LOCAL aVk - it .Mi. Mauled At ibeaMeldaastai tba bride, ' u, .1 Relate, Mia ebal Mackle JJj Roy lwma. IU..A. Taggatt a,ifcliiK. Harried Al Ike mdtm of Mr. c 4MH.I.I, ! ClaUkaaia, Uiae laurolbv Jtllra V Jr. CUad JLetve, Rev, Taut I. Kverett al Ah, bat theft jtiiui twtkiewy i!i.r" " , .t . t: " .in tear la 1tf aotuetbiMf rug. A Woll Klef apple, the of. -hard ui Mr. Mentfruw, at Clattkanle, i.hi llSi otincr m . jack In" rth to toolh by 1ft kmbe ( tail lowest, nr. ueorga Area- tn. ol rmoii, uur.wii alalUy a an npuUconaumer by devouring the Biainmutb oo IcH-cetlt bat iaalde ul winutea, In the prearaie of crowd ondcring aHUlura. lie did not ap mr lo b any the won lor bit wonder la) (rat, and did a full day'a work at )arr In the circuit court. School report card Ike wry beat roria per hundred, with eaeelopet. Juttice .Sbeelejf, ol VernonU, baa been attrnUntt at tb circuit court Ibia rrek at a witaeaa In the cea of the Kute J Oregon agaiaat Joerpb Coulter, charged Ith killing at oik belonging to other pnqJe. There bar been a number ul iatunree "I b'a kind la that neighU. koml. and whoever la guilty of lb crime akouhl be rercty puniabed. Vloliiia and all atrlnged Inatruawnta rrpairrd by me All work guaraalred. auMrtumcatlM. Hclcae, t9.ec) OISIIKCKLK. Mr. I tba Clark bat been buay a prt ol Ibe patt week lmieovlng the thld Feb om' ante ua by the addltlua of a Urge wanlrot. The A. A C. It. R. will aril traaiM e ranino ikkcta Irota lloultoa la all Ciat aaphr h puintaand return, continuing ami (iriKemlarr 1Mb. at l lor the rouml (rip, rl to return aaliKKrlulart IX A ear abortage nrvila on the A. A C. hu in thia cuuatv. aaxl aa a rewtlt the tlrrr Lumber Company 'a mill at loglea Montpllel to reluae a Urge Kaatrru onlri loe alilngbft. The mllla of thia antv an unite buav ami in amnlwf yetr arver! aewtmr will becooatroctel ( ax. as A.m a.AA fta. JleMit'l aawM tni terrect methM Of making rt. airoro. i toe miv.w flalat laeth. PiatM are maoe by Uil or her neighborhood. Thrrc ia to be an aiethed le fit aeeurata. 122 Mehawk aptJe ahow at the winter meeting ol the fcwJItfln;, Pertlanei. 'Hlatc Horticulture Society, and Columbia TbetVilMm l-umlarr Company ol Rai- County wanta to carry oil the bonore. AU alrr ha. roaUibuted aufm ieat lumlr to an.lea aliould I picked with the atema plank the rol from the topol Ike hill at on. and abould be unilorm In aiac and Aeel.n't to the lop of the bill wa l " The IWma will I akJ to Raimer. The county court furnialkra the name oac prraon to have cliarge ol Co .,.,. .ml Uva the pUnha. The lambet lumbU County ethibit.and auch pern ill ) ol the value ed nearly IISoU i ake atlevtion Irom the atidra Taaf.ruterprtae and bmeae. a by ao bnmghl in aad will dma ihev w.11 be aide to haul lumber nu-n M eahlWt purpoaea. Thia it an all .luirr.' The le.m.ter. ik the hauling important matter, amxemi meana an in Im..!. barge. t "Colmlrfa County Irt.il. I bae money mlntale aevurtty, W. II.PHWKLI.. KC Helena. tHegoo. H tup ol Wblto riue and Tar. the old rrhahlr rough remedr. for aale by A.). . Inoiini!. druiuciat. Mr, luea Rtaa, Craad Matruai of the Mt Momlay lor motion lor a new trial. Kailcru Mar, ia the guctl of Mr. U. II. j MaUl . jj,it,v flead guilty to for I'oarll ol thia city. frtj. rienlcnoed to t year ia t'a The report ol the eiprrta rtdovrd lo penltenliary. cMinine the tmuka ami accounta ol the Neiuiea re. Nclinee, lHvorce. Iecrce varuwa mblic oltk-ere find that three ia (ranted. an apparent ahortage ol about !. die-. Mdla va. Mllla. Iivime. IKrcree trtlnitrd over a farm of nine year, which granlcd. ii a vrv gcml allowing ul the eltkiency j Hi ate . Oraham. Fiahing witliont a and honerty ol ColumliU VMMte'e ol- U-enae. I'Uaded guilty. Kined S1. ncial.. The eoet of the work ia 7- iNinean va Ihtncan. lHvorce. liecree ' Jlrrealur the boektabouhl be checked by the count court everv tie month, thu aaving ripen and aeobting danger. I'AINTINtJ, Papering ami Freacoing. Katimatre given frve. Iivj-tlre M. C. Ory lor Urtber partktolara. ' A. n. ciri.iiKms HI. Helena. Wni. Fuch. aged SO, a citinrn of lier many, waa killed In I e (eohle and Ne lialrm logging camp oa (Moher Ultb, by Uing caught between two log on the rolUay. ol whkh be bad charge. Cor oner Cliff, after an laveatlgation, con clmlnt mi iwquett wa nrceaaary. He war buried at Neer City cemetery on ; Humlav taat. Fucba waa a ateady, In duilrioua man ami ha.1 a email um on , deprMit ia the Canadian Saying Rank ol ! I'ortland. Coroner CliBia in correapoeid-J erne with the Gentian conaut and the de- Yued'a bmthee In Itermanv in rciranl to the liioitaoo ol hi effect. 'l pm foe aale. cheap, at thia ffie. FRANK FLACH1, Ageat Krening Telegram. Mr. Norman Merrill ami Mr. On Rice fl llattkanle were attending court In St. Helen on Wedneaday Ut. Mr. Merrill hil ili m.i.... lm hi riirht arm ...i. i i... u.i...i.. ! beine aim. khvth.llmbl.lree that waa being turned 1 v . a..nk.. eueine. jrzrjz TzfTZz rzz naiclteUr'a laland on Humlay ii h" wore tfuilty ol etceUng Ibe limit. Amotig othera a prominent former real 'lent ol St. Helena ia aald lo have been "ptiired. ' It la aald that SUM duck were f"und in the ioaaealo of tbte peranna. Any qrowd that tnoya aucb good port '"Klit to be willing o tT raaoable (nt. Thece an eivht nuuUa Ml (be ith K'adcol the Si. IWm eaool, wbicb J nufliclent arvumeat for HacoaifJuuauce. . . ti niote money ia imwi niie, will ptovicU it bt order to Iwa a 'ine awnlha term. PapH T" 0,ht'r "rlV di.trict ahould avail thetuerlw ' tlicoppnrtuiiitt- lo sreutea wUf"V "ure upon Hie payment of a reaaoaaW initio Ire, Wheat a modern aawmill ia annilig here there will never! a return to Ivr ,otd eijfhth jjrade boo), 1 now lave avim assort. iiM-HtorlnU.uila.vMiiUh, "'"l N'li limed, t". Tin ana t-ranlta ktova pipe die. Urocertea, , Grain, Hour, elc. Hay H. U (IJt.iY, Hi. UaM. Oilll a kiiii.1.. ..I I a- ... nuiaio ruTV Ul U IUII Ol egg, lltll ilstttonttratutg tbat Ibe ilwi araaua duet not alwaya pt.rtert. Tin matter f the proper protection lor tat nun le a uoUrai that will nrobablv never ha eolvaal! i..i U ha. at Wast beta demonstrated that the jsnvh - brrie are Hie moat Important tartor in pieecmng tuit great industry. frol W. CHH, of London, Kngland, U Walling bit brother, Dr. II. R. Cllfl, ol tbla eity, aad la su well leaed with the country thai lie may become permanent retldrlit of aotiie of our coaat rltiea. Mr . CUB la an artmllc creator of deeigae lur engraving aad lithugraiiblag, and bit wutfc show him to be a matter ol bla peuleaalon. Mr. nriabalne, of l)ra Muinea, Iowa, baa been in St. Helena thta week fur tlic Miriow ol Inveatigating the field lor the ettalilithment ol a local bank. A B.N'AI IAD arrre ol land near Itrleua, in the hrtlle Iteaver valley lur IIUUO! Ill the li acre, 9 aie cleared and there it a fine orchard ol apple, pear, cherry and prone Irvre. There la a good tit room houaeoft the place and a well ol fine atet that never gore dry. For anyone Ihal wanlt to buy In thia enmity thia la a enap r'or pertlrtulare Inqnire at tlilt oltltT. rOIUXA VIAJialE. la fear Mae Ipptra far Horllrallaral Nbow. at rtag la lloultou tirange. at ita meeting on WetlttraUy (art, humIc arrangemcnta lor the entertainment ol the romona, which meeit n iuiib inc um miunwr November, two weeka front tomorrow, Among otlirr matter paaeed up.m it aa drciiled to ak eath member attending I'ontona to bring Iroui five to fiileen they are wrapped ao that they will not bruiat. , ... . f.art rroeeedluge, Hlal va. laoni. ' Aaaanlt with a Jaii- 'm,w,mm wrauun. tilllllV. Kiven unill granted. Watkar t. Walker. IMvorce. Irte granted. " Itibblva v. laibbln. IMault. Judg men! for plaiiiliir Wright v. Wright Divorce. Pecre granted. Palette v. Bnrkhanll. Action fr damage ! aaaanlt. Tried and Uken uiwter adviaeuient. Uraeu . Urcn. Action by admin itrlor on a claim. Verdict lor defend ant. Morgan Mercantile Co. v. Iuitrnont. Action loe money. Verdict lor defend ant. SOAPPOOSK It aa a killing Croat luet night. J. I'. Weal i dlifglng ! wll tuor-noree mrfato digner. J 1 Wl. kilrvm I linialilng a net n rwalilelUW in tOWtl. Mr. C DeOrofT ia viaillinj bit !!'. Mr. A. I. Iloluday. - f.JniuMa l.umlr Company U re luiildiue the plauiiu mill recently burned. C. K. Wlckatrom ha movel imo town !itd will run Ilia planing niill. lleo. U Fo, lor aeveral -Mil with Walla A Trice, v, ailing old Irle.i.la elv 4,,,,.,,., .... oo.d vul.U It U. Co, Win. Kchola had auld hi hotel at thl plaoe lo Mr. II. Kuaaeou, laie ol ali iligton. Tlie (irange will ... n..t :tl. lUllow'oen Mi Mau-I Wntta I iailf be alatatr ai and wife, of !oralll. ,, . ff, . ..i.i.l I.1....W bwra thl wk, u j nailer, of (loble. ha aeccptod j ' , mde vacant by Uio rlB- ' . Wlckerftrom a lurejuau i p j 0( k. I'. Irack here. i... niiantille of liiiiiU-r are Um'C i.,.....l nt K.-iimiooMi thl lull- Holaduv nnrterwa aro rhipping large .... ..l.i.M.b l.w (nil llhlllliug. it.iu.-an .tint wUa have woaoJ to Taeuiua. wlwrt I)"' 'm jmJjoKr, MKILKSMTK. Nut and A It Hell lo Martin Anmo.lt lot S-4 ice IS 0 4 (7.WiU!mii The Alnaworth Nat. Ilauk, I'ort land, to J. U. Ainaworth, nnd qr iut in tw qr ee 30 6 1 ... Frila Anderenn to Ida Anderaon tract in ee J(l 7 1 Calo and Anna FareUae to Joaepb Anetahlolneqrtualo 4 4 and tract in nw qr aeo 10 1 4 U'JJJtaiu K Conyeri to William lliacklord tract in 8 7 4 A W and Anna V'right to A F Win tec 24 and e hi ol itt 6 $ V W and Una II Morgan lo 01 IMiiuan lot mc1k)4 2 M J Ken tiny to M II Uradley are '.'aidhleeS Dean lilanchard to Kllen Bryant, Z7M 1 1 lo,ouu agn-eineiil to aell. a 100 It lot ' ft blk A, Hilaier Mary J Tompkiiia to M J llutler tract lneeisa Ueogt N l.iud to J F Campbell lliuUv on loU 7 aee 21 0 A Heme tw tame ne qr arc HID 5. . A and 0 Atkina lo John K Carl tun nw qr of nwqr tee 3 7 .1 CbaaC and Kunice A Clark to Mary K Clark te qr ol w qr ecal 0 2 Cba C and Kunic A Clark to Frauk I.Clark nt qr of ar qraecSHtt 2 A Neer to Columbia County trip lur Co rd at Neer City. . W C and F M Hrialol toOd Tim ber Co ne qr aec 21 02 John and Clara Stewart to earn an qr aec 21 and te qr ol n w qrtee 200 2 K and M Trarrv lo vanir, timber and K ol W on ne qr aec H 0 2 1000 700 zoo law 476 100 1 liSO asm M0 John A Ktvaart, Hugh and Kobt F Stewart, varioua tract in tj 4 6 and i ft 7(30 7 Kuilly F.Tuii.pkinatoJ F IV Any it, 12 acret in a HI ol a qr tec 14 4 2 Sven M ltiiml.le.lt lo CN Dav Idaon 6.04 a. rr in ne qr at it eqreec:(0ll3 aon.75 John A Steaart to S llarrle Km bury varioua tract lu Ip 4 S and 6 6 7,S30.7 Cbaa Mayger to John O Kmmer- oti e bl ol aw qr lie qr ol e qr and lot ( 0 tec 2U H 4. . . . 01. and C Krickion lo A Krick ton tract In ec 31 7 3 W II and Hiuie It Dillard lo E II Flag alrand ami lidoland in front of it ol lot 22 blk 11 t. II.H-n C I. and N J Foaler bi JolinOab rirlann lot I aec 31 8 3 K(Uleof W II Wood by adiu'a to M C tiiilfa, agt w qr ol ec 47i no 20 4 3 I O ami A D Vi k.tn.in lo John H llarringtou 23) d tract ol JiatO-IOacrr in Ip4 1 am Fml ami C I. Wilton lo II O ami l.m-y Howard ne qrol aw qr and n w qr ol ae qr eee 6 0 2 F. Hand V Merrill toJ F John son hi of lot 2! ec $7 4 ... Joseph lllnkel to Anna Kolwrt on pail ol II llliatingd le A T ami A M llliaa to M J Kenny aec 21 and e hi aec 2.i 3 . . . Calo and Anni I'arrliu lo I'eter Ureoii n hi of nw qr tec II 7 4 Martha J and S W llarnea to J 3V0 ITj 1 1000 nniifarvi 10 acrea ill nw qr aec 3684 17& t; W ami Martha J llaruce in t. J Umijirvitracl in ev a 4 .10 acre Same tn aame hf uf aw qr, aw qr ol ae qr ami lot 4 5 ec 2l 8 4 Jot llerevh, Ate m-hlnaael ra tal and Jacob ami Fannie Fl-U hiier lo D.miel McKen nou te qr arc U 7 3 J I. and Una M Meaerve to Win Keloid abl of uwqrand nhl (dnwi,ree3l)4ft U l Adam lo Mine w qr tec 20 4 3. M IS and Ada M (iriffln to tame, ante W M lircgory to tame, tamo Jauie ami Jennie Murk I lo Cbaa Murkle, I'otry William die John O Kminerton lo John A NirmeU nw qr ol w qr, w qr ol w qr lot 3 ec 24 lot 3 ec2384 4.M 5.D 4000 3000 M and II Newman to Jonas My ttrom tract In .. iK-an Itlanchard lo M FOTonnell timber oil Joint Karri d I c 673 C W Rmerioit lo C K Olton lot 12 l IH-er lawno L H Smart to Itlanch II Calmer .t 2 bla 18 Vornonia M and J U While U Calo Fee- vliil 40 acre tit nw qr oi ne or tec U) 7 4 10 AlmiraC avl W S Miller to Myr. tie I'ulllain lolt ana o r up piu luhdiv mid lot 1. Ticli neor'a 11 add to Clan Mary JTompkin to D W I'rica nw qr ol a qr ana w in oi ho qr ol e qr aec 6 3 2 F. and Nettle Dow to J U I'riu gle w hi ol e qr tec 2H 6 4.. 600 1000 Jacob and M Zalngle to W Bay nw qr of tee 32 0 2 .... 2S00 I ( and A D WicUtroin ton n Howe kw oi aoa w i" as"" inlp4 1 3000 M K and W F Brou n to J A S-iliu- neeen ula I uoumni auu Biinlor ISO W I and M N Hurt Airmli and Bebekali Kouie tract in ne qr aec II 4 4 100 The Itenaon luffing A Lumber- , ... L C.....W r..t lit sec87 4 II and B McKlel to Heimm U L Co te qr ol te qr e 22 8 4 Jaryin T and Kala Hogg to nine lot 4 and w qr ol nw qr sec I lot 1 and to qr of ne qr eec 2 6 4 J FrankTlWrry tetania Jot I aud aerulnoqrand bfQf ta eraeel i 4 (loo II H II lo aaiue lot 2 and irol ns r and ar hlol at qr Sou li 4 1 423 1000 1500 1500 I) It. KUWIN IIOKH, PHYSICIAN & SURCFN nr. ijbi.ks, i t Qgivue i)tt" PHYSICIAN & SURGEON e X Hr UM. (UllviiUN. Cure t billa sua r'cvrr J. W. Wirt, Naongilochei.Teiaa, ta "Hi daughter had chill and fever tor three year; ho could not find anything that would help her 1111 beuted lli-rblne III wife will not keep bono without It, and cannot ray loo ninth for it." 60c. old by A. J. Iteming. -" - II the present dry weather continue there will be work for the doctor. Tba lleat 1 tot-toe Bev. B. C. Morton, Sulphur Spring, Tea, writes, July 1002; I have need ia my family Ballard Snow Liniment and llortbound Syrup and they hare proved certainly tatiilaclory. The lini ment It th Lett wa bare ever need for headache and pain. Tint cough tyrup hat been oar doctor for the last eight yens.". Sold by A, J. Doming, For a fall and winter climate, Columbia County ia unescelled. Wheat la Portland Ve to The Kutplre KoeUurant, IU2 Third Street, three door South ol Baker The irs. Meal Irom 16 cents np. Open day and niebt. Oysters in any style. Wui. Bohtsnder, I'mp., formerly of the Royal, lat and Madiaon. It take a little hot air to make thing move. waved Hla Life. J. W. Davenport, Wingo, Ky writes, Jnut 14 IV02: "I want to tell you I be- leiv Ballardt Snow Unlment saved my life. I waa under the treatment of two doctor, and tliev told ma one of my long a entirely gone and the other badly affected. I also had a lump on my tbla. I don't think I could hare lived two month longer. I waa Induced by a friend lo try Ballard' Snow lini ment. The flril application gave me re lief; two fifty cent bottle eared nie ton nd and well. It I a wonderful med icine and I receomend it t) offering humanity. Sold by A. J. Denting. Tom Rictuudaon ia more utcful than Jacob Kamm. laoa't Borrow Trouble It I a laul habit to borrow anything, but the wont thing you can poaaibjy liorrow i trooble. Wlien tick, sore, weary and worn out by the naina and poiaona of diaiepaia, billmoinee , bright' d'aeaae. and similar internal disorder, don't ait down ami brood over your lymptoma, but fly for releif to Klectrie Hitter. Here yon will find aura and permanent forgellullness of all your trouble ami your body will not be burdened by a had of debt dinaae. At IVrry and Uraliara atore. Trice .'-V liuaranteed. Don't abandon one boaa just to take up with another. t ares Winter Cowgti J. K. () rover, 101 N Main it, Ottowa, Kan, write "It hat been my wife't troub'e to catch a severe cold, and there fore to cough all winter long. .Last fall I got her a bottle of llorrhound Syrup. She ated it and ha been able to th-ep soundly all night king. Whenever the cough bothers her two or three doees tops the cough and ! i able to be np and well." SScfckc nd 11.00 st A. J DciuingV. lloultou needs lamp. Idcwalka and street Plans In Get Mich. are oltrn truit rated br tudden breaking 1 Ji.wn .In In .lv.fnaia np mnatinattnfl Itraca up and Uke lr. King New Ufa 1111. They take out the material which are clogging yoor energiev, and give vou a new dart. Cure headache and dinines too. At IVrry A Urahntnt tore; Sic, guaranteed. Mr. W. II. Conyera, ol Clatakanie. was in attendance in the circuit court oa Wednesday Iut, and wa also transacting considerable probate business. Fall ofTragic Neaalac are these liuve Irom J. II. Himmon. ol Cater, la,. Think what mig lit have re tutted from bit terriable eiagh II tie had not taken tha niedicie about which ha write. "I had a terriable cough that disturbed my nights reat. I tried every thing but nothing would releivt it, until I took Dr. King New Discovery lor con sumption, roughs and cold, which com pletely cured me." Instantly relievea and itennaaonUy cures all throat tronlde prevsnta grtp aavl pneuiiioma. At i er rv and tirahaui1 cuaranteed ; 60c and 11.00. Trial bottle free. SIEIIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Cnart ol ih8lau nf Orer'n lor lh enmity ol Culiimbla. M. O. lirar. lalnllir, va. Allan A. Rolilnai.B and Adllla KublllNUU, nia wiia, uaieuuam. k.,iim U hrtiv elven thai under and bv vlr tnv ol au eieeullnu and onlerol aale bailed uul n thet'ln'Slt t'uurt ol lb Ktat ul llreaiia lb and lor la i ouniym t-oiuinnia.oninr wnuii nl llclohar. un.lrr and lu nurauanre ol a i...ldBMii. bmI iMtM wa.lo aud enierrd In aald rmirt on Ibe 11 h day l (artoher. liaVi, In a anil nieiit asalnat Allan A. Hublaaon ami Adilla UoMnaan. hla lie. hir lha na of ll.av with In- hi.Miu ii. i . lira, laaini n. nwieirq mnr i.Mri h.M.ui at Ilia rata ol aiaht Mr eant Per annum inim Aiieiiai ia, iwi.uniii iihi; iihi uivj furtber aula oi -j. alioruey a iraa; anu me iur Iher anin ol 110 aa nau a:id dlaburirnienia. au4 he noli unon tltla rll. rrniilrlne aie to laaka aala nl lb iullnwln itwrlll real liniiwrty, lu aallaly the above amount, lo wit: Th auaih hall of the Mil literal anarlur of wllou twenty lhrae.an.1 1 lie norib ball ul I ha north weal iiiar ter ul amlinn wentv-alv. In townahlp hnir north, ranee nv worn oi inr if lliamviii. jarrm- i.n n..niainln una huiidre.1 and alslv aerv. Iluaird lu the t'oualy ol Columbia, wale of Otaaon: lobe auld aa iiau eeiiiln. awl (he n-.a-ffiC.U arl.lim tlwrvlrout lu ba iIhI Srat lo ta? third 14 tk pavmenl ol the ' alslatiriaole aixl uiorteare. srtnelaal and la trreai Sue thereon, nod lb oyerslua. II any (ban be.aller Ihe myaioat nl ibe aaveeal ua ."rea-td. he paid lolo IhU eoort lor thoa eu Htled lharato. . . Ifc . , viW doar II nt rh.l a h rtenl tlVl. and Intew-t ul a!4 "llan A. i Wii2m ami Adllla KMin. hu. ''.'i""..:. .i...i.i diilen. anla. and oai'h ol them. ol. In aud lo the real i.mrwrtv ahoe i?,lhed. to aall.lv the -aid "'" IMed .1 . ti.- ""Jftftis ,T;, rhcrllT o( Ibe Cimnlv ol Columbia. dime ol tlreiton. Flml i"bll'",,n" ,M ',K-r mh publlvatlun Sovemlier 17. li' W)WK, , Allorny; lur I'luiuiilT. M as Goo. for Less Honey I O f Of fTTTT A Utile Butter This Week's Store News: Ladies' Shirt Waists, 67 Styles, 65c to $9.50 Each Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, fit guaranteed, $7. 50 up Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Jackets, Capes, Furs, Etc. Kimonas, Wrappers, Petticoats, Undermuslins. Biggest Selection Ever shown. UTItf CIEATIOttS WMILLINEUYWWCIATI, CAPS Men and Bojs' Soils tod Troisers, Oiercoats ltd Rain Coats $15 Men's Suits Only $12.15. All Wool Trowsers from $2.50 to $8.56 Bargains. $12.50 and $i4.So Overcoats. $10.65 takes 'em. SHOES, HATS, CAPS .We hare closed a contract with the larfest factory in the country and will fc $3.00 shoes for 2.75; $275 shoes for 2.50; $2.50 shoes for 1.90; Men's $4.00 shoes for 3.65; Loggers' $6.00 shoes for 5.50; Loggers' $5.50 shoes for $5.00; Boys' $2.25 shoes for 1,85; Misses' $2.00 shoes 1.75; Children's $1.50 shoes 1.25. JUST FOR FUN AffA WOOL SWEATERS, THIS WEEKe TUP 171 VflBITWA High Grade Sewing Machine lflD f A lUiUl El Pull Ball Beaiintr. Droo Head Full Ball eacok Floor L. SWETTb" $4.75 Barrel 7 Free Souvenirs Eight Photographic Views of all the Principal World's Fair Buildings FREE with One Year's These are inches and t Oregon's ONE KOTICB t-l'BU CATION. Dparinwat of the laierlor. lul oac at t-urlUad Orcfua. Settember 2.. Natlc la kenkr ion that tk followm am4 arttUr ka aiad aollr T kla -IratlM ta mmkm aaal prcoT la awvsort of kla elalM. aa4 lka M "HI " k(ra tka nlatr aa4 Ktcalrtr at Part lnd. Ortra, ttrtober 1. Ic: tli.. Iirael U Kaalih. haawArad entry No. loe lue ae ir arc 3. 1 4 a, r 1 . ne Mnn im itiwwwi - kla TtiallniMua mMnn ua a4 ealU rail of nld laad. vli.: Jaraa P. Krkllrb.tieoree Kellr, Jarob Raferie. Saiauei KatertT. all ni Mnuuulli Italr, lrrun. KUTll'k FOR -fBLIi:ATlOS Undaw-eat forllaiHt.Orrrnn, tMenlier 1. IWA. Nolle l hertbjr riven that l ha Ml Mine M...i iiu bu aiad mMlos l hli InieBllon lo mai tnal nnatl in aupiKin ol hla claim, and th.t m i.nr will ba made belurs KruiMer nl Kecrlrrr at roniaiKi. uresun.an wwr il. nuv. vli.. John K. haliey. anllan ol IVrrv T. Hallcv. luaan; II K UM. lur lb. nr see St. im in v 'i ar. iianaiuvp in. .p - . .- . - - bla nHiilnuoua inblen-s apoa aad ealllvailoa ald laad: mi.: , i & .4MAn. Rnvian. Ot.: Arthar Itaeon. Hasina, dr.: K.J. t'rabb. Ballon. Of.: Hubert r.blrapaoii. Hnatiin. ur. AIiEK.Ml.t a. linr..-iu, nrwiairi. I STORIA ft COLUMBIA RIVER ati RAILROAD COMPANY. BAILV. DAILY. r. a. t a OA a I I t a at l ar I so 10 I a w a a. a. a a i at J Lv rwrtlaad Ar tat aVI J. u sat cl : 7i.: itr at I si HI St. .... tiokl .... ... Rainier ... . .. pyramid... ..klaTe.... ....t)ulner .... .. Clataaaai.. .. Marahlaad.. .. Waalaort... ....tMlhoa.... ...Knapaa.... ... Svaaaoa.... ...John Day... a n t n 1 1 ttt w n i Iti ? u T ti t '." at T at 1 M I at t at i n l at t CJ t a 3 t I t M its W I M 11 I at is u M SA il ia ll a) Ar. Aaiorla .l.v All train ata ebia oanoMloae at obl Ilk Nonhain faeln tralna to and Irom tba Kaat aad sound folate. At fort laud lth all tralna leavin Unlaa depot, at Aatoria with I. ft. A N. l'o,'a boat and rail Has aad Meamaf T. I. roller t aad trot llwaee sad Karik Besek polata. raaaannra lor Aatoria ar war salala ataat lat train, al lloulloa. Trame will atop to 11 a aensoie a at llouitnn hen coaaln Iraaa solaai atoltlohla. J. C. May, Oaa. Paaa. AtU. Aatarat. 1 () MBTIiANtS sait.. "America" WOlamett Slonfli Roate i 1 Leave B. Helena . . . . :M A M Arrive at Portland. .10:80 A at Iavrortland :S0PM Arrive rt Bt. llelea. MtM ds - j WAUm as) CttaJT). Will Tarry Nolhint kill Paaesif gera ant rati rrsignv l.wl ), .tlaaSae. kisk-ns-Wr yrr ti For tHe Same Price FANCY COLORS Beating, Drop Head Subscription to the OREGON HIST the best Views obtainable. They are 10x7 will always be pleasant reminders to you of Greatest Old subscribers can get these views, as last, by paying all arrearages and YEAR IN ADVANCE MENS FIRST I Moyer Clothing : Co. THIRD AND OAK. PORTLAND " " THE COLUMBIA COUNTY Abstract and Trust Co. Titles Examined, Abstracts -Made, Non-Resident Taxes Paid. Real Estate, Loans, Etc. E. E. QUICK A. M. HOLTON, ; Prlrietr MTA,Ia 171 JOHN A. BECK DiALaa a WitxHes, DIamo2di,SIlTcrTiT, .JEWEt.aY. Kepairing a Specialty. Morrlaaa at. Bet Freal rirat, HJRTLaKD. He fill Ten job Ttiat the N0HTH COAST LIIIITED Electric UgliteA, wUe Crack Trait of Tlim All fur Comfort and Ele gance. Tbe Ticket Office at Portland i at 159 loJTiwn, Cor. a3d, Portlanl A. D. CHARLTON PORTLfVND, OREGON 3 TRAIN'S TO TH8 KAST DAILT Enterprise long as they - CLASS SUITS $10.00 The Bast you seen. have ever FABRICS in Worsteds. Cevioti aiJ Ciisl.ittrei. Hand-Worked Button Hotes, Hand -Padded Collars, sewm with silk Others say $15 lor Eqnil QaiTitj. Cone Early tod Get tic Pick. WHEN YOU SEEilTtt OUR AD rrs so. KejsWtst state eat Mr. Icatda On and alter June Him, on Ibe fStr. Iriikht ill be aa follow, graal to (VI. 15 KH5. Irul.le and Kalania JBf fne ii41.l5 njumUrip. Hoffman, Martina, i'utiiHdl,01aaJ(K; one war, M.PO ntiiHl lii. Culunibia t'ity, te one v.iiy, c tuuud tri. t. lleleuts, 60v oi:r way, 75c nuod liif.