind, Judgo Taylor,
(),ioii )u!oher and others. Tho draft ;
- ,K, m,t WB) rluj cioiiaiilerahlii
I.IWi - nssitiii bad m the tlilTi'ient sections,
Tht( lU-l wm ,u m(u0 ,lft, t ( mi Iniii-1
i iv petition unU votea umi i u lonii
Mim ie Rliick anl Mia, Leila;
. .. ... ; I
Slaughter of I lium were vianura
liainiet' Moutlay night.
Mr. ,.. U, Karri, was a ptWnger to
1 r
1,110. '
SimdiiV. H hn been ill Hie !el ei'K
ami Ihough! a change by going to l'orl
liml would be or bentllt, but found
ir il,., treatment of Dr. Tucker he
bad a acveiti
1 n hi.
attack of typhoid pi:eumo-
Assessor Laws, in order that he might have some reliable
data on which to base his assessment of timber lands in this
county has endeavored to secure from parties having them
in their possession, the cruise of a considerable area of the
county, but so far he has met with no success whatever, the
parties owning the documents refusing to sunender them,
evidently perferring the present valuation fixed by the
assessor to the one that
available. Utile.'
SS tllC COttlltv
vides for a cruise of the timber we will be as much in the
dark as ever, and the only alternative will be for the asscsscr
to arbitrarily raise the values, and then the owners of tim
ber land can come before the board of equalization or the
county court sitting as such aud present proof to show that
they have been unjuuly dealt with. In counties where a
cruise has been made the first year's assessment has more
than paid in increased valuation the cost of the cruise. It
is reasonably certain that this would be the case in Columbia,
which is one of the i:unt densely timbered counties in the
State. If a cruise h t l b:e:i made five years aeo the sum
realized by this time
tlie new courthouse.
matters before the
pople of
ber is rapidly being re :H,vcd from the land, and when it is
gone the value will b.: reduced to comparatively nothing.
Men are making forttt: es out of it; and while it is true that
they arc giving employment to l tbor, there is no good reason
why they should be permitted to escape their just share of
the burden of taxation. This is a good subject for dispassion
ate discussion by the Grange, and let it be remembered that j
that ti,osc wh0 are demanding equity should be willing to
o i j t
j do equity. There are some farmers and business men
w ho are very anxious to sec
value but who never fail to insist upon a minimum valuation
of their own property. Fanners can afford to pay their full
share of the taxes provided railroads and timber men are
compelled to do the same. Give us the limit, tut see that it
is honestly aud intelligently expended upon roads, bridges
and the other necessities of good government and community
i.irr tiik iiuvr.H jikwauk
The purchii'c of a I-gialattir-i in tne
liit,-rl of the c ,'p ral.o'is may , not
p'ovo as (t-if,, and irt):ilab;e an invest
ment n it l as in tlm pst. Fo'tsililv
enough iin-uibt-r.t of th Slute Si nut" rati
' l frnre(l by direct or in direct purcl ac
! to nullify the will ol tlio people nutl
' p tv tit the passage of a reciprocal lie
j oitlriiitrt bill, tin, creation of a potent
railroad I'liiimiss on or llm mlonlio i of!
the aupgi-ftions of the Stata Tax C'om-
lii sKion. The eurporuiions heretofore
bate been nblo to cotitul a Riillii-ient
iiumlicr of those who aiu supponetl lo
bt tlu public's si-rvaiits, ami they may
I hi nb! to repeat ilit-ir pa-l MiCA-e--s.
lint will it pay? Are th-j -.'Ootls worth
the mom y? Will tin purchase protect
tho buyer in the enjoyment of the prop
erty? iftr.-lofjr,', when a good bill was
ki.lrd by any of the devious nii-lho la of
tin, lobbyist it leuved lend ; but ih vv it
i. iliileiein: not only uiity it come to life,
but its untimely daughter ntav incense
the it-oplc so that they will not be satis
fied with ils original text. The n;
iiinlivo is a law, ami it puts in the hand,
of the pt-oplj tne power to correct any
errors ol omission or commission the
Uviiatnn may K guilty of. A pati.-nt
and long sulT ring puld c is ileiiiauding
remedial legislation. If it is denied by
those in bom they huve plat-td tlieir
trust they w ill hike tho matter Into tlieir
own hands and they a ill not be overnice
but very thorough in their methods.
"I. t Ihst buy, - beware."
A measure bus In en inl .'oiIulviI in the
C T ..i.Ull llrrt loovi.ltn.. llnit l.llt'll i
, futl u, H t!Ut,.lt.t
attorney tli-tr'ct. This, in i fleet is pio
vidng for couu'y attorneys instead of
the pie.'t nt system willl a dii-trlct attor
ney for eevvrill C uintlea, who appoints
bisileputy Iiie.ichcoualy. We trust the
bill will pas', at i he present system lus
been far from aatisiai't ol'V. A county
attorney will bu dirtily .responsible to
the people who elect him, ami will not
have tJ consider bis superiors
Interests whenever h, ia cille l upon to
enforce, the law. Tliti present system
has all the evils of machine nil, and
i ha proven to be inclTietivi and weak.
was not only unjust to the people,
! but it wn also Ifjusi to the deputy, as
it veiv often put him lu uti eubarassiiu
position mid prevented him from loin
1 .
i,ja only. U iniulo a tlhitb il
nonslbilitv and it was hard to lis the
blame for a nont nfoieeuu nt of the law.
The bill alma to ll.c ti c Falaries so that
there will ba Very liltlo extra burden
drawn by some c'.iizmi of thiu county j
il stead of, as heretofore, being paid to!
a resident of sonitt other County in the !
.1; I , ..,,,,... o ,., 1... ..,.11. ill1
ttiniiit;,. t'l'iini. i j ,1 itvv'.i
and wo hope our icprt'seiitativV Hon,
K. T. Council will give it his support. f:
would be made if the facts were
court or tlie T.f-trislsif nrr- nrn.
probably have paid the cost of
is one of the most important
Columbia County, The tim
timber land assessed to its full
M J and J M Archibal I to J
Archibald tit - sec 14 6-2 . . .$
II R and C A Cliff to C C MtsU-u
w bf of ue tjr need 4-2
A II an.l C A Ctiniiii gbani to W
K MeCord w lif and g hf of s ,
qr aec 'J2 4-2
M and 51 Isiran to Uroughion A
Wiggins Ibr Co. timljer on se
quarter lee it 7 4 ...
l F a id 51 W Kason to G L and
J A M I'lier-on o bf of lie qr
and' nt- qr of sw qr set. 3i and
ll w qrof ec 'Jidb
U Fred etal to W II I'owell s bf
of u qr and ne qr of se qr see
M and J ;.ibri,-!soii to W H I'on .
ell n bf of nw qr tec ii 4 i
M and J tUbrlelson to W II l'ow
ell e hf of ne qr and ne qr of
so qr stc 224-2
C and J Harms to Julius Harm
40 acres in 95 7-4
V II Hess to Western Timber Co
s ht of u bf of ne qr of sw qr A
II bf of s hf of lie qr of sw qr
IS 4-4
K H and C W Kiugsley et al lo 51
K r.igeland in Cia-skitiiie
The King estate to U C .Hasten
I ight of way
J 51 and C Larkins to Hraugiito i
A Wiggins timber on part of
25 7-4
tt F and 51 t Lhnlgren to the
Nebaleui Investment Co !und
in 0 5
C lllltt
51 F. 5Iavgi'r to Louis
Streicher land in 1J 8-3
J O Nelson to Rr.iuglitoii A Wig
gins timber on the nw qr sec
25 se qr of ne qr n d e hf of
v qr of ne qr s -c 2d 7 4
12 Y and W II 1m',.1 to W K 51,:
C'ord s bf of iu tp- S'C 1 1 4 2. .
Same t J same 200 in 2J and 23 4 2
K & M J R iss to V 10 McCor.1 su
qrand s h: of ne qr see lo 4-2.
AilgSijbaly to L'ulis U.iymel part
of F Ferry die,,.
V Land L A Simmon et nl to M
K l'ae land in C'latxknnit,. . . .
II Micu'iich t , I'.roliflt don A Wig-
L iiiiiier Co c hi nf sw
u qr see 21 and mr q,
qr of
f no
qr s, c !1 7-2
FO and W II Strong to U 11 nnd
I r Ohauey various tracts
J is Y.iubl.iricom to Jas llickeii
b , t -in lots 4, 5 and ti'blk 7
east fidu add to Yernonia uiul
I ar of se qi nf n .v ol sec 4 4-1
M mi l J U White to W 1C McCord
w qr sac 15 4 2....
U Will" ms lo W II Powell s bf of
ii hf of sec 14 4-2
Unit' d Males patent' were gitllited to
L. L. D.'tiii-k and John A. Shaw.
Tho Mist nnd the Weekl 0i'eg"li:iui,
1 per year.
VHHt Mum Asked to Hun the Male or
Oregon Two Tears.
If they gut nil they ask for the gentle
men at Salem will make the St.ife of Or
egon font the largest appropriation bill
in it history.' Kvcry section of the
State seem to want a piece of the pic,
and of course there will be a willingness
to uid the other fellow in order to get it.
Following is the list of amounts asked
for, according to the Orc-gonian, up to
tril societic ...
: iibling
n ol
.' institution! .
S hool
i ry
tij: 'I
ll ,'n i
.'.l.fc ..
C . .r .
l'l-. .. i ,.
In. in.- '
lll-lloi .
Attorn .
2U. noii
1,0" m
'. .vlum
.. i.- Veterans . . .
, v',enaral's office
Circuit I i-lgc-s
Dii ne Attorneys
Su c l.i r iry
Suoreine Court
I egiilaiiee Assembly....
N-ition il tiuard
I'-iiiMn iid binding
I'rinlin;; deficiency
Slate departments
111), IKS)
! 1,01.0
(', i.l.iM
Total fl,0"sJ,0IS)
Of l'',R Ai'I'HOI-ltlATlONS.
Oregon C'ty locks f mt)
State aid for roads onO.OiS.
Stat-L'uivt-rsity i-VUKK'
.tgri.ulturat College 12-!.i
. eston Normal 70. H.
Monmouth Normal 1 lO.'ftt-
Drain Normal 40.0tti
Ashlaml Normal ?.0.(KH'
l'ortage road 110,000
Armuiies . r.H.On
Home for Feeble Minded l.o,i o
lutcJ'i'.l 2.VI.0-H,
lamcstown Kxtxjsition lit.OiH
."'ea'tle Exposition . l.tO.OCt'
kaiiroad commission .t'l.O (;
Mute school buildings 45,10
Hydiographic and topcginphv
surveys . , .t '.or-t
S silp Ijounties .ti.f-s
rounds (or capitol :).' )
Tax t ommission ! 'J."I
fiank Examiner . .. . lo.un
State accountant 8,000
Depntv H ardens AM'
Fi-h Warden's Clerk 2,00.
Cheese inspector. 'l.hi
Sheep Inspector 5,J0,
John iluiien 1U.0H
Sew codes H.0UI
Library Commission 10,11 a
Fish patrol boat -ViM
Board of Charities o.iss
Mining Inspector .-.not
Total f '.-I7,500
Ordinary expenses 1 Jj'J.lK.
Grand total
Wisp Council from the
f 1,507, 0.
''I want to give some valuable nd vie,
to those who suffer with lame back an,!
kidney trouble," rays J. It. lllank, mliip
f Heck, Teiin. "1 have proved toai
ibsolute ,',-riainty that Klecliic iitter
will iKisilivele cure this ilislressin; c -n-
diti-'ii. The first Isutle gave iny grea:
relief and pfl---r takin a l-w more b it
ties, 1 was completely eurv-d; s- coin
ple'.ety that il Ix-coines a pleas ire ti
recomuiend Ibis great rp.iitd,-." S .;:
under guarantee at nil diuirgi-ts. l'lite
The taleiihor-.e is au American inven
tion, and its development is the result
of American ingenuity. Pc-pite th
fact that it is now barely tbir.y years
old, it is thoroughly fastene I uron our
daily life. Alexander t,r,ih:im Be!.', M
invent' r, :8 still a fsinibar figure on t! e
sTietsJof Wa-hingt ir. IlclHvan working
O'l the idf 'i in 1N74. lie ci llip'eted li.e
invention Ml 1ST"), pa ented il next via.
and in 1877 it a, put i to pra-icii
Coiiiliiereiel uso. fter niakitg the
oriir tl il machii e Mr. Bs!I 'Inn bus co
hiins -lf with scientific research ill tt'iir
directions, and left to o her inventors
ihe tank of bri.iij'li j ihe i lea up to il?
present state of piTi'evtio:!.
A I all billion do 1 irs aie n iw iiives!td
in this revolutionary i. Vcution. Ther,
are n tarly three million names in th,
teleplime directories of the Unite:
$tst-a. Kacli man, woman and t liil.l in
the Ctuntiy averages near y a liiindr. d
talks a year over tha le'ephoi e.
Knoriiious leturues have betii rta'ietl
fio.n trilling investment made Veins
igo w hen the idea whs ia au experi
mental stage. FiauchUes were freely
given away Ov geiicr-ins city
tnthers t'j men koked upun as dieameis,
ara now worth millions of doliai-s. in
late tbtt iOmetitio:i lieiween the LM1,
or "liu-l companies anil wnat ir
known us the "Independent"' concerns.
baa larked ui.d torn cities and rural
iMiiiimiuitHs eveiywherti from the
Atlantic to the I'c lie.
Telephones have turned some old
theories f business topy-tni vy. For
instance, it has lietn the rule of com
meice that the larger the busintss tl e
cheat er the proportiunte co:-t of oper.i
tion. Xot so with the telephone. Tin
groater the number of uitti nine ,1s nt
tacbt tl to '.-n ex change, the greater n lim
ber of persons me invited to lalk. Tli.
means nine openoo-s an I moie wires
and more expense in tttkiog care el
them. This calls to mind nn ones ml
complaint 111 it was 'sent into the
loC)iie.ig'i llti!' out 1 'ng ugi. A mv
! am sc'iber iudign mtly ieported thai
73 libera was rojivihing the inatter witn
j the 'phone. "Why," ahe said. "I have
1 i bad I lie thing lure a neck, nnd tlu bell
!'l run!: rang one." I'.olntly no
! o. e has called you up," was suggested
'Oh, I hain't tVngit of that," tlm
'o one stems to bauble to fort east tbu
pos i'dlitles of the toleplmne. .Vice
rrcfiiLiit Fairbnuk, wlien n sin Of,
wiisti warm advoca'eof u'i urmngement
by which s e -ial .1, liv.-iy 1, tt 'r, propr
ly dts'g iti:ed, sho ild b., t pjni d by the
p siun'S er nn I read over t ,e telephone
to the ad-lr sse. One of the most start
1 ng develop i.e lis is an arrangement
wnich will give a man an opportunity to
sit in li s home Sunday morning and
hoar his favourite ptvac! er expound be
i goiji. I. bach n c uiti'ivaiice was hinted
1 t In i'e lamy's ' l. king UrC'tw arit."
,A t lal of this id . -a was givtti in the
national lions j of representative, rei'ant-
ly, and tiiombera In c miiuitteti roam all '
over the cnpitol bf aid what was going
on in the house, the ileba'es being; taken
l i by m liinocmit lo .kinjdiskoti 8peek
er Ciiunon's du k.
An eft iH Is beh g m vlalo bring ths
phonograph in conjunction with the
tt.'lephon"). As an instance of what may
result Irom '.hi combination, the
country doctor any nay Into his talking
macliln-i "Huve gone out to Bill
KinithV Will return nt eleven o'clock.
L-ave your name and nddn ai and what
Is wanted, " Kvjry person who CjIIs
np the numlKT will ba nnswered by the
phonograph which Is not liable to the
Lipnei of memory with which ofiic hcyn ,
re afllicted. An I when the doctor re
turns he can tnm on the other phono
graph, the rereivlnj one, and it tilHfit
him win called .up while be waianay.
and what they wanted. And there will
be no m iet ik). If li s Ciller stiUcrad
or sneezed or i-wore gently nndef his
breath, a faithful reproduction ,.f all
th it haj pene I 111 b on reeonl.' '
Hew to ;re I'hllMoJuM.
"Toenjiy freedom from chilblains,"
wri'es John Kemp, Hast Otisfield, Me.,
"I apply liucklen's Arnica Salve. Have
also used it tor salt rheum with excel
lent re-ulls." (iuuranteed to cure fever
gores, indolent nicer, piles, burn,
wounds, frost bites and skin diseases.
35k at all druggist.
Notice is hereby given that the County
Sujierin'e l-lect of Columbia County will
hold the regular examination of appli
cants for state and county papers at St.
Helens, as f dlows:
Comxeiulng Wednesday, February 1.1,
it : o'clock a. m.f and continuing until
Satur.'. ly, February Hi, at 4 p. m.
W!m-r. lay Penmanship. history,
pi-llin.', i.hysical geography, reading,
Tiutrvl ty Written arithmetic, theory
of tt-iiiiii. grammar, bookkeeping,
p'.i' sics, civil government.
I'r day 1'liys ilogy. geography, mental
arithmetic, composition, algebra.
Sif.irl.iy Botony, plane geometry,
general history. Fnnlish literature.
school law.
Commencing Wednesdav, Febniarv 1.1
it 0 o'clock a. in. and continuing until
Friday, 1'ebrnarv 15. at 4 o'clock D. m.
Wednevlay I'eumanship, history, or
thography, reading,
Thursday -Written arithmetic, theory
,f teaching, grammar, physiology.
Friday Geography, mental arithmetic
school law, civil goternment.
We.'i Peiiniiuubip, oithcgia
diy. niithai, tii-, rending,
t luisdav An of imostion tin. theorr
of teteh ng. i b si logy.
I'.it .1 ut Hon ur, Oren, this 3181
1 ,v of Jaiiuarv, laot.
County s-'ch h1 Superintendent
The Klght Same. -
5Ir. Aii-u.-t Siierpf, the popular over
e r of tin- i ur, at Fort Madison, Ia.,
s&.'s: "Dr. King's New Life Fills are
ichtly miiind; ttieynrt moi e ag'eeably;
lo more gotnl and make one feel better
ti,an any otler laxative." Guaranteed
to cure biliousness and constipation.
.'5 at all druggists.
A Custom Horn of the Superstltlaai
of the Aaeient.
The burning of people In effigy baa
come from a fojMsh superstition of the
ancieuts, who liel'eved that by buru
iiig a likeness of a person they were
iutlicting pain upon the Individual him
self. Theocritus tells us that the Greek
sorcerers killed tlieir enemies by magic
rites performed over the etfigy of the
persou who had ofieuded them, aud
Virgil also makes mention of this.
In the days of witchcraft and perse
cution one of the most common charges
against witches was that they made
waxen images of their enemies which
they melted before a fire ami thus
caused the dissolution of the originals.
The Japanese still regard the effigy
as a means of punishment of faithlesa
lovers, aud in France to tho time of
the first revolution execution by effigy
was a legal rite. In the Netherlands
tho same illogical custom prevailed,
ami the different religious burned the
elligies of each other's Icadeua with
zeal. Iu England the burniug of ef
figies was also practiced, as it was
later iu America.
No doubt from the ancient custom of
burniug the etligy arose tho idea of
placing tho wax figures of em incut men
In Westminster abbey. Iu oldeu times
upon the death of a celebrity a waxen
figure representing him fully dressed
as iu life was made uud carried in the
roar of the funeral procession. After
the service the clllgy was set up iu the
church as a temporary monument, and,
during the time it was ou exhibition it
was customary to paste or phi pieces
of paper containing couiplluieutary
epitaphs upon it. The royal figures Iu
Westminster abbey date back to the
fourteenth century. New York Trib
une. Stanley the Explorer.
Although the fever of African ex
ploration did not seize upon Henry M.
Stanley until after he found Living
stone, when the example set by the
latter fired the Welshman's ambitions,
there can be little doubt that Stanley
was a born explorer. Otherwise he
would scarcely have been able to ac
complish thoso arduous Journeys which
enabled him to fill up an enormous
blank In the map o( Africa. Stanley's
discoveries were of the greatest po
litical importance and led to the found
ing, among other thlugs, of what Is
now the Kongo Free State. His ulti
mate discovery of Em In Pasha furnish
ed a uiuguificeut Illustration ot Stan
ley's Indomitable courage and perse
vornuce. Loudon MalL
A Royal Slip.
Considerable amusement was
caused by a slip of Emperor Nichols)
pen iu accepting the offers of several
-companies of Siberian nillltia who vol
unteered for service at the front. Th
retitlou read, "We humbly lay at your
majesty's feet our desire to b por
mitted to fight and die for the father
land." TDe.emperor In accepting wrote
on the margin of the petition In bis
own hand, l thank you sincerely audi
hope ysue-yjcUhM may b folly, MM