1 ,tWJ'''& '&JfWWft''?4jirf'& f I LOCAL ! iii a.-'. Horn, to lw H C. Otwrlnou, ol 8t. Helen., a ! Mr. RudolpU ICpi1er, ol Yankton, vis ited M. Melew Turttlay on limine... Itr. (!., ol Rainier, wa. a visitor Ui BcUiwl report rar4 Hit very ! lorm HV, Kemp called Monday to report tlial K0" P""- " ,""e 10 ' iu out the debt en tlw M. R. rtiutrb. Merlin of Wulta Tine and Tar, the old reliable cougu rnicny. r 7 lieuilHK.'KKtrt. license haa trn iMuril to Addle M. IHmii nd J"""4 W""' nicr, Hlicrlfl Wlille wm attendlm the mm ,rs' convention In Portland during the tall Srrek. Mr. J. I. Graham, ol MartliUitai, wa. a visitor to llw couuly sent on nolurf dy. Cook Btovk rem 81. ClIKAP-A I eond hand cook stove ml two I'WI jointi oi pit fc w,y ch gain lor anyone wanting ovt A Ur C.11 at (III! oilW IOI fttIoii. Mr. 8. ltenton, ol the tensou IkkIK Co, (In lact, he". It), wm vlWW to Uie rounly ct on Wednesday l.st. Juilu J. D. Mone, ol Rainier, wm a visitor to tu county wsat on Tuculay lat. Mr. I. A. Uwa li vUitiug hi. nephew. Assessor Law, ol thi. city. It I rausbly sttm that St. Helena in to have a banking Initilnilon In the near IlltUt. roa SALB-l'uw bred Blark Minorca -K-Verela, Northrop strain, Iroin nitt , mnltiK Hrd.. Hot particular. call on or Mi J A. Wtkstroui, Yankton. Or. Mr. J. I. U. Uo iriK.ol Rainier. visited - I "lMcu on TueadayUat lor the pur rs: ol attending the K. V. IodK- Mr. and Mr.. Water visited 81. John last I'riduy lr the pwrnoaa ol purchasing nuic real estate Ui lbt ra.idly growing town. .AINTISU, Tapnilog '! Frtacolng. Ksliniatre given In. Inquire M- C. aJray lor larlUr partlrtulara. Ht. Helen. IHVt 1'unr.ltT iT-IWar in mind that tuerewill be lket toctal and enter t.iauient gin on January SWh, lor the UneCt ol the M. K. church. Remember 1U date and don t lorgcl to Mng your , ecttook. AU who attend are guaran teed a gM tima. Iook lor lurtber and more definite announcement. A apeclal auvltatioa I e.Udrd to the peofte lloulloti and the neightwring country to tut tn tbi. good work. t luve moory to loan on approved fcil otutc cury. W. II. POWKI.l.. M. Itctrn. (Vcgou. .. . u V ol K r. TiaU. I "e v uuoTO Rainier, i. to give grml ball at tbrir ball i that city on 8atur.ly even ing. Iu.be 30tU. According U their j rmud bill, they p.j" to ke It the irand ev-t ul tlir tnci-1 acn. and we l,ve no doubt tliey will wceecd. A gud attendance Iroui St. Hlen i e jwotcd. Vortf.vrly Al.,nd bach routea untie tnoitev 11 J"" : bat yo p l..r. I'rt'frrnM HtoiB good can not l errillua. Tbe blgtiort r te ol baril and -1. .T.... fl,.r. sold umler a Kill. ... - ' , iKKitivn gimiam. ,,f the er best breakbtsl !!. tlusullne. faliii lump, mid uuuierou oilier nrlli'le. r.lltWo k ....l,lv u t' CKAY. St. Helen. r Mr. and Mr, r. r. YoimRer, lren. Mm, W. H. I'owell. ci,v' ana humbler Nor, visited Mr. and Mr. Vow til Monday. Tbey have heretofore been resident, oi Pendleton, but have sold out their interest there to move to Annele, California. They departed lor their new home Tuesday. Mr. 1'owell (wcomjoiuyitiii them to Portland. Violin, and all .triiiRed instrument repaired bv me. All worn AddreiHi meat St. Helen. .Odec) CrSHKOM.1!. HaM-uun Stah Ohickm--Mipah ClMjiter, 0. 1?. H.. t It recent naclln((, elected tba lolIowiii officers! Worthy Matron, I rance M. John; Worthy tnm, Andrew KliiR! Aax-Ile Mntrou, KaraU H. Quick: Secrctnry. Irene M. Do ; Treasurer. K. H. Quick ! Conduct re... Suele B. Dlllardi Associate Con duclrcw. Rhoda McKay. vt ti-irv on Work Mr. John McKay lnlonii u he ha plenty ol work to keep Ihe St. Helen tone ijuarric mi7 ior tone time. About 300,000 block, arc to I not out here, and ulwut the same num ber to be recut in Portland. Quite a " A.rca ol men I now at work In the quarry lust north ol town and more art) wantcit win. the onenliw ol the salmon ncasoli, tlielmildiuK ol the new mill and court house, St. Helen will be one of the bus iest point on tbe river lit couihik on. FREE' Till p!' Kvt away with one vear' ubcrip- tlou, paid In advauce, FRl'.K EIGHT PHOTO ORAPHIC VIEWS (She 8x10 Inches) Ol the principal biiildlnn nt the Uwi and Clark Centennial. Old mbucrilier may ecur tbite banilsoinc Souvenir by paying all arrcaragee and OKI YEAR IN ADVANCE 1W. Morrl, ol Portland, brothrr ol Mr, Tlioniu MorrU ol Ualaier, wiu Ht. Helen vliilor on Monday laat. The pro lewor I one ol the leading plucnologlit ol till country and a man ol extenaiva rending. Juit at prcucnt be i an earuent oppoueut o' the priwUce ol vaccination, elirvlng tliat It I both uaeleaaaud ln)ur lou. Mia Catherine Lawlrr, ! Portluiid, la trying to limn a claa ol pupil In vocal niuiU: In Ht. Helen. Mr. Jowph May gave a reception lor her benefit lat Tuea day night, at which the lady demon tinted her ability a a vocalUt, and de lighted her lUtencr by rendering a nuui bur ol Kiiular and operatic election. 111m l.awlct wm alted iu her program by our local tuuklclan, the Mine liart and liattaii. Kainikr Ohchkt Damck The nicnibcr ol the Rainier Orcheatra are go ing to give a grand Clirlntuia Ilall at Rainier on Saturday evening, December 2M. The boy liave Iwen to liberal in giving tbcJr ctvic to other that they are entitled to the patronage ol all lover ol good iuulc and dancing, and we Iwvc no doubt the hull will be well filled. It it a urc thing that thoae who attend will have a very euoyable time, A Iral-cla dipper will be provi'k'd. NuMUHut'S TKANUPKHit -There liave been over twelve hundred tramtrr ol real ntate iu tbi county during the pat year, many ol them being nibdivuioiito! Urge bait, thu greatly iucreaiing the population ol thi county, m well a it produrtivene. Many ol them arc alo timber laud tranaactinn, the timber In nitxt cae panaiug lou tba owumabip H pecubjiora Into the baud ol logger and mill men, who will uc it a toon a the itualion ulific. MasoXic I.oix;k Owick St. Hel en IKlge No. 32, A. F. and A. !., at it lectia Jield Dec. 10, 1W, lor neat year, i bote the lollowlng officer: Elective officer-V. II. Powell, W. M.; V. W. Clark, S. W.J Andrew King. . W.; Jaine Dart, Treanurer; 1'.. K. jiuii k, Sec retary; appointive oOii-er A I). Hola- day, S. I).; Kdwin Roa, J. U.; t'harle Muckle, S. S.; John King, J. 8.; WmIi ington Mmcklc. Tyler. Joint inrtallation ol the olllcerol No.S2 and Mixpah Chap ter, !Ctern Star, will take place St. John live., Jauuary ?7th. Scii(XL Kntkhtaimmkst The lollow ing program will be rendcreil at the St. Helen public achool tbi (Friday) alter- noon: Song oy acnooi; reciiai, 1 1111 Ilattan; aong. Hilda Clid. Suie Ketcl, Suae Cloninger, Jeie Cade. Ruth Hen- denon; recital, Harvey ilkim; "One V Little Boy a Chanco," by three boy; aulo, Ion Wilkin; recital. Alice Rich- ardson : recital, Pearl Itoy ; ong. even eirl: ireograpby lesson by eight boys; song, "Holy Night." si girls; recital. Oswald Denting i reiital. Jessie Cade; instruuicnt.it music, Dcssie HatUn ; re cital, Nellie Law ; ug by scliool. VERNON I A 1TKMS. H. A. Shrely ba lieen quite ti.k the the tva wrk. Robert Spencer i oa couvslcKt-ut list. 1 A. Soule and wife, ol Tiety Hill, vis ited tbeir daughter, Mr. C. A. Maliitsteii. nd Iriends iu Veiuouiu over huiulay. Cisprr Wilson and wife, ol Mist, were up ralurduy lal to sec Ir. HatfieH pro- leuionally. J. C. Coulter had a shooting match lor Keesc last Satunlay. Besides Die Christmas dinner and en tertainment to lie civen by tbe Granite on Christmas day and evening, there will be a auniber ol tree and gathering at private bouse in thi vicinity. Quarterly meetinn will 1 held at the church net Hunday. The buiines meet iti ill take place at 2 p. tn. Satunlay. I'rracbing Sunday moruiit and evening. : Several ol our cilin liave recently receivel new scrmnitor nud are now iiicuiW ol Ihe llanlewouil family, vit.: Oscar I.indatrom, Kd Webster, Wilbttru 1111. and C. C. Kcasy. Clio. Herucr- m'i is on its way Iroin Cbici0. and lie, ; ". . ..ill noon be in rue Dusmesa. am. T. M. North, ol Kist, h also oracrcu a tcar4tor. Miss Ada Pisber, ol Mist, i visiliiifi her istcr, Mrs. Hatlic Wilkin, at A. Kiumnns'a. She will remain until Mr. Kiiimon ha her vacation, when the two will spend the holiday with the home folk.. There bat been quite a lot of work done on tbe new route from the foot ol me Ilradeii hill north to Bridge street in the uav of blttstiiiK stump nd rolling log, but Ihere is much more yet to do before it is ready to turn over to the county. Recent letter Imm partic living at Hillslxiro state that K. I.ytle ha ISO men ami 1(1 team i wois un : w headed lor the Nehaletil, and that a mile ol track is laid nnd an engine i already operating on it. Thi look like business. The cream checks from the uiamigcr ol the Hutlewood coui(wuy have been flying around here pretty lively the past week. One ol our merchant tells us that more than 200 wa sent to dairymen in thi immediate vicinity last month, and there will be more next month. One thing thi nierchaut observe in hi buinea it that he I not carrying any dairymen an hi book these dtiy, and they buy more good, too, than In former year. Tbi speak lor itaell, nd recommend the busiiies to other ol our luriuer. 1), W. Kcasy went out to l'orcat Grove Tuesday alter a load of merchandise. R. R. Tbroop went to ClaUkailic thi week ...,! lirinir in a load ol merchandise lor hi atore. It eui like our nicr cbanls get away with lot ol goods these dy. Soma day St. Helen will lie consid rd one ol tbe auburn ol Portland. The water Iront will be occupied by man- ! nurturing instlUttlons ami tne ouoice building He here and at Columbia City I will be ndornud by the roildcticea ot I Portlnnd'e wenltby clti.eu. IIUNTINO ACCIUKNT. Itobnrt Honimel, Jr, Killed on tun day, on Wnuvln'a Inland. Robert Rommel. Jr., aged 22 year, ton ol Robert Rommel, proprietor ol a luel and Iced (tore at 675 Vancouver avenue, Pol Hutu, met with lulul accident early Sunday morning while gunning on Sauv ie laland, Iroui the effect ol which he expired at 0;M Sunday evening. It appear that Saturday afternoon young Rommel, accompanied by hi lather nd R. P. Knight, a local grain broker, went down to Smith' Landing on tkc hunting boat America lor a day' duck thooting, and at daybreak proceeded to act their decoy and arrange lor the port. The elder Rommel and Knight Jointly occupied one blind, while the young nun wa alone iu another a ihort dUtnnce way. About 7:13 a. in. a muf fled fraud attracted the attention ol ! l-;.1. 1,1,.. In llilnV lllril v-". "R ... .'W"- - body liod diwliarged a defective ihell. Thi noiiie wa accompanied a lew mo ment later by an outcry from young Roitimel, who exclaimed that be wa hot. The two men hurried to hi it ance and lound him atretched out on the bottom ol the blind with tbe blood pour ing from a gluutly wound in bil right tide and tattering the tnot interne agony. Inveitigation developed that the Marlin repeating ihotgun used by young Rom mel hail dipped from a log, earning the weapon to discharge, tbe niuule reating agalnat tbe abdomen, tbe lull charge ol No, 0 ihot paaaing directly through tbe young iuiiu' body, levering aeveral ol tba Intcttinet, and cuustug them to pro trude. With the aid ol two other huuter, the injured nun wm taken aero the take in a rowboat and Knight, although badly bundicapped with a pair ol heavy rubber hoot, ran all the way to a farmer's houe, two mile distant, and procured a wagon, in which Rommel wm carried to tbe itcainer landing, one oi tbe men having in the meantime gone on ahead and held the boat until the party arrived. Reaching Portland at 11 :30 a.m., young Rommel wa taken to the Good Samari tan Hoapital and Pf. Rockey ummoned. Aneatbctleiwere administered nd every thing powiWe done to relieve hi witter ing, but there wa no hope lor recovery. Deceased i urvived by bit lather and mother, milling at 244 Scllwood treet, an older brother, who it a clerk in tbe postoflice and who live at 388 Stanton ttreet, and a married sister, all oi whom were present when lie pasted away. r'nrlona Fighting 'For seven year," write Geo. W.HoB- man, ol uarper, an., 1 nan umer battle with chronic atoinach and liver trouble, but at huit I won, and cured my t iiiaeasva, vj vm .,.. I'linhMiiatiiiirlv reeoiniiieiid them to all and don't intend in the lutiira to lie witliout them in the tiouso. They are certainly a wonderful medicine, to have cured (ueli a bad case a mine." Sold, under guarantee to do the ame lor you, by Perry & lirabani, lloultun, at oUc a bottle. Try them today. r 1 UAI.NIKK Mr. T. N. Ryckmau. who ha been a resident of Rainier lor the past twelve years, wa found dead in his bed last Thursday morning. The deceased was eventv war ol aue. He leave two children Mrs. Minnie James and Harry ttv-uian. The rrtnains were taken to j Knapp lor burial. There re two schooners, the Aurora and Prcrr. loading lumbcrupat Keed's mill. Owen Sims, the six-year-old son of Mr. O. Sims, wns run over by a wagon list Saturday, Mrs. Ilotsupple slipped and sprained her ankle last Wednesday. Mis Alice Perry went to St. Helen to visit Mis Daisy Watkin. Mis I.eila Muckle, who has been in St Helen lor tbe past month, is home visit ing her parents. Mr. V. D. Tumcson went to Portland ou a short visit last Satunlay. A SNAP lfiO acre of laud near Helena, in tbe friiio lleswr vallev (or tlOOO! Ol the l0crc. Oaie cleared and there i a Aon nivhnnl n( ailllle. DCRr. clltTrV and orune trees. There in a good ix room home on the placo and a well ol line water that never goo dry. For anyone that want to buy iu tbia county this a simp. For pnrtictulars Inquire nt tbi office. Old paper lor sale, cheap, office. FRANK KLAOG, Hvcnitig Telegram. at this Agent Torturea of a 1'reaolier Tl... nt ll.a (nrtlll-a ot Rov. 0. H Moore, pastor ol the Baptist church ol HarpersvilUi, . Y., will Interest you. He ayi: "I suil'ered agonies, liecauae of . .u.ruislRnt' oouirh. roiilting Iroui the grip. I hud to sleep sitting up in bed 7 n,,i, mnimlie without relief. un til I took Dr. King's New Discovery (or Consumption, Coughs and Uld, which rntirelv cured my cough nnd saved me Iroui consuinntion." A grand cure lor diseased condition ot thront and lungs. At Perry A lirahain's. Houlton. Price 60u and 1, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Sawed Steel Paint I sbsspi se issl vsrlni Isn't- Cheao sensrsiors sr aslnied ss prelif ss tht Look Isilas the LI. S. Scpriof sad ou'll sm it's wtll built. Relief thaa thai, It's Tg mads to siand lha waar far- sis iIr.ua on mJ JernM. Will UVr lur tailalaKUS and oraatn in i.tiim.... aklin mltSr pwiuithlet. GUIDE TO ALL BLRCTIONM. Prepared by ilia Oregon Secretary of State. " Secretary ol State Dunbar and Attor-ney-tieuerul Crawford have examined the election law and computed the time within which petition mud be filed, no tice given, and other bu vines conducted in preparation lor the election. It will be teen tlmt the campaign ol 1000 really begin during the last week in December ol this year, when initiative petition mud be filed ii the promoter duire to file pamphlet in lupport ol the proposed measure. The pamphlet must be brought to the office ol Secretary ol State Dunbar by December 30. II the promot er ol measures do not desire to file pamphlet, they will liave until February 3 to file petition. It should also be explained that peti tions lor nomination lor district office, such a Circuit Judge, District Attorney, joint Seuatorand joint Representative, must be Hied in the office of tbe Secretary ol State, and not in the offices ol County Clerk, and the date governing nomina tion lor State offices are applicable. ' The following it contain all the date ol in terest to the voter and the candidate lor office: Registration , Registration books opened by County Clerk Tuesday, January 2. Registration books closed for primary election April 10, 6 p. m. Registration book opened after pri mary election April 25. Registration book closed lor general election May 15, 5 p. m. Initiative petitions Number of signers required to initiate laws or amendments, 74H!. Iast day (or filing initiative petitions, February 3. Last day (or filing pamphlets advocat ing measures, December 30, lUOi. Last day (or filing pamphlet opposing measures, February 6. Direct primary dectiou County Clerks give notice ol primary election not later than March 21. I.ust day (or filing petitions for placing names on ballot lor State, Congressional and district offices, March 30. Last day lor filing petition lor county office, April 1. Date of primary election, April 20. Canvassing vote ol primary election lor State office, May S. General election Ijt-t day (or filing certificate ol nomi nation lor State office by assembly of elector, April 19. LmI day lor filing nominating petitions for State offices, May 4. Last day lor filing certificate of nomi nation lot county office by assembly oi electors, May 4. La-t day lor filing nominating petitions for county offices. May General election, June 4. ' ' In Mad Chaee Million rush in mad cdaso alter health, from one extreme of faddism to another, when if they would only eat good food and keep tbeir bowels regular with Dr. King' New Life I'ille, tbeir trouble would all pas away. Prompt relic! and quick cure (or liver and stom ach trouble, 25c at Perry &. Graham', lloultun. For tbe Housekeeper, Salt (lab ot any kind is quickest and bed freshened by soaking in sour milk. Pry the potato peelings, and by usiug these vou can light a tire with about (our pieces ol firewood. drapes and raisins aro nourishing and fattening, and apples eaten daily insure clear, bright complexious. Powdered charcoal is tbe best remedy for a superficial burn. If laid thickly on the injured part immediately it will take uwav the pain and heal tbe burn very rapidly. Oil of red cedar, used to moisten cot ton batting, is a good preventive ot moths. Just a squeeze of lemon juice added to sauces, touiis. gravies or stews alter cooking brings out tbe flavor wonder fully and is a great inipiovement. A lump ol camphor in your wardrobe will keep steel buttons and ornaments from turnisHng. v A Fearful Kale It is a (earful fnte to hove to endure tbe terrible torture of pile. "lean truth fully tav," writes Heury Colson, ol Ma' sonville. Ia., "that (or Wind, Weeding, Itching and Protruding Tiles, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is tbe lwet cure made." Al so boat (or cuts, burns end injuries. 25c at Perry & (irnham'. Houlton. H. riORQUS 5T. HELENS Carries a Complete Line ol Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods In luct, everything usually kept in a first class Gencrul Merchandise Store. My nrice will 1 found as reasonable ns any store in Columbia County. Your trade solicited. Jnst as L' CtHf ETVT A LWtte Better. OuuC I I For tbe Same Price For Less Money This Week's Store News : Ladies' Shirt Waists, 67 Styles, 65c to $9.50 Each Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, fit guaranteed, $7. 50 up Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Jackets, Capes, Furs, Etc. Kimonas, Wrappers, Petticoats, Undermuslins. Biggest Selection Ever shown. LATEST CREATIONS W MIL LINE It Y""'16 HAT8 CAPS Hen and Boys' Suits and Trowsers, Overcoats and Rain Coais $15 Men'f Suits Only $12.15. All Wool Trowsers from $2.50 to $8.56 Bargains. $12.50 and $14.0 Overcoats. $10.65 takes 'em. SHOES, HATS, CAPS We have closed a contract with tbe larlest factory in the country and will fell $3.00 shoes for 2.75; $275 shoes for 2.50; $2.50 shoes for 1.90; Men's $4.00 shoes for 3.65; Loggers' $6.00 shoes for 5.50; Loggers' $5.50 shoes for $5.00; Boys' $2.25 shoes for 1.85; Misses' $2.00 shoes 1.75; Children's $1.50 shoes 1.25. JUST FOR FUN ' Aff -THIS WEEKaf OC THEFAYORWEFBiFSiP&lSftHSdl.OO Peacok Flour $4.75 Barrel . OUU BAILEY your NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT vni;.. u t,nt,r afvon that the anderptffned l,ln,l..lBtnt,..r rt tho KitAtP tit Jacob AloXaUilPf. dn'eaMt, has tiled in the County t'onrt lor Col- umMa countjr, state ot iirrgoii. "r roitnt a aarh ailmlniHralor ot naiii eitaic, and that Friday, the 26ih day of January. 1W. at the hour ol 11 o'cluek a m.. haa befn fljea by all wiirt tu the time lor hearing obj;Uona to said ri'iwrt and the .elUemem tnerroi. Administrator of the Ertale ol Jacob Alexan der, Ueeeaaed. t, UA.lltiPr,l.l "s """"' Attorueya fur AUmiuUlrtitur. SUMMONS In lUe Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for me louiuy oi Ltiitimui. W. A. Simons, J'latntlir, vs. uay otmona, uc To'lhluy 'Simons, defendaut la Ihe above en ... ..... nr tii ,nt nt firfffon Tnu are hetebr required nnd coinnuudetl tonpifsr snu 111 till' num.: ' . ..... ... - answer tne eompiaiut niea ak-iu. entitled suit between now and the wn d.yoiJauuary IS you tor absolute dlvwree, and it yon fail lo an wer between now snd said time, for waul thereof, the plsiiuln will take judgment acaitist vim lor au abaolute dlvorre and the diafolutioit if the marrie now eiiillng betneeu you ami snid nlaititifl. , m ... . This siimmnus Is serveit by publltntlou In mirsuatiee to an ortler maile by the Honorable V. A. McBride. Jtidce of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ort'Kon fur the Count)' of Columbia, dated November 18, laOo. Said onler provides that the first ptibliealiou of this summon!' ahoulil Ix matle on the 'Jilh day of November, lsXi. and that the last publication be msde on the 5in dwelJ.nnary.19U. anWK1L A r-AVIS. Attorneys for Haintlff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The imdentinncd, Frsnk Tsyne. was by an or der of the County Court of Columbia t ouniy. Orewm, duly made sud entereil on the 2lt day of November. n. dulv appointed administra tor of the estate of Ellen T. Payne, deeeiised. All persons haviiiKelalma asuiitrt ald estate are hereby nuiifietl to present Mute to me. duly ver ified, at uy residence at ttoimwoiw, in CwluinU. Coniitv. Orepou. UtANK lAtMS, Aduiiniatiulor ot the estate ol Klleu T. Payne, detvasetl. Dated November 21, WOi. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In Ihe Comity Court of the State of Oreyon for the County of Columbia. lnthe matter ot the etdate of Franeis S.and Chrlallue J, uoerif, uvceaseu. Kotlee ts hereby gtven b.v ihe uudersljtne.1. sdinlnlataator ot the etiilo of rranels N and ClirlUne J. Uoerlir. defeased. tlil he his tiled iu the above eiitilled eourt hi filial ammnt of his adniiuinlratlou ol aid estate, and that the li.... R s. Ilallait. indue of said court, has ap- IHiiuted Friday. December Kid. ut one o el('k p. in., si the time, and ihe coiirthotie at M. Hel ens as Ihe plneo ol hvairiiur aid araouut nnd the settlement "I said administration: at whleh lime and place any pereoii Inteiested m.iy u pear and rile objection tu writiiiit lo aald ac count. M- v "lr p Adtnlntslrator ot the etate ol Frattt'ia S. nd ChrislluoJ. tloerlg, deeeowd. NOTICE TO CREDITORS . v...i t. hnrnbe vlven that the nnderaleneit has Wen a.ipoiuted adiniiiUlratrlx of the rtute of Alvah II. I'oweii, ueieaneii, uj " 8 llttltan. Judite of the County Court l Ci-luiii bin Canute, state ot Oreson. Any and all per ilous having claim!) against said estate are l.re by reuulretl lo piosvut the same to ib. verified aonsrillntr to lsw, at my reaidetice at rlttsburK, Oreiron, oral the law union ol W. II. Powell, at M. Helena. OreiiOii, within fix months from the. date hereof. Hated November 9. M . jj j poWEUU WOOL SWEATERS, FANCY COLORS CI I 12 I-2c per Lb. & BRINN Wish you one and al! a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and request you to keep eye on this space.. MENS FIRST Mover Clothing Co., THIRD AND OAK. PORTLAND 31 STORIA & COLUMBIA RIYER II RAILROAD COMPANY, DAILY. STATION DAILY. 84 r. . 7 00 S W t v M M t M ( M OS W 17 10 00 10 OS 10 W 10 SO 4. . IA. St. . oa I.T Portland Ar 11 0 OS SO I . is 45.s: .... l.ubie .... ... Katnlsr .. ... Pyramid.. .... Mavirar... ....Qiilucjr ... ,. Clalkaule. .. Marshlaud. .. Wesiport... .... Clifton... ....Knappa... ... bvenon... ...John Day.. 10W a si : 1 00 7 4 1 64 7 U 7 as 7 " M si -n IT OS U Sit 33 a ii 07 1 6i 7 46 t Si M l 40 M l! a so &'J ij 10 00 4'i.3 1. 10 W.ll IV 1 1 1 10 M 781. 10 67 M.S. 11 03 :l 11 IS W 4 li so w.a 7 M 41 0 t w Ar. Astoria l.v Alt trains ma, closo eonoscllons at llohle with Northern l'acllto tralua to and Irorn tb. Eaitaud aoutid puiuis. si -roruauu i. - ...i. i..r,,,r I7nln danot. At Astoria with I K N. Co.'s boat and rail Hue nud Stiininet t J Vnttar to and irom llnauo and hortli ItMeh nolnta. Paaseniera for Astorls or way points must flat .,.. u n, iinnltnn. Trains will atoo to let pan uugeis oil at Houlton when coining Irom polui weUolOoble. J. U. mT. Oen. Pass. Act.. Astoria Of SEE THE i MIST'S GRAND PRIZE OFFER ON PAGE - CLASS SUITS $10.00 The Best seen. you have ever FABRICS Ln Worsted v Cheviots and Cassimeresu Hand-Worked Button Holes, Hand -Padded Collars, sewm with silk Others say $15 for Equal Qnality. Coie Earlj and Get the PieL WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO. MTABLISHKD W7'2. JOHN A. BECK DKALKRIN A- Watches, Diamonds, Sihenare, ....JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty, IturrlKa St. Bat. Front A First, tOBTLAV. J-jlt H. 11. CLIFF. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ST. IIK1.ES8, OKEGON. D R, EDU'IN BOMI, PHYSICIAN & SUROF' ST. HELENS. owe