I pcakhiB of Printing: iJ Whv semi wo'11 ou your County when we will do It tor you it 1'ortlimd Price? I Commercial Printing 01 every claM dtnio nt the MIST OI'l'ICK, from modern type lure. Ill nnnt and workmanlike niuimi'r, We have nirntly mlited wverul ( the Intent tylen of lyjw ti our eijiitpim-nt, mid nvcUiilly solicit your isttronnge. ij Years otBxpcdenos Count lit sny business, mid we know the want of our cimlo iiirtu, mid will guarantee Price unit JJiiality to lie right. TIIK OKMiON MIST IMtlNTKI.Y, St. 1IHiih, Oro 4 Photography for the AMATEUR of if a ite Former Cost VrsV I'it American Jr. CAMERA Wllh Double rim Mahler $1.60 Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of tho highest grade el prices which connol be met. Send for Illustrated catalogue telling all about our 27 styles and sizes. Free. I I AMERICAN CAMEIVA MFC CO. 946 St. Paul St., Rochester. N. Y. i ij IUU l'OIITI.IMI,lllll.t. j 4 i P44AITlerica,, Wiilamett Slongh Route 4 l.'tt. Helm..,. :M A M Arrive t I'orllaiul. 10 l A M Irate IVitlntid P M Vrrivvat Kt. Helen. .(W V M INK M l i:1TI, Will ( srrr Null. In? but I'siwu- girs anU rati rieigut. t.tar. H I tills GIO, na.ts-r. f a, J J. MACKENZIE, General Contractor niniKiiiH, mi i.i., vmi fil l: IICIVIMJ A hl'hXl Vl.TV E STI MATES FU R N I SHED r. iiia;. tm. ANYBODY , I. .1 I ,l.ri . . , I I I , ' II I ... I. .1 , ft f .... . 'HT I. S -t I, . . ! . .1 t I 4 ' f .1. 1 i, l I i I. . i I. 'i I I-ji . , .),. i. f. ,, . , . .... I. I 8TUVI.KD nir;xK, i:sroi. AMD tllOTGUISa 6TCVCNS IlKtAMU r l.l-l t. III ipnnlnf (Mil. M1M " ''" A. I u..m(,ln .,.k,-n,l.l . ,.ilin ll. J l.l .1.1. ...u.tl.lni .. .l . rn I kl...n. A.m. .,. I.IIASSN I ll ltia lun.l. . Stul ik, Mania to tUm VMak .nil WW . 3, STEVENS ARMSATOOl. CO. P.O. . Chieepaa rails, Mas., VJ. 3. A. bi,h.Mj,.vJ, III lliu CI rnll (Miirl ol I hi) Hiatu ot Oicii'mi, f.u ' o.l In i I'm, if , J Jill; ll, luum, iliiuul. v, K. T, ,)'iii4, lo , I lull. Til R T. J,t,,,.M iIim rtltitt'H lumMl tlHliMl.ltihl. 5I Til K S I ilk OK I'lllC isXAI'rt UK oilhuiiN. Vmi inn lii.n-liy inn iiln'il i. , ,.ii,ir mul su vr ilir ...iii..,ni illi-.l niiiiln.i nu In Un' nlNtvH vuilili'i) U..UU mi. iiiiuMii, in ur liuliir, Jim vlsvsuili ilnv ill Miirrli, IIU.X iiii'l ll .urn f OI mi in iiiin ir or nnswur die il iliiil'i will ) fly In llui nun, i Kir Hit' u'lli'l lifiiii'il fur In i lio i I'UIni, w hluli I. Unit Hm iiisiiIiihii iniiv i'V- -I i ttf lipiwi'mi urn una Hio iilulullll In1 I iii'irr ,Iik.Im.,, mul (r .iii'li iiilmr leliel ii H llio fiiiirt limy m'i iii Jiml aiiiluiiillilile. Till iiin iiiaiii I. m-i'vinl iiiihii ynu liv inillii.utl(iii by nr iIit nl ihi. linn, V. A. .Mi Hililo. Jit iiru of tin' limn i mlili'.l ('.unit, iliiiml Hm liilli dny hi liiiiiinry, I'm I, im.l Un. ilnlii nl I lit Hint l.iilill r.iilr.ii iiriiiii .iiiiniiiini miio'JUih Uny nl Jn" ui'iy, Uii; v , ' . I'KANK PCIlbllflKI., iiVfuvy (.if 1. 1 I fj t Tho famous Poco. Bucfr-Eye and American Cameras, Genuinely good in every detail. Film or Plntes as you choose. Absolutely new models. mm? 4x5POCO OREGON Short Line AND Union Pacific TU.WNS T TIIK i:AST H.iII.Y I St. is t!i l-il r. ' l.rn i". ,.. i'niiii.Ar I a. m j Airlm. ; iwii) i A .' l J'il". .I M I l. tut ih I I'nily- la lliiiiilnul'.ii. " j.i ok Nr: r :vv li i;,r -ioiii tVM.iiiiiu i. .n, tt.n i w.n. i i.ifii. r.M'ur it'Aiiiif nil i)rl NiTli'iri. J i ' I - til 1'iillf. , I I. lis I .' fur lite KvI iI'ImII M 11 Iv-V I1. M , i,t II. ll. I i l'll). 1 A. M Hail). TIIUKK PA1I.Y TltlN rim AtX POINTS EAST. Lower Columbia River. lr,irll'Mli!vM7iili;! .tail, ejeurl iilllJsi. M l p. m. fuliinlny W r ,'" .,r .l,l.i a.i.l ' Uii.i!i' H.Miiil"!' Iravt'. Asloila l J s- 'J. 'x,''l' niimtuy. A. L. CRAIG, lipiifial I'li.K-i.i! r A vrni . I'.Uiil.A.MV lira. BUY THE 'Ifif 1 mum ii auiubl . - - -a - M - . rv...i...s &Mw rnharWrHa IK! wTOl KWIM "MHIIIl COMPAMt Va-.y S:wfcU Maelitaw " md?trsn rr4 ,: h ., ii,. Now Home" I d Cur cunranly novor runs u r.,'n Mschlns to lull all ennflinon ,l t'-Mra:' ins - -- , v. 1 ol Ml lil;;h-i.rnlc fsmlly .: "H msiiu.-. kol.1 by atn:irla 1r- ' r.1l. MSL K VV Wbi'U lit I'erlluild (fo to Tim Kmplio lb wti wr ut, It2 Third Si rent, three doois S.iulli of Maker 1 III" (.,,.. Meal (loin 16 centi up. Open .lay and uluht. Oyster I" """V sly e. W in. JU.Iilaiiilor, l'rop., (oinierlv of the Povnl, 1st and Madison icivTl'P At in v pUre, flvo inlbri wi-nt f Goble, on lKiu'liiber i'Oth. two liiui'l of 1'iiitli' it "fcr nitd H heifer. Sti'ur Is ulKUit two )''r "id. ml bile color, with did of litfbt' enr crop ped. Heifer in iwo-yt'iir old nmU-y. AbjlOHiid dink brown. Oiie,- mn bnve life sn.ii" bv pflying expi-iii. ' "',' lA mlverlUlng. K. ANI.JIvKU. (Joblp, Oregon i LOOAL. AND GENERAL. Mr. mid Mm. W, II, Downing, of fort laud, spent Sunday with Mr. Downing parent, Mr. mid Mr. 8. A. Mile, of tliii city. Mlm Maud Morrison, (if Siilcm, spent Sunday willi her mother, Mr. H, II I'lugg. Mm. M.itlin Iliirliiigame, of I'ortland, U vi.itltig with her ltcr, Mm. Ilrigg, of Yankton. Mr, Ituwkiim MtUird, caidiicr of the bank of C.oldciidiile, Wash., win In fit. Helen during the past week for the pur pose of liiiiiiring Into the advisability of starting a bunk here. We arc still in nerd of a barber, a blacksmith, and a hunker. The county unitize convention iiicetn ut Coble Mim-li Uth, to elect delegate to the Slate Grunge. Koch local grunge It entillril to three delegate to the con ' ventirm. I Mr, mid Mr. I. 11. Coehiiid, Mr. mid ; Mr.. H. II. Mitchell, Mr.. Winnie Iluiley imid A'n. Smith, Minn Usher, Newton 1 1 erry, J. II, Godfrey and K, If. Flagg represented Milton Grange at the I'otno na meeting last Saturday, I Mr. Clinrlrt English, Sr., ha leaned hit farm ut Deer Inland to John W. Miller, of Itcaverton, who will take j charge soon and iirorccd to mine vege , table fit In exhibit at the Lewi and lf'It, l'ulr 1 r. I'.ilwin Rosalia hernsuflering from an attack of l,a Grippe during the past week. Mr. K. Ilnrgreii and wife have moved fnmi their farm on the Little Clatskanie to I'lirtlimd, lu re Mr. Horgren own inirly at the comer of Twenty-fourth and liiirmidc ktneta tim which he it ; putting a hulldiiig. A purty of thirty from St. Helen and i Iloiiltou louk the tcamcr America fur! K ulam InM Sutunluy night to attend the . 'celebration givtu there by the t'nitid I Artiwiu. They were joined at Caples by ' a delegation In.m Woddland. All report i navmg a verj' enjiiyaoie nine. I IX-lcua. for state -apcr nuuy n. Corrcpoadenl and friend who hand ' Jckon, Houlton, Board of Examiner in article f.r publication will plcae re- I. If. Copeland, wiperintendent; Mr. nu-uiU-r that tlicnc nhould come in not 8. S. Way and W. II. Powell, assistant. 1 1 cr than Tuesday or Wednesday. We Transcript on appeal lmt been filed goto press Thursday forenoon, but the jrJn the Justice court of Oak Point j ty- must 1 ct liefure tliat time. The precinct in Hie case of Smith vs Eiverson j type for ime late and important news et al. The case was for damagessuctaiued may l-e set Thnrstlay morning, but J,y the killing of Smith' cow, the Jury ' Thursday is pre day and not type set- a v-irding Smith from which Ster ling d.iv, and thing not reaching u un- l)n app- atcd. T. J. Cleeton for appelant: til that morning may 1 too lata. Sever- al tllllr IIIC HIM lew CC aiwvm would 1 gtad to print have come too late. Send them earlier. j I Word comes that Henry White and family, !fc returned lt fall to their f inner Nebraska home, do not find it as cmigcsti, 1 there a they thought it would be and they arc coining lurk thi spring, Hoards with Sidrgrec below rero are I u:,l on tlioc who luvc sin-nt a winter in O.Tgoll. WHAT TO KAT Prelerii'.l Sim k Corn, I'lt lerreil H.oek T. nialix , I'n felled Hl-s li lVa, 1'n li -nrd Sim k IUbii, 1'n tiTred Sim k I'raeliea, Pri'lrrrril St'k Shrimp, Preferred Sli-k l.i lter fic. l.ibli' fiiiinid Mi'itti", t'n ain of VTheat. Minn. I Im O ( liiins li. There are nb'olnlely the brut tin' ninrki'i albirdii, and cot ynu but In lie inure. It dm a not ei-etn iMwrililu lli.it there could be m morh iliHerrnra in nunlity and mil u lift la? ililTi'tvnce in inii'e. I hate oilier good brands. m. r.;n ay lii iii ral Mea-liant, St . Helen, Or. lk you want Irce garden seeds? if so, neud in your application and we will send you a free package by mail. They arc furnished by the Department of Agricul ture of the I'nitcd Sute and the Mist has a large number to distribute. I'ers 1'or Sale. Old newsyaper for s;ile, 2.V for UK. Inquire of Frank I'lugg, agent Kvcuiug Telegram. - Mr. Wm. SuiltU aud fami'y have moved from St. Helen toKalaiua, where he has a position as sawyer in Wikstrom' mill. Miss Julia i'urker, of I'ortland, agent (or the New York Life Insurance Co., has been visiting St. Helen in the inter est of her company this week. Mr. J. II. Wiitlcr was a I'ortland vis itor on Monday last. J. W. Armstrong and W. M. Wilson, of Vernonia, were callers at the Mist oflice on Tuesday last. They came to the county scat to attend the meeting of the board ol niou examiner. The stcnuurr Iralda, on Monday last, tailed to muke her appearance on time. She lay at Kniuier Sunday aud cleaned her boiler. Monday, when starting up, slit- blew a gasket out of a steam pipe, teuiimirily disublius her. The Kellogg picked up her passenger and the Iralda resumed her route on Tuesday. The Kellogg brought oet 300 Ihixcs of smelt fnm the CowliU on Monday l,it. The shimneuta of the.ic fish have , , . . . .. . .. . ... ..u... ... - - mm.. -' r" Rev. Tuggert wa unable to fill hi ap pointment ut St. Helen on Sunday last, and l?cv. Smith, Stale Sunday School Superiiidctit, occupied the pulpit, Mr. R. J. Frakes, of Sciippoose, i in St. Vincent's Hospital in Portland, uf fcring from a broken leg. She had been viaitint? a friend, and when returning home she slipped on a frosty board and dislocnted ho' kiaU nuk? and broke both bone just above the anklet' 'it 15 a very serious accident and it will be a long time be fore she recovers the use of her limb. Dr. Hull, of Clalskanie, was in St. Helen Monday a a member of the county board of pension examiners. Service will be held In the Kplncopul ( Church, thii city, next .Sundap evening I ai7:40, Kev. Brerk oflicluting. All are enmcatly Invited to attend. Mr. frank Mile and wife, of Portland, visited Mr. Mile' parent lt Friday and Wcdneadny. John (underrn wa ndjudged inaniie by Judge Mattan on Tueaday Iat and taken to Salem by Sheriff White, Hilda Marie Joliaimon and Jacob Ku- ka were united in marriage on February flth at the residence of Mr. Mulntrom, near Qtiincy, by Kev. John II. Lumijavi, of the Apontoli Lutheran Church of that place. Syrup of White Fine and Tar, the old reliable cough remedy. For tale by A.J Dcming, druggit. Avon Ixlge, K, of P., awinttd by i delegation from Lake River Lodge, Washington, conferred tlie rank of Knight on W. II. Powell aud Rudolph Kctcl lut Tucmluy evening, after which there wm fcant and exchange of verbal bouuet. The Lake River Knight were highly pleated with their entertainment Mr. Frank Hoyt, of Warren, wa viitor to the Mit office on Wednesday lust. Mr. F.ugene Ulakesley ha been viiit ing friend and relative in this city for the ratt week returning home on the Iralda Tbiiraday. The quarterly examination of teacher it in tirozret at the court, with the following attendance. For County Paper. Bennet II. Oninn. Scappooe; Mamie G. Mr.ctiv. Columbia City; Mary L Smith, I'rocbsrtel. Wah; A1U Shank Colnmbia City; 8. V. Counts, Rainier; Mr. J. II. Wilkinwn, Rainier; Alice L. French, Rjilnier; Rebecca Hoven, Reu ln: Knhcr Silva, Rainier; Loi C. Perry, Rainier; Krama A. Fleming St. Helen; Klw B. Kmmon. Vernonia m. Staler, Yankton; Grace A. Taraon, Ingle; Alma Mill, PitUburg; Mary K Klliott, F.hhawk; Gertrude B. Liggett Ca'.Hn, Wanh; Lucy I). Ke1cr, Portland Gobi ie Allen, Warren; Klla E. Palm j. Powell for respondent. MARSHLAND. Graham 8t Geary' itorc took fire a little after 12 o'clock Monday night, caune unknown, and burned to the ground. Most of the stock on the first floor wa saved, but the good stored on the second floor n as a total loss. . Mr. Geary' house is connected with the tore and he is a heavy loser. It i estimated that the loss is about f t.VM. There wa no insnrance. I-'ive pupils took the eighth grade ex amination ; three pas-ed und the other are on the exemption list, passing in every study but one or two. Messrs. Chas. Cole and Edward Smith have gone to the Cowlitz aft-r smelt. Mr. H. I.. Colvin went to I'ortland last Tuesday. Mr. W. U. Colvin i hauling hay to Clatskanie. Mis Susie Colvin ha been quite sick. Malcolm Klliott and Klmer Colvin ere in ClaUkimic last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Steven, of Seaside, arc helping Mr. Chas. Graham. Mr. Kdgar Colvin and Mis Jessie llrown, of I'ortland, are to be married on the 14th. Mrs. Girlie Colvin and Mr. Wm. Rose were married February 1st. Miss Dove Cline ha returned from visit toTacouia. REUBEN. Djrn On February 4th, to the wife of Alliert Larson, a son. Mrs. Ira Whitbrow, of Rainier, spent Sunday with her pjrent. Mr. and Mm, J. M. Lindsay. Mis Pearl I'elcher, of Raiuier, visited with Mr. and Mr. Martiu l'oven last Sunday. Wyatt and Company's logging donkey broke down Saturday morning and they i jew had to lav tlieir whole crew off for a day. T. C. Watt and wife were Salem visit ors Wednesday. Grandma Lay field has returned from a six week visit with friends in Portland. Mrs. Chris 0. Hoven returned home front Portland Tuesday. II. M. Fowler, of Goble, was a Portland visitor Monday. S. li. Hutu and family have moved from Astoria to Goble. They wilt live in the Wm. Link house. G. W, Jordan and wile, T. C. Watts and wife, M.Link and wife, M. J. Butler and wife. Mrs. Kay Hoven, Mrs. Jane McGregor, Mis Jusie McGregor, J. M. Lindsay and G. W. Makinister represent ed Goble Grange No. Itiil at Deer Island on Pomona day. All report the event a very enjoyable onc. The Delineator for Starch. Containing the first antnetitic rcpirt of the spring and summer styles, the March Delineator is of special interest to the won.au ut fashion, and a most attractive nnmlier throughout. A discussion of "The I'sc and Abuse of Armorial Heal ing," by William Armstrong, i a note worthy contribution, containing a fund of information regarding coat armor that is little kiiownorwidcly disregarded. N Hodson Koore'sorticlc on "Old Pewter," the first in a series on kindled subjq, will appeal particularly to collectors, and the strtry of Charlotte Klliott' famous hymn, "Just As I Am," as related Iy Allan Sutherland is of greatest interest. Other features arc "Robert and Clara "1 ' r- MEN'S FIREGLASS SUITS MOYER CLOTHING CO., THIRD AND OAK, PORTLAND ITS A CLEAR CASE OF MONEY IN YOUR POCKET IK YOU COMK THIS MONTH TO OUR Annual Clearance Sale Anything you want in At a saving of Fifteen Elegant $12.50 Suits 500 Boys' Suits 3.95 1 25c Boys' Hose 17 l-2c When in city make this Reliable Store Your Headquarters. WELTI afU THE AMERICAN CLOTHIER bLvlfll Corner First and Morrison, Portland Schumann," by Gustav Kobbe, in the Composers Series, "The Game of Politic as It is Played in Washington" and more particularly, woman' part in it by "Marie Columbia," and a reproduction of miniature from the Marie collection. There an two no-able pieces of fiction in The Thing That Are Real," by Zona Gale, and "Hi Honor v Cupid," by- Virginia Woodward Cloud, in addition to delightful verse. For the young folk L. F.oak Bautn gives an "Animal Fairy Tale," Grace McGowan Cooke a "Son Riley Rabbit" story, and Lina Beard an amusing pastime. There are the usual other departmentsand matter of interest to women within and without the home. Sickealug Shivering Fits Of Ague and MnUiriaran be relievedand cured with Klertrio Bitier. Tina a pure, tonic medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for it exerta a true enrative influence on the disease, driving it en tirely out of the system. It is much to be preferred to Quinine, a it ha none of ibis diues bad after-effects. E. 8. Mumlnv, of Henrietta, Texas, writes: "M brother wbs verv low with malarial perand jaundice till he took Klectric Hitters, v bich saved his life. At Dem ing's drngitorej price 5X'i guar.tuteed A CLUB OF ONE THOUSAND Latest Plan by Wfcirh Maslc Levers Effect Bis; Savings In Piano Prices A novel idea is being tatroduced by Kiler's Piano House, in Portland, in the Co-Operative Piano Buyers' Club they , are now forming. It is proposed to sell one thousand pianos to retail buyers au over this State by this method, at a sav ing to the buyer of from J73 to $130 on each Piano. According to the papers, 33 members joined these clubs during the first two days, and it is expected that in a very short order the full 1,000 membership will have been secured. The highest priced pianos are odered in this way at a very sulnuntial saving, and membership will be extended to resi dqt in every part of the State of Oregon. Apart from the enormous saving which the buying of such u large quautity of pi- l auos at one tune secure to members, an additional and very important item in this plan is the wonderfully small pay ment plan upon which pianos may now , be obtained. - For example, members of Club "A" secure a piano which ordinarily sell for $3) forai little as $1.23 pay ments weekly, or $ per month, nt a total price of not to exceed $'222. Checkering and Kimball, also Weber and other pianos are obtainable under I this co-operative plau. A tirIin Tyaeedy I daily enacted in I lion -a mis of homos, as death claim?, in each one, iinolher victim of Consumption or Pueuiiioni.t. l'mt when Coughs or Colds are properly treated the trntri'dy U averted, r. li. Iliinili'v, of Onkitlundon, Ind., writes: "My wife bad the Consumption, and i thru i dot'tor guvw her up. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs und Coids, which cured lu-i-, mul today she is well and Hlrong." It kills tho" gi-rins of all ili eaxen. Ont di!(e relipv. Ciiiamnle. il nt 60c and 1 by A. J. Doming, druggict. ' Trial bottle five. $10.00 The Best you have ever seen. FABRICS In Worsteds, Cheviots and Cassimeres. Hand-Worked Button Holes, Hand - Padded Collars, sewn with silk Others say $i for Eqnal (jcalitj. Come Early and Get tk Pick. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO. Men's and Boys' Wear to Fifty Per Cent. or Overcoats $8.00 WARREN Burglars broke into the old post-office building Sunday night and carried away about $10 worth of knives, razors, pencils and patent medicine. An at attempt was madr to get into N. F. Baker's store the same night, bnt wa not successful. N. F. Baker has been forced to make an assignment of his stock for the benefit of his creditors. Mr. Wharton, well known in Columbia County, has charge at present and will close ont the stock as speedily as possible. The basket social given by Vail Grange last Friday eveuing at Baker's Hall was well attended and greatly enjoyed by all present. A Sunday School wa organized by Rev. Davie at Bachelor Flats last Sun day, with a membership of about forty. The following officers were elected: Su' penntendent, Lew Davies; Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Barker; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Desplain. Mrs. L. Love left for New Westminster B. C, on Tuesday, to visit her son, Dr. W. Davies, a prominent physician of that place. - SCAPPDDSE ITEMS Plowing has commenced and it appears that a large acreage will be planted this spring. Miss M. McDonough graduated a class of ten pupils for District No. 9 last week Miss McDonough is spoken of highly as a teacher. Professor Quiun is teaching in Dist No. I. The primary department ha been dropped for the winter. - Mr. I), Farrell .attended the Pomona Grange at Deer Island last week. Scappose grange will meet on the sec ond and third Wednesday hereafter, and a profitable series of meetings is antici paled. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bensou.of North Yak ima, Washington, are visiting the latter' parents and express themselves as well pleased with our county. Inspector Clement, of the Postoflke Department, examined the proposed Scappoose-Dixie rural free delivery route last week and fou'id it a practicable one and it U expected to begin free delivery soon. Harry West is still sick at the Sanita rium in Portland. At last reports he was improving. W. M. Farell has sold his large farm south of here to some Kastern party who wuiuiKe possession in me spring. 4ur. Farrell lias tome splendid milch cows and young stock, including horses, for sale. Mr. and Mrs. C. Benson entertained their fricuds at a progressive whist party at the hall on Monday evening, and a pleasant time is rsporte j. SHEPHERD PUPS FOR SA.LE The best bred dogs in the State can be secured for $5 each, in order to to acvertise my stock. C. SAUERVEIN, Yankton, Ore. U.S. SEPARATOR llast. Simplest and lasts lonictst, Wa Indnrne Ik will take cream la pay ment. SErtP f OK CATALOGUE FSEE HAZELWOOD CREAM CO. PipTtland Orejoa REMOVAL BALE. I am building l concret More build ing In St. Melon nod when It I) com pleted will occupy It at feneral mer chandise etor. I doot wnnt to mov ny more good thn necewtary nd therefor 1 will tell all the good in my preaent atore at greatly reduced prices. Till 1 the opportunity you Irtv beau looking for. My Hock 1 large iund you can av runney by trading with me. . It. M0RCIU8. WA ..TEO-LADIKS ANDOKMTLKMKM In thii and adjoining terriorie, to freient and advertise uie Jr holeeaieanri ;dncaieonal Department of an old es tabliahed lioune of olid flnaiietai Hand ing. Salary 13.60 per day with penae ailvanceil each Monday by cheek' direct from headquarters Home anil Duggy Inrnialicd when necessary; poaiuon per manent. Address Blew tiro. A Co., De pt. 4, Monon 11 1' I g, VUtya go, III, TAKEN UP At my premise on Willamette Slough, about November loth, one white eow with red neck, about three yeir eld. Owner can hav tame by proving property and paj iny expense of kicp ant advertising. MRS. C. SKLK.NK. FA KM FOU SALE Section 28, town vhip l north, range 3 weit. More timtier than will pay fo the faim, and after the timber la off it wilt make a good farm. Lav well and will bear inspection. Some clearing and the making of a good frame house. Foar mile to the river, where yon can eell your produce at good price. It will pay any one wanting a good bar- fain to inrpect thl and write to me. . W. COPF. Curries' Crosiing, Cana:l Notice r rtnal Proof. Department o( tlie Inierlnr. Land Offlco si Orecon City, Orrgon, Jsoiisry 14. W. Kotlca I. tierobr alren tbst the (nllowIn nsnied Mttler biu n laxj uutlc ol his Ime ntlon lo make rlnsl prool In support ol til. elsiia. snd that .slit priHM will bi mule twiure the KeitU tfr and Keceiver, at Oregon tliy, Ureou, on March 3, 1SUS, li: Jacob it. tompkiss; nomenesd Knlrj No. 12.0W lor the Mrthwest 'ol .vllon li, Towmhip 4 North, KsBire f '- lie names the following wltncste lofrove his comluuoiu rni'lencc upon snd eultli atln of said Und. it: UnT. Bllin. of Portland. Ore: Thomas K. ;rcell olWsrren, Ore; S.F.Baker, of war ren. Ore; isues P. barer, of fortlsnd, Ore. ALGERNON 8. DREaHKk, Itexltter. tSTABI.ISHKD tm. JOHN A. BECK DKALia m Watcbes, Diamonds, Silienare, ....JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty, - Worrisoa at. Bet Praat A first, FO&TLAX0. J ST0R1A & COLOMBIA R1YER ii RAILROAD COMPANY. 0ilv. a ii 5 I i flil ftTATIOMS 011 Y, M 1 r. 7:00 S 05 S JO I M 44 SC S SS I OS 19 87 10 00 10 0 10 'J ie 3o a. a. II U.K. I A. oo Lt PoHLnd Ar 11 10 I Si) 05 39.4 9 1 46 S1 S3 SS.S 40 n.r iiolile 10 n v S 20 ....Ralntsr ... ... Pyramid... Vfayaer.... U S Sk I W 7 4 T M 7 M T at 7 IT 7 03 4ii 12 Hi t 77 S SO MS ....liuinfjr 17 0 tn s I S3 S IS 07 T&S 1 W 10 00 Si 3 10 10 M.I' 10 21 71J 10 SS 7S7 U 57 SS 11 OS SO-3 It I S6.4 .. Clat.ksnl.. Marshland.. WMtport... .. rllllon ... ..Knappa.... . Svenson.... John usr.. 11 30 9 Ar. Astoria .Lr an train, n.k. el(M eonnsctloos at tiobl with Northarn Pscine trslui tn and from tbe E( aud Souud points. At Portland with all train. Itannf I'moa dpot. At Astoria with t. K. h. Co. dom ana rail un. swi ciesmc. T. J. Potter t aud from llwuo and KsrUt bMch points. rusenren fnr Attoris or war point must " trsini at tlonlMn. Irani, will .tup to Ut pa wrurn off al Uouiton when coming Irani polu J weaf Ooble. J. C. Mar. Oen. Pass. Al.. ailoria. Or Bt'MMOM.4 In the Cirenit Court of the Stale nf Orejoa !u the Cuuntv of Ci.luinl.is. Dtvi.l T. Brush, pUlullfl, vs. Helen A. Brnh, rteft-ndant. To Helen A. Uni. Jifen.Unt: In lite name of the state ol ureirnn rnn are herrbr ri'.iulred to appear and an.ver the eom plalMliteU uaiost rou in the sliova rulitlcl ' null on or before the 37th day of March. If. (that beiur more lhau six weeks after the 8rJt puuiiesiiou Of nil aumin.'iiB iiM,u jiiu, .m, thai beiuf theiUie for you to svpeur, lixed by an order of the Iu.Iro ot said conn) and if v..ii frtil to snatrer tor wsni therl.il the i.lninllir will applv to the eoun fur th relief .lcmandeil In the boraplaiut, which U a ilivoree from yil upon the ruimd of desertion, snd fur elicit other ami further relief as li amy beeotllled to rweire. Thia summons is published upon yon by nrdet of lla. Thou. A. McHrlde. jin'ce of aald eoarl, dulr made on the h day of February, di reciinr that the auminona lie erv.l uioii you hv piibliratlou Ibetcof ! the Orrou Mist f'T U weexa. J. C. MORSLAND. Allornor for ptaiullfT. Flrat publication Febtuaiy 10, 1)5. -PACIFIC- School for Stammerers' AU, SPEECH DEFT.CTS TREATED Stammering Curedv-- I guarantee to cure any case of stain: menng or stuttering. My cures are per manent and my terms are reasonable. Pupils on leaving my school talk, per iectly natural, as though they had neves stammered. M. L. HATFIELD, Principal, ' 150 Eleventh Street, Portland. Oregon NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under-; signed has been, by the Hon. R. H. Hat tan, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Colum bia, appointed administratrix of the estate of Joseph Copeland, deceased. Any au all persons having claims against said es tate are nereoy reqiureu to present mc same to me, verified according to law, at my resiitfnce et Warren, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated December 9. VMU. MARY P, COPELAND, Administratrix of the estate of Joseph, Copelaad, deceased. Nothinir has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpasi it Dr. King's New Discovery A Perfect For AH Throat ind Cure: Lung Trouble. Money back If It falls. Trial fettles Ire