. v It tarprleaa He. ., Th ktntcuf photographer, to th goodness of hit heart, often promise's copies of nt picture to any one who happen to be standing In range of tbe camera when It U "ftrcd." Unfortu nately falling memory usually luter- eaes, to prevent fulallroent of tit promises. ; ." " . It happened that a young mas tak- Ins "view" on the summit of Fort BUI, Vlckabunc, found a dilapidated cabin tbe foreground or one or toem, !UIeUo. tbere, aunty f be called to tne. negro wvnu m tua uwiw. "Step out on th gallery and get in the picture." 1 "You goto' gimme on o' dem pic ture V abe demanded. "Glv you a picture J" repeated the photographer. "No. Don't think It for a minute. Stand np and look your prettlcat, now." Tbe old woman looked at htm a mo ment In amaiement Then abe turned nd shouted to aom one Inside. Ton de land'a sake!" ihe said. "Ol' man, com out yeah an' git youh pie ter took. Heah'a a young man dat i ain't a-lyln" about it Dey's been two hund'ed people tooken plcter of m on dia garry, an' eve'y laa' one of 'em aay be gwlne aen' me a plcter but nary plcter I ever nee ylt Look youh purtea', of man. Dla young man look like he ain't tellin no lie to m." . Duriug th lt two decade th im provement in th reciprocating ateam engine ha kept folly abreast of th re markable progresa in electrical develop ment to such a degree that, notwith standing th multiplication of gae en gine and turbine and the wide distri bution of water power br electrical transmission, th as of th ateam en gin i increasing fatter today than ever before. Many mammoth indus trial plant are exclusively engaged in building ateam boiler and engine, and it i the proud boast of on of these, the Atla Engine works, of Indianapolis, that it averages a complete boiler and engine outfit of fifty horsepower every thirty minute of the working day. When th visitor to their plant bat gone through two or three of their great warehouse, where he saw hun dred of (team engine of variou ty pes and aises, and emerge upon a boiler yard of twenty acres, that look like a perfect tea of boilers, th old question of what become of all th pins is for gotten and be wonder where upon earth use can be found for all the boil er and engine turned out by this one concern. But, if he will watch the loading procesa, be will see ten or twelve trainload per day go ont, label ed for destination all over the world and will gain some notion of the mag nitude of th world' - work. Then, when be is told that this one concern leviathan of th trade though it is, does not produce ten per cent of the world's output of steam boilers and engine, he will begin to realise bow vast i the production and consumption of steam porer throngtoit the world. Footprints o Aaa-sfaa. A laugh of incredulity waa raised by many two years ago when certain marks on a block of sandstone found near Warrnambool, a flourishing mi nor port of the State of Victoria, were Identified as footprints of prehistoric man, says tbe London Chronicle. However, the sending of a plaster cast of the block to Germany excited keen discussion and led to the arrival In Australia this year of Dr. Herman Klaatsch- of Heidelberg University, and to the announcement by that sa vant that, in bis opinion, the marks were genuine human Imprints. This decision, coupled with the doctor's In vestigation concerning the human skulls In the Warrnambool museum, revived the old notion that In old Aus tralia will be found tbe traces of the very closest approximations of the ape-man the link between humanity and tbe ape. Further discoveries by Dr. Klaatsch in tbe way of footprints in the sand stone of extinct species of some sort of great bird analogoua to the emu species have added fuel to the specu lations. A telegram from Warrnambool states that Dr. Klaatsch considers that an extensive sandstone formation under that town thousands of years ago formed level, sandy beaches, which were Ihe camping ground of the prehistoric races then existing. At that time Australia and Tasmania formed part of a great antarctic con tinent which extended up Into tbe In dian ocean and connected Australia and Asia with Africa. Civic Art Problems. The treatment of minor open space In village and city, one of the most in tenting problems of civic art today, will be tbe subject of an article by Sylvester Baxter in th April Century. Among the illustrations, by Jules Gue rin, of Mr. Baxter's text, will be pic tures of Grand Circle, with tbe Colum bus monument, and Coentie alip, New York, tbe first showing the-effectiveness of formal treatment of an open pace at tbe conjunction of important treat ; tbe second the possibilities of securing a restful effect of roominess in a limited area. According to Mr. Baxter and quite contrary to the popular impression th Boston Public Garden baa exerted a most demoralising influence upon gar dening art in the United State, be cause of its lavish employment of rich and expensive material "in a fashion nnguided by any true principle of de sign." Other examples, good and bad, of poblic square in different cities and village will be treated in Mr. Baxter's article. Tola br the Typewriter. The following correspondence ex plains Itself: "Mr. Thompson presents bis compli ments to Mr. Simpson, and begs to request that he will keep bis plggs from trespassing on his ground." . "Mr. Simpson presents his compli ments to Mr. Thompson, and requests tbat in future be will not spell' his plggs with two gees." "Mr. Thompson's respects to Mr. Simpson, snd he will feel dbliged if he wUI add the letter 'e' to tbe last word in the note just received, so as to represent Mr. Simpson and lady." "Mr. Simpson returns Mr. Thomp son' not unopened, tbe impertinence It 'contains being only equalled by 1U Tulgarity." ' .The best is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the best because it d6es the most good. While it makes the blood pure, fresh and lively, it tones the stomach to bet. ter digestion, creates an appetite,' stimu lates the kidneys and liver, gives new brain, nerve and digestive strength. An unlimited list of wonderful cures 40,366 testimonials in the past two years proves its merit. In buying mcdi- r!ne aKvriv ttf t HlA hej&t. . , get I lOOd S. CJ u-nnnvliArA VV1J m.v.... Liquid or tablet. 10) Dotes It Tke Inevitable, Porkand (of Chicago, snowing friends his new residence) Now, what do you think of that for a Looey-Quinsy dining room? I guess them Astor Astor hotels ain't got nothing on that, eh? Friend (from New York) I ahould aay notl By the way, you hare not shown me the library Porkand IJb'ryt Wak up, wak np! Why, Carnegie's made 'em so com mon, all the best families are cutting em out ! fuck. A GUARANTEED CCRIS FOR PtIJCS. Itching. Bl ml. Rieminr. rrotrtKlInt Piles. Kmc rists ere sulhortseil to refund money tr PA20 01MMKM rU ucun lit wUilvi. Mb Electric fishes, exposed to the actios ef radium, have been found to lose their electric power completely, and to suffer la health. a , , . PITA Permanently Cored. Kftfltsornerroasneal f 0 after first day's useofDr.Kltne'slireel Nerre Restorer, hend for r'rre S4 trial bottle and treatise, DV.K.H. KUue, Ud..su Arch at., rslladelpala, fa, A cremated adult human body leave . MAiitiiMtn nt ffrav a.hea whii-h alto?eth- er do not weigh more than about two pounds. th.m.1. at Catarrh In tht section of the country than ail older disease! pul totether, aad until the last lew years was supposed tube leeurable. Forae;reatmanyearsaoctors pro noun c-d it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly faillnf to cure wltb. local treatment, pronounced it incurable. 4cien.ee has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease, and therefore requires eonstliu; Uonal treatment. Hail's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by F. I. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo, Ohio, li the only constitutional cure on the market. It Is ta.en internally in doses from 10 drop to a eaapoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucins surfaces of the ystem. They offer one hundred dollar (or tut case It fails to cura. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address. T. 1. ( Ht,ti a v,u., loieao, v Bold t-r Ururcists. Hall's Family Fills are the best. President Diss is not so wealthy as accredited. Uts fortune is short ef a million. Sliding seats were first used In rowing races in 1&T3. Paris has the biggest debt of any city In the world. It amounts to $400,000,- 000. The ol Wave is the home .fr OUNCES FQj Get K C 25c If it your grocer Send tor JAQUES MFG. CO. Galeatjo. f ff TTrft Se-d, irt bt bseanse IS 1 I I aurcestful yars have nera srit In f v 1 I 1 ueu drreloirtnCQt half a century 1 1 I of expert rare In making lima m fl a 1 superior to ail o!! m S m a tte are specialists In growing M ff 1 now ano tegvtaMe se.da, M I 1 iVOt fcae Aaaaal flea. JF f I """It, i CLASSIF1EDADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Name ami Addresses la Portland ef Reere tentative Business firms. mOTO Kl'pflJKH: Kodak oVn-loiilneanil prist ine wrlts for prfai-a. wouuare. uatae at iai. MAftio LAKTEHJiB WHaler Co., Portland, lowest prlwrs on Lantern and Hlld I.AHTIC HOIKRY; Hnpporters, Braces; Knit to lt; free measurement blanks: Woudard, Clarke. BORHEH or all kinds for sale at eer, reasonable prices. Inquire i74 Front Ht. TBUH8F.S sent on approval : we guarantee St la moat difficult casesj Wotxlard, Clarke A Co. BWKET PKAft Hend lOr- ir peke. asMd Pair Gold Medal peas. J. J. Butn-r. 1S Frotitslreet. ARTIFICIAL EYKH; eyery shade and soap; as sortment tent on approval ; W oodard, Clarke Co tut AM BKPAKA'IOKH We snarantee Ine U.H, Keparator to be the best. Writs lor Ire cala.osv llaseiwood Co., If Iftci and OaJc MKN'SCLOTHINO Biifftim A Pendleton, sole aaeais Alfred lienlamfa A Co.'s correct clotbea Everything la men's rurnUhinica Morrlaoo aod Slltb strseta. Opposite poslolllce. PKKE LAND I.H OltEttoN tinder the Carey Irrl- Satlen act. iMed d nrct from state. Write today, louslet and map free. II. U. Cooke A Co., Xsi Alder ttrsel, Portland, Oregos. POULTRY KOtlll If you want your bens to lav snore egKS write us for free particulars shout PU RINA POULTRY KEUn Acme Mills Co, Portland, Oregon. TAILORH-Caltimbta Woolen mils Co.. Portland. Ore. Lateststyleclotheemadatomeesurecheap. Ourself measurement system Insures perfect At. Write for free sample aad price. PIANOS A OR'IA NH Oldest piano hoose on Pa cific coast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments. Write for list. Let us quote you a price. Alien St OUbert'Raniaker Co., Portland, Oregon. Oregon Herbs Kpectflc for sll Kidney and Bladder troubles. Cores BACKACHK. Prion Wc. Trial site sent by mall for 10c la stamps. Send today. SKIM Third Bu Human Hair floods (twitches. Pompadours, Men's Toupee and V' Iks ; best uualliy lowest prices! send for Iree price list; msll orders a specialty. Paris Hair Mots, Vt'asalngtoa au kat Ittt, r V Mrs S. L. Carleton. Arer. Msis.. tars: a perfect sprint mwllein to five streti-th tad thoroughly purify tb blood. Hood's Saraapa- rlllsls held In high etem bveur whole f - liar Used It tlv. I have used it from elitluliood snd and il a rood for air children at for wj seli" ReekoaeeT br Inches. Th teacher In the primary depart ment had been telling her pupils about three klugdouis of nature the animal, the vegetable and the mineral Wheu she had Mulshed the New Vork World says she asked : "Now, who can tell m what th htghest form of animal life Is T" A little girl In a front seat raised her hand. "The highest form of animal life Is giraffe.' Mothers will And , Wlnslowl Soothing Syrup th best remedy to us lor tnelr aaUdna auriuf um teeming ferioa. Helping: Oat. With an exclamation of delight tbe hardened tourist rushed out on th bag gage platform and started to smash bis trunk with an ax. "Hold on !" shouted the baggag man. "Are you crasyT "Not at all," replied th hardened tourist as be continued to smash. "I read that baggagemen were overworked at this season, so I thought I would smash my own trunk aud sav you th trouble." TO CrRK A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BKOMuqutnlae Tablets. Drar al.ts rvnind rnmiey If It fal.s to cure. at. w. GHOVaV&ala-namre-oa eacn box. She Aa Addeadaaa. David Christie Murray has an anec dote to tell of what be says Is "tbe champion printer's error of bis experi ence." At the close of a certain ttory from hla pen, published com year ago, Mr. Murray wrote: "Are there no troubles now" th lov er asks. "Not one, dear Frank, not one." And then. In brackets, thus ), b put tb words, "White line." This waa a technical Instruction to the printer, and meant that one lln of space should be left clear. Tbe geulua who had the copy In band put tbe lover' speech In type correctly, and then, set ting it out as If It were a line of verse, be added: "Not one, dear Frank, not on white line !" London Tit Bits. Home tbe Circle where food cocking is "tNr loved, where the family enjoy the finest of biscuits, doughnuts, cakes, and pies and other pood things every day. The baking; is always delicious and wholesome because K C Baking Powder the baking powder of the wave circle, is used. to-day! 25 ounces tor isn't all that we claim, refunds your money. "Book ot fresents." The Rallasr Pas.loa. Old Stoxanbona Are yon sure that yon can no longer control the tblng? Hit Chauffeur Tes, sir. I'm afraid It will get away from me very soon. Old Stoxanbons Then for besren's take run Into something; cbesp! Puck. BCRTOJf. HOWARD 1!.,-Aiiayer snd Chemist, Ieadville. Colorado. Koertmen nrlces: feold. Hllver. Iad, 11 : liold. Hllver,?-: tlold. 60c; Xlncor t opper, fl. Cyanide tests. Mailing envelopes and full price tint Henl oo application, control and c nv plre work noliclled. Reference: Carbonate Na tional Rank. tni ttMNak etCrWe OJUO CLOT ilirtQ '4f,iutf riblad or jvllnr rartoknli or wn wort. Un Mt atrwhert Look f"or the 5n of tnt Fijli.aisl tht MtK TOrVf R en tht button). HStl WIS Ai!l.lH Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT ThU wonrje-rful (bl- R UOCtOf 1(1 Cftlte-d grfat btrkUM h cirHi popl wttliuul opre lion ibu sir Kivi up to dla, fl curm with ibofl wonderful Cut-nt-v hrin, rooia, budw, brkm and vKtahi- tbmt ra ntlrfiy an kuowa to roNitcsU twt- nrt ia thucmmrr. TIirouti iba uMof ukmm barniltM rrRit-dlvt thin famoua do-'tor know lhactou ofovarMO diffrot r-.Mliaa wblrh bi iunwaiullr ua Ut dttTirfsr, dfmtnm. Ha (Utrnifwcurcarrfn. aattima, lung, ibrot, rbfumtUmf nr vutiso)-, atomaL-b, ilvar; kidr Dya, -u: hmn bui dr-da ol tati-toB.ia I harvM modrrat. Lau and an him. Ffttlvat out of Ui clt writ lor blaulcr and c roulafa. MMauutip. tuWflULTAiloN IfHlttL. utnu THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 12' rirat St., S. t. Cor. MerrlsM Wsantfnn nanai DnDTI Alura VaT Asal - -e i vniieiiwi vntuviii v MINERS' LAST WORD msdm IsIPressnteilltfl p ' ' CFERATORS WILL REJECT TERMS Demand la for Restoration of Was Scale of 1903 All Prepare for Bit; Strike. Tn.tlanannlla. March 97. Th United Mine workers ot America, thtough John Mitchell, president 01 iu organisation, T. L. Lewis, vie president, and Hr man U. Perry, of the Illinois miners, today presented to the coal operator in ttia azei'lttlvs teuton of th iniut teal committee ot h central competitive dlatrict tnelr ultimatum on tue uiapute over th wage tctle. Th demand oi th miner, at stated in their ultimatum, i lor restoration nt th warn. a.-ala oi 1903. which tt SO increase of 5.5S per rent. Upon th receipt oi to ultimatum, me opsiawn a.nreat an adjournment ot the com mittee until tomorrow, when it It ex pected a definite answer win oe given. It ia anti. lnaU.1 that thil reillv Will D lefutal, and thecomniitte will report a disagreement to th joint conference of miner and operators. Th fight In that cat will be continued on th floor of tb Joint convention. Tnnloht thara Is little Droeoect of an agreement. The feeling tonight it that th miners under no circumstances win allow on district to sign even th ad vance leal demanded unlet it Is paid in all tb four state of th central competitive field. Rannrt ara mm Inir to the miner' delegates from theii local unions that tb coal companies are taking prelim inary atana Ia mt on a Itrike basit. They are calling in tb miners' account books, sccoidmg to tlieee reports, wiw drawing credit from the miner at com pany stores, pressing collections, and in some cases tmeatening eviction. Rnneta that tha rnninaniea ara build ing ttockade ara without foundation, bnt th mine ar being put in th beat possible condition for a shutdown. Even should an agreement be reached for all fields, th bituminous and most nl tha anthracite mine will close Sat urday night, many of them to remain closed 60 days. Tb local mantgert are letting theii men know this, snd in many case tell ing tbem that a itrike may aa well come at far aa they are concerned. PUTER CAUGHT. But th Oregon Land Fraud Artist Escspes Again. Boston, March 27. After having fol lowed bis man for many thousands of miles, first down tbe Pacific coast from Portland, Or., to San Francisco, and then clear across tbe country to Boston, Secret Service Agent W. J. Burns to night arrested Stephen A. D. Pater, who is wanted by tbe Federal authori ties for hit connection with the fam ous Oregon land fraud case, only to n.v tbe msn pull a gun snd escape. This dramatic ending to a chat which lasted for weeks, and during which Mr. Burns bss shown no little detective ability in tracing bis quarry from one plac to another, occurred at the corner of Boyleaton atreet and Massachusetts avenue in this c.ty, in front of th Fen way poets) nation, and at a time when th street was crowded with people and trings of cars weie passing. Puter made bit escape in truly western lash- ion, drawing revolver from soma place of concealment and aiming it straight st Mr. Burns' bead with repeated threats to kill, while scores of people looked on aa though paralysed and made no effort to help the officer or to call police aid. In this manner Puter backed slowly away from bis unwel come companion and, before many had realized just what it all meant, be bad turned the corner of Massachusetts ave nue snd disappeared ffom view. Burns followed, but the crowd closed in about bim and, although, tie ssw bis man turn down Falmouth street, he dared not use bis own gun. Hermsnn Trial April 18. Washington, March 27. Representa tive Binger Hermann will be placed on trial in the Supreme court for tbe Dis trict of Columbia on MondayApril 16. This order ws made by Judge Gould today, on motion of District Attorney Baker. Mr. Baker first asked that the trial be set for April 9, bot II. P. Gat- lev, one of Hermann's attorneys, stated tbat A. 8. Worthington, who will direct the defense, will be unable to appear in court on that date. One week later was then sgreed to. Tbe trial will be for destroying 35 letterpress books. Floods in Southern California. Ban Francisco, March 27. The storm which hss prevailed over California during tbe past few days was phenom enal In character, bnt normal condi tions are being restored. Rain con tinned to fall today throaghout South ern California, and the streams in all parts of the state are rising, tbe volume of water being swelled by tbe precipi tation from tb storm and from the rapid melting of snows In the Sierras. Flooda have occurred in several sections. Much damage has beed don and more is expected. Wrsngal in Ashes, Tacome, March 27. A special to tb Ledger eays: Fort Wrangel, Alaska, was entirely destroyed by a fir that started in tbe barber shop of tbe Pion eer hotel late Saturday night. Tb en tire town was wiped out, with the ex ception of a dock and on store belong ing to Robert Reld. Thirty-eight bouses, which composed tb town' res idence district, were burned to tb ground. Wrsngel hat population of 400 persons. Great Blaze at Newport. Newport, R. I., March 27. Fire early today destroyed the Fall River line steamer Plymouth at the lay at her lock here, tb north pier of tha freight bed and hoisting apparatus adjoining, and damaged the freight atesmer City of Lowell. Lostf about $1,000,000. j BLOOD .. ..j.. i.a Mood purifier and tonic or so eases of every character as S. li m!3 Purifiers." and nd possessmg toinc proiwrucs tuai " k j J.3t "'Zr., ::i i kin aVUfJ - .- tht XrS of the nauseating edecu fhJsSwml mixtures and concoctions offered as blood purifiers. : fSS. ffl"hriSv is dependent ou the blood for uourishmen and strength, it it necessary thi!tPthiS vital fluid' be kept free from germs and poisons. So long as it remain, uncontatninated we are fortified against dis- 0tBtJWM.B i 8, u ,ud ,. . r,mMy ,.,, ,iaw ease, and health is assured ; but any impurity, homi i,ubav uua and aiway louna u what tti " 1 . . , .(.. li kn,.ii.hl nlaanaaa Iba aeatam iu humor or poison acts injuriously m , - - ,.,u.. t-pw.. ,6. tern and affects the gcueral Iieaitu. i us- and bnd p tas gri keaith. i v iiv.n t0 fcy tular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the i rr . -1T. rlwMu ilnf t1i mnntl uiuercui skih isiiitiivdis pn. is in a feverish aud diseased ... t i . 1 result ot too mucn aciu or tc jucaruv. vs some irritating humor. Smcs and Ulcers are the result of morbid, unhealthy matter m the blood and Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood roisou etc., are all dccp-scated blood'disorders that continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains. But alt blood diseases arc not acquired; some persons are boru with an hereditary taint ia the blood aud we see this great affliction manifested iu uiauy ways. The skin has a waxy, pallid appearance, the eyes are often weak, glands of the ueck enlarged, and as tie taint has beeu iu the blood since birth the entire health is usually affected. In all blood troubles S. S. S. has proved itself a perfect remedy and has well earned the title of "KING OF BLOOD PURIFIERS." It goes down into the circulation and removes all poisons, humors, waste or foreign matter, aud makes this stream of life pure and health- rO rSJ PU RELY VEGETABLE iXtsCULuailsiiUf vaa si ,v am.s ivivvi! waviu Diseases, Scrofula, Contagious BIchhI Poison and all other blood troubles are cured pcrrus nently by S. S. S., and so thorough is the cleausing of the blood that no trace of the dis ease is left to break out in future vears or to be trausmitted to offspring. If you are ia need of a blood purifier get "TIIIv KING" of them all. S. S. S. and good results are assured. Book ou the blood aud any medical advice desired furnished without charge to all who write. r swtFTSPClno COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. Trot. Georft Howlsos of tb depart - meat of philosophy of th UniTertil of California has declsrej hit belief la Itn mortality for aalmtls. THE EXTERNAL USE OP i! St. Jacobs Oil la th short, sure, stay curs for Rheumatism and Neuralgia To Get More Strength from Your Food LOTS of people ar Jrvlr, with a full stomach. You know, It't not how much we Eat, but how we Dteal that makes us Strong, or Brainy, or Successful. When the Bowels are filled with undi gested food we may be a jreat deal worse off thin If wo were half tiarved for want of Food. Because, food that stays too Ion; In tha Bowels decays there, just its' If It stayed loo long in 'the open air. Well, when food decays In the Bowels, through delated and overdue action, what happens f The millions of little Suction Pumps that line the Dowels and Intestines then draw Poison from the decayed Food, Instead-ol the Nourishment they were intended to draw. This Poison gets Into the blood snd. In time, spreads all over Ihe body, unless tha Cause of Constipation ia promptly removed. That Cause of Constipation Is Weak, or Lazy, Bowel Muscles. When your Bowel-Muscles grow flabby Ihey need Eserclse to strengthen them not " Physio" to pamper them. There'e only one kind of Artificial Exercise for the Bowel-Muscles. Iu nam ls"CASCARETS,"and lis pries Is Ten Cents s boa. Cascareta act like Eserclse on the Muscles of the Bowels, and maks them stronger every time they force these Muscles fo act naturally. Ths stronger these Muscles propel the food, ths stronger does the friction of the lood act on the flow of Digestive" Juices. Th more of these Juices that set on food, the more Nutriment does that food lurn Into, and the richer nourishment do the little Suction Pumps of tha Intestines draw out of It, SILVER Um. W. a. l fiMenilmeta silver fllllt,. Is werea.1, ,.,!,,, JMl some -lenilais n.e th, maiesi "wilts the m st ,r..nt t, Jhem.elve. Yuti hsr, t., 1, ,', otillst. Why um i i.i. h., (,.v l,,,,,.K,,,,,m,i';: WISE BROTHERS DfNTISTS Cor, Third and Washlnaion Sis. wJ.-r 77, ...... u v 10 ,i C -eTfrer; !ven' smell. T rcliubla u j S. o. JT the secret of . . ,u.tral i..BreJient ol Kan . a . t A . 1 elalmed to be. ohtklres with toe rasulu. II promptly restores th apna. lit and clear th akla f all eroptiont. It Is a very 1st blood lonlo aad ha mf heart adormat. 1H H. Via Ht.t Lebaaot, Pa. P. It. THOMN0N, condition as a ...... .. tj 5UMlf UIU; siwiwiug ivavuva iumvi wtSrVU troubles like 6. t. of the taint, purifies and strengthens the weak, deteriorated bltxxl. healthful properties it needs aud establishes the f.Minil it ion fur cfttxl health. Ai s tunic lliit great medicine has especially bracing T t t fsf ' Tb 1J bos lit compartment ear ta l'rnrh rsilwnte sr beitif fr!utlly 4l . p!si-ej bjr reetiliuUJ ears of s BMre saoj 'ara tip. It penetrates to the teal cf torture, and reitaf promptly follow. I'rlie, 2!S. aud fOc. s It needs only one Cascaret st a Itm to stimulate ail th bowel Muscles enough, without purging, discomfort or tt of nutrition. So, If you want tht asms natural action that a sis-mil walk In the country would give you. (without Ihe wtarlncaa) take one Caacarel at a lime, wlthlniarvaia between, till you reach lit tiacl condi tion you deslrt. see One Cascaret al a time will properly cleanae a foul Breath, or Coaled Tongue, thus proving clearly Iu ready, steady, 'iraj bul m" nd sllectlvt action. A coming Headache can be warded off, In short order, by a tingle Cascertl, and Ilia cause removed. Heartburn, Ca belching, Acld-rlalng In the throat, and Colicky leolii.g art sure signs of Bowol trouble from food poisons, and should be dealt with prompily, On Cascaret will slop the coming trouble, move on the Bowel load, and fre the Digestive Juices, If that one Caacarel It taken as soon as the first alrnt ara noticed. - " s e Don'l fall to carry the Vest Pocket Cascaret Bo wiih you constantly." All Druggists sell " thom-ovar ten million boses a year, for ail yean paat. Bo very caretul to get the genuine! made only by the Sterling Remedy Corn pany and never told In bulk. Evtry Ublet ttamped "CCC." " rr rR to our rmtNDii FILINGS OH. f. f. WI4C. il...., . rwiiahlcavry pair l shoe is mm-,r I woaM reallie why W. L. Kouele. .l W " . ; - u mmk. h ,n E,M tkrlr shses, JfZT. !" ' ' Uf. and ar. 'w r.'mJbA rsk'aMiii.B nyatrwr.I.SO.ho ft V'a 4 , a -T.3 C7JM ' tt- ty M-t ...i,. an to Mrsnee or umsp b.; t removes every particle and supplies it with the no equal, and it will be found to weak, anaemic persons. ta Cira fll V fl TTljaa C1,M ft., Mm f4a laea, ferte aswa fus.m ;i rya a a. s.. r. JI iioi:oiiauoima I-4, IViUaaa Ota BAGS! HAVE YOU EVIR UStD BEMIS BAGS? e il at tr are plee4 en foul net I enl W ar Maaate,ctttrn SB lasn.it lets af WOOL BAGS Wheat Ilag. Oat Bag, Barley P(t Hour Hagt, Hop ( lolli, Or forks sad llurlap of All Kind. latof llurlap and Cotton Maoufat lureJ by ut. BEMIS BRO. BAG COMPANY, 1S0M3I4 Color at Stmt. scAnic, wash. W. L. Douglas a&sHOEsa W. t. OoukU t4.oo Cllt Idg Lln cannot t quallsxl at anyprlc. aa sin,.. 1a 0(, s.lUtllute. Ji'we lllioul hla nam ami t.rl... stamel on ln.iti'ia; tajt VolM ttfl.e unl , tee Mil net ' '' Writ fur I llo.tr. tl Catnloif. W. I. )Ol (;LA. Ilrtwatou, ' P. N. U. New U- IU,UUU tisr tail tlsltiMst. H I caul tab rmi Into ear three lata lacleriei al Hrexhtua, Mas., and shew yuu Ths tnl Wiir.H wrltlr., toertrtlrsple aa. 22mmmmm