The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 15, 1905, Image 1

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it. Ksunra, oiitmc, fbxbay, decembeh 15, iM5.
ira 1.
Ad ApH Paper If
WLftt do you think of tbla offer?
for only
$1.00 A YEAR
Thla oflr l H'ii fur a limited time, only. cnn't toll liw
Iodk nIimII Imvv hu opportunity to itlvo J oil (tin h h Imru'iln, no
don't lely.
MstlouHl AKrlrultiirul Monthly or I lie I Hint on. It KmicIm-n
Asm loilotktnu ! glvi ll render thn iii-tnnl cxitprlt-nt'o of
how. by prugreaalvo metliotU, una limn rulm-il (too ImihIh'N of
orihniiry iiuiMtuea while hi brother on tlio muni m rt'iiu" mlxi'il
a.OOO litialielN of ((Utility 1 how 11 liiriner iit live t i-nta -lru
oa eiuii tloam of lila ku otrr hit It-llovt-liirnifiii; lioiv mint tier
former ( ft tl.OO it imhiikI lor IiIm butter itnil mi-Hn nil be run
maka-nll tlioaa priK'tlciil experience will bo ptilillnlii-tl iiikI
many otkrrw, untl bow you run npply tlio mime niii'ii-mkIiiI
iuelutt to your croim nml your liirm. A crcut big mum lily
yrb'tiUuriil piiirr, with from Mil to l-H e.iliiiiuiN of helpful.
Interesting- reutltiitf by the moat relci.rutrtl ant liorli ion.
It roa ara Inlvmlxt In frail, or hnrtlraltara, nn would Ilk In nanr tram tha
flOrt, J, It. It Al.fc. of nalll OlKtlniihnrv, t'nnti., einl l.amitta, on wltnl lio rau ti
H m lulill, u li I. truly Ilia I'r.AI H KINO IN HUH t ot M il V.
It van ara lntara.tatt In rlalrv .iiblari. inn aanl I" ktiow what I). M. WII.LNON,
I Klsla, III, raa tall you, aa he I. lha l Allll A t TllttttlTV.
It van ara tntarmial la henna ar ha-bmulln( jrtia a mil to know what i'ltor.
A. ., M.ll.t H VJk, at MmlUon, K rail tail you.
If r oa ara lniftt In baa. trni nl to haar frum A, U IIOYIir.N, of Medina,
, ska la aa AtTltnU 1 1 V us llt.fca.
If roa ara Ialar.la4 la aorn yna want to haar treat lHr. ! O. IIOI.IIKN, of
iaa, la- wba I. Irolv Ilia liiHn Klu.
If it. ara tnlaraalarf In linrllraliura
CBAIU, of Ilia At. lilt I I.TIHAI. t t.l.l.M.fc or t HUM H I. I NIVMIMI t.
If a ara Inlaraala la (anrral aarlrnlliira nn want lo hear front Ilia HON. V.
D. OOIIUUH, aaoralarr f ' liV.rAllTMKKT Of Al.tlll 1)1 -TIIIIK, Trba, Han.
' f raa ara lnlr.lH In uonllrr tn want In haar from T. K. Olllt, Hcrlrj of
Ik A M Mil AN I Ol 1.1 lit Al( I ATHIN, llMt.r, l a.
If an ara lniara.ia.1 la (moral afrlvaliura fan will want lo haar from CIKOIIOB
M. Will f AHUM, ol tloalou, MaM.
If na ara Inirroaia,! In lira .loch la gaaaral iu want to haar from COL
OBAHI.M r. HI I. Us ol korlngflrl.l. III.
If oa ara lalaraatMl In (anUalnf or aaail. yoa will want to haar from IIKNBT, of ahauaaooah, la.
If f aa ara In l. .!.!. la anil Parrhrrnn hnl oa will nanl to hrar
traal At-t-.a AKIIKUtlAl llllAITII.of J...Mtlll..l... TIIK I.KAI.r.K IN Ilia I IMS.
If r-a ara Inlaraia4 la trk raUlaa nn will want to hrar front II. Vflaf, of
Walflt, MlioHa l.laoit, 1 II K MAN Willi AI.W A HAIar.N Hit. l llr.all.KN I It
"Till-: Kl'KAL UOMi: l nil ol.l rntitbUabotl i.url ulluiul
monthly, anil now biut ft t'lrrubitlon of ntMI.OOO t'oitlc fnili
laautt. Mid IntrntU to mill miiny thoiiitiiiitU morn by nifitiia of
tblit ftrratiKdmerit wl It Till-: OltrtioS MIHT. oner
U oMn to i:Vi:itYtNi: j both ultl nml new milmrrlbfra nrt
urrtt to nrcrpt It. Kentl one dollar nml inentloii thin ofler
until you em have T1IK MKTKOIMIMTAV AND Hi lt. I,
IIOMK without uddltlonitl eo.t. Hciitl to-dny. AdtlrcNH Till:
OUKOON MIHT, St. Hcleu Ore.
He will
Tell p
That the
Ask the
Elect ric I ighted,
is tin? nifk Train
of Them All for
Comfort and Kle-
The Ticket Office t I'ortUixl lt
255 Morrison, Cor. 3d, Portland
tninlant Qintrol
Pautngtr Mgtnt
Abstract and Trust Co.
Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Non-Rcsidcut
Taxes Paid, Real Estate, Loaus, Etc.
Till? XffarfiM B1KI.E, Mndol .M enlll.m, li the bunt
IH nmile fr etnrmlimllnK pi it"l tiirniciitii n Unit a P"".
rau. w oii'ela. wmiildmrku, 5lo alai for a coniiwiiilon on ymir -a.
m lit' u P, wnil.lnlnittl..Wpi'l't ol tl.o ol,l li...r..lo-lim.ll.iK
nil YrSnl ll wllhlhoconvmilciioa il ni.M lire of lliniu.-tln, .rov
51 repeater, ll U m, conatrticto.l that llieMine rllli. imkii the follow.
W eirlrlcliteii: Jfl nhorUml lonfrrlm-tl, .!!. Hhort ami liiiiRoeiiter
(Ira, ami III the only repeutur niaile ualug rliu-llro cartridge, lurger
" Thi;iil.wt rlrirlilitei ere iut the thliiU fnr e.imll pnme while the
Innil "no. Mil fair aim aUy. On the Unit UUUU oartrliluei
limul yon hnre lavwl the cont of a Marin .
New Zffarin (ilnl'"t n" l our l':xwrlneoHook that'tclll What
Mmrttnm aro uoni me v i:,
tt wil l ow nr..
a want In tianr from I'ltor. JOHN
KoL 60 YtARS
' A Tii
Traok Marks
CoPVRioHTti Aa
Anrnn Mwllfttf kvtrri mn4 dMrcriiMinn may
ntrbir M4riftiii our itiiuii U fithr va
li(Hwirnn,rin)i.iio.itiiii.i. artftnunuim w 1
MHlt , 4UlMl (fltlH"f U't fX-Utilt t-tttomtt.
mii ImMvtt llirtiuitH Muitn A lo. rclT
Scientific Jlinericati.
A kald"nIT lllaMrainl a.klr. I rral Mr.
rullln ! rrwiliair IxtirMal, lrni.. 9 a
...n n k.,l. niM li all n.all.ri
.ail 0m i r at. Wukiuaioa. ftl
Willamett Slougb Rontc
Iv Ht. Helen. . .. :80 A M
Arrive at I'orlland. .10:80 A M
Iavl'ortlnl 1:80 I'M
ArrU. aim. Ilelem. 6:00 P M
rAMK o csnra.
Will Carry Nollilnf ut Pa.t.n
gar. and K.t Fr.ight.
JIJIH OtlOO, ma.har.
r ""i r
h a Condensed form for Our
Busy Readers.
A Raauma of tha Lata Important but
Not Lata Intaraatlng Evanta
of tha Pact Waak.
Anarchy reiirni In tha Raulan Baltic
War Ix-tweonl Pertia and Turkey if
Many Kimlan aiilea ara arriving in
New York.
The lu'.tan liat yielded to all the de
mand) of the powera.
The pope hai Just appriinted lour
American cardinal!.
France ll weary of waiting on Presi
dent Caatro for a aettlenieut.
The Liberal cabinet hai takon office
in London and Koeebeury give, it bis
Witte ia almoet hopeleei of doing
anything to lettte the Kuaalan internal
In the recent wreck on the Union
Pacific in Wyoming $10,000 in gold
a ai liiet by the rip rat company.
The eenale hat confirmed the ap
pointment of John Barrett ae mln'ster
of the United tttatet to Colombia.
Senator Mi-Creary ha a bill provid
ing for unqualified Irae trade hetareen
the United Stale aud the Philippine.
In hi annual report the commieeion-
er of the general land office recommend
that the ollice of receiver of land office
te aholiahed.
Washington anciety claims it i no
longer a secret that Miss Roosevelt is
engaged to Representative Lungwort b.
It is said the wedding will occur una
Dieasniions In the Russian cabinet
A new cordage trust has been formed
in New York.
Four men were killed at Elaabetb.
New Jersey, by coal gas.
3. P. Mnntan and Maori. tea have
formed a tnydicate to control railroad
Ailmiral Dawev declare that the
men of the American navy surpass
those of any other country.
Hn. lor Beveridiie. chairman of the
committee on territories, is confident
that the joint statehood bills will pari
this session.
Tha hattlaabin Idaho has been
lannrhad at Philadelubia. Linise Mar
Onodlna. danahter of tin governor.
christened the vessel.
Tlia faniona Manitou park. 20 mile
wast of Colorado Springs, ha been
given to Colorado college. The park
contain 15,000 acres.
Tha United States srand Inrr at To
peka, Kansas, baa indicted 24 cattle
baron. Three of the Indictment ate
for defrauding the government out of
land and 21 for fencing ptblic domain.
A fnraat flra on Mount Lowe destroy
ed 1200 000 worth of roperty and en
dangered the Lick observatory. At one
time the flame were within 600 feet of
the observatory build'nga.
Hanratar Bonanarte recommends
that tha old frigate Constitution be
destroyed and Boston i up in aim at
the proposal. The secretary calls at
tention to the fact mat none oi tne
original ship is left.
Hitchcock urges reforms in land laws.
Troops iu Manchuria have mutinied
and killed their officers.
The president has ordered a prosecu
tion of the Standard Oil.
French cabinet ministers are accused
of betraying state secrets.
Russian workmen are reserving their
greatest strike till January.
Witte has offered hi resignation to
ihecaar, who refused It, though the
Liberal demand it.
The National Child Labor congraes
call attention in strong terms to the
increase of child labor in the United
The president has removed the Unit
ed States marshal for Nebre.ii for con
nection with land frauds.
Congress will likely pass a law pro
viding for the discharge of government
employes who do not pay their debts.
A conference of 13 college authorities
has appointed a committee to amend
football rules so that foul or brutal
play may be eliminated from tha game.
Miss Kioiovelt has received the
boies containing her presents received
daring her Oriental trip. Full duty
was paid.
General Horace Porter ha written a
letter to Congressman Rainey request
ing him to abandon bis plan for an ap
propriation to reimburse the general
for his eipenses in locating the body of
PaulJone. He suggest any money
oongross may think due hlra be used in
ornamenting the crypt at Annapolis.
The census returns show that Berlin
has a population of 2.033 900.
Porto Rico wants a duty put on coffee
ooming Into this country Irom lorelgi.
An Emergency Appropriation Will Be
Passed In Some Form,
Washington, Dec. 12. The first im
portant measure which will involve the
attention of the senate will be the
Panama canal emergency appropriation
bill, and its consideration will begin
this week. Home senator predict that
it will become a law before tbe close of
the week, hut others have expressed
tbe opinion that final action will be
deferred until the week following.
There will be no effort to prevent the
passage of the bill in some shape, but
there will be some opposition to tbe
proposed restoration of the $5,600,000
subtracted by the house Irom tbe
amount to tie appropriated.
Regardless of tbe sum, tbe bill will
he ned a a basia for the general dis
cussion of the canal question. It is
expected that the debate will deal
la'gely with the question as to whether
the canal shall be constructed on the
sea level. There is some conflict of
opinion as to whether the bill shall be
referred to the com mi It je on appropria
tion or to the committee on interuce
anic canals.
The general expectation i there may
be comparatively little additional legis
lation before the Christmas holidays.
Several other measure will be vigor
ously preseed during the session, but
with the exception of the merchant
marine bill, the sponsors of the bills do
not count upon getting early consider
ation. Benator Gallinger will call up
the merchant ma-ine bill at the first
opportunity and i hopeful that debate
will not be long delayed.
No one counts upon even getting a
report from committees on tbe railroad
rate bill until some time after the holi
days. Tbe three measures mentioned
are considered the most important that
will come before tbe senate this ses
sion, and they will receive much atten
tion until they are finally disposed of.
The coniiileraiion by the senate of
the Joint statehood bill and tt.e bill for
the reduction of tbe duty on Philippine
importations into tbe United State
will neceararily be postponed nntil al
er tha holidays. No one now expects
any effort to modify tbe tariff, nnleaa
in the direction of Senaotr Lodge's bill
providing for a maximnx and mini
mum rate. The Massachusetts senator
regards this proposal with much more
favor and will press it strenuously.
Postmaster General Point Out Cause
of Deficit.
Washington, Dec. 12. Postmaster
General Cnrtelyou. in hi annual re
port for the past fiscal year, says that
while a self-sustaining condition of tbe
postuffke would be gratifying, he is
lees concerned about the deficit than
the efficiency of the administration.
For the flacal year 1906 the total re
ceipts from all sources were $162,826,
6M5, and the total expenditures $167,
31)9,109, leaving a deficit of $14,672,
684. In connection with these figures
the postmaster general directs atten
tion to the increased amount of free
matter handled, which he ays aver
aged 12.68 per cent of the entile weight
raried, or a loss in revenue of $19,822,
000. "Manifestly," be says, "had tbe
matter carried free been required to
have been picpaid, notwithstanding
the large expenditures for the rural
free delivery service, there would have
been no deficit."
Answering some of tbe criticisms
which he says have been directed
against the portal service, the post
master general says that most of it
overlooks the unusual conditions exist
ing in this country, its great extent of
territory and its widely scattered popu
lation. With the introduction o! rural
free delivery as yet unfinished, and
other details of postal development in
complete, he thinks it the part of wis
dom to proceed conservatively until the
present service is more perfected.
Grist of Bills Before House.
Washington, Dec. 12. That there
will be no lark of legislatiove proposals
is indicated by the 6,903 bills which
have already been introduced in tbe
houee since the opening ol this session
Many of there are known a private
bills, affecting only individuial inter
est. The holiday adjournment, it is
believed, will be fixed on as Thursday,
December 21. Leader are disposed to
expedite consideration of the Philippine
tariff hill ana hearings will unuouotea
ly begin as soon a the ways and means
committee has organised.
Rnvrntt All Foreigners.
Dkannli.l Tton 19 A. tha result of
a dispute over a kidnaping case in a
mixed court Between uunese magis
trate and the municipal police, a fight
followed. The Chinese of the city be
oratW BTpitml and held meeting
at which 3,000 merchant declared that
a bayentt on foreign goods be begun at
once and that taxes would not be paid
unless the police inspector concerned
in the dispute are removed forthwith.
The situatioa is serious.
Power Asked to Intercede.
Antwarn. Dec. 12. A group of in
ternational lawyers is endeavoring to
induce the powera to intercede witn tne
Turkish government tn tbe case ol di
aarit .Tor., a Relsian. who was con
amnml to death hv a native court at
rimiBtantinnnle tor alleged participation
in an attempt to assassinate the sultan
in July last.
Mutiny In Penitentiary.
Havana, Deo. 12. The convicts in
the penitentiary mutinied tonight and
a fierce fight between them and the
guards followed, in which two .of the
prisoners were mortally wounded, 18
more or lens seriously wounded and
three of tbe guards slightly injured.
Oregon's Aged Senator Passes
Away Soddenly.
For Mora Than 40 Year a Leading
Figure in Both Oregon and
National Politic.
Portland, Dec. 8 United State
Senator John H. Mitt-bell died in Good
Samaritan hospital early this morning,
following a furious hemorrhage of the
gum which began yeste day and which
the doctors were unable to check.
Excessive loss of blood resulting from
tbe Ion of four teeth yesterday morn
ing made it necessary tbat Senator
Mitchell be removed to Good Samaritan
hospital He sank rapidly. Tbe flow
of blood was not continuously beavy,
but came at interval Tbe lenator
grew weaker after each hemorrhage.
hinallv it waa decided to nae trans
fusion, tha injection of a saline solu
tion into the vein in order to furnish
more fluid fo' the system and to stimu
late circulation. Temporary relief was
obtained in tbat way and tbe patient
waa apparently improved in condition
for a brief time.
For some time Senator Mitchell has
been a sufferer from diabetic trouble,
and this, together with the severe
mental strain which baa been upon
bim for montha past, bave weakened
hi vitality and rendered bi ytera
exceedingly susceptible to any tax
bich is put noon it. Hi blood, too,
baa become tbin and impoverished, so
that it doea not coagulate aa that of a
person in noimal condition. To these
fart i due the persistency of the
hemorrhage and the inability of the
physicians to stop the loss of blood by
tbe usual means.
John H. Mitchell wss born June 22,
1896, at Butler, Pennsylvania. At the
time of bi death be waa 70 yean, t
months and 6 day. For mote than
45 years he bas bean a resident of Port
land. For more than 40 year be bas
been a leading figure in Oregon and
national politics.
Oregon bas known no other political
character that occupied a prominent
position in state affair so long, nor
who has been identified with tbe state'
development in such a measure. No
public enterprise since tbe year 1800 in
behalf of tbe state baa been without hi
House Appropriates SI 1,000,000 for
Immediate Use.
Washington, Dec. 8. An appropria
tion of $11 000 000 was voted to th
Panama canal by the bouse yesterday.
Tbe amount was a compromise between
the $16 600,000 carried in the bill nnder
consideration and an estimate of some
thing over $6,000,000 'recommended
by William.
Thu wa tbe only business transacted
by the house, and at 3: So adjournment
waa taken nntil Monday.
Washington, Dec. 8. Tbe subject of
campaign contributions by insurance
companies occupied tbe major portion
of the time of the senate yesterday. It
came up in connection with Tillman's
resolution calling for an investigation
of national hanks' aid in politics, and
was exploited by tbe South Carolina
senator in a speech of some lengtb
The address dealt with tbe president's
recommendations fur the punishment
of bribery in elections; with Senator
Piatt's testimony before the New York
investigating committee and various
pertinent matters. It waa couched in
characteristic language, and attracted
much attention. The resolution direct
ing the s cretary of the treasury to re
port whether the reports of the national
bank examiner show that the banks
bave made campaign contributions in
recent year waa adopted at the close
of Tillman remark.
At 2:18 the senate adjourned until
Try to Check Emigration.
Dnhlin. Dec. 8. The Catholic Bish
ops of Ireland are making another at
tempt to Btem the tide of Irish emigra
tion. A irrn1ar atonaii hv Cardinal
Logue and Bishop Sheeban, of the dio
cese of Waterford, baa been ordered
read in tha churches throughout Ire
land, warning the younger generation
of the evil of emigration, appealing
to tbe people not to be lured by the
enticements neia lorin in inters irom
the United States and especially dan
gers that beset the path of girl eml
grating to that country.
Estimate for 1907, $622,723,161.
Washington, Dec. 8. The annual
book of estimates of app-opriations re
quired for the government aervice for
the fiscal year ending June to, lWl,
was transmitted to congress yesterday
by the secretary of the treasury. The
total for all departments, including
deficiencies, miscellaneous and perma
nent annual appropriations, for the
current fiscal year were $029,739 097
and the estimates were placed at $691,
Turkish Trouble la Ended.
Parla, Dee. 8. - The foreign office
here consider that the controversy be
tween the powers Is practically closed,
and that only details remain to be set
tied previous to securing a satisfactory
adjustment. The international fleet is
remanling inactive pending the con
elation of tbes detail,
Russian Nation Blindly Staggers in
Throe of Revolution.
St. Potersturg, via Eydtkubnen, Dec.
11. But one question I being asked
at present in this unhappy countrr:
Where i tb revolution leading Russia?
It i .be one all important subject be
fore the people, and bappy would be
the man who could foresee just wat is
ahead. But this Is impossible. The
best Informed men can only guess at
wbat may come to pas. All is chaos
and disorder, and what i worse, there
i no light ahead. Russia today might
well be likened to a giant staggering
down a blind alley in tbe blackest mid
night. He knows not where his patb
lead; be cannot tell where pitfall are
before bim. The nd of it all can only
be guessed and no prediction i of any
For thia revolution i a terrible
thing. It baa paralysed industry, it bas
ruined all business, it baa tied up the
postal and telegraph aervice, and when
it desired, it baa effectually stopped
all railroad traffic. ' It baa been re
sponsible for Crimea unspeakable j it
bas caused the blood of Russian pat
riots to flow from one end of tbe em
pire to tbe other; it has arrayed class
against claa and man against man ; it
has bred mutiny in tbe navy and creat
ed dimension among tba soldier; it
ha caused tbe peasants to rise against
the tyrants who for centuries bave
dominated them and ground them to
tbe earth. It bas practically nullified
the authority of tbe government and
given to the proletariat powers be never
dreamed of possessing 12 month ago,
because be has learned bow be may
bend all authority, even that of tbe
cxar, to bi will.
Would Spread Kanta Law Over
Entire Nation.
Topeka, Dec. 11. Governor Hoch
has started a national war on tbe
Standard Oil company. Last year tbe
governor threw tbe gaff into the Stand
ard by mean of several law "emulating
tbe oil industry. Aow be wants tbe
same thing to happen in tbe other
stales of the Union and accordingly is
sending letters to every other state gov
ernor asking for the passage of the
same law that Kansas ha now on tbe
statute book.
He recites the facta in the Kansas
fight and explains tbe pipe line com
mon carrier, the maximum freight rate
and the anti-discrimination law which
cut the Standard tenacles, and con
cludes: It is extremely desirable to
extend tbe operation of these principles
of government to other states, that the
greatest possible good may come of
them. I therefore roost heartily re
commend these enactments to the fa
vorable consideration of the governors
of sister state, and trust tbey may
think tbe lubject of sufficient import
ance to recommend to their respective
legislatures, and I urge the legislatures
of the several state to study these
Kansas enactment and if thought wise
to incorporate them or their essential
feature into the law of their respect
ive states."
South Dakota Representative Wants
Commerce Controlled.
Chicago, Dec. 11. The Washington
correspondent ot the Poet wire aa fol
Eben W. Martin, of Boutb Dakota,
hitherto counted a one of tbe most
conservative Republican in the house,
bas brought trouble to tbe door of the
party leaders by introducing a bill of a
substance so strongly paternalistic tbat
it casts some of the radical measures
into the shade and by comparison
makes the othrr appear aa bulwark
of conservatism.
Mr. Martin's measure aims to give
the government control of every cor
poriatiou in tbe country tbat i engaged
in interstate commerce in fuel or food
supplies." Two years ago Representa
tive Martin forced consideration ol his
resolution asking for investigation of
the beet industry. The resolution
passed the house and the beef inquiry
is on. '
Orange Battered on Tree.
Santa Ana, Cal., Dec. 11. The worst
wind storm of the season prevailed
throughout the Santa Ana valley today,
the wind coming down the Santa Ana
canyon from the deaeit in gusts that
frequently reached . a velocity o! 40
mile an hour. Tbe storm waa gene
ral from Oceanside, in San Diego coun
ty, to Wbiton, in Los Angeles county,
and extended to the interior as far as
Riverside, Redlanda and San Bernar
dino. Wherever it waa felt, damage
waa done to orange crop by tbe fruit
being battered againi t th tree.
done Ask Quick Action.
Washington, Dec. 11. Represents.
tive Jones today sent a letter to Secre
tary Hitchcock strongly urging him to
immediately to approve the lie ton and
8unnyside irrigation piojecta Mr
Jonts believe that if these project are
approved and the money set aside for
their construction, it will require but a
ahort time to clear up. the conflicting
water rights and bring about the form
ation ot satisfactory water users' asso
Many Coal Barges Lost.
Hawesville, Ky., Dec.' 11. At 9
o'clock tonight the towboats Harry
Brown and Raymond Horner, with tows
of coal for New Orleans were caugbt In
a severe wind storm opposite here. The
Brown lost 27 barges, whit the Horner
lost seven. Each barge contained 26,.
000 bushels of coal. The coal was val
ued at $120,000 and the barges at $64,
000. No live were lost.
Both Houses of Congress Slow la
Getting to Business.
Senate Takea Up Railroad Rataa and
Refera Bill for Canal Appi opri
ation to Committee.
Waebington, Dec 12 With spirited
debate on tbe subject of railroad rate
legislation, arising through the intro
duction of a bill by Mr. Tillman to au
thorise the Interstate Commerce com
mission to fix miximum rates, and ol
tbe Panama canal, due to a controversy
over tbe reference ot the emergency ap
propriation bill to a committee, yester
day's session of tbe senate continuously
proved interesting for mora than lour
An adjournment waa taken without a
mention of tha ate Senstor Mitchell of .
Oregon, and so for tha first time tha
death of a senator wa permitted to paaa
unnoticed by tbe senate. Tba erasure
of Mr. Mitchell's name from tba rolls
followed. Chaplain Hale recalled tha
situation to mind in hi prayer by re
ferring pointedly to corruption and
death and by praying that member ol
tbe senate be given strength to bear
each other's burdens.
After more than a score of seoatora
had discussed tbe Panama bill it waa
referred to tbe appropriation committee
by a vote of 40 to 23.
The senate then, at 4:60 p. m., went
nto executive session and at 6:10 ad
In the House.
The only matter of importance com
ing up in tbe bouse was tbe announce
ment of committee appointment by
Speaker Lannon, after wbicb adjourn
ment wa taken nntil Wednesday.
Northweat Commitiaemen.
Humphrey, Wash., was placed on tbe
merchant marine and fisheries commit
tee; Jones, Wash., rivers and harbors;
French, Idaho, public lands and immi
gration and naturalization; Hermann,
Ore , Indian affairs; Williamson, Ore.,
mines and mining and irrigation of and
lands; Cusbman, Wash., stays on in
terstate and foreign commerce and on
private land claims.
The following are the principal com
mittees with chairman: Ways and
means, Payne; appropriations, Tawn-
ey; foreign affairs, Hitt: judiciary,
Jenkins; military anaire, Hull; naval
affairs, Fobs; insular affairs, Cooper;
banking and currency, Fowler; merch
ant marine and fisheries, Groevenor;
territories, Hamilton; elections, Mann ;
rivers and harbors. Burton, railways
and canals, Davidson; agriculture,
Wadsworth; post office and poet roads,
Overstreet; public lands, Lacy; Indian
affairs, Sherman; manufactures. Bib
ley; mines and mining. Brown; invalid
pensions. Sulloway; pensions, Louden-
slager; claims. Miller; war claims,
Mabon; irrigation of arid lands, .Mon-
dell; immigration and naturalisation,
Howell; printing, Wacbter.
Patience is Becoming Exhausted by
Cattro'a Procrastination
Washington, Dec. 12. France has
refused to withdraw ber note to Vene
snela, protesting against President Cas
tro's treatment of M.Taign, the French
diplomatic representative. M. Josser
and, tbe French ambassador, bad a
long conference with Secretary Root to
day regarding the Venezuela situation,
which it can be announced on bigb au
thority ia daily growing worse. France,
it ia understood, would bave taken
steps to protect ber own interest in
Venesuela before this, bad it not been
for the unwillingness ot the French
government to make any move wbicb
would binder or embarrass tbe settle
ment of the American trouble with
Venezuela. Thia ia thoroughly under
stood by Secretary Root and although
Mr. Russell, the American minister, ia
still endeavoring to assist in reaching a
peaceful settlement of affair at Cara
cas, it i evident that French patience
is about exhausted.
Bill for Federal Control.
Washington, Dec. 12. A novel
method of seeing Federal control over
insurance is proposed in a bill intro
duced yesterday by Representative Lan
dis, of Indiana. The bill cite that
congress has exclusive jurisdiction over
tbe District of Columbia, tha territories
and the insular possessions of tha Unit
ed States. In consequence authority ia
given the department of Comerce and
Labor to require full etattmrnts from
all insurance companies doing businesa
within such jurisdiction over which
cogress controls.
Mitchell Case Dismisssd.
Washington, D -c. 12. On motion ol
ex-Senator Thurston, Chief ' Justice
Fuller, on behalf of tbe 8upnm court
of the United States, today directed tha
issuance of an order dismissing the ap
peal of the late Senator Mitchell in tba
case against bim. The proceeding .waa
brief Senator Thurston annonnoed
tbe death of the O'egon senator and
moved tbe dismissal of the case. Tha
chief Justice merely remarked tbat this
course wa usual in criminal case.
Sympathy for Russ an Jaws
Wellington, Den 12 Representa
tive Sulzer, of New Yoik yesterday in
troduced a resolution of sympathy for
Russian Jew.