KISS LEOPOtD, SECRETARY UEDERKRANZ Writ: "Thr Yar Ago Mj System Wm In Ban-Down Condition. I 0 to P-rnn My Reeortatlon to Health and Strength." ) 'v f Q1ssRcmLeop Mil Ricka Lsopold, 173 Main itreet Mtnstha, Wm., Sec'y Liedarkrant. aritea: "Three year ago my lyttem was In a leniDle run-down condition and I was broken oat all over my body. I began to be worried about my condition and I waa glad to try anything which wou'd relieve me. "rerawa was recommended to me a a In blood remedy and tonic, and I toon toaad that it waa worthy of praiee. "A few bottle dunged my conditien awtferialy and in a thort time I waa all ever my tronble. "I owe to Peruna my restoration to health and ttrengtb. I am glad to en- tor It." Pe-rv-aa Restores Strength. Mrs. Hettie Green, R. R. 6, Iuka, 111., writet: "I had catarrh and felt miserable. 1 began tbe see of Perona tnd began to improve in every way. If y bead dot not hurt me to much, my appetite it good aod I am gaming in Beth and ttrengtb." i A Laiary. Two gentlemen dining in a Xew Tort restaurs at wer urpried to find on tha bill ef fare, the Item, "green blue Bth." : "Walter," one asked, "what tort of feluettah sre green btufih?" "Freeh right from the water," ta!l the wtiter, offband. "Jontenee!" aaid tbs man., 'Tou know well enough they do not Uikf blueflth st this teuton." Tbs waiter came up and looked at tb disputed Item. ' "Oh. that air!" b tald, with an eir ef enlightenment "That's bothous blueflth. air." Ill Hard Lark. "Tet," ttld Mrs. Her 11 by, pretsing t damp handkerchief to ber pim. "be'e as nnfort'ntte man, me Cousia Olia's man la. It iver there's anny cbantt fa good thing he't tlwayg a little to waa aide. If It hadn't been for tbat he'd be la hie. borne now, lustid of lu tbe boapttit, ma'am." "Why, I, understood that Timothy stepped backward off tbe staging ami fell clear to tbe ground," tald tbe dls trlet visitor, tjropatbetic but puzzled. "H did," tald Mr. Herllhy, with t fretb burst of tesrt, "but if he'd fell a bit mors to tbe right, there waa t great pile o' brick , an' It would bave broke his fall, annyway." Way I Dlda-t Show. ' ni ion new menu or youra ant tmtlnea ability?" I "Oh. yet." . iysii, ii aoesn't tnow on the tor- face." "iO, he' an official of the under ground railway." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tha Books All Right. . Tbe atetmar wat to I ears in ta hour, and Mrs. Lapshng was ia a flurry of pre paration. "Mother," asked on of the children, "where art th books want to read while w re on tb bost?" - "Never mind tbe books," she said, with her mouth full of hairpins. 'They're all packsd la your fathers ssophsgus." Ia t ie. ' "Wbsre' tbs boa constricTor forty fee leng thst you've got psinted on the sign cit la front?" demanded tbt visitor at tbs dim museum. wasn aay, tna we re using aim ror a clone line," explained th Cir caasian beauty. H Trick at All. Canby Dunn Do you take any stork la to aiory mat a man engraved the entir alphabet on the head of t pin? T. Knott Certainly. He could bavp tngraved th ten eommsndmenis on it. It was a coupling pin. Ring off. A Usnlsh colony of BOO families it seeking a location In Meiico. If the col . ony prosper, It will receive larg acces ' lions later. COULD NOT KEEP UP. Broken Down, Like Many Another Woman, With Exhausting Kidney Troublet. Mr. A. Taylor, ol Wharton, N. J tayt: "i naa kidney trouble in it moat painful and evor form, and thr torture I went through now teems to nave been almost nnbeara-1 ble. I bad backache, it pain in the tide and ask u,u,i u'y spent ana pnsuou oi tiuu.uuu.uuu i0r tb recon- hard labor for period varying from aix hot, feverish head- ttruction of Valparaiso. Tbe bank of to ten year. 13 were drafted to the die achat. There were Valparaiso will be ODened tnmnrroa lelnllnar i,.H.i,n. i k i bearing down paint, for ..j ih. . xuuij ootiB lion pissed too Ire- quentiy, ana witn a burning sensation. a.aawMlJtiiSissJ . They tbowed tediment. I became di couraged, weak, lanquid and depressed, to tick and weak tbat I could not keep op. A doctor did not car m I de cided to try Dots' Kidney Pills, and with inch tuocett tbat my troubles wr all gon alter nting eight boiet, and mi stransth ambition and aanara nd my nKin, ambition and general neaiin it not. I Bold br all dealer. 60 cent a box. 7C Toatar-Mllbiirn Co.. Enffalo. N. Y. I A - i CHINESE FOR CANAL Commission Asks lor Bldi to Supply Coolie Labor. WANTS 2,500 IN FIRST BATCH Reaervet Option of Calling for More at Will Strict Terma for Their Return. Washington, Aug. SI. Specifica tion! for bidt to forniah Chinee labor (or the construction of the Panama canal were iatoed today by the lath man wanai commission, tut oasie n bidding is, for 2,600 cooliea, although is made clear tbat tha commitaion may call tor tuch additional numbers of Chinese laborers at it may need thould (be eiperiment be tocceeafol, but the number thill not exceed 2,000 per month. All proposal moat be receiV' ed not later than 10 A. M. September 20, at which time they will be opened tbe ntual condition regulating com petitive bidding for government tup- pliea aie prescribed by tb specific tiont. Individuals, co-partneiahip or cor porationt competent to fulfill the termt of the proposal will be permitted to bid, but the pro poet It mutt be aocnm panied by a certified check or by a bond 'or 150,000. The bond of tbe lucceee- ful bidder will bo advanced to $100, 000, which will be lot feited if he thonld tail to enter into a contract. Proposal! are to be expressed in terma of hourly wage, payable in gold currency of the I mted btatet or its equivalent, for the labor of not lee than 2,500 Chinese (or a period o not let than two years, which may be extended. Chinese laborer will be required to woik ten boura each day. Overtime sill be paid in excess ol ten tour and for all the work upon Sunday or holi day at tbe rata oi time aod a half The bolidaya recognised are January 1 February 23, July 4, November 3, Thanksgiving day, December 25 and the first and last day of the Chinee New tear. SANTIAGO HURRYING RELIEF. No Railroad for a Month Madman Proclaims End of World. Santiago, Chile, Aug. 21. Tha may or of Santiago declare it will take one month to re-eetablith railroad comma uication between her and Valparaiso. It bat been discovered that certain parts of tbe bay of Valparaiso ar con sideiably shallower, and new soundings J At a result of tbe destruction of all tbe drugstore in Valparaiso, medicine tnd drugs are lacking. Eighteen am balance with beds, a consignment of medicine and a number of nurse are leaving for Valparaiso. Consignments of provision! are being tbipped at quickly at possible. Tbe destruction of the village of Papulo, Zipilla and Renza baa been confirmed. FIRES ARE QUENCHED. Valparaiso Guarded by Troop Pro visions Cannot Gat Through. Valparaiso, Aog. 21. Tbe fire which broke out after the earthquake have, at i result ol stubborn effort, finally been suppressed. Dynamite was largely ated to this end The streets of tbe city ar constantly patrolled by military sod other force, Many robbers bave been ahot and kill ed. Martial law prevail. Telephone communication between here and Hantitgo wat restored today The telegraph wires, however, are ttill down, and tbe railroad it not yet work ing, setters to tbe outside world are sent to Santiago by horsemen. Meat it being distributed in the street here by order of the autboritiet, and trainloada of provitiont have been started from Santiago, but cannot get tnrongb. Will Stay in Race. Washington, Aug. 21. Secretary raft will decline appointment to the United States Supreme court bench and remain in tbe cabinet. He will notify the preaident to this effect early in September, it court assemble! for the tntumn term in October. Thia deter- ruination upon Mr. Taft't part meant that he probably will make hii viiit to the Philippines next winter. It alro meant that lit will continue to be pre- idential timber nntil tbe nomination is I made by tte Republican National con vention. American Gold Mine Deal. tit. Petersburg, Aug. 21. Tbe newt- papers bere report tbat American are negotiating for the purchase of tbe Nerchinsk gold mines, which have been tbe cause of a great scandal in which several grand dukei were involved. The mines are euppoaed to contain quartz worth 12.000,000,000 and tU court camarilla it reported to be anx ious to dispose of them, but the Amer- leant nave been chary of purchasinz a conceenon wbien might be repudiated by parliament at any time tbat it to desired. No American Killed. Lima, Peru, Aug. 21. DisDtlches from Valparaiso received here today slate tbat tbe earthquake there canted immense destruction. The lost of life I I not eta ted. Tbe government will the Chilean congren for an appro- two hours. No newsoaoers are vat to lh-i.-j -.,.. ' " . . I puuuBiieu. no r.ngusnmen Or A men cant were killed or iniured Poor Old Robinson Crusoe. New York, Aug. 21. A report reach ed tbi city today tbat tha South American earthquake destroyed tbe is land of Juan Fernandez, off the Chil ean coaat. It belonged to Chile, and . t , , 7 . msuhoj a jorv. xhls Ig th, lilaD(J mdfl h bv n.nii A .. .u. , .u' , ?L ""1 " . m " " Bob'nioi I be Crusoe. VALPARAISO A WRECK. Lot of Lif and Property Ar Htavy, Though Statements Conflict. Thar continue to bo confusion ol tUUmentt a to the magnitude of the diaatter at Valpaiaito caused by tho earthquake ahock which began Thurs day, August 18, and continued at (re- qaent interrala throughout that and aiparaio so me ateociateu rre alli ed Angait 19 itate that a nioieiale timate ol the (atalitiea it 2,000, and that the property Iom may be M high a t260,OC0,'H)O, which latter it as great M the lot tuitained by San Fran ciaco In coneeqnence ot the earthquake od Are which devastated that city laat April. A refuge who baa arrived at hantia- go placea the known dead at 100 and other meesagee indicate that the firat r report ol damage and caauaitie were itnatly exaggerated. Ditpatchet to the Btate department at Washington place the fatalitiea at about 500. These conflicting tuts msntt cannot at thit time be adjusted. It it evident that even yet confutioo and panic prevail at Valparaiso and unt'l order it restored it will be impes- lible to ascertain with accuracy the lost of lif aod property. Tbs dwellings in the city bave been practically abandoned by tb inhab itante, who ar exlating as beet they can in tbe plaxat and streets of the city and in tha billt adjacent to it, without inciter from storm and ton, and fam ine confronting tbem. Food ia already care and high. Water for drinking parpotea it lacking and disease it feared. The government it doing all it can to bring in relief. The crippling of tbe rmilroadi into Valparaiso conatitntet a terioot factor in the titnatioo, at for an indefinite period relief supplies ran only be ordered through other meant of transportation, the seaboard affording tho beat of these. At Santiago many of the beet public and private buildings were wrecked Tb lose of life there it augmented by the panic which teised the people, many of whom threw themselves from balconies of their bomea. Tbe deetruc tive force of the earthquake waa ex per ienced over a largo extent of the coon try, many town sustaining teriout damage. EXTEND ALASKA CABLE. Government Requires Duplex System ' and Branch South Washington, Aug. 20. Commercial receipt from tb Alaskan rable and telegraph licet amounted to $24,000 in July, which ia 12,000 in excess of the amount collected by the United States jj, in any previoc month. Tbe official tent daring the month would have cost $12,000 had they been paid for at tbe commercial rate. Tbit rapid increase in the demanda upon tbe Alaskan cabie and telegraph system will be met by the government by the duplexing ol tbe cables Tbe cableibip Burntide, which it to install the duplexing apparatus at the Alaskan end of tbe cable, will probably leave Seattle about September 16. It will carry 200 milet of new cable, which has jutt been tbipped from New York lor the extension of tbe cable ter ries south of Ketchikan. Tbi exten sion will be erected by tapping tbe line from Sitka to Juneau at Cape Fanthaw. From that point a branch line will be extended down to Wraneel. then to Hadley, on Prince of Wale island. and then to Ketchikan, which it only about 60 mile from Port Simpson, the tngliab town which it to be tbe ter minus of the Grand Trunk Pacific rail way It it believed that thit additional 200 mile of cable will result in a great increase in cable receipts, at the Fed eral ayttem Upi a country which it rich in mine and fisheries and already baa many large canning factories, which Hand greatly in need of daily communication with the United States In car the cable tbip does not eocoun bad weather, tb line will probably be completed before November 1. Cap tain Henry W, Btamford, of the Signal corps, will direct the laying of the new cable. Byerly Get Good dob. New York, Aug. 20. Samuel Byer ly, the young clerk employed by the American Express company, who re cently gained notoriety by hit bid for $5,800,000 of the Panama canal bonds. hai become vice nreeident nf a near hnnd company, nnder the name of the Ahram White Bond company. Mr. Byerly made about 125.000 hi disnoain? of hi. allotment of Panama bonds. Alter closing op tbe deal. Byerlv Railed for Knrope, and it now establishing branches and European connections for tbe new firm. Threatens to Abdicate. London Aug. 20. From a aem official source it ii learned tbat s letti r tent by Czar Nicholas to King Edward stated that tbe ruler of Russia intended to abdicate unless the other powers came to hi assistance. It wat also stated tbat since tbe meeting of Kir v Edward and the kaiaer, aseurancit bave been forwarded to tb czar to pre vent him taking inch action. It laid that King Edward intend tending a apecial messenger to St. Petersburg with a view to discussing present con dition in Kuiaia with the czar. Execute Naval Mutineer. St. Petersburg, Ang. 20. Seventeen of th eailoar of the cruiser Paniyat Aiova, who mutinied August 2, and an airitatnr wars axAcntwl at. Pv. 1 tnAau Twelve other aailort were sentenced to varinna Hlaelnlln.rv nan.uiu. u were acquitted. Three civilian imoli ---i" U1 Icated in the mutiny ere banded over to the civil authorities (or trial. Function for Root All Off. Santiago da Chile, Aug. 20. One third of the city of Valparaiso was de stroyed and 500 live were lost by tbe earthanake. Onillnta. Vlnn tal Mar ana juiuiacne are completely deatroyed. Tha fonctiont ar,.nH i, .h- J,... . " . ."" " . . : '"? ' necreiary oi otate Koot will aouuoDea on account 01 th onl abandoned on account of versal mourning in Chil. Fleiiry Phlpiw, lK) at an exiMMixe abunt fodiWO yearly, has reined tb lilea Qnok-b deer fjtest 111 Scotland. holiU next to Mr. t'artieie the lirg st Interest 111 the I'liltcd State S teel l"orHratlon, ef which he la a, and he ilso ! a director of tho I'nrnegl company, of the Van Norden Trust Company and of tho Mellon Na tional Hunk of utY run' Pittsburg. He waa boru In Philadel phia lu lssti. and while a boy worked lu ("tores In Pittsburg. Sulwcquently he vas bookkeeiier for a spike manufactur ing concern and Inter ln'omne a part ner In a small Iron mill. The auiAta Ing of bis large fortune bewail after he became associated lit Iron and steel manufacturing with Thomas M. and Andrew Carnegie, aud he has been for years one of the noted American mil lionaires. Edward Rosewuter, candidate for the l ulled States Seuate from Nebras ka, Is one of the plouu.'rs of that Suit and baa bevu for many year one of Its most vital forcei in business and po litical life. He waa born lu Bohemia came to this coun- iZ try at tb age ot 1. and at oin-e, be gan to make UU""'"0 "r.wTr. own way. lie started lu as a tele graph ojerator and served during tb Civil War as a uiemln-r of the military telegraph corps of th army. At tha ckwe of the war he was made manager of the Pacific Telegraph Company In Omaha, aud In 1ST1, w'alle holding tbat post, founded tbe Omaha ltee. of which be has ever tiuce been editor aud pro prietor. Henry Clay Evans, nominated for Governor or Tennessee by the Itcpubll cans. Is one of the ituwt conspleuou public men lu the South. He served In the Civil War with the Forty-first Wisconsin V o 1 u o- teets, and at the close of h.mtllltle left his birthplace In entisylvauia and cnffliged In builnes lu ChuttaiHjoga. He has been twice II. CI-IT EVA JUS. Mayor of that city and served lu Concreis from lv to 1S1. President .McKluley aiiolntel Mm Commissioner of Pensions. He re signed In 1!2 to acc-eiit the consul geu- eralshlp at London, from which be vol untarily retired last year. Dr. V. J. Patterson, graduate of Ru.ih Medical College, Chicago, and a student of criminology, who waa arrest ed In Denver for I tiling a fraudulent check for $, bus attracted attention by hit unusuul ex cuse for his crime. He says he Inher Ited criminal in stiucts and had no chance of esciiplng once the Instinct was awakened In him. He laughs at rAtriawiM. the Idea of environment making crim inal, ana nsierta hit confidence be would never have become one bad bit ancestor not given hliu tha Inherit ance. .api. j. itcniiey .viott, To several )ars our military attache, at piesent Is advocating a rn-Ixal 'h .nge in the train ing oi the anny, with Aldershot as a moui'i. Major iiuglt I.. HK.-OII will, on Sent. 1. succeed Brigadier flcnerul Allwrt B illlla as Hiiiwrliitemlrnt of the nillltarv academy at West Point. Major Scott Is now on duty with the Four teenth Cnvnlry In the Philippines. He was born In Ken tucky In 1S."S, and g r a d u a ted from West Point In 187H. V-f I He served In the UAJOB SCO-IT. Ninth Cavalry for many years, and during the Hpnnlsli war served In the adjutant gifiiurul't de partment. At Went I'olnt he will have the rank of colonel, lie Is one of the best known and ablest odlccrt Id the anny. Ilie lata Charles Httwart I'arnell Is to htv monument erected to his mem ory in Mount Auburn eemeter, Iloston, Keeretary Mtcalf of th Department of Commerce tnd Iabor took part tn tbt claw day exercises at Xal university. "I bsv no political aspirations what ever," tald Charles M. Hcbwab, the steel magnate, when asked concerning the r-1 rwrt tbat be desire to enter tb United mate Henat from Nevada. An extraordinary demand for 10-cent ploct't ha developed wlthlu tha paat week or two, to that United Btatei Treasurer Treat tayt that he It unable to meet it and that the mint would hove to be act to work. The crv' for dime comet from every part of tho country, and there bat boon nothing into u in tn nittory of the country. One theory of tbe abortage at bold by treasury oiuciui it mat tha people are to proiperoni that they curry tb Ioom change ill their pocket ia order to near it jiugi. ., ... LiAJL 1 t he Pollle Oarataa. tn the fillet of llurum, where the rm liven have lvn long in Kuroponiis. llii nntlr of '"Hiiruu. ami lwrllie.1." Hi"y have h' some of their trudltloiu.l pollteiiew : but In the .wintry dltrM old !i wr hev I ttlll tli custom. in .'nullah eentlnimn w lio nan of bought t new Ky waa trying blm out on a iiiinnaii rutm. " bolted, and rau at top Pd dwu t narrow road. in the way tlie1 was a ntl cart lu which was a family party out bolt day making. The pony dnshe.1 Into the bfk of the .art. threw his rider Into tb nildnt ot the merry maker, and neverely Injured tbe Burman who waa driving Before the Englishman bad tn nppor tuulty to ejplnln tils uneiw-tel on laug!it the Burniau picked bliuaelf up ind bowed low, "My lord, niy lord," he ld, aindo gellcally. "Hie cart should uol uav In-en tliere raaad II Waa a f'aaalbal. A new arrival lu the town entered a restaurant and ordered his dinner. He had Just been aernil when a l.-irg.'. ro- tund person eulere.1 ami seated himself at the same table, and tlu.illy rem tied oti'i and IicIixhI hluwlf to bis neih 'wr't bread ; seeing that the other mau't bolletl potato had not lw"U tolli'hed he J took that and ate It without reuinvlug ih. L Im A nl. f rhl, -Wen folluwed. Hy this time tli waller reappeartM aud liandisl the bill or rare to tint newcnuier. "Boast twf ; roat pork. WUii h ihsll 1 take?" tald he. "Well, I cue you oan bring m mast bevf, a dauble or der." "Thank heaven," tald the man oppo site. 'EhJ What did you say. air?" 'I tald Thank lleaen" I was afraid you were a oaniiltial. - ritilurg rreu. Hevlsraellr. I declare," complained Mrs, Iult. "I shall certainly have to punish the children:" says a writer In Life. "What have tney been up to now ; in.jmreu her hilsbnud. They haie simply up-t my sewing room. Nothing N licie It should no. Nee.lles. s.wls of thread. .!". dam 1,1 luill. ..v..rvrli)i. I h.i.e hfi tieefl poketl aaay Into the unt unetpoi"te comers. It Is perfectly etalHTtiUg. Sir. fliiwtlt surveyed his lf with t benignant air. That wasn't th children, dear," be said. "1 did that." "What possessed you';" "It was kindness of heart After you straightened up the pu'rs nod books on my dck so beautifully, t ttmitht It was no more than right that 1 should return the compliment hy putting your sewing room In order. So I did." Ta t netpeeteu Aala. "V-yes, sir, I want to marry your daughter." "Inx-s U'y daughter favor your suit'' "I have her auuramu that she does sir." "Art you swan: that my daughter's taste Is very Korr "S no, sir." "ileinarkubly ioor. Of course, thla I. no fault of yours." Thank you, sir." "Luckily she ha a father wbou taste Is beyond criticism." I understand, sir. Hd day." Hold on. ilve me a chance to tin Ish.Jsay that It's lucky for you bei fathersliiste Is good. I like you. mj boy. Come up to dinner and wa ll set tie this affair In short order." Cleve land Plain Dealer. SJa Coaaclrare sal. He hasn't beu in politic very long has he':'' No, butahow did you know?" I was walking with lit lit today Just at it police patnd wagon dashed up behind us, and he didn't start guiltily or look nervous it all." Philadelphia Ledger. Mel Oftaa. "Why ire you bowing to that man? Do you know hioiV" i.kud Madge, In turprlse. Vet," tald her chum. "H wulked over me so many time getting out be tween act at the theater last night thai we got real well acquainted." Detroit Free Pres. (Emm AYcecliiblc Preparation for A siniilaling Hie FVxxJ.irul Hcfi tila -liitg ihc bloBiBxhs und liawcLs of Promotes Dit;c.slion.Cliocrful nesnafulllcsitonliiliisnclilicp Opium. Morpliiiic nnr Mineral Not N ah c otic. Alt SHtnu aaJJt JW (aiimakSoJa ttrrrrJW- Apprfrcl Rnripdy forronsllrMi Ion. Sour Sloiiuich,I)iflrilKKn norms .ConvulsHinH .h-wri nh ivcss and Loss of Sleep. facsimile Sifinatiire of NKW YOI?K. O exact copy or wrapper. ft "flrtd out" an Amerleauttuif Thlt oneillon Is imt by a l-" discussing tb u-s of tbe eipressloii by the Vienna correspondent of the Timet in connection with the dismissal of tn American embassador ' Austria IMn tarv. Anything that 'mt slangy U geuerallv stamped Americanism, but in this case, as In to rainy other of similar nature. It I tbown that the pl.rase can be found Imbedded In tb clastic "f the English laugutg. "Hr! .lit" an Americanism Well, U ns of Shak'pcntV' sonnets, at on of th x.nd.m papers " " l"J ! Vet this shall 1 neer know, hut ll la l.Hlllt. Till my bad tngel fir my g.od ona "t. An American school teacher-aud this Is another Illustration thst comet to mind-decided that hit pupil thould drop the word be'u it wat In elegant. The tendency to begin re mark or a question with "My" may car talnly I overdone, but. at a bright pupil pointed out. If "say" It vulgar, how should we regard the lit of It In the first line of "The Star Mpangled lUnncr" "Oh, say. can you er Hat II Haas. Wedderly-Tbat wlllluer must l a bird. Mra Wedderly- Nonsense! of your Kb ha nell'ier whig nor feather. Wedderly bill of her. Yes, but Just look at thla T Break la Mew Saoss. las(iihsksia lleo's tool . s adr Ileum, hoi larallos, Mil, laullsa (! i urr.corui. liiffrtiNitig itsila aud buaUMts at , all .lri(l.i Slid thm alvr. JN' ta'l s-rpl j an, .uutmits Mmpi naiiS4i rasa, aaan a.l.n a oin.Md. I Hr. N t a af tha lleaie Hnl. "Mrs. NVacoui. bat jou skat tbe i rhutes sine jou caois Is loss?" "Not yet. I t put is all oiy tlta fist ting lbs (.(.". Cbi.-i- Tritium, Tb ra aa laa Uraaaa. Kvrry otHHilboy knows that tb fa ble of the fox aud tbe suur grape la Inaccurate from a natural history point of view, say a Ixmdoti uewsper, aud, as usual, every schoolboy I ; wro, A(1 ei,,(IMIt Osford professor .nrln lb lwlut illu nunl Ilia nlh fr dllJr ,,.iuiij brought some grl ,i,d then went to the too, alter b ,,, ou , fuli wltw , lt,t, I greedily Mulbsnwtll Hat If, WlnaUiw's aootfdn srti Iks bast raatedy iuds lur laslr SU4ra during ta issibtng fUL la l'aa4eava. "I knew," h declsrtd. "thst w wr meant for eseh other from th vry m tnl I first aaw )otl." "I kiisw It," b replisd, "long bvfor thst." "Von did?" "Yrs. I may tail now la eun. .1'in-r. in a'r tn(agd and It's all eiiled, that mamma bad bsa mapping out nor aviirutal aiwltaj (or three month."- Ju-I. CITt '- v I ''sa- so fllw fCJUAinll r rurd I Nrv bra.t,-r M4l4 It V ta a all SirmM lMa-a- bt vt. ai. uwiar. P Ii II kna .14.'k.i4.l'k l9lroarase4. Stifrl.x't Holme kid announced hi la tennon of itsteetiv work. "My deir llolain," aaid lr. Watsou "yon Juu'i atan it "(JoiiK i, my ilr doctor," h aaid "Tlinse l'h:U.rl,his detective hav me l.k liks bimtiint aiDatenr." Shooiitia' an-Kber rbrj of du Into his arm. tit annd a William fiilletts pox tnj sitred roondily nfa tb Or. Catarrh Caaaal e Carta with Al, AITI.KUTtov. as they r.nt.M ', h lbs i.l lh. .11.... i .,.,,h i. bl.H't t iH.ittuiiitltihat rtia a. and ia oolr lo ( r it U .,u mn, iaaa i, Im, !. i Hail i 'rrh i ut l ukra lnirnsilr, and S' l" 'lira, tiy , lh bUMxJ ItittruultMrfarv. I ' srrrl' tlr ) It'.t a ail,-k mll. In. "Million. It It i-omt. .t l ih tV.i in!,!,, ii"wi, r'tuiiMtim ana iri iel i,umh! fori, litrs. irllni ilirt. ily on lha mun.iit mr'sta 1h iftt. t roa.MBs l-.nul Iba l..i,T..lBlt Is ritt lirmtmat aui h wu-ltrlul rr.ull. n c ur llit I tltirh. Hriel loi lealnnnulall lr. t 1 i llrM V Ail), rrvy., luitU.O. X-.l.l liv ilriittlal., .,,-. ; v. r ' Hall s I'tu.,,, l int art iht U.t. Aula la Retaliate. Hyron was writing bit "Eugllsk Dant and Hcotch lUvltatrt." "They'll And I'm no Keats!" ht i clalnif,!. I'm a U ad man fror th heailaater of llitttr crh, sod I car, hit bai-k - larn 'em ."" Ittfr.ttlng ibat his Ism f.wi .. nol t r.-sl club, so ha could u It oo tbem h dipped bis pn la lb vitriol ssslri and onN.led srnn mor of hit burning thou.bts to the sheet of paptr btfor him Tfn n!lrYU ,,ttT A,w"7- noKt, and Mhl, h I.a been la uho for over SO yourg, h.w bonio the l(r.mtiiro of -y yy, an1 under liU imt- B0"uI ""pcrvlalon bIiico IU liifunt y. aiis TTV A1owiioiiotdiHrlvcyoulntliU. All Counterfeit, Imltiitloii.iiidJiiHt.iia.BKd'iiro but IrlnicuU tiiut trifle with ami .,l,tK,.r tlu, l.lth ot Iniuntg and tLUdxcn-Kn.erlouco ajruliiHt lOgerlmcut. What Is CASTORIA lt0rta f" hftr,n,','" milmtltuUi for Cswtor Oil, Pare- . Ii '"' ,l,,,n' Mnliluo nor other Nurcotlo r,wI n 1 " iH lt .T'nuit. Jt di-Ntroyt, Worm T . .. wp,"b. " I)larrl,.,,tu,l Wln.l ml im . ,;''"', 'r''l"p; Trouble, lin.H Coiirtlputlon HtL?J . H. """'"'""to the Food, reKiiIutet. the GENUINE CASTORIA AtWAfS Boar tho He Kind Ton Have In use For Over 30 Years -A Hair Dressing Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing. Something 10 make the hair more ifl an age able; to keep It from being too rough, or from splliilnt at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair it the same time, regular hair-food. Wcll-fcd hair will be strong.snd will remain where It belongs on the head, not on the comb) "His bat kind ot a taatlsaealai ''Hold lor over alaty ysars." 4 U Afr c . Iwu. M llH ? 4!UIAIUA. tiers mi. taraty sfJcroiH. Haaiaa t'lwk, W cm not say tbat perpetual mo lion has actually tweu discovered, but the radium clock mute wry near to It, A siusll quaintly ot radium is put In t glass tut. t th lower end ut abl.U It in levtrtcop with two lung strip wf allr, Th activity ef th radium Induce lb "uilmit twta" rsyt to b ronduclvd t th tips, when tb leaves of the electroscope eipsnd tnd tou.h th tide of two Conducting aire. tf ouurt. tb currents ar st oiiis rvlea.ed and the leave fall bark again. Tb leat are rvietei every two minute, and th calculation it that It "III cvtitmu for no b-a tbtn i,iss) yenra, which la about as nr to periwtuity as any one peed trouble a thm t. Egan Dramatic and Operatic School Sujoo 1906 4nJ 1907 Opens Spt- IS Prepare (r Dramatic, and Opcrl Stage, an 1 pine rsdilttc. lbcg nue.1 ty tcudiog lliratr cal mauarrs. Hi nd f r t'atul"gu and list of grdu atrs and tlie.r Slices a. Efio Dranutic xai Operatic Svbool fMCtOA5. MkinJ. "20-MULE-TEAM" BORAX SOAP Soves Its Cost in Time Labor and Stirth. It Abtatulaly Uninjuriout lo the finatl fabrics, aavar cauaa ditcalaralioai, maktt iba clothes snow while, and by ienkally cinaa, unl.k ordinary Uuadry soapt, k lb baad soft and while. v ft" l"- rr-.ia f4 efl Jfs VJmIa. iiw, n. r i .c ..r aii, -i .! l-r V Ii, , mrfu.tlf t a ft..-ftif CI. t ton,,, i (, ri ii io " V - 1 lll'll X 11 . t '', sa-wist i ait I isttu roniamtf Trade Diretlory haaMt mm4 Aaartttn la Pafllaa af gtar. ttalatHt BatlatM flriat. I It it mrilii ii. n. . (M,a,HM hm u '!, i w ii, im Wm tm A-w Kai.. Iu...ii,.. Hni, Uma, ait s i ui ii i mi . a0 a ri.(, m( I kaf. o.w,t I m r, MUii.t Mrow t4 uetNatit ywiuiili'a, ut Mitt riASniS llllil.tMa...Mnr (In In n. v-ll lot,, t ..,. . a,,- . m rvnwrvtl r. wf w ri t l,ir d.-r u, M , mita rww a lt-l. Urn.t, ftt, v ,ti tlllkwrt I a., l-urtlai.! f . N. V. Na. 114 O yuy.! wrltln In a.lvartltart ala IT BuaniluM hl bauar. 1 I J at a KnJ Signature of Always Bougbt ' . i