Dmi niu" ' Vniier. Travelers !n the colehrntpd Dentil Valley of California have rlcm-rlbed the wonderful contortion of the nd pit Inn tJlat mull Whirlwind aoinetlnioa send aplnnlns; across tho . hot phi In. Kven more remarkable ore "dust flov lia" aeon by an explorer. In the valley of the White Nile. Sometime two of these whirling columns, RyratlnR In op po!te direction, meet, "and If they be well-mstched the collision stops them and strugjrle ensue as to wliloli way they hnll twist Grndualy one gains the mastery, and the two combined rush on toRether." Some of these whirlwind will "trip the clothe from an Arab back, or send a Roat spinning ronud and round like a top. Mrs. Mittie Huffaker. HAD GIVEN UP ALL HOPE. .CONFINED TO HER BED -WITH DYSPEPSIA, "IOweMyLifetoPc-ni-na' ;. Says Mrs. Huffaker. Mr. Mitti Huffaker, K. K. No. S, Colombia, Tena., writes: '1 was afflicted with dyspepsia for sev eral years and at last was confined to my bed, unable to tit up. "We tried several different doctors without relief. l had fkan up aB hope of any relief and was almost dead when my husband bought me a bottle of Per una. "At first 1 could not notice any bene fit, bnt after taking several bottles I was cured sound and well. "H is to Peruna I owe my fife today. "I cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers." Revised Formula. "For a number of years reqaests have eome to me from a multitude of grate-1 fnl frimHa. nririnff that Peril na be ! ,. . , " .7 i:. r gireu a sugui laaativa 4u.n1. 1 ua.i with I.Tatiia I ditionfor quit, a length of time, and now teel gratitiea to announce to me friends of Fernna that I have jncorpor- ated such a quality in the medicine which, in my opinion, can only en hance its well-known beneficial charac ter. ' "S. B. HAETMAN, M. D." GASOLENE ENGINES 1 1. 4 h0rK power fully warranted, 1123. alt sizes and at) let at lowed prices. Writ for catalog-. REIERSON MACHINERY COMPANY Portland, Oregon. CLASSIFIEDADYERTISING Portland Trade Directory Names anrf AdaVcases in Portland af Repre acatativa Buaincas Tit-ma. UOTO hi' PPM EH; Korlftk dfTelopln mnd priat loff ; writ for price. Woodnl. Uarfc fc Co. MAOrC LANTERNS-WMatw Co., Lowwi prices on Iwtttrtut Mid Ud-a. X LA STIC HO IKRYfSupaortani, Bratv: KnW to k'm tr BiMuiucciuent Miita; Wodar4. Clark. MORBKH of -alt kind for ! at ver reasonable. prea liiqulM X JriRit lit. TRUSS KB tent on approrst; w ruarant fit In saost difficult casM ; Woodard, Clark 4l C'a ARTIFICIAL EYES: 7TY ffha1 and bap; as aortmsut srnt oa approval W wxiard, ClariaS Co CRKAM SKPARATORft W rusraDt tfaeV.H. ttfparator to b the owt Writ lur Irw caia ug. Baasiwtwtl Co., tfth and Oak. MKN'BCLOTHINO Boffarn A Padl(on. sol agents Alfred Honjamin A t'o.'i correct ckottica JCvrfthlnf la mfO fiifuUbir,:- Alurrisou and Mixta strt. Uppostt poswOit.. POOI-TRY FOOD If 7o want yonr bns 10 la anor esps writ us for fr-j partlcularsj atjout ft R1NA i'Ul'CTKY tliDr-Acja Milks Ctx, Fortiand, Oron. PIANOS dt ORAN- OldPSt piano hotts on Pa clflo coast. Organ and Plans on easy payment. Writ for list. Jet usqtiot you a fru;, AUu dt OUbrt-Kanjaker Co., Portland, Oregon, TFLKOKAPHY TAVOHT FKCK, nl eta count an ,1 fMill 'on txurd wlifii tit Com TI)tsoflr (tood only f'r Blmrt ttni. Wr'ff f'r UcularL PACIFIC TKIaKOHAPH I HI I Wraad Thsaua Bultdiiig, Portland, Ornvn. More i N ! v i -x 'iji sT , i . ' 1 I Every Year ley priced LA quality, and makes Healthful baking. Bend postal for " Book of Presents." JAQUES MFG. CO. Scrofula Fw in enllrelT free from It. It may develop so slowly M to causa little It any UHturUnc durlnc tha whole period of childhood. It bit then produce dytPi estsrrh. n.l marked torKlcney to comnniptlon. before I msnifestinc itself In much cutaneous erup-1 tion or glandular .walling. .......... . ni fnu from It. and you can raly on Hood's Sarsaparllla to rid too of It radically and. permanently. Accept no substitute, but Insist on having Hood's. Liquid or tablets, 100 Doses U Makes. at DtRerenc. ltwellors In apartment houses some times seem to forgtft that conversation In the entrance halls may be overheard hv other tenants. This was the greet ing which a belated husband received at the door of his apartment recently: "Don't talk to me ! I know very well what you would say! But I know- r m have been off playing poker and lost all your money !" "Xo. I didn't, my dear; I won twen ty dollars," wns the conciliating an swer. ' The other voice suddenly modulated. "Well, perhaps after all we women are a little too severe man .should. have a little recreation now and then. Farmer and the Partr Wlrw. When the Independent telephone com pnnles first besn to come together in conventions to eschanfw experiences, one fact was always commented upon with great curiosity by the ninnagers of town or city plants, says Success. This was that they Invariably met with failure In their endeavors to Induce farmers to put In what are known as "lockon!" device's by means of which ! every telephone on a party Una becomes practically a private wire. In cities, ti e party line Is considered a great because there U no privney In conversations, and all the bells on the liue are rung each time a subscriber calls. Naturally, the manag ers of plants figured that this objec tion prevailed In the country also : but almost without exception, they fouad that one of the great attractions to the farmer was that his telephone did ring every time the other sixteen or twenty people on the line rang up. and that he could hear or be overheard In conver-1 sation. It was a practical demonstra- Hon of the social hunger the farmer I has endured for centuries, ana wmcn Is now ended, thanks to the arrival of telephone competition. EwUid'l Oldest Peer. ' The only living peer who was a mem ber of the house of lords at the time of Queen Victoria's accession Is Lord Nelson. He succeeded to the earldom in 1S33. Lord Nelson is not a direct descendant of the hero of Trafalgar, but is only collaterally descended from Horatio Nelson's sister, Mrs. Bolton. He enjoys a ?nod estate and a pension of 5.000 granted to the first Lord Nel son and his heirs. How's Tbls? v. n ttnrdred Dollars Reward for snrcasaof Ca:arrh that caosot be cured by """iTi -V 4 CO..Pro0a.Toledo.a We. the underiigned, ta koown J. rk.u. for tha la&l 15 rear, and beiiere mm iperlectly honorable in aU bumnen traiiiao- "."by'ibeirBrm. ' ,, W..T A TafxI. Wholesale DrufirlfU. Toiedo. O. Waloiko. KisNUi MiariM, nuieaaie Urug- m-u, loledo, O. r:.rrh Cure 1 taken laternaiir, tL"y"sUMee"iLmp toSt Suid b all Urunsiii. Tetiimonlali ins. A Callaat Bor A Bostonlan was talking about the late Henry Harland. "Harland was a graceful, gallant soul," he said. "Even In his boyhood he turned the prettiest compliment In his boyhood be studied Latin under a charming young woman. "This young lady, calling blm up In class one morning, said: Ilenrv. name some of tha chief beauties of education.' The boy, smiling Into his teacher's pretty eyes, answered Schoolmistresses.' "Philadelphia Bulletin. TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY. A Woman Who Haa HuRred Talis How to Find Relief. The thousands of women who suffer backache, languor, nrinary disorders and other kidney ills, will find comfort in the words of Mrs. Jane Farrell, of 06 Ocean Ave., Jersey City, 3f. J., who says: "I reiterate all I have said before in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills. I had been having heavy backacb and my general health was affected when I began using tbem. My feet were swollen, my eyes puffed, and dizzy spells were frequent. Kidney action was irregular and the secretions highly colored. Today, however, I am a well woman, and I am confident that Doan'a Kidney Fills have made me so, and are keeping me weil. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y Converts Every day in every year that comes, more housewives are giving up their ezhorbitant Baking Powders and turning to K C, the bonest and reliable, which has stood so well the test of years. They are find ing out that wr 'afX BAKING Vr POWDER costs one-third the price of powder anywhere near K C better, purer, more 25 ounces lor J,oc. Chicago, ni. IN THE NATIONAL HALLS OF CONGRESS Monday, Mry 81. Weahinitton. May SI. TM iegiia- I . ". . ' J .. Jl .1.1 ..KKinik lira, ttzecuuve anu iumni myyvy tion bill wa rsJ by tn tnat to- jgH sou K1.V259. an increase of I69,- S45ovr tha amount reported to the senate. A number of unimportant measures were pasted ana o.ov o'clock consideration was given w fu sion bills. ; Wa.hinirton. May 21. Decided op position developed today In the house r.nrMnUtives against Ml passage t ti,. ill tn extend tha time lor the completion of. tha Alaskan wenirai ran- WVilliam9, ot " Mississippi, insisted that the hill was obnoxious because it exempted the property irom license tax and tax on its railway auring m y- iod of construction and lor nva years i, Ha believed that every individual as well as every corporation should pay his proportionata share of the tax burden. Powers, of Maine, insisted that the k;ii a onmi husinees proposition The Teas and nays were oroereu auu i), Kill aa defeated, yeaa 109, nays 60. present 25, two-uiirus noi uaviug -...,,4 in itm favor. 1 1)11. . , , A bill was also passea aumonsmg ,i.. ..u nf aiirnlna or unallotted land oftheCoeur d'Alene Iudian reserva L i J C . r tion. Saturday, May 10. Washington, May 19. The house arose today in its wrath ana pm to eternal sleep a measure that it had pre- viouslv passed, making n a peni tiary offense for any official or employe of the government, including eeuaiors and congressmen, to tunae p""J secret information that would have an effect upon the market valne of any American products. The Din origioai lv naased the house some weeks ago without discussion, and intended . in the law as expos- , . ,h eottn scandal in the ,,t 0 agriculture. It was tended by the senate, and the report L, ,Ka bronaht the matter to ton tinn nf the house tcday. . t,, heated debate in wnicu me ,M,re was attacked as vicions legie i.ilnn h McUall ol, Groevenor, of Ohio, ana cruuipstaBr, nf Indiana. Republicans, ana aeieuueu by Borleson, Democrat, ol lexas, us -w and Chairman Jenkins, oi me -- ' ... .. i . indiciary committee, me uonoo, uj . record vote of 107 to 66, tabled the bill, having refuted in the first instance to agree to the repon ot ms Friday, May 18. Washington, May 18.-After 70 days of almost continuous aenoeraiiuu iue senate today at 4:53 p.m. passea iue railroad rate bi:l by tne praciicBuy nnanimons vote of 71 to 3. The three negative votes were cast by Fotaker, p.nnh ran. oi unio. anu i8 Pettua, Democrats, of Alabama. There ... . .Amawhat lamer attendance oi .nators than usual, but the attendance th ralleriee was by no means no- normal, and thefa was no manuesia rion of anv kmd when the result was anncunced' There was. however, an almost eencral sigh of relief among the senators. WftRhinnton. May 18. Reminitcent rti tv, atrHfal dv8 of tbe 471D con ffrpH were tne we nee iu buU houee today. Hartiiy umt i v,an onnrnved when the DemocratB, under tbe leaderahip o( Williams, of r:a.:.-;i hotrnn tne nri reai 1111- hnatpr in a number of yearn, their ot ifrt beina'to defeat tbe mu paying w .ho a.t.t of tamnei usv, ui nuuiu ' " . IT . I U...U r....lin. tin 4R2 for allowance made h. ,onA nf the election of Lee, a ne. contestant for a seat in the 47th -""" . . 1 Vl This bill baa been re poriea iavuramj by nine congresses six lime, vj - nnhlicans and three limes Dy weuio- After spending almost the entire day on the question tne oni wbb Thursday, May 17. TC..,intnn. Mav 17. With the ex- wnt im ot Bailey s uigrusDiiMi, ... tire day was devoted by the senate to a review of the amendments committee of the wnoie ana coyercu Wiewbat more than nan oi u-e are. There was a prospect of conclud ing the reading until the section grant ing to the Interstate Commerce com mifsion power to fix rates was reached Two House Will Soon Agree. Washington, Mat 21. There will not be a prolonged contest between the bouse and senate over tne ranroao raie hill. Indications are that it will be accepted by tbe house within a short time, substantially in me bubjjo m which it was adopted by the senate. That was developed today at a confer ence between President Roosevelt, Boeaker Cannon, Senator epooner, Representative uepnurn, mum bill and chairman ot me commerce committee, and Representative Mann, also of the committee. Breaks Record for New Laws. Waabinirton. May 18. The files of the index clerk at tbe State department show that the first session of the 69th congerss has broken all records in the w I ......1 lA.;ala,i.n nn tn matter oi ct-w -r - this moment. Already more than 3, 000 laws have been enacted, which is between 700 and 800 more man m any preceding session np to the beginning of the month of May. The greater part nf this mass of law was made up of bills ol a private nature and only abont 250 of the total enactments were gen eral laws. Do Clerks Vote for Members? Washington, May 21 Speaker Can non instanced bis confidence in the reading clerks ol the house yesieruay. Williams, of Mississippi, during the filibuster against tbe bill to .pay 8am uel Lee $10,000 for expenses incurred during bis contest for a seat in tbe Forty-seventh congress, stated thst be bad beard the name of member called end that the clerk had recorded him as voting when aa s matter ot lac in U ember wa not in th city. and tha question of tha constitutional ity of that ptovision was raised. The attack was made on tha clans giving to the committee discretion in the matter of preserving rates, and long ueoate ensued. The qnestlon was still under discussion when tha day cam to a close. Washington, May 17. After two nhi' Utiate the house today passed the naval appropriation bill, carrying 199,74,0000. The amendment provid ing that the secretary ot the navt could go into the open market and purchase chains, anchors and cordage, should it be demonstrated that tliey couiu oe had cheaper in free markets than they could be malo by tha government, was defeated today by a vote ol ia to 129, Bv the action of tli house on a sec ond amendment, upon which a separate vote was demanded, a 4 per cent ainer ential will be allowed bidders from the Pacific Coait on ahips constructed there. The vote wae very close, three Republicans changing from no to yea, ilanghen of Iowa, Thomas and Long worth. Wednesday, May 18. Washington, May 16. The consider ation of the rate bill in committee ol the whole was concluded by the senate today, and the measnra was then re ported to the senate, wbete there will be oppoitunity to review anu aner an tha amendments heretofore made. Practically the entire day was devoted to consideration of the anti-pass amend ment, which was adopted alter making so many exceptions as to arouse laugh tr everv time the provision was reau Tha work ot the senate alter the uui was reoorted was confined to the partial consideration ot the pipe line provision, which was so amended as to strike out tha Morsan proviso extending its ope ration to other conntries wnere wis United State had Jurisdiction. Washington. May 16. The naval appropriation bill, carrying nearly 1 100.000.000. was completed iwiay id the house after one ot the busiest days nf the nreiant congress. The featuie ot the dav's debate grew out of the at tempt to defeat the appropriation ior the largest battleship of its cla in the world and the tenor ol the speecnes mr the hia shin was that the American re public most be abreast of the nations nf tha world in the strength ot her navy. The opponents talked for peace, disarmament and arbitration, and In sisted that there was no national need for such a large uavy. The amend ment introduced bv Burton, ot Ohio, to strike out the appropriation for a riral to the British Dreadnaught wa defeated, as was the amendment leav inn the construction of the tiamesnip to the discretion of the secretary of the navy after the second Hague conference. A final vote on the bill will be taken tomorrow. Tuesday, May 15. Washington, May 15. With the ex cention of the anti-piis amendment the senate concluded its discussion ol the tailroaJ rate bill in committee of the whole and. as soon as that provi sion shall be disposed of, will take it op in the senate. The general expec tation is that the pas question will be disoosed of early tomorrow, and the general hope is that the bill may be parsed tefore the cloae of tomorrow's session. The srsa'er part of the day was spent in discussing the eighth sec tion of the bill, relating to the person nel of the Iuterstate Commerce com mission, resulting in the elimination of the entire section and the restoration of the present law, which provides for five commissioners at fulariesof $7,500 Washington, May 15. The Houee by a decided vote today reaffirmed its faith in the Navy department, defeat ing an amendment of Tawney, chair man of the appropriations committee. to limit the expenditures on a ship to 10 pr cent of tbe cost, a vote of con tidence coming after two horns' hot debate. Having reached the section of tbe naval bill dealing with increase in the Navy and, realizing that consid erable debate mnst enane, the house ad ionrned until noon tomorrow. Tawney was emphatic in doclarin that it was both bad policy and bail ad ministration to give to the Navy de partment the right of spending $11, 000.000 for repairs of vessels without so much as being compelled to give a acconnt to any one for the money ex pended. Should Continue Filibuster. Washington, May 21. Democratic members of the house of representatives today were signing an indorsement of an action ot Williams, the minority leader, in filibustering in tbe honse for the purpose of hurrying action on th statehood bill. The indorsement was drawn by Henry, of Texas, and was circulated by eall, of that state. I asks Williams to continue to demand roll calls on every motion which can be made iu tbe passage of bills or the adop tion of resolutions and raise the ques tion of no quorum when possible. Will Double Alaska Cables. Washington, May 15. Orders have been issued by General Allen, the chief signal officer of the army, for the in stallment of the duplex system on tb Alaska cables. The commercial bust a ess of the cables has become so heavy that even by working night and day tl operators are not able to handle all the dieatche. With the new system the capacity of tbe cables will be increased abont 75 per cent. The supreme court of the United States has denied' tbe petition for a rehearing in the Chicago traction cases. Inquiry Into Coal Monopoly. Philadelphia, May 16. The Inter state Commerce Commission wilt to morrow resume its inquiry into the a leged close relations between raiiroai and big coal corporations. Nearly the entire time, it is expected, will be de voted to efforts to prove tbe ownership of stock in coal companies by officials of the Pennsylvania railroad and di crimination in car distribution. Th Baltimore and Ohio will also be put under microscopic examination. pOETT YEARS AGO deep, and A JEW lwuro THERE IBWU WAAim poison." Tm NAECOTICS, if it ANvcclnUc Prcparalion for AS - -ii, ling ihe Sionmchs and lWmcU of Promolcs Ditt'sllon.rhfetrul kss arl ltesl.Coutalns neither Optum.Morphiiie nor MuicxaL Not N aii c otic. Sir Jn Annfrct Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour SloMCh.Diantaxa. Worms Convulsions. revensn istss and Loss or Sleep. facsimile Sitfnaturs of YOKK. Msnchurls's rllmat cjrrixmilji to hat of Canada: its aizt 1 ii tim a that Enxlsud aud S'ulr, iu (hiuUiIuu 2O,(M,UU0. WotBeMwtll Tnit M . Wlt!.w't RootMna Syrup tha bant rrmvdjr uium tur tlialr anUdrau uric, tris Mciaiug riuu. ?fo Troabla. Wast Is the mtaiiiiis of 'slr sfo'T" knl tht ttacbar of tbt bciinnars' cliu in Latin. Tb otbtr 1," salj tb bojr with tb curly hslr. (jir a aentaac coatainlng tha phraw." 'II wloktd his otbr I. " nfftm,..l,.m1Wlll'""''"'' l''', 1 hrT ""vrTt MT"""- - is a n LixACT corror vrappcr. jji aaartX SILVER FILINGS Ci'vn.lttiti U'r fllltiif U rrO' 1 v iii thn U Ant aoifl tlvotia'i U tb) Ul1 11 l 'wluit th ro'lt fin.fli u thUI.rft YutJ hatt(llrs thla (a th )u1((Bni of tt drnlltt. Why rail g to da tlnx tio ii liullt stitt inin tft a ri'urtU.o r.r n Ubill lT Kxamlufttluiu (r. WISE BROTMLRS DfNTISfS Car. Third and Waahinf ton St a. 1M. W. A. Wlit For a Good rp-OR Clear Eyss Clean Tongue Calm Nerves Good Temper and Poise Eat a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need It. Carry a little 10c Emer gency box constantly with you, In your Purse or Pocket, When do you need one? -WhenyourTonjuelicoated i -When you have Heart burn, Belching, Acid Rblngs In Throat. When Pimples begin to peep out. When your stomach Cnaws and Burns. That's the time to check coming Con stipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Thai's the tlmo to take a Cascaret. On candy tablet night and mornlrg, taken regularly for a short time, Is war ranted to cur th worst case of Consti pation or Indigestion that walks the earth. One tablet taken whenever you suspect you need It will Insure you against 90 per cent of all other ills likely to attack you. Because 90 per cent of these Ills begin I? the. Bowels, or exist through poor Nul'ri Hon. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. They don't act like "Physic" that flush eut the Bowels with a waste of precious Digestive Julc needed for tomorrow's Bowel-work. No, they act Bowels, Instead. like Exercise, on th Don't Poison Baby. auu JhUdren who havo boon killed or rrf rc .0 iai3 i ,Vt VV W " f m n boors tho eignaturo of Chos. Letters iron. I'rommeni ruy&iciuns addressed to thas. 11. iieicncr, .,, ....... ! u.A voue Caatu, 111., f m.iaia or i raso. advls Its u. In all famlllu lr ller. art chlUiren ' ' I' ... .... v. vintie. of Cl.velaDd. Ohio, says: M proscribed your Castorla and hav. found It a sua laaut rsm- CSllAirrndr. of Omaha, N.b.. yt: "A m.dlctn so vatuahl at4 beneficial for chiMrca your Caatorla U. d..rvt. th highest Drain. I had It In us every whore." Pr J A. MoClcllan. of Puffalo. N. yt: I h. frequen ly prescrlbej Tour Castor! for children and always got oJ rsulu. to fan I uaa rastorla for my own children." pr J W. Allen, of Kt. U-uls. Mo., .ay.: "I fcrtr ndorM your Caa. torla! I hv frequently irecrlbc4 II In my modlfal practice, and Uv always found It to do all that Is claimed for It" Dr C H (Hidden, ot 61. I'aul. Mtna, say.: "My sr.rlenc a pra tltlonsr'wlth your Castorla haa been highly aallsfactury. and t consider It an excellent remedy for th youw;." Dr H D Ik-nner. of rhllad.lphla. l's. aayr. "1 hava us4 your Caa torla' as a pursatlv la th ease of children for yvars past wlla tU most happy effect, and fully endor. It at a f remsdy." Pr J A. Doarman. of Kansas City. Mo.. "Vour Caatorla I. a apUtv did remedy for children, known th world over. I us It la my practka and hav no hc.ltancy In recommending It for th complaint f Infanta and children." , , , , Pr. J. J. Slackey, of Brooklyn. N. Y, wr: I consider your Castorla aa excellent pryaratton fur children. Uloe eomptd uf rellabl mcdlclnea and plaaant to th last. A good r.medr tit all UtaiurUuic ot U dlgesllv organa" .. - GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Beari tha The Kind You Have Always Bought In aTM Caaftaa tka llaaaaaa. Family fat I'm uot t"l"S" to nt out of the same dish a Itu yuu ! lHg Why not! Its of peopl that s.-rnp worn than w do sat at tUc sniua table! CITC V tn IU' it II Nerfww rttrft. 1 1 1 A B.rnaiinlir '""'"l hf lfr. hiiM'a i.,t-t S-rv Ht,fr. (Nn,l tt VHYi. tlfOM bHI trial M. In. 11. II. klia HI Arch at. faila.,f S-rl.adahlv Tribal. Mrs. W'lloo (tr;D on bor forou bono!) How do jou lib tb ffct? Mr. Cbilllcua-lvsararr -Why. It' won orfiil. You bar tb rlbt l,Wa. Tban't nutbini hk contrsita. 1 tbora? Complexion They stimulate the Bowel Muscles to contract and propel Ihe Food naturally paat the little valves that mli Digestive Julcej with Food. They strengthen thei Bowel Muscle by exercising them. This stronger action, producing greater nutrition from food, brings back to th Bowel-Muscles greater strength for self operation. The Bowel-Muscles can thut.ln a shorl time, dispense with any Drug asslslanc whatever. Cascarets are safe to take as often as you need them, while pleasant to sat as Candy. n ., mon carry me niiieien-centboi con stantly with you In your purse, and take a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need It. "' One Cascaret at a time will promptly cleanse a foul Breath, or Coaled Tongua. All druggist, sell Ihem over ten mil lion boxes a year, for sli year. past. Be very careful to gel tha (enulna, msde only by th Sterling Remedy Company and never sold In bulk. Every table) stamped "CCC." rr im to our tricndsi i ait Sena to-day, menllon n this oamr Adsreu OIL I. f. WIC t dresslrif table. Jen wntl l" it.rn.Vl, ilkSd .'. a wcuti3 vi root ran . tn . a. ft a ritniit avvmrr,. Mnvtil- H. Hotelier. aay: "I yvur Castorla anil "I have frequently Signature of For Over 30 Years. feffiJ ISPS' rs.Kiiyfcn:ttL suuen Mi sau; fOLioviNC ouo ueceJt AT PHIL a OCt PHI A CMICACO ANP OTHt tUPOMTIOHl Wt WON THE i HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD J I lilt JI.LOUli womtJjjAiai Dr. C, Gee Wo lONDEfirui HOME IREilMUT lh ,.firt fhf m ti I rtvt.ft gti-Mi tt i'iM urn tv. tM-'i s.llluMt ttar ti tbl sir f i "M t tl!. It lt(M llti tb'rik ain.f ftu t II ti" hatia, ia.i., Uul, br.j it v)BLa)ltU M titln ti rtiT(i ofntifir ) . rj Ttfti rt ii an .-Mn,inr in n i fro tilttailif'(trilfVI. thfi, ItiriK, ttf rtieoiitas'Ufit, nf .ft'jH), .ifM ti. lvtr, 4 tt-jrej, irff.l U tot ' ( htftM nM'tstiat t mil sftl tim, (!(' mil J th ilr wrtiw t.if pf ftl f f Hr4 lccou 1HEC.6EE WO CHINESE MEDIC1RE CO 161 t flrU St., 1 r. Cr. Morrh WtfiUtih imr. as ah ri mrt .ssi(r.AM W. L. Douglas 3'&3SHOESSI. W. L. OouKlaa f 4.0O Cllt Edge Lln cannot bo quailed at any pric. VW"ll. fSTARuIH,n CArlTAl a.300J W. I. oniiniM at a art a a met It MONK MIM-I m:l.!HlHHtl THAMAHYOIHtH MAMOfAOIUHtM IM IMt WORLD. t1f1 finn tWAOI anytnlwus IU,UUU aupio.a thl lUlanaal. II I could latia you Inln mv the lar tartarl at HtrHjiion, ain.a., .ml hiw you ' taM car with which vry nalr l hoa l.nmJe, wmild raalla why W. t. Douslaa M M coat mr to maka, why lhy hold lhlr ahp, lit hrliar, wear ion.rr, and ar ol fraatai lnlfl, valiia Ilian any alliar S.I.SO ahoa. " W. L. Oautrimm ffeona Mmdm Shorn to Mmn. m-d.nii, Alt.uU. nor' fi " Uraaa CAUTION. -Jnalat uir.,n hlns V..I.I"' i. ftnlMllliila. Null utiul iii,,fi na I k i, in, aiilntltula. f'ii """ Willi. Jul hi. I,,,,,, M, ,f ianiil on tui"'""' tail (Mm 1 11,1,1, until tano u ill nut utv sraaan Writ fur lliiiatratml (!atnl'. VI. t Dot U I. A H, llrucktoo, Haas. P. N. U. Ne." 2l-0. ,m .... -1 lh rlaV 1 -z I Wiir w w aaontl rltlna- tn ait vartlsars plaa I oil .1,1 apar. I