The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 14, 1905, Image 4

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    I A 7J.Wm
1 M. HM ' M m M m WW f II J1 MT I JV
vk. ., nerve are weak
w in ii - v
everythine Roes wronj. iou
re tired all the time, easily
discouraeed, nervous, ana
irritable. Your cheeks are
?ale and your blood Is thin,
our doctor says you are
threatened with nervous
breakdown. He orders this
grand old family medicine.
- W mir thsit M srs ! hw . Jt
anirill m m (.mm. U Is
I ill wees serf a w...iiterfm! m.lwi" ' "
pars wmmi. v . nt i . " -
II W ft tMI.
J. c. T ro..
Weak Nerves
Keep trie, bow) regular svitr, Ayera
Fill, just- ont pm -' !.
Captd Ie rested.
half-repentant bachelor, with quit I
pi! of rocks.
Propped in. one day. bsid th way,
and bought t pair of aocks.
Arrived at hoiut roiuaotic joyl h
wond'ringly drew out
not deep hidden ia the hosefrom
rout fair hand, n doubt!
"I'm twenty year of age," it read, "and
called a country bell.
With yon I'd lik to correspond if you
will sever telL
My object matrimony U, and your. I
hope, tha same.
If you'll address ne, 1 11 respond." Aud
then aha wrott her nam.
On re with hope. th bachelor that Tery
ewnirif wrote.
And folded his epiatl with a kiss inside
the note.
Sly Cupid had him in his mesh no Tery
clever catch.
For, after all. quit foolish is half
repentant bach.
But oh how sheepish did ha feel, when
from the fair oukaowa
Thia answer came, to quench his Same-
"Au old maid I hare crown
Alaa 'twas forty years ago I planne-1 j
that fond surprise,
Defeated by a heartlessi wretch who
wouldn't advertise
Shock fb th Lawyer.
A weil-kuown lawyer of this city. -Yoa rnbbly dont reoiember me,"
whose office is located close to theipe,,, self-made man proudly,
city hall, received a tremendous shock j-but twenty years ainn. w heu I was a
the other day. He was counsel for tmor. humbie Ny. yoa gTe me a
man charged with larceny, and, as th ciessage to carry "Yea, jes,
evidence was conclusive, he advised .Tied the busy man. "Where's ths
, his client to plead guilty.
"You know that you have a bad rec
ord and you have practically confessed
your guilt." said the lawyer in a sooth
ing manner, "and you will be sentenc
ed to about three year in Jail."
This last sentence completely dum- j
lounaea tae prisoner, oui u i
very serious manner said: "Will you
kindly go out and get me a good law
yerr As soon as the lawyer recovered
from the shock be told the prisoner b
would argue the case for him. Phila
delphia Press.
A ReaatifBl Yolsme. . persistent suitor. "B--ause 'a wort to
The most beantiful volume In the wse is s-.t.ili-lent.' and I have said
Concessional Library at Washington -0 to you." "Ye, bat I'm wise
is a Bible which was transcribed on j enough to knew that a woman's 'No'
parchment by a monk In the lth cen-j eventually mean yes.' " Pbili
turr. The general lettering 1 in the ; j)ph!a Pre.
German text, each letter i perfect, j M tie eaJ pf tn;rtT rears Hiram
and there is not a scratch or blot from j tccumniated a fortune. His wif
lid to lid. Each chapter begins withjsaJ jjjujVjt. wore delighted. "For."
a large tliuminated letter, in which is nli taiBg modesv. -we
drawn the figure of a saint, some loci-' ww na ,1Te aneT enouirh to
dent or whoa the chapter tell. , fpiursre. but poor der papa Is
Ftr., Ule ln.-r.-c PUc,. f f a
The nrt life Insurance policy of ; p1!?'- li
which the detaU are on record result- j "It s so long since yoa Ust called
ed In a lawsuit. William liybbons ln-jnpoa tne I was beginning to think ou
sured hiniwlf on June 13, 15S3. for were forgettag me." said Miss PecLl.
I3S3 aini dying In twelve month. ; as she came down to the young aian
He did die May IS of the next year, a the parlor. "I'm for getting yon."
and the dis;u:ei underwriters (the replied the ardent youth, "and it's tor
company of stose days) contested pay-i cetting you tLat I've ei:el to-aight.
meat on the pie that be had lived
twelve months of twenty -eight days
each World's Work.
Or aad Faei.
.Pennsylvania, which make more
than half the iron used in the Cnited
Staiea. produce !es than 2 per cent
of the iron ore mined. Ohio, which
eorces next to Pennsylvania as an iron
maiT. nitces tes than 1 per cent of
the tcui. In both cases the or is
brought to the fuel, and thi 1 tie
po'icy in this country. Only In Ala
bama are the oje and fuel found to
gether. Scientific American.
Sokm Wu m Her. hadn't locked at It three minutes be-
M ember of congregation Do yon fore my corns begin hartin" me."
know your sermon on coveteouaaes ' Cleveland Leader.
Ust Sunday grlevoosiy offended and I "Proeperiry T aid Ir. SllgncetB. th
disgusted Brother Pneer? i eminent surgeon. "There is attogeter
The Rev. K. Moffatt Laightly Aha', i soe aoch prrer!ty : It is killing busi
I hail have to tell my wif that It : aev" "la what way? asked the
cod one oa her. She contended all ' other. "Why. sir. alnxwt anybody
th way home from church that mora- )na afford to have appendicitia
lug that there wasn't a ma tn the an- ijajj. and. la consequeace. all of my
dience who had paid th slightest at- tet patent regard it as too common,
testioa to the sermon. ;in,j refuse r? hare it." Chicago Trio-
Tact. ! on.
Th lovely girt hesitated. ; a gentleman who was in the habit
"Tell aae. Mr. Throg son." h said. 1 tf dining daily at a certain restaurant
"am 1 th first girl yon vr loved!" itmii to the waiter tan Irishman'.- "Io
"I'll be honest with you. Mis Eo- stead of tipping yoa every day. Fat
alee." replied th young man. "Toad wtU give ou yor tip in a (uxp
ar not. But you art tar and away sum at the vol cf the month." "vYo ;!i
the most beautiful" jyou motad paying me in advance.
Th rest was easy Chicago Tri- -mT" "Weil! that is rather a s:rii,-
De. ; re-juest. -However, if yoa are la w tat
Tskea mt Htm tera.
Mr. New'y We don't appreciate:
things we get for nothing. Everybody i
Ukea the Cling best that cot th
Mr. New j Then yoa mast lov mt
a great deal, bev.-aa I've beard yoa
ay that you paid very dearly for m.
Uetroit Free I "res.
For re l It Xo.
"Take heed ant th sofcata trata."
Tins srk tie kevr. aeedy:
A bKouw chooi? was I ia yoath.
Aad av I'm oil aad Mdy.1
ii.?t ? au t-Sil?!? t
KM Cw. am taki Fj j
He Would you rother be pretty or
witty! She Slrl New York 8un,
Tha coal man should be brought to
aee the error of I1 wctgha. Phlla.dl
phi Record.
"Does Mr. Reuben Haybrlck keep
boarder?" "He takes 'ein. but ha
don't keop 'em." Chicago Chronicle.
Ella He min of food fa rally,
doesn't be? Stella Yes, he' the ouly
thing 1 know against It Town
Johnny r. la It wrong to steal
!from a trust? Johnny s ra IVw't let
the Question bother you. my son. It's
i Impossible. Cleveland, l.cdgor.
Gourmand (after a table d'hote)--Anything
else, waiter! Waiter On
more peach, sir, and you'll 'av eat
the menu. Iwdon Bystander.
"Dey ain't no slch thing e glttln'
married in her.ven." "Course dey ain't
Don't da Bible tell you Its a plac r
peace en rest?" Atlanta Constitution.
Mrs, Hatterson I didn't see you at
the lecture on "The Simple Life." Mrs.
Cutterson Why. no; 1 had no Idea It
was godug to bo such a swell affair.
Brooklyn Life.
Wife It la so kind of you to put on
my boots for me. Kneeling Husband
trussing awayi It's a a pleasure,
my dear. Still. I'm glad you're not a
ceutlpede. Piok-Me I'p.
Miss Rlter Could you nse anything
In your "Household IVpartmetit" th
weak Country Kditor Yev we could
handle a couple of dotcn of fresh esgs
nicely. New York Time.
"What couclnslon does that cam
paign orator reach In his argument?"
"He never arrive at a conclusion.
He merely steps now and then to take
breath." Washington Star.
Willie Teacher told ns to-day that
there's a certain kind o tree that
grow out o' rocks. I can't remember
what it was. His Fa It'a a family
tree. 1 guess. Philadelphia Ledger.
The Irish 1-dy declared t the nag-
istrate that the defendant had stolen
nT nen
"How do you know It Is
v.-,,, hni" liked th Jmt?e. "Know
iitr cried the Irate ladr. "I hsr
' known that ten ever since It was an
"You are the first one to hom I
have shown this poem," the young
poet went on; "I was wootug the niu
last night " "Foor fei;wr repllJ
the editor, binding hack the manu
script. "It's too bad she rejected you.
Chicago Journal
Hicks-How do you happen to be
, ,i,i. r- i. . t rhonrrht
ivou believed Friday was an unlucky
lay. Wicks Well. I always have.
' But it occurred to me this
that perhaps it would be uniucky for
the fish. SoinervU Journal.
"I'm afraid you're not wise." said
the fair girl. "Whv?" demand's! th
Can I have yoar keener.- joornii.
The passenger who had been holding
himseif up by a strap sat down in
.seat that had J:ist been vacated.
; "There is plenty of room, ma'am." he
laid to the pudgy. little matron sirriag
next "Don't move" "We don't have
o." she sail with a cheerful strtile:
, - we own tte houe we live in." Chl-
1 cago Trtbane.
"I teli y what." aMerted Old Man
Spigget. "that there painter feller Is
a fin artist." "What Impressed you
; about his work?" "Well, tier" was a
ptctur he cal ed The Ra'nonn." an"
' I swan, it was that nat'ral that 1
crown for you, out did yoa m:trnt
jmer "Oh. ao, sorr. bat I am ieaviag
her to-morrow "
His 1 votpUiaeat.
Food Young Mother twita first borni
Sow. which of us do yoa think he
is bkl
Frteod CudiTla'.iyr Weil, of course,
intelligence ta not really dawned in
h's couEtecasc yet. but be' wonder
fully tike both of you. Punch.
A Safe Bet.
"Do yoa Hna'i. lit gug to rain or
"Ye. I'm w'.iiirg to bet It wilt"
C'.eveiand Praia I-e-ier.
A dealer always tsoke cigar that
doa't Mil
rw Carload f Fowdtr 1- Oa Blast
Mil r Track Cost. aiSO.OOO.
"Look out! Look out! It going
off!" waa th wild cry heard a few
Aav airo lu Paw Paw. a small moun
tain encircled West Virginia towu, on
th new Hue of th uu, twur
mile en it of Cumberland, when th
ringing of boll aud blowing of whla-
lle gave th warning that in a w
tinuti th button would be pivssed
that would explode 8.000 louuds of
klant powder lu the ncky mountalu
side directly opposite and eloe to th
For thre day th people of Taw
Paw had watched meu carry lug can
after can of powder Into the tunuel
dug Into the face of rock. A th
number of cans disappearing in tue
mountain side Increased th alarm of
th people grew, and some In terror
left the town, while those reuialnlug
tilled tlielr ears with cotton and waited
for they knew uot what
At last, when &.'3 cans of powder,
8,125 pounds, had beeu emptied lu th.
arm exteudlng right aud left from
the Inner ends of the two 43 foot tun
uels.wire laid nd the tunnel closed,
the electric button was pressed. There
waa a deep, rumbling report th.
whole earth seemed to rock as though
shakeu by au earthquake and tons of
rock plunged forward and tippled over
into th caual and river.
Not a ton had been thrown a hun
dred feet toward the freuiied town,
but 20,000 yard of rook had beeu toru
from the mountain side aud many pre
cious days saved the contractors whj
ar building the "link" connecting the
Western Maryland ItalUoad at Cherry
Run with the West Virginia Central
Railroad at Cumberland, aud thus
bringing nearer realisation George
Gould's dream of making the abaa
Railroad an ocean to ocean line.
It wa only the proximity of this
blast to a town that made It particu
lar nromineiit on this rallroal con
struction that Is requiring a blast f t
almost every foot of the roadbed; in
fact It was a small one In comparison
to some that have been fired. In on
blast. In Sidling Hill mountain, tu
charge consisted of 1.400 can of pow
der. Just two carloads, and when it
was put off rocks weighing half a toj
wer burled through the air hundreds
of yards, across the Potomac Rivet
nd striking telegraph poles along thj
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad brose
them off close to the ground. .
It is this necessity for almost con
tinuous blasting that has done much
toward making this snry-nv miU
atrin of railroad constructi n the mis:
expensive of any built In recent year.
with the sing! exception or the line
over which the WabaiU enters Pitts
burg. The cost of building the tirsi
five mile from Cumberland averaged
(290.000 a mile and the average cost
for the !ity-nve nilk is jmuXW s
mile. In building thi connecting link,
th Wabash has had to contend witi
an unusually large namber of obsta
cle of a surprising variety. onn
placed la the way by nature, others by
I'pon forty miles of this line ther
are engaged to-day 2.(!2? men. 300 am
mala, nine locoinotives and nine stet-a
shovel. For eighteen myctiis there
ha been no cessation of labor, and l!
I toped that In eight more the work
will be completed.
An Idea of the difficulties encounter
ed can be formed fro:u the fact thit
tai Bee In forty mii- crJSTtes rh
Potomac River nine't. the Chest
peake and Ohio canal seven times, th-
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Hire-
rimes, nasse drouth mountain ran.-;
and spur by Ave tunnels. raryi:.g it
length from TO feet to i.t
through ridge and hiils by iuaum-r-abl
cut, many of thrtn over fifty
feet deep through solid rvx-k. and so?
almost a mile ia length, and tiiat a
great portion of the road is teiag cut
out of the rocky ti-i-1- of mountain
ranges, directly above the canaL
The first work was done oa tM
connecting link on J; y 21. V..'. art)
the contract caifed f r Its eompletl.w
In eighteen months. The delay n!
extra work occasion. d by trouble :tj
the canal rendered It conipietio:.
withln contract tin. au icips.-iiiil!ry.
It to only a fact that work U beiaa
rushed day and "night regardics oi
weather condition and withnt re;sr.
to expense, that csakes safe tiie pre
diction that not later than January 1
190i, the Wabash will have this :in.
open for traffic.
Plamace Muntrrt
Th Cnited Statu revenue cuttel
TheC put in at Honolulu a while a-o.
aay a writer in Field and Strf-jx.
with seventy prisoner, all J.ipanse
piumage hunters, wlu bad been up
tared on an Atneri -an island w hile
engaged la their Illegal operations. Be
fore the war with broe out
they were sent out a hunters by a
Toky firm. Their destination was
Lima easy Island, known in many re
gions at a wonderful nesting place f..-r
plumage birds.
Thi island U ia the niid-PaeiSV. not
far from Midway The fj'-t
that it belongs to the I nitfd States
did not seem to deter the Oriental
plumage hunters- Tiiere ws, beside
the hunters, a corps of kiaj;er
taxidermists. They weot to work In
January and coiierted many ih-maad
of skin. Late la the same an
ocean gsle des'troyed their s- -ov-ier.
drowned some of the meu. acid lef t tii.
rest maroocol upon tiie lsiaad.
A eecood Japanese ves.el brought
about forty more hunter, who were
left to xa the others. The master
of th ship left word that he w, .!..)
presentiy returu. bat he d.d not. Mean
wail the war came on. but tl
plumage hunters kaew no-.h'.tg .-f it.
Perhaps thy were forg t;'i In aay
case, they were very hsrgry when
finaiy discovered by the Cnited States
revenue steamer, rescued aid ia:r rl
Captaia Hamlet, cf the TV!, tayt
they had wrought an appdU.aj SBi-"2at
of detructioa. They tad eorie,-?wl 331
case of floaiag. aad in all likelihood
bad destroyed osore th.a 3w:j,
plumage tinlj.
Xul txioklaa: lor M or.
"1 e Joaa-j t-i stiftej from ci
gar to a p t I he trying to uu
'o; he ! W !txy to bit th ends
3 hi cigars."
Science Science 1 not a collection
of guesse. oplulon. lellef or icu.
latU- view. Science I demonstrated
and demonstrable truth. Rev. J. 8,
Thompson, Disciple, Ia Angeles, Cal.
Social Life. fnless Christianity die
closes to u Ui pleasure of our social
nature here and now, Christianity will
not discover much of a bien for us
hereafter. Rev. Thorn Parry, Pree
byterlan, Pittsburg.
rubltc Worship. Public worship I
not all there Is to Christianity, but th
evident decline lu th attendance of
the public a related to the population,
I a sign of religious apathy. Rev. F.
A. Stiiwell. Baptist. Cleveland, O.
" Small Temptation. The young uwn
who 1 bouud to go to the devil 1
bound to go there anyway, but there
are many who are led from the
traight path by small temptations.
Rev. F. A. Strough. Congregationalism
Pawtucket. R. I.
Re Master Be master of yourself.
Do not be th slave of habit or of pov
erty or of uperstitkin. or of time, but
tand facing life, the uncrowned king
of circumstance, and In It all plan for
eternity. Rev. C. C. Pierce, Baptist,
Lo Angeles. Cttl.
Reform, The voice of reform, which
I the voice of (h1. spctik onv to
the oue who has ear to hear and often
when the men of a km are too much
engrossed in money-making, tt speak
to a woman. Rer, Robert Hopkins,
Congregational!!, Cleveland, O.
The Church. We speak of attend
ing church as a duty, more deeply la It
a privilege and a beueftt. The union
of the oul with Its God Is the mean
ing and purpose of religion; the church
1 mean to that end. Rev. C. A.
Martin, Roman Catholic, Cleveland. O.
A Great Truth. Some meu would
need to have a mountain fall upon
them to make them rrwllie one of the
greatest truths Christ ever taught, via :
, "That a man's life ixmsLicth not In th
'abundance of thing which he poses
j exh. Rv. W. H. Nugent, Fispal
! Un. Chicago. 111.
Each Hi Work If you cannot
I preach, (hen pray. If you cannot go.
then give so that others may go. If
; you cannot sing then sympathise. But
j la any event do not forget that ChrUt
assigns by natural eudownxits to
j "each man his work." Rev. M. K.
I Harlan, Disciple. Brook:yu. N. Y.
j Respectability. Christ's demands In
regard to purity of life and thought
are so radical and InsUlent that muiti-
tudes of men and women who think
f-they ar raectab!e would go down
-: before tiietu as the ltling gun mows
down rank afer rank of sold ers
! Rev. W. A. Bart'.ect. Congregations list,
Chicago, IU.
Martyr. The martyrs of oc gener
j ation become the salmi of the next,
j Often not always those iVn-trin.-
I which tav been dubld heretical for
. one decade have be.otne the watt h
; word of the church In the next. TU-s
! only mean that man come to know
th truth better Rev. C. D. Case.
! Baptist Brot'kiyn. N. Y.
' Teachera' I'ulon. From whate.e;
, tandpo!nt you look at It, pubic s.-twi
j teacher have no warrant f' lining
i up with any claas lu a community
j Their U the broad, neutral gmun I
j wher children are taught the pr!n-l-
pie and Inspired with the spirit of
j Iiemoeratic rltiienshlp Kev. R, v.
j White. Independeat, tnilcag". 111.
! Victory. To be r-itenf With th f.t
' tainments of the past counts failure;
, to rise to grander acro:npl'.shn3euts oa
. the st.-fping stne of ps.t ; lit
i victory. He is a of h
kind and a hero, on wtw spirit it
i well worJl emulating. wh. 1 willing
i tor the sake of progr to break with
hi time. Rev. C. R. MtnanL liP i't.
f tenver. Colo.
Enr. The chun-h and the pn"? t
' often do more barm In advertising the
error and notions of men than they
i do good li attempting to confute flie n.
S The plain peo;!e would often n-jmrn
! In Ignorance of the current .;.!!. .
' of unbelief !f m'.nisteri were n.t -:
ready to take thtn up In p-ib i.- d -is
! slons. Rev, J. K. S.nith. Prhvrer.a:i.
j Pitrsbarg. Ta.
A Manly Ctr.s. it is unfortunate
:' that the mediaeval srtin ffK-trayiJ
j Chrut at a fendtiine man. f r
have eiidence that He n a mauiy
, can. When we cwislder h-w Hi d.t
s eiple alwiv teli Him In -j.-h rrvat
; respect, we see that He was mar.iy
ye. nr than manly. It was super
; ttianilsess. Rer. J. F. Cooper, Metho
dist. I'rwidenn. R. I.
j The Fearle-u Thinker So-n th'.ik
a man la cot a f.-ee and feariem think-
er unless he Is a crVl - This : a
great mistake. The crl 1 -a! fa-miry hat
j its use and 1 of g ! wrrioe in -or-j
recti tig ant teforuiing abas. b !-jstra-t;ve
thinking it ?fce weakest ki kL
Jit 1 nobler and be'ter to bull
jthn b pull diwa. Rev. TV A H itst-
er. Preshyterian. (eitrr. C-lo.
1 The Holy Life. One isn ei!r see
the p-jwer of holy life, fr It a ef
; fective everywhere. The staai sal
'. d ssfpa'Joa of so-iery ! e.-.n- veia
' Vrvsa aad d';uticg la ft r.e. the mock
ierie and hyporacteii of the !aj,n-er
fall Infinitely !vw the re!, tr.fing
' realr wnrk vain and unworthy, f r
: mality destroys r-;.ri u pjwer saj
'peaii. and so thr-xsyh to the et.J.
j Rev. J. P. Mariatt..M h dist. Ti-ma.
Carp t-rr Woe id tt- t sera'.
Paring tie lttspe---t--n of the fcvhp-.tal
corp of tie 4th llary aad regiCieQi re
cectly one of the nw-at-e ws akeil
tls o..vcpatiso.
"I aw a carpenter," the maa re
plied. "Why. what can you do fir the
er?r" Inquired the in;"--oe. -s tie
fci.wpi-tal ccct'S of a ti t:nv.i is g-.-a-eraliy
eon;r-.wd of ptjr..-.-; xi
ml!:.-al sta,5eotr"
"I can make caffiasv" n tbe reply,
and tt was emiaeatly sat.sfa.t-wy.
A married e-jjt ttsaaiiy fee's trjery
lor blcteif lo hi wife la sick.
Monty Lost . I-of,Ud
lntld a Potato.
A Scarborough ctilleumo uf
prised receutly to And thirty eight plu
tn hi. breagfaat egg. 'ut ,0l'"r
people would have becu urprled. too,
uudor tu clrcuui.tances. Tb "hl
to b a collei-tlou of mlraculou egg
omwhere. It wa. only two
ago lnc a hen laid au tg( t "ed
foil with a penny In It. TUer Is uo
doubt at all to the fact, but tn
Question, "How did th penny get In
side the eggf ha never been l"e
satisfactorily settled.
A comparison puwle Is afforded by
a market gardener, well known at
Spltallltlds market, who once lost and
found a half crown under almost In
credible circumstance. He I"'
peeling bit crop when he dropped
the half crown on the ground. d
though h searched long nd diligent
ly, he searched In vain. A year passed
and the incident was being forgotten,
wheu, at he was aolectlug some pota
toes for the market. Mr. Smith came
acrost one of a very curlott hape.
Cutting It upon to discover th cause
of Its eccentricity, the gnrdener found
inside It the half crown piece he had
lost twelve uionths before. The po
tato wat seen by hundred of people,
and the truth of tke story ' ,',,
vouched for.
Remarkable s they are, there It
nothing unique In tiioe caws. tne
of the romances of money-making Is
the story of a man who found a news
paper Inside a shark when fibiug In
Australia in 1ST0, and who learned the
newt of the Franco Oeruian w ar In
thi way early enough to make a for
tune out of it. Th Vory may be true
or not; everybody In Australia
knows It.
Another after the sam kind Is that
of the Miiford Haven trawler which,
while Bhing off Carllngford Lough a
year or two ago, caught up In th net
a packet of papers, tied together with
ml tape aud carefully sealed. The
skipper of the boat handed th docu
ments to a lawyer, and It wat fonnd
they wer a missing link which stood
between a woman and her fortune.
They proved the r'.Ktit of a Miss
MaiMonald to certain estates In Ire
land, which she had claimed ten year
before, but witi. h sh had failed to
win because the will could not be
produced. It wat thit will which was
brought up fpom th tea. Pearsou't
Oregon Blood Purifier i
T-inuiiy iiamcd, Icum it purine th
bl,d and torn up the lui!y.
Muscle tn Tension.
The ltevue SWentiHuu ha been
sklng what m'i--les tire aounwit, with
the conclusion that It is tvut the mus
cle lu ue. but thvuMj un lt-r tension, al
though diing no work. The writer
urges us to ue the armt and legs leu
and the back and neck more, for on
them comes the greatest strain. It
has been akU:g men of ail occupation
the same juetlons:
When you have worked much, where
do you feel Ureil?
Before you were trained did fatigue
show i'.vnf in the tame rvgionsl
All the answer p.rlut to th aatne
cotii lusiriss. Th tinker who kneails
dough ail night complain of fatigue
in his legs.
The blacksmith Is tire,), not In his
arms and shoulders, but In his back
and loius.
The young .U!er. after a marcs. Is
. espiH-lally tir.N tn the luirk of the,
oes-k. even if he lu, tarried uo kuap-
The oarsman to is in perfe,-t train-
ing aftr prolonged etetcise get tired.
lu his chives ami lu.tej.s.
These facts pitit to the conclustoo
that in any cobt:nu,-I efU-rt we should
try to titer the ijaoit tf i-entra'-tiou.
That is to the body, like the tuiad. ,
need clause of work.
Time aad llouk.
TLe of jv.i;g l.m it wi
but there is in r,joa.y of t;ttd:tig
time. In teading. ej;.;.i;;y. hurry i "
mst wasteful. is the mak-J
Ing of thoughts, of ideas, of picture la
the bra.u. Ail young photographer ';
know hw little is b be made out of j
an "un-ler.eij.vse.1 piste." but do they j
oii.IersM; that taere miy be inch a i
thing t auder exp.ise.1 tran? It !
takes t.t!f tuak itnprrs:oM on the
as in-1. If y.oi rejd too fast, either
loud or to j otirsn-S f . or tUsn over your the mind r--1ves poor Itn j
ress.).'it or
st all St. Nicholas '
City Cnlry Folks.
...;. ii.uw-im s jiur nperi-
cent of Uvitig in the country m-e-d
Mrs. Hyetus It Isn't so bad as you
misht n; .-t. It cwists ns more, of
ojurse. to have our butter and fresh
estb!e t.ronght out to us frotn th
c:ty. but we don't have o enterta n
nearly as much company -js it did ta
the c;ty S-ott sh AmerScati.
Thos aSictcl srith Eczema, know
mwtiaa c be toid of the .ugennjf impost by thi, -flwhVttJ
Itacktd. tha
haada, feet, back, arms, face
SS.4 W. .e- - s rJ
c'tm lulx-te-i. Treatise cl "
Eczema it a t-e e-,. w. aod
. - . . . .. . h-. v .ov 1, uilltl efs,
tion of t:.e blood. Tbe cir- r fherJcn" j1rrn"l br sou I wrote aud
nlaoa tswoEts loaded !Te .YV Jyn. commenced
are forced thra C;e ka" J. H. Srtc.
riaaJs and port c.1 the kia v!uch act the. flesh ,3ame. Sinc lht .
i 13 .'.a Wood u a waste of time to try to cure nl
& & &
k.M "-"
?rdr t becotaca aatooth aad aoft ?; ...t n.- v.
"sasr -mmr ,i r-
mred tie ordinarr t4almeeTV! TT . ""y "!"'. to U
rjI '"TTsrccm: eo.. ail&hia. oa!
ssssu m m h
I mm v a:
LIN'LE SAM-"A Hih Standard w Required of Any U-
tarrh Remedy That Mas Been Didorscd by so Many Trust
worthy and Prominent People."
C Rntwervlsnt lu the Master.
Even In these days of gallantry, a
woman Is constantly remtnlr l of her
old Inferior position In t!;e rves of
the "lords of creation." Tim word
"lady." w hich Is alp-d t b o
complimentary, means who . rf
bread" a waitress, nothing m -re tu-t
less; to that when address s
countess even at "My lady," you ar
simply saying the equivalent of "my
waitress." "Wif" Is anoltier word for
"weaver," the woman who weaves
her lords and her children raiment
SuSiiiier" Is. of course, a "siiiiiiirr. ' i
a word reuiiuisceui of the day wln-nj
a lrl had to snln her coa-piete out ;
flt of house linen N-for wis fit to i
'be a wife; and "Mrs." is an bbrei-j
tion of masteress, the i't ;
deripti.m of alt, and yet shnwli.g thai !
woman derive her piiilou sjieiy i
frtiu her master. j
' Mo(ker.:l s t Mrs"s sy-thtnt
rrrup Lis t.i retr tusseiut ibsir ckii4ns
Uur'.m lb Isettklng ll'-l.
I'raad t Fol l'rlui -I.
i Of ftimo sanspli-s f f.xl pmductt
'of siityoae tiitT.'tsut k.n.'s t during the at tte ''.'! ,
t.retSrut s.rir-jlturai etpertjueiit st-t- ,
Don, tuore thin one -ttilnl were fwu.-.d
' " ' dui'rat-.l. atvotdltg ta t.w
ninth rt-port, lust issue! i ertain sta
pie articlet. such as Bo ir, fins',
cheese, eonden-vt ml!k and tes, sajs
the iviHirt, have not Ixvii f ount sdu!
tented lu this State. M t f ortiis of
f,l adulteration are liitio. u .tit, p.
i-rein.,. .s s. -
tut are frauds aud cwtsist for the
i ni,m P" '!" rtb,e ;
, make-weights adde.1 . Im-reiso n,t j
" or Wert competition tn pr;.-. i
tents o's. frvv e T' uw, I '
1 1 ,s ,n s?v. i -
r.IS ) I SIMt KSlles d a (1st V. t
m::.-t (r-ar ol ihs r.riK -i 1 i mcs
o . 41 :ig bu1tle.s In tt ilf s! I " e- '. K uuq -
Ijr S-:i t...'S.J, l4 tfcSl Mi-t Sri". ll
t-sr :h i-im HIM III .iHl i If t I i lit ! .
h S-..1 ev.rr of sr.siiH 1Kslesr.ti.-l j
vurvd 1 ta us ol It si i. i , . itsit i ,
rK.HK J.I if i m r
fn to Wtm m s t -jtmfl;.-l Its iy
prewtvos. tbis sia 4y vl I w.ia-. is-r. A I . vv
A. . lil.l.l.
ntff -uKlr
I!i"s 's'.r,k C-jtsi t tVn !alf;'T. mt
fte. -.liril n tbn t-,;o"l sn-1 Biij'. u, ,nrts.Kl
el vhs jl-n. fms'l t r l.tiu ovi r?.
r t i nlvti a to, t-ijo, O.
M-t Vt Iti.ifri's. TV
lis.1 I'uBiij i-iij ui ;u Vst. i
A Kw lllloti Mifiry.
"I wtat to tell y j-j X"A ! ry." h I
ga til dsnit! l,.,arier, sho liiis ti;.-,
peopis's ttth between ri ei s Sievstise I.
nls tits moey. "f.t: it vucm t
cert tin wfimao " I
"Break It off right ther." Interrupted
nthr nsateqlin b-4rl,-r. h .th.-r '
work or works
t r s oitiiesi r.: n "T.. ,... . - . -
. u;a, tsd
kaw it.
I So Vwite Is.llsTsi lory.
Hicks I aaderttaa-l tint y..u hive
:";--"n p'it m j- -ir h M.-i
, ..less biu.( n.1-1 tt ftrea! .)' Yes. but tut d.iesa't
bsif as weil ss t)i ihoiijl,! .he
Vl ee. when she i using t sin h
ii.iea half tli time. tdxarrsili J
made its ipeiearanee on
.L -"'." - siyfl "WO tht
saurao in 109). SQ, trr,I until it was
a? hand, burning, itching and taming
for which I e,l,l , . .!.. "
ucioreacurecan tccf!cTtrl. S. S. S.
i' T 'rv "r-eay tor Jxtnni; it enter the
biood and f arce out the polllon through the natural
channcU.andUildsuptheentiresvstem Th.-tii
- lA-M-ma is
Malruuimlai litis
"Via must iiiink Fat a teal"
rlsinied the antfi'f htubatid.
"I nrn-r w.mi J he sail to," ralmlf
rrjuinvl I!i olliff half of the cmiliiHS,
"but stiire y u hav ni iti.nd It I'm
i .1 ( 'iiig lu iJjt mjscif by druyiag
1".. ,('..- w a rl eo"rh aiodletn.
llhi. tu-l r.uFht ax.l tvlUt UH tuftf
yssts. At ! "-. SI rem.
Ntw Problem,
(;rai-!ot! me"' Stlaluiel th Isd.
j Wm glr, ,,tol,irlu, tr mf
tut mw r sskeil her husband.
Wliy. tliat l:usin girl t hired r
f.i.i to .i!i in.r klmuuo brcsut
they i:c Jn pa Hess."
For Infant and Childrta.
Tha Kind You Haia Alwajs Bought
! Of
An t nkinit Chi.
"Isn't It nef," rewarks.1 NewpoB,
"th vl tin bsl-y Janue-l ateiy bss wiue
I i I li tuiiiut I beaa I sg t
inUI ?"
"Oh. lher' asking so tery (
!! It." rej .iaed Mrs, Sew pop. "Tk
t--f !.:.' ilejr is sidatly puuled lf
t:.e sfrsnjs u-,is-."
ii ' ia i Smm
"All tUgn I'all ta IrjrTt"
huh rait im a n tins
Is e"t'f I Tws Irk set,
r S) rllw te .
Ifcef li Sll l(k If Ihef
ks Ik. 'IM'
v. n.rn. is ta ui
ti-.s-a "f ioo sims ysr i4
CAfslal s-ajiittseliull-.
glia-rtt UiTi Trlq- hk. Wl.
A, J, TOWIlll oo.tsssst.srts.rsa
IWmi, I a. A. eeJSVCRj
Tower fanaitlaa Co. sr'fSw!
lJml!.-l ri
CsiuUa 'QHW
WeuW BTrl ITeUlM CWS'ef
Clean Your Grain
. ro sild:
MXU with SKktng itihmnt
will ctrsn tnl r' "
(irin ni Sd. Th oo'y ma.hini
I hit has screens and lit madt
rspecu'ly lor cleaning train ai t1
Coast. To convince you that Mi
Grain Ckanrr at rofen'r4 t will
Mod you ont on 30 dayi' lr trial
and wilt pay ll frvi V.
Tritt m lor our lirifflv Cat
tlou and "on tlm" prop-asition
- it wiil mirrttt you,
ceo. w. roon
Dept. 1 1 Portland, Oregon
K!t srrlili,. t d vrrtltar bIssm I
SmsH-b llilt HeaT, I