SI T HPAT ww'1 2f Talk to Rom. CoIiiihII County llmik. I.ihu llotfSfii, MCUMd ol mmuH with lUngerou waaixMI upon John liaatiity, bad hit prwllwlnary hearing hem laat rUlunW ami pl ot guilty. III trial wa art lr I fee, litth. HrttrW White took him liack to Portland where Im will par take ol 111 hoapiUllly ol Multnomah entity until bli trial. Optimo cigar two (or twtnty flvt cti. UaUr In (jiiailiv. flnnn liro. Mr. anil Mr. C. C. Moyer, ol Yankton, vl.lled 81. Helen Iat week, on their way to rortlaml. Horx and tight wago) fur (ale, of to tiad lor t cattla. A good bargain will given. Irxiulr at tlte meat market. Ht. Helen. The people who dole the decoy ducks on Widgeon Mke laat Punday, are at to And tltcmaelve In atrloui trouble. ,, T. Law, Ir. CUM and McLaren. Kd . I U A I..-.-. .Iww.ll..- .I....L. i-L- i.ii. .1 oil PUHI ww..w mj m Tminir ,tlner. couple ol thieve, potted thrlr Muuld iL. .1. - - - ttaov. The rnllcuien who il duck tracked the ttilevr tlieslonk-h and arrived therein time toate iMi launch, which thev are turt Ihev have area lie lore and will be able to find again. The It I low wual have led In consider. ot a nurry, a. iney nt one lelkiw lurgot hi hat. CoMMKBCIAL ACOH'HT W arc gUal to oicn checking account with individ ual, firm, (uclctie. corporation, and Uinka, and give canrlul and prompt atten lion to all twain, whether large or mall. Columbia County Bank, J. II. Ackcnuao, flute rkboul Httperin Undent. Iccluretl In the M. K. church here laat Thursday evening. He took at hi Ultiject, "The rVhool Follow. Ttutv tki Not !-a.l." Ha told when ami why new studies bad (tutu time to lime I ...I Int., ih, course, .ml aaid that a tew year from now the public i buu vawne would Incliule domcalic .knee. Allmretber bl talk wa both intrreating and instructive, "i jK-h week bring new dejiotilora ColumUa Couuty Rank. The Heamer Northwert atruca a roc near Kalam lt KrtUy ami unk in water that covered her freight deck. The Altona will be on the run to tlte Cowliu while the Northwest U being repaired. County Clerk W. A. Harri wa a Port land visitor on Monday laat. Mr. I). J, HwiUer I viaiting at Irving thia week where Mr. HwiUer i Inbuainea Two new teacher cxnmcnc i wrk reaiirna- in the at hotil here Monday mornl lug the vacamic cafaetl by the reaigna tinn of Miaa Kctcl and the ahacn-e of Misa Fleming. Mis Mamie Macleny. ol ColumMa City, i In charge ol the in trnuotiat gr.tes, and Miaa HLtucfer, ol liallaa. la leaching the primary num. Timk i Moxitv And vou aave time by taking the Multnomah when you have buaiocw In Portland. Leave St. Helen at 7 a. m. Reache Portland at 10 a. m. Start home at l.W P m. You Imvc plenty of time to do your (hopping. Pure bred White Plymouth Rock ruuatcr for sale , Inquire at thi oltice. The statement in but week' atjicr that kl,J. Roger., inuml In an cldeut at ((1J Colombia City. wm.IcI. waa a mistake. McPllcrM,, ol Keay, went a, word wa. receive.! after tlte Jr wa. ,,,,,.,,,, vU HouUo ,t Tu linte! lha-. there wa. hope ol hi. re- , GnlJl op work in hi. line "very Syropof Whit Pine and Tar, the obi reliable cough remedy. For ale by A.J. Iteming, drugglt. Mr. Jennie LaHallc, ol Chicago, ar rived last Saturday (or a visit with Her hrothcr, J. It. Godlrey. Mr. A. II. Ceorg. went to Portland Wedneeday lor a se vera! day' visit with her on Fercy. Mr. Mill Hayburn, visiting her ister, Mr. of Torttand, Is J. B. OiMllrey, thi week. Fred T. Murphy, of Mist! in St. Helen Mouday to make application for hi onturalitalion paper, t'p to now he has leen an American from old Ireland. Mr. Muridiy recently hail hi left arm broken, Fon Sai.K One pony. Apply to M. P.. Klllott, YankUm, Oregon. , We Wedue VWHII1T I ,v. Full account of the proceeding. day. Full ccount of the procceii will be poblished neit week. Iure bred White Plymouth Rock rooctcr for ale. Inquire at thi o ffice. Horn To the wife of Axel Chelbcrg, of Warren, Oct. , IlKXI, daughter. HI raved A Llewellen Better, with (trap around neck, white dog with black ear and black ipoU ou eacu iue. Any Information will be received at fice, thi of- Farr Ilro., formerly of Neer City, who dentanding a to the route they were to were Mteiwlv wood dealer and wwuilll OB tj,e Ky missed them, they go operator, onlll recently, hve irchaed ing on to nillalwro and out to Hmton, USM acre of tlmlter on Coo Hay and will (,, wi,ch place they cnt in word. 1,7.11.1 m 40.000 caimcity awuilll. The Meauwhlle O. B. returned home, Sidney llrouk-hton 4 Wlggln Lumber Co,, of Portland, ucceedcd Jurrllro. In the sawmill buaiiic at Neer City. Mr. and Mr. N. A. Perry, of Houlton, emeriuiiicu - . . , t . 1,1 nii-ir irienii .. . . . . wiith a hist wirtv hut Tuesday evening Those present were: Mr. and Mr. T. J. Cleeton, and Mr. and Mr. R. P. O.rahain. of Portland; Mr. nnd Mr. J. O. WnlU, Mr. and Mr. W. I. Price, Ml Maud Wutt. 8cnppooc; from 8t. Hcleu. Dr. nnd Mr. Cliff, Dr. nnd Mrs.Ro, Mr. nnd Mr. Dlllnrd, Mr. and Mr. Harri. Mr. mid Mr. Dt-uiing, Mr. nnd Mr. Grny, Mr and Mm. Powell add Mr. White J mr, ami airs, rsi "- - from Houlton. Mr. nnd Mr. Bclford, Mr. and Mr. Ketcl, ...d Ml. Graham. Mr, Cliff took buly' flrt prUe, nnd Mr. liar rli tlif. n-ntleiiien'. Mr. nnd Mr. Powell curried away ccond prlie lady and gentleman. for Mr. Win u, ,, "K". oi nilslrorif, whi In Hi In . ,,cw Thm w, n &j VU.I.VO next ntinuuy evening. i ren 'ile.titcr;tV" " PProved 1'HilltH, Ktc, Omcerlm. Kt Feed, Etc. AH (jiinnuitccd. Etc. M. C. (JitAY. J""" l'reenian, ol Sraiinoose. w.n a St. . i i. ...... V . U,l"r W ''-"'y. He came Mown to anure a reiiewul ol hi. saloon Ilcene, to ur old and esteemed friend. Ilro. R " Mltcl.c-11. o( the Cowliu County New '"1 niton at Deer I.Und. I'arUlmre Letter. UumU ,e ,UoltinK ,,, uii remain unclalled lor at the Ktv Ilel en poatorTu-e: Mr Annie Fowler. Mr. Kinnic Fowlrr. Jamr T. Keith. Ht. Helen Commercial Club. Utter not claimed by Nov. 30th will lie rnt to tlie dead letter office. LOMUIXU TK1I1 Kl'MH AWAV. Three men aevercly liijurol, a lufomo- I live and three truck aluuxt drmoliahed, U ,he reM,t ' ro""y '"" Xnia lon rtP nA on KV' lKtng road, two mile from Rainier, Monday altcrnoon. Clinton Kilhy, John Hackett ami another of the train crew uniied and escaped with their live, but were badly buit. The train waa loaded and in charge of Nelaon downing, foreman of the camp. am w (MckTiig down iben it struck grade and got .k. atlmirrv raila on the laryond control. Kilhy susUined a fright fully fractured leg. the bone protruding through the Aeth. Hackett' apine was injuml and the other man may have suffered internal injuriea. CORRESPONDENCE o 1 Q If your locality I not represented C i. .i . i it u A Sin iww iiriiiHiH.) -v .... r neit week. Read the Mist lor the V I new oi me wmie cminij. TEKX0S1A. F.lmer lavender came home last week (rum lluiton, w lie re he luu I wen work- on the R. R. construction force. T. I.. Adauit wa taken uiddenly sick Thursday of last week and it waa thought at first tlut he waa dying, but he rallied and at tbla writing i uic better, al- .lilt I- Mj-rtnnalv til. IS (uainlinK) and il other lob are oiarn he , (cw wcck, in ,lie meirun.. I (-.tlc lcn nmi Washington County were icouriuK the country last week in aearch of young fat cuttle for beef. Tltey uun,l only a few to their liking. There wa a Hallow een party on i uer- eta, g . ol las. T" " iiiosi overrwuiy ami - . time wa hail. The town wa very quiet no serious prank being played. Charles Hilter, of Crnwlonl crecK. who ha been at hospital in 1'orllann the tst week or two, i reported quite .rioUlliy x one report I that he i )mt we C(H,not vertfy it. J)r ,l(;c, wet ol,t to St. Helen on iay 0 I,ut week on business, He t)k In the tenches' Institute on Thursday, going on to Portland in the evening, haivng buine matter to at- tend to their, returning home vin Houl- t , i.. lo Monday. At the chool uiecting Friday hut L. II. Stuart wa elected clerk. No tlx wa levied, bnt those pretent (only very lew attendol) votcl to admit pupil from outside districts, provided they will buy their own eul. which leave the mutter in jiist a unsettled a atnte it wu liefore. (). B. and 8. V. Mulmstciu went out to Portlund the luttcr part of the week, to meet their brother Franklin and fumily, from Minnesota, but owlnil to uiisun- remaining to keep watch of train, And thi I the tte of the mix-up at thi will be wrliinir. We presume team . , ., . .....1 ,1.... ,... lit llftflll ellt oill lor iiicui iiw i,. t - ... i.. .i..t , tin ainwur ui i-,". We umiersunii - ... ..... w..i.i... H...I- tier. thev lire 10 muae me,v... .... i mnncnt home, nnd wc welcome them to our uiidat. Mis Lydia Wnyman, ol Independence, 1,,.. Wn emolovcd to teach the Pitt' hunr chool thi winter, nnd Is expected to nrrivc thi week o a to begin next Monday. Slie will have a very mull school. In the Win. Prlngle diitrict the director want to beKin Immediuteiy, hut . , , , i.i. M fur have been nimble to find one with any exrience. J' T"' are very eurv, to get one to come over Into theNehalem during the winter eon. Mr. W. D. Ce, of PltUbnrg, made biMliie trip out to Houlton and Port Riid lust week, J. N. Parker, Mr. J, 0. I'rlngle and Murgoret Hpencer attended Pomona (lrutlf1. an I , ! O- - uviIXUWI IIUIIl VCTIIOIIIB. Ur""K! No. 805, ,t Deer i,ud Saturday, W II I'Owimi ."ii"my, i uey nna a uea-u-ll- 'Ht.'lIelel; o;Uonl'",,ri'co,,,'"K WviK through I "le '"in d mud and around fallen tree rrinr, ,,,. nt..., nr.. ... . wl the like. Dark caught them on the mountain, but W. I). Case inpplied llitm with a light, and they got home at lt, completely tired out. R. HcMeman returned from Hlllaboro Wednesday of laat week. He turned over to the, J. Lytle at the company onice me bond for the deed to the right of wny and the contract guarantee ing the right of way to Hie railroad to Vcrnoniu. Mr. B. Lytle wa away in N. V. A toon a he returns the rwner will lie gone over und they will rexrt to our committee. Mr. CIim. J. Lytle itave Mr, Lytic good encoiirngcnient. He said that it wa their intention to build both the Halmoiilierry hianch and our, und our had first place in their heart. Construe tlon work i now being pushed at Tilla mook, and it will be until the tint 1 teen mile there are built. Thia, aa we understand, la lor a purpose, and when that purpose i secured, work along tin line will begin in dead earnest. Thi I about the condition of affair nt the pret ent a we have lvn enabled to gather from different source. Work ha not Ikcii entirely auspended near liuxton as ha been currently reported herj (ltd at Portland. It I going along there a heretofore, although not so vigorously. KAT1L. Mi Pauline Scar ha been attending the teacher institute at St. Helen the post week. IV. Jefry, of Ctatakanie, wa in this neighborhood a few day last week. K. Mesalng nisi'e a trip to Clatskanie Thursday. Mr. N. I). Peterson has hem visiting friend in Portland aeveral day thi week. 8. P. Ballard i again on the Pittsburg- Mist mail roule. G. W. Maltson has moved from Pitts burg to Mist. Itr. Hiatt, the Vcrnoni dentist, has been doing dental work in thi vicinity the past week. F. J. I'cteraon was doing busint in Portland a few day thi week. There will be preaching at the Natal Grange Hall next Sunday, Nov, II, nt I -HO p. m., by Rev. A. K. Myers, of Ver nonia. Minnie and Alice Peterson were visit ing frienda in Mist r-'unday. Have Kaye wai aCUUkauic visitor one day last week. Klmer Hiatt, ol Cla'sk.tnie, attended Grange at Natal Sunday. We notice mime of the good fanner havi been filling up tome of the mud holes in this district with fern and chins' A verv cheap way to get the roads fixed. l-h? The new fence around the (irange Hall is a great improvement to the ball, keep ing the cuttle and hogs away from the building. - - - - REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Following are the real ettute Iran Mo tions filed for record during the week ending Nov. 3, 1!KX': C and U Aiuiilie to James Peterson, se qr ol te qr, w qr of lie qr, and hi ol nw qr ol sec 'M, U, 3 100 A M and K W Allen to the IWusen 1, 1. A Co, e hf ol a qr, see 1 1, ft. S Frank AlsUbrit tod L and J A McPherson, I t 2 and 3, vc 31.4. 4 10 K A Hridgman to H O Howard, cw qr of ne cc 5, (12... K A nnd (i W Collin et al to Jnme Peterson, e qr of e qr, w qr of i:e qr ami lif ol nw qr aec nil, 0. 3 C L ami L P Cotiyer to lleiuen 1, L A Co, ne qr of se qr, eeo 7, o, 4 A K and J C 1 rrick to II K No bhs ne qr fee 3, ft, 2 F S and S Dickson to Lena K Can 10 100 non, lot 1 nnd 2, ( hi of ne qr, 0, 4, 3 O II and W H Downing to Goo L and J. A. McPheraon, html in 25, 5, ft Erick Krickton to U I. and J A McPherson, lif of o qr ec23, and lif of i hf of ne qr of ne ore 28, ft. 6 8 K Kiek to Jacob Salva, nw qr of ne qr, eo 2, 7, 4 r F L ud J K Hall to the Benson L A L Co, e hf ol ne qr, sea 32, , 4 1000 10 10 40 10 U F Heiimer to C and C W Atny pear nnd 8 II Tryon and W Slat(htor, w qr!12, 8, 3 Eand li K Kenney toC W Micbnel 2500 n qr of ne qr nnd n hf of nw nr. sec 12, 4, 3 0 Cniul O B Malmstein to G L nnd J A McPliorson, e hi of ne qr and qr of nw qr 10, 4, 4. . . Chiw Mnyger to the Ureen Creek Lumber Co, hf int in aw qr 32, 8, 3 OW Poole, by sheriff, to W A, HiirriF, various lot in 2nd add to Vcrnoniu W II Dolman to P J Shol, lots 1, 2, and 3, see 2, 4, 3 U L nud J A McPherson to A nnd 8 K Shnnnnhtn, se qrof te qr, and s hf of ne qr of. se qr sec 12, 4, 6 DJ mid K SwiUor to Warren Lumber Co, sw qrof ne qr nnd 10 424 10 il hfof sw qr, 12,4, 2 Mnnd TD Tollman to ttobt J Huntur, lot 4 mid 6, blk 12, Veruoiiiu ,1 A Taylor, etnl, to C nnd C W Mnyger nnd 8 II Ty ron nnd W rJlaugbter, w qr see 32, 8,3 The Benion L A L Co to Riley W Allen, ehtolne qrof tee 14, 1400 25tX) is .i r m m 6,3 The MaygerCo to the Green Creek Lumber Co, li(lnt in w qr, ec 32, 8, 3 II and G E TyKkiewicx to C W Kioenon, 11 hf of lot 8, blk 14ft. Ft. Helen M and W T Watt to S M Weit. 2 acre In 12. 3, 2 M IS nnd W 1) Watkin to II K Noble, ne qr of sec 3, 5, 2 L R and W G C Woods t Western Lumber Co. nw or sec 84, 4, 4 1250 10 United 8tales patent were iiunied to Alfred Shannahnn, Pu! J Schol. Sam uel P. Ballard and Clarence Keid. A lVar of Blood. The year 1003 will long be remembered in the borne of F. N. Tacket, of Alliance, Ky as a year of blood; which flowed so copiously from Mr. Tucket's lungs that death seemed very near- He writes: "Severe bleeding front the lungs and a frightful cough had brought mi nt death' door, when I began taking Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption, with the astonishing result that alter taking four bottle I wa completely restored and as time has proven permanently enrol." Guaranteed for Sore Lungs Cough and Colds, at All Druggists. Price 60c and fl.00. Trial bottle free. At the wedding of John Da mm, at Pendleton, recently, the brido would have done well to hnve pondered over (U8 poei'l query ; "To be, (damned) or not to be, that'8 the question." Had a Cloae Call. "A dangerous surgical operation, in volving the removal of a malignant ul cer, a large as my hand, from my daugh ter' hip, was prevented by the applica tion of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve," ay A. C. Stickel, of Miletus, W. Va. "Persist ent use of the Salve completely cured it." Cures Cut, Burn and Injuries. 25c at all druggists. SUMMONS In the Circuit Conn for Multnomah County. Fre.1 W. HVsrce. I'lnlnUtl'. vs. lHr llenrce, Ie- frnilniil. , , , , , To Dura llearrc the above nstiiwl ih'feiuiam: 1 n Ih limn ol I he tlle of Oreaou : J ou re hereby rminlred lo appear snd answer Ihc coui i.lalnl flltA airalnst you In tho l eiiUlleu . ... . ... lu. 4 whirl, Ih Ix wt alter Nuv. U. Ibe ilale orileml lor the HniliiliMeallniiortbiaiiolice, ami 11 you ll lo m a.H-ar awl an.wer Ilia )lslitlll will apply . .. . ' . , .... 1.. hi. ..ntiinlikllit. to- wll: loraileoreedlMolvlimlhebninls ol timlrl- . .twu.... lu,v ,iAin,Ml tilHlll. tIB anil lU'h'ti'lanl, an.l lor such other ami fur ther reliel 10 ine enun m-o ,iiw ,- This uniiiioiis Is piibUshnt by order ol tho Hon. Thus. A. MeBrl.le, Jmlire ol Ibo slxjva namoiteoiirt,mile anil entered on IheSrd day IM,vo.nlr. lOo. j, B,TK()WSKY, Attorney lor lMalntlft. NOTICE TO CREDITORS- 1 KOTICR I hereby given thai the undersigned has lawn appointed admliilslratrix ol the es talc of Hurry J. Walter, iteeeawd. by the Hon. K. H, llattan. Jtidwe ol the (.'ounty Court of the Slate of Oregon, tor the Couuty of Columbia. Auv ami all fairsoiis navuig (laium hk.i"". mo eHtiite arc lioreliy rwiiilrwl to iroeiil the name uriii.Ml .,.,u,nlliitflnlHW. at mv residence at lleieus, Oregon, within six months from the dntc hereof. U.U4 this M day rVeATTERS. W. 11. Powell, Attorney for Administratrix. riirt pub. Nov. Wll. Laat pub. Dee. 7ih. I C. P. BISHOP. 1 m Portland'B Clothier . - 1 S " i I & I gl u -J 1 Hf a high quality of clothing o 83 exclusive designs and an unusual 1 3 S clever styling and fitting that gives tlie W p wearer a C distinctively refined air i 5y? t,nj,m rnrmTr i 1 www . j 87 Third Street ha t.www. .w L. S. FRAKES, DESIGNERS lVtVVV 8 FINE PACIFIC 348 SPECIAL HATS Columbia County People are especially invited to Call and Inspect. r 2 TRAINS DAILY 2 TO Dl'LUTH MINNEAPOLIS ST. l'AUI.-UENVKK-LINCULN-OMAHA Kansas CITY sr. I .(ins THE EAST The Regular Yellowstone Park Route Via Livingston and Gardiner Gateway, the Government Official Entrance to the Park. SEASON JUNE I TO SEPT. 20. SEE EUROPE IF YOU WILL, BUT SEE AMEEICA START RIGHT. SEE YET.OWST02STE PARK NATURES GREATEST WONDERLAND PARTICULARS AT265 MORRISON STREET A. D. CHARLTON Assistaut General Portland SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ol the State n( Oregon lor the Cou ntc ol Columbia Robert H. Staliler, plaintiff, va. Ella U. Stabler, defendant: To Ella (I. stalder, dcfemlaut above named: In the name of the Suite ol Oregon vou aro hereby required to appear and aimwer the eoni plalut Hied aealunt you In Ihe alwre entitled ciuMe 011 or before the last day of publication of thi (,11111111011s aa herein provided, towit, ttie ttth day ol November, Itaki. and II V'Mi fall to so aiidvver for vait thennil tlie pltiintttV will applv to the eourt fo the relief deuiandeil in said oomplalnt; lowlt: for adeeree of said court dls aolvtnii the houds of matrimony luw existing between yonrelf and tlieiilaiiitilf. This summons is vubiUhcd by the order of Thomas A. MeBride. Ju.lse of the almve cntitlxl court, made on the 'th day of September, liKM. In ami bv which order It is adjudged and or. dorcd that this aniiinions be niiblisbed once a week foralx coniteeutlve weaks in the Onou Mlkt.a newapauvr published in the city of St. Helens. Columbia County, State of Oregon. The date of the flrt -vublicatlon of this notice is the Jrtih dav of Septemlwr. 1!H, and Hie date ol the last publication ol aaid notice is Navcmber9tb, 11106. KUWAKO T. TAliliAKT, Attorney fur Plaintiff NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is herebv elvbn, That the under slgncil as tho executors of the Inst Will mid Testament and estate of .cphaiiinh Bryant, de ceased, nave tiled our nnai account in me oi flee of tlie Coiintv Clerk of Columbia County, Oregon, and Ihe Honorable County Court bus appointed Saturday, the 10th day ol November, A .1)., ItxHt. at the hour of it o'clock, in the foreman! at tlie County Court house. In the .lii-tf hie HiIi.iih. in HHld Collllnblil Ciilllllv. aa'the lime and place for hearing oi jobjeclinu to said mini account ana lor ine setuemvm thereof. Hated al St. Helens. Oregon, tills Oft. tlth, WOJ. 11AKKV W. MCDONALD. F. C. WHITTKN. . Excvuiors of the said estate. 6. H.ORCHKU. Attorney for executors. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Tho ruxrtncrsh'.p heictoforo exislltm under the firm name oi iiiriy nooey , oi ninmwi, .... i.. ...a I... ...t,,ul V- H . lllrl, Hotnnoi.v,, o. in"". v....... ... havlug pnrcliaaed Mr. Robey'a interest, and assumed all debts and obligations due by said ttrm. All aocouuts due tlie liriu are the proper- ,y0fMr.Ulr.y. , K. H. OIRTY, O.C. KOBEV, bt. Helens, October 10, IMS. 352 MORRISON ST.. PORTLAND, OREGON OF MILLINERY&- MADE TO ORDER EIUST Passenger Agent Oregon OREGON SHOIrLlNE AM0 union Pacific UNION IIKPOT. , Leaves 1 Arrives. I'HICAdO-l'OKTI.ANll :l,1 A. M i:2 P. M SPKi'lAL for the Ea't ! Daily. Dally, via Huntington. j; SPOKANE Ft.Y E K, :1ft I. N. 8.00 A. M. for Ka.4tertt Washing bin, Walla Walla. U'W Hally. Daily. iston, Coeur il'Alenei and Great Northern IHlllltS. ATLANTIC EXPRESS .rU.Cp. M.i7:lS A. M for the East via lluut- I)llv. Dally. tngton. Lower Columbia River. Steamer llaaaal-i leaves I'lirtlanrl dnilv, exocit Snudav, at8;(W n. in. saiuntay lu iw p. in for AMtoriu a. id way huntings Returning leavea Astoria at 7:00 a..m. nailv. except suii.iy. A. L. UKAIU, Genernl fasseugcr Agent. I'oltTI.AND Oi. ESTABLISHED IM 1872 JOHN A. BECK DEALER IH WatcHes, Diamonds, Silverware, ...JEWELRY.... Kepairing a Specialty. Alder Street, Bet. Front A First. fORTL AM ) -LiSo il lo x'Han.alaV V STATE BANK OF BRAINIER-' RAINIER, ORE. CAPITAf735,ooo Four per cent interest paid on saving deposits. Interest compounded semi-annually, March 1 and September 1.. V. B. LOTTMAN, Cashikk Collections Made : Drafts lsed I ST. HELENS BARBERSHOP D. P. BEELER, Prop. CLEANLINES8 SANITATION NEATNE88 $ Hair trimming neatly done ) At ,41 the old stand, St. Helen fV V WWW ROBERTS BROS. BUTCHERS Ritril Free Delivery. On!trs by mail for choice me:it promptly attended. HOULTON BARGAIN! Seventy acres In Dutch Canyon. Over forty acres in crop. I OH) cords oi stood on unclrnrcd land. One hundred bear ing trnit trvc mainly Northern Spy ap olcs and Ilartlett pears. I louse cost over ptnt. Ilarn cost over kS. A cement root and. fruit cellar that ronld ttot be built for less than $4tK). Hrrse power in the barn for cutting fodder. Hay hater, fanning mill and bay rack go with the place. Good fence. Scappoose creek runs through the place and a portion of it is easily irrigated. Scappoose station two and one half mile'. Three miles to steamboat landing ; good road ; rural free delivery. Applv to the proprietor on the premises, or to E. II. Flagg, St. Helen. FRANK KELLER, Scappoose, Or. FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. . Hoeghkirt, Master. RAILROAD TIME. I .caves Rainier dally (except 8un)ay)fr Port land, mi 6 A. St.. departing Irom St. Helena at 8 o'clock. Returning, learea Portland at 2:S t M., arriving at bt. Helena at 4:43. hmim and Fast Freiilt PORTLAND LANDING, TAVLOI !OK ST MOT ICE FOR PUBLICATION. Peparlment ol the Interior. Ijin.1 Orhce at Portland, Oregon, Sep. 3. 19 0 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make anal proof in supiort ol hiH claim, and that Mid proof will I made before tlie KegiiJer and Beeeivcr, at Portland, Oiegnu, on Sor. II. l'JWi. via: John F. l-engM-hcr, H. E. No. !! for Ihe S , SE !4 i E , SW ol See. 24. T 4 S, H 4 V.-, He name the following witnesses to prove his coiitiuuou residence upon and eultiratioa of said land, via: Samuel P. Ballard, of Pitts burg, Oregon: Jav Biirtraw, of Vernonla. Ore con: Heun- (ilahh, I Vernonla, Oregou: Henry T. Holchkt, of Altoaka, Oregon. AU.KKNO.N S. DRESSER. Register. A STOMA & COLUMBIA RITER fl RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. aAtwwa ITATIMI DAILY. r. . 7 00 I Oft 20 SS I 44 I M ft OS 1 in to to 10 0 10 39 1 10 A.M. 00 w so m l oe 1 10 10 21 10 M 10 67 11 Oft 11 18 11 SO LvPartlaamAr S4J .. Oobl .... ..Rainier ... sa 4.SI Mi; Mi S3 U 17 IT M M M S It t T 1 a 4 ... Pyramid... ...Kargae.... ....Quiney .... tea 7 4 T 4 7 M 7 a 17 7 tl a it it i viaMKani.. NarahUa.. .. Weslpoltw.. ....CUftOB.... ,.nappa.. Syanson.... M.I 9S ..John Dar... Ar. Aitorla .Lv All trains make eloa eennaetUnt at OoMa with Northern Paelrl Itala to and Irom the Esst sa Sous paints. Al rortlwa wll all trains leaving Unlen poi- At Astoria with I. H. a . lo. s Doac ana rail ass ana hhmi T. J. Potttr te aid froa Ilwao aa . Kenk Beach points, pasaenrers for Astaria ar war sotat santt laa trains at Houlton. Trains will atp to tot was angers oil at Uoulloa whea cwl tnm uai Oea. J-aaa. Act.. Xatwia. Ol H. nORQUS4 ST. HELEN5 Carries a Complete Line of Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods In (Art,- everything usually kept in a fir class General Merchandise Store. My prices will be found as reasonable a any store in Columbia Count;, Your trad solicited. !