The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, February 01, 1907, Image 1

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Proposed Oregon Tax Law
(CoiiUnutxt (row ImI )
(Thi collector to liiiike weekly Unto
ment To keep fund separate,)
Section 10. It ahull be tho duty f
the In i collector to inuko a statement
on the last btuiliic ilny of each week
of the exui"t mount of the nudi and
county order by him collected fortune
nd pcnaltle ml Interest, and whnt
ammuite thereof nru to be credited to
the aeveral fund for which they r rn
icctlvely Collected, one of which state
ment hull be filed with tho ituunty
chirk ami one fiirnUhiHl to tho school
district, town, city, ixirt, or othor mu
nicipal talxng agency for which null of
audi amount are o paid In, and one
of which alutciiient h ahull retain on
file In lila office; and ahall exhibit to
the county clerk for examination and
comparison hi colled Ion register and
hiii si ub hook Containing oplc of the
receipt hy him given 'or the taxi no
collected. Hie tax eolletor aliall keep
the money received by him In croto
fundi!, and shall pay tlie ennto over to
Uie several school district, town, cltie,
irta, or other inunlclwl taxing din
trlrt or agciiclc entitled thereto, iihiii
demand made by them, paying them
the amount thereof to which they are
respectively eutltlcd, taking their re
ceipt therefor: Provided, apcclal rnd
fiindu altall be retained In the hand of
the county treoaurer, and exticndod by
him n mji the warrant of the county
clerk a by law provided. .
I Suprrwira II t C. t'.wip . arril-.n lino
rii Aril ld lltwa. wbkli ait liu-Ui4rd In
lh trrvr.llna arftltm I ul Ihu itl), nirrrt
rhaitgma iw coulotttt iu i plan f iwakihf
tlia emmty luaaMlffr lh taa oitlrliif. I'trt-
, nun a lo areata! funt It tiWn hum II.
I . tump., atltn SIOI, a.KIIng port. and ullwr
atrtM-it. llur lw tn l In analogy Iw taw.
ul ivuj, f in, wctloa tl )
(Applying money collected for one ob
ject Ui another I'enalty.)
Section 20. When any money !inll
have lnwn or received by any
officer for any dUtlint and aim'tilcd ol.
Jei, no xrUuii of them shall be paid
or applied to any other object or pur
noae without due authority, but ahall
lie kept a aeparute fund for such ctieci
fled ohicct: and any olUcrr fnllliiat to
comply w ith the provision of thi cc
tlon shall be liable to a tine not exceed'
lug or to Imprisonment In the
county jail not exceeding til month.
iH. C Cum , tKtto 1110. no hm
(Tai collector to receive and receipt for
money and county order collected
SvctlooSI. The ta collet tor thall
rexdv and receipt fur all money and
ouinty onler ndlected by hi to for taxe
In the uutnner nrrecrllied In Ui follow
lug ection hereof, and any tax Collector
foillnn lo comply with any of the tiro-
vlnlon of the following MiHion ahall b
deemnl guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof aliall be lined
In a "iiiii not lee than 1100 nor more
than 11,000, and the comt before whom
aid lax collector I tried aliall declare
hi ollice m tmuurvr anil Ui collector
vacant for the remainder of hi term.
(H. C. Cop, tKiivn Slot, ne )
(Tax onllector't record of tax collectolta.)
Section L'2. The tax Collector ahall
receive and receipt for all money and
oountv order eolln-tod by him for laxea,
and hall note on the tax roll again!
the pri-rty paid on, In Column pro
vldnl therefor, the date of each pnyineiit
and number nl receipt. He vliall kep
01 h rtub receipt book, In which hall
I kept by hi in a Copy of each and every
receipt by hint Untied, anduch rccuipu
and atuba hll he arrangwl and mini
lerel conaecutively for each year, and
hall ahow exactly the a moo nt paid in
cai.h and Uie amount paid in county
order, and aliall how the plmv and
dale of collwtlon, Uie imriKieo for
which and Uie prt)Mrty on which the
taxes were paid; but the matter hown
upon the tax roll may be omitted from
the tul If It contain a reference to the
volume, page d line of tho tax roll
wherein auch mattcra are let forth.
Nuch Ntuba or copica of the receipt in
lied hy the tax collector ahall alw) In
every cwmi Contaiu the poalofllca or rcl
dence addrcea of tho ti payer, which
limy lie aaccrtnlncd at tho time of the
puymnnl of Uie tax and then entered
on the tub or copy of tho receipt re
tained by tho Uix collector. No tax
collector ahall receive a larger amount
In county orders (rout any eron for
taxc Uian tho amount of auch puron'a
county Uxea for the yenr or year for
which the tmymont la made. It ehall
lie the duty of tho tax collector to note
upon each receipt and copy thereof the
number and amount of each county or
der he ahall receive, tho amount of the
taxed for which auch receipt hnll lie
given, and alwi to write the ditto of the
receipt uxin the back of each county
order paid in for taxca, and at tho eumc
time write or atamp acroea the fine
thereof "Iteoolved for Taxc," and no
county onler hall draw any internet
alter tieh ditto. He ahull keep, aa a
pitrt of the record of hi oflloe, u collec
tion regiater, In which he ihall make
proper entrler, allowing the variout
amount collected by him, the amount
thoreuf collected for each and every aep
rate fund, tho year In which tho tax
o collected Ihh'uiiio due, and the num
ber and date of the rcapective receipt
given hy him therefor.
(It, ft C, Tamp,, arrllon 1103, ameeilrd
tir I..W. ol luim, ch.pier si.)
"Of courae your conatltuenta want
man who la perfectly frank and boo
mt" "Yet," aniwered Senator Sorglmm.
"At the Bin time moat of them have
no objection to my working turougb
rlver and harbor appropriation for
place that never too two feet of wa
ter except when It rain." Wuahlng
ton fltar.
The trU of Toklo will nob bar
trolley car.
(louble aNHemenU and other error
tax collector may Ooirect.)
Hectlon 2.'l. Whenever the tax col
lector diKCover that any projiorty Iihr
been aareaiied more II11111 once for the
nine year, he ehall collect only the tux
Jntly due thereon, and ahall make re
turn to the county court of the balance
a double aaxeHiniit, and ahull lie
prniairly emitted therefor; and when
ever, at any atage In the collection of
laxe, the otllecr hiivlng charge of the
roll ahall diiH'over error or omiraiona
of any kind therein ho may proMrly
correct tho nine to conform to the facta
Itl whatever manner may lie iieccwuirj
to make audi ancermnunt, tax, or other
proceeding whatieiever regular and
valid, inch correction to lie made in
red Ink, or otherwiee diatiiiguihed,
and to Iw Iguol with the initial of
the ofllccr making the name and the
date of iii h or rectum,
(II. A C. ("utnp., milon lint.)
(Omitteil projierty Aaneamiient.)
His-tiim 24. Whenever, after the
return of the aiacNMiienl roll to the
county clerk by the board of eipialixa
lion, tne ollltvr having Hie Mmwuon
01 no roll (lull diDOovcr or rccelv
rriiiiiiie luioriuatlon, or 11 lie liu re
on to believe that any real
iiemonal pmiierty ha, from any caune
lxi'ii omittwl, In whole or in part, in
tho amcmiinent of any year or nutnlx
of year not exculing two year tirln
to the lent roll ao epia)iml and re.
turned, or from the aMHnwnient roll 11
the lax roll, he aliall proceed to corn
the aumuiiuent or tax roll in hi linnde
and add uch proiierty thereto, with
tlie pioM.r valuation, and charge uc
proiierty and the owner thereof w itli
the proiier auioiiut of taxea thereon a
the rate which the aid pnietty wouli
have lien taxel hal it lii'il proiierly
11 1 xui the tax roll for the year or year
a to wult'u II wa omitted; to enable
which ollicvr u to do ho I hereby in
veeted with all of tho power of the
amciwor, board of eualitation, am
county clerk under the law in force
during auch year and thereafter. Hut
li-fore making auch correction or addi
tlon, if the iTiiti claiming to own paid
proiierty, or occupying it or in p-
lon thereof, rinlih In the county and
i not present, auch ofllcvr ahall give auch
(crmm notice in writing of Ina inten
tioh to add mich roierly to the anaera
inent or tax roll, diwcribing it in gen
oral term, ami reouirmg ucli imthoii
to appear before him at lit office at a
atMi-itied time, within five day after
giving auch notice, and to allow ratine
If any, why audi properly ahouhl not
be added to the aiMHwaiuent and tax roll
and if the party o nottlled doc not p
pear, or if he appear and fail to ahow
any good and autlicient cauae why audi
aiiiMUMiienl ahall not be made, the
aame ahall be made, and the olllcer
making the correction or addition ahall
tile In hi ollicti a (tatcment of the
ImcI or evidence on which he made
auch correction. The notice in thir
ecctlon provided may I given and
nerve-l in the aame manner and by the
name pernon cometent lo aerve ul-
tHiona. Appeal limy lie taken from
the action of the olllcer In making the
correction or addition by the eron ag
grieved within ten day after the action
of auch officer i taken, by giving notice
to auch ofllcvr and otherwiae proceeding
iu the manner provided for appeal from
the board of equalixatioa.
(Nr; tr not to rctlon 16.)
( Duty of officer having iHiieaion of
roll Proceeding on luilure to act.)
Section 25. Whenever any officer
dcHcriUil in the preceding aection ahall
discover credible information, or have
reaaon to believe that real or iiemonal
pMperty baa from any cauae lieen omit
ted, in whole or In part, from aeinxa
inent for tux lit ion for the year apecilled
in the preceding aection, or auch credi
ble information ahall lie fumiiihcd to
auch officer, It ahall 1 the duty of tlie
officer having xieaeaaion of auid nxNeaa-
nient or tax roll to take tlie atcne pro
vided for In tho preceding aection to
iduce audi omitted iiroiwty on the
UHaiwHinent or tax roll. If uch olllcer
ahall fail or refuae on the discovery by
himaelf, or on credible information be
ing fumitthed him by another peraon,
that pn)orty ha been omitted from
taxation, theatnte, on the relation of
any atat ollWvr or of any taxpayer of
tho county in which uch fnilure or re
fuaal occur, ahall have tho right to
proceed against auch olllcer In any
court of eonietont juriadiction by man
duiiiu to compel auch officer to comply
with the provision of the preccedlng
relation. In the trial of auch a anil the
qucaHon of what coimtitntes credible
Information a herein mentioned ehall
bo a question of fact to lie determined
by the court trying the caoe In the
sumo manner other issue of fuct are
determined. If Judgment ahull be ren
dered to the effect that credible Infor
mation ha lieen discovered by or fur
nished to auch olllcer, or that ho boa
reaaon to believe that property ha In-en
omitted from tuxution, It ahull thon lie
tho duty of auch officer to forthwith
place audi omitted property on tho as
sessment ond tax roll In eceordnnce
with Uie provision of this and tho pre
ceding section, and auch officer ahull bo
liable for all coat of auch mandamus
suit, and for a reasonable attornoy'11 fee
Pol rindair.
"Soino explorora aro In favor of
hunting for tho north polo In automo
bile," remarked tho man who read
the magnalue. "Do you think the
plan would bo auecessfulT"
"I wouldu't ba urprlaed," replied the
motorlat, who had Jut been In
wreck. "Automobile aecm capable of
finding every polo from hltihlng pole
to a telegraph polo."
Kuropoun Hussla ha a lesa percentage
of forest tban tin Vnl'ai State.
for relator' attorney, which ahall In
tuxed tut a part of the coat of uch ault
in ull cane where Judgment I rendered
gulnat audi olllcer: Provided, how
ever, thai in ciiao procculiiiK are limtl
tilled hereuniler on the reliitlon of any
private rllixen, audi relutir ahull give
Uind to the aat infliction of the court to
pity all coat which muy be rocovored
agiiimt him.
III. a t. Gimp, arrllan lltl, prnvlilrd for
III. .r..nirnl, (,y .lirrilt, ot prtrir
wliirli hxi htm omltiril from tlx currcnl roll
or the yrar'. roll. The Iwo arcllonl
ll .Ihivv pruviilr lor lip. aHililion ol omlllrd
prop.rlv lor III. and Iwo prpcccliri
yr.r., I,r tiiy oHicr h.vhn piu.ion ol lha
roll, iirwii nolle lo III. taipayn If rr.iilrnl
ml If iio Mrwnt, I'rovi.lun i. m.. for .p
Mai a. from .a.ttu-nl. correclril by 111.
loarrj of (qualliallori. I Sr. Ih. ail a. to Hi.
uoani 01 ..iiailiaoon rrrommrnilrcl by I hi.
pori. 1 1 h. provltlofia lor appeal ami notice
ouviair 111. conMllMllonal otijnUon. hlh
n. uracil agaliial II. ft (.. I omp,, an-lion till
al Iran far a. rrai.trnl. anil llioar havln
nolle at. conrniiM, ,, ,(.
Iiriiw, las II, s, mm. 'lh two Kctiona an
Riotirira anrr inaiatia.)
(Time for mymcnt ot taxes Penalty
interest Kchute.)
Pectlon a. Txe legally levied and
charged In any year may Iw paid on or
nelore I no llrst .Monday ol April follow
lug, unci if not so pnid they ahall be
come delinquent: Provided, however.
Unit if one half of the tuxes ugulmit any
imrtlcuiur tmrcel of rml tiroixTly,
the luxe on iersonul property rhnrged
against any individual, lie paid on or
before the said flrt Monday of April
then the time for the payment of the
remainder or auch tax nuty lie extend
cd to mid including the first Monday of
October next following, but if the re.
maiuing one half of uch tax lie not
liid on or In-fore the first Monday of
OclolH-r then such remaining half shall
lie dellnipient, and, Uwide the lien-
ally, interest thereon hall he charged
and collected at the rate of twelve er
ceni 11111 per annum from the first Mon
day of April preceding; and upon all
deliniiient luxe there ahall be collect
ed from the tttxiycr of such taxes,
mr ine iM'tieni 01 1 lie county, ten per
centum as a penalty, and for the bene
llt of the county or other corporation
wnicli liull have an Interest in any isir
tion of audi taxes Intereat at the mte ol
twelve ier centum pir annum on auch
taxea from the ilny on which they be
come delinquent until their iwvment
Provided further, that there shall le an
allowance of three per centum relmU
ii".n any tax paid on any separate mr
eel of reul property, or iiiwn the' jier
utiiifcl pMiierty rhargtl to any Individ
ml a aforesaid, on or before the fif
t ii'ii Ih day of March next prior to the
dule when audi tux would become dp
Itnipiont if not paid.
IB, It C. (.'omp., art lion tn. no rhanfr.)
(Personal property tax, levy and sale
reraonalty tax charged to realty.)
Sift Ion 27. On or immediately after
the first Monday of May In each year
the tax collector alinll proceed to collect
all taxc levied in hi county upon pet
sonai property, ul which one halt war
not (rnlil as hereiultefore provided on or
wore the lirst Monday of April, to
gether with the penalty and Interest.
He ahall levy upon aullic'ent Rsil and
chattel belonging to the ix'rwtonor cor
ixirution charitcd with inch taxes, it the
same enn be found in the county, by
taking them into his twmi4ssion, to imv
such dclimpient taxes, tigether with In
terest, aivruing interest, penalties and
other lawful charges; and shall imme
diately advertise auch good and chat
tel for sale by ix t ing written or print
ed notice of the time and place of aalt
In three public placus in hi county not
Iosh than ten duv prior to such rale.
and If such tuxes, intercut, ami penal
ties shall not lie raid U-fore the tlmr
appointed for such sale the tux collect'
or shall proceed to sell such property at
puliliu vendue, or ao much thereof at
shall bo sufficient to pay uch taxes, in
tvrcst, and penalties and ahull deliver
to the purcliOKcra thereof at auch sale
the property ao sold to them respective-
ami auch sale shall lx alisoiute;
and the tax collector shall pitx-ccd in
like manner, on and after the flrsl
Monlny in NovemlHr, to collect the
residue of taxc chnrged against per
una I property remaining delinquent on
hi roll. Iu liko manner ho shull levy
upon and sell the gixxls and chattels ul
any poison or person removing from
the county without pitying all tttxet
urged against them. Whenever after
lelinquency, in the opinion of the tax
collector, it bcitmic necessary to
charge the tax on personal property
against real prox'rty iu order that such
personal property tax may lie col;e.-tl,
such tux collector shall select for the
purpose some particular tract or lotn of
real proixrty ownetl by tho peiaon ow
ing such personal property tux, and
shall note upon the tax roll opposite
uch tract or lots the said tax on per
sonal property, and said tax ehall be a
len on such real property from and
ufter the time the said tax on personal
property 1 charged against the said real
property, and shall lie enforced in the
same manner an other real estate tax
(II. C. romp.. Mellon Stor. nMltn oro-
Ulon for charttiim personal properly taxea on
real ealatr, which 11 oorrowea irom vtaalilng-
Coiuolidatea 11. & C. Comp., MCtioo
(To be roiitintied next week)
Vnrlo Aboer'a ldr.
City Nephew Uncle Abner, ome ot
the city iieoplo accuse country fojke of
eating with their hand. You dun't ent
with your hand, do youl
Uncle Abner wal, I ahouia ay nor,
my boy. I alway make ui nirea men
eat out In the kitchen.
So, you're Journalist, be ye?"
laid Uncle Joshua, who had come to
town to baa hi nenhew.
"You bet I am." auawored tha cub'
reporter, meiitully contrasting hi 0wn . oweu6,m,un 00 ca"w
magnificent aud expensive attire with ch, ha8 traced much of the scar
tlie homely garb of the farmer. "You let fever eudemio to aweat ahona.
kA ! at 41. mi xiin llaif . m.i.t aw.lK - kl.
W a 111 a juui uaiia v ettivi, nuu a UIM
He always wondered why the old
man got mad. Cleveland Leader.
In a Condensed Form lor
Busy Readers.
A Return of the Le( Important but
Not Let Interesting Evern
of the Pact Weak.
Governor Swettealiam ba accepted
aid from America.
HI IkIi t earthquake iliock continue
throughout Jamaica.
A plot to kill the Oown Prince of
Bervia lina been unearthed.
The poisj ha a cheme whereby h
Iiom- to e.ontiutie worship la f'raace.
TI10 jury whlcb will hear the evi
dcm'fl in tlie Thaw cane i not yet com
pi etc.
Naval authentic declare the coast
of Mont hero California should be pro
The revenue to canneries and fisher
men nf Alaska for 1000 reached nearly
An ire niadiin at Chicago exploded
and the ammonia feme killed four
persons and seriously injured sixteen,
Oliver ti notified flecretary Taft
that be will comply with the conditions
regarding the ranema Canal contract.
The I'helps Publishing Company's
plant at Hpringficld, Mass., ha been
destroyed. The loss is placed at 1,
LcadinK cattlemen of Dakota and
Minnesota declare that the los to live
itock bv the recent torm will reach
more than 1 1,000,000 In the tate along
our northern boundary.
Hill any he lias not watered hi rail
way stock.
Ex-Goveinor liggina, of New York
i slightly improved.
Twenty miner were killed by an ex
pluHion in a Weet Virginia mine.
The Northwestern railroad if chang
ing ita locomotive to oil burners.
The powers are already divided on
the (mention ot disarmament at tlie
Hague conference.
The Oklahoma constitution provides
thut 15 per cent of the voters are re-
pilrvd to bring an amendment before
the people.
President Caatto, of Venexuela, ha
ent a message from his sick bed de
claring ho will survive tills I linens and
also that ho tuts no intention of becom
ing dictator.
The Alaska delegate in congress op-
poMea land granU to the companies pro
posing to build new railroads, lie
lays the trusts have ample capital to
Llo the work without Federal assistance.
(ieorge A. Burnhani, Jr., lias been
sent to Sing Sing for two years for
grand larceny from tho Mutual Reserve
Life Insurance company. He was
rounsel and vice president of the com
pany and his conviction is the result of
Uie recent investigations.
The ritnama canal contract will like
ly bo given to Olliver, one ot the recent
Hussla has announced her intention
of withdrawing all troops from Man
churls except a railway giuiid.
At a meeting of tariff revisionists at
Cliicntfo a special setuion -f congress to
revise the tariff laws was advocated.
Attorney General Bonaparte has been
asked to bring suit to prevent tlie form
ation of a gigantic copper trust extend
ing into htirope.
San Francisco relief work for January
Is estimated at f44,4iO, which amount
has Iveon forwarded by the National
Red Croes society.
At tho Interstate Commerce inquiry
at Washington into the coal monopoly
it was shown time only favorites were
able to obtain cars.
The North Dakota blizzard continue
with unabated fury. The tempertaure
ranges from 6 to 45 below xero and all
railroad traffic is at a standstill.
Bwettenhma still obstructs relief work
at Kingston. A report In london that
ho has presented his resignation will be
neither denied or affirmed by officials.
Kiustcrn Republicans would grant
ship subsidy to South American lines
The attorney general of Minnesota
has Ixtgun suit to cancel the charter of
tho St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba
Rullrond company. This is really the
parent company of the (treat Northern
Railroad company and tlie Great North
ern is Joined in Uie suit.
Another blizzard has blocked Dakota
Shouts denies that friction caused
him to resign.
The Tittval appropriation bill carries
(253,000 for Uie Puget sound navy
More charges are being made against
Senatur Bailey, ot Texas.
Another bloody battle has occurred be
tween Mexicans and Yaquis.
" uniwa ciVDinet. admits
Bristol will retain his office as United
Btates attorney for Oregon until Uie .
nd fraud trials are finished.
Proposed to Give Postal Authorities
'Control of Newspapers.
Washington, Jan. 29. The bill of
the Joint Postal commission, just com
pleted, if enacted Into law, would cre
ate a press censorrhip in Uie hands of
government employes to determine
what information the reading public
wants, and extend a paternalistic
guardianship over the counting room
by limiting the amount of advertising
and specifying just how it shall be
printed in the pages of daily newspa
The jointjoommiasion started work
on the hypothesis Uiat second class
mail matter i carried at a loss to Uie
government, and does not pay ita pro
portionate share in revenue. One of
Uie main rresults of Its pondering is
the discovery that the newspaper, ee.
pecially Uie Kunday edition, has ex
ponded too much in Uie direction of th
magazine. The members ol Uie com
mission avow that the miscellaneous
matter contained in the Hunday issue
of a newspaper plucks the "quality to
make It socially and educationally val
ualile." They would reform every
thing by abolishing Uie Sunday supple
ment or else make it so inocuous that
nobody would care to read it.
A -glance at the above provisions of
the bill will fully convince any one of
the radical nature of the law the com'
mission proposes. It would limit Uie
amount of advertising: it would elimi
nate all legitimate advertising matter
from supplements, and it would pre
vent the publication in the supple
ments of all fiction, of all matter of
general and useful information regard
ing the affairs of the world, and make
the supplement merely an overflow for
the news of the main sheet.
Railroads Had So Much Traffic They
Could Not Carry Coal.
Washington, Jan. 29. Representa
tive Murrlml, of North Dakota, in an
interview tonight declared that while
there is a shortage of fuel at some
points in North Dakota and danger of
shortage at other points, growing pri
marily out of Uie so-called car shortage.
and later of an unusual snow storm.
North Dakota is in no need of financial
"The shortage of cars," he said,
"grew out largely of Uie enormous crops
raised throughout Uie state and through
the expansion of business far beyond
all ordinary limits, which literally
swamped the railroads, not only with
products going out of the state, but also
with merchandise and materials com
ing in. In an attempt to handle this
tremendous volume of traffic, the rail
way companies were grossly negligent
in relation to the fuel supply, so our
great prosperity is the real cause oj our
temporary embarrassed condition. It
is not a financial shortage, but a rail
road shortage which embarrasses Uie
people of the state at this time."
Rio Colorado Threatening to Destroy
Irrigation Project.
Los Angeles, Jan. 29. The Times
this morning says: If the Rio Colo
rado should not be forced to return to
its old channel and remain there, the
Laguna dam, constructed by Uie United
States Reclamation service across Uie
river 12 miles above Yuma, will be dr
stroyed and the irrigation of hundreds of
thousands of acres in Arizona, Califor
nia and Me.-ico will be impossible.
The Laguna dam is unique in that
the danger threatening its existence
lurks below instead of above the stir
face. During the past three vcars, the
Colorado, instead of repairing its
breaks bv salt deposits, has cut them
wider and deeper, and it ba formed a
gorge 60 feet deep and 1,500 feet wide
through the cultivatted lands of the
Imperial valley. During the period of
the highest flood it cut back at tlie rate
of a third of a mile a day. The Laguna
dam is said to have cost about 2,000,
000. Sent Many Goods to Cuba.
Washington, Jan. 29. Never before
the history of United States com
merce with Cuba was the exmrt trade
of this country to that Island so great
during the past calendar year.
American importations from that re
public are considerably below that for
the preceding year. The total exports
from this country to Cuba were valued
at (46,491,944, which is more than $2,
000,000 over the exportations for 1905.
The importat ions from Cuba were val
ued at $85,055,295, showing a fulling
off of about 110,000,000.
Contract Goes to Olliver.
Washington, Jan. 29. Following a
conference at tho White House it was
officially announced that the contract
for building the Panama canal would
be awarded to William D. Olliver,
who, with Anson M. Bangs, was the
lowest bidder in the recent competition,
provided that within the next ten days
he and his associates, with at least two
Independent contractors shall cover the
I entire field of the work to be performed
unuer uie contract.
Capture Desperate Cuban Bandit.
Havana, Jan. 29. Enrinue Mesa, a
bandit of the province of Santiago, who
for more than two years had terrorized
rastern Cuba
and defied the rural
uiiards, and w ho was wanted for al-
leged murders, was captured here lost
night by the secret police. 1
Monday, January 28..
Washington, Monday, Jan. 28
Interstate Commerce Commission lent to
Congres a report of the investigation
made by it Under the Tillman Gillespie
resolution concerning the relation of
common carrier hy rail to the produc
tion and distribution of oil. The report
cover the distribution or petroleum and
it product east of the Mississippi
Kiver, and, incidentally, the Kansas anil
Texas field. Tbe report point out
generally the method hy which tbe
.Standard Oil Company "ba built up
and perpetuated it monopoly." It
i asserted that "the ruin of it com
petitor ha been a distinct part of the
policy of tbe Standard Oil Company in
tho past, systematically and persistent
ly pursued."
Washington, Monday, Jan. 28 J. J.
Hill, E. H. Harriman and the Republi
can policy of protection are assailed in
the minority adverse report on the
tauer cuniprtimine anip uosiuy 01V4
wined wa Died in the House today by
Bpight of Mississippi. The report is
signed by Bpigbt and other members
of the committee on merchant marine
and fisheries Ooulden, Hherley and
Saturday, January 26.
Washington, Jan. 26. Tbe senate
was in session today only for a little
more Uian an hour, the early adjourn-,
ment being taken to permit attendance
at Uie funeral of the late Senator Alger.
A few bills of minor importance were
passed, but most of the time tbe 1 ft ing
war devoted to Uie further discussion of
llale's resolution providing for an in
quiry Into Uie personal interest mani
fested by naval officers in the navy per
sonnel bill. The resolution was ulti
mately refererd to the committee on
naval affairs.
Washington, Jan. 26. The hoose
spent the greater part of the day de
bating the agricultural appropriation
bill, and it was etill under considera
tion when adjournment was taken.
The question of the free distribution of
garden seeds continued to hold tbe most
prominent place with the speeth mak
ers, although action on this provision
of the bill, by a vote of 71 to 69, was
postponed until Monday. The senate
bill incorporating Uie International
Sunday School associatUon of America
was passed.
Friday, January 25.
Washington, Jan. 25. Resolutions
to check naval officers from "lighting
fire under senators and representatives
to compel the enactment of the naval
personnel bill at this session were pre
sented in the senate today by Hale, and,
after causing a snappy debate of short
duration, went over for future consider
ation. Hale's resolution cites tbe pres.
ident s order forbidding government
employes to "lobby," and directs an In
quiry by tbe secretary of the navy to
ascertain whether Uie order is being
The urgent deficiency appropriation
bill, carrying 279,000 as it came from
Uie house and authorizing by a renate
amendment a loan of $1,000,000 to Uie
Jamestown Exposition company, was
paused. The latter part of the day was
devoted to the disposition of pension
Washington, Jan. 25. The house to
day passed a number of bills of a local
nature, including 830 private pension
bills. The agricultural appropriation
bill was then taken up and, while it
was under consideration, Kahn, of Cal
ifornia, addressed the house on fire In
surance companies and, their relation
to Uie city of San Francisco, before and
after the earthquake and fire. The
question of the tree distribution of gar
den seeds occupied Uie rest of the day.
There was a general debate on the
committee provision appropriating
$238,000 for the purchase and testing
of new, rare and uncommon seeds,
bulbs, trees, shrubs and vines, and
omitting Uie usual appropriation for the
purchase of ordinary nowerand garden
seed for distribution.
Thursday, January 24.
Washington, Jan. 24. The seesion
of the senate today was held entirely
with reference to the death of Mr.
Alger. Dr. Edward Everett Hale de
livered a special prayer, and after the
reading of Uie journal of yesterday was
completed Senator Burrows presented
resolutions expressing regret and sorrow
at the sudden death and providing for culttural bill, which it is now prepar
a special committee of 12 senators to ing, that this sum of money be used
represent tlie senate at the funeral in
tills city and attend Uie body to De- tributed by Uie department of Agricnl
trolt. The resolutions were agreed to, . ture.
MeCaskin to Be Major General.
Washington, Jon. 23. It is semi
officially announced that Brigadier Gen
eral William MeCaskin, commanding
the department of Texas, will be pro
moted to the grade of major general on
the statutory retirement April 14 next
of Major General James F. Wade. The
present understanding is that Colonel
Charles B. Hall, Thirteenth infantry,
in command of the infantry and cavalry
school at Fort Leavenworth, Kas., will
be appointed to the vacancy in the list
of brigadier generals, which will occur
early in March.
Gold Production Increases.
Washington, Jan. 22. Tlie Geologi
cal survey announced today the total
production of gold and silver in the
United States for 1905, aggrejiatinii 60,
865,342 fine ounces, with a valuation of
ilZ2,4U2,o.o. rroductionot gold ag-
gTegated 4.265,742 fine ounces, valued
at $88,180,700, an increase of $7,716
over the nrevlnu vnnr. Total nrndne.
tion of silver was 56.101.600 fine ounc.
es, valued at $34,221,976. a decrease of
1,581,200 ounces in actual output.
land on motion of Senator Burrows the
senate at 12:17 adjourned as ft further
mark of respect,
Washington, Jan. 24. The house
today voted touhotmb all . the'
agencies througtiont thi country, 18 in
number, and centralize the payment of
pensions in the City of Washington.
This action was taken on Uie pension
appropriation bill after spirited opposi
tion on the part of those having pen
sion agencies in their tates.
The pension appropriation bill, car
rylng (138,000,000 in round numbers,
was passed.
Wednesday, January 23
Washington, Jan. 23. The senate
today accepted the propositi ion of the .
house of representatives to Increase the
salaries of senators, representatives and
territorial delegates to I?,600 annually
and those of Uie vice president, the
speaker of Uie house and member of
the president's cabinet to $12,000.
This action was taken by a vote of 53
to 21 and followed a discussion of near
ly three hour. ;
Senator Albert J. Beveridge, of Indi-'
ana, addressing Uie senate today on bis
bill to prohibit the transportation in
interstate commerce of tbe products of
Child labor, declared that the census)
shows that nearly 2,000,000 child
bread winners under 15 years of age
are now at work.
Washington, Jan. 23. The river and
harbor appropriation bill, which was
reported to the house today by the
committee on rivers and harbors, car
ries an appropriation aggregating $83,-
466,188. Of this sum 134,601,612 ta
appropriated in cash, to be available
between July 1, 1907, and July 1, 1908,
and $48,834,256 is authorized for con
tinning contracts, no time limit being
fixed as to when it shall be expended.
The bill will probably not be consid
ered by Uie house nntil next Monday.
This bill is a record breaker In size.
exceeding by many millions tbe amount
allowed for river and harbor improve
ments in any previous congress.
Tuesday, January 22.
Washington, January 22. The sen
ate today passed the compromise For
aker resolution authorizing the commit
tee on military affairs to Investigate
the facts of the affray at Brownsville
on the nights of August 13 and 14 last,
without questioning "the legality or
justice of any act of Uie president in
relation to or connected with that
affray." This action came after the
subject had been under consideration
almost daily since the first day of the
present session of congress, and every
phase of the question hail been dis
cussed on all sides.
Washington, Jan. 22. The house to
day passed Uie diplomatic consular ap
propriation bill, whicivcarrlrsa total of
$3,138,000, and the military academy
appropriation bill, carrying $1,954,483.
During the consideration of the diplo
matic bill, speeches were made by Pher-
iey of Kentucky, on the "treaty making
power;" by S laden, of Texas, who urg
ed s more liberal recognition of the
South in the matter of diplomatic ap
pointments, and by Longworth, of Ohio,
who spoke in favor of tbe United States
owning the residences of its foreign
representatives. Cousins, of Iowa,
madet he opening speech m epx loca
tion of Uie measure.
Eight-Hour Law Violated.
Washington, Jan. 22. In conse
quence of protests received at the Navy
department from organized labor, the
secretary has telegraphed the command
ant of the Boston, New York and Nor- '
folk ..avy yards to suspend all extra
work on warships in the course of con
struction or being got ready to join the
Atlantic fleet. The charge was made
that at each of the yards ".en were
working more Uian eight and in some
instances 12 hours a day, as well as
nights, Sundays and holidays, in viola
tion of the eight-hour law and contrary
to the order of the preside t.
Abolish Free Seed Graft.
Washington, Jan. 23. The house
committee on agriculture today decided
to recommend the discontinuance of free
seed distribution by congress. Instead
of appropriating the customary $250,
000 for this purpose, the committee
will advise in the reriort UDon the amri-
for the purchase of rare seeds to be dis
Fight for Pension Agencies.
Washington, Jan. 23. Representa
tive Dalzell, of Pennsylvania, stated
today that he intends to organize a fight
against the abolition of nine of Uie 18
pension agencies of the United States.
The house committee on appropriations
has reported a bill appropriating for
only nine of the present agencies, and
the members of the committee defend
the action on Uie ground of economy.
Dalzell says it would be far more eco
nomical to pay all pensions from Wash
ington, and will take the stand that all
Uie present agencies should go.
Appeal for Federal Aid.
Washington, Jan. 23. The coal fam
ine in North Dakota has become so seri
ous that Senator Hansbrough conferred
today with Uie president to see if Fed
eral means cannot be found to relieve
the situation. Telegrams appealing for
relief were laid before Uie Interstate
Commerce commission by Senator Hans
brough today. The commissioners have
called Uie attention of the railroads to
the renewed complaints and relief la
v r k