The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 21, 1905, Image 4

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I'm Falling
Thus cried the hair. And a
kind neighbor came to the res
cue with a bottle of Ayer's
Hair Vicor. The hair was
saved! In gratitude, it grew
long and heavy, and with all
the deep, rich color cf early
lire. Sold in all parts of the
world for sixty years. follow,, " ' J,"
ad.taaS T file" " BJL' .f.-i
I did I Ml. and li wait I no havaljailtl
aaa rail. Wis.
ft .... . 'A A if ft, s
Alao WAnufkoturr. at
Hard to ri.
Out lit tho end of the pier the Ash
were, biting freely, and the boy with
the sunburnt now had Just J
other 0-lneh "ring perch" to His string.
. . J .. oiv.-vs.e- I It I A
"I see von are naving mw
mornlng.'my lad." aald ' stranger.
Snort!" contemptuously wmwi u
twy "It KOOP HI SO Dimuru "v
baitln' hooka an' strlngln' fish that I
tin t bavin a bit of fun!"
All KiuhU
the re-
lftndlnc Hla Own Itmlness.
Wallace Cummlngs used to drive
the old stage which ran between
Brldgton and rortlnnd. One day V al
tar had aa a passenger out of Tort-
land a young city chap or dude, as
Wallace called lilin. me cv.w
along the atage route was both beau
tiful and diversified; the young man
much interested, and aa he sat
on the box, or post of honor, beside
Wallace literally plied him wuu ques
tions aa to what mountain that was
and what river thla was. etc.
The old driver, who detested this
eort of Interrogation, etood it as long
a he could. Finally he blurtea ow
"Sav. stranger. If you'll mind your
business I'll mind mine."
Thus snubbed, the young nn re-
hrnaed Into silence.
They had driven about ten miles
farther when they came to a long hill,
where the driver was obliged to apply
tha brake. Aa he shoved his foot to
ward It he Immediately noticed that
tha mall bag. which always lay there.
was gone. Evidently It had dropped
ff alone the road.
Wallace stopped his horses; then.
breaking the long silence, be said
"Say, stranger, did you see that mail
bag slide off?"
"Yea, I did; some ten miles back,
calmly remarked the yonng man.
"WelL why In thunder didn't you
tell me?" gasped the astonished
The "dude" looked him squarely In
the eye for moment, and then ne
drawled, imitating Wallaces tone:
"Say, driver, you mind your business
and I'll mind mine."
The rest of the Journey was driven
In cold silence. Boston Herald.
One Way of Examining.
Ho, there, Zlmmier' called the vil
lage physician's man-of-atl-work to the
lad who was passing. "Doctor said
for me to tell yon, if you came along,
that he wanted to see you inside.
Think he's lookln" for a new office boy.
He's In the office now."
"Ton tell him to go straight up'"
retorted little Zimmie Fiddler, prepar
ing te run. "See me inside? not
much! He needn't think he's goin' to
git to cot me open on any such excuse
aa that! Blast him! That s no way
to examine an office boy!"
Iafsnt mortality Is reported to bs
greater in rrussia than in any other
country except Russia. The draths the
Brst year are 6 to T per cent in Sweden,
13 In France and 23.6 in rrussia.
Woman's Compliment.
must compliment you on
markable lightness or your
said the woman customer.
"Thank you." rejoined the
It Is my aim to turn out the lightest
IxHUl.t 111 tli eltv.
"Yea." continued the w. c, ana u
you get It much lighter It will take
ivn of vour pomul loaves io
sixteen winces."
All. Mrs. Plvvorse, you look sweet
enough to eat this morning.
To eat? I? Why. Mr. Giddles,
thought you were a vegetarian."
"So I am. Rut you are a grass
widow, you know."
inDnmml br the Picture.
Bacon And who buys his cigars for
Egbert His wife.
"Hoc she buy them by the box?"
"No, by the picture on the box,
think." Voukers Statesman.
Not Ouite Plain.
K-in.t i.adv Poor man! Wouldn't
von like a nice chop?
The HolK) (suspiciously) What kind
nv a chop, lady lamb or woodshed?
Kmaualon. Wa make haete to ac
quire new possessions, not knowing
how wa shall use them when they are
ours. Kev. II. Van Dyke. l'resbyurl
an, Prluceton, N. J.
False Frleude. Society does not
make men and women. Character Is
tha test for manhood or womanhood.
Let us not be deceived by fale frleiids,
hut tm.t Joins. Kev. J. H. Aoeove,
Methodist, Boston, Mass,
Progress. What the poet knows
and aces, the hlatorlan by aud by re-
eorda. Civilisation la pyramidal
Progress la only the piling up of ener
gies which dead generations pass up
a. the nasi awav. ltev. J. B. l
Baptist, Atlanta, Us.
Tha Light of Life. Nona but the
light of life wtll save ua from the
darkness of death. It la a light which
never dime, but In every clime auuu
Natnrat lVcduetlon.
finite patient Are you quite sure
von no.iersLin.l your buslneaa, sir?
i.i i ..... w.oi tv iieen nracitc-
,ng for fifteen ye,r..ud not I .very elcne.
one of my patients lias ever wm- Because ui . v,.
limit Patient Hum rrouauij
Vead men tell no tales.
Jack How are you getting on with
iiuraius. old mau?
Tom Slow but sure. I began ai "
front gate and have now reached the
vr,.nil. If untiling happeus I hope
to get Into tae parlor this fall.
In Advance of Advice.
Phvsl. i.iu I d advise you to drink a
..mi of hot water with every meal.
Patient I do. but my lauoiauy riayior,
Railroad Rat LagUlallon
TeatlfyiMg Mom tte) .nt. o"n
. at Washington, Interstate U
eo......lssion Hie IK'wer to re,ul"l ran
said in
commission the lwer
"V?hU.. th. railways. .ld ma
ihelrownrat. 1 lUl..k fay I'"'1
U allowed to develop their own 1 1 oal
nees. I hava never adv.H-ail any w,
.i .... i i.vor n( any '
anil 1 mm ' - ....Lliiii
won Ul mil tna- ram -
Methodist, Brooklyn, N. V.
The Sacrament. A atudy of the
crament In lta broad significance
ahowa that Christ waa conscious in
being frta of guilt, and any mau who
la free In consciousness from sin fears
not death. Uev. A. J. Henry, i.ou-
gregatlonalist, Brooklyn, N. V.
The 8lmple Life. It ts measurably
true that the educaiea cmse
valuing life more and more by lta ma
terial equipment aud that tney are iu
danger of losing the power of plain
living and high thinking. Bev. J. M.
Presbyterian, PougUkeepsie,
Mrs. Towers (ioninml, formerly
MUs tilndya Crtx-ker, who la heiress to
a f:i.tnnMH eMtate, has a hobby for
Kgyptlau costume, and has had taken
a picture In which aha Is garbed iu
an ancient robe of the Orient, with a
costly ring hanging from one aide of
her nose.
imwer Into U ''' t any commi"
iu,n or any curt. Whll. It -X
,m.e.ry to do that some Urn-. l 1
.i... im .1..... In some slates at the pn a
ent time, while IV oone .
countries, I am opH.e.l to n.
File railway rate la propeny. .. -the
property that the la.lwsy baa got.
Tha rest l Ha property is nm "
anytlilug nnlesa It can cnsrH -Now
it ha. alw.y.
wl,e..rat.a.tlse-l, It Ujat
an unreasonable rale. It deprl
rallr..! c.m.)Miiiy of ila proirly V
Unto. It is not neceMary that yo I
should conllsiato the properly of a rail
road; it Is not necessary '
shoulit say that it shall not earn lhr
,r cent or (our Hr cent. When yon
.ut in a rale that is Inherently i"r a.
sonel.le, y.m bave depiive.1 that com
pany of fta rights, ol ita m.ty. a-,d
ihe cin uit curt ot the VniUd MUM
has l.irsi.lletion under the Kourteenth
' . . . i..ln ,11 e
aineniliiieni i n"
I have looked at these ess. a great
many times, and I can only come to
the conclusion that a railroad com
pany is entitled to charge a fa r ami
reasonable rate, ana u any on -
ommisslon. if any stattue oi a
.....i........ i.u that rale, the
Kourteenth aiuen.lmenl pruUcta
railway comiany.
HiM. Haiiuwt sixt in.r amine l-uu. v
n lit ttiMrhMi. II ltira Htwr wa ui
will, loo imm !' dwMiltW rti,l(
and brlr. ,. - -i..l .
I'eol o( Murilina Xlr.M forlUnJ, 0,,
it coffee.
l..,lnt of View.
Ilamnierton I'm sorry to hear of
...... ,i., I ioh:rrasament. old
I1IUI .......
chap. Will you be able to save any
lMi. from tll WriH'k?
i o...i.i..i,-h Xothlna but my self-
i-xn.H-t nnd EiW.l uauie.
Haiumertou You don't say! I heard
It was a bad failure, but I had no ide.i
It was a complete siuash up.
Not Quite Clear.
fireen Joues waa run over by a
..,n veaterdav. They aay he
cannot recover.
Brown Who satd he couldn't
cover, fcla doctor or his lawyer?
- H
k -J.
"Yes Willie " said the affable uncle, "the rainbow means that there will
UUI l.'l? UUJ UWI! .... . ,
... . m -,a trmio "i miit ran home and tell papa. I neara
iS lll.t I iruri
him say he Intended to invest in an umbrella factory. Omaha m
He's traveling at a pretty rapid
gait, tsu t be?"
Hapid well, I should think so.
He's going at a twelve horse power
gait on a two horse power income.
Milwaukee Sentinel.
Balanced Emotions.
Where Lies the East.
"Yes, I've Just returned from a two
months' visit In the East," tha Port
land young lady was saying, "and, oh.
I had such a lovely time! Those East
ernera are so different from us,
"What points did you visit?" in-
o ul red the newcomer In Oregon. "I
do hope you saw dear old Boston.'
"Boston!" the Portland gl.-l ejacu
lated. "I should say not I was in
Montana." rortlaud Oregonlan.
Terrific Jolt.
Saolclzh Do you aw think It
would be wrong for me to marry a
girl who waa my inferior Intellectu
Miss CntUng No. but I think It
would be Impossible.
Divided Allegiance.
"What broke off the engagement be
tween Archie and the girl with the au
burn hair?"
Bufferings Were Protracted and Severe
Tried Every Known Eemedy With
out Belief Serious Stomach Trouble
Cured by Three Bottles of Perunal
"1 don't see why you look so dis
pensed with this new bonnet," said
tho fond wife. "You look as cross as
Mrs. Humpln did when she learned
that she conld not get it at the store
because I bad gotten ahead of her.
"And you," said the brutal husband,
"you look as happy as Mr. Humpln
runst feel when he learns he doesn't
have to pay for the thing after all."
Chicago Tribune.
An Old Standby.
"A good many people seem to dis
like Toucberly yet be appears to
stand by his friends."
"Yes and I'll bet you never saw
r.t them offer Wm a chair."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
' Capt. W. W. Jackson, 705 G St., N
W.. Washingotn, D. C, writes:
"I am eighty-three years old, a vet
eran of tha Black Hawk, Mexican and Ler
. T - V. v.w.ruaalnn ml
physican, but abandoned the same.
"Some years ago I waa seriously af
fected with catarrh of the stomach. My
Bufferings were protracted and severe. I
tried every known remedy without obUin
imw relief.
' "la desperation I began the use of your
Peru na. I began to realize immediate
though gradual improvement.
"After the use of three bottles every
appearance of my complaint was re
moved, and I have no hesitation in rec
ommending it aa an infallible remedy
for that disorder." W. W. Jackson.
Addreea Dr. S. B. Hartman, Presi
dent of The Hartman Sanitarium, Co
Iambus, Ohio.
rnnldn't Blame Him.
Am vou a lover of the national
game?" asked the lmajlsmve passeu
Not me," answered the sad-looking
young man across the aisle. l m a
baseball umpire."
. Too Much Bnlnea,
Her My only objection to Mrs.
Pryor Is that she's a business woman.
Him Iudeedl What business Is she
engaged In?
Her Everybody's.
miu aj nrmtsjiuM.
C7. 1
Proof Poaltlva.
Tom My fiancee was struck dumb
w,pn I bouzht her that diamond-
ttudded locket.
Jack How do you know?
Tom Because aha hasn't atopped
talking about it yet
Somewhat Different.
Orav Your wife used to ba rather
r.on. Wore vour marriage. Ia aha
tun ao?
Smith Oh, no; ahe'a tx-paoalTe.
N. Y
Right Will Pay. It paya you to do
right Nothing else will last, ir you
waut nermaueut success, do right.
even If you suffer loss. If you dou t
succeed In this life, success is yours
In tha eternal world. Uev. M. C.
Brooks, African Methodist. Brooklyn,
N. y.
Free Speech. A free government
necessarily implies a fre person and
free sneech. and while It may oe true
that now and then there may nave
been abuse of these privileges, yet we
believe It to be tha exception and not
the rule. Kev. O. A. Kuerr, Evange
Uat, Pottavllle, Fa.
Truth. There Is no such thing as
change In fundamental trum. e
may know more of the truta, oui we
cannot change that which is rvany
true. Knowledge may Increase, oui
we cannot change the truth to which
we are betra. Kev. W. H. Iloberts,
Presbyterian, New York City.
Clondy Skies. The soul that trust-
eth In Christ knows what It la to be
with Him under cloudy aa well as
clear skies. Clouds come In the way
of duty and in the way of development
and In the way of destiny. But mere
are ever bright clouds. Kev. B. ti.
Newton, Congregatlouallst, Pittsburg,
Glory and Good Will. The reason
why the modern highway robber, the
criminal trust magnate, la a god
church member Is that both he and
bla church believe that glory to (,od
and good-will toward men are two
separate and distinct things. Uev.
Frank Crane, Unitarian, worcesier,
Maaa. .
Conquerors of the World. All along
life's ways, quietly, unknown of ns
often, unheralded. In simple Ualiy
truenesa of living, move the real con
querors of the world, for whose brows
the angela are weaving ganamis from
the leavea of the tree or lire uev.
John B. Clark, Presbyterian, Detroit,
Labor and the Church. The church
of Jesus Christ Is the frleud of the
srnrklnir man. If she Ul not. she is
untrue to her Loru ana io nersen.
There Is no such gulf between work
lngmen and the church as many crtt
Ica affirm. True church men are work'
lngmen In the broad sense of the
word. Bev. R. S. MacArthur, Baptist,
New York City,
Poetry and Invention. The poet Is
not confined to the realm of the actu
al but la pennltted to work In tho
realm of the Ideal. The Inventor
would come nearest to the poet In re
lation to rank, for be, like the poet.
creates, but what the Inventor doe in
v.. 11,1. Mrnrnt Nature of
i,'..ri Hulilirr lu a Kealment.
iLiih NiitMileoti 1. and IU. had ex
traordinary powers of memory. It t
.kI.i of the first that he could repeat
til. im lues of his fullest regiment, hav
Ing heard the list but once read. Later
In life, discovering one of his old sol
.liar. In a certain stonecutter, ho was
able to tell at once the rank he held
In the army, the eaot corps ami regi
ment he belonged to. where be had
served and the Individual character he
had borue for bravery.
Seneca complained of old age when
he could not, as formerly, repeat 2.iW
words in the order In which they were
read. The Druids taught their whole
circle of science In 'JM0 verses.
.i,i,ih ni,lnh were called utou to
commit to memory, a tak frequently
taking twenty year.
It la related of Wlegls. a German
violinist, that upon the discovery that
the score of a certalu aluahle opera
had been lost he volunteered to write
It from memory. This lie successful
ly did, to the ulcett details, aud was
paid a handsome sum of money, t'poo
many occaaloti Wlegls accurately per
formed bis part at the opera wlieu ne
was so intoxicated as to make It neces
sary to provide him wllh bis inslru
uient aud ailjimt It lu his hands.
Itaclne could recite all the tragedies
of Euripides. Lord Granville repeated
the Sew Testament from begiuulng
to end In the original Grk. sad
Cooke, the tragedian. Is said to have
committed to memory all the conteuta
of a large dally newspaper.
Strainlky was said to know the
name and place of the Astor library
The same was said of the old librarian
Magllabechl, who. besides knowing the
name of every Ixiok of Ills vast library,
could repeat the contents of a grea
number of them, and could tell any In
pllrer not only what book would best
satisfy his wishes, but the chapter
and page vytiere the desired data could
be found.
Mlrandola would commit to memory
the contents ot a book by reading It
three times over and could frequently
repeat the words backward as
as forward. Thomas t'ranmer ts sal
to have committed to memory In three
mouths an entire translation of tl
Itible. and I.elbnlw, when an old man,
could recite the whole of Virgil word
for word.
lastly, Kossuet could repeat not only
the whole Bible, but all of Homer,
Virgil and Horace, besides many othv
ij 1 1 V t RYyrrlcni -HP TBU1 IN
f IrttRCrUHTJ MOTfafVt Allrl
tut- bnr-ltatHl tttl
ty oai. ( ! turn
ftM U t l VliK'h tMM,
II lltars IM felMtei m KVIt
l-Jtt MM
(l.r It. Ihu- It HA VI ft
rtlO r.i...
Utii.i la Meit list ajrw-.tint
s rnti ft a fto,
9 m im
ps. at Halsel IWtl
On whose part?"
Hera. She said he was too fond of the realm of mechanlca, the poet does
his new automobile." Chicago Trib- in the realm of mind. Uev. A. Lewis,
une. Congregatlonallst, Worcester, Mass I The Citv. Christians who live In
His poems are worth their weight cttiea have more opportunities for do-
In gold, he says."
Then he ought to be a millionaire
by this time. They're heavy enough.'
Cleveland Leader.
Early in the Game.
The honeymoon was Just two weeks
'John, dear," she said, "I made some
ungel cake this morning."
'Ah, darling mine, any old cake
would be angel cake If you manufac
tured It!!"
TbeKsperlence Whittle Colli Orad-
nale Kncounter!,
Any business man of long expert-
.. .. . . . i.i,,..
nee, college man iiiougn ne w
self, will altet to the wrinkles nisi
bave to be taken out of the average
ollege man at the llrst brush, says a
man iu business, t had nil epcrlei
Ith one of them a short time ago
When I first talked with bliu he was
willing to "accept" a position If It paid
UV a mouth, for Instance!
I turned lilin out In ou minute and
thirty eceoiuU. asking that be can
again about the middle of the next
week. He came that Is the charac
teristic of the college man, by the way,
jumped on blm before he got his
resin from the walk upstairs, t ask
ed hlra If be knew about bow much bis
first three mistakes In the place br
wauled would cost the bouse? It-
didn't, of course. I asked him If to
knew Just how much more tie might !
worth to me or to another employer I.
be could assure me or them that then
would be no mistake to cost anything
lie thought be did.
Then 1 came down to the brass tack
of the jv hole ipicxtlou:
How long." I said, "will
you to forget In the first plait- that you
U-long to one of the oideat families III
Virginia; bow long to foritet that you
were the valedletorlau of your class;
how long to om recollection of your
having proposed 'accepting' a position
at St a month, and to uiiike up your
mind that If 1 allow you to fill a place
here at $ a mouth for the first year
you will be a fortunate young man?"
He was hurt. An old frleii.l of mine
bad been an old friend of the young
man's father. He said be would call
the next afternoon, and he came,
"I am ready to go to work 111 the
morning, he said, simply, He has
been al work ever since. t'W, ami If he
keep to the gait he Is going I shall be
stuck Into paying him fmi a week In
stead of his present ' a' mouth.
Tlv tt I"" Urft-i ImM M sVW hta
matt" IWtMMi. U I, tavern 1 tSI Ud W
V..(Wl ir. ft I ".) !, tMtitstiMs b- (tas.
tM 'ntt- w Ms' K'tsst iiH ' U'sHi Um f te 1st tjltwtMUaNnsy ,) ft. 4
Wtn HUahH iIiwm tMUjr ttnpualS
bM(l WH.i In ! l'" !( l
l.ss4tlialle r"el .H ul.. a VtsrsMt-jaWr
tTI V Kh A Mwi.v " uvniirvn ipfi.
arti4 is(fsa Mi. sHt(
la It ! .Mi-e ! rr Uat44a,
i J rful jj "M rtuKh tr ...4 ffltj 4r Vj-'sV t h
if1in-l f iiwMl . aUwrM, fiavW'
Wltn RsMUl.llrt Aw-lt VtiWUmi
ft W r'r mh tut HatUtH nsrt
hlNUAND, ilUaXUOtf
MtTt""l-tl- .Wt"l tVftMMMl t9 fcr (.
W ttte-stiui
Iowa Improved
WaUt High
Skims Cold
or Warm
60 ret Cant
3L5T EVl'.R
I5 I !
' i 1
. I -
il ,
itMl rim StAl.lXtl
rtMtitM. tmtwMs
,r. vrtt k . s mi H'ig
it take for J
Ing good and greater responsibilities
than other men. One hundred years
ago only one thirtieth of our popula
Uon lived In the cities. Now about
one-third of the people live In cities.
Our grandfathers did not have our
modern problems to deal witn. iter.
W. Q. Partridge, Ilaptlnst, I'lttsburg,
The. Mission and the Message. The
church baa and always will have a
mission and a message, and the two
run together, for the mission Is to
Not ImrnortaL carry the messsge. inai is no sun-
The late General Fltzhugb Lee had pie and one-ayllabled message. It Is
large fund of war-time anecdotea. that, of course, but it i iar larger.
He used to tell this one. lit Is a germinal message uo irnns-
On account of the shifting of officers forming power, we win woru n in
to replace losses, a young Irishman waa many ways, but arter an our pnras
eliren command of a raw trooD of vol- Ing It will still be the good tidings that
unteera who were under fire for the Ood ao loved the world that He gave
first time. Their baptism must hava Hie only begotten son mat wnosocver
unnerved the recruits, for th.y never believeth in Him should not perish but
budged at the command to charge. A bave everlasting life. That Is the Oos-
second command likewise being dis
obeyed, to their leader's stupefaction,
ho rode along the line glaring reproach
fully at bla men, and demanded, sar
castically :
"What alia you fellowa, anyhow 1
D'ye want to live forever?"
Eiperienoo reaches.
First TruantBay, Billy, ain't yoo
going bomet
Second Truant ot much. If we
goes borne now we gets a licking, but
If we leave It till after dark we gate
kissed and cuddled and given cake for
not being drowned. Ally Bloper,
An Irish philosopher says he knows
of no satisfactory reason why women
should not become good bualneaa men.
pel the love of Ood for men In Jesus
Christ Hla Son. Rev. C. B. McAfee,
I'resbyterlon, Brooklyn, N. T.
The Prodigal's Ilesentment,
"I realize," aald the unhappy parent.
"that the way I have brought you up
conclusively proves that I am little bet
ter than a fool."
"Blrl" cried the wayward youth. "1
appreciate the fact that your age pro
tects you from my Just resentment. If
you were a younger man I would aoon
teach you that no man can apeak dis
respectfully of my father In my pres
ence." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A woman can keep a secret about
another woman If It la something real
No servant, however secure In the
affections of his master, ever went
farther than little Pagal, who, says
Miss Cornelia SorabJI Iu "Huu-ltables,"
pulled the punka, or fan, lu the "Pres
ence's" chamber. One afternoon the
mistress of the house came home ear
lier thau usual, and there she. found
Pagal on the lowest of tne steps lead
ing Into the master's room, taking a
bath. He was gurgling and dancing
In bis single wet garment, pouring the
water over his head, aud trying to
catch it in bis mouth.
A ring of angry servants etood
about him, scolding and threatening;
but Pagal cared nothing for them
"Ves, yes," he sold, "the water carrier
will have to fill the tubs anew lu the
morning; but what of that'"
And he rati round and round In a
ring, to dry himself. It was then that
the mistress appeared, and the ser
vants openly exulted.
Now, at last," tried they, "will the
Presences know what maimer of fiend
thou art!"
Pugal broke through the circle, to
fetch his livery, which hung on a low
reaching branch of a mango tree. It
was an old union Jack, which had
probably been used, In Its first estate,
as a decoration for some street parade.
Pagal draped It about blm togn-wlse,
and then In a moment was back Ix fore
tils mistress and his accusers, standing,
In his usual manner, head hunt, scratch
Ing the ground with his hies.
"Pognl," began the mistress, "what
would the sahib say If he saw you?
Vou were visible from tin, drive, and
you so Careful about the honor ot
your sahib's house! There wa the
well or pump at which you might
have bathed, near tho servants' quar
"It Is true," he answered, meekly,
"But where should my master's slave
live and move except upon hla door
step? Yesterday I saw a little spar
row bathing In this same tub of water.
And I could I be of less value to my
sahib than that little sparrow thing?
Surely notl"
Then, after a pause, he added, with
hla most Innocent air,' "I take great
care not to invade the Miss Bnhlb'
part of the building. The Miss Halilb
knows that'"
He looked up wtb hla swetest, most
beaming smile. He had put the "Miss
Sahib" lu her proper place.
A Pluralist.
t'jion his accession to the throne the
Emperor of Russia was appointed Col
onel In -Chief of the Royal Soots Orcys.
Whilst dressing for dinner an enthusi
astic subaltern communicated the In I
formation to bis servant, "lionald." .y
be said, "have you beard that the ne
ll. ,il) trxaird SI
fj Atdar M to, Ihe t tea -a
In lh -( I rirk l.ll!.tlle ,,
c,i.,, ,.l ,! air ! Mal. M-
N n;;' Hoi ri.
StMcv.ful Home Trfal merit
tH. I' Ht'g WO Is Stlon lhriMfclH ills
I tll.t n.l I... I -! Ida lifl I ai-
no. I".- a' "i ..iit at fcts aiol,itl
eufr, am .il l-l ft s Snll", aoaoiil
I immi. or l'i t "f sl4. lis
ti.;. .ml ll iim ; r-'
ll.. Iietw, Hurt. lt "
-,! It l ' iiuklx an l tl"ll(l
rln Io thl. l-.-,!Hllr. h-l Itirwuieh Ihs
tiMtM lhr hit'mlw. ,o,pHp M a"f'
l n' I Ith. A.lh, IM"
If, iiM Htii o.,t s,,"""1!. aum
am, l!r, kuli-, l ""'
an I Ai hn iiit I i . , all f m.
nil n, , it. .'n. lot walling !''
n4 i. trruUr. Al-lreM
The C. Ore we Chinete Medkine Co.
Na. !!' rt V.,. f. fmr. Mantua
nH aUM lis, tm- r.iua, Utsa.
mperor of Itussla has beeu appointed j
olonel of the regiment? "Indeed,
sir!" replied lonald. "It's a vera
prowl thing." Then, after a pause, be
nqulred, "lleg pardon, sir, but will he
be able to keep both places?"
Chip of tha Old lllnck.
Uruwells What mokes His lisby cr
so when the aura Is trying to st lbs
lirt from bis face?
Mrs. tirowtlla Oil, 1 suppose tit takes
fter yon.
fi rowella Now what In (lis world do
you mean by that, mailain?
Mrs. Urowslls He svldaatly wsnls
the earth.
Mothers will flnil Mrs. Wlnairm'i Hootlilns
yruplho bam rui1r u.uaa tut irwlrhililna
during ths Ualhlug iflul.
Na. a-ttO
rldae ta a4artars ala
aantlan thla aaoav.
Where Katrnines M'rt.
Modiste What nlyte ot slssrs
you prefer, Mrs. lStylr?
Mrs. OeHtylfi I hardly know. list
la tb correct thing this scaion too tight
or too loose?
k,H,r ('insolation, t'li-rr up, wld man. There sre
Ju.t s g'd tt.h In the sa as ever
hbort Very lik'ly; but whst'a a IbIIdw
to do ahull tin's ant of ball?
Plso Cure T s rinKlv foreottghs, eoldi
and roiifiimptioii. TryU. Price iii eeuUi
No Mlgn.
Ethel Are you sure the count wsi
Intoxicated last nlglit?
Kdythe-Poslilve. Why, be couldn't
pronoiiiica his own tianie.
Ktliellliit you must remember that
he Is a Itiisalan count. Cincinnati
('oiurnerclal Tribune.
I'.tmaiwiilf 'or.1. Hi rlisar narvamnMS
sat III a Mystery.
Ws are told that t'slo got msrrted
When he tired ot single li fa.
But some people still sre puttied
As to where he got his wife.
li.t..rrr Mr,,il rr t'revetfLtMltMritt.afxHfvallMi,
HI II. II. Kill,.. 1 .1.1., Ml All It HI.. I'llllaoxieuia, I a
TourUts In Kgypl are supposed to be
provided illi pBsspiirta, but the la Is
not strictly eiiforcetl; a visiting card suffices.
The tainted blood of ancestors l.iva nnon tlm ahniililera nl Innncent off.
prfnif untold aufjefinfr by Jtranaraittinu to them, throuRh the blood, that
unguung uiacaac, ocroiuia; lor in nearly every InBtauco the tliseoae can be
traced to some family blood trouble, or blood-kin marriarre which is contrary
to the laws of nature.- Swelling, ulcerating glandg of the neck, catarrli,
weak eyca, aorea, abscesses, , ,
kin erttptlona, white swell- Bcrofuln appeared on the head of mr little
Inc. hip disease and other rTrant child when only i months old, and spread
deformities with wnat imr "P'dly ver her laxly, Tho disease next attacked
Of the turnl .irth .n5 ,.lw eyt ""I fc"rr,, ''e would lose her smht.
S tn fv nrV., L.nF "d U """"n that we decided to try 8. 8. B. That
vitality, nresome of the ways medicine at once made a speedy and compleU
this miserable disease man- cure. Hhe is now a young lady, aud baa never
treats itself. The poison had a sinu of the dlseawt to return,
transmitted through the "5 8 5lU Bt, 8Hiia, Kan. Mas. R. BgRKLV.
SaVt. ??"Ul,e" f! 9 u'c with scrofulous matter nnd tubercular
ffli A ne8ulUnK.i. consumptiun. A diaeaso which has been In tf
family blood for generations, perhaps, or nt least Bince the birth of the suf.
icrer, requires coiintitutionnl treatntent. S. S. S.
js the remedy best fitted for this. It cleanses tha
blood of nil scrofulous and tuberculous polnmis,
tnnkes it rich aud pure nnd tinder the tonic cITccta
Of thla an.ii, t. ui . i. - t HI. I...-
nrwaa 4 ,, - uiuuicilic 1110 ECIlCrui licuii.ll no-
S'enreH 1 ' I),"?!!,nway. tlle a mire return to health, the din-
Ind in v te',"1?11 F"Hterly h Protected. Hook on the blood
6na any tiVMs wialiedi uiraMll,( by our llliy8i(.iiin()i wiUl0l)t chor8e-
me smrr spzgifis co.. Atlanta, cju
. US ,