J LOCAL I miMMfiXm tew' f la Row. Colinnbl Coimlv Hunk. -- - foruet III will Tell Smile ami Mr. Adauii, ol the Ne halcm Valley, cuius over last week to Interview the county court In icgurd to wniic road clmii. Collection remitted on day o( pay Intnl. CoIIiiiuIjIu Couuly Hank. Mr. mid Mm. A. T. l,uw mill Mill Clmrlcy took lu Astoria ami .Seaside on Huturduy mill Sunday lust, Ktmavkii 1'rom my place at llachclor I'lut mi Muy 3(1 a two year oltl mare, color liliurk, until head, no brand, dut marked with i barbed wire tear on the front leg, Anyone findiiiK her will re ceive lihrrnl reward liy returnlliK her to John Ilcrdidil, Wnrren, Or. II ifl Oil Mr. Winnie Ituiley and father, Mr. Hincrami, of lloiitton, were Irulilu pa- CORRESPONDENCE Items of Interest to Mist Readers I'ainfx, Etc., G'roc-orien. Klc., FwmI, Ktc. All (luarantccil. Ktc, M. C. OKAY. next VotuutiM Hill . i llecr UUiul, November 10th. Mr. N. rimknev. ol Carlco, vUited the Mint " on Hur,tay tart John Kdholiu. of 8cmnxwr. oui cui.ty rt vUHor lt week. Mr Trlll. the Warren mill win. wa , Portland vWw VtMy. Mr. J. N' vUlklt clty "c ... I I IMwk. IIHV !" " I .., w .,W There will 1 Catholic ervlc In Watt for urttnnt on Thursday. (k Price' Hi wcappmiw, ' K A,t(.r,tvieeiiiiwH"K ' hM nlj4l to the hull.liim of chnrvh. All embolic " JvWr re,uc.lcd to I present. Uve order for your Ice cream for your ShikW M"' "kt,', w Helen. Mr.. WiiinU limns and chlhlren. of futvewU Perk, came ilown lrt week l..r a Uil ' r Mr mtu' Utlt I'efry, arut other relative and fiiellil. COMMKHCHI. AOWNT-Wt ' toopcnchccklnir account with individ ual, firm. '. on"""'"'' ' Link, ami Kv careful and prompt alien lion to bu.ine. whether Urge or .limit. Columbia County IWnk. Mr. II. J. Wetter and ton l'i' " visitor to th mm troli on Mon.Uy. Mis Lulu Oeorue '"l Ph" Ceorjte were I raid tenKr for the city lt Monday. Mi Nellie Ui and Mi Ada Schrad rr were ltopplnj In Portland lt P'iday. Mr. M. C. Ory lil PortUnl on TuewUy l- Mr. Jswe iMrt ol Uuhter re H,rue4 Urt Fl'ly Urre tl,ey Imve len pen.liug tlx ummef. H.,li.nleK ke crem. Tie wry liecker', Mt. UtleM. II. MorCiilhvi"f ,,K,, ,m,U om (he i.lewlk In front of hi rtort. Ml Bitier Mtnil to our cur ne treated . rtrlv tly confidelitW. Columhw County llk. I'ull fi.hin ewnec'l tt Mon.Uy. S-iit 10. Toe ceiiiierwe re i-m-r lule. Mr.Jcoh Oeofge l KI" 'P n.m.l, niter two wcek'.tl-ell of lck nrw. Ci.t. Stone U ' ' ",wn,rt lo Kiher up f.h for the Ull k. We elcnt to our cumtomer rwy f ctlity coiwUteot with c.nnftive Unk ing n.l r fully e.;ip ,Uml "K,n wlWiictory erlc ! " WntnKe. Coluiuhi County Itank. Mi AllwUuU k h recovered (rout n tlck of meusle. Rev. Thomj-on. of '.r.hm. will hohl rvicreiHtheM. K. Church here neat Su.,.Uv, t I l.m... Li 7.1.1p.m. Rev. Th...-oo It Uel.1 tervice here verl ti.,the .t i " nwaker. There tutultl lie K lXtn'X mice t twth netvive. I t,v money to lm lP' tit. Helen. Uregun Money to ! i,,t lr t'nlutttUiA County luink. Ktwol couiutem-e. here Monday. IKlo-i- v.- I nto Oconee, pnn- ci,l; Mi Ann Ketel in ctann iler,..e,lite rde.. .ml Mi- hmw . i.i.... iho nrluwry kw'0' ...... .. irutier. Urtthlle I iini niv .. . -.t..-.l will hve three more It look. like. ItlKh -.hool hetweett the i .li.,uld be counldcred eiortomk necewty, :'' 'Uer "-'J' vice could be Kcured .1 Kte.t del tuallcr cot. Mr. nd Mn. Ch. Pyw from thi. city to 1'ortb.n.l on l "dy litM. IIorc end light wko r mU. r to tde for lef cttle. A K" " will lie iven. ImMb. t the ntet nuirket, St. Helen. So.nelhi.iK doii'K tomorrow mght. Kverylwtly turn out to the clmrivari. TheflRoittltc .tenmer I.urliite were th.f ,n..to..Tuely U. n oflhcdelhofCaj.t.Ch.t. Kmm. ""'X on of Jwou Kiiiiiiii. w-.t. .,ll out of HcM mr, r. a. i . , on the tlth. will, two c Jo o lloUtelil I'rlcln cnuie ir " the Oregon Suite J'lr, t Slem. Mr. IV A. I'ntke. her M K8, daiiKhter 1.0U will ll the week at the suite l'uir. Wahtko-A cook. Man or woman. Apply et St. Helen hotel, American .ml Sincerida.1 clg. " leader in hlK K'e ",fc St. Helen. ... n..i..... .,,,1 children, ol ir. a, hi. -, ui,., .. , . t...rki St. Helen Han i'nim:ico, . , it lt Saturday for t" "'"" with friend, and relative. The Holum. left here lor 'l'rio mn ;- " nountofMr.Holton'. heUh, which i now much improved. Byrupof White Pino mid T reliable cough remedy, l'or by AJ. IK-mliiK, drugK11- , . u W.y lnterc.tondepo.lt. Coluinbla County Hank. Capt.HooKhkirki.aKalu in charge of th. Iralda.. Iter ..hort vacation. V. A.Krlxon vl.ited hi. home at Salem 1il Hit twin V. Mr. lolm Winter, left here ! t Wcd- nehiyforSaleiii, to take m ' "countyconrtl. In 1,cr0 l,,to week, m ' i i The hotel i receiving coat of white uiut. The roof lut lieen painted red, end the jwnh .round the eut tide of l he bulldinit h lieen rooletl over. Alto gether the .pptarnnce of the building luu been greatly Improved. Krb week bring. n new depwiitort. Columbia Comity llank. I'rnnk Cmlmt. at llmilloll. Went to the city Thurwlay, Mr. 1. O. Gatic wa . Portland visitor yelerdy. v. Vim Sim-Sis milch cow, wllh or without calve. liiiuire of C.SAL'KRVKIN, Columbia Citv. Mr. Harrv illanchurd and daughter, l'r.rtl.,,.1 wrrr the tmesUol Mr. .ml Mrs. J. II. Sheldon, last ween. A. J. Ilemlni!. Andrew King, .nd Kn ...... miim i,.V in the Kuir at Salem vMtrrdav. Mr, Drming' brother ' ' . .... there wllh ome nue tiorw. n e iru the St. Helen, gentlemen won't hike any wooden mane). We carrv the finest line of cntilection. liinl ill Columbia County. All ... i. i .1. mwt imre and wild at the a most reonblc rate, teener . Helen. Twenty or Iwentyfive acre of lond near Warren or Scappoose. Prefer cleared land or land under cultivation. Stale price per aire Addrcs P. O. mx 113, Clatkanlc, uregon. THE MR XT rOMOXA. HAIK1KH. (Krnin Til Hsoihtkh) Illitnchard .jieut Sunday at Denit ScuhIiIc. M Joneidi. of Astoria. Dcnt Sunday with hi wife. W. C, Lee went to Portland on bu.l- nes. the first of the week. Carl Stewart and Mi. Cleva William spent Sunday ut Seaside, Mr.. O. K. Wouderlev and daughter Millie went to Portland one day thi week. Mr. mill Mrs. It. 1' Hunt left Mondav morning for . few duy visit at the State l'uir. Mr. An'lirr unit wifr went to Portland Saturday night, where they will make their home for a while. Miu Ocilrude Iiitett beKan teaching her second term of school in the Hudson district lust Monday, Rutiert IMbhlee and A. L. Clark were among the pauenger. Monday morning U take In the State Fair. W. M. Hencock and wife have moved out to the C. C. Wilson mill in order that Mr. Hencock may lie near hi work. Kir. mot Mrs K. Hire, of thi tlloce. left Mondny morning for Portland, .nd from there they will leave for Ohio to visit with the latter' aged mother.. Wm. Rice and wile were passengers on the train Monday. Mr. Rice il going on . business trip to Eastern Oregon. Mr. Rice will visit with friend in Port hind until hi return. tieorgia Puller, accompanied by her .istcr, Mr. Wm. Hodge, were Portland visitor Mondny. Mi. Georgia will at tend Mr. Gardner' chool of hortliand thi winter. The adlourned session cf the fourth quarterly conference of the M. K. church willi held In the church trulay eve ning of thi week. A full attendance of the merolier of the church i desired. C. tl. Tlmvrr has leased the Plymouth Lumber Co', mill and ha lgun sawing lumber from log. cut on hi. own lund ad- liiiinir the mill. The mill ha. a dock mi the river where there L over 2'.' feet of water at low tide, making " loible to ship by water. Prof. H. G. Case, of Springfield, Mo., will be principal of the Rainier school thi year. He will arrive some time thi week with hi family. The other teach ers are Mis Lois Perry, who will have charge of the same room a. U.t year; Miss Gallop, who live, near llat.kamc; MiM Kvu Hum, first and second inter mediate urailc. ami Mis Millie WomUr- ly will be in charge orthe primary grade. We think it a good corps of teacher, and aiiliciate a good term. It. W. Reed i. erecting a large ware house on lciu' dock in this city. It will bt) fire proof and commodious, measuring WxtiO. The cost will btalwiit II. O. Howard will remove In. mill to the new site in the course of a month or wi,. The old mill lias had a run KEUUES. Mrs. T. M. I.lnduv left here for Flatt- vilte, Wi., to visit her itter end other relative, after an absence of eighteen yean. Mr, and Mr. Martin Hoven, Mr. C. C. Hoven, and Mr. I. If. Magnutscn were Portland vltitor Sunday. Robert Kenny visited at Astoria lust Sunday. Mr. L. Poster, of Portland, i. visiting her brother, Samuel Munn, thi week. Leona.d Rie and A. Winuna were Portladd visitor on Tuesday last. Mr. Cha. Kchl i viriting friend in Portland thi week. S. C. lladdty ha sold hi home place tot. E. Truman for U200. He intend to move to Portland if he can find tuitable location. Hmile and Julian Waster were over to Vancouver, Wash., the first of the week, looking after their property there. Julian U'ussrr eznecta to start on a vi.it to bi. old home in France next week. K. W. Powter wild hi house and lot. in West Heulien to Wm. Wanner and moved to Catlin, Wash., on Tuesday. CP. BISHOP PORTLAND'S MEW CLOTHIER SUCCESSORS TO SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE Invite by Deer IliH wriwce Meet There In 5oemoer. We are in receipt of letter from N. Piuckncv. Secretary of Ieer iH.na l. In ll ii h the Urouife rxtemU conlial invitation to Pomona to noiu neat meeting in the IVer I'laml nan. The next quarterly meeting, we under stand, will e on tne swmnwr l,er which i. iiearc.l the full moon, or theiOth. All the itron should be ut this ses.lo.1, a. the Deer lMi.na peov will surely entertain roya"). "Tniii it v. ulblnr lloliig n TrUI of 1. 1. Uetktr ... ..i.i f I.. L. liecker. who 1 lie mi ' t . w charged with violating the Sunday cIolng law. took place in kins' court here lust luewiay edln.ht.i.ry. Prom the eviUence would seem that there was no u..,.v ..... that Mr. Pecker conicvii'w - wa open on Sunday, iui . ,meof the jury did not believe- in law enforcement and thought in own view, .h.mld t followeu n.. . the law. of the Stale of Oregon. Ti e warrant w... Krred on a cou.plau.l made . nji.li. In mirsiiiincc of the in- struct oil recently ' - ., .1 li I. to he hoped that it will 1 ,he ltone, decision, like the made Tuesday are very com., -county. IS MEXOBIAM. (Yankton CorrivKiiifleiil.) Amanda L. Rover, wa. born in Muus field, Ohio, Dec. 1H1M ; married to Kd son Crosby, at Stculjcn. Ohio, Oct. i 1H50, , and detwrtcd thi life Tuenlay mnrnini. .Sent. . l'.MKt. sued nearly Wi rti i " - vears. In early girlhood Amanda Roger lie- came an active Christian, of tunly l'un tan tock. havinu a naturally religious temprrment, broad ymptliie and an enentctic disposition, her life for nearly three quarter of a century haa been a force for good. Her first cliurclt nomc wo with the Congregationalism but upon moviiiK to Walnut, Kan., ill IWKI, .he .nd her husband became members of the Baptist church of that place, remain inir consistent member and earnest worker in that faith during a long life Mr. and Mrs. Crosby were remarkably broad in their .ympathies, hospitable to . degree; wherever their lot wa. cast, their home was a ttopoin place for any needing rest, and especially for Christian worker of whatever name. Mr. Lroaoy was a member of Company G., Hth Iowa Cavalrv. and Mr. Crosby was one of ! that vast armv ol noble women, who i made possible the saving of our country j by bidding the soldier husband gou.peeo, 1 ..lit! fliasw AIl1 M fwflf. rr,Mtter siflf-denial and courage, remained in solitude to care for the home They came to Oregon in l&M, stopping two year, at Corvalli, ami coming to Yankton in lfSKi. Many will remember the tragic death of Kdron Crosby in June, HH, when it wa thought the shock and sorrow would cautc.tbe aged wife soon to follow. Hut her was a vigorous con stitution, ond it Kerned God's will that the should live out all her days, which !he did bravely Bud patiently, until April of alwnt five year, at it present place I o( ast vear when a paralytic stroke left mi.t has cnhaustcd all the iimlr within i helpless and mentally clouded. et easy reach. The new mill w ill have a j durjng the year and a half of pain and . ..i vrm. and is to lie built to ' .,,,. I urnVniss. she welcomed her cut 40,110 feet per day. The amount of ; (IKniu i,J responded joyfully to any timlicr easily reached at thi point ha j (mcstion na to her faith and trust in God- lie;n cniiscd at forty million lecj oui K,mi ,Carts nml ready nanus careu lor there is mm h more. The mill building ithfiilly during this long period of - ''is NssMBMsssw -miJ THE BEST FRIENDS In business that we have are those who come to us as "doubting Thomases." They said tiiey were "irom i onri wp ciinwpri thlTl.,, We will do the same for you if you will give us a chance. Our goods are wnat you warn. 87 3rd St., Portland will I nearly 200 feet long and 3(1 feet idennd contracted in the mci uo- It is located on one of .1i.rM-n.lf.nri.. and her last day were peaceful, "till she finally "fell to sleep" slantial manner. It i located on one ol ; ns tue morning broke. These are the the brunette, of Heaver Creek acros j yinet ( which may lie said, "She hatn which a large dam ha been built for a ; ()onc w,at she could," and these are the log pond. The mill i alxml one mile j fUUUilatiuti of our Nation', strength. from the old site and a new plan roau j xwo children survive, air. . a. v-ros- with whom her last years were spent, one the road ha. been built to the main county road. over which the. lumber Miut be hauled to town. Mr. Howard is one of the olid men of the county, and in a business wav one of the men wlioi making Rain- ier a great lumber .hipping point. Most of the lot. in HIanchard'. ad dition, better known a Kentucky Flirt, have lieen ld to men who work in the camp, and factories, and a number of neat homes have been twin or are in pru- .1 ..n.tnwiioti. Some of the new one arc : Geo. Miller, a cottage, 20 by :U, ready to move into; I.. Mau, a cot tage; S. C. Count., an addition to house more than doubling it tc; itir. joncs, t,. truine of a new house iut up: Mr. Gilliland, n new house; Mr. Iore, n new house; Jumcs Wilson, a new collage, 1 . S. Strothcr, a house nearly finished. These are all home of laboring men, and represent the best class of ourcllueiiMiip. Ut tl. hope that many more wm " and that two year, will ee Rainier with a population of 2,ihX1. SCAPl'OOSE. bv ,t Mr Insira K. Ren fro. of I'sk. Wn One daughter, Stella, aged 12 years, died at Waluut, Kan. Two of the origin al Roger, family remain. Mrs. Rebecca Anway, of Republic, Ohio, and Oscar Rogers, of Miles City, Mont. VEKN0MA. I) RE AT r noil res me t0l!RTH0l'SE. OS ... t.ll.l. Ill Hereafter the JUST will P--" -real ..t.te tran.fer. In thi county ever) week. Up to Wednesday mornlnK. when it commenced to rain, work on the court houM building had made great jarm. The .tone work of the two h.. been complete.! .nd th. . Itaor of the thinl .tory I. lieluR " 1,6 "'..,.1 t,.. len under cover in a tllg wmi short lime. JOE FKEEMAS KIIXEU. .. ... ut vwk Thursday morning, cV, mi. Jo i'""1"- who W1W Vu' ? i n SI T. O'Conneir. loKKi"K ployed in M. i. i.,.tlv ;,.u.n near Kainier, wa. . Kca,,ghtla,ween.metr wa lin unioaoc" - - - Inrefu.aUoTof the elwrgo that he . . a visitor to his ofhcP. nn n.li h had a runaway lust Friday near the Scappoosa bridge, and wo .i.,..,- (mm tin. wnirau aud very badly , 1,1 n - o - cut and bruised aliout the head and face. Otto Vaughn took him in in miggy o ScapXKJse to the hotel. Mr. Wickersham hn. rented her farm to her on, Otto Vaughn, of Seattle, and 1. livtntr at Scappoose, where her husband ho . position on me irae 1 .... lortlie N. 1". K. K. ineir iu luici...... - George i in Portland attending busincs. college, and daughter wnrgarei Centcrvllle, Wash., visiting friend. The Scappooscr. have U returned from Seaside, a. it w.s already gettiug fil f 1 and rainy down there. There wa. several from Scappoose that went hop picking thi. year. Si-amioosc i quite a busy little town. Several new house have been built and several more are being built. Mrs. Sampson ha lately moved In her new hotel on Main street, and Is prepared to accommodate guet. In artyle they never have been treated to before in Scappoose. Mrs. Dttpont, of Valley, is visiting with the lie Jersey family this week. C. I). Ross made a business trip out to the metropolis last Friday, returning the middle of thi. week. Claude Chamberlain wa. nt Buxton Monday, Joe HiKginbotham, of Hillslwro, has been here this week, looking after his interest in the Baker much. Mis. Miunie Ferrier, " who hat been vUitini? with friends hereabouts since the camp utretiiig, "'returned to her home in Portland this week;' Mr. ond Mr. 0. West are visiting friend in Portland and Washington County thi week and next. Tell Soule aud John Adam were at St TTilttt week. interview ini; the county court in regard to the proposed change in the road going east from tne oruige. air. Soule and a large number 01 petitioners desire the the road to go npCoon Creek, uh,.r thpre is no erode at all, instead 01 over the very high hill back of the Adams place, while Mr. Adam protest. K. C. Pauli, of Hillsboro, who for the past two month, ha. been visiting hi daughter, Mr.. H. O. Howning, and family has returned to In home. rank will stay a while yet. Mi Stella Gray and her father, of Portland, came In Monday for a visit with A. L. Turker and family. W. I). Hurt ha. rented the Baker And barn and will move to town In n few davH. He can reach hi. work at the mill easily from here, and will have hi bovs where thoy can go to chool this winter. Mrs. Nellie S. KtNwev ' and two grand- .lmiulitera. Dorothv and Manril. of Port' land, who have been vi.tting u. w. nua r n. k'f-nsov. and diniille. for a fort night pat, returned Monday, going via Buxton and the new K. K. C. A. Malmstem .nd wife have bought of 8. V. Mnlin.tein the 40 acres of his arnch next the Van Dvke place and will build a houeo and bam and make tneir future home there. Tiiey have already moved from town into the house with Sidney, to as to be near their own place while building. Mr. and Mrs- Went, who have lived with Sidney for two or three year paet, intend to build on the tract just wuth of the school boune which they bought a year ago from A. M. Parker. Mis Linxie Karly, wiili her sialcr who wa taken to St. Vincent hospital five weeks ago for operation for mastoil abscess, returned the first of this week. The operation was a success in every particular, and Miss Grace 1 now about well, after her long and pain ful sicklies. si,- V K. Kii-kerson went out to l'nrtlmid last week t) meet her sister-in law, Mrs. Kolo, and children, from Knn- ... Mr. KOIO Will IOIIOW lairr mm ir. rill live noon the Bench ranch, which if... lri.nl. I rewntlv nurcliHScd. We MIC w . are glad to welcome them to the valley Mm. Klsie E. Emmons, with her two hililrcn. went to Mist Monday and visit .l uith friend there while Lou went on with Mrs. Tracv. Mrs. Itpilniien. Martraret Bynon and Aula Dent, where they will pick hops for a couple of weeks. The railroad news is slightly more favorable for our Nehalem people than it Ittia lu-ll of late. Word conies, al though not absolutely authoritative, that the board of direetois will accept our proposition ; eut out tho three miles beyond Vernonia in the contract, ond proceed to the construction of the road between here and tne ld-iiiiiu sibvmhi some time this full. L. S. FRAKES, 352 MORRISON ST.. PORTLAND, OREGON iX-stSX DSIGVHS OF w- PArFic 348 "3 FINE MlELlJNJSKlc- SPECIAL HATS MADE TO ORDER "Columbia County People are especially invited to Call and Inspect t 2 TRAINS DAILY a TO UCIX'TH MINNEAPOLIS ST. PA CL UES VEK-I.1NWI.S-OMAHA Kansas rITY sr. HH1S THE EAST t The Regular Yellowstone Park Route Via Livingston and Gardiner Gateway, the Government Official Entrance to the Park. SEASON JUNE I TO SEPT. 20. SEE EUROPE IF YOU WILL, BUT SEE AMEKICA EIUST START BIGHT. SEE YELOAVSTONE PlB-K NATURES GREATEST WONDERLAND PABTICULABS AT 255 MORRISON STBEET A. D. CHARLTON Assistant Geueral Passenger Agent Portland Oregon EDISON! German C oacli Stallion Owned by the Clatskanie German Coach Horse Company, win iiiokc me k 11KHI, commencing April 10, as follows: Tuesdays at Deer Island Wednesdays at Houlton Thursdays and Fridays at Scaiipoose Satnruays at Holbrook. J. T. GRAHAM, Manager NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rK'Minm-iit of 'the Interior. I.ml Olli. e m l'ortlmul. Oieicon, July 7, 1906. Nntiro l hi-n-bv iriven ihm Ihe (ollowiiia IHIIllvn ,1'iin in,.- mum ....... ... ..... . 111 muke tlnnl i'l in mi'irl ( his cluim. awl llllll liinu prtp.,1 iu it' iiimmv i-.-,"n-,i nml Uw-eivi-r, t rortlunil, Oreiinii, on Ann .Jl, l!Kr,. vu: ,.mcini!i .ninnsiiii. ii. r.. .. i-i,,. ,, (lie B', S E sk-C.Jti TT.N, II.1W. Ho iinines ihe fullauliiK wiinmsH lo prove hts i-oiilliiiwn n.'siileiiciiiKin ami eulilvnili.ii of sunt lu'-il, vis: ClirUtuph Ssiiervetn. 1 mik tnn.oreKiui. Khisr VIIls, ( IMriUinl. Ureeoii, Wlllicsaiiervelll. ol limniou, urvuoii, niouu Fluher. of IHirllanit, oreemi. ALUMINUM . Ulirwr.il, Ki f uter. OREGON SuoirLiNe AND Union Pacific SUMMONS. plaintiff, vs. Kiclianl Buy on Credit! this $60 Machine for $25 FREI6HT rural. hiV?' b.U besrliig,' lock- ItltOD, UOUUIW iv-w, wi.- hrtliiK ahnlilii: bi sutomstlo boVbln wlinler and other latest Improve menu. ThU Is the AM l TRU8T MACHINK. It I th ssms mschlne sgents sre uklo( you 100 for. All attachment' nowlth each Writ TMM hr free FUMITOM MTttOOUl howlnt Oovui-tM FurnlturB Company Hi.ITFlrtU rvaia,v. In tho Cireiil: t'onrt of the Stale of Oreiten for (110 1.IIU1H) Ul .U1II1UU1H. Florence M. Sehulm, Tolllcharil ScIiiium), the sbovc nmel nefend- In the name of the State of Orenoii yon are herehv re.ulrcrt to cm-ear aixl answer the plaintiff a complaint HUM asninft row in the I tictoiH-r, liHKi. ami it von so fail to appear and answer said oomplaint on or lwfort- ihutlime, plallllllt Will IIPPIV OMIU- m n-r ,r h-iivi prayed for in herconipt'lnt herein, to-wlt: 1-or a decree mrevwr uismim iuk "- inonv now existing between you and Wiiinitft, and lor uoh other and further relief oa to the Thia snmnmna la puhllsln-d by order of the Honorable Thomas A. Jicnrme. jmine oi uie abov entlllMl court, duly made and entered ou the JOili itnvol Jnlv, WiW, in and by whli-h or der It ia prescribed that this summons shall be t'llll AliO-POKf LAM 9.1.1 A. MjS. rU SfKi'lAL lor tho Eal I liaily. Haily. via lluntincton. : i HldKANK r L Y K H.'IS.I-S P. M.,8 X. for Kastern Washine-.l Pally. ton. Walla Walla. Lew- Istou, i:.wur d Alene ana ureal norineru nnillla. ATI.ANTIC1 EX PRESS j tail's P. M fortheEuat vis Hunt-i Daily. lueton. " l.lll..u( ...i... u.VA.,11 l.tP l ..I11-I.!4I V. U IM'KX in the "8t. Helena Mint." The dull-ol the Hist nublieallon of this summons 1 July 2itn, luo. Aliorui-y nir riuiiiiui. A Mystery Solvcil. "How to keep ofl' periodic attacks of billiousness nnd habitual eomttipation w a uiystorv thut Dr. King' New Lite PilW Bolvod ff nio," writes .lobn N. l'li-neant, ol Magnolia, Ind. The only uilla that are guaranteed to give perfect autisfui'iinn to evervbodv or money re- f unded. Only 25o ut Perry & Uralmm Daily. 7:11 A. M Daily. Lower Columbia River. Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland daily, except u I... a. H-ftA U..tnnl.. Ill-Li t, n. for Astoria and war landings. Returning leaves Astoria at 7:00 a. m. dully, except Sundry. A. L. CRAIG. Ge ueral Tassenecr Aiient. PORTLAND Ore. ESTAnl.tSnED ISO. JOHN A. BECK DEALER IN Watches, Diamonds, SilYcrwarc, ...JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. Alder Street, Bet. Front A First. POKTLAN