The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 14, 1906, Image 1

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la a
Condensed Fern fcr
Easy Beadert
A Re-fn of the) Let Important but
Nul Let Interacting Event
ef tha Paet Week.
A revolution I threatened la Vane-
An attack on Havana by rebel It
Many Cuban veteran, angry wltb
Palrus, join tin rabalt.
Tli rituM of tHiili In Veronaah,
KuhI, are being drowned by brutality
tl)f troflp.
Tlx American minister lo Chile Iim
renewed lili appeal fur help for the
people theft. Hoffatlog m raeult ol
lb earthquake It Mid lo be very great.
U. 0. Velgutb, clerk lo Hit Portland
ia company's office, has tMiil about
$16,000 ol the eompany'a money on
nine, woman, boreal and automobile.
Ten pvitnnt hav bn mad serious
ly 111 it Kalamaaoo, Mleb., by eating
dried beef. Ad Inveetlgallon revealt
thai lit m-al caw Irotn oca ol the
large parking huotee.
LltllrAeld baa bean rw-elecWd lo coo
grre In Main. -While the 8gbl ol the
labor peopl failed to dalaal an ol Iht
man dr'id, there aaia heavy kteat la
pluralitlve estimated al about tju par
rant. ,
Htrike braakara at flan Fiaocltco wait
pursued by a mob ol ilka tympethli
ere, who threw bricka anil it una,
tiaardi with tlia tlrika braakara loaf
thalr hradt anJ began tboollng and a
ball ib tan man war wounded. Twenty
ul tba guarda vara arretted.
Building la Ban Krancltco It prograe-
ting rapidly.
Repair to tba lUamar KMar r al-
moat completed.
Tha Hill raltroadt will locraa tba
rolling alock I par cant daring tb att
Robber at VladlTottok ord
1107,000 from bank Inlaadad to pay
troop with.
Th cruller Watt Virginia, Colorado
Maryland and Penutylvania bar a laft
lor tba Atlatlo ttallon.
A bomb thrown into a street car at
Riga, Rustle, klllad ona nan and
woundad a number ol otbart.
8r ralary Root, on board tb cruiser
Charleston, baa left Cbllaan watart and
It now ttopplog al varloot plaota along
tba coait ol f'aia.
Tba llarrlmaa Hot btve two mora
alaamart which will b pot on tba
I'ortlaud 80 Francisco run II Irada
warrant! tba Intra.
An extra aaaalon ol Hit Cuban eon
greet bat bran called by Preeldent
rlma to consider tba ditturbad condi
tion ol tba country and davit meant
lor ending tha tituation.
During tba latt teven nontbt tha
tala ol vodka In Rutela bat Increased
greatly. Tba receipt! waia $183,760.
000, an Increase ol $S5,560,OOO oral
tba corrcepondlug period or jvuo.
Mwriih rebeli ara again canting
Secretary Bhaw baa loiblddan banki
to loan government roonay lor ipecula
tion lu Wall tlraat.
Thar It lar that Btentland will
ronittilt tulclde or cap baloi b It
returned to th United Btatet.
Tb United Btatet bat euthorlied th
release ol II a Japanese i rat lad for
aea! poaching In Alaakan watarr.
Major Rota, of Kantat City, Kan.,
bad resign' d. 11a a a In favor of ta
loom and bit tttlgnation beat th li
quor alarnant.
The trial of Kftbr Mltobell, IheOre
Ron girl who klllad bar brother In Be
attla, hat been tet for Hepte-iber 24.
Mr. COieffleld will probably b triad
In (Mober.
Kallroad official tay tha new ratt
law will work bardtblp on tb North
watt, at "bometeeker rat" can no
longer be given without ttab!liblng It
at tba regular rat and tblt tbty can
not afford to do.
Kinaltn peatuntt ara datroylng crop
to cripple tba government.
The American mlnltter to Obila bat
cabled tha Btate department that there
it much tufferlng at retult of th r
nant arthquaka and urge tba Amerl
people to tend reltuf.
Terroriit agitator! overrun Southern
Cannon tayt Rootevelt may be P''-
dent till 1012. ,
Bteniland't ritradltlon Irom Morocoo
bat been ordered.
Arrangement! ara In proareet for tha
trip 01 me preaiueiit o .
r. 11
all. '
Meiloo bat nretared a warm reoep
tion for ana ravolutlonlttl who may
tatrt trouble.
Eflortt at peaoe In Cuba may retult
In tba placing of Vic Pretldent Capote
in Pretldtnt Palma'a cbtir.
. Opinion dlffart at to tb pottibllity
ol taring tha traneport Bbtrldan from
wo Great Holet Torn In Vettel at
Point Arena.
Ban Prancltco, Bapt. 11. The Pacific
Coatt Bteamalilp oomptny't ttaanier
City of Topeka draggid bar way lulo
port at noon today, two grant bolrt In
bar tide and tba men at tba puinpi.
Tne ttatmiblp bad run on tba rockt a.
Point Arena In tba early morning and
bad coma within u are ol going to Ilia
It wet S o'blork tblt morning when
the vaatel, hoand to Nn Frnucltco
Irom Karvkt crowded wltb peeaangirt,
wat cautlo'uly feeling bar way through
a thick fug near Polnl Arena. For tome
reaton yet uneipKlnad, the ligbtbouaa
wblatle wat at tllent t the grave. A
ttrong currant wtt running and tha
greatest caution wat being taken aboard
the ttaeuiar.
Buddanly with a craah tha iteamer
Impaled hertelf on the rocky real
wblcb jolt out Irom the land at tblt
point, tba rockt which hare tent a
many good vatetl to the depthe. loan
Inatant the pawengan hurried in their
night altira to the dark, but Captain
Bwentoo with quick ordart prevnetad t
teoul panic.
Ib veeeel ptueed a moment In the
rockt, and than, caught by a great wave,
roe higher in tbe air and tallied high
er up on tbe ixkt. The tituation
looked dreperate, and lile preaeivtrt
were teltad and tbe lifeboat taung
Into petition.
Another treat wave caught the thlp
and threw bar clear ol tbe reel. Tbe
captain manned tha pump, reatiured
tba paaeengert and brought the vaatel
eatefy into the harbor. Khe ehowt two
gaping woundt and will l out ol rxm
mieeion lor a contblarab'a period.
Berber Chief Civet Short Reply to
Brltlth Contul't Protett.
London. Brnt. II. Tbe Tlroae' Tan
gier correepondent tayt tbete it consid
erable anilaty al tbe foreign lrgatlom
and In official tlrclae regarding tbe
eventt tt Motador. from which there
bat been no newt tine tb dltpttcb ol
Aaptanber i, atklng lor aatiiUnce,
were received.
' rt.a mmtm nnlv nannadad to
embark Iron bare," the corretjxjndent
declare, "by promltee ol an opportun
ity for deaerting on their arrival at Mo
gadoi. "A teaidant ol Mogador, who arrived
ber by tleamer, tayt that the Barber
Chief Anfloot b rep'uiel tb town,
bat forced all the Jew into the Jewith
quarter and It putting bit own people
into the varanl bmnwe. una iirinin
tobject prolecUnl a Jewith merchant,
who bad refuted to abandon bit houae
and bad been forcibly evicted. When
lb eontul protected and atked Anfloot
If be had tbe tulian't authority, An
floot replied that he acknowledged no
Tl.l. nuiMffl ranortt that
the entire garrltoo ol Mogador want to
. . . . . . A I I I
Annoot, but tnai apparenny no i
bad been lott,"
Mailer of American Pithing Smack
Compeiiea io onow uir,
Wathlntton. Sepl. 11. The Slate
department bat received a ditpatcb
from tha manager of tha Gulf Fltherlei
company requesting that action he tak
en lor tbe protection oi ma
veeteli fishing In the Oulf ol Meilco.
Upon tha arrival yesterday at Halve,
ton ol th llatteraa. ( fltblng tmaik be
longing lo the Uulf Fltheiiet company,
t.u I. mm Mnniminilltr
Irom American ; ' w-.------
atated that ht wat held up by a Mail-
. . k OK l.ll.. BttVArhl
can gunnoat Aoguai u, ...... -----
mile off th triangular reef In he
middle of th Gulf ol Camped., thl
armed Meilcan marine boarded hj
eetsel and requtrw uira .o ...u-
to display a part ol bit
cargo of flib, which he laid ba bad
caught lo tna open sea.
It was said ei ma r... r- --
tonight that the case would be referred
to Ibe solicitor for an Invettlgatlon tnd
report. -
Gomel It for Republic.
Manila, Sept. 11.- Domlnador Go-
. 1 1 1 1m I Mlltf Vatla-IIIBY. UP
clared that England. Franc ami Qw-
many would lecogmae
. .. . . tha above declar-
atlon In respons to a request for an ac
counting ol money collected. " I
lurther said tna. me mouj
uted In tending cablegramt lo boron,
to create a tentlment In favor of a mi
pino lepubllo and that favorable replies
hd been received. Gome, late Thurs
day, wat rtleasad from Jail on ball.
Ha wat arretteti ior emuu..
ii . i- b In Arrlir.
vvnaiar ww.
New Bedford, Mast., Hept. ll.-Nea
of tna loss oi n" - : , .,
?' ..m.r Aleiander in the Arctic
. . .... Umw branniirfl wnai-
waa received today In a talegram i,0m
7. . . - t Tl Inn Iht uim.
Ctptain - ,,
rrander oi ine veraai,
la a re dent 01 inia wij. - -
" . m Al.nka. and gave
." ,,u..:rv r' inr ..t the
no detain iiinner w..
crew wsa ' ,'
craw w r ... u... Vrtttinlcan.
tl..nh hailing irom nu .- .
at mannw ny a w
t.u o.r..-a ComlnaT.
Ijewisn noi6 -
l . .. 1 1 Tain thousand
,r"'rBP.nd chiMr".n, Russian
London Sun
reiuge... to Ne
York, the 7 nen... being paid by
. .....i.iinn at near-
tha Run an eni .
!;;,,.rp.nn..t. Their grown m.,.
ralattva were ----R ,
th recnt Jwlb mtsiacr In Rum .
County 8andt Eight Hundrtd
Angorat to Wathlngton.
Independence Itt week 700 fine
buck Iambi, for which a good pile wat
paid, wtrt ihlpptd Irom Independence
lo Wyoming lor breeding norpoeti.
Tblt week BOO fine Angora go la were
tblpped Irom here to tbettateol Weab
logton. Tht goatt were held her tev-
eral dayt awaiting cart for thipment.
Ilundradi of men have looked at tba
band and all pronounce It th finest
large collection of goatt aver teen In
the Weal. The purvbatert ware Car
ton A I lltlrjoho, of BUilacootn, Waah.
Tha goatt ware biught up by Boothby
A Lew It.
Uoat and tbeep raleert ol Polk coun
ty are learning Ibat it payi better to
raiaa tbe pur bred than common ani
mal, lor tb demand lor Polk countv
Angorai and Lincoln and Cotawold
tbeep now eiotede tba tupply. Tba
Rlddell tnd Btomp tbeep and goat
larmt, in particular, have national
lame, especially tinea tarrying away
piamiumi at tha Bt. Loo it (air. Fancy
pricet art received for much of tha live-
ttock thlpprd out of Polk lately. At
much at 1100 It often obtiiced lor a
lingl "billy" goat, and at bigb at 5
a pound bat been readied for tb mo
What teemed to be eitravagant in
veetmenti iu Import l tbeep tnd goatt
a few yeart ago are now bringing their
Tbe goat juat tbipped out will be
put on tbe big ttock farm ol Carton A
Llttlejobn, near Btellacoom.
"I hope to tea tht Angora goat bull
nee built up In Waihinf ton like it it
in tblt Hate," aayt Mr. Carton. "We
have only about 30,000 goatt in Wath
lngton, tnd we may uit at wtll bare a
Coal Mine Bonded.
Medford Tba rtcently diacovered
coal mine on Rim Rock of Roiy Anue,
tb mountain aaat of Medford, bat been
bonded to tbe proprletnri ol tbe Blue
Ledge copper mine, who will put a
force ol men aopervited by R. P. Lit
tle, at work running three tuunelt into
th mountain to determine tb eitent
ol tbe meaiuree, R. B. Towne, ol the
Blue Ledge ompany, having concluded
the coal wat of good enough quality to
In the imelter of tbe Blue Ldg.
Mr. Town hat alto made arrangement
to drill for oil on tna land bonded by
tba coal mine people.
Denaturiied Alcohol Plant
Portland B January SI there will
be located within ten milea ol Portland
a plant manufacturing denaturiied al
cohol, tbe eatabliehinent ol which will
mean an expenditure of fiou.uuu. ine
plant it to be ttartad aa toon at laud
lor tbt Durboae it aecured. Tblt ttate-
munt wat author lied by 3. B Laber.
tecretary ol tb board ol trade, wno
tayt tb board hat beau working on tb
proposition lor om nine, Din cannot
diaclota tbe Identity of tba promoter
until tht preliminaries are arranged,
Will Fight for Damag
Knaene The petition in tne matter
ni ornnlne the Lucky Boy road, in the
Blue mountain mining district, to puo
lic travel hat been granted by tba Ian
county GommlMionerr court. ins
claim ol th Lucky Boy Mining com- j
pany for $10,T0 damage wa turned
down, and tba attorney lor tba com
pany tUte that tbey will ngut ior me
amount in the court. Tbey were wil
ling to compromlee th matter, and ll
it taid they would have accepted 15.-
Fine Cropt In Btnton.
Corvalllt Threehlng operations will
be ended in tblt vicinity by tba middle
of the week. Tb crop, according to
th ttstement of a well known thresh
ing machine man, it tbt beet ha hat
had to do with for a dosen years.
Fields of wheat of 40 both and 60-
bushel yields of oall were not infre
quent. The best oat crop be threshed
was oo Dusneis, mougn oiner dbiui iu
the vicinity went a high is 66 and
University Instructor Resigns.
ITnlveraltv ol Oregon, Eugene Pro-
f-nanr Jama Hvde. who ba been bead
of tha department n( mine and minlrg,
ba resigned and will be at tna oeaa oi
a lag mining concern in juexico.
Profeaaor Hvde bat been with the uni
versity for thro yeare, and wat obligad
lar-tad aa an assistant
mathematics. Ha ll a University oi
Chicago graduate, and comes to Oregon
from tbe Unitertity oi uoiorauo.
Sella Big Ranch.
Eugene E. J. Crow, who hat been
in the atockraislng business in the
Bpencer butt country, tlx miles loutb
ol Eugene, lor the past 25 year, mak-
ing a success ol It and acquiring i.iuu
acres of land, bat told hit farm to O.
B. Bennett and W. L. Fields, of Colo
rado Spring!, lor 118,000. Mr. Crow
will reside in Kugene ano retire irom
active businesa IK. 1
Students Ar Hop Picking.
Chemawa The 450 of tbe Indian
boy aad glrla at the achool her ar
all out picking the hop in th nearby
yard. The boyi go Into camp while
th glrli ara in tha care of th teach
er, and come back to tbe school each
evening. Tba aohool management could
have placed ont 1,500 more girli and
boys In tha hop fields of tht neighbor
hood. ,. ...
FrultQrowtr't Opinion of Hood Rivtr
Apple Land.
Hood Rivtr Tht prices now made
public by Independent buyert lor Hood
River Newtown and Hpitxenberg apples
have ctnted rpple grower to do some
figuring. A wall known apple man,
who it an authority on tbit subject, In
lacking about the matter, aaid:
"At th prire this year for tha dif
ferent site ol Kpitienberge, wblcb were
3, 2.76, 12 60 and 12 26 Pr box,
grower obtained an average price ol
12.40. Placing th yield ol 7 year-old
Bpltienberg treea , planted 65 tree to
th acre, at five boie to tb trt, we
will gat 365 boxes to th acre. A 20-
acre orchard on this basis will produce
8,600 boies, which, at the average
price ol $2 40, give us f 16,000 lor our
season' work.
"The prices for Kewtownt to far an
nounced are 1 2 25, 2 and 11.76 per
box. Tbii give ui in average of 1 2
per box. But tbe Newtown It more pro
lific than tbe Hpitxenberg, and produce
seven boxes to tba tree instead of five,
giving us 65 boxea to the acre, or 9,100
boxes for a 20 acre orchard. At can
eatily be teen, tha earningi on a 20
acre Newtown orchard thit year at
ibeee pricet will be $18,200.
"Wbil the figures ara large, tbey
are bated on the yield of comparatively
yoorg tree which bavt not yet reached
ibeir full bearirg maturity. A full
bearing orchard can be safely depended
on, I think, to produce 600 boxes of
applet to tbe acre, at 1 know of several
in tba valley that now do it. Figuring
on a basis with trees in full maturity,
and with a large proportion of the crop
composing the larger sites, as It doe
tbit year, it it not very difficult to de
termine tlu promt ol Ibe appie oust
nets in tbe future."
Beet Harvester Needed.
La Uraode Preparation! are going
forward to lUrt the (all run at tbe sug
ar factory about September 20. Grow
ers are anxlout (or a good rain as tbe
present drouth will render tb digging
low and nnutliiactory. 10 get turn
cient help at tha present time ii a
grav problem and lively buttling In
that line it being done. Tbe yield It
io heavy that a much larger force than
usual will be required to handle th
crop. It 1 predicted that nnleas
more help Can be procured than the
nresent outlook justifies, many ton ol
beet will remain in tba ground for the
want ol harveatere.
Drilling Well at Culver.
Culver The well being drilled by
D. W. Barnett two mile north of Cul
ver it down 330 feet and has 86 feet of
water In it. Drilling will be continued
in hope of getting t stronger How near
er the surface. What ia already In the
well, however, will be very acceptable,
aa water has to be hauled for stock and
domestic purnoeea on this farm, wblcb
at one time bad water flowing on the
surface, but a number of year ago th
surface water ditapp. arid.
Wheat Club, 62(9 63c; bluestem,
OSaOOc; valley, 66a68c; red.oOgSlc
Oate--No. 1 white, 122.60(923 60;
gray, azi.outazz.DU per ion.
Uarley reed, izuazi per ton;
brewing, $2! 60(322; rolled, 122
Rye 11 35 per cwt.
Corn Whole, $27; cracked, (28 per
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $10(9
11 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy,
112314; clover, 77 60; cheat, $79
7.60; grain hay, $7; alfalfa, $10
vetch hay, $707.60.
Fruits Applet, common, 25960c
nor box; fancy, 75c$1.25; grapes,
60c(3$1.25 per crate; peachea, 75c
$1.10; peart, 60c$l; plums, fancy.
50a76o pel box; common, 2B76c
blackberries, ft6e per pound; crab
npples. $11.25 per box.
Melons Cantaloupes, 25c$l per
crate; watermelons, lc per pound; ca-
tabas, $2.60 per down,
Vegetables Brans, 5t7o, cabbage,
l?42cper pound; celery, 90o per
doxen : corn, 1 )c per doien ; cucum
bert, 16o per doxen; egg plant, 10c per
pound; lettuce, head, 26c er doien
onion', 1012Kc per doien; peas, 40
5c: bell peppers, 12MgH6c; raoishea,
10$ loo per doxen; spinach, 203c per
pound; tomatoes, 25O&0C per box
parsley, 25c; squash, $1(91 25 per
1.60 per sack.
Ou'.ont New, 1J'1)0 per pound
Potitoes Oregon Burbsnki, 7U98UC
tweet potatoes, 2c per pound.
Butter Fancy creamery, 26027
per pound.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 2628ic per
Poultry Average old bent, 13 KO
14o per pnund; mixed cbickent, ISO
lSVc; spring, 14l5c; old roosters
910o; dressed chickens, 14016c; tor-
keyt, live, 1621c; turkeys, dressed
choice, 2122)c; geese, live, 8O10c
ducks, 13016c
Veal Dressed, 6)6 (3 8c per pound
Beef Dressed built, So per pound
cowl, 4)6Hc; country steers, 606c
Mutlon Dressed, fancy, 7o per
pound; ordinary, 6tto; Iambi, fancy
Pork Dressed, 78o per pound
Hops 1900 contracts, 17Q200 per
pound; 1905, nominal; 1904, nominal
Wuol Eastern Oregon average beat,
16018c Pr pound, according to shrink
age; valley, 20022c, according to fine
ness; mohair, choice, 28030a pound
implicate Hermann, Mitchell,
Williamson and Othera.
Portland, Sept. 7. Stephen A.
Douglaa Puter, wbote connection with
tba Oregon land-Iraud scandals Is no
torious and who for many year lived
by bit wilt and bit knoweledge oi
metbodt ol defrauding tba Federal gov
ernment by corrupt practice In tha
United BUte land offices, took tba
stand at witneti for tba proteuction
io tba Blue Mountain conspiracy case
yeaterday and laid bare bi entire con
nection wltb that and other plott, tuc-
fpl and unsuccessful, to rob tbe
(Jolted Btatet of itt lands.
By bis teetlrcony be implicated, not
only in the Blue Mountain case, but In
otbert timllar, aome ol tha mot prom
inent politician and put He men ol tba
sla.e ol Oregon, aod Ii rn abed to tb
latt and strongest link In the chain of
evidence against Frank! n Pierce Maya,
Wtllard N. Jones, George Borenton, ex-
Commissioner of tbe General Lai d
Office Hermann, ex-Congreseman Wil
liamson and tha lata Senator Mitcbe'l,
against wbom th Indictment In tb
case now on trial wa returned.
In bit story, complete as to name,
date aod circumstances, he i ere led
wltb remorseless candor revolting se
crets a to tb operation! of tbe land-
fraud ring, oi wbicb be wat a member,
ibowing tbe actual partnership of tbe
bigb officials mentioned, and otbert of
scarcely leas tccial and political promi
nence, in tb operations of tb ring and
Ibeir participation in tha profit.
National Irrigation Congress Electa
Him President and Adjournt.
Boise, Idaho, Sept. 6. Tb Four.
teenth National Irrigation congreaa
cloted itt aeeabnt tbit evening after
voting to bold the next congreaa at Sac
ramento, Cel., and electing at pretl
dent of tb Fifteenth congreaa Gover
nor George E. Chamberlain, of Oregon.
Tb enthusiasm of tbe Californian
over Sacramento'a victory waa tba mora
pronounced because of tbe narrow mar
gin by which the victory wat won. The
attraction! of tbe Jamestown exposition
bad been cleverly presented, and on
tb flrtt ballot for the convention city,
Jamestown waa in tbe lead. Sacra
mento won on th second ballot, with
207. Jamestown received 156 vote.
Oregon adopted tbe nnit rule early and
an e-rly morning caucua decided
upon Sacramento aa the convention city
for 1907.
The other officer elected are: First
vice president, John Henry Smith, Bait
Lake City j second vice president, H.
Maxson, Reno, Nev.-, tbird vice
president, George W. Barttow, Texas;
tecretary, D. H. Anderson, Cicago.
Commander Cannot I rust Men and
Officer Threatan Terrorists.
Sevastopol, Sept. 6. In answer to
tb publication of a notice Irom tb
terrorist that a sentence ol death bad
been impo d on Colonel Dumbadae,
commander of a rifle regiment here,
tbe officers ol that corps in an open let
ter have announced that in case of an
attack on tbe colonel they will exact
vengeance on the leader of the progres
sive parties.
Admiral bk rye' Ion, commander ol
th Black sea fleet, and tbe military
commander beie are very apprehensive
regarding the attitude of the sailors cf
tba Beet and tbe garrison oi tne tort-
t. Tbe cruise of tha training squad
ron as well at the regular fleet maneu
ver have been postponed, tne snips
scarcely venturing beyond tbe rang of
tbe guni of tb fortress.
Tb military patrols ol tbe city bavt
been withdrawn inside tbe walls ol
tb (ort, due, it 1 taid, to the fear that
the soldiers will be corrupted by con
tact with th masses.
Th merchauta of this city have prac
tically been thrown on their own re
sources in the matter ol protection
Irom lawlessness. The governor, at a
recent meeting, adv'sed them to organ
ise their own guard, as soldiers could
no longer be spared for police duty and
tbe municipality is bankrupt.
Will Brinsr Stentland Back.
Chicago, Sept. 7. State'l Attorney
Healy today received a message from
Assistant Stata't Attorney Olten, who
it now in Tangier, with Paul 0. Stent
land, the fugetive banker, asking that
be and Jamea Keeley, managing editor
of th Chicago Tribuoe, who mad th
arrest, be appointed to bring him back.
On receiving the telegram. Assistant
State's Attorney Barbour wired to Gov
ernor Dlneen at Springfield, and the
governor ha mad a written request to
President Kooseveit mat uisen ano
Keeley be delegated to bring him back.
American Flag as Protection.
Tampa, Fla., Bept. 7. General Ace-
veda, a Cuban military officer, hat ar
rived here on a government mission to
ascertain the real attitude of Cubans in
Tampa regarding the Cuban revolution.
Two Arms in Tampa have about 40,000
head of cattle on Cuban ranges, which
are valued at $600,000. One firm pur
chased large numbers of American Sags
and displayed them about its Cuban
ranges, hoping thus to prevent depre
dations on property.
Will Work for doint Statehood.
Albuquerque, N. M., Sept. 7. The
Republican Territorial committee this
afternoon indorsed the Hamilton Joint
statehood aot by a vote of 35 to 10 and
appointed a subcommittee of five ' to
work with a like committee from the
Democrats. It it probable tbat tha op
position to itatehood will fight Indorse
ment in th convention, which will b
bald In Las Vegas September 29.
gresslve Wltb Force.
Querrera Blow Up Railroad Bridges
and lasust Ultimatum Hopea
of Peace Now Gone.
Havana, Sept. 8. All peace over
ture ar blocked by tbe refusal of Pino
Guerrera, th insurgent leader n Pinar
del Rio province, to enter into any ar
rangement for an armistice, Guerrera't
antwer to tbe government'i announce
ment of it agreement to grant a ten
dayt' armistice is tb blowing up of
two bridges on tb Weetern railway,
cutting railway communication beyond
Pinar del Bio city, and an attack on
San Juan de Martinet.
It ia aaid here tonight that Ban Juan
d Martinet it in th bands of tb In
surgents, and tbat tbe garrison, consist
ing of 100 government recruits and a
small force of mounted rural guard,
had been defeated or captured.
Tb fact that other leaden of the in
surgent force ara willing to agree to an
armistice can have little effect so long
aa Guerrera it determined to prosecute
tb war, and there ia slight doubt in
any Quarter that Guerrera can control
the situation in bis own region. Hi
lore i reported by all those who have
visited bim recently aa ranging irom
3.000 to 4,000 men, al) of them well
mounted and some ol tbem well and
oUiert indifferently armed. The gov
ernment force opposed to bim, which ia
under command of Colonel Avaloe,
comprises about 1,000 men. It wa re
inforced at 7 o'clock this evening by
Lieutenant Colonel Clews with 1,260
men and three machine guns from Ha
vana. Colonel Avaloe' force, with tbe
exception of small detachment left at
Ban Juan de Marline i and ban Luis, is
at Pinar del Rio city, but it without
meant of transportation to go to tbe re
lief of Ban Juan de Martinea. Not
mora than 400 of them are mounted.
General Henocal aaid today tbat
Guerrera evidently had not been in
formed tbat the government bad actu
ally, although informally, granted an
armistice, adding tbat a second commit
tee bad been wnt to bim, but could not
reach him before tomorrow. Tbe (act
I, however, that Guerrera refuse
point blank to accept an armistice ex
cept on condition that the last presi
dential and congreeaional election shall
be annulled. Tbat the government
should content to tbit ii out of the
question, and tonight prospects point
to a continuance of tbe war.
President and Party Will Go to lath
mui in November,
Wathlngton, Bept. 8. Arrangements
are in progress for the trip of President
Roosevelt to tbe Isthmus of Panama
tbit fall. Tbe start will be made early
in November. Tbree weeks will likely
be consumed. It is, of course, the pres
ident's desire to complete his inspec
tion of the canal work and reach here
before congress convenes December 3
Tbat the journey may be made safely
and expeditiously, the Navy depart
ment will provide tbree warships.
Detailed plans bave not been com
pleted, but it ia likley that the preai
dent. Secretary Tail, and other guest
will occupy a first class battleship, tbe
members o( tbe t-anal commission an
other, and newspaper representatives a
tbird, which ia to be a cruiser.
Thit will enable the president and
party to make the trip in comfort, give
them healthy accommodations while on
tbe isthmus and Incidentally provide
against tha possibility of delay through
accident to any of tbe thipt.
Agrea on Meat Labels.
Washington, Bept. 8. After numer
ous conferences between Secretary Wil
son, Dr. Marvin, chief of the bereau of
animal industry, and about 40 repre
sentatives of the various packing bout-
et. tbe problem! which bave arisen
over the queetion oi labels which most
be put upon meat products bave been
settled to the satisfaction of all con
cerned. At the conclusion of the con
ference, the packers announced tbat
they would at once prepare the labels
and bave them ready by October 1,
when the law goes into effect.
Brine All Battlethipa Home.
Washington, Sept. 8. The Navy de
partment ' ba decided to concentrate
all tha battleship! of the navy on tbe
home itationi and to replace those on
the Asiatic itation with armored cruit-
ert. in accirdance witn tnu policy tne
battleships Ohio and Wisconsin, which
bave been in Chinese waters for several
moutht paat, bave started back to the
United Btates. The Ohio failed Irom
Cbe Foo yesterday for Hampton roads
bv way of the Bucx canal.
May Ba Gobbled by Trust.
Philadelphia, Sept. 8. It wai re
ported today that the Pennsylvania
railroad had concluded a deal by which
it expects to turn over to tbe United
States Steel corporation itt control ol
.v. n i i - a . 1 L.n . ,i
efforta to confirm tbe report were untuc -
NO. 40.
Chitf Forattar Explain to Irrigation
lata Government' Schema.
Boise, Sept. 4. Th policy of wltb-
drawing vast area of tb public domain
from entry under th land laws In order
to create forest reserves or com errs th
water aupply for purpose of Irrigation,
wbicb baa been vigoroualy opposed by
influential interest in th Wait, bad
it deienderi and opponent at tonight'
session of th National Irrigation con
United Btate Senator Carter, of
Montana, the presiding officer, gav a
brief outline of th legislation enacted
by eongree giving to tbe president of
tbe United Btate th extraordinary
authority to exerciae bia discretion in
setting apart inch reservation. He
made tb declaration tbat it could b
let down at tb definite purpose of the)
national congress not only to (top fur
ther destruction of tha forests, but to
set aaid reeervee'on wbicb new timber
may grow and where tbe headwater of
th streams may be conferred.
Mr. Pinehot (tated that tha policy of .
President kooseveit waa "to give every
part of tb public land their very beat
use." Tb problem be laid, wa ona
of th most difficult, and on in which
the foreet service "bad made lota of
mistake." Probably it would contin
ue to make mistakes, ba aaid, but tba
effort waa to study, in connection with
tbe people, tb queetion of method by
which all parte of tha public reeerve
can be pnt to the beat nae. Thee re
serves to a certain extent control th
stock business of tbe West, ba aaid, for
tha chief summer rang ia in tb re
serve. Tbe stockmen could not be
kept off entirely at tbe demand of tha
irrigationiata, nor could tb senrlce
let tbem bave free run of th reeerve.
"So you ee," laid Mr. Pinehot,
"tbat tbe forester it audi in the middle
and be get it coming and going."
The speaker stated that aome reeerve
were practically without tree and on
in Kansas wa without a single tree
fact which bad been the (object of
much criticism but it waa the porpoea
to put treea there and to restore th
grata on the range. Tba service, he
aid, had the biggest job of tree plant
ing on tbe face of tbe earth.
Mr. Pincbot gave tbe number ol
ranger in tha service aa 1,137 and the
supervisors at numbering luo. under
tbe lawt of Prussia, ha aaid, tha earn
reserves would be controlled by 110,000
ranger and 12,000 supervisors.
Senator Heyburn waa called to tba
platform and immediately launched in
to a bitter attack on tbe administra
tion' forestry policy. Some of tha
delegate were with Heyburn; a far
larger element stood by Kooseveit and
Pincho. Once, when Heyburu mad
particularly onjust criticism of th
president, be was hissed from all parta
of tbe convention hall and forced to
When the hiseing began to subsid,
Heyburn, mad through and through.
and waving his arms furiously, roared
at tbe audience:
"Hiss, you geese, hiss."
The hitting wat renewed, and whan
it had again inbtided, Heyburn
"Don't try that on ma, I am too old
a stager to be scared. You will listen
to what say."
Two Thirda of People Said to Sym
pathize With Insurgents.
Havana. Bept. 6. Aa dayt and week
pas with no appreciable diminution of
the revolution, apprehension lncreasss.
The most conservative teetimnny from
tb country district of th province of -Pinar
del Rio, Havana and Santa Clara
is to the effect that two-thirds of tha
people in the country and small towns
of these three provinces ara insurgent
in sentiment if not in fact. It ia gen
erally believed that tha government ul
timately will subdue tbe insurrection.
but in tbe meantime the crops cannot
be developed, and it la a grave queetion
whether tbe rebellion tpirit even then
can be actually quelled to tbe extent of
restoring tha country to a normal aeii
governing status.
A realisation oi tbit it toe causa oi
tha renewal of effort for th restora
tion of peace. General Mario Menocal,
whom the people trust at on capable
of bringing tha warring faction to
gether, if inch a thing it possible, cam
to Havana today and held two comer-
encea with President Palma. General
Menocal after the conference bsolutely
refuted to make any statement.
Would Quath Indictment.
Findlay, Ohio, Sept. 5. A hearing
on motion to quatn tne iniormatioo
filed againit John D. Rockefeller aa
the responsible bead of the Standard
Oil company by Prosecutor David waa
heard here today in Probata Judge
Banker's court. B. Klein represented
the Standard company, and the giet of
hi argument waa that tb Standard
Oil company could be criminally proa
cuted only under an indictment found
by a regularly constituted grand jury.
Prosecutor David argued in support of
the informationi.
Bauer to Beat Down Revolt.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 5. The"situa
tion in the Shntha, Javenthir and
other districts of Southeastern Cauca
sus, where Tartar-Armenian boatilitiea
ara in full away, have grown so serious
that the viceroy ha superseded Gene
ral Golochtkapoff, governor general of
Elixabethpol province, by Ganeral
Bauer, whose nam wat coupled with
that of General Alikhanoff in connec
tion with the ttrong methods by which
order wat restored in tb Caucasus.
Brazil's Generoua Gift to Chile.
Santiago da Chile, Bept. 6. Tb
government of Braail hat appiopr'a'ed
1 $300,000 toward tba fund tor the relief
I of the Chilean earthquake sufferer.
Vlt'f .
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