The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 22, 1905, Image 2

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Jintercd t the Postoffice at St. Helens,
r Oregon, as seooml -class frail roattcr.
.Iswikd J?vnKv.rtnAV Bv
k.-u.-pAg. "
One copv, one year, in advance
1 00
71JL uiuuuia. ......
Legal notices 25 cents for Iq.c,
FRIDAY September 'H, J1KV..
.Having the Urgcst circulation of any pa
' -per in Columbia County.
The attack upon the County Court
.because it has appropriated money frmii
the general lund to aid in Hio buiklinK
'of decent grade for the' road connect
ing Clatakanie and 'the N'elialeni Valley,
comes with peculiarly lal grace from
a pap.r published in the aomh end or
Columbia CountT. Of course tlia stat !
nent that' neatly $4,000 was appropri
auxl from the common county fuud U a
grow exaggeration, the records showing
that the total appropriated from that
fund ass but $1800, the balance being
the apecial ten mills levy of road district
'o. IS. It may be that aoch an appro
priatioo is not within the strict con
atroction of the law, though it has the
aanction of custom and precedent bnt
aa an act of justice to the settlers in the
Kebalem Valley it recta upon a snre
foundation and will receive the sanction
of the great body of the taxpayers of
.this county. It has given the people of
the N'ehalein an ontlet that ia practica
ble for teams hauling heavy loada the
greater portion of the rear, and by ao
'doing baa made ' their faro) RiOre
valuable and therefore worked a benefit
to the taxpayers of the whole county.
All the roads cannot be given the at
tention they need in any one year, and
there was no section of the county that
stood in greates need of assistance or
better deserved it. The majority of the
settler benefited by this appropriation
have pnt in the greater part of their
lives clearing np that remote section,
and they have not in the past received
th ) consideration to which their merits
t itit'ed them.
The County Judge did not ''sit idly
by," as the Register charges, while this
a'd was being given to the people of the
lower end of the county. On the con
trary, the act had his hearty indorse
ment, lie seems to have gotten the
i lea that be is judge for the whole
nnty, and not for St. Helens and
Iljalton alone, and in this he will re-
jive the nearly approval of all fair-
uunuea ciuxens. nr. miicneii, or mose
who pall the strings that set him in
motion, helped to elect Judge Ifattan,
and the trouble with him now it that he
finds be can not rnn bint as absolutely
as be expected to. The County Court
will be in session September SOtband
it will be interesting to notice the great
number of heavy tax payers march
en masse to the court boose to protest
against the action of the county court in
appropriating $1800 for an absolutely
necessary public improvement, headed
by the gentleman from Houlton bearing
a banner on which shall be inscribed
"lio grafts permitted unless I am in on
As to the formation of a taxpayer's
league, we are inclined to favor the idea,
but it should be composed of those who
pay taxes in their own name and work
vat thair three dollar road tax.
Preeeeding of the L'eaaty Court
September iw Term
September Gth, 1st. Judicial day.
In the matter of the petition of Felix
pebast et als, for the location of a county
joad. First reading of the viewers re
port, now bad in open conrt.
In the matter of the petition of S. E.
Butts for a license to sell liquor in Qoble
precinct, License granted for six
months from Sep. 1st, 1905.
In the matter of the petition of Louis
Flhnrer for a license to sell liquor in
JJak Point precinct. License granted
for 12 months from September 9th, 1905,
In the matter of the change in mode
of outlay of special road tax of R. D,
No. 15. Changes submitted by tax
payers, approved by t' e court, and
ordered that same be filed and be made
a part of original report of taxpayers
meeting of said district No. 15.
In the matter of making payments on
contract for specification No. 1 R. D. No,
15. Ordered that warrant issue in full
payment of above contract in the sum of
1109.00 favor of GustOuHafeon, and that
Srarrant for $199,75 drawn upon the
special road fund of faid Ii, II, No. 15 at
Jnly term of this conrt, ia favor of 1).
.f i' , . ,,...
(tt . urascy uv vaiiueiieii.
Adjourned till 7th, inst.
September 7th. 1005, 2nd Judicial day.
in i ne pianerui tue pennon oi r. J
inuli el als lor the location of a county
road. Ordered that viewers meet at
point of beginning of proposed road on
September 25th, 1005 at 10 a. w. an(
view, survey and report on same.
In the matter of the petition of Felix
Debast et als for the W-atiun of aeountv
roaa. necona rtaumg oi me viewers re
port now had, ttnd ctttiiiis for (Jiimiiucs
of C- C. amlAunic WiiKon no.v ci..tis)
in! by the court ; mid it ie or'Ji'rwj hv th
court tlmt tli viewers report on J Ilia
road be, and mime is hereby accepted,
except in the matter of dauuige to preui
Ws of C. C. Wilson, w hich amount is
lerehy increased to '$26,00, and further
ordered that said road be opened to pub
ic travel, and recorded as a County
("i y sv ;aint thvconnlrnllowed. and
ordered paid at the Feptem,ber term f
the eonity(Ci.nrt, on general fund, .
' '.Surveying, viewing and locating Fell
IK'bntt road.
W T Walts tfl 00
0 0 Kohinsoii 3 10
It F -Taylor
John West .
6 00
'. . . 2 00
Folis IVbast S Q0
Harry Puan 6 W
fcdicon Doan BOO
A M Aaron CP
Jos Rich 7 00
i W Urant 18 00
W K Stevens .'. .82 ,00
T Unssi powder A C. R. 1. No. V. 10 96
I. fcwett same No. 7
Work on Mii-t and Clatskmilo
I 85
and supplies for same.
J Jones
(20 00
6 t
,10 00
S: 75
SO 00
04 03
5 00
85 00
J Jones , , .
Chits Kastman '...,'....
Joe llinkel. i
Chss Hiller
Cecil Lane
Jon llinkel
A U Kastman .. 113 00 1
1 A Lane H2 60
, V ' - IK
D A Lane
S7 75
Q llowatson.
L Burnham
F Malfnurrg
L IVtcrsoif
U B McNeley
L R Iturnham . . . .
Ueo i ishcr
W N llowlett
J U Drake
ET Wallace
PA Lane
Joe llinkel
Frank Bartiham . . .
B F Van
S10 00
45 50
130 05
' 62 75
71 45
142 00
30 40
19 50
5-1 80
00 90
10 00
40 20
10 00
21 00
4 45
10 35
23 90
145 27
A F Meyers A Co .
Pophauut McLean.
Henry Doerr ,
Henry Kratt
O F Lindgren 13 20
fauper Account
K Rose attend nee on Hall A Dug-
gins. 12 00
Fred Trow, Supp for Jordan 10 00
L R Burham house rent for Hop
kins family WOO
Home for the Aged, Board of Mrs,
Prietler 45 00
St. Mam Hospital, board of W
Bataon 43 40
H Morgas supplies 0 60
W F Maelav milk for MpDonald 3 00
gt Vincents Hospital oare of Ed
arnell 43 60
A P McLaren board, medicine and
attendance on Al Parker C3 00
E McVev sodd for McDonalds. , 5 55
A J Dealing medicine for Wm Dug-
gin , 4 75
Harry West express on colli o etc
for I. Hall 1 50
M C Grav coffin etc for Hall 20 10
II PWalkina J P fees state vs
Butler 5
Mrs, Mollie Rica witness fees
tame 7 60
Mrs. Sadie Landies same. 7 50
Wash Muckle constable fees State
vsBurckhardt 2 40
Oregon Mist stationery , . 20 00
Irwin Hodson Co '. a 00
Martin White 10 00
RH Mitchell 3100
A J Deming 7 30
EC Blackford 6 00
II Henderson postage 20 00
Hall cleaning court honso 3 50
I U Copeland tra v exp stationery j
and postage 27 85
Road Supervisors
M J Engelert No. 1 10 00
J W Nowles 3 57 50
CE Olson 4 11150
Jaa Kennedy 5 92 50
Q W Richardson 6 80 00
WL Brown 7 , 20 00
RALillich 9 08 12
Jas Van 10 82 50
GWV'elchll 30 00
A E Harvey 12 5 00
B F Van 13 102 40
C W Mellinger 14 18 00
PBurgerson 15 1 26
Catper Libel county com 37 20
Fred Watkins bringing insane
patient to St. Helens 2 00
Maude Decker work in Assessor's
office S3 00
J B Godfrey samp 42 50
II B Ebson same 67 50
Nellie Laws same 40 25
J B Godfrey work on Board of
Equalization 6 00
N Haney clerk of Election 3 00
W H Powell exam of teachers. . . 15 00
Mrs. S S Way sama 15 00
Mildred Grant work on tax roll. . 62 50
Washington creamery Co, Ice
cream A punch, Col Co day L
A C Fair 30 00
D C Burns supp for lunch Col Co
day at L A C Fair 5 00
Martin A Forbes decoratings for
Portland Wire works stands fur
Oregon Lumber Co lumber
II R Cliff Sec board of health. . .
4 50
11 50.
100 00
31 (&
Allowed on general rood fund
DiSt. 1
J R Duncan 6 00
Will West , 6 00
WE Stevens 12 50
Nelson Wiloox Lumber Co. . , . . , 40 63
gratis 4 Price.. SS (j0
John Sparks. .
1 99
No. a
ferry A Graham . , ,
Brimi & Stan wood. .
James P pence ,
Warren Lumber. Co
A Mclntire
John Boyd
John Kappler
l oo
111 01
26 17
.'5 97
19 00
'. 17 oq
32 62
Dist No 4
r- W Nowles
C N Eowler 41 2
M'Freah.... 44 80
NPinckney......... '.. 1 26
J Spence 10 00
Olos Olsen 48 44
CEOraon..... 67 60
C II English 2 70
0 II Gore.. 60 25
F Clrk 4 50
F W 1
Absolutely Pare t
Dist No 5
F Lengacher.
28 00
28 00
O J unit.
H Blake H 00
Jtt Anliker W
Antone Wise.-. ,J W
II Morell 62 00
J P Archibald , 8 00
a Morell 60 00
J G Kennedy 02 00
HMorwll 6 00
U Morrell 7 00
J II Kennedy 10 00
Geo Link 9 00
L Bradley 12 00
L Bradley 20 00
i W Makinster 4 00
Dist No 0
R F Baker
NordbyA Wilson
27 90
35 58
85 06
52 00
10 00
72 15
H D Richardson
G II Richardson
A K Morgan
Nordby A Wilson
Dist No 7
J R Headlee 13 60
F HNienstedt 10 00
Dist No 9
Oregon Lumber Co 23 44
Ben Mayor 58 63
Dist No 10
W T Simmons 80
Scott Hall 6 60
C Johnson 15 75
W S Harding 17 60
W Fogel 8 75
Nathan Van... 12 00
Geo Miller 71 50
GAKelty.. "5 50
John Campbell 20 00
Geo Marry 1 00
Dist No 11
J Cameron 3 00
OErickson 24 00
J M Anderson 20 00
Dist No 12
John Cameron 20 00
John Wilson 3 00
Pist No 14
B Hosford 00
G Mill 2 00
X Kerns
J D Hall 2 00
f Emmons 10 00
Roy Tucker 9 00
R Mills 10
P Mellinger 10 00
W Allen 4 20
Wilburn Hall 3 50
W D Case 24 50
TM Tucker 17 50
V MBeeghley 17 50
A Emmons 15 00
F Tracey 7 00
Dist No 15
G Downing...
7 00
1 00
G W Parker..
E R Tbroop 1 25
P Bergerson , Id 00
J C Mullins 2 00
J A McDonald 4 20
Albert Tbi verge
AGHotchkies 5 00
I P Spencer 4 80
C Malmsten 7 80
A M Parker 6 80
- Allowed on special tax.
Dist No 14
B Hosford 2 00
WLDugKins 8 00
A Kerns 10 00
Roy Tucker 7 00
T M. Tucker 21 00
E E Mckerson 4 00
C Bergerson 1 1 00
F Tracey 34 60
W D Cje 1 00
WD Case 12 oO
A Emmons 35 00
W Allen 20 25
U MBeeghley 34 25
Wilburn Hall 28 00
J Emmons 20 00
J D Hall 18 00
P Mellinger 20 00
R Mills 17 00
W L Duggins 12 00
CW Mellinger , , 30 60
Dijt No. 15
GuitGustafson.. 190 60
In the matter ot the petition of James
A. Ray for damages, by reason of defect
in County road. Upon consideration of
this matter it appearing to the court
that the defect in the county roan com-
plajned of was caused by Die action of
the elements. Petition is therefore de
In pie matter of the petition of rtiilip
Stein for reduction of tax for t);e year
J904. Petition denied.
In the matter of approving lie ap
pointing of fire wardens by County
Judge, during vacation, The appoint
ment 61 James Ellwooe and John F.
Cheldelin heretofore made by the Coun-
! ty Jucjge were, now jpjiroved by the
In the mutter nf the eatjcellHtion of
void tax aalf certificates fielcj by" this
county. Tax kale c'ertilicates Nos. 5J8,
623, 624, fj, 030, 631 and' tf-7 being wl
(he tax certificates held by the county
for tiie tuxes for the rear Vf)4, on lands
in the 11 section strip adjudged to be in
Washington county, were thisdayorder
ed turned over to the sheriff for cancel;
lution .
In the matter ot the cancellation of
county warrants over 7 y'r old on
July 1st, 1006. The following paoicd
warrants being all tho enmity .warrants
remaining In tho hand qt the countf
clerk that were drawn more than 7 years
prior to the 1st day of July IW5, wer
now ordered cancelled In t ie i,rt)seuce of
the court.
ml series A No. ;W1I7 Wm Junes .fili.iai ,
xriu series a no. anew u kj mmicr. "
and aerie A No. a77 J HUottmler 1 60
2nd series A No, 8780 W Howe.
1 00
2nd series A No. 8781 O D Wolf.
1 00
2nd sei ie A No. 3840 Tom Anderson I 50
2ml Mrii A No. 2M)ti J tl lVtermin. . 3 00
2nd scries X No. W7Cldo.Rleharu
son w
2nd series A No. .1908 MttlhUs Wyer 3 00
2nd series A No. 3001 J N kfee sher
iff aa
2nd series A No. 39i8 J N Rice sher
iff ; su
2nd series A No. 3972 J N Rice ulicr-
Irt 3
2nd series A No. 4267 Henry Martin 1 60
2nd series A No. 4270 John Turner.. 2 00
2nd ries A No. 4451 Victor Deger-
sted t 6Uj
O...I ,.l... 1 KI 1 lil I L.I.Kan t Til)
III the matter of the payment of sUy
of the secretary of the county Board of
Bealfh. Ordered that Secretary ot the
county Board ot lloallh lie paid ul rate
1 and i rout ri,c1' 011 lxpuhition of
8410 In 4 quarterly paymenta as provid
ed by law.
In the matter ot proposed change in
route of county road at Neer City. It
appearing to the conrt that tha owners
of the land required to make proposed
change are ready to deed same to the
county, an 1 that said change will bene
fit the road, it is therefore ordered that
w hen snid deed Is filed for record, said
new route be accepted as the county
Adjourned to 8th lust,
September 8th, 1905, 3rd Judicial day.
All the bills against the county, road
districts and special funds reported last
week, were on this day allowed by the
court, and the clerk ordered to issue
warrants in payment of same.
Adjourned to 9th, inst
September 9th, 1905, 4th Judicial day.
In the matter of procuring the books
etc, required for tha registration of land
titles. Ordered that county clerk take
advice as to what books etc. are neces
sary, ami procure same at once.
In the matter of the publication of
the delinquent tax list of 1904. Ordered
that county papers be notified to sub
mit bids to this court for the publication
of same according to law, on or before
Sept. 30th, 1905.
In the matter ot the complaint of Sup
ervisor of R. D, No. 0 regarding block
ing of the county road at Inglis, by the
Oregon Lumber Co, Ordered that said
company be and they are hereby noti
fied, to leave at 20 ft in width clear
on said road, and conduct their Burning
operations in such manner hereafter,
that water from same shall nut run into
county road.
Adjourned to September 00th, 1906.
, .
Are Yon Kiiiragcri?
Engaged people should remember,
that after marriage many quarrels may
be avoided by keeping their digestions
in good condition with Electric Bitters.
S. A. Brown of Benuetsvillr, 8. C. snys:
"For five years my wife suffered intens
ly from dyspepsia, complicated with a
torpid liver, until she lost her strength
and vigor, and beccme a mere wreck of
her former selfe. Then sho tried
electric bitters, which helped her at
one, and finally made her entirely well.
She is now strong and healthy." Perry
A Graham sells and guarantees them at
50c a bottle.
Less than four weeks remain in which
to take advnntago of the low railroad
rates to go and see the Lewis and Clark
Fair ami the Wonderful Northwuxt
When in Portland (io to
The Empire Rostaurant, 192 Third
Street, three doors South of Baker The
irs. Meals from 15 cents up. Open
day and night. Oysters in any style.
Wm. Ilolilamler, Prop., formerly of the
Royal, 1st and Madison.
The big borne and cattle show at the
Exposition is now in progreas, opening
September 10. It will run for ten days.
Some of the most noted horses in the
country are on exhibition, and in the
cattle, sheep and bog sections the
entries are highly interesting. Cattle
and horsemen from all quartet of the
United Stutes are in attendance.
Like Finding Money
Finding health Is like finding money,
so think those who are sick. When yon
have a cough, cold sore throat, or cliect
irritation, better act promptly like W.
C. Barber of Sandy Level, Va He
says : I had a terriable chest trouble,
caused by smoke and coal dust on my
lungs; but, after finding no relief in
other remedies, I was cured by Dr.
Kings New Discovery for Consumption,
coughs, and colds. Greatest sals of any
cough or lung medicine in the world.
At Perry A Graham store ;50c and $1 .00;
guaranteed. Trial battle Tree.
Qne of the mot Interesting outside
attractions for Exposition visitors is the
Maclay Park Bud canor), which begins
lust outside one of the entrances to the
fair. There is no other park In the
world like this, A narrow trail, just
wide enongh for one perron at a time,
leads op the slope on one side of ttu
canon, grodnajly dijoending- to the bot
tom, along which runs a purling brook,
For a mill or more pie frail teads
tljrpugh the deep canon, with great fir
trees rising on eaph side at)d ferns ns tall
as a man, growing thickly, Then, at the
upper end, the slghlseur climbs the nar
row trail up the slopn and along fho
m'ountnin side, coming out at City Park,
a beautiful place of landscape gardening,
Maclay Park is left jutt as nature rnadu
it, excepting that the one narrow path
ha been cut through.
I have money to loan on approved
real estate security,
St Helens, Oregon.
sidnsv M.iliiili-it misrtc a I'twln trip
to Portland this week. Ho went by the
j Vori GruvVTcrMp tnerc U
an atuwtion there for him.' Who know.
The nrw gravel side walk on the south
side of Brdire street, between First and
, ... rMt i.,. mv
imU. Tins tie
,; , , , .. ...
be considered commendatory or
wise, as the reader electa. The pile ot
rubbish at the west end ot the bridge is
somewhat (?) ornamental.
T. R. Thnaip who has been In the Imp
fields, al Portland working in a saw mill,
seeing the fair and having a rvkmI lime
In general the past three wicks, returned
home Sunday evening.
K. K. Nickcrson started to Portland
Tuesday with a load of apples from hi
orchard. He always finds a ready mar
ket tor Ncbatem apple, since he packs
them so well, and although It is a long
rough haul, gets them there In good
Cueaucy West and wife, nee
MulmsU-u, went over the mountains to
Hilbboro this week where they Had
business. They alo went to ruruaiui m
take In the tir.
Prank Tracey is hauling shlngVs and
lumber these days, expecting to bulid a
house yet this fall, on his ranch two miles
up Rock Creek way.
John Pringtv w in Portland last week
and a portion ot this, nttciidiiijj to mat
ters in connection with bis lal uue
J. C. Coulter has lieeli quite sick for n
week past, but is much improved at I his
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, W. H.
Powell, was in this city Saturday last on
Mr. aud Mr.i. A. N. Karlcy have been
ilolng" the exposition Un week. R Tliroop, who lu been
visiting her motttrr, Mis. R, C. Wriwter
aud sister Mrs. Kred Hrgstroiu, at Port
land the past three weeks, returned Wed
nesday oi this week. While out she luid
in a simply of lull and winter good for
the store.
Messrs Simpson and, ranchers
from near Forest Grove epent tew days
of last week up Rock Creek hunting and
fishing. They stopped over the night
Tuesday with J. C. Coulter, an old Irieiid
of Mr. Davis'.
Mrs. Arthur Johnson, wilh her daugh
ter Kdra, and brother and sister. Willie
and Ruby Denslow, are in Portland this
week taking in the fair.
The sncet-ssful bidder, Mr F.iiglckc. for
tlie cruastayiug up the Pebble creek road
bus thrown up the ob even Wtore doiuj
any of the work, nnJ his loituUincii luve
let the contract to Clyve Mills and CUr-
nucc Palmer. They beg in on the job
the first ot the week.
Next Tuesday, Sept. 2ll, is IuirymatH
Puyat the fair, n:id in my of our citweii
are planning to be present on that nny
There will be present some of the uiot
prominent dairyman of the coiium , who
will address the people on pertinent sub
jects, and during llw day there will be a
display of fine dairy stock, including all
of the premium cows trout Oregon at the
Worlds fair at St. Louis last year.
Chas. Mellinger, supervisor of R. I),
No. 14, is pushing the grade work in bis
district, being done by the In, m
as to close it nil up lelorj tti jeh r.iin
comes. l S. Mellinger, who t.'!t the
contract on the grade nil I (jr.ivi 1 work
around the bluff. Just aVive l'iit-lmrg. on
the river road, will soon complete the
job. I). W, Kcisry and ('ut Gustation,
who have contracts near Vcrmmia in
district No. l"i l'r grade and gravel work,
are also pushing the work. All this
permanent work being done in these two
districts is helping the qurstion c( trans
portation along wonderfully in this part
ot the Nehatem,
Dr. and Mrs Hatfield left Tuesday
morning by way of Throop's vtpress, for
Clatskauic, thence to Astoria and Seaside
and thence up the Columbia on the Ifns
selo to Portland, Thursday, to spend n
few days seeing the centcniiifil. They
will take a trip next week up the Will
amette to Cottage Grove for a few !:iys
viait with Mrs. Hatfield's brother, W. G.
Woods and family. Returning to Port
land the following week they, may take
atrip up the Columbia as far us The
Dalles. They have aim planned a side
trip from Kugene up into the Cascades to
visit I. It. McLain, an old laiyhood
friend of the Doctor's. This is the find
outing they liave taken since coming to
the Nehalem, seven years ago this mouth,
and it is their intention to uce a bit of
Oregon while awy.
" " " ''SI
AND Uwiofi Pacific
uSiiiN iikr-oi', 1 1 " j ,Wvii
CifirAii'i-Poll'll.aM s.if a.' T
si r., iii. lor ins Mi Hully.
S i'6k Aif it fXXv. "it,
for KnHtorn WsIiInk
Ion. Wslla W.lln. Iw-
labin, li'iour rt'Ali-im;
snl (ireat N(fUV(ii
poliiti. '
fur tlio Kast via lluiil-
I ii if nn.
I tllr.
I.T A. M
ftuuijay, ai n.iiii p. in. piiniMsy U:UI t
for Astoria .nl war InniliiiKS Hcliirnna'
leaviis Aalurla nl 7 (Ml a, m iIkIIv. escem
aua-tay A. L. CRAIQ,
Ocncial Trtkciiirir Attut, I'Ol TI.ApOrs,
The best you ewr saw for the price. Other stores j
nsk f 1 5.00 jvr ,uo better. M
3nd for one.
H PLEASl; YOU, return it.
221-223 Morrison St.
1 jpi 1
New Walk-Over
Styles for Hen
S3. 50
& iiHire IVikiiiHUotvl.IIMrri AN0
By The Bii Sawmill!- i
I Kwtriiig New ihmU Kvery thy iu the WVok
j lion ol Mini; Man.lint; fur tlniv the fUst In
Dart &
St. Hilcii.s, - -
tVVVVj,VVa -sV-V
Corner mid t!mr strt cts at
A first class nio.lcru hotel, at the most rcisouable
rates. A family hotel, where guests from the
country may be assured of uod treatment. Iu
conncctionwiih the hotel will be fouuJ the most
reasonable priced first coss rcstaurant j thc city
of Portland. Special accommodations for large
families. Get your dinner at Thk Kairmount
before entering the grounds, and avoid the high
prices inside restaurants arc compelled to charge
Cor, 2Qlh and
f. I II 000 II K I It U, Mailer.
Leaves Hahiier .laily, eee,t Hun.lay,
. .msvm a mss S. Jl
l'ortluii.l, Ore. ii
k a
tap 0003
rtAil- OWf IfSi
M tickle.
OlfgOU. 'Tj
Hie front gate the IKilitJl.
tiVI O U3STT, t
Upshur SU.
NiiTsa, CuHvaifAl" ')
j Hi fioiiKitny,
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