I : 1 4 OREGON 31 1ST Entered at the rostofficc at St. Helen, Oregon, as second-class mail mutter. Isst'UD Every Friday Bv K. H. FLACiO. F.DtTOR AND PROrRtKTOR, One copy, one year, in advance. . . f WJ Six months ' Legal notices i'o cents per imc. .FRIDAY, Nov. 23, THE STATK rniXTIXG OF KICK AGAIN". ' Afiura nriinart campaign in which virtue, personified br Willi Puniway triumphed over graft, supposed to hav Wn represented by the incumbent, Mr Whitney the Republican nominee was elected. ami the good people supposed the taxpayer were to be relieved of a portion of their burdens; but now titere teem to be gome doubt as to whether reform means the same thing before and after. We are to have reform, perhaps, and perhaps not. It all depends upon " whether the Legislature passes effective laws to that end, and its a very safe bet that they will do nothing more than nibble at it. Reform of the abuses existing in the - State printing office is not hard to ef fect, provided it is taken in hand in a - practical manner. There never has been ' any law to prevent the Legislature from dictating the manner in which State printing shall be executed. The writer of this has worked in the State printing office and is familiar with the manner . in which the work is done, and therein lies the whole secret of the abuse. Plain, straightaway type selttug, such as the text of the laws, is sometimes done at an actual loss t the State Printer, but tue reports of the differeut officers, the indexes thereto, and all work that can - be by any pretext measured at price-and-one-half or double price is the rich est kind of graft for the printer. During the forty days of the session, if there is a calendar for the House and Senate, snch as has heretofore been used, the State Printer will make more than he should receive as profit during his term of office. Let us see if the newly " elected official will neglect to lobby for this graft. One of the greatest of all the grafts is the assessment rolis and other blanks furnished by the State to the different counties. These large books have a few ' lines of type at the head and probably a ' line or two at the foot of the page. The - entire page is measured double price fur the smallest type. Not only this but at an expense of not more than fifty cents worth of time the heading is chauged for each county and the entire page te ueasured, so that the State pays as ' much for each set of books as it would for a single sel, and the single set is paid for at more than three times its honest - value. Fifty-five cents per thousand is the basis price for what is known as rule . and 6gure work, and double that amount - is charged where there are four columns of figures, notwithstanding it is generally what is known as "fat'' work, and w her ever it is possible copy is set up in such a manner as to bring it within this rule . of measurement. Mr. Frank Maker, Mr. Leeds, and Mr. Whitney have all made t fortunes out of these abuses. Ti.e fec- retary of State and the State Treasur-r ' have also made fortunes nut of their irrnfn nnrl th (iovernnr is no exeeo- t ,ha A tl.. t.w nil been ' grafting they have naturally stood to- ( rrptiipr. una no I ir nave iJeii u lie i'j ue- i ..feat any genuine reform. Unless they j have lost their power they will continue in An rt anil Mr. linniwav. wbi-n hfi re- i tires from office will probably be able to - live in ease on the interest of the money lie will have accumulated. He has waited j " a long while for his seat at the pie counter and be will do his beet to get " his belly full. A SIX POOD JAW. Tlit-re lived in Alaska a few thousand years ago, a baby that could grab a . . . , . . -, i,,.i;;i !,.., cuuum v. uv - ' - . large meat platter wld barely cover. Hit biting apparatus has jot been earthed aul brought to this city, where it ia being held to be uted later an -at the Alanka-Yukon-PaeiliC- Kitposition. r??'tha baby was the infant child of Mr. and Mm. Mastodon, who weighed about ---- as much as three elephants, and hie .'babyShlp,atthetiu,3 of his sudden de- , The ero n,ng disaster of tue year ... " mise, probably was as big a, a horse. M'"'0 l ie colli,ol,n on I'u. . All that remains now of little Johnnie r-t &4 Sunday nig-.t U-tax-n the Mastodon is his lower jaw, but tl.U is a ! "tean.er Jean.e and ll. little prop.-l..-r Ubte-EmrveiVir,' ahaped like a wish- j I". ' 1 "! l'f I'f lllU"'' v"' and measuring 17 inches from the j lf "f "' U" '"" I . . ,i i . t ,i;., t. : singers. krm uue . nrcoisnleof ti.e d:.-- V threat to the front of the thin, rlie, . . . r. , . ., , ,i ! , i I aster as are obtainable, the eoM.siim ai pat) is an even foot, and tlie whole: ' ' thing weighs a little lees than nix pounds. ; due M!ely to caieles-, evt u ici-lut na-.-j Probablv when it was part of the baby : ii -ition. miwtodon it weighed twice as much, but it has been drying and shrinking for several thousand years. "- Little lohnnie Mastodon had but two ;H wltan ImiUli.lp ,n.1wl I. is In icf career. Tlice protrude an inch or so ; t"?eiher and in a (ca miwtK- '"'- li (mm ll.f iavv. and are three and one- appeared is. a l.ui' !.".: I I .:. ,f ivat half inches long by two wMf. -If he had lived lonirer.he would have acniiiied two inoieteell. Iwlow, us ii shown by the , jaw bone, wiii.'h has provision for the j luby the ng .., the s,, ;i:, r,'i:.;ed p.. elia coiipleineiit. ' jwoigi'is and envy was in llih l.i-l in- ' At the Aliwka-Vnfeon-Pacifft! Kxi o-i- stai;ee muel: so.m-r endi-d. lion, hie), ia to be held at fettle iu I ' 1im)9, there w ill bo the in-wt eompn hen j sivc coll-i'tion of ruiies and curios from ; Hie far north ever gathered for a vvorl.i'j ; fair.. The six-pound jaw above ilvs-ribed j wan unearthed on tlio Kugurok liver, by workmen I'lnpbiyed by thu Kugarok ABSOLUTELY PURE Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active principle of every pound of Royal Baking Powder. Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder renders the food remarkable both for its fine flavor and healthfulness. No alum, no phosphate which are the principal elements of the so-called cheap baking powders - and which are derived from bones, rock and sulphuric acid. ROYAL fiAKINO POWDER CO., NtW YORK. AX Ari'E.U I KOM THE HOY'S AM) i;i it'l.'S 1 1) SOCIETY. - few of our reprc dilutive citiens saw the ereat need of some oriuition for the care and protection of dependent caudreu ; who had committcl their first otfen-ie ,l. . 1, ........ ,!, ,,r.r il, iti.ill .5,Ut..,UtUt V of the Ikivs- and Girls' Aid S-victy of Oregon. At that time it was a clnritaMe ; onranii-ition. dependent entirciv uixrn ; the srtnerositv of the nubiic for its sup-' port. Since that time, however, it has ; uppaliinif. It it has an explanation out grown rapidly and its work has com- ; side of that oileri'd by ignorant or i're inended itself to the chariuhle public W navigation, let hope that tt w ill and to the State official, ami to day it is j be given, since such nn explanation not only assisted hy private subscriptions- makes a uio.-t di-hmuirable ehowintf m but by state and county appropriations, the maritime hi-tory of the l'ueiiic Coast ; It is, however, conducted on a very ceo-J of a year already sadly discreti ted in nomical basis, and its total expenditure this line. each vear does not exceed f!0,tW. Its i methods are to place dependent and j neglected children in family homes j where they will receive a parent's care ; and attention, ami ill or.ier to insure tins , jivcr anj w.4.c;s so gtrikc, they iiuiclt visitors are kept on the road the cutirt-1 j. .tj. t;lt. trouVdc, ari'l the purifying time, and besides which at this tune j wotj gt)es rij;ht on. Best cure (or con there is organized at any of the county s.:p,,l;,mi lIc.i,lache and duziness. l'5c seats an Advisory Board, composed ' , at all druyists. representative citizens who assist the So- j ciety in its work of aid and supervision i .SCHO'll Rni'OKT. over its wards placed out in homes. In j ' ' this county Mr. E. E. Oi'icfc is President. , i.0;;owins is tile rc,x,rt for the third and Mrs. M. C. Gray is the Secretary. ; mou,u uf i,,,,,, in iI,t. 20: From January 1st to November lt. i No rnroUe,i ....... H 13, a periolof ten months, the Society . N- ', ,. , i'i has received 32) children, or an average. of about :-2 per month. These children were received from the folowin; count ies: Baker, Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, j v.rooK, .jougias, orani, i,nne, .iiiinuii, i Multnomah, Lmatnia, Inion. vasco Washington, Wallowa and Vamhiil. The public schm-l throughout the : State have heretofore betu of Kreat -i.im. M.un, Charles wasse-r, Cather sistance and it is sincerely h..jd "'-'l jnt. .;irii..Ker. !.iie Hunter, they will do their It-si ti. is year. In ad-! RWHiATN rriiii'iil. tlition to tins, any perst.n n.i wm semi I a trifle in nioncv, provisions vixet ibks. or in fact anything and everythini; that i would 1. useful in a household, will re- j ceive the gratitude of the management. I The railroad and steatntmt comp-.nies , vt,'v"' ' 1 J. "'',"""' " . ' oer. as lare as my hand, from my rSiitih- running into Portland have kindly con- , uir's hip, was prcvente-l by the applica sented to carry ail dom'.ion at Thanks-' tion of ilurlclcn's Arnica ba've," says A. , ivicS tilne iwe " cl"re if a.v.r, 1 ! "'c i ' i : :::a!l amounts, should ' . . iiioiic, , 11 l,itt in Send the same either bv registered letter ! r I"5 toflice order addressed tu V,'. T. I ciety, Portland, Or., Station C. A War of P.luuil. The year )'J:'i will long 1 remembered in the home of I:. N. Tacket, of Alliance, Kv as a vear of blood; which flowed so , - , copiously from Mr. racket s luns that death seemed very near- He writes: "Severe bleeding from the lungs and a ; frightful cougli had brought nu at death's iSti,r uliin T l,,-.,iri l.-ltiiTii, 7 Ir. Itimr't ' n " "" - iNt.-w biscoverv for Consumption, with . r;.u:t ,h jt r lM, four loUk.3 j tt;is cn!piel);:v rc,,orB;, !ail as Ume Ui a r;rmanentlv , ,.ure!j.- Guaranteed for Sore Lungs- j c hs and CoMs. at All UruggisU. Price "yjc and l.()'J. Trial bottle free. j jhv H'UET SOL'SD DISASTKK. ; ltd v.atcrs .is smooth as gias--, umler i a cle ir s!y and vv iih plenty of room in j which to maneuver a miiall fl.-et of uur ver-i 1--, thes.' two eai ri.Ts the one ..f . fl'l l'dlt, tin: O'll-I' ol lil.lil.ill lii. cam " cr. Tue lr;ig -'iy of u- V..! -n. i , N',.'.-ui'i drio id"", to ie Il.lV'i' ll ii..,ii:i ii! , :i'. ri !.'..;i led I lie I'.-s ( !i'!,,,!t:i ii!"', tiioU.'i IIH-lfi- rile master of ll.e suiiiiia prupeli-i' iVly admits that Im doej not know Low , it liappetn-d ; hi'" mat-, who win nt tin; ; ivlni-! if the fault vreie hi paid lor it with bin die. Tt.c mailer of ti.e Jt anie ! jraw uiltt riismav nun niiiiizi niiiit tl.oj , cuiri.ig ol llm coiiWioil ni't r it beeitinuj writer ! not. Tho story as toU is smVW tlmt of Itiio ronuns tom-lher, uivn a hrOrtd, - - . .i ! smooth wtttfcriftfty, of two vessels, tut ng down with hor "'iktf raU in a trap more than two-score passtuir?, ami the heroic rvseutf of halt h many more. A XUtng life thi U..e not inn-inn i,t llm ..l,.-r,i..' I.IMISI) til tll.Ht OVlTWOrUl'll tvrm. It is A picventHble oa'urronn . ami can only result lun itfroranw il c:ri'Iisstnss ia at thi holm of i.t ioasi one of the ves-els. Tht diniitor it mo"t Kainoun Strike Krrakem. j The most famous strike breakers in the j allll are Pr Kini;s New Lite Tills. When -0 ,,avs tau.,jlt NV a:t, ,..mce. . . 17 r,'i. W 4 No. ilavs atisence tiaies t-trdv T hose who Acre neither ;dcnt nor tardv duriiis.' the moIUh were: I'.ladvs ami Harvey Jordan, Pora and M.irv :..... an,t J,,u,e .Makin.ter, JOHANNA MAC.Nt S N, Vrimary. Hail a t'losi fall. 'A dangerous surgical ,peration. in- C. :v.ickel. ot Miletus, . a. "i'e'sist Cures Cuts, Burns and Injuries. Z-K at VEIOOMA. ; Jodi Rose came hist week for a short vacation. ; C. A. Mills has mocd into Mrs. Red mond's house on rir.,t street lor the win-. ter. j Stella Hosford went to Portland last; , , . ,,i,i. ! week and we presume she will spena the winter there, as she usually ha. , Artlms I.ukius, the grandson of I!. M. j p.nnuons, is vuiting relatives in the val-! , ... .1 . , 1... ,11 lev. lie is receniiv irom vi aisema, 1.1 I). W. Keawy matlc' a trip out to Dux- i ton last week, and'fV. liustafson one this week. The former was after a load of merchandise and the latter brought iu a load of fruit trees for himself and neighbor.-,. Pert Ilo-ford wasin Portland last week laying in supplies for the farm, among j thtm liein a brand new wagon and har ness and an Umpire separator. J Mrs. I,. S. Kedmond left Monday for ' iM.ltCy l 'Dili, V.iU.( V IIUIC 51IC I. A,VV.IT 'J spend the winter vv it'll a sister, provided it does not get too cold there. She also has a son ami diiug'.iler living in Colorado whom she will visit. About thirty of her friends here gave her a "fare .-..-1 i stir- prise'1 Friday night last. A very enjoy- able time vv.-n had by all, Mrs. Iteduioud being about as young a girl as ii.iy. As was announced last week Thanks- .giving will be observed at the churoli on . Thanksgiving day. 1'in.tor Meiers will pre -;li at II a. in. Aller t;se monii'ig srrrii.'ci dinner vviilbe served iu I he c.r-iri.'.i Wlt'.l I!' v.: In- l c'.vrv i,i .' i,i::n . invited to rome ir li i;i!i vv.:!! I'.iit 1. it :d f iT Ir,: co. Ve. Provision There will hs servii-'t'.. after ''i'lner at ab-jilt W.(i, o'eio.k, tha u it. ire of which will be an-; noiinecJ at the morning service. Special music is bt-iiiH prepared, and altogether agooluld fi.hioned Thanksgiving Hiy j js txpfi:ted. The invitation ii to every- body within reach of Vcrnouia to come i and enjoy the day, and let us all be so- j ciable and neigiil orlv. Pure bred White Plymouth Uock SUMMONS. tu ihei'tu'iitl iviirt " Hi- xime 'in""' Hip I'.uituy i,i i vliimti.i. II, V. Kill, I'lttiiiinr, vs. I win'" !,''" To f'r.iiitvs Vitl. the iiImvh u.tiwt ,t. t.-,,.l.,t,i In tho inim o( ilu swieM'tf " tiort'i.v H"lllllV, ( ,-l' ui'.t HU''.' l.lMlll Itlrtl ItlSHtllot I" !" "'"'V1', , ii-l on nr lii'luro Hi ITIli u " IVi'i'"i"v '. HUM. wli it'll l ttt limit iri'i'ill't"l '"r ' Iwt rmiiWmm 111 Ilu' t.Mr ;( i.nl-titi.t i tl i Iiim Mimmim.v iiikI l( v.u (.ill ' -, "I'l i" nil. I lii r.lllllnlllllll'llltl liKl't'C ' It-l tlie rolii'l il.'Miiii.U'it in lln' t' .mi i i'l .H I . I" wilt a ittweiii Hie "iiri ilt-Milil".; ll"; l'"i"i ( linttiliilitiiv llt'l-i'liilnli' nu-l imw exi-Hint l'i tweeu the iilniiiuil iiinl .Iviimiimt lifieiii. uij lllii tmuml Holt Hie i'' .IfiuiuUiil tli'-erle. Hi,' itUiiiuil ttiili.mi Ju-i tir liny enme mi.i miuliul wish, will hii.I i...m-.'iii. ,ii IN.r i llHl.1. Oremm, In llui lilitlilll n( .Virll I'.m.l. mvl ever .liifrMitt lt ml.! rteifiiil.'iiil i-mill""'") In live .Kirile mi I iirl Imm lil I'lmuiiil ttllluml Hint nr mi? cutme i""l iunut'1 I'l" will hu.I .-..ii-eiil, nii.l iernifh tuner .m.l inrihi r lell-l n limy l jusl mi l ispilnil'l In Hie i)rvntloi. , , , Tlil uiiimnn Ik ihiMWh'iI l.y nr.liT or ilu1 Hi in. T. .V. Mi'lln.li-. Jit.lnv .'( tin- l...u. t'lilitl.-, f.uir,. ttlili-li nr.li'i vtn.tlnlt i.ui.l.. im.l n't'.l Hi iltl fitnrl mi tin' ilh il.ii ol N.ivi'iiilt-r. I'.t. Tlu. .Iiiui i.ltn - nri .n;ii..Hii..ii in tills ni". in. ni.lifiin; llui mil tint fi N.iv.. limii. mnl Hh- ll.ltt, HI Hit" .lll.'tlHlnll tlll'IV'.l I'l'ins llll .tlay ul litH'., l'A. ll.V.rt ?nrrn. Att..itit'is Inr I'Uiniiir. Chaiuliro( I'miiiiii'ivv, I'.iitliiii'l. it SOT ICE FOIl 11 HI IC.UION. IVttttuwut ( t!u' tutirtor. .n! Oitn., fnrtUn-1. Hu't'-n. Nov, S, VoltCK L K K K t BY -lVi.N i'ii t IS ft l fttinnov w iih l ho proii.Mi v( ttu tuM t-i ('OUkli'M of JllH 1 W, iMUltlft ."An t'i l"f tin- shU nt limtar hui l" ni (tu- tnl .'t r .-. u, ' t'nlltnrtiii. NVrt.ln tut rttuiu:iin IVraii.iy, I ttttt''lci In nil the pul iio Uttut iiU' t i'i ! t( ,MKllt ftth. .titu AhK S. hoU. i i I'nr ali i. 'uitH! oi Mul(iiiM;uti. ma'o t i'-'i' . Ii ttifa ,lnv flir t ill Km !! o hi inistfnioiit Nn. ilH lor il'.t' 'un t Hie : 4 t So-ttll N. J, lit 1 W titU Ni(- 1 Hvxlli i lUnit'c V. t Wqsi.nnA n ill t i- rr.-f .hovr ; Unit lite tuttd iii;ltl " nii'i'i h!iih1'.0 Ut i i tlllllUT or HiUlo ItiUtt I'T ,;fUtlUurnl tiiirj-M'i tttiil tu ont'luh hlh ciiiii.i to jt;-t Inn I If'i'n j tim Hi-fitter it Kt'voufrtt ''i'.!ii 1, K)i ti Miutit tile '.'i-i Uv ot .liuni.ir. 1 ir. tlt Hallux as uun't'. I uitl J. h.M. n( AU-Morn. W'ush- ,rl vhirfc. jf l'-'ti.tt..l. tr;Krt-.li' Wvrisnii, m riihin-K or: Wii:tm j w. n. l rtrtU't. t. Am mnl a(I tv.-rv.ti i-liiimii- R tvirn-U t h ' itlnc il-vnUsi tai.t arv n-j;!- u- lif tfit ir I rirti;ii9 m inn jmirv. l-.-u:. In l;its (n (lii tnivo on or iivior m .t i'l At-irKNoN S. Uf -I K i: v;i-('r - . SUMMONS j I '.!!. I'M' j I u tJ,e cif,Mnn .SIrt . t Vu t i;um ..,.-u.imiT. VV llimtt I .llllttt I ' sUit v j , I'fl -ll Ulll , T ,U.!v , rm,i ,.( it'i IK ifil-Ull.. Ill Hi . ,,f nr.- Kill li'.l ' n t.-'i itr,' .ii. v ir .t.,,1 I ii-tr t in n,,. ! ' " '' I hU.i t! fl:' l'i '1 "U I. ' iHiti ' .lilt' .'I I't" ,'!;, inT I ,. --.t t't '.ill,! It ill il .!! "in 1' ni:.! if v.,,1 I ,i t.. until ,vr I liiiif. l','i 't ;t :( ; ;,. r,,.l, il, jniUni.-til i,..in-i . -1 i -r , '! I lil'.'i.Hl.'lt if (.in ,'. it I'vUi , fll v u it'i'l I .Ii' I. -rrti-.l h ,!'! ... i,. 4 in ,:it iu 1" in in-' li., i V t.,f i. in-, 1. 1 1 ,',ift .. ilif -i, '...in.' M. H i .. in -' l'-i' , i t:,,-', ,.1 J..!-! -,U.I . T' i,'." J r,,i -1,'li .11', I,, l:. -1 N..I . 1 , u: I . U ..tl 111 I l.f ma. ,! U.t' liiant, ,m 111,' : I'. M't.V l.K. I' v I J(QT !CE .XS.t.r FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT Ni'TtiT I. ht'-itiv iii, l.i' Hi, nn ii.. I -i i'liuiiim: mi -r m i::j li t' ., u; .i 1 I i-i ii. t .liilt- ,,i j. W V-.'i if . .:, t-fcv I. ih il lit-- l, i !!, If,-, i.ili, f .,! Ihe - . I,';, t .,'.;( ! ., .-l-i,.. .,1 nn-',11. ..r i'i, '-!4 t ,n,:i'.i . Ii, n ,.i ii,'. i:;l .,1 Ii ,-. I, . - i tl ,',ti :s- it ..i. l t - irt I- . ' I-,.', 1',,'f ,1ft l.i" i. ti.t. c. li'l i-l;li ,,i (,,t , fl',ii: ; .. i,,, ,i. .t!. i ,1 iu.,,, .m.l lli.r. tin : h,.ii ti. - ii..,. ;,i ..,.. u i i,", .ii' : : , I'.lftl .-.il .r.; ii i,..t -.it. In-. ,"..'., r. : t, (I tL i ill'.IV III..I ill... I -. l.f I !- ittitMi',1 ,.f ,:i,l , ,,ir, til I .'l',t. nt .1 '..-'.r,,,ti -u.,1 .vlt.t. , ii! .i:i t-.-t't'. vti.'.'i t.ii..' ini'l ,l,t. t-,iui --f i ., U-,-''.H -'. Hi ,,.'1 t- .ti.:-:' lii-i.' i.t. - -t- ni.'. '. I;'..; l.i. til Witi.i,.' I-. . ,.'1 ,i ." h;,'. i.-i . it n,t i'.i'.ii, ot .; I ail .il .'.::i.r . , . i - Jti-M-ll vi 1 st.KS K. A liiiiiii-tr ii.,r tit Uit- villi n;. Hi' i ti I .tl lilt- Miv , f J. vv M.-.. r.f. ,!'. w. ii i' .in. ni..) ( Ki;-l -,if, N,'t . 'J ii. I.tl ,iiti. Nt,, . .j.h. yy n-i it k n. j ATTORN KY-AT-LAW. it HSIF.i: OKI i,i iN ! ; i 7 '.) ' GEVURTZ&SONS i7:i-nr. I'lnsr BJitij.r Ull-U7 VAMIIII.I. HTItl.f.T r--W -w-v f J jj ? ( J jf jf f t! When vou'IjUV that new fall his iron clad JL ) WELCH MAKES IT .RIGHT.' 5 X K illlll.V JlllM J; r' j,' ' , (' ; SUITS $7.45 to $2o. mfS&tt fflj THE AMERICAIX WW felLtrl CLOTHIER 221-223 MQHfilSON ST., nonce TO CRi'OITONS Nv ifii i. u, ifi.t imi ii i'". 1,1 ' ' ' ; V,.'.',...!.. i ;" ... ........1 A. Ilss. ! ' , .1 H.f .ii'. I ,i .if ti'i' -. I, .11 111. I It' ..I II' . . I I litlt. ..I IM all i'i'iv.his l.m ii. i; tin nn '"i'' lifit'ln iv.i.ittt'il i,. (.if, fin ih il. ..I ...'....iillinl l.i law. Hi) ii. I i.. in.-. , nl It. .nl I- .l.iif In"i" i , l I'HH- i, .ii. ilr.. u illiln "I" l.i"""1' .i.,.,t N..V. H. nl. 1 II V III I M i;i:i W. II I'mvi'll. Altmwy """"" 11 n In I.' T M'MMUNS. ,.. n... ..,..iill I'. .ni l til llif SUlo nl nn ..ii ..r III,, t ..mm .'I I'.flniiit.'.t in summit, .l.initlll k. J.Hin H. Mllllv.ni. .I.'lf ll.liinl. , , , .itl. , TttJ.il.ll II Millliull llunltvt liumi'il .It-'llll'l' In Hi,- muni, nl ilm -" Hi' t.M'i.i;.'" hfiil.v it.iiilrt'.l I" i',','1 ! "' Y..n nr,' llif . 1. 1. 1 i nittlf.l l.,-f I. 'lt. ml. !'"'. . tii. ,1 it : ulitl "il "i I" l-.,iirl nil, I cunt, t.ii in l,i'("'f I', l"..ii'.. ttliii-li I. t!, tiffmi nn, Inlt. ..l.l.Mf.l (..rllif IHI pul.i.'H"ii t nu ll. .in... 1111.1 II Villi I n! ' '" ' I Hi,, (.lalliiul mil U'l'li I... in.' n il.'l I 'mi I in mi.I f.illll'lnlnl. l" w 11 f,'l ,1 ttt t tt .- .lit-nt . iB Hi,' h,..i....t Bi.lrim...n . fW I iii.'i-ii i,..i,. iimii-l I'l.niiuil it" I .L it ii i.i' i i itn.l I T -iit'li .illn r Mti'l illitilfl n lit I n I'l Ilu' j v.i'irl .,-,' in. ii.,' i'l ml. I inl , I ll.Mi. l,... ! f'.Ml.l.l.l Li ..LlfCi'l I' l' II. .'I ! !,. A VI. 1U i'l,', In I,"' i' 11"' " liAini"! -nil ni.i.li' iill'lt nti'li'-l .'" lllf .'1 li'I'lV , ..(ii,,,,.,,-.!",. (. 3 ,n y AlUniH'l tut l'I.HIIIIl' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t'mu-l -(itU's otmi'. N,'li,,t l,,,'!.y ulsli llif ,.v,n l-l.ni. Inn.' 'iHif.l hull,.', I.in.l- in I'"' ' Nt V 4.1.1. i"l !.! ivtt lint nl t i . ni j i ! f it n ( Uu" to ro.s,M-. -A:i ft t-r ( i.ihi'Fi'ti. Oit.i'i. 1, U t .-I t ,i..rl . tl I t-1 (.. nil il..' I"' il. I 1 v. Vl',i Urul.ihit of A'd.inll. mulv ll!i.l III lilt i'i'h'i' oni ttnti !:M iU o o fvf li-t- ii ifrlokM' ( t f it S S 'l' t, )1 IHIllj! No I Ill, KUM-'W SJ'-t U of), r pn-m to .In-rt Hi ni itu- i.ir. t ..!' lit i ni-'if viiiMiif-U1 i -r i' tun 1 r " ii. .m r..r fiSf;"iM'!f l l-i ., AM I ! v -Ii h l,v .,11. 1 1,111.1 1 l-!vUO Uit li v. l i'Ki .l t ,',ii-l VV ..In ' 1 h 1 ;i '. ' l- r lit". M,. liiiiui it. Hi, I .1 fttllUl.-l . to HfH ii ,':' " It',;, .nit,. .,1 AH. V.t t if ... ,i r.n,'i ,, in Aii't.-'i, oitimi. i.-rn(i4i'.l ,!,, tir.-s.-t.ii ; ,..'i.. i. iliiiiii.t ttlirf.il il,.' lio.r, .u Am .ui 1 .i 111 vi Itu I -tit! rt-. ,, tl .ill, t! HI! t't I ll'IC , i: '. tun, iti '.Ii it ,N.,ii'llll.t i. .'Cl .I i , !'. Al i.HIMiS 1 pl.l i.l It. K.,ulvf. kOTICE fQH t'USLICAIitll. l-.irt .l i:,. I tltti't! Mnl ,r, ii I tl., !(: tv l','''(!.ii, l III. X"H, : t-'ii i.,-,. l'"i, , tint Jr,n l', .i. U I'.. nil. I I t (,..;. ... it.", ilu.!, l.i." V. 1 -i :-tt ' l'(... 11 ,, l.'tt,, A ill, la ; iv ,-,i ..I.,' I..- ." i : i.,n I i , II--iv, I :,.r l,f lit! ul I ';vi ' i; ! v.r.: -- j.-i..i NOTICE OF CUAROIAN SALE OF REAL ESTATE- in ui ii,. I i ..inn,'. i H , :r(i;. ; in i ,,( t ; , : ,., , , I',.. "i:it ,,.(,),, t',.,, ., ft. A Ht'f 1!, .... I MU ,1 ! .( !.'-.. r. ' S. Ilu v, tl I)" " :- PHYSICIAN vS: SlTiCKoN; it r 11 Kt t.Ss (it; ..us. ! Royal Oak Dresser, i No. : V!i. ,,t! Im v-i r v, ,u v and very I tu;,',, fin t t'.i 11 V,,. .1 ' ratt- l'i. -.it io, city. The si,i- ", h, c rv ! Inr :ii ,ti,iuiil.i;i T ''' the i ..t low.-r '.'.in r loin in jlir I lh( , 'lli'tii'l- I,,;, -,iil!t i"' . will, ov.it I t i i'l j itiirror )o'.: in. ,i j: .;i j,. ill: il rov.tl ou; Willi It ll'il uu.irSt r mr.tiued to, . if,, 11'. i ! .- ,.. I .ur ilrawt-rs. t ..'r.ivn r, I ,... , we!l fr-tiits, j.i-.t :ili- t;;i- tldll, ,10'! .ill j,.,. I, M,.,j ,. ,,, I'T 1-. pillU ill! I , i; s ()j,l Ju ,j A very neat and ;.!!. iiw ,!, ,.,rl, and .me thai ' inu-t I nl tu pit-.i-j-. Our price in only S 1 (.()( ) PAY $3 CASH. $l.0 MOKTKLY jPSfK-ii! f ir our 1 ,i;,i,'t i. (i,nii arimei'.il.il..g,,l, ,, int. ilu- hue f riuiiiitiiri' vv, v II i) tii, ,,iMl- 4.0ll-Vl 1-1 HI. We pay flelglu PORTLAND, 0! EGONil suit of Welch, remember j guarantee rPriccd MitxtoX COMItR FWST, PORTLAND. L JOB PRIWTIWC IG OUR DU3INC8S rV, lmw Ilu i'st W fully i'qiiiMMl Job Print iim IMlirciu ( oiimiliiit (oiinty , ( r.i v trcHiml to ,lo nil I; in lift of Print in 'J on .smrt nut i ci unit tit most ven son n tile prirrs t 4 l A TRIAL Will REC0PJ IV1IST 4 i? i Aim'f V ! Tin- Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. Trn.i:s MxAMtsrn Aisstracts Madr Non-Ui'Siuknt Tanks Paid . ," Rkai. Ivstatk C Loans, ktc !4 H. HENDERSON, REAL ESTATE, JERSEY STREET, ST. JOHNS, ORE. Any t'umtmuiu .ilii'ti iY";u itiy Clum?i.i Cuunty friciiil rc Kanltti;: itt -stmi-uls in St. J.ilms mnl vkiuity will receive jf.uiiipt .uiil c.infi'.i oitistili-ratiun. P .f . f t v - ; KNIGHT'S p WiSHIftG TOM A SO THIRO SiS. t " 6 .. . v i 7 i 4 I ! I . I lMf iff !!?!f !TF1MtMtFWf ItrWtlfltF, ItfWW mrWWWWWttnff 1 st: DOW BY THE j ' Receiving New In the II H,iii tiMMitntim J A,ti irt & 1 1; SI. irel.MH, - i'i 1 7 VESTERN MEAT COMPANY SPENCE & POPE, PROPS, Hriiullc op' nieat:; i::.(,i! -ul will ki -1 i . . , fresh and home We li;n'c a fine the finest three 1 liailKbfMVIU Leave Try our home orders for tnrLtv CONVINCE A M IMI TIIM IVJlIllt'S CHILDREN'S SHOES ARE THE IEST A COMPLETE LINE OF SUITABLE KINDS FOR WINTER WEAR VV Al.KUV l;K Af I' 0 foinnic. oneco d 4 BIG SAWMILL -M Goods Every Dayl Wi Tlv. Hiitiitiih f(r Only ihii IWnl in 3 erchandise: Muckle. ()irH.3 IIm" 1. ?' 'ji ' :. ( ..' ' i 1 i killed meats. No cold storage herd of Nchalcm Valley cattle vear old steer in the countV fr cured pork and corned beef, ivrtnun nnl oivilfni. J ' ' J t'3 t . 1 . 1 1 Vllivnv r HOULTON OREQOK