The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 26, 1905, Image 3

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ill; ,rrn-li't '.','''''' " ' . i
After Viiiniilralliilo ll.nll.l.t.)llon
wiuTfnr.1 " "h"'
," I .... nil Otvuwn '" "" MHmwwI
,i il r IJlvelltHjat I OMllllg home
Mf H u I th Itc-nwn J." ami
MklilK "" " l,","w'- '''l'
Mr c N. Citt'lr ba relumed home
mol t w..nll lit tlie Wlllauielle
I ,in Comity will l'v an mii.i
Jwt In It r-lIUII at I be- Uwia and
Clark Vtii- livery vrlrty til w"d wlikli
.row I" the County " eiiilU-lriil
5,lutilu"I'" .11 will liirtil.hcd In
tkaaltiMl no-l color, aad ail "
juran'"",,1 ,,'l"lc''-
HmAvv v ! ' ft cent rarli In
Stllclnit l.ul tl foal SHriil local Irivd
1 of .had i In a liritiidriaumet.
it..l'lc .ril would Iraat) tlie
.,, .l il "I1 rtrtlisj l
cui.l"iil "" """ ihrr nH
jwk, ,m- in.mrjr artUag for frenis,, ele.
Wrr I W. Clark U'I Aflliur;irK
art tl Stfllv ixiiiliug I. CII(l'ci(Uxt.
Tbrr will In-jtlnllw build-
(UK "".: ,,r Mr J1""" ,Mrt'
)r, j, II t...lltry ha netrlycnnplrt
twelve li arrninl Il lul
at llic (iinwi l Cowhl. Mrl and the
A game l.arlall ha ln arranged
tlimn "" Helen boy and Hi
Hunicf kvxi'I nine. to take ilcw Hun-
TtK aolr I flic of .Sutltll V, .SyvaTI
kincUt, known a the C f-. wa
dcftdcd l )" !(!' M-Hi Ida on Kilnrlay
law, llw il '" diamia-d on
monl of t k i.l tuiauM acrvUc T.J.
CWl iil-!l tl. W. II. I'u well lr
ll!lrt i M I'lc Mine liny llic nc ul
Sct tin- S I'- K. K. umifsil (ruin
jtmire omrt ilf.-i'Ul In "I l'i
alUr. Tim ; niillict en cp.nil
lh ui.-mI ili-i 'i'l tmjiny
i',U, Iw 'i H- iw K jiniUi'ily luff
la() l"i tl W. H, l"ull luf ijfllr,
CwtrAMm l..f a.Kl!.utl. Hiil!ir-
vmS'tli .'ni. iicl in tulii Ilia utk- ...tut., mi l Mf. 1'onrrtlimur
IctU n .it.'ir l ly lila .cc.
T!i IU-U'I 'fc mirry.ol rurtlnihl,
iir , i. (m.i i.l the I'.iir liirgr'l In U'
o(.. Tn U.i.hI hI rr ')
lf l I.MiM u(. rtMiii t. ut all tlirowtfti
i iiuitlivi ! l( v.m ililiik rrtwiti
rinlr 'u!. ! in.l llilii luf yon (. i ii' llirln, N.lli-thrlr
lriiii. hi ul ll.u 1'. ,, t'lram
Or. KnoJtr uttt Dr. Oracn'l M
tni corroct nmhod 01 mklnj rt.
Html Utiti. Pimtt ar made by Ihli
mnhel la fit c:jral, iU Mohawk
tjllilm;, i'oriltnO,
Tim'i: i i 1 in CulniutiU County !
ii 4 i .vir ile ul hIkhiI U an acrv
tin itar
KVtilt U'luir liu Inn inUiniicil liy
IV ; -rMivn.lmt ol the Oirjtun Stile
liMiie An tiini tUil Htr muntlrt will Iw
rrctc 1 1 ut I he rwn nt lulrphon
tnjiiiriv'i ulurv iuun rriiin are
llt allt f 1 1. trliit!in-lU I iW4ll llic m-
vii 4'lr.i i-in;i (He nnyluin. ai
pimti.l.-.l t, t!it rncnl l.riU(urv. The
licnff ii ul the iii,in.iii I'm thit law will
rr rfv nvnuc In tlie Ctiunttrt, at
il iniiir r;0 will luvv til l llclil
lint until an niim.lmil riivr. ami, a
c hivr n.i lit (ilacc la kirrji iuvine per
... it in iv 1 luurinui t i their uirntal
IK4I1I1 A iHjltcr W4V wjiihl llvc been
t"Kivc Hit cuunty u l(e li-rellun to
f tut an niirmUnt when niriMfy.
I tl llic lirtjf' l were tohltfti, the
Ijw fmilil rfKiiljtr Ilium.
IUrrUia.1 tiutn-r liilngi a lilglirr
p'irr Ikoiii ul thvqtialitr. T1.U qual
ity it line .i ih (Itie plmit mil tVt
kill In tlm iiimiii'iirturv. II you aant
In aliip rri-.un (hit a nunlf into the
ilii'M i(iil liiutiT, (hlii Ul llaii'l
.Vntii'o llii-ir iihutiwiiivlit ol
Utc I', S Cri-niii HarnUir.
nip n While I'lnc ami Tar, the oM
rtlwtilr ci.tiuh rruirily. 1'or mIc hy A.J.
Ifcnmil!, 'IniKUt.
Oil Wr.lurt.Uy ol tt week, 41.111, J.
!' l'inli v, utti.riify t U. mi l m.n-nr ol
lm, luw i, ,,t the hint nine ymr, wh vititur nt the bmue ol lii, lh.Un. ( Wnnvti, a lio 1
Jin nut urn lur the yt thirty yenm, ir
in'' lie w.i (.mr ye ir ohl, Mr. I'inley
i tt-mj. ir iril ilninirilcl with til l.imily
IlSii.ihmiiUli, WimIi , hut liken OrcKoil
,lct, iiml iiiten h t. Uke Hp a law ln-lnt-,
riitu-r in IVrtUinl or near there.
Tlirri- will Ih tcrirloe In tho I'.pimroiul
flmri h in thin eily Sumtny next at 8 p.
'-. Kw. Ilrci-k occu;yiii) the pulpit. A
tnMiil itivit iti.m lexteu.tct to att tt
Mf ami Mr. Win. neavot and
"'tiiKliti r, ul Wnrreii. were vlnitor to the
County M.,,t ol, TluirtiUy, where Mis
Heaver UkiU the K)ut lor Skami'knwa,
where she will r tome time.
' . I. l.ttrnenrecelvctt averyeverc
wiinii.l i t,c ((tl., yentcnlay itiornliiK
aliile u..rltlii( on thu mail west ol Mr,
j"i"T' place, near Warren. He wa
IwinllliiK n rotary wraper and acciitently
! lP il ii,joii the trip, when tha lever
"l wp, atiklii himiimt nlmve the lip, on
riKht ni.le 0( the face, lie wit
,,r,"'Klit to St. Helen ror treatment.
Mr. I.aiM'ii uwii m weak from to ol
MihkI u,t w. pim.gj j t,c owmtiiiK
,w"r lie lainieil ami retiiatnetl mieonaciou
lt three iiiiirter of an hour,
Mr. iiml Mr. Quick accompanied lv
,,ll'r two il,inKhti;rit, thcmUse Aliee and
Aiiu.i, wvris topping in 1'ortlitnd on
"edneuliiy hut.
Mr. A, M. Decker wai an Ir.tlda p:isa
e"l?er for Portland on Thursday.
Il't'tilwiiod Oioain O.i. la iiiakiiii ipB"
''Jal t ll'mt to lut i I.l up cronni nrntf In
''"Ittttililu county. Write tlioiu If yon
nt t ii tj-ofc tltcui In your ui'ljjlibor-
ferry ( Ur.illnui an ye y.jv lin.tii y
iiinliliK )uii
tii ii.
... iiiai.iHHl Kl.c ,i,t hrnkcll) . ()
II- Hi (inixl lliiiiin t mi
a U...I..
'H mlu ..... ,
!l pk' ltit Corn ,Slnrrh
!l one Ih pkn' lwt Currant
.1 one Hi ,k' lltt kalain
tl Iwra Slur tiunp
II three III pky,' Uuld lut or Dew
I nip
All the Uv urc ulnolntely Tint cUm
nuiirrn ly will he olere- hy
tlie Biindny In thi city Jaae H.
I'uIIuwIiik Kituiiiittec were appoiuted:
Mule: Cruce and Herllwt Urt, Mr. mid
Mr. Walter. To urrmigc ir.rnui and
4. i.
UrllJ thtldrtn; Kev. TKUiirl, Mr. I'rntt,
Mr, 1'luKx. Mm. White, mid Mr.
tJray. iH-curatlmi: Alice (Juhk, Crm-e
iMrt, IViirl m-cker, lltrtlm D.irt, Annie
Julik, Mnuile Detker, Sudie JCtll., NillU
taw, A. In i'.roiyy, Crme I'owell, lli wie
IliitUn and lltr.lle ll.irrn. All the chil
dren were apiintrd to Kt!ier flower.
Mr. W. A ll uria, Mr.. M. C. Cray
and Mr, J. II. WiIIiiikIoii vUitel tlie
Kalul. r l.-idjje, K illiU.iu- Si.ler on I'rl
dv lt, nnd having n line ttsaau.
The (Jrand Chief tl.ltnl the Kniiiier
ai'i-n at the nun Utile.
Nitliea tha advertlaitini'iit ol tlm lln-ii'Un-wl
I'n-nin Co. for the t:. H. Cream
Hejinratiir. l-'.very fanner alio own tww
or more eoa imnht to ivn a wparntor.
Will the llaMtlwixl pt-opli, mention
ing thl pK-r.
Mr. llriKlit. t'.rjnd Chief ol the Knlh
hone Klatcr. luiil the local lml((e a vtil
oil 'eiltirlay lii;ht lnt. Mr. Ilritit
on an a tuurol iuaprelioii and pruin.-.l
the ,S. Itrlrn In. lira lor the eirrlleut
Itmnner III which they pel formed the
nWalulic work.
Mr. W'lllt.un III k ol Muyijrr. and
Kxlurl Pullman, of CUlaknriie, were
UMllnl in luairi4j;c ml the i'Jil dayol the
ptetriit mnnth, at Clatakinie, hy Re.
Jainra K. lUwbiua.
M.imaKC ItteiiM- an nrnlilr.1 thia week
to l-enn lluthiiMit and Jay White, doth
ol Senpaie. j
I'ire Notu-c Warning haveWen reeeiv
I by Clerk llrnderwin Irom the Se-re-
tare ol Suir lor It'lrttnilion in tbiacoiin
ty. Thry (iv-a very eomplete ayimpataol
the Uw, all'! their (iti) ahuuld diniiiiidi
the dimmer ol lire tlua anmiiirr.
l.ntriMhn hive l.uiry irk lur et
blliiltoit t the Irf-wi an I CUrk l-'air are
mptratcd to forward II to Mr. W, T.
Walla, ,S ppMr. Iire the '.""till ol the
month "il pnlhle. Any thmit tent in
allrr that date bo il.l l ndilrcni-d to
H. II I'Ug. Columbia County Mbibit,
Agrieailtiirnl Huildiiij;, I' Dr.
1 hr i Votind tlurSlrp
Ia l.lrr ha Ihtii rcltirnrd. Il
uva to dvrrtiar. We arc
now iteorTd l welt rihI
Imaievrrv ahrll iitmir tlore.
I'ri.ea Kilil.
O ulilv Kn;lit.
The kiKbt I' lace
to Htiv.
M. C. (iR.W.
St, Helen, llregon.
A yoiin; Udy w!ii leai he H-liout le
than a tboavnn I uitlea Innn Cuatle Uo k,
bia a .crlrvt drri.l olooitliKioiiadiaei-.
Kei'eully he uriit one ol the children
home tvu the rtiild'a mother wa
ill. The nrl day the little girl came
luck to achiad. and aitb ber finger in her
moulh and ber eye on the floor, ber
hood twinging by tha atrtng, b lowly
apiwaehed the teacher aad uld; "W'e'ee
Kt a baby at oar ta.mae. but maniuii y
I hall tell y it ain't olebia."-Advocate.
Tlie new law prc:riMnj lee for re
cording conveyance wnt Into eHcct on
May It". There i a reiluclton ol ft ceni
per lotto In the lee. An ordinary deed
will coat HO rent to record,
Hereillrrall pcraon who rcide in
thia county desiring to hunt must take
out alieenaeol 1 and all nun rcriilenU
uiuat "IV ll
t'irat cU priutiiiK done nt thin office.
A Creeping lleaih.
Illiio l imiUkjh ciee' "P t""'" 1,10
heart, raiiriug dualh. J. K. Hteume.
lU-IIri I'laine, Minn., write mat a friend
dreadfully injured hi band, ablcli
awelle.1 up Ikie bbaal poiauniug. 1
llu' Arnica Slv drew out llt poiat'n,
denied the wound and naved lit "'
lt. l in tho world lor burn and eorut.
SV-atSl. Ilelnn'a 1" armiuir.
10 Jl M K X ( K XV. X T K XKHt'lSKS.
The commcncnicnt exereie ol the
lloiilton Scbod t-ike place tomorrow
(Saturday night.) An admiion of 15c
will be charged. Tbe following program
ha been prepared.
Song liaily (iaity Home We Co.
Dialogue Lodging to let.
Kccitation . .
I!". .-"B1".
Mr. Iay and Mia Jackaon.
,.. .The Hirth of our Counry
Grace Adam.
The Pride of tUttcry It.
K tliel Matthew.
The Independence llell
Dora C rouse.
t'.iiy .C.MWth of Our Comitry by 1!-
covcric and Inyen'.l j
Philip Porter.
Recitation.. The Stage Coach and the
lftM.ill KnrlPcrrv
l'wiay . . . .Growth of Our Country by
Annexation Ml,e Rlc
Addrcto the cl Rv. Taggart
Prcscntiition of Diploma
Supt. I. H. Copclund.
MuyiHilo Dance
Cloaing Ueuiarka .Rub) A. Juckon
Orowliitf Ai'lioa anil l'alna.
Mr. Jole Sumner, nrmnoiid, rex.
i... run. i woiiiu noi no wiux'M.
I would not ba without
it in the iioi.e. 1 . bava ue.l it on J my
llllvo also unci It lor Iron bitten feet.
horkner. u"W','S
withiiooil success. His tbe b.'t
uumt I ever nawl." -oc, W ami
Till- CAM, OP 'nil', WIJ.K.
(furl Wurlli l(,.i:,.
Spring b-ver get
A lei low mi!
Jnat every bird
Veil out 'Hello!"
Juat every bird
Sreni ciwxiiiK one
To wlurr it wimple
And rrv tree
On every bill
Jut beckon till
One can't kerptill.
Aral cattle low,
And lire U-jnotii
And roe fling
Their wret irrfimie.
And blotMaiia niM
I p to llic auu
Out where the granay
llillow run,
And purple tliii.llra
lta-e grown lull.
Ami uioriiiiiK xlorira
Top the wall.
And lruitiiet blunma
Light up the tree.
And ihiiaie cling
Almul your knee.
And everylhing
Joma in the t born:
"Say, ll' .Spring!"
And you f(. t wild
To up ami go.
Away out where
The cattle low,
Out by a atri um
At break ol mom,
Out were fiah tale
Are bring lru.
Geo. l-iabcr and Kliner Iliatt have
taken their tram and gone to thtaeiuing
grouiid (or the can.
Mim IuroiiKc ia viaiting friend at
N.ilnl thia week.
Mr. I). Kayehna lint a vnluab!c cow.
Mr. Hume lma a new horae and now
lia a very pretty team.
Mr. Iietrick and Mimi Koae Paraou
were marrie.1 in Portland Inst week.
Tlie Mitt whool cluillcngcd the
Natal whool to an arithmetic match.
The Grange' entertainment and danre
wa a aucce. A large crowil came in j
apite of the weather. The upicr wa
etrellcnt and everyone bwike I happy
alter coming Irom the dining room.
Mr. Jat. Kol.iiivm of (Brooklyn) Port
land ia viaiting friend in the Valley.
Cold rain h ive rrlarded the growth of
eroji. but weed arc doing splendidly,
Marly cberrie and applet will lie in
tin ill yield hercabuiiUowingto the lnt.
An rnthnitic utccting wa held at
the hall Tuctdny night and it wa
muiiitioualy voted to celebrate the Fourth
in grand ttyle at S.-appoone tbi year,
l.iliernl donatian ol money acre aecured
mill committeca tet to work on the detail.
Nrighlairing district arcconlially invited
to urticiate with u.
IjiIc Pence', the Portland capiuliat, ha
a urveying crew locating route lor a
grade flitch from Scappoow Creek to
Portland; truly a big undertaking but
prrhnp a (eatable one. who can tell.
Mim I-n.i Butchman and Mr. Jay
White were married at the home of tbe
bride, Wcdiievlav. Rev. I). B. Gray
officiating. Mr and Mr. Whitenrc well
mid lavoralilv known here and will make
their tmiiie at Canby, Wash, where Mr.
White U in the (kivernmeHt R-rvicc.
Mr. D. W. Dobbin, of Walla Walla,
i vlwtlng at the kome of ber parent,
Mf. and Mr. J. B. Duncan.
Koad Supervwor Kngelert i graveling
the rol near lloneyman. with rock
gravel from Scappooae creek.
O. D. Garriaon i completing a neat
retidencc in town.
I). F. IliggiulHithm, bite of Eugene,
Or. ha bought the Simon Newman place,
purchae price f ! which i considered
a fair price fur .V acre of bud.
Mr. P. A. I'mkc unloaded a car ol
blooded Ilolstein cattle Uol week. Mr.
i'r.ikc i to lie coinincudcd on hi effort
to build up herd ol blooded tock.
Mr. O. W. Allen i quite ill at her
Cha. Lynch hi moved hi family to
Mia Maggie McKcnxie i (topping at
St. Helens.
Henry White and wile are living at
McKiiy place on Bachelor is.anu.
Count v Surveyor Watt, surveyed
.-min.v rotid ucrota Sanvics Island during
the week.
John Havalick ba taken up hi res-
ideme at the larrel tnriu, wnuu
recently purchased. Scluail ha reopened with a
lanre attendance. Mr. A. I loudly is
John freeman has refitted hi bur room
with an up to date ouint.
FOR SALK-Orcat bargain. Five acre
tract of well Improved hind. Fine orchard
and garden. Good ten room noiiae, mr
nihcl throughout. Hot and cold water.
Situated at Clntskanie. on railroad and
and teamlxMt line. Term easy. rite
or call on W. H. CONYERS
o t Clntskanie, Oregon
Hit tho trail at the Lewia and Clark
Kxpoa'tion, opening in Portland, Jane
Saturday, August 12, lias lawn seloct
od aa Aeronautic day at tho Exposition.
Missouri Dity at tho Exposition baa
boon changed from August 17 toheptm-
. ,4 Uoveror Joseph W. Ft
01 K 01
. Colorado will bave a bulldinsj at tha
n,i nntiio wiii.nvo n o
, , Clark Kx
be Oonj.leted by June 1.
xpoiilion. tiio
lr way nnd will
While .mall.
It Is one of the moat attractive ol the
wtrtty ijunUingsi.
Will lie served in my
dining room next Hun
day, weather permit
ting. The IC'KCRKAM
i of tbe beat quality
that can be procured
in the city of Portland
I a dollar uiadc by buying your goods
iwn Oregwa
:) pound good rice f oil
" lan. $1(K)
I pkg A. A II. Soda a)
:i " Ihut corn tarch . )
:i 1 pound pkg. Moaopole Ciirranta$ Vt
:,l Rauin....l 25
H liar Star Soup $ 25
I :i pound pkg. Gold Dust 50
Price subject to market change.
Good goods a specialty.
I arlooulat Ketura to Oregon te Kbew
Ilia Bird aud lieasls at the
Alter demonstrating to all concerned
that an Oregon man raised on an Oregon
fni m can succeed in almost anything he
tackles out in the big world, Homer
Davenport ia coming home to Portland
again. KverybaJy who reads news
pajKjrs knows Homer Davenport. His
cartoons of men have made them fa
mous, or Infamous in some cases, and
some of liia drawings on question ol
national import have bad a direct in
fluence upon their settlement or adjust
ment. Hut while he if the world's
greatest cartoonist today, only trifle
more than eighteen years ago he was a
farmer boy at Silverton, Ore., where lie
secured his first art education by draw
ing pictures on tbe old liable door.
Strange as it may seem, Mr. Daven
port ha bad time during these eighteen
eventful years since be has been strug
gling for fume, 1 1 make the greatest col
lection of birds ami domesticated
animals in America. It was tbe early
influences of tbe farm, no doubt, that
gave him bis passion for birds and ani
mals. He has searched the four quarter!
of the globe for bis collection, and now
that he is coming buck he is bringing
tho birds and animal with him.
Mr. Davenport and hi poll are to la?
at the Lewi and Clark Exposition.
When be learned that Oregon wa giv
ing a great world's fair he at once volun
teered bis services, and the result is that
be has several acres at the Exposition
grounds whore a reproduction of
ypical Oregon ranch is being made.
Here be will show to all who come.
his truly remarkable collection, which
hascost him bisspsro timeand his spare
change to the extent of $32,000. Includ
ed in bis One collection are thirty six
varieties of pheasants, every country in
the world being fittingly represented.
Then there arj water-foul, storks, crane,
jungle fowl, wild turkeys, pigeons,
fancy poultry, quails, tragopans, Angora
goats, Arabian horaoa and so on through
the long list. .
Mr. Davenport will win unending
gratitude by affording an opportunity ol
siting genuine Arabian horses, which
are a rarity in America. The Sultan of
Turkey, be it known, refuse to let any
of these precious steed leave their
live country, but at the time of the
World's Fair at Chlcgo he permitted
band of the best stood to be sent ai an
exhibit in charge of Imperial Turkish
representatives. These same repre
sentatives got embroiled in heavy debts
tl Chicago and tbe horse were auction
ed off to pay tho debts. Mr. Davenport
bid high and nianaM to get Ave of the
liei.1 animals which he ii now bringing
to Portland with bliu, for tbe delectation
ol his old Oregon friends and neighbors
and all Exposition visitor
V,i to thl time hi collection has
kept at the famous Homer Davenport
In mi at Morril Plains, N. J. At that
place the animals have been visited by
the country's greatest men as Mr. Daven
iwrt's guests. His departure for Port
lai d lat week was the occasion of a big
barltciiue, at wbicli many of the beat
known writer, editor, actors and poli
ticians wese present.
Further interest in bringing of tbe fa
mous collection to the J-ewis and Clark
Exposition is added by tho fact that a
mi 111 Iw r of important tost and a series
of investigation into the habit and
peculiarities of the birds and animals
are to bo made by Portland scientist
and ornithologists. These investigations
will begin (hortly after tbe opening of
the Exposition on June 1 and will con
tinue until its olose, October 13. Work
on mo iMvenporc rami is now
nearly compleUd, having been plaunod
.i.-.i ..i i t... aa. 1....A...uB.t I
niluuiru uy ia. '"''"r'
haa4eon highly iiccess(ul a a theatrical
manager and who is helping tbe cartoon
1st in tliis period of recreation and visit
among old familiar scene. Like all
other portions of thia grunt Exposition,
tbe Farm will bo complete in every de
tail when the gate of tho Exposition arc
thrown open to tne world, the Brat day
ol next month.
To cold draught of air nnd keen
cutting winds, sudden changes of tem
prature, scanty clothing, undue ex
pos ire of the throat and neck after pub
lic speaking and singing, bring on
couulm and ioUU.
Uiilliinr llorebound Syrup il tho best
oiue. Mrs. A. Harr, Huston, Tex.
writes, .Ian. SI. 1002: "One bottle ol
r.iUliinl's Horelionnd Pyrup cured me of
a verv bad congli. It i very pleasant
to take Sold by A. J. Iteming. .
A roalllye Necessity.
Having to lay npon my laid for 14'
Jays from a severely urmwii if g, 1 oniy j
found releif when 1 naed a bottle of Mal
lard' Know Liniment. I can cheerfully
recomend It as the best medicine ever
sent to tbe alllicted. It has now become
a positive necessity upon myself. D. B.
liyrnes. Merchant, ItoversllHe, Texas.
26e. We and 11-00. Bold by A. J. Dom
Notice is hereby given that if tbe fol
lowing described county warrants which
were uVaed nor than seven years prior
to July 1st, A. D. 1W6, arc not presented
to tbe County Treasurer lor payment
within 40 days from the 1st Amy ol July
A. D. 1WM, said county warrant will be
cancelled and paysaeat thereof will be
thereafter refused.
By order of the County Court of Col
umbia County, State of Oregon.
List of all county warrants which were
Issued more than seven years prior to the
lat day 01 July, A. It., l'K, and wn urn
have not been paid. Tbe amount ul
each said warrants; to whom issued, and
the date of issuance.
2nd Series A. No. 3017 Wn. lone
July 12th. 1HII7 00
2nd series A No. WUW H C Kisber,
Sept. lltb, 1807 I 00
2nd aeries A No. 3787 I B Hofimire
Nov. Hth, 1W7 1 W
2nd series A No. 27U0 C H Howe
Nov. 8th 1HH7 1 00
2nd series A No. 37U1 O O Wolf
Nov. 8th, 17 - 1 00
2nd series A. No. 3840 Tom Ander
son Nov. 8tb, 1807 - 1 SO
2nd aerie A No. 3022 8 H Tryon
Nov. 15th, 1807 2 70
2nd series A No. 3WW J H Peter
son Jan. 14th. 1K08 - 3 00
2nd series A No. 3007 Clide ltich
ardsonjan. Hth, 1808 3 00
2nd series A No. 3008 MatbisWyer
Jan. 14th, 1808 - 3 00
2nd aeries A No. j N kice,
sheriff Dec. 22nd, 1807 32
2nd series A No. 3088 J N Rice,
sheriff Dec. 22nd, 1807 - 30
2nd series A No. 3072 J N Rice,
sheriff Dec. 22nd, 1807 - 36
2nd series A No. 4257 Henry Martin
March 12th. 1808 1 50
2nd series A No. 4270 John Turner
March 12tb. 1808 2 00
2nd series A No. 4451 Jas, T Gray
May 7th. 1808 - 1 50
2nd aeries A No. 4453 Victor Derger
stedt, May 7th, 1808 - 1 50
2nd serirs A No. 4481 John John
son May 7th, 1808 - 1 50
Will overcome indiirestionand dyspep
sia: regulate the bowel and cure liver
and kidney complaints.
11 is tlie best biooa enrii-ner ana in
vigorator in the world. It is purely
vegetable, perfectly harmleas. and
should you be a sufferer from disease,
yon will use it if von are wine.
K. N. Andrews, Editor and Mgr. Cocoa
and Ea-kledgeNews.Oocoa.Fla. writes;
I have uml vour Heroine in my lamiiy
and find it a most excellent medicine.
It effect nnon invsell have been a
narked benefit, gold by A. J. uemmg
He will
Tell joq
Tbat tbe
Ask tbe
Electric Lighted,
is the Crack Train
of Them All for
Comfort and Ele
gance, The Ticket Office at Portland is at
255 lorrison, Cor. 3d, Portltd
AWsfaaf 6tnl
was; r tgtnt
r. at.
t w
10 OS
10 3)
io at
Lv Portland Ar 11 If
OA .;
io s
is as
a A M S
... .Rainier ...
... pyramid...
.... Mavser....
....Oulnoy ....
.. Clai.kauia..
.. Uarahland..
.. Wvalport...
... Srenxon....
...Johll Hay...
Ar. Aatoria .La
7 4
7 M
7 as
7 9
7 17
40 U.Sj
ia rai ?.
7 M
T 49
1 10 S.i
10 21 71.1
10 SS 7S7
10 7 S.i
11 at w .il
11 IS I
11 SO W l
All tralus nil! eloas eonnscUon at floats
with Northern l'aeino Iralua to and Irom tbe
Eaal aad Hound point. At Ponland wttk all
trains learnt Union depot, it Aatoria with t
K. A N. o. a boat and mil Una and StNamer
T. J. Poller to and from llwaoo and Norlk
Beach pot n la.
Paaaenyere tor Aatoria or war point nail Aag
tralna at lloullnn. Train will atop to let p
".eui no" at lloullon when coming Irom poiao)
waotOoble. J. C. alwro.
Oea. Pan. Ast.. Astoria. Or
Willamett Slough Route
Leave Kt. Helena. . .. 8:80 A M
Arrive at Portlaud. .10:90 A M
Leavo Fortland 1 :30 PM
Arrive at Bt. Helen. 6:00 F M
Will Carry Notblna but Fassan
gers and Fast Freight.
JAM KS GOOD, Sfaatar.
Moyer Clothing Co.,
Abstract and Trust Co.
Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Non-Resident
Taxes Paid. Real Estate, Loans, Etc.
How We Do It
We have had so many people ask us how
we do it how we sell our goods so much
cheaper than Portland merchants. This
is our answer: When we kept store in
Portland we paid $300 per month rent,
hired clerks, and had other expenses too
numerous to mention. Here you all know
the rent is not nearly that amount. We
do our own clerking, unpacking, etc. In
" Portland our customers had to pay high
er prices, for the goods to enable ns to
make expenses. Here YOU get the benefit
in goods of what we otherwise pay out in
expenses. Hoping you will benefit your
self by this lettter, I am,
Sincerely yours,
v Rainier, Or.
L the quantity of
vvwi iivuaiwai-
slimming wlta
what you can
Etby usiaf the
.S. Separator.
We'll tend you
S&a separator for
aia. Wrtas ar aa
Notice is hereby Riven that the under
signed baa been, by tbe Hon. R. H. Hat
tan, Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of Colum
bia, appointed administrator of the estate
of Francis N. Goerig and Christine J.
Goerig, deceased. Any and all persons
having claim against said estate an
hereby required to present toe same io
me. verified according to law, at my office
at St. Helens, Oregon, within six months
from date hereof.
Dated March 31. 1305.
Administfator of the Estate of Francis N.
Goerig and Christine J. Goerig, de
ceased. :
la the Circuit Court of Oregon for Columbia
Carrie K. Johnaon v. Oeonre E. Johnaon.
To George E. johnaon, the abor named d
In tbe name of the Sute of Oregon, you ar
hereby liollllol and requlreil Io appear, on or
beiore May 13, i'Mo, and auawer the complaint
filed against you In the above entitled court
ami ranae. If yon tail to appear and gnawer
wilhin that lim the plaluiirr will apply to I bo
cmirt for a decree ulaaolvlug the niarrlago now
ealMlnif belweeu yon and platntiff, and for
am-b other ralfel an mar tie ennltable.
Thia auniuion la piibllahot pimuant to an
order of Hon. Tnomaa A. MoHriile, )"dire nt
. i.. -... ..- .HtiiLii Nina m..l. L ehamliera on
i March !. IVOi, proacribing all weeka a tbe lime
I for publication hereof.
n. am iMikllmtion of thl aiimmrm. ia on
, Mimhai.l'.ioi. aii'llbe liuve within which tou
, are required to anawer ia l he day after Ihe ox-
plrnllOU OI Ml WCOK. in,iu llie ubwui ins
pUOIICailOnoi iniB.uinniuiii".
Allorney for platnllff
In the Circuit Court of the atato ol Oregon lor
Columbia county.
k'.iii. iiiiirv.. Aiiu.rt X.
To Albert A lllalr, Ihe above named defendant:
I in ine i.ii,w.,iw Di,i,wiuin"f.'
i hereby Kolillvd and required to appear lu tho
' above named court aud vaure wllliln aix weeaa
: from the (.'ale of the rl pnb1latlou of Ihla
I aummont, via., ala wocka from March Slat, ItaVi,
landanawe the roinplulnt agalnat you lu this
ca.. The "tx week wilhin which you ate re
uiiind to appear will capita on May 1J, W04,
nnd if yon fail to appear and anawer herein by
that lime lh plaiiitilt will apply to the oourt
! for a decree illaaolving the marriage rcintli.n
- now mating between you and ilaliitio. and lor
auch other relief aa mnv tw oqultable.
Thia aHminiin la published by unlvr of Hon.
Thnmna A. McBrlile, ludgeof the ohove named
court, made in ohanibvrx nu Hnmh 2-t, luO'i, and
llie 1 1 inc preaerlbcd lu tne order lor puuura
tloli iaaix week.
Th hret iitibilcatlon hereof I on Mroh 31.
19 a.
1 if 1.
I 1
II - laaattWMIlia
Havwm la pr"Moa. milk luapaM
The Best you have ever
FABRICS in Worsteds,
Cheviots and Cassimeres.
Hand-Worked Button
Holes, Hand - Padded
Collars, sewn with silk
Others saj $15 for Eqnal Qaalitj.
Come Earlj and Get tbe Pick
Ttaaa Lead, act Jaaa . lira.
wis rts ncusATioi
rarhaa SawLa4 OaVw.
Oiatow Clt,. Oraf, Jaaau, k. ISM.
Koaln t here Ika la comnliauM
with the wnTlalM of ta Aa el Caaasjrawa of
Jan a. M7. cntltM "Aa Act lor tbe ami of
taaaber landa In lb Stales of California, Ore
gon. iteTaua. ana a aaninnon Territory.
tcade to all I ha ruNaa Land stair by
I Sub- y act of
Ausiiat 4. van. Oaenr Joknaon. of I
: FUher a.
County of Clark. Sute of Wkin1oa. ha Iki
day Afed In this office kls awurn stMeaacnl
No. VI. for the purehaae of theN. W. Ji of
Section No. lain TownahlpNo. 4 N., RangoNo.
4 W., and will offer pmni to show that the ktaj
ouxht Is more valuable lor It timber oratona
than for agricultural purpose, awl to eetablbk
his claim to aaid laud before the HeiriRler and
Reeelrer at Orecon City, Oregon, on Thurso,,
the Otb day of May, 1UU3.
He names a wilneeM:
Nela Larsen. of Vernonla. Oreeon: Phllln
Glahn. ol Veruoaia, Oregon; tt'ealey O. Batier-
lee. oi aernuuia. vrexuiii l.vuo eion( o
run lauo.
Ann and all persons claimtnc adTerselr tha
above deacrlbed lamisa-e reiiuualiHl to Hie their
claim in this office ou or beiura id Xak day
of May, 1904.
aw Kaufls. vraweh, aieguter
In the Circuit Conn of ihe Stat of Oregon for
Columbia County.
t. C. Moraland. plalnUfr, aa. Martin Conway,
win. u. Howatmn, il. w. arnwn. Arab or
Lowe, W. M. Urate, t haa. Boiaven and
Nellie Bolavert (hia wife), and Jem K. Knuvt
aa adminiatrator of the eatale of John Con
arav. deceeaaed. defendant.
To Martin Conway, and Jeaae P. Brnat (adaaia
latraiur of the estate ol John Conway, oe
In the name of the State of Oregon yon ar
herebv required to appear and anawer the com
plaint HImI axaiuatyou In the abore eniliied
suit on or before aix weeaa irom ine nm
cation of thia aummona. and If yon falf t.
anaiver, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the oourt for the relief demanded In tola com
plaint, which I; for a decree again.! you and
earn ana an ine oeieonania. quicuug ni tme
to Hie following dencribed tract ol land, to-all:
The north half of the southeaat quarter of tho
aouiheaat quarter or aeciton is. In townahlp 7
noria 01 range a weaa or tne wniamett menu
ian: also the tract bomuteit by a line beginning
at the uorthwrat corner of the above, tract ami
running north 11. 4 ehaiua. thence east a ehal na,
Ihence north 10 ehaiua. thence out chain.,
thence auuth 21.4S chain, and thane wet 14
chains to place of beginning; and also that
other tract bounded bv a Una beginning 33
chain we.t of lb northwest corner of the I.
Hryant donation land claim and running aouth
14.ini ehaiua to the ceuter line of aaid miction IS,
thence west 10.&I clialna, tlicm-a norlli 14.M
clialu and themtc eaat iQ.ia chain, to place af
LeglnnlDr: aud that the claim ol lllle thereha
bv ileleudanta or either ol them la without
fuuuduilou and void; and for iwu other relief
a. may be equitable.
Thin auiiinion la puhilnlicd by onter af lb
linn. H P. llatlHii, Judita of the County Court
of Columbia County, auieof Oriignn, wade and
tiled April Hrd, IW, aud la thereby made return
able aix verb from Ihe dale of the Hrat publi
eallon hrf. which date ia April lilb. 190j.
Attarueya for Plaintiff.
Watches, Diamonds, SIItcxwia
...JEWELRY.... .
Ecpairing a Specialty.
Worri.u St. Ban. VraaA nrst, POBTLAJIsX
U.-.I1I IIV ft. J . lL-lllllM. ' '