THE OREGON VOL. XXII. NO. 28. 8T. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, J.UNE 23, 1903. MIST. NEWS OF THE WEEK New In a Condensed Form for Oar Dusy Readers. ' HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A R.sum of th Li Important but Not Li lntrlln( Evnt of th Pst Wk. will meet In court. Th last tlm that this mwrr ul tl TWFI VF DriTIIV IDF OFDMUm "Kr trin No. 6, westbound, running at a very high rate of speed when lit the point named It crashed In to a double header freight running east. .11 1 . I .1.. ! ....I I . Ow.ll.r In Citi Flea to S...hor. " . "I .JrZjl' The iai-e conferem" Annual. pop IMui liai advlaed Ctbollca to go Into politic. rrit and tlermany hav agreed lu a itihprin on Morocco. ,li stopped ,M I'faldenl'a chaff eur lor iditi th imwmI limit, Chm k iav killed, many wounded J.pan-tw In lied 'rM tw.tat. Piitahurit steel watker threaten to trite. Flv thousand men are In volved, Thr Janaiie ar forcing tha Ru Unal outpost to rrtranU by Nanklii Movement. The iimident I lia-l-nln p-c ne- aitiallona to prevent atiollwl big Utile II rxalbbl. I luliinlnc struck a tank at Lima, Ohio, MtliUknliig 38.OOO.0OO Urrel of oil. The ! la placed at ijuu.wu The wlmaUir general and Mlnbter iii,l,. of Panama, liav algned a ltal treaty between the twoeounlrle The t'blneaw government baa dero- ratnl Juhn Barrett, mlnlatar to lluin bla. fr hie eervu-e with Uw t'blneee at the Hi. Lout lair li la rillllillol that the Influx of Im migrant ba reduced toiheeergeol diilutin 100,000 Kna-lleU asking famlliea on the Nw York Mat Hide. klniin- bv (lilra.o t-ainaUr lias gain rauaml Irtxible, Fna-lend haa iut added two new bet tleahtap to her navy. Kailwav iiffldat say they can run Wain from New Yolk to Chicago ' 1 4 liutirt. K.iuia baa tried to change lb pea roiilor-nc to Th Hague, but Jpn mild iMt miueeiit. ti.rmativ and Franc have both i blained their tanllloti to Hooeevell and arwk bi support. Mayor lhiune. of Chicago. M k the city council to construd 100 mile of trret railway line to b 0raUl by the city The Japan hav urafully float ad i... HiiMiin baUleahln unk at Port Arthur and woik la almoet com aiete to aave a third. it ,,nl.l nnar m that a nrlnc of the Iioumi of lurnadull will be aelected to rule Norway. King Oarar not being opposed lo aucli an arrangement Do ie ha practically completed ar raim-menU for the putt-baa ol l.uov. Owl arr-a at land in Mullen, and laical Zlon City la to b eublihed li.ti.l M.i lino Gomes, th idol of the Cuban mirmlac. and U on man al-iv .11 ntlirtra lo whom lb little island republic owe It existence, tl.. He waa 71 year old. The Franco-German d! lnt Mnroi-co near a criai. iirneral Maaimo (Jomei la very lo and may die at any time. Nr.v ta tikelv to become a repub lie, aa no on dealrabl lor a king li willing to aiTcpt. Th neat tep In th Far Kaatom pface negotiationa will b th Igning nf mn arm hv th ceneral com maudliig on th field ol lioalllltle. (lovornor Braly, of Ataaka, want to .it-,,,! it,. Iwla and Clark fair, but HHii.rv 1 1 itx I cork ba onlcred him to remain at bla lor th preawit, he may be needed. The Federal grand Jury at Chicago ha turned in a number of Indlctmeut airalnat !.( Itiiat ollllcal". but paitlcll lar will not be given out until the Jury haa Onlahed II wort Nnl a man waa aavtid from the Rut inn l.altU.ahlri Aleiandef III. and but one caidi from the battlcahliw Borodino and Navarln, aunk by th Jepanrw In the haul of the w ol Japan. I'reaident Itooaevelt la' atrlvlng to prevent another big battle In Manchu ria before peace I concluded. Commlaloner Klchard. of th Gen eral Und olilce, haa Ixwn ordered to l'ortland to attend the land fraud trial and lend aaaiaUnc to the prosecution. A nutnlwr of clerk are alw being wnt with record. Thakalaer ta planning to betiom maater ol Europe. Turklah troop have "completely ei termlnalo.i a Macedonian Inaurgent band. Japan' peace term have been out lined and will be moderate. Orand Dnka Alexia and Admiral Avellan, head of th. Buaalan navy, hav realgned. mi.,,,1 l..iir,.,la have unlte-1 in tn l,li.i,,a ii,. ..iui. irnm enforalng the maximum rat law. A caa ol plague Ih reported on a veaiiel arriving at Manoheater, fcug- land, from Uueno Ayrea leglalatnr waa lliv.kl waa during the ipoaurr following Twr downfall, hen three Kupieine court Junlice who bad worked hand In hand with the old Tammany bo, were atrlppcd of their udlclal ermine. Hut that wai at a regular araalon. Th machinery of the law In now be ing Invoked by a Hcpuhlican governor to enabl a lrgialatitr overwhelmingly Republican in Itoth bramhiw to ml ire a Republican Judge. Th peraon who will Im removwl la Warren It. Hooker, long a congreaa. man and longer "till an Influential He- ubllcan Hlitii laii In th iipr avctinn I th alate. There la not a duuht in th world but that he will tie put out, and every big Kcpuhlican in the alate haa begged and implored him to reeigu, but be la tubborn. New York atitte teaarda ila Judicial Itlrrra more liberally than any other (li m of the In Ion. In i-w York ity a Juatire ol the Hnprrme Court re ceive I17.MKI a year lur M yeata, wit), little prepare court day lasting Irmn II to I, ami Ordinarily aui-h daya do not come until lo 3 3(1 or 4, tti-thrr with nearly early In July. From bundreda of (tuffy mir montha' tacatlun in dimmer. And tenement, thouaanda of children tit I'nilad Kute Ku.'rrme court, the awarmwl into th (treet, many ol them hlglteat Judicial tribunal in the land, half clad and otheia atruggling lo rid only v II'J.IMHI. Hooker ii an "up- themaelve of aucb Iragmenll ol winter tele Judge," but a tranalcrml brre garment aa atill clung to their by th governor ! alter he aacended bodie. Mother with baggard JU00C ACt8 0I80RACE. York Laglilature Will Himovt 8uprm Juillc Hooker. Nw York, June 20. For the find Hi In IU blatory, the leglalature of ew York will meat In apm lal ei-aBlmi ill aummer lor the purwae ol funn ily expelling a Ju.liie of the Hupreme VICTIMS OF HEAT M.w. I Torrid Weather In East Prostrates Many People. TRAINS COLLIDE. Eighteen Peopl Killed and Sixtn Other Badly Injured. ISaltlmore, Md., Juna 19. Eighteen peraon are known to have been killed and a (core more Injured tonight in a train wreck oil the Western Maryland railroad about quarter of a mil from I'atapaco, a email station between Westminster and Flnksburg. Paa- ii il I OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST PEACE ENVOYS ARE NAMED. SCHOOL LAND FRAUD. TITLE CLAIMED BY STATE. Japan Announce Three, and Nam of Two Russians ar Known. St. Petersburg, June 16. There only remain fixing ol the time of meeting and the number ol plenipotentiaries for th peace conference with Japan. Finding that Japan was not disposed to for Ihslr Llvs - Children Among Victims. 8,.. Wll. Ho.d Back Tit... to Lar,. Klamath County Land Good Now Oniy accept Paris w, Tracts In Oregon, for Hay. Roosevelt suggested. Russia readily fialem John De Lalttre, a Minneap Salem The state ol Oregon naa aa- conMnted to the selection of Washing- oils banker, appeared before the state aerted title to 4,B0U acres ol lana in ton Japani ,t ig nnder,tood, also sig land board last week to ahow himself theTicinity of Bwan lake, Klamath nified lbl,t ilie woniu name three exalt aud members of hi family to be the county, and questions the right of about personagea as plenipotentiaries, and Innocent purchase! of 20,000 acre oi a oozen eeinera w w.4u..v " - ipecifie information here point xo .i.t. land aol.1 to various persons in from the government under the home- M.ranig lto Baron Romura. the min- cars smashed and a number of the mo tlir,I(.h the mediumshlp of H. H. stead laws. In order to determine the , , foreign affairs, and Marshal New York, June 20. Many prostra tion and four deaths, the latter all of young children, accompanied the re newal of yeslerdsy' torrid tempera ture, aggravated by a high degree of humidity In the early hours of Unlay. At 12:30 P. M. the theimometer mark ed HH degreea with every Indication of a further rise, hut soon afterwards re lief came In the ahape ol a cool breere from th ea, accompanied by a rapid fall In temperature and humidity, which continued ateadily until tonight, when the air waa almost too chilly for the comfort ol the thousands who had 11 nl to the seaside resort to eet'ie the heat of the morning. Nowhere in the freight cars splintered. Th paasenger n . . . T Klliher. The board right of the state and the settlers, the I Yamacraia. chief of the general staff, a coeche sustained little injury and . entlrel, ...jened with the government hw assigned a special agent ... almost without exception their occu- ihowinK mgde ,nd gave him until July at Klamath Falls to go with State Land jt u regarded as certain that two ol pant ecsaped with nothing worse than 2J to .jt further evidence. At that Agent Oswald West and ascertain the U,,,., representatives will be Baron a imu aliening up. time the lioard will probably maxe cnaracier oi wie mim. Rosen, who bs been appointed lo nc- The fatalities occurred among the ., lt. reKftrding the issuance Though the state's claim is averse . t CaMinl M ,,baeeador at crews of the engines and workmen em- . . , noije f tUu land certi- to the aettlers, there is no intention on WMhirj(rtoIli ,nd m. Nelidoff, ambasaa- ployed by the railroad. Not being reg- . , n.v. w, fraudulently the part of the elate land board to oust . , p The name of M. WitU ular passenger they had boarded the tiaggage cars and engine. Those in th baggage car were badly mangled and the crews of all three engine were killed outright. Tbe three coache in the passenger train remained on the track and none of the passengers waa aeriously hurt, all but a few escaping with a bad shske-u,t and bruises. As soon as word of the accident was received a special train with physicians waa sent out from here and by 9 o'clock the in jured were being conveyed to hospitals. obtained. -' ,rolu lu,r "'" . . r r. i,ir,i .n nr.ior i comrarv. lue aseerviuu ut mo nviiiB w. . . . , . , On tbe state's was also made wtnen win reauiv tu teet mandamus suit being brought to determine whether an innocent porch. aser of a land sale certificate ia entitled to a deed, even though the certificate waa fraudulently obtained. This order was made at the request of W. H. Holmes, who came before the board as the attornev for the unnamed client. He nreeented two certificates of sale, is- ntvin iinnlicfttioni bearing the of II. A. Wild and I. U. Uirard, Wore II . H. Turner, the claim w ill be a protection to the set tlers, for it will remove all doubt a to the validity of their title. If the in vestigation should resnlt in a decision that the state's claim is good, all Dona fide homestead entrymen will be given an opportunity to buy from the stte at the minimum price ol f 1 per acre. There is room for dispute as to me character of the land. It is low and for a considerable Dart of the year is covered with water. Late in the sum. mer the water recedes sufficiently to ..7 . . . . "... .... .i The natienta were distributed between.,., , ... me r.asi pine tenement am-unn, ,, u. , ... . . 7 I i. i i . a k. ttl.r. paration had tieen ma.le for it. T """l"1-,'1 "V notary public, who is supposed to oe iru..v .....v.UB, - ------ n.iur m.iiim.nt iir ma connection i -!' ..... near the railroad. DON'T BE TOO with state land transactions. The two and perhaps all instance the ettler continues to be be mentioned, butther i no evidence that the emperor will give him a brief to conduct negotia tion. Considering bis well known views (gainst Russia's aggressive policy in the Far East, the selection of M. Witte would be regarded as tantamount to an assurance that peace would be the outcomhe. The selection of Washington make it certain that several wee man elapse before the first meeting of tbe negotiators ia possible. Unless President Kooseveu is auie to induce th belligerent in the mean time to agree to an armistice, th fear is general that tbe interim will witness another bloody battle in Aiancnuria. Iwuu aww 'i iuw"' - I "... .1 i j 1 1 . i . ,., J , certificate are from a large number cannot live on the land all the year, tor BoiiU) wbiie gbe could not place her Plea of Russian Paper to Japan Som Suspect America. Bt. Petersburg, June 19. The press of all shades of opinion is discussing little fares .i. t .1. ...i ., i. it.1,1 1 n.,1 l l.ifiv trlnflnita anil ahriek i 1 1 ' .i -i .. . ii.i l-i Im i,.. liui.nnM in tyime Japan's proliable terms and Z ...rr."'" u. The : wV m.ut.y called wiih practical unanimity for a continu The charge agaili't lUMiaer are and are invulvol In the case which Mr. Holme said are hypotheeat ed in Chicago bank KREBS MEETS WITH SUCCESS. ruanv. against Martian, th celebrated, or rather, noturtous, pmlal ollirlal. Honker's young nephew wanu-ti money lo go through collfge, liouker bad him appointed a cltrk In a p"l- offir. II never did any woU, Put lie diw th eatary. A man In the disttiri oawi Mr. Hooker, wile of the Judge, 3,5no. He mm tiromtillv ai'lmlulml a letter car rier, and each month turned over his eherk to Mr. Hcaikrr. Hits mau ai- mill.! on the "land that he never din say wot lor Wi govrrnmem " sper!ed to. Me umpiy iniii"t may way, suggiatwl to him, to pay off hill. owned by the Judge " in. The police were constantly called wild practical unanimity ior acotu.uu- upon to quell infantile riots, and .cores ation of tbe war rather than the accept- ol children were reported lost at night- ance of humiliating condition. In ..I tli is the newspapers are upheld by pub- dnrlare Hop Raisers ar Signing Up for Big Pool for 1905 Salem President Krebs, of the Ore- Hnnholdera' association, ba re- fall. Eight Deaths In Pitlsburg. Pltubura. June 20 At noon Uiday the government tbremomeler registered H deg., and waa rising steadily. One death and everal prostrations were re ported up to noon. The maximum reached by the government tbermome tei was 92. Thia evening at 8 o'clock it waa down to 85 with promise of ahowera and cooler weather tomorrow. In the district Including Pittsburg, Al- i - f.,L'. iUirt tlivra were ir(i,trii7 .. ... , . . eight deaths and sii prostrations report- picture ol .lupto 11 o'clock tonight and no cranee, Ui doubt others were not reported. . S... 1 t.t I . . tlUllMIIlK " " w-. ... ---- . r I . ..... i.i .lr . . J" i ... ...r-....,.,..i l,.r a rKwt- Several Prostratag in T.aaninBiw... 'TT. .ii.t- Waabineton. Jun 20. Several per- oiiir m wiii w ia-7 i - . . t. a t,, orbitanl renUl. D-pite this the Una wer prostrated by U.s heat in .-i at iniirvaia i h aaiiinirion iourt. avm. vi - . IM. i.n, - ' " - I " - . . .... ... mrlnua. IU leinperBium iwv .tMtJilv from 4A.M. until nearly 1 r M.. when a atorm Uireateneu ana ium relief followed. i n roaximunt ... 1 bv lb Weather bu i" . reau wa V3 degree amount of a few montbe. SPY OUT TRADE CONDITIONS. IOWA FARMS UNDER WATER. Oommnt Snds Out rwi opca. Agents to Foreign Countrl. W.ahlngton, June 20. The doprt .t r. (Viinnicri-e and Ulwr bss com nleted prewrallons for sending five Mississippi Rivr to ow.mF - . . I n Tmuj. i.l abmail to luveaiigsw o..r.. .. .. ...... .. ... i on Th. Mia. trail conditions, with tn onject oi um moiiio. -uu. potlng th. foreign c o .1- -J-W- r.-.s out o, ,U , Unk. .ron, Hutchinson, tic opinion, which is steering around to support of the war policy if Japan terms Drove too nam. .hrmt f growers Only the Nashl Bhisn advises Russia ,j gign gKreements to transfer their that she need not balk at the payment 1905 crop 0f il0p to a corporation of of an indemnity, the cession, of the en to be formed at 8alem at some Sakhalin islands, the renunciation of ature jgte. Committee were appoint her riirht to keep warships in Far East- to .e-,,,.. .imilar agreement from em water or th urrender of Vladi- thoM rowers i tke St. Paul district vostok, but the paper holds that Russia were not present. must retain Northern Manchuria and Mr Krebs savs that the movement the Vladivostok railroad. ir .1,. nrvan ittion of a urower' cor- Tbe liourse Gasette draw a gloomy njting with much greater . .. I O , ' . val.linna with I . , t . ' . .1 fn !.. vi fturoi. . . v innvM iiiu ne aniicmaM. iw (Jreat Hrltain, Oermany and inaeendence district, all but three Austria. Tbe Iovoe v remya ana me groweri have signed agreement to reactionary Sviet sound note against trangfer their bops to the corporation, the United State. Tbe Novo V remya Th enlhusiiuim with which the grow- reiterate that Russia' chief enemies era re taking np the project convince in the Far :ast are not the Japanese, Mr Kreng that 95 per cent of the 1905 but the liritish and the Americans, on crop mili j tne hands ol the corpor account of their commercial rivalry, .t:on. while the Sviet object to Washington The plln j, to naVe the affair of the aa th place of meeting of the pleni- pnrnoration manaeed by a board of di- potentiaries, declaring that th atmos- r, composed of grower elected phere there is onirienaiy. na esseiviug irom the various districts by the grow- that Russia representative. " y er tbtmselves. the reason that it overflows. 11 it ia in i ,u- itinn of directly reauest- fact swamp land, the settler could ing nnigtice, might welcome it, il never acquire mm ui """"6" ,jne goggggtion came irom tne presiueu. oomesieau entiiee, nie rxot:t"i"- v. i the Warner valley settlers being an il-1 lustration of the outcome of an eRort ol FOR CONFERENCE CITY. that kind. Some of the settler realize I the condition of their title and are de- choice bv Russia and Japan ia Nar- sirou that the tate press its cisim in rowed Down to Three. oroer mat vney ui.jr t in nwiuiiiiiiuii. iio w ' - - j ions for peace tn the far nearimt a locus. in one I" . .i i. j ran secure the land from the govern-I ta ,rom "- I "l.i". mint or not. If they cannot, the soon- the negotiat I OI in is county, wiiem I . ... ..." , ..... . . 1 p.. .n grower, was held. Mr. Krebs say. that "I" "f noint to war. nvMwni .nil inn i - j which the energies of those di- .i .. -... :n i .v. i.K in.i; irertiv concernea in tueiu uuw s uo.u. tua incfc win tenvo mem wiw I , . , - , . nnt.hln titlwi airectea i toe potable titles. ku: l.n nl th nlnnino. In the case oi tbe Warner yauey uw-"i"B " - . u tn Itpntiaries of the belligerent. men other than the settlers, and litiga- It known officially that thfeeatM ... . i.-j -j i- I are under consideration by Russia and lion QUI iuub wr nrnuiicu iu.wk.j . . .. .... t .!. ..... Jrn. These cities, named in th tne eeniers. in una iui" r . .u. i:i..i:i.j i k.;. .. ill settle the qui stion of title before oroer oi tue ...c. uuw ilin th land, and then, if it be de- lection, are wasnington, Tbe cided that the state owns the land un der the swamp land grant, will give bona fide homesteaders a cnance to purchase. HAY HARVEST IN LANE COUNTY. Hague and Oeneva. Thus far no decision haa been reacn- ed. Pari and London have been elim inated from tbe question. It is under stood that the Russian government ob ject to an Asiatic city, its preference being for some European capital. After objecting to the holding of tbe confer ence in Pans, the Japanese government expressed a wilhngnees to consider otn- aiihlerted to preludical influence in "the capitol of tbe enemy ally." , BAD AIR IN THE SUBWAY. t'olfl Htato. 1 ...nve.g.1 "-'r-to crop .d Scientist Stat that Gases May Ex plod a In Minas. New York, June 19. Foulness of air work done Year of Growth at 'Varsity University of Oregon, Eugene The class that was graduated this year is not the lanreet class ever graduated by tbe University of Oregon, there being 31 members only, but the increase in attendance and the general character ot i such as caused every .. . . r .. , 1'ioieaaor t,iiii-um i'nlv.raltv of California; mar Pepper; Harry R. Kurrill; Kaymoi Crit and Ir. Flward iledloe. . - ,i .,..,'n,nrlatlon IB omy r " nnn It ,l- nl to limit l"D ""' a-l.l. 1 InaMllirallon in onivr .11.. .v omit. v. , . ... , , . . M hMl tesu 1U may le r- . . r..,..,rraui ear v 111 m "I" II 1. 1 hi. ' n . ... i.i..- ..iiiu. sieiwra, ini.1.1. r.77i.."-in nii.the Orient. Pro 7,.. 1 1,l.,.n will go to South h-a m! prorty loss will run up into the hnn ondF. dre.lsolthou.auds. The situation at Muscatine and Lllnton is rumwi. 1 ise of another foot will flood pait of the tret in Iwlh cities, ine river .. . . . ... .- i ivii! nna inch now rising at mo ro pel hour regime ol One of the in the subway ha reached tn satge when the fainting of women is of al most daily occurrence and the indica tions are that aa the aummer advances conditions will grow worse. Nicola Tesla makes a statement that indicates that the poisonous character ot the suo- 8aU o( the firm growth of state high th e pnr-w hav crops . t i : . . .;t.i A thai 1 alumni to approve of the President P. L. Campbell. irritatest changes made in the universi tv durina the nast year was the adop tion of the partially free elective sys- ltm. That chance was made as a re Vetch Haa Com Into Popular Favor and ia Raised Generally. r c.n... in thia i-nnntv are I .r nlarea whith afforded adequate facil- 1- .11 ;n th. nf hav harvest, itiea. although it is assumed that Ja- and for two weekB all energy will be pan'e preference would be for some Far ,4:ii tnw.wt. miiint in the hav for Eastern city practically within th L.i I. ini n.. The rmn la I IhMlnr ol war. rinailV. nowever, in. .1.. 1 .. .v... v,.. tn on fnr I a.Wtinn seems to have narrowed down years. All kinds of grass haa grown to the tnree cuies namea. better than usual and on account oi a ahortaire a year alio there la an in creased acreage. There is an immense amount ol vetch, which has proven to be on6 of the best fodder crops ever introduced here, for the triple reason that it is very nourirhing, yields NEW MOVES TO END STRIKE. Hanrahan will Jake a Hand Team sters' Offer Rejected. Chicaao. June 18. While apparent- a heavy crop iv there waa no surface change in th and enriches rather than impoverishes etrjk today, a powerful agent for peac the land. It use ha become general wag at work. Grand Master J. u. and nearly every farmer raises more or I Hanrahan, of the Brotherhood of Loco- less of it. motive Firemen, arrived in tne city, Less erain will be cut for hay thanl.n(i conference with Mayor nnnal. on -account of the abundance of Dnnnn. announced that he would use way air is not its m uuui achools, thus making it possime ior tne .1 ... ;.iu i-tiit mar it in n iv mi . . . l a .Kiiaii tw nra. Th Plen.ure Island at DenPr viu,entlv .Xnl,a,ive union of gases that Mr,tar denartment. but also to place ..n,ll today, several nwnu r . .M .h . .. it . ' .. !r.:i:. . l.:.:!...!.;.;. ihr.ontl.e elec- my " " . 1.-, the Kuuent upon nwown rnu..u...v no wnu ii.- a . . . . trn,, ,. as is occasionally reiiorwu uvui , -u-.,. . .nnm ol studv. iirrounded . h,l , r . .,1 h hnat trie line Having to iro inui" j coveieo. IeOf HUiciiin-u. - i having been n Th. Atlantic and I'au lflc coasU ol more rapidly at Burlingu of th Atlantic Uuk. where the danger is M, Penner will go to Cansda, and Hundreds of men are wor Mr. I e per wii go . t Muscatine, the i laft JlK' Awrlcan e,g U, break through at nr. lWi.w will he scut to su I .... IVI Tmlili. Veneiuela, Itritish, III .... - , T, 1. .Vi ....i vrMfwn tiuinua. iv " - - an.. . . , that the Inveatigasion win w working on the wtr threat- any time. ENVOYS TO CHOOSE PLACE. Dutch peeled deep mine. Tesla in his statement aaysinpart: ..,....:.,. "The danger to wnicn i reier uea m the possibility of generating an explos ive mixture by electrolytic decomposi tion md thermic disassociation of water through direct current ned in the opera ion of the cars. 8uch pro cess llllglli go on iui UUUI..UUU.J. without being noticed, and witn cur- rents of this kind it is scarcely practi- """1"""" ; . i ,i,.i , th present a iron t will and that all ol the their final reports year have ready for congress In January. Million From Alaska. Seattle, June 2". Aoconuog On Bar Mad Easier, Independence Tbe government dredger in tbe river below here Has completed its work on the bar and will go on down tlio river to smaner oo structions. The work is expected to be completed by July 1 . No work will be done above this point this year. A channel 85 feet wide at the bottom and 45 at the top is being cut. ltiis win give four feet of wa'.er during low water and will enable the boats to make the ruu neiween isaiem aim "' ri Continue Normal School, Pendleton At a meeting of the board of reaents of the Eastern Oregon Normal school, held here, it was decid ed to continue the institution, regard- Iras of state assistance. Funds will be his good offices to settle the strike. Chairman jonn v. rarweu, jr., oi the Employers association, declined to consider a tentative strike settlement proposition presented to him today by the state Doara oi aroiuauoa. The proposition was an offer that, If the emnlover would agree to use all to a . . , . 1.1 14 . lA.t.fa President Will Not lntercd in oenan caoie to avoiu ... nf Anv CitV. . . an England Stand Ready v.iiititnn. June .u, .. , . . . . .. , . . , . ., " ,U. received the invitation Ixmdon, June 19. It is pronauie tnat throughout the summer, wuicn una nu. iwnitii "-v ... iii. -. .!. i.m that (iermanv is forcing uixn iwn luwsible heretofore oftiovemor uiiamoeriai.i . ' :,i ,n m r "rriz:z . th fr .ton meet at i orna m, . .., ,,1A fc.:. hag been aimed at wasningum :-r. ...,. rfR,i.neil Silverton Sawmill Sold. Silverton The King sawmill, to- cahieram receive.! by Jamae 1. Hoge. to lev " """ , iAt the France, although chielly designed to tlier with 700 acres of timber land, .'J Lwwhi Z .old la stored in his Hank orm-l JL nZLLf will damaw British interests. The British S. been 8oM to WiUi.m J. Swinson, . fcl .... t till NII1IM1I(J(IK Ol wonie --.. . . ,. , ttoet that Will oon rinrv. ...... "Z .n,.ih.r 11.000,000 is held by I It I L . . ' - .. .', I. I Mh.r banks. Th -caiidinavian-n .- -------- - , n tiank has ton notilUnl umtsi.; w n. me.linB ouUlide Washing milil IB Oil IUI n.J " " 1 .. 1. t.Win The Union 000,000 in Institution I . ... 1 ... 1 ... .1.. .linhtaat ,lu.ilA I . ... . . Aavatinn . . ... .:..!.. nn I lint I onvnriinieilt 11.. uwv ilio Biiiuiw,. . rt .nnniMoiB. mr a i-.oii vwi,o,w.i.v... not advise ine w ' .hlir itself behind its more Li tnsnft. The 700 acres of land is ?lnV f.!:.ilnl th. aituation exuosed neighbor. There 1b reason ,id to t one of the best bodies of wltliintne viruH election to believe that Lord Unsdowne timber this vicinity, averaging to do so. lie wiii ,,......:. ,ni n ink. occasion to make Eng- Li.-.,t i Rnn noo of first erade fir to clear and me direct ... 40 acrg. Mr. Swinson 1 an ex- solicited from private sources, and the honorable influence to have poc n(1 board announces that over hall 01 tne deputy anerine ana an amount needed has been promised. A withdrawn immediately, the tnke committee consisting of President R. would be declared off, even as to the E French, G. W. Proebstel and r. A. express companies, ami uiai om-.. w Worthiniiton. secretary of the board, deliver anywhere would be obeyed by was appointed to secure the funds nec- the teamster. The offer had the ap essarv for the maintenance of the proval of President Shea and the na- school. 1 tional executive Doara 01 vuo i-bujovc... No Wair-nt for Suppli. Linievitctt Taicea oome uuiposi. Salem All advertisements for sup- St. Petersburg, June IB. In a dis- plies for the state institutions win patch to tne emperor, oaiea juno 10, hereafter contain the provision that the General Linievitch says the Russians, supplies will be paid for with certifl- after a fight June 11, occupied the vii cates of allowance, for which warrant Uges of Syfong-Toy, Chihpou and will be issued when an appropriation Chakhedzl. tne same uay anoiuer u- becoroe available. This provision will tachment approached the mine near be inserted so that those who furnish Chakhedzi. A Japanese company evac- supplies will know what they are to uated the mines and retired southward, oet. and cannot auerwaru say tuat tuey wnere ii waa reynun ij "--"" . : ...i 1 . - ...i.w a .in- made their bids witn tne expecianoti 101 Japanese wim '":" "1. lira that Unil'l Doeition Tr.i.t A Sav- ton to tne envoy., -"?" "-. . . ' XrXZ Z " ro-!e"'e"CeW'"19- WMi0n' Y...o7rPm. Francisco, has a large amount, besides Rft Across " Panama, June 19-Th greatest ex- Francisco. June 20. A log rail cltement prev.... , "J, much for local Institution San ... .i.. fn, ih. Throne. Icontaii BuXlmiJ 0--U UHipenly ing "ftBfa. Thais RnU othe city a well a. the la JXZ the plan to have a Swed- B'l?h"' new Z panyjust boreis of the isthmian canal are much rSt,!. throne of Norway jSlu-JV ntbaiiniF soon, iviiiit i ' ? . i.ja. iu i navia. . lormer ubiwuvb dciiiotm w ma """-. - 1 , . u.ii u-.m n v . 111 lliid ".ta- 1 vw.-i ii. haa i.u..nhi Iwfiire 7Z.: .cording to those who are cog nisantof tne piau, 1 but win nun. j .,.., 1, ion, vory Biiccesslul in raiting iui.. pc-itlv. hat lorlhernpoinUtoSancisco. 10 T? 'Ti. on the Swedish wegian lurn.,.- - - frontier be diBinantlcd. of receiving warrant. who was brought here by Wt at first. At the head o 11 it. comet.. - Aniador to reorganise the po- Hl finally reluctantly consent p in hunter from lice force, d.ed last, Must Lav Port Arthur. Ph.lnn. Jun 20. American Euronean nrroa Btill tn Fort and Arthur 20.-FIV nnnru ; merc,lftndi,e. Many 01 tne nrm. - . - - r ---- - In the explosion wiucu "',,' : , arr,ning to charter stoauiera ior - - - l..n colliery at Khartsisk, belonging now Mn w 000 year. . . t 111 ... Fatal Explosion in wo..-, r- r.. notified by the Japanese au- Ekaterinoslav, Southern RiisHia J ne .rt Rud to Km0 their ,,reu. Vr. .T .I I,, merchandise. Many f.iT. oniiny. thatpurpow tO tu luaai... ' oi the firms Big Pay for Wallace. Panama, June 19. It is reporter that Chief Engineer G. F. Wallace, of the canal "commission, who left here some time ago to go the United States, mav not return, lt is said he haa been are offered a position with a railway in the sou,- perienced millman and will continue to operate uie mill aner mating some improvement. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 8288c pe buBhel; bluestem, 8889c; valley, 85c. Oats No. I white, feed, 30 per ten; srav. 130. Hav Timothv. 1416 per ton: clover, 111012; grain, 1112; cheat, 111012. EKga Oregon ranch, 19c per dozen. Butter Fancy creamery, 11 21 V4C per pound. Strawberries. II. 25(91. 50 per crate. Apples Table, $1.502.60 per box. Potatoes Oregon, fancy, old, $1.25 (31.35: Oreiron, new, $1.60. Hops Choice, 1904, 19921c per 11011 ml. Wool Eastern Oregon, best, 1923c tier pound; valley, 2627c: mohair, choice, 31 32)c. First Crop of Alfalfa Cut. Pendleton F. B. Holbrook, manager of the Oregon Land & Water company, of Irrigon, was in the city last week at tending the good roads convention. Mr. Holbrook says that the first crop of alfalfa in his vicinity haB been cut and stacked, and that the second crop is already a foot high. Strawberries in that section are nearly gone, and black cap raspberries are on the wane, having been ripe for several weeks. Grain Ready for Thresher. Milton A number of farmers nortb and east of this place have binder at work binding their grain, which is al most ripe enough to thresh. While it may be bound belore it is entirely ripe, t.h hurries are perfeclty formed, and while yet in the dough it ripens in the stack. The yield of grain being bound will be far above the average, as crop conditions have bo far this year been ideal in this vicinity. with quick-firing guns. The Japanese detachment on the Man darin road retired to a position south of Minhuagay. Death Penalty Suggested. Honolulu, June 16 Considerable at tention has been attracted by a Chine poster, which has appearea in nuo Asiatic quarter. It says that the Chin ese government proposes to retaliate for tbe American exclusion puuty, that the government at Pekin will issue an order against the purchase of Amer ican goods, with a death penalty for vioation of the order, and will proceed to have American fumigated at th port of entry and charged $5 per head. Will Fight in Spit of Mud. T-nndon. June 16. The Japanese correspondent of the Daily Telegraph at Moji, Japan, says: 'The rainy season haa atarted in Manchuria, and th mud in th road is knee deep, but this will not interfere with military operations, glad tidings of which may be expected within a few day."