1 !I H 1 U Pi tl !i H ji it i i i I i ti ii 1 j! tl H II ! flic next Oregon l.vi!:Uitrc ill ciu- t:in kix lK'iiuor.its only, all of them in j tin- Semite. Hits will lie the siuatlot ) lViiuK-r.ilic representation in many years. I ,Of the :!0 ittemliers of the Slute Senate, ' 1 1 1 are holdovers. Of the 15 elected to I the Senate this year. s-'vn signed state- j t mens. No. 1 and two pledged themselves' - ' to suixrt the liepnldieim voters' ehoiec , f. Oil for I'nitcd Slates Senator. Of the liO 1 oO niomlK-M of the house, ;M signed State-) inent No. 1. and six pledged themselves j ;o vote (or the Ki publican voters' choice ! 'or I'nitcd Sta.es Senator In other j , words, since Hoitrne, a Republican, has I ; received the popular vote, there are 54 J ; iik Hilars of the Legislature pledged to . his support. It requires 4i to elect. a r. RUCTION .NOT KM. l'liteied at the lVsiolhce at St. Helens. Oregon, us second-class mail in.iticr. I.SSl'Kn liVKRV l'isimv Ilv K. II. l'l.Al.c;, KlUTnR AND l'KOPKIKTOR. One earn; one vtar, in advance Six months Lctpil notices 2"i cents per line I'KIHAV, June S, 1!HV.. ALL FOX LOfE. THE UNOFFICIAL KKTURNS. Ry Precincts, ov thk Votes Cast for State and Covsty Or-mces at nih General Flection IlKUJrxr: 4. I S (-H ! i. i j 4 : c ! J! ChamlierUiu as elected bv over 2.000 majority, while the rest Republican iX majority.' ticket won bv alxnil : 51'. O.-uue ll.iysrer has iviun.e.i !o Oietfon. S .mio-months iiy'ii lie left a proliiablc lniines, and n ncl !e wife, utid, in ivinpauy with jotini; woman who had IIicmH it.ne enjoyed tie liSinct of her associate-, left Oicon. And Mr. Muyirer claims, ns we have lieaid, that this was all fr love. lie "loved the (fill and therefore could ii"t help liitu telf." Better men have died for ..ve, and belter still have lived for love, rus.-ioii it mnv have been, but love as sane men use the woid it certainly waa not. Of nil the eiiines that were ever committed in the name of love this ns one of the worst, most inexen?:iu.e i find mo.t hrii2"n. Trm. love titver omit, the element of respect. It .iced I c;,rr in "" the Barlow A S not idealize or l,e blind, but it is in the web and w oof Slid wiil not wear er.t. ' It sustains the shucks of poverty and smoothes away a!! the petty frailties and I weakness of mtutivd couples. It til something for everyday use, and u ii It-1 We were ashamed of Columbia County until the returns came in from the rest of the Slate. Now we are proud of it. It is still the banner Republican county of the Slate of Oregon. Judiic l-l'.is is elected to Coneress in this dUlrict by a majority of about l.'i.iAM: and he never sweat a hair. I There is a grc it deal i words 'fre 1 toll road'1 in n name. The came very near l'ive precincts in Columbia Count v Warren. Auburn, Apiary, lK.er Island and Cuioti. voted for prohibition. out it the name of wife loses its sueet ness and the home its fanctity. It en ters into the business alfairs of ine-.i and encourages them to adhere to honor and uprightness for the sake of the dear ones at home, and many a man whose foot sieps might have wandered fram the paths of rectitude lias been tared to use fulness by the strong tie of a j.-ocd woman's love. When a man leaves everything that he should hold sacred and in mattita manhood deliberately drags a woman down, he does not do it for love, whatever clsa his motive may be. For Olive Harness there may be pity. She ha? paid the full penalty of her sin, but Mr. Ueo. M.iye-r will n.t eicae unwhipt. It is iiup.'issiide that all the sorrow and sulleriug must forever be the lotoftha victim. Sxmer or later the greater criminal will be brought to pniiishnient. Mr. Mnvjer, in a recent letter to the Oregonian, adds insult to injury by the following statement: "Sow there has been so much said in relation to the affair of our elopement I wish myself to give an account of the Bflair. I first met Miss Barnes at the Roosevelt roceptiun, given three years n-o last March, and we kepr steady company until the time of our elope ment, so we both knew very well what e were doing, and e talked the mat ter over from every standpoint. She ! was old enough to know, and so .is 1, and re have no apologies to oiTer. I was not divorce 1 from my wife utul J Jonathan llounie received a plurality of L'-"k1 votes, and therefore is the peo ple's choice for I'nited States Senator. llawley. Republican for Congress in the first district, won out against C.allo way by the small plurality of 2,dtJ. The gross earnings tax bill carried, so George can rvduoc the taxes some more. Woman suftrage was defeated ami we are .-.tiil protected from the wiles of the wickeil wouiau. The whiskey men on their bunco bill. got badly defeated As a result of the prohibition victory in I'nion precinct our friend Joe Hull has decided to leave the citv. Marion Countv, fully six hundred Re publican, gave Gearin just about that much majority over Bourne. Prohibition carried iu eight Portland precincts. Prohibition carried Lane County. Tillamook remains dry. Prohibition carried Benton Countv. Prohibition carried Linn Countv. Prohibition carried Sherman County. LOOKING BACKWARD. l'or lioveruor I II Amos, Prohi V W Paree, Soc t'.eo Chamlierlain, lVmo James Wilhycomtve, Reji For Secretary of State Prank W lteiison, Rep R C ltrown. Soc T S McDaniel, Pro , . . PllSrcwt, lVm l'or State Treasurer Leslie Hntler, Pro t! K Cook, Sec J D Matiock, lVm tleo A Steel, Rep For Supreme Judge C .1 Hi ijilit. Pro Kobt Kakin, Rep Tti Hailey, IVni ' Marcus V Robbins, Soc For Attorney lieneral CC Urix, ..." A M Crawford, Rep Roht A Miller, Iem F l Rutherford, Pro For Sup't of Public lust met ion J II Aekerniin, Rep J K llosmer, Soc Helirv Shenk, Pro . For State Printer J C Cooper, Soc , . . Willis S lhtniwav. Rop Alvin S Hank, Pro J Scott Taylor, lVm ; For l.nbor Commissioner Op Hon", Rep W S Riclnirds, Sic l'or 1'. S. Senator, to fill vacancy Hiram (ionld. Pro ". Fred W Mulkey, Rep J 1) Stfvens, Seic For C. S. Sen., term b'g March 4. Jonaf'an Pourne. Jr:, Rep John M Ciearin, Dem B l ee Paget, Pro A G Siuioln, Soe For Representative m Congress V R Kllis. Rep James Harvey Graham, lem A M Paul, Soe II W Stone. Pro For Representative F.lmer T Counell, Rep W J Fullerton, Ind For Countv Clerk VA Harris, Reii II Henderson, Hem For Sheriff Martin White, Rep For County Treasurer Kdwiu Ross", Rep For Comity Surveyor W T Watts. Rep'. " For Countv Commissioner R PRurns, Ind ". F M Fow ler, Iem II West, Rep For Coroner II R Cliir, Rep Prohibition Yes No. II 111 ,14 ,'!'. : '.! II IS M is as i r li 10 l:l ti I 8 10 4 PI, S 10 trn 1S2 IS2 :io :;i :t; 2:i: 2." :ir P.Ki p. li I rv.i oil 4 :i 20 'I l'.l Oo is :.i o -'! is o 21, ftS 21 ' I M ri 1 1 II: 1 1 r.." lis 00 1 1 ti 2 : 12 in.; 2i."; ii 10 1 1 12 10 M T.'i Til s; i HI'v IV! 01 210 pe SS :: H2 :.o 2io b'ui llHiH Yes No . Yes No Equal Suffrage Amend, tolxieal Option Law The election of PW is over, but still I J another word remains to be sjoKen. It ' j relates l.ot to the levilv of one class of FHe E S0S. Although the Grange, the best in formed fanner of the conntry and the gricultural press are united in the be the greater tortiou of its candidates. Tt : alK' wastes the time of the I'etwrtment j has lost a leading office, and saved an-; Agriculture, nevertheless the House otiier on! v bv a slight marifin the r laces i ' Representatives voted the provision ol greatest importance ill state and na- i back in the appropriation bill and the indi- tioiia! affairs through the desire of va- i cations are that the Senate will concur in nous groups to "get even," or obtain re-; lne amendmant, and a quarter of a mil veii,:c. Tiiis malignity s'.ruek chiefly at j Iio" dollars wiil be spent to send some the heads of the ticket. The bosses whom i farmers a little useless packet of five or- COUld not get one on Statutot vgrout.d- in i C, " , laC ,n,ui,1U-V ' another. t-ongress onat .ree msinou- Oregon, ns she was a very g.1 woman I ,, ' "' ''"Ca" ?'arl-v ),as t:tcle'! much , valueless to the farmer ns far as goodness goes, but I was a Ion way lrum ueiuj conteuiej vula my home, although I hail every comfort 1 that money could buy except loving my wife as a married man stioiil I. As I could not get a divorc- I left my wife with every comfort aa.i a goxl home.! I considered under t:;e c:rcatu:tjnces I u-m f.,-...,l r..r... .....I f ..til that a9 Ion,, ,.s Mrs iiv.,.1 j I'd masters.,! the old machine, and all never had auv regrets Jver our el- .p- tUsir h'K'a'"ua f"rghout the state ; the went I received a decree of dlvore'e "T, T, Mi,ch,;,,: lhe T.i , .... . .. '"end of Hermann here, of Williamson September BJ, which can bs verified ! 1 M.xly yonder; the gangs who J" U,i,'k " ' ridiculous little you w ish to lo o'c it ui We wer ie ! i'rost:cutl-'11 ' ir 'and frauds and I Patket of seed is seriously said to be all paring to coine bark to Ou-o;. to" live' if ,n ' interert' r,4ti"!sUiI' and ! Jkat tandt, bstween you and a see.1 trust, which can also be verity if VuU M, to ! fKC,il, ilh lhcm' wa,,tc'1 to j u ' "ve a way, understood it was the iiuir own importance an l get 1 t'oee oi congress 10 pass laws, ter even.'' So at every jwint within their i lai,1'y enough money is spent on courts re ieh the v drove the knife in. The ef-! a,11 attorney g'.nerals and prosecuting fort was directed chiefly at the men who ! attorneys to take care of law breakers stood in the -first places on the ticket j without adding to our burden by this for such effort must ba concentrated if i frL'c -'d farce. it is to have effect. The remainder of Patrons, the remedy is in your hands, the candidates were elected by about the ! When you get your little packet next umuI reptiblica-i majorities. j put a stamp on it, write across the face It is not a phasing theme, so w j need ! "'returti to sender." and put it back in hould lie under, th; m'li1' That will beat all the petitions, One Congressman favored the spend ing of this enormous sum, because, he said, it prevented the successful operation I of a seed trust by the seed merchants. 2 TRAINS DAILY 2 TO Kri.lTH MINNIi.Vpol.H ST. P.U'L- IK'VKHI.IM'(,.S-llM UI V K.l.VAS ill yr. loll.- THK KAST look the matter up, when Mrs, Mayger took suddenly ill with peritonitis. If medical attention f ou! i have saved her she wctiid have been with me in Oregon as soon as able to travel. SOME IMPROVEMENTS. Tl' Regular Yellowstone Park Route Via Livingston and Gardiner Gateway, the Government Otlici.il ICntrance to the Park. SEASON JUNE I TO SEPT. 20. SUMO KUMOVK II VOL' WILL, HIT SKi: jYM KIM OA. KI IJSrr START RIGHT. SK li 'JLOWSTOXl-: PARK NATIRI-S GRIiATIiST WOSIjI-KLAND PA RTICt'LARS AT2.V) MORRISON STRKKT A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent Portland Oregon pursu it; yet it . Hi elc-iroas of the - or.! t for t!i pa'. u.-ctss of their piriy. but lie welfare, gel tired of , being thwarted by those who wou'd vz parly only for their selfish nggrairli.e-! callino For the fii.-t time in i!s hi-tory the Mibt this week is printed upon a poaer press, run by a gasoline engine.. U i. not as fast a press as the Oieg.miat.s, but it is a great improvement over the old arm-strong and maiks a di.dincl ad vance in tlie-na tier's hiMoiv. Onltc -ig in-: r.-ce:it contest and number of newspaji'-r- haw tome and I ,r :1 1,1 ' S. gone in Columbia County sine- the Mi -r j l""hal!v, the aiiinio.iiies was established over a ima-t-r of a ci-n-1 ,'"r"ed out. Yet men who are tury ago, but the old pione'. r p.ii;r has outlived Coon all, ii!.d it ii ptvbi'ile that it will oii'.hvm ,iy i '::"i. It ua. first established in o(i;,o-iii on to the Col umbian, publishi-d by Major Kuoi-h G. Adams, whose style of literature has since hud but oiiu imitator. With that single exception the Mist has lived at peace with all its competitors and has rejoiced in tin ir piosperity. Neither has it any ill will stored up caahirtits recent opponent. It has no time to in dulge in animosities and its only nm-i billon is to do its best for the whole j county, and thereby maintain its posi tion us the leading county papir. In Ui'w work it asks your ussista'iC". If you arc in debt to the paper please help us pay the heavy expenses we have in curred. If you think well of it nk your neighbor to subscribe, and whenever you henrof any neighborhood news send it In. Let us pull logetlier for the boo I : i. i .. not stood, heeMiise it is one of the leading ! a" the resolutions and the ablest argu caiiies -let us sav, the' leading cause ! mc-nt of the most persistent lobbyist. t worried the Republican party dur j ('range Bulletin. i l! r,:ses 1:11s- j i : time, j Will . be : Miicerely NOT X QUITTER. 01 t'oiiimiini (. inn ly, nnil not apart by hailful local j. alornoe: Whit matters it whether ex-Senator Chandler was hone-tly mistaken in mis- toting the Pitsideut and stirring up violent feeling iu the Senate? What Senator can advance his own cause bv the President" a man of r !.iv " i me,,t- a"!l' ,jcin: Prevented, se .-k solace because the rate bill passed by the Senate ; through revenge. It is no pleas nit con-,' contains a court review clause? The I teiiipl.aion; so let it pass. Vet it is just ' Senate has passed a rate bill. i ItS Well t, :,l..Uw I.!..!.. .... Tl... .. j .... I ' ""-"m "it ore-- e are not sure liut what Senator! 11 gonian has done herein, the main ouali- Tillman is c-nthh-H o ul,t 1. 1 H' j ties of that vaunted "ilitical independ-! credit for its passage a any one else At1"1 icm:e"tlu,t "blared in the contest ! any rate, he has not in anv wav di,.,l ! iil wn.cn we nave just passe.1 through. But,! his own great victory by declaring the ns it is all behind us, let it go; remember- j President is entitled to the credit, and ing, as a great writer has said, that "he j that but for the persistence of the Pres censures God who quarrels with theiui-jident there would l.e 110 rate bill at all perfections of m.in."-Oregoniau. . It ought to raise something of a grin on ! llle 'ace of every farmer who reads in -iiAlXIKR , litie.il papers the charges that the Pres. i ident is a 'quitter." The charge maybe Prof. Wilktrson, who for three ears i tnu!' itiH I";lIified to read that he quits in has been principal of our public school, i a't:r accomplishing his purpose. Let us ff! moves to Forest Grove this week, where i sec to 11 l,lilt Jusl SUCM another "impul- lighter and successful "quitter" 1 1 1 Hi SUMMER SCHOOL MONHOUTH STATE NORHAL June 27 to Auj?. (I and Aug. I.'l to Si-tit, 7. P'irst six weeks devoted to special preparation for county and slate exams. Regular Normal subjects and Methods also, i.ast four weens a continuation of Nor mal instruction and special atten tion to Primary Methods with model pupil classes CatTi.k nit Sai.ii Tell head ,ne yearling, threj two-year olds, three threc-e.ir old 1 t calv.) soon ; also three (IX vtiireld cows, all v. itheahes. C. SAI'llUVKIN. Yankton postolii.v, four miles west of Yankton. engaged as nrincinal. He l e hel I i has niiide a great success of the school i fo,,ow '"' W'liite House. here, anl we sincerely regret his dc-! - parture. j leully Kerpent Itlte. Chas. Williams sustained a severe in-! Are ns common in India an are sfoin jury to his arm while at work iu pue'g i n(-li nd liver disorders with un. For factory last Tuesday. 1 tl,e ,a,,!r ''' ever tli(;ie ia a ttnre reiut- The Register has'been moved to Rain- : Eitctric Uittei: the great rc.tora- ier and its uronrietors an. ,., ; medicine 01 which is. A. Urown, of 1 KM Si . , ! j i i : ! i 11 1! 4 7! 4' h; .. :: -,i ,'-!' ,;'' I 37 10i 85 177 .... 0.V 21 71! ti 21rt :'! .. J I "I fi 8 S7' .. 1 ,s i -IU: 17; "'! 1 ! 2tt 11 C 27 a! "' .. PI! P.' P! ! i ; ' 1 I i ' is x 7 : ... ;i it ... it; p.'i -' K si u 8:1 i8i .... 7 ,-c '"' 7s -i'i m 1 i III Hi .7.1 ... 21 2; 10 '.'I 4P ... 1" I 11 2 3 25 ... 2 (j! ... 3 ft, . 2 s " j 4:1 ll) 37 liHl ... 71 ' 2i! SI 121' -Vd 4d Is'1 1 ! : 12 ID 3(1 s s . . 21 Pi '-i I 12 4, 3 31 7 " .r ' 1 1,1 i ! 21 10 24' ft 'J ... 13 12! . 11 ' lR2 3i 12'.. 1 173 tW ft:-, 22 7:! 101 2t'7 W 1IT1'J- if....i 2 2ti l 7 ft ' 1 ls 17 6 8 21 221 2" .... IS "" -i 1 i i 1 ! I : 41 IS; 40 20iV ... 74' II.,' 25 S2 lltlj 47 17S SM 41 10- 10 40 - - 13. !..... 23 20 .. P W - 14; 3 3! 24 4 8! 3 S 10 .. 2 f ' 3:1 P. 3ti Jilp.... 80 ,12 25 SO 113 -IS I t 1 I'! 40i 12 10 . . , 11 ... 22 'J' 2o ;i" t i 1 , ' ! S41 S 31 C.4 521 .V. 43' 22 72 SI I'M St Us " 24 10 13 ftp 14 30 :m! S 41 ft; 121 22 r,,i 14 ... 2 20, ...i 3: li 1 ft t ... I l'i ,M 2b 7 7 22....; 4i .. 12 12- ... 13 Is -'- I ! ': I ! : I 1 1 . i 37 12 2.1 .v, ...! t' 20 22 Si 01 2i3 37 PU '7 1 pi 5 l :!.....; 10 S 17 34 ... 15 01 234 , 23! I) li: 23..; t, 0 . . 10 II .... 10 21; 125 12 P 4: 2S ... jl 4 ... 3 7 ... 2 2b s.! i ' 1 1 ! I ; I 3il' 21 42 IS"; 44 l'3! 41 21 8it (V. 23S '.0 102 1"-'' 44, 5 pi ;; Ki 33 48 7 2s t7 (' 54' "' I i 1 ! ' ' ' 42 11 10: 152: 35 K M 18 37 102 210 12 178 t'8 M 14 35 j.; 17 3l' 47 10 07 55 123. 23 70 0,1) I ; ; i ! ; I ' I'd. 23 411 227 ... 05' 3l 101 111 20'; 5ii 2loHl.'l J ! ' 1 i 'I I 05 20 4ft 2J0, tip Hi i.7. 02 132 271; "5 231 !'' 1 i . 1 ' i 1 I 50 20 44 221 .. I W' 70 2ii o2 12.4 2'2.... 21 '3 1212 ! , i ' ! 25 8 12 42 ....' 20 2S I 15 ,5n p7 10 n7 4 j is ! in :u ::i 10 s 20 i ?s 11 & -'d 44 Id 31 170! ....! oO! 5 23 Ml; 102 Ilo 40 PC si, ' j if 52 21 41 l!Ki....i 8P 41 22 Si 130 212 4ft 227 US2 51 H IS 05 ... . 2o IS 4 54 70 130 32 125 015 31 11 28 l'lj .. ! li.".! 8 1ft ftti; SI 255 21 IU '"W 55 2(1 15 70...,; 22! 15 20 27! 04 : 22 5:12 2'.i ft 24 2o 01 25 7, 43 '.'. 220 l'.l I, to N.. 24 14 IS 1 mo . I on' In lo! 43' m 21 i' 13 7 701 ft' 12 27 is:j 1 2!i: 27 Is. 73'' 01 III l.:r. 7; I i 5 IS OUR DUSINE83 rK liu vc Hip lpst mill most l'iilIve(iiilPil.lob Print iuuiillipp in Coliiiuliiii County . hid irr tire jHTmml lo (Id all hiinls of I'rinfui'J mi short not t it unit at most misoiittlilr prices A TRIAL Will CONVINCE I OREGON MIST 1 STATE BANK OF RAINIER CAPITAL $25,000 Po tlanJ Car ,,t,nJnit. OHEGOU TRUST tHQ itIHCS CO. I "I li I'Hi 1 KS I ll l l.l ! I-AIU u l UlK ti.i'il (Ml .VSi4 An nt An I - I l.li.s I V. II Si,, I. II li NklMl II. ! : M ('II' vi s , t V t . . o f. U, VoVrr, t .idiu r. I in tors fifli-i.'ii l.em,. blot i.l..!re, I Van HUiirlmrd. V 1 r Mni. (k t.j. . Krcd. STATE BANK OF RAINIER RAINIER, OREGON "WALK - OVER" OXFORDS HUk Patent Leather HI.uk Cun Metal T.ui Russia Calf $4.00 $3-50 $3-50 KNIGHT'S w sorTis stL FOUMEIiLY FIFTH AND WASHINGTON WASHINGTON AND THIRD ST. "Ao 'touiid i!,c N,t!m,,t 1. .riicr." PORTLAND ORE ' illiil Miii'L, 10,000. f-'utlv I'ultt. BANK OF RAINIER Tl.lt,. ,rt. ,1 S...-I,.-, .,1 l .H.UM.i- bll-il,, ., I "or " i ( 1. 1 im, r. -t u.l mi tj,m. d( '' ' "'" "id ..II :iil .,iit. M:m-, r.,. ii.iy nmi u i,,,,,! W(lrr, IothkM "I I Ii PUS W. P. Ki... I',,"., dent - I'. I'l l I., 11 Pri id"i,t P. Pi 1 "Mi, ('...bu r I lUKCJ'OU.S I'M' Pi wni uili l. Put, W, P, Ki. y J. P. Ill fiiHI) i',.i M.....1 1 ' 'N".ii. i,i- .Mi n lmiim i.m Hank, K BANK OF RAINIER, ' ' r. s FACULTY OF OVER TWENTY -INSTRUCTORS Ui V I THE BIG STORES 1 1 f " BY THE DIG SAWMILL I ii i ii IF hi 'ceiviiio'A'ewG I Hi.' Wppk. & "-"' 'HliK for 1,1y thulM In l'i:KSOXAi.-It is fat. 'Jct married. Sriil ktiuilp and address In ( iem Ciirn-s. IHiiuliiig Club, i)sUllicc box 47, Portland, ".. m, : a -- I, ......... lit.. . i.n., Diamond power press and a com..lete "-''"-'y"'". "iliy re- outfit for news and fob work. Bt0r'''J '."y ,p t0 .'Trf,,,(:t ,"'"It'' aft orn , yeari of mifleriiiif wall dvspnpsia und flie dect. 011 in U.iiniur passed off very chronically torpid fiver.''' . ICIrctric ii quietly, thoui(li the wets, reinforced bv f'rs 1-11,6 c.1''"8 aJ fvpr, malaria, bi ' ' Irtiiamiatf Limn l...,.t 1. : . 1 I 1. tlie 1 too 00 men 1.1 camp, and mills, a,,d bladder diVrder.'. iwuiuuitirgwiiiiiv. Regular Normal Faculty assisted by noted col lege and public school educators TUITION:-First term $7.50 Second term $5.oo. For catalogue, summer school circular or other j lniormatiou write to Pres. K. D. Ressk-rCS, H, H, HIGLEY and CO, CAN SELL YOU ANY KIND OF. IX I XI I I ' I 1 II- I MJ ll IL I MlfY' I N A V V.I 1 I I . 11(1 II , W IV I I I I I I I ' . V. I I 1 " I I 1 T k Am--. L'I IV . r, '.JJiiVO,3 VIICUIUJ ''I IIH, : you want, tell your troubles to mmmmmum oods hvcry Da) mi Ml Merchandise 1 Dart & Muckle. and bladder diiordem. Sold on (tnaran- n-, lA WA tSHTVPTAM cV THEM. Oivgou.g JOrcRo,, Mist and tot)olitatl flllJ Rnrol.