The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 21, 1905, Image 3

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    " kj
. II U, CI10 will 1 t ilm Uradi
tow l'rl'ly WuiMUy lor nt two
' ,W, at lilt vl0c TMJyi WwIiim-
. iUMMitl TUtirly.
ur W K. Hmllh, ol DlnckfiKit, Malm.
u Mowlay lt. Mr. Hitiltli
nJ hwlly iav l"" ,,utlr 01,1
"Hail Mr. I'tlicr Clark, oi Jloiiltou.
n ttiiie to Oregon lirr Hi urt ol
.ailirtMNitoKlvt l ItwiJ word with
,Wf K,,
7tw Mining Journal, jmUitlicil at
UtlfblkM.AUk, ! wy niitliiial
.die amount ul th I'uurth tit July cel.
brtllim t tl plae. wliU.U It aWrllara
w tin vrtt." Tli warship Mar-Nt-bcad,
CliliK), awl Terry laarticipaUNi
,ml Mir liraas baml furnished tb music.
fttptid credit ! k'" CoImiiiIiU
cwinly ly. Mr. J. K. IkrK, collector
olcuUiuiat KrU'tiahan, who arted m
chairman ot tUcetecutiva CutuiiilUre.
pix.f Klnebart, Held r;rrUry of
(l Saloon taaifu.. will fMsukt ou
Suwliy. July STIrtl, In the Warren M. R.
charcHat IU. ui.jllimll.m, 3 00 p. m.
md SI, Helena lit ft p. ut, All who are
i ayr,y Interested in th teniarranc
matr wged lo attend, and all art In-
A Sswir I mora Ufomlng than a
Irowa, All our customer r smiles,
C. 8WKTT lut it.
Mr. N. A. l.owe, of Quliurvy, mother
A. T. Lata, oltbiseiiy, I tuilc
irrioiuly III at Im tUiiKlifi-r' reside nc.
Jlft children bav twvn auiiiuwnrd to
brt lajdaide.
Mr. Wrrrn Quirk, while playing loot U,l.l.tW Mtl.l
(mined hi ankle.
(litmint? Ctearauve rUle, and av iwit-li
bwv your -ncl to vitit th iair.
I'uT ;rnuiu Iwi'attl' '
Mr.. II. (iudfrcT, ol thi city,
bn fnl l-"r on Siimlny mortilnn Ut,
l,rlr Wrkl4t, on tlio norib lik ol
Ik !Wiimm, It waa fin ymuj
iaiinl, and nearly (nil Krnwn, and ma t
a K'"l IKk luad ir tli rcturaltttt
lira' and Itoy't Bait at a lilrl re
I'anatna Hat, Htraw Itatt,
hp rnniilt to mik jitur bidiiIIi
.ir Vuu d brttrr CSWHTTatwut it.
A tun-1 daatanlly attempt waamarle lat
TikwUv night to wmk llw uiI'IiiIkIh
II. P. paac(er train. A atrel rail
aelifliing 'Ji) Kun,la waa plarrd arra
t'w l' V at a tiKbl sraUi about two nnlea
ettalSt apporMr; tint beiti( a (itera? of
, airtight trark, Hi engineer aaw it and
rtatcU.I tlx apred of ttie train, How
ever. Die engine atrwk the rail, wh en
alii iiv.n the pilot and waa carried a
Ii4ai!rrd yarl lie fore it waa dialoudcd.i
The (urea of the blow bent tbe rail into a
b ahor and plunKed it three feet Into
tlwhrd ground. No damage waa done,
tul a trrnbte tr trdy waa narroa y
The World Seema rright If Vu Irook
at it Irtim under ont of Ihooe liata that
;u can't gel their ajnal unteaa yon
C. SWKTT aUnii it.
Jack Matthewa, one ol our local fiabcr
inea, bad an unpleaaant raperiencc laal
TtwwUy. A atraniter wtw carried a roil
olblankrla, repeated Matthewa to take
biin out on Hie Columbia, and when they
we.c out in the atream he twk a Win
cheater from the roll and told Matthewa
Wiat t j one ot tint cacacd convict
Ir-nn MeSeil'a Wand, and ordered the
fi'ltnman to put him acroaathe river near
t-ipiei. He made Matthewa build a fir
and cook aotuc potaloe. At the flrrt
opportunity Matthewa ateppad away and
rowed to Kalama, whera he notified the
alictitt of Cowlita Couuly.
A dainty trimmed bat, neat pair ol
boea gora along way toward imiroving
nma apraranee. If yon want to Im
prove your appearance
C SWKTT aliout it.
A good lime waa given by the t'nilcd
Attiwu No. HO to the pcop'e
' ton and vicinity on Friday evening
lt. C.vir one hundred jwople war
prfaent by Invllnllon, A good literary
IVKmuiiue waa rendered, coiiaiatlng of
nic, etc after which an able addrcaa
" given by Dr. Manlon, Supreme Med
tcnl Wrector, of Portland. Refreahment
were then nerved to alt and a good time
waa had. Lodge convened at bite
liaiir and nineteen men were initiated
niio ttie order, making a total of I2fi
the largeat nietulierahlp of any lodge in
the county.
Mr. and Mra. W. P. Slaughter, of Port,
aand, are St. Helen vlaitor thia week.
What', the matter? Something doing
ntVernonia. Look at that correapou
deuce. Mr, Allen Quick, of Kukama, Iiidlnpa,
who haa been visiting with hi nephew,
Mr. U. I. Qi,hk of thi illy, went to
I'urtlnnd on Tucadny lt to vlait the fair
before returning to hla emtern home.
J'nriug bia viait be renewed hi acquaint
"' with hla brother, Mr. D. 0, Quick.
"I Hiilaey, whom he bad not ccn for
'early half century. He la delighted
with Oregon, and wera It not for hi ad
vniiovd Ke woubl a. II out liack Itnat and
'"'ike bia home with u.
The entire Stat inhibit of cherric at
l'e I,cwlandClnrk Fair It made up of
Columbia county fruit from Mnyger Ilro
iher'a orchard ut Mayifcr. The ore hard
'Iwntediipou Ukhlgh hill, and therefore
"'e fruit la luter ripening aifd the rain
'Hd not affect it a bndly na they do the
1'iwlnud frulta, The cherriea from thia
wiiuty are conceded to be the boat in
''lite and keeping riuallly of any in the
Mra. Arthur ti corge ia able to bo on I
filler nlu;st three "loull) alckijuaa,
lea on
'ilil KttJ place, mir itillu i
wmt ot
Warren, rattie
linir l.wliiif lii-r lid. I.i
Tliiimduy itdctiiixiii by lit lnt; gored by
bull, Hlic ami rblldrcii were lrylnK
to lrlv tlio m.i,,,,,! Mi tliv tttuv, wliiu
i iuriip.1 niio atuurked bcr. Allliouijli
Mr. Uabrirlauit li very brnvy woiunu
iiivauiiimi uirew ,ir up in the air, ami
e" "u uowii, caiih'lit her tm hi
noma una Korcl her Irarlully. He imi.t
liava thruwii hrr uver the Iincc and turn
iiuaiiie to rcath lurtii comiilctc hl.wr.rl,
lir there waa where Ue waa (uuiul by the
UilKhlwra when they came in auawcr to
mecallaot Hit chlldreii. i)n. It,.- .,)
Klta were Imlh autuiiioued and at laat ac,
count abe wa coanidernhly Improved,
and will imll,ly mover, The Cabriel-
o iHiully mine Ut Warren about three
irtaijo ami are of Bwedlnh l'limtxtrne.
thin. IWcrylhlliB imlble la l-i,u, .1.....
lor them by their nriulilxin.
"PAIR" VISITORS-Muy find r-wm
io rem wiirrr Car aervlca I. direct to and
Irom tbe I'alr gnniticU. All m.Kh rncon.
veniciirea and ralea rraaonable. Tube
5M or Olh alteet Car aoutb to Hall alrret.
MRS, 9. 8. WAV.
111! DSHIall nrar rnr fill, tit
Mm. C. H. Doanc and danttbtera Pan-
ilr and Laura hvt been viailiiiK at the
realdciu-t if Mr. 8. A. Milr. during the
taut week, KriiiK to Rainier Tuenlay to JudK I. H, txwue. Tbey are well
knnwu loriner rridcuUul Ikaver Vallev.
Clutrlry Doane having been at one time
bend of thia county and a very popular
man. They are out here lor tbe purpoae
ol vialtlui; the I'.irmitlon.
Mr. and a. I. V. Utbblna, of Walla
Walla, Waalilngton, liave Uen viailing at
I.akcide I'arui, the home of Mr. iJob
blna'a mother. Miaa Iu 8. Krakra liaa
Iweu vlaltiitK in Kaitcrn Otrjon during
the part month, She baa a limelead
near Comlon and will bavcaoniv imirove
menu m. p while there. Condon gave a
three daya celebration on the 3d, 4th, and
Mh of July, In honor ol the new railroad
from Arlington.
Siatren ounce to I lie jxiund.
l'our iiuarta to tlie k'Hoii.
Never (ban twelve to the
ilocii. And no gooda tluit
reUirea a premium to make
Hi. ui aril.
M. C. ti HAY, St. Helen.
Mr. W. It. IHllanl an I tieorc 1'1k'K
are out on a bumitiM and filijiij trip in
the ui iintiin between Bunker Hill aud
SrappooK, They will lc abwnt acvcral
(Julie a number o! Hi. Helen fither-
m. u have gone to the tumuli of the river
in hope of having brttrr luck.
Mra. W, If. Powell returned borne laat
Friday night from St. Vincent' hotplul,
after uu lrrgoing an ojirratton fur appru
dicitia. Tbe ourration waa entirely
auccraalul and ahe ia convalescing aa
rapidly aa Could be cipcrled.
Mr, lirace Powuin;; baa been viaiting
at the home of her parcuta 3d. and Mm.
S. A. Milea.
Mra. II. Morgua and aon l'red have
Wn viitiug frieiidaat Cathlaniet during
the pat week.
The family of I. II. R. Cliff are
apendiug the auratucr at the aeavidc.
Mr. Jamea lart aud faintly went to
Seaaide on Saturday laal, where they will
!ly ilt '"' l"m
Mr. Arthur George of thiacity.
Syrup of While Pine and Tar, the old
reliable cough remedy, l'or ale by A.J.
I leming, druggiat.
I have money to loan ou approved
real ealalc acvurity,
SU Helena, Oregon.
Or. Knodor uaea Dr. Qreen'a new
and correct method of making arti
ficial teeth. Plate are mad by thia
method to fit accurate. 322 Mohawk
building, Portland.
With It companion, heart burn,
flatulence torpidity of the liver, conatl
nation, palplution ol the heart, poor
blond, headache and other nervous
ayinptom, allow kln foul tongue,
oirenalvo breath and a legion of other
allmenla, la at .mco tb im at widespread
and da fuctive miilailynmong the Am.
erlran peoplo. Tlio Heroine trealmiit
ill enre all the trouble. 50 bottle ,
Huld by A. J. Doming.
Ur. Kdwin Roaa la having new porch
built on the woet aide ol ni realdeucc ill
the north part of the city. Mr. Arthur
George la the builder.
Cheerfully neouomended
for Itlieianiailain
0. fl. Wgbce. Danville, 111. wrltM,
Dc. 2, mi: "About two yean ago I
wa laid up with rbcumntUm. I tried
Ballard' Know Lliinlmoiit; ono bottle
cured me.
I can cheerfully reccoinnid it to al
uiTurlug from like aftliction. 25c, 60o
and 11.00 Bold by A. J. Doming.
Reduced Kale on Sir. Iralda
O i and after June '22nd, 1005 the, lure
on the Htr. Iralda will I a followa,
eood to Oct 15, l'.Xtf. Ooble and Kalama,
?fi nillA WAV. l.!ifi round trip. Ilodnmn,
Martina, Comic!!, Oplee, Hc one
(I (K) round tlp. Columbia City,
oneway, HOc round trip. St. Helena,
' " f t I UiL na. H.U1I
one way, 7fc round trip.
Itaacball I'layera and
Foot Itauevat
Iiul Krugor, ex-champion long dl
Innco foot raiuir of (iornmny and Hol
land write. Oct. 27, 1101 s "During
mv training of eight week1 loot race
at'HiiHI-nkoOltv, In April hud, I """l
lliillard' Snow Mnnlmont to my groitt-
okI aiitlsfaclliin.
Therclofo I can highly .roccomen.i
Snow Miinlniont to nil who are troubled
with pniina, bnilao or rhnumntiBiii."
25c, 60J and l. 8uU bv A. J, Dcmlng.
Till Hottlc Iihn been clerking for J J'
.,f Miat II,.- week, nmking my',
"Kgliig a well ,,,,,1 ollierwia,. helping
J'lliua to bring up the odd. and u.1 of
ma work,
Mra. Hatfield haa been out of aehool
lor a week on account of aickiieaa, but
reaumod her work on Wedncadny of thia
i .
mini nun wile rejoice over the
advent of a bouncing boy, while Clurnce
I aimer and wife ami Cliarlea Ilerireraon
w,,e 'v girl iMbieaat (heir liotnca
r ti j-i
i . vucKieiin of Crooked Creek, ia
ii i us ar rtoualy ill at(nin, Hc llu, Wt
aiung tor a long time.
Jonil 1 rliigle waa out to Portland laat
W k, reaiimably in the Inlcreat of the
imiajarctivc R. R. to the Nchulem, and
ir. Keeil, the Ktrelary and general
manager, la expected In thia week to look
over the route.
Mr. and Mra. McChoiie, of Tacoma.
vialted our city lant week, looking after
a rancii they have recently purcluued up
Pebble Crerk, of L. Selgcrl.
Keube rJeaaman, ol Clatakanie. mnde a
flying viait to tbe home folka one day
mat weea, ataylug Here juat three hour.
He had aold bia claim up Rock Creek
and waa after ibibi to make out tbe deed
Juliet Dow of Miat, haa been viaitine
at lier Auntie'i, Mra. J. G. Pringlc, at
the old home place.
There will 1 a apecial election in thia
town. School dialrict No 47, Saturday,
July 2!lth, to vole a tat to reseat the
achoo! honae, the old aeata being in a
very dilapidated condition, a diagrace
to any achool diatrict.
Dr. Hatfield waa called to Miat Friday
laat, to ace Caapcr Wilaon who ia Very
alck, and then again Momlay of thia
Quite a number of atrangera have been
in our midat the rail month, looking
after limber Inud. The proct ot a R.
K. into the valley puta our tliabcr laud in
H. R. Throok ia aliout the bnaicat man
in our community. Having the cream
route to look after, hauling from Clata-
kanie and other puiula, and haying aca
aon Icing on. kecpa him mailing. He
waa out for a load of flour from llarika
the firt of the week, and from Miat to
Clatakanie, on Tuesday, for a load of
Peter Bergcraou, our road anperviaor,
baa been doing aome excellent work in
dutrict 15 thiaanmmcr. The graveling
along tiic road near 1C. G. SUannaban'a
Iwiug eapccially well done. D. W. Keaay
and O. Curtaluritt, have their coutracta
near town gralcl, and will put the gravel
on after the buay harveat aeaaoa i over.
Mia I.lllic McDonald, of Anoka, ia
viiititig frieuda in Portland. She rcporta
that the Pair ia Juat fine.
Mlaa Swanaon, of tbe Wilkcnaon achool,
and Mr. Hatfield, of tbe Ridgcway
achool, eapect to bring their achool to
gether at the latter' achool bouse, on
Priday, Auguat 4th, for a program and
picnic dinner. Mr. lv, K. Nickerson haa
tendered the use of hia new boat, Sallie.
for the plcaaure of the children and young
people during the afternoon.
The annual camp meeting will prob
ably begin about tbe middle ol Auguat.
Definite arrangcrueuta a to time will be
made at the quarterly meeting which
begins here neat Priday evening, to con
tinue over Sdnday. Rev. Ktra Mawer,
our new presiding elder, will be with us.
Every body is invited to attend.. Bring
your baakeu full of dinner, Sunday, aud
stay all day.
Mra. Redamond, of the Vernonia
hotel, ia kept busy these day entertain
ing viaitorx. She knows how to send her
gueata away feeling that they have bad
tbe worth of their money.
There haa been quite a number of
'functions" In our valley during the
past two month. In (act the people are
getting quite aocinble, which is right
aud proper. Hut one of the most pleasant
affair waa the gathering at Mr. E. E.
Nickeraou' Saturday, July 8th. Osten
sibly, it was for the purpoae of launching
bia new boat, which he bad Juat finished,
but really it waa aaHrprier for Mr. Nick
erson, who waa home from the Benson
logging camp for a abort viait. About
one hundred frieuda gathered at the
Nickcraon borne, oue and a half miles
eaatof town, iu the forenoon, moat of
them meeting In town and going in pro-
ceaaion. The woman had well tilled
baskets and when the dinner hour came,
a bountiful spread wa made. Mr. and
Mr. Nickerson, Miasc Gladys and Gran
olma Arnold, being the guests of honor.
It it needleaa to any that justice was done
to tbe many good things the visiting
ladle had brought. After diuner lhe
young men carried the new boat to the
river, and amid the Joyou shouts of good
feeling, ahe gently slid Into the rippling
waters of the Nehnlcm, Mr. Nickerson
breaking the bottle of wlne(?) and speak-
lug the magic word, "Sally" the name
being given in honor of Mrs. I. P. Spen
cer, who was the general manager of the
function. The boat bciStg launched,
thirteen girls, who had never rowed a
boat, engaged In a contest of rowing, the
boat being propelled by side wheel, to
see who could get Mr. Nickerson across
the river and back In the shortest time.
The quickest time being made, among
the older girl, by Misa Ullie Clielticiin
and among the younger girls, by Miss
Gladys Smith, each of these receiving
from Mr. and Mrs. Nickerson. a prlao ot
one dollar for the most skill in their
class. A pri of one dollar was aiso
given to Miss Ruby Dcnslow lor being
tlio bravest among the contestants, none
of the rest being willing to go first, and
It did take a good deal of courage to lead
out In uit untried field. The rest of the
afternoon was spent iu rowing, in plung
ing by the boys and girls, and iu Having
a lolly eood time by all. Mr. Nicker-
aoit haaoncof the best Unproved ranches
nrouml, aim lie srai goes on hhiuutimk,
lie being just now engaged in building a
large burn.,
(Tliulwr Land, ,.x j"nr j
rnltcul HtMltt. t ....I ,,n,n..
I'urltaml, Or.. July In i i:,. '
Vlll'i) fa hiTi'liy
a Hi ll,i. .,.,. I..'
Klvii tlmt In (!iii,inil(K
!.,la.,millil,i"A Act nr Vhi .!.
.t Mn. a.'a. i , . ..'..:,: ? r"J".".
w';;,? b'p ;;...;. rA: ui
. . i I'""'' allow that (he laiirt
u LS'i .l".Jl.or" !""!"'' ,l timber m
i "" !"'. aariMiiiural iiiiriMmu., mir ui ,
.:ii io mki Intnl. iH-birn k.fll.l..r u.
'if,ii.V:?..i n""- Or-m, on Mi.nilay, the
oil iirirrnn wlluwwm,; J,n B, n
lortlanil Orm,,,,,; J. ,,. Millar, of f
W. I), Hun, of Vmioiila. (H-emiu.
Bearly, r,
.nr and all linii el.lralin ailverwly the
a ivil-!rllM..l lamlaara riiml, il to Iflo tlmir
In the County Court of the Slate of Or
evon for Colmnbia Colllltv.
Ill the mutter of the eatate of John D.
Morgan, deceased.
Notice it hereby given that by virtue
of an onler of the County court of the
nuite ot Oregon for Columbia County,
made and entered on the rd day of July,
ltftlfi, in the matter of the eatate of John
I). Morgan, deceated; the uuderaigned,
the adiiiiniatrator of aaid eatate. will, on
or alter the SUthday of Auguat, 1005, at
the office of aaid K. K. Quick in St. Hel
ena, uregon, aeii at private aale for cash
in hand, the following deecribed real
proiiertv belouirinir to the eatate of aid
ilex-eased, to wit:
Ikglnning at the South Weat corner of
Vi C.,,,.1, ll'u. 1 .,- i .
virAiiunwin iiwn-
ahin (our North, Range two Weat of the
Willamette Meridian ; thence North 5H
rods; thence Kaat 30 roda: thence South
5.1 !i rod; thence Weat 30 rode to the
place of beginning, containing ten acrea,
aituated in the County of Columbia,
State of Oregon.
W. H. POWELL, Attorney for Adminia-
Ka fl a U hercliV irlran thai l.v vlrtnr. f an .
t ol Uid i;.miuii i.ourt ot the male of (Imron
l.,r llm otmly of Columbia, marie and enwrerl
0 i Ilia Wit day uf Joly, iwav. a thi matter ol
III auarilUnihlp ol the eMala of Charlra Hen
drlekr, a miiior, th unlaraline.1, u (uarillin
01 the eatate ol aM minor, will, on th 'Mb
day ol Auauat. Vm, at tli hoarol ten o'clock
n in inrrnNHi oi aaid day. at the court honae
InorliiHI. Unlcna. irnr,.a, aall at public auc
tion, lor raali n hand, th followinf dearrilied
real m.ny belonirlni to uid minor, ultiiMvd
In Ihal ouoty of Columbia. Hlate ol Oron:
to-wll: An undlrtrle.1 on filth Interaat Inaad
and th u.irth half of the aomlteaai qnarlrt ni
awouii iwrniT-uinv, m lowuRinp nvt nnnil,
raiiia two wait of th Wlllarnetl meridian:
aud alto an undivided one fifth Intereat In and
to the lowing deMnlayl tract of land con
talnlua Ave aero, aituated In aalileountr and
lUio lo nli; Urelnnlna at the aouihueal eor-
Ur ol taction Ihinv-ava. in aaid lAwnahln livm
runu. raug iwu wtfnoi in vtiuaniMte merio-
tan; inerie r-l alone in aoutn una or aalrl
ecu m :3 rla: iheoc ntth 2KJI rot; thence
w a liodilo th weat tin) ol aild anriion;
tkeoe auuth is I rwaato ui place ol bealnnlur,
K. K. utile:,
W. It. Powell, attorney for Ruart'iau,
In the Circuit Court n iulalftol Oregon lor
in wounir ol l olumoi
William Werner, laliillrT, vs. Helena Werner,
To Hi-lrna Werner. Attendant:
In the Natno of ih Htata of Oreeon ron are
hereby nolllled that the plaintiff herein ha filed
a i-omploiut aaaln.t yon Iu Ih abou anlttled
eunn and oauae, and you are hereby required
to :tar and auiiwer the aaid ouinplaint. or
Ale torn nrpearanee thereto, on or before the
laat day ol the terra prearrlbed by lh order of
uublleailon hereof, lo-wtt: on or before Heo-
traitor 1, awl that If yon fail ao lo answer
and aypcar. or file sou appearance herein.
ina r anion wii eaiiae vonr aeianit lo been
lerodaml noted and will apply to th court for
decree lorever dfaanlvlua the bbnda of matri
in relief prara.i ior in ine comuiatni. lo-wii,
mony now alUne between oti andth Dial
na ior aucn oiner reuei aa in con a
deem proper and dutiable.
d e-milabie. Th date of the
(Tntt publication
ot thia aummoiitla Friday, the
.'1.4 da
y of July, ltn.1. end Ih laat pablleatloh
I la Friday, th Brat day of September,
thereof la rrlda?, th Brat day of Sepl
1905. aad thia aummona la to b lttiblithed un
arh f'ridav of each and every week for s pe
riod ni ata auceaaaiv woaaa between aaid elates.
1 hia surumnni la nubli.hed by order of Hon.
Thomaa A. McBride. Judge of aaid conrt, made
Inehanilwra Iu said eauM on Ih Uln Jay ol
July, a. P.. iwj.
Altorner for Plaintiff.
Orefon City, Orrffnn.
Julv 11. looi.
A tufftrff nt enntcvt ttfttilavlt hnvlnc b'U Oled
In Ihli offlr by Atxulr Acsk, cunif xtnnl
by Jcwtv. bulkowikl, oonte(. iu whtch It
1 ft.lictl thiil Miiifmant U well cgimkuted
with lhe Iraut of Und ?rubrcevt tn lhe mUI
homcitawwl eutry ud knows the proaent onnili
11 1 ti uf theumol lo ihut aUt Jouph S'hul-knw-tkl.
rntryman, untl hUheim have wholly
alMintUined aaid claim and that they have never
rmldrd ujnn or cultivated or Improved the
same since makitw entry thcrrnf. or at all. thai
salt! eiitrvmaa died about December JO. IM
and lhe naptca uf the helra of en try man are
ui. known and after dlhrent search can uothe
learned, and thai the notre of entry man arc
unknown and their rct-I-lencecau Do(beecer
talnctt, ond that aaid alleTM absence from the
aaid laud wa nut due to his or his heirs' ra
pioymriit lit the Army, Navy, or Marine "orps
of the t'uttcd a private soldier, orticcr,
aeaman, or marine, durlni the war wltn Spain
ordnrlnc any othur war in which the I'nlted
blatcs may lie encaged, aaid pardc are hereby
n t If) tM to appear, rmnund, and offer evidence
touch! me aaid allcitatloii at 10 o'clock a. m. on
September &. 1VVW, Wf.ire the Keg!tr and He
c-W.-ra theUulted Hutcs Laud Oftlce In I'ort
lantl.Orcfon. The said contciUnt havlne, In ft ororaeratt
dall, tiled February la, lVtvV set forth acis
which show that after due diligence personal
service of this notice cu not be made. It Is
hereby o Me red and directed that audi notice be
given oy uue aua nmner puminiion.
tiul.1, H.PIUAr.,11
, Receiver.
In the Circuit Court ol Ih State of Onion for
tho County of Columbia,
flalen A. Elkini ti. J. R. Cardwelt ami It. M.
Cantwell (hla wilo), John HtewaH, John a.
Ntewart, H. A. Hilea, K. W. nhur, H. U.
Kiaher, administrators; Sarah J. Hendeiaoii,
A. K. Utouratt. McMlnuvlll Cillec (a
cnrporatlon), aud W. H. Itonretta aud U
K. Latouretlc, truaieaa, deleudatiti.
Notice la hereby riven that, under and by
virtu of an xeeutiou. liidaiuent. order aud de
cree. Imied out ol th Circuit Court of th Slate
ol Oreaon, Iu and tor Columbia Count v. on tho
-Jiith doy of June, 190.1, under and fn pursuance
ol a Judgment, order and decree of torecloiure
made and entered in said court on the Slut day
ol Mav, ItKrt. In a anil wherein Helen A. Kiaim,
plaintiff, recovered iu.trmont axalnat J. R
('Mlwolf.delendant, iu the aum of Tan han
dmt alxty aevun and '.O-UO 10ti7.9 dollars,
with Intercut thereon Irom aaid Slat day ol
May, 1 A, at the rale of a ror Pent or anuum ,
and One hundred (1100 00) Dollars a'Uiruey'a
feci, and the further sum ol Thirty-ulno and
IMtW ( lioltaraoo Is. And It waa fur:her
onlerod and decreed by the court that th
fimncrtvdeaeribcd tn tbe mortgage of th d.
cndaiiK. J. K. Caldwell and SI. II. Canlnell.
dated Ainiiiat '."id, 18:K), the lamo biuf dan
oribedaa followa; Theeaat half of northwest
quarter ol ectlon 90. In tnwuahlp i north of
rang I wait, and the aoutheeat quarter el th
nortnuwaliinarler and tho xnuihweat quarter ol
the northeast quarter and th weat half ol the
saulheiuil quarter of aeeih.n XI. ton nthlp north
ol raugo 6 weal ol the Willamette meridian,
attualod Iu Columbia County, Oregon, be aold
as untler exeeitlluu, and that th proceeds ol
such anle, aflar paylnif the eoata, dlabtirae
mcnta, attorney's Ices, and evpensea herein
stateit, aliall bo applied up jn the judiinieut. and
Iho overplus, II any there bo, imU into court
lor tnoae entitled thereto, aud In aaid dclend
ants aud each ot thont he lorever forvcloaed
ml barml ol all rlirtit, title and Interest In and
to auld prlmlses and every )rt thereof, and ol
alt equltv of redemption tberelu except their
tatiiuiry rlRht ol rcdomptli.n.
Now, thcrclnrc, I will, on Hiitnrday, th 5th
day of AuitUKt, IIKD. at the hour ol U o'cloca In
tlia forencon of auld day, at tho frowt door ol
the county enurt house In St. Helens, Columbia
Couutv, Oregon, sell ut public auction, subject
to redemption, lo the hluhcsl bidder for cash,
iu lawful money ot the united States, lull th
right, title and Interest lb said defendants J.
K. Curdwell nud 41. II, Cardwull have or bad at
the date of the execution ol said ruorleaee. to-
wlt, Ana-list 'i, IXtiU, In aud to ilia real proper
ly above described, to satlsly aaid execiilion
ana order oi lain, logeiner witn accruiiiR
gnu, thia tat day ol July. iooa.
Uslifl al hi. iieicns, (.oiumuia vouniy, uro-
tttTltf WIIITK.
Orsham ii Clecton, altnmeyi forpfulnlill.
First publication July 7, lWi,
j,.it itbllcaien Aua, I, HsM,
v i- n.. . .. J" ""iM "i I liirn a, Ki-l
Ii .' ! 'a V'"'. Wali iKttiin Territory," aa
i 'h ,? I3'"."el r'mi" ()y"ni ' '"
Willamett Slon$ Ronte
Iava Bt. . ... 4:80 A V
Arrive at Portland. .10:80 A M
Leaf Portland 1 :30 PM
Arri. at St. Helen. 0 :00 P M
nai m cttriTa.
Witt Carry Kothinf Wot Paaawa-
gar and rast Frelgnt.
r. at.
7 00
10 on
10 0
l to
1 00
1 1
I It
to aa
w 7
it OS
a i
it so
a a
86 4
LyPartlaat Ar
.... Gobi ....
....Rainier ...
... Pyramid...
....Qulncy ....
.. Claukanl..
7 S
7 as
7 17
( la
7 U
7 41
.. Marshland..
. westport...
. 6rnaoa...J
.John iiar...
Ar. Astoria .l.v
Alt train mat loa eonnctiona at Gobi
with Narthern FaolOo trains to and from th
Saal aa4 Soun polau. Al Ponlaud with all
trains learinf Cnlaa depot, at Astoria with I.
R. at N. Co.' boat aad fail II n and 8taaar
T. J. rotter la and from llwaoo and Konh
naavea poinia.
Paaaanrara for Astoria or way points taust lag
wins at Uoultoa. Trains will atoa to 11 Ma-
an(i of at UouHon when coming from polaM
waaiuf Gobi.
J. v. Rlaar,
Oaa. raa. A at., i. torts, Of
la 7s.
Watches, Diamonds, Sllienarc,
Repairing a Specialty.
UsrrlMaW.Bai.rrMt nnt, POBTLAJiD.
pi 1 1 iim
Corner 20
Mover Clothing Co.,
Abstract and Trust Co.
Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Non-Resident
Taxes Paid. Real Estate, Loans, Etc.
th and Upshur streets at the front gate of
A first class modern hotel, at tbe most reasonable
rates. A family hotel, where guests from the
country may be assured of good treatment. In
connectio nwiih the hotel will be found the most
, reasonablepriced first class restaurant in the city
of Portland. Special accommodations for large
families. Get your dinner at The Fairmount
, before entering the grounds, and avoid the high
prices inside restaurants are compelled to charge
The Best you have ever
FABRICS in Worsteds,
Cheviots and Cassimeres.
Hand-Worked Button
Holes Hand - Padded
Collars, sewn with siuc
Others sai 115 for Eatial Qutlitf.
Come Earlj and Get tbe Pick
the Exposition.
- i