Oil KG OX MIST Entered at the rostoftice nt St. Helens, Oregon, a second-class uiul matter. tssimn Eviuv Friday Rv K. H. rXAGO, Editor a so rnoruiuTOR. One copy, one ve.tr, in advance fl 00 Six months 60 Legal notice 23 cents per line. FRIDAY, JVN1-: W.MS. ioisr ofkiciai. taper. Having Iho Largest I'trrttl ition of any paper in Cdiniilii Oitnty PROFANE AX1 Tl MJAK LIS (il'AKE. It Is iiitiiliir that anyone ran itringtite the use ol proiane r vulvar lnngimiro add to (ttrvngth to an argument or proves the user tn lie a person of mi usual merit or furro; and t this is the only hypothesis Kin !i h U ncconut fur its previiletH-o. I'l.tsphfiny and vul jraiity arc the cniiimiiie!t of vices, and the Htroew of our city resound with them nearly every day, Men sit tipon the lienelien or l.nsugH u;n the streets and niter oaths in string and spew out vulgarity as if they l:ul lorn bred in Rilling-tiate insu-ad of in decent coni mur.itus and by respiHiUhle parents. They seem to do this without incentive, directing their utterance:' nt no one in p.artietnlar, but permitting the stoff to fljw from their mo'iths as slime oozes from a Fewer. Ami this lias con tiny e J to lone that it seems to lie taken as a matter of course and thoo who Jo not like it ore powerless to prevent. It is the same in thU rv.-p'H-t as in othtra. The rvcent grand j-.irv told the uinnice lKilities of the county veiy plainly that they were lax in the performance of their dut ; yet the law are continually violated ami not. ting is done. Instead oi pawing n-L's and vi-satioui ordi nance! the cnninon ctmitcil will do well la ire t!il pres-nt o d nances are en furced, and that t!ioe who dteire to make rvwera of their uionths do so UltinJ iI.ihxI doors. The Steel Trust and lolimbla Count;. . In the Evening Tvlcran of the 17th there app- ed the foliwinj article. "Conininiiicaiioiis which have pastel between tiie Chamber of Commerce and the Ani-Tic.ui Steel Co , of I'ittsliarg, r., hu reju t il i i the latter corpora- t.ou practically iirunii-iii)!, through its xcretary, W. 15. Kelly, to send a repre sentative to I'urtl.ui.l in August fur the purpose of iw.kini; over the sites avail able on which to erect a steel plant. The installation oi this enterprise would cnUil an expenditure of $500,000, and frjm 10 tu "0 acres of ground would be required. Tim !ant would be of suffi.dent size to turn out 25,000 ton3 of the (Washed product yearly. It is iu tended to place lite itiatoriul on the Pa cific Coai-l market and also in the Orient. Sir. Kelly hai b.ien in correspondence some tiiue with the (.'number of Com merce, soliciting data, maps, and general inf jrmulion as Ut the country and depth of water to le had ou the Columbia and Willamette in front of the sites ottered I ir the factory puroees. The company desired to be ncar.au adeijuate supply of gas o" coking cual. The exact character of the plant is not given, as that wi.r.ld depe nd tardi ly upon the lay of the land and crude product available. As tutsre have bceu fuimd large outcrop pings of iron ore along the Colombia within a ie inlle of its banks, it is thonuht the 'iitabtirg concern can be sufuVieiiily imere.te 1 in this region to l.aate in or near Portland." The inaugiitatioii of such a project as is hero outlined cannot fail to greatly ilT-t the interests of this county, VVe have the ir.in, of good quality and practically unlimited in quantity. We also have the dial, and in our marl is found h good flux. Wo also have the : sites on the Cl imbU river that could j be obtained wiihu it cost. To .oc.it e ' such an industry in Portland would in volve an immense outlay for land, and there is no commensurate advantage to he derived from such a location. The i-atitral locution fur this great industry is Columbia City, with a good frontage on lecp water, a natuinl townsite of great Uaniy, a. d in close proximity to both lua! und iron. DO YOU WANT TO SELL? If you have a farm for sale there is no better place to advertise it than in the Mist's special Lewis and Clark edition of five thousand copies of an eight page illus trated paper- It will go di rectly into the hands of the homeseekers front the East.; We wish we could print ioo,-i ooo copies of this paper, as we ! believe it wiil do the county a j great deal of good. The ill us-J trations will be numerous and j the descriptive matter written with great care, mainly byj residents of the particular) neighborhoods described.Sing- j le copies will be mailed to any j addrc s at 5c per copy. j The sealed bid plan for the utile of wool whiih was held at ShanikO last week seems to have worked out for tho txntctit of wool grower far belter than did the open tale by growers earlier in the season. The sale was the largest that has been held in Oregon this year, and speaks well for thegrowlng industry of Oregon. Over 2,500,000 pound were disposed of to Eastern and Western buyers, Wasco county maintains ila supremacy for the sale of wool in this state, and growers ate jiibllent over tho prices obtained w hich are from 3 to. 6 cents higher than was obtained by tho.se who fold eailier in the season. The average price per pound, above 23 c.'nts, makes it evident that the scaled bid plau will be more iu favor among all growers next year than it was this, re opening of the railroad to Shaniko, the time and money saved by grower is nmeh greater than when estlcs were held at Tho Dalles. As tho clip of Wasco county i fully one fourth of the entire clip of the etato the benefit Hom ing to Shaiiikoara of great benefit not only to the growers, but to all residents surrounding it. Hood River will hold a good roads convention under the auspices of the National association June 17. Initial steps toward hold inn convention have been taken. A mass meeting of of ill farmers and members of tho Com mercial club of that place was held and the meeting was addressed by Welling ton E. Loucks, organiser of the National association. An invitation was extend ed to W, H. Moore, president of the National Good Roads association to make and address next Satuiday An extensive program has been prepared, including addresses by prominent mem bers of the National Good Reads associ ation, who are on their way to attend the big convention in Portland. Taken with the convention in Portland, tho one at Hood River will awaken an in terest in the object of good roads that will be of great benefit not only to far mers but to all others. Some good will undoubtedly result from the meeting, but ifthe farmers of Oregon want good roads they will have to do something else besides attend good roads meetings. They will get a lot of valuable infor mation at the meeting, which if , put in to practice, will result, in the Inter ment of road and will beautify the country. Grat rivalry has sprung lip among the different sections of Oregon as to which section will outdo the other in the quality of exhibits shown nt the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Delega tions which arrive from different sec tions of the state daring the week vie with each other on making a good ap pearance in the city and especially are loud in their praiae of their county's showing at the Fair. If the delegation is from the wool-producing section of of the state, yon will be convinced after a few minutes conversation with the residents of that section that wxil is the principal iidustry of- Oregon. If yon talk to the fruit growers, you will be convinced that 0 egon otfers better in dncementi for fruitraiseis than any other state in the Union. And so on throngh tho varitd industries of Oregon. This is only a laudable way in which the people of Oregon have in showing the resources of the state and, especially of the county from which they come. It i in this way that Oregon will be made to grow, and the more people that can be convinced that Oregon possesses tho opportunities which she does, the more prosperous will the people become. Therefore, boont for Oregon and the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Don't knock, but teil the truth and let the world know that wo have the only state in the Union. PORTLAND FAIR DRAWS WELL. Usually an exposition is dUsapointed during its early days by reason of atten dance falling far belosv expections, but this is not the case with the Lewis and Clark Exposition. During the first week tbe adniieKioni were 09,275. These included the remarkably large atten dance of 30,077 on opening day. But the average of the first week, exclusive of opening day was 10,608. This is con sidered remarkable, in view of the gen eral tendency of the pubi c to wait seveal weeks after the opening of a fair on the presumption tbat there will be more to see later The Portland Fair will run 137 days, or until October 15. Expert guesserp, before the opening, figured that the total attendance would be from 1,000,000 ! to 1,500,000. Eveu if the daily average I doea not exceed that of the first week,! the attendance wld be but a little short ! of a million and a half the highest figure set by the guessers. But aa the Exposition progresses ' the crowds are sure to increase. This is j the history of all expositions. Every j dsy there is some e;iecial event, nnd ; during the season there are a ntim-J berof such eveuti will more than doublo j the ordinary attendance. The exposi-j tisn management is highly gratified ut the auspicious start already made. A splendid buildidg hag been erected for entertainment purpose at the Ex position by the Masonic order- The structure in located on Lewis and Chirk boulevard and faces the Orieutal exhibit palace and the Forestry building. The Masonic building is finished with green burlap walls, Flemish oak wniiwot and handsome cu pets oi a pleasing shade of green. Lounging rooms and apartments j where sick persons may bo given atten tion are located on the third floor. The j lower floor is devoted to large reception ' rooms. Daring tho Exponition period i tho building will be tbe scene of many brilliant functions held under theau- spice A the Masons and the ludie'e aux iliary order of tho Eastern Star. REALKSTAIE. Following are tho iral estate transfer in this county since June 2. ' Epraham 1) nnd Emma Utook to Carl O Anderson lot 2 1)1 k 2 nrvaritsvilio $ 100 Tho and- Anna It Council to An . chor Logging Co. w qr v qr son 3tt 0 2 and laud iu sees 1 $ S 4 tp S n r 2 w 1 J L, Jr, and Cor F laimberson toW K Belford 10 acre in 4 1 W0 Oregon Wood Co to John Boyd 20 acre tract in Franc! Fvrry 1) L C 115 43 Joseph Long to V II Hi inn quit claim lots 6 0 7 17 18 b'k CO St. Helen..... 200 Hanua ut d Q K Tysskicwic to Wm Ilrinn lot 7 8 blk W St. Helen W Vemgiuia and J J Johimon to Chns Ibtnce tract in Bryants first add UCIats. 110 Martha M nud C Connell to Wui Connell noqr sec SO 0 4 ...... 1 U S patent to V 8 Campbell tor the se qrsoc 35 6 4 Lavell Slargret Connell, by guar dian, to Tho Council so qr sec 4 5 2 and one halt iul iu other tracts 12,800 Gcorgeaiia E and A J Knapp to Eilers Piauo house ne qr of so qr of ue qr sec 25 8 4 300 V. ?. patent to Oscar Uehry for s hi of s hf sec 30 4 5 Pan ami Lillie Stehman to J R Headlee n w qr of sw qr and n lit of ewqrofswqr sec 110 3 1 C W and Jennie P. Adams to C J Larsen tract iu Fianklin Coo per's D LC 4000 United States patent to II McKeil for se qr of se qr sec 0 4.. U S patent to Iv R Meleeu for e hf of se qr sec 0 4 3 S A and Cora M Wilkcustn to J C Mi'ler n hf of nw qr sec LTandeht ofneqrsec28 5 4 900 N A and W HI Tichenor to II B Morrison lot 27 Tichnor' 2nd toClats 50 Geo W and Kate A Perry to Frank and &phia Nagle no qr of sw qr sec 1 4 1 500 J II E and Minnie Cramer to 11 E Noble lots 1 2 3 4 sec 2 3 3 10 Emma and Frederick Vivian to C E Olson tract in 4 4 1 100 C E and C II Wheeler to Port and Timber Co n hf uw qr sw of n w qr sec 20 ue qr of ne qr sec 30 all in 5 5 e hf of ne qr sec 2d 6 4 5 Mary Ann Weigaud to Anna L Reid seqrsec 4 3 2 2000 O E and E M Elliot to R I, Sabir, trustee, w qr of ne qr 5 22 7 5 C F Adams, trustee to same. sarpe 1 Martha L and Win McCarty to Martiu Stenniek nw qr of se qr sec 34 7 2 1500 F II and Anna M Sherman to J. O .Storey s hf sec 30 5 1 1 Joseph Vanblaricoiu to I) B MuartlotZ oik IS erniiu.. io V S patent to Iva B Sandstrom now Me'.een, for o hf of ih qr sec 0 4 3 Win D Campbell to Bennon Log ging Co n hf sec 3S C 4 . - 1 Walter S Campbell same se qr sec 35 6 4 1 Joseph S aoJ Mary S White same e hf ot nw qr, w qr of n w qr sec 25 and se qr of ne qr sec 20 5 3 1 C E and L A Whitney to the Northern Brewery Co tract as per record in book 7., page 189 2000 Mary J Tompkins to John Uhl njaii tract 5 acre in sec 13 3 2 175 Chns E rImer to E Vancleve a e qr of sw qr sec 14 3 2 1 Jas Jr, and Jennie J. Muckle and Chas Muckle to Warren Lum ber Co. n hi ot ee qr Bee 12 4 2 1800 Ijrlng of Famine is, in its torments, like dying of con sumption. Trie progress of consumption from the beginning to the very end is a lor.g torture, both to victim and friends. "When I hud consumption in its first stage," writ': Win. Myers, of Cearfoss, Mil. "after trying dilferent medicines and a good doctor, in vain, I took Dr. King's New Difcovery, which quickly and pcrfsctly cured me." Ptompl relief and sure cure for coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Positively pre vent pneumonia. Guarantcec at St. Helen's 1'harinaey. price 50u and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bottle free. Contrary to the Impression which appears to be held by some person in inland towns, tho exhibits palaces at the Lewi and Clark Exposition nre open free to the public. The fifty-rent fee includes ndmiHKion to every building on tho Exposition grounds, except, of course, tho show on tho Trail. Toilet arrsngment are also free. The exhibit buildings are open from eight in the morning until eevon in the evning, ex cept on Sunday, when the Exposition does not open until noon. Tho Trail attractions are closed on, Snnday, but the exhibits may be viewed on that day as on other days. That Tired Keeling. If yon are languid, depressed, in capapable for work, it indicates thalyour livtr is tint of order. Ilerhino will ns siiit nature to throw off headaches, rheu matism and ailments nkin to nervous ness anil restoro the eriergis and vitalitv of Bound and perfect health. J. J. Hubbard, Temple, Texas, writes, "I Imve used Hcrbine for the past two venrs It has done me more good than all the doctors. It is the bent medicine ever made for chills and fever," 50c. Hold by A. J. Iteming. Children' lny Exercises. The following program wa well render ed and pleasing in every reswct. Much credit is due the teachers and uHiccrs of the Sunday school for the patient work necessary to get lip such a program.' Doxology... Congregation Processional (song) Young Ladies. Traycr by the I'ustor. Rcc. Greeting Win. Patterson nud Harry Thorp. Rcc. Children's Service Ruth Decker, Susie Kelcl and Jesle Cade. Anthem CUoIr- Rcc. When the Chimh Hell Ring Ruth Henderson. Rcc. SouK-Uiing Each Day Ruth Rirhnrtlson Song The Children. Rcc, Christ Welcome to Children, Chas. Hraught. Rcc Mildred Taggart Solo Ilvrtha Dnrt Rcc. Little Ones Like Me -Maud Richardson, Coldic IUtUn and Gladys Waters. Song Gladys Waters, tioldie Hat tun Ruth IVcker. Rcc. The New Baby Brother Dcwcy Clotiingcr. Rcc. The Father Care Vincent Pat terson, lVirin Patterson, Homer Mc Kie, and Frank Thorp. Rcc. June Jub Vandolah Rcc. iAKiking on the Blight Side Stuart McKic Rcc Hattic Vandolah Anthem Choir Rcc. The Grumbler Virgil Hattan Song Mildred Taggart Rcc. True Giving Robert Patterson Collection Tableaux Closing Address Chalmer Patterson Song Got! Ie With You ... Congregation Tbe collection amounting to fii 23 goes as a help troiu this buuitnv (tuiool to home mikions. A Had Hi-are. Some day you will get a l I scare, when vou It-el a pain in your bowel, and fear appendicitis, hafety lies iu !r Mugs ew l.ile t Ills, a sure cure, forall bowel ami itomach diseases, such as headache, bilioiisiiest.costi vend, ect. Guaranteed at St. Helen' Pbariiiacv only L'5e. Try them. Undo John Hash, with his wife, Aunt Mary Hash, ot Newberg, Oregon, are the oldest cotiplo so far to visit the Ex. poidlion. Uncle John is 79 year oi l and bis wife is a rear older. Uncle John came across tho plains in 1360, going first to Calilorniti, and then o:i to Orcgo.1, but his wife did not come west utitill 18. U. Uncle John said that he remi-mlicred going burning ou tiie present site of the Exjiosition. Acute lUienrurtdim Deep tearing or wrenching p..ius, oc casioned ly g. tting wt-t through; ore wticn at rvnt, or on lirst moving and in coid or damp weather, U qniealy cur ed hy Ballard's Snow Liniment. Oscar Oleson, (jibsou City 111. writes Feb. 10, YtiZ "A year ago 1 was troubled with a pain in my back. I soon got so bud that I could not bend over. One bottl of Ballard's ;-itoiv Liuiiueut cured me," Sold by A J. Iteming. A fink ot swallow have taken np their abode ia the caves of tho United State Government bulling at the Fair, and all cHorta to didodgo them have failed. The Government officials have decided to let tho birds remain, and they are proving quito on attraction to tho thousand who daily visit Uncle Sam's magnificent display. Huge Task. It wa a huge tank to undertake the cure of such a bait cane of kidney diM iiee as that of C, F. Collier, of Cliero,ease, la. but Electaic Bitter did it. He writes: "My kidneys were so far gone 1 could not nit on acini ir without a cush ion ; and autfered from dreadful back ache, headache, and depaeosion. In Electric Bitters, however, 1 found a euro and by them whs restored to perfect health. I reccomend this groat tonic iinihcMie to all with weak kidneys, liver or stomreh. Guaranteed at the !t. Hel ens Pharmacy ; price 5c. Jane 15 will be Pioneers day at the Lewi and ClaJk Fair, and imiicatioi: are that the gathering ot old settlers on that day at the Exposition will be the most notable of its kind in the history of Oregon. Tho woman's auxiliary of the Oregon Pioneer Association is pre paring an elaborate spread. Cure Old Bores. Westmoreland, Kan. May 5. 1002: Ballard Snow Liniment Co. Your Snow Liniment cured an old sore on the side of my chin that was sopposcd to bo a cancer, Tho sore was stubborn and wouid not yield to treatment until I tried Snow Liniment, which did the work in short order. My sisUr, Mr. Sophia J. Carson, Allensville, Miliin Co. 1'a. has a lore and mistrusts that it is a cancer. Please send her a 50c bottle. Sold by A. J. Deming. Friday, June 0, wo Oddfellow day at the Lt wis and Clark .Exposition, and the Attendance of member of the order aKgreguUd 3,000. A A parmlu in the morning und exercises In the Audi torium at the Imposition in the after noon were features the day' program. No Hccret About It It is no secret, that for Cuts, Burns, fjlsnrs, Fever 8ore. Kore Kyes, Koils, etc., nothing is no elh rtivc as J'ucklin' Arnic H.ilve. "Itdnlo't lake lonj? f nure a bad srn I hs'l, and its all O, K. for sore ojoh," writiis I). L. UreKory, of Uop9, TexM. 2jjntSt. Jtidens 1'tiar iimcy. The Marvelous ISaiims, a tuam of high wire bicycles and trapeze performer have been engnfied to give two perform ances daily at the Ijwis und Clark Im position from Juno 12 to Jnlv3, Tlio performances wiil be given in the 0111 uirand will be free to all. IJftve You a lorih. A doso of Ballard's Horehonnd Syrup will teleive it. Havs you a cold? Try it for whooplriR eolith, for bnIIiiiia for contuiiiiitinii, for bronchitis, Airs, Joa McUratli, i!27 E Jut Htreot Hutchin son. Kans. writes, ''I have lined I!nl lards Hori'lioiind Hyrnp in my faintly 5 ysnrs, nnd find it Dm most palatable medicine I ever need. Hold by A. J, joining. FOR PORTLANA DAILY IRALDA Menmcr C HOOGttKMK. Masttr. ., IV. .1 .ilv fxiHllt SlllltlttVi i i ti r nt . (rkirtiitir lniii Ilir HMHdl"l tit" i I " , St. Helen at 8 o'clock. Returning leaves IVirlland nt 2 iW p. in . aim ing St. Helens at 4.43. He will Tell you That the Ask tbe Tjaveler NORTH COAST LIMITED Klfcti'ii' LiirliltMl, is the Crack Train ofThoin All for Coiult'it mill Klo gun co. The Ticket Oiikc at lVitl tnd is.it 255 Morrison, Cor. 3d, Portland A. I). CHARLTON tttittant Ctneral PORTLAND. OREGON 3 TUUSS Ti) TIIE EAVf IMlt.Y CITATION. In theOmt lYurt ft the Slat Orvfii lf In I'imU r 1 1 iht wot 4if J.-htt l r itt ii , U'fr mM . v 1 1 m t ( Tu twimmni MitrtAii, t-iM ktn, W Mhiutf !cm. h;'lr :il t Ji.:iu l. Mui(m. !?-., u4ttnliit'U'P Im-1" niit lrvitp ttukittmn. If 4U BUfh tinw m mi l ( tU trtlu'f (iUrrl th lulhtf I'Hilr lr.t4tu io IU rtL ul lii ric utifo ( ltc Jtle i Oregon Vou tt!jl h til vim at hvtvUy it.mmhl-l In be iiu1 ti vtr W"ft) tit H tturniiti' -muiy f.Hiu ul lhi imt c( on , nt lur ihv l'um ! tiltmiM. tti i Ik- ci an rtn nl mi ft"'a. hi. lU'lvun.ic-"". on il Uy, ii of Juty, A . I . lyV ih hmir ( 1" i i iht (i-fctin-'t, tfvfjot", i: Uini 'iiu t -ir Jaif trrui ol i curt, Ui ftuW i'att, it ntty rt iv t l..Iii(litf i.' Kit- Ule I'l Jli il ''cl Hi tail t'ttuhiy i-i I'lKiWhU. Mtti ( iirvHi. i1olii fc. . ijiiiii. it; ,-tul(iilrii"r -l m i 0UIO. i ftf' tU 'ili! I elli i I hu f-i rte in- ft,i't in ul'l Hiitin hfinlittltu in I'l oUi. In it.'-rntHI R Iiil'irt. in wil Itctilnuiiii: i tin? miiH.tc1 rfti?f l t:i. itihwra; ij -inftrr il vamii Ifvirtt v r in iwutiii Kuur tuiriti, ht, T "'" iiUtuifl-v uoii't.n, ll-.t :n ' RoriK , f"l. itutito t-i "O rl, Uivir' it;i ' i 4't; Ihpmv rl r-l i l(c ft - '"'f ""l'. iultiui: trn at.-rr. MtunUM iu 4l-l Vuiumlm Caniiv,Mtiit f nria, VS uttr. H n. K S Hnliau, Ju !p il Vy ritumj I'oitrtnf Hi.h.iU t ( urijcii Niri .lum 1)1 t I'UHt w ;;h ik-iiI ( l tomi ninivt. ihU 3ll U t.l M.n, A !'. 1 .. Atn-t II Ilvi' v-'N. VfV. (, ilil MfUl) hf S A. HAiiK,, Ik put ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER 11 RAILROAD C0MPANY. DAILV. J sp cr ui.Miri !iTATIO!. oitV. r. a. ; 7 HO soft S H , .1' i a m o ii A 40 to 19 CO IA Ii) IU .'I in M IU 17 l; M II I' II su t'll.r I'nrtlanlAr " a 9 hi n i; t 01 1 ol,tlk IS .u Ul T 7 M 7 . 7 i 7 l 7 CI S 41 M i , Si 1 t, t I 2.J ! .Ail 71 I. . Ill K.:li . I'rtiti , ... M) J.f... . i'liir jr ... . CInUli.utM Mai.l.Ui.d . ft C.lllll.. . ... I'llfiun... ...)kn..... .. hvni.nn.. SO S Ul 01 15 10 00 IU OK IO '.D I 3.1 S S S 07 111 7 to I m 7 4 i e iii Jih Uf. IU M I A Ar. A.iorift All trilm rnako pIom (onucriiou. l (ioi.; wliii Nnrtrtoin l'clna imiu. , ii.t Irr.m iti Kiwi simI Svun poluli. At furilnu.l oiUi .11 ir.tu. Iroviiif I'm Ion d.pnl. it A.tnrt. nil), I. H. X. Co t .ml r.ll tins ninl HlMinl T i. Potior lo n1 (ruu llaiwu .ail hunt) r.Mch loinu. Tawnfftr. ("r AvtorU or w.y imiIdU mtl.tfl.ff Irnlu. .1 llrnttlotl. Tr.ln. will t,)p to Inl t,. Vnst "t? t IIuu'Iod w livn f umliig from polnis nml iW ij.. bit. i, ;, nay., (ica. I sm. Ahl. Anorit, Ut STANDARD Sewing Machine (TAtcrjAKO oiAim. awBLi, mm,) LOCK AND CHAIN STITCH. TWO MACHINES IN ONB." BALL IMARINQ STAND WHEEL! , 'WiiIm mntinfurture cwtngm.lilnf.lliat rrtntl iron $11.00 up The 'KUiifUrd" Hotiirymn. a. .ilrnta.lhs tick tf walr.hA Mnk IKja.MILcbr. whil oilier mnrliliK. mnkc vti. Apply to our lo.nl Or.itT, or If there Is no dealer la your town, !lrcwi ' Tfffl a. Stmndard' Sawing Machine Co.! CLEVELAND, OHIO. NoTiar 1'vhi.ic. t'lavsTAKi.imi, f II. UOJiPRKy, ATTO RN E Y-AT-L A W. Ileal r.tnhi mi'l TlBiWr .nn,nuM nl Ab strMs iim'lu. m: iikuw; , . oitKoiiN-. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. K.U.NIBB, , 0J11;w,v 1 nuuuy 1 Mjir r ShnrtM f -ST 1 ZW MEN'S $9.75' Thcl'fht you cvcin.tw fortlic prUc Other stores H nsk iii-oo foruolxrUcr. fi Send for one. ir 11 uurs i t PLEASE YOU, return it. WJtilU THE AMERICAN WGlCll, CLOTHIER J 221-223 Mormon St. 1 V vrw mi?rmmmm!ifUfmnTiTTminw!TfmtTfmmnf!tfnfT?fiTft 4. ml ST. ILL'" New Walk-Over Stvlcs for Hen $3.50 AND $4.00 KNIGHT'S 0Mwiti iVikiiisHotol.rOH ri.AXI) Mist and Oregonian i Tin- BIG STORE DOWN !a! T).. 'Pi. . n: ... n ? 1 1 i ny i nc wjr oawmiii!- i I.i Kt'ciiin.i; Now ihwU 1ST. .' . mms.u: THE MUCKLE STOR2 HA8 A REPUTA- t:nii ol U.ns Stan.ling y GENERAL MERCHADISE- g Dart & j-jj St. lIi liMiH, - NOTICE TO CREDITORS la tlio Cbimtf ',ittn ;l ihr Mito ..r l,n-.,n r III. i i.m lf ,.l I'olumMa In Dm 1 1 1 1 1 . r f tlio Kant. 1,1 II. f.ln... I ilrniiwl N.i'.H I. li' U lijr kIvimi lli.l Ihr 1,11 l,T.Inf I II !, 11. I.v . H Hutu.,, J,j. ih r.)iiiiir i ..,i ,, ih. Hint.. ..I trg..ii lr I .illli.l! In t'..l',t, ,.iitr. ..li,ilnl.t,nr f tin. i i. nil. .,1 W II t'.lliif.r,,tM-r.tHl. Aliynlul nil i.T..l, ImHi.u rlnli.ia nllim MM g... r.. n. r. ..j r. 1 rt i u. .r.j.i,iil II. t m,. . riil.'.l ur,ir.iiiir i. In .t V. 11. 1. in,. 1 .,, , i.r 1.1 my Httfriin,', W II f.iw.ll i HI II,!,... tiri...n, ltl.ii tu HI..IUU. Imui ih 1I41. lltTflul. lll t M 19. Uk'. It rowi ll, Allirm-r lur Ail niin.trtr, NOTICE Of INTENIIOM TO APPLY FOR LIQUORJJCENSE. T 1 nil fVr.mi. fnnrvriiM: ' ' i'i n-i fn.'li nl y..u wilt t.ltn noli tUi O. K llimitr, win, n, ;,, ,iy , jl'l-ly tu tn- Coumy t.,,rt ul twj I,ii1.i,i,' Hi.no nl (ImifiMI. I,,r A ll. i l.w In .nil l,lrlt..,l.' H11..11. mi.l n,.lt II.,,,.,!. i,i ,M rl,,., hi I'.i.iil.tl.-. I,... ihnn inn- niil.il, ,,r ,m ,i,i , inn. v.r In i ,H ,w,, !,, (l.l.t. t .1.1. tin l.ta ........I.. ..... ..... .. .1 ... . ''"',. '..VK"H, Wl. Hill rtii. . eiul.iii will lU-;l ii,inh.,itiiwi,,c . ttLlon tiilli.:fori.yfVlf titM riistto of Orvicon fur 1 .il.tti.liln t:.,ni.ty, 1 In the it,itti..r 11, . ,,,ii.i.iii ( o v If iint. r f'.r n II, .,. 1., , il .,lriiii., ,nU ,,. vliiott. II.,.,..,. .i fr,,,u-.l Vi.ter ' , " , ' III! I I'M .(.nil nni- iiMI.ii. To tin. II..11 Douiii) court uf Cminl)' nl I'olnm liU owl nini- ill tinir.m ,ir.' o,'!i:!,,!::.?:ll,!i",..v?i'!rr'' fi Hlitln i,t I Irrifoii. ..nl it ii,,' l'v 11, ." rr"'!,'j t "ih 1 . . I'"'111"!1. W'i'il.l r. ii.,.. if,(;y .I ti,.. ..1,1 1 v.,;;. . . " ' " " . :. . . i.ihiii,.iii 1 tf ,,n w,.,i. tu., i..,iirt h...,r, I,, u,, .ii, f Hl, ,.,,;;; '"i;iiy mul i..u., ii.ut . liw, i, ;, ,'. i ll "Kiftilf.lii .not I tiliinilli, , ,, nt ' J ,. . . M.jNKUII. f I A l.r-rnri. K (i Mill, A I V.11 ..,,.. WM ' link, W II 1.1 'j M 1 1 ih an v K l ' VVn liTlli.lilr,H . Htirl.,lnk..r. H I, K '1 ,,. Ti : Ili.i.Uir -.i ) Uu,m,i KBVfc .n Mj'.'," V , 'U-.Km'; "' TiiflfUkl. T "l , SUITS H m - rortlaml, Ore. i At TIN HO, 60005 ilNl Kvory d;iv i:i I he Week 'imn r (.,r Only the IW.I in Muckle. s Oregon. OREGON amd union Pacific iiln Alio-I'uriiT.iM HI'Kl I A I. lor II.. .. ' llMMIiiirlnn, "iV.ii'Xk'lfl.l'f;!, I.'f f ulnttl M ul.lna j iMlly. '"r rrrT.-sr.eu ' w. lisllf. lot I jr. 'on. Walla n.iM, ,. i.m.ii, ,,,.iir irAii'tii. "I flrtl Northern .ull.t.. TiKRnrmitriiti irTrp.Tf.irTrrTr illy. v Ityt-n. TIIUKK DAILY TWAINS roa ALL I'OINTH EA8T. IOWKIt COLUMIIIA RlVKR. 1 tvuni'r II - Ioavm l'i rtln.1 rtsttv, esffff hiimlar. iiiH.uui,, ,, iuy u lie . I", for A.torlii nMl) Hav lan.lliiu Kvtullili.K l"nifi' A.lQrl nl 1 in a, m. ilallv. eitvi'l "mUf;v A. L. OnAlO, loinmnl raSMiuroy Amnl. riiirri.ASt). "' TEAM FOR SALE. Weight thirty hundred; nine nnd ten years old; sound tiiid true. Also, new harness and wagon. A bargain for cash, or will sell for one-half cash. Appli i pplv at this omcp. In n In 1'iirtliiinl Ho to The Kinplro Hommirniit, 102 Third Htreet, threu doors Hnuili nl Hiikfr The tif. Mi. n In frtim ifl renUi np. Open tiny ami ninht. Oyster in any tyl Win. Ilnhhitiiltir, lVoi., ftirnifrlyof tho Koyitl, 1st ami JUdUun. 3 12.00 1