The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, February 10, 1905, Image 2

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.".itercd t the romcc at St. llclens,"
Oregon, as second-class mail uintlrr.
IsSfKn Kvkrv KmnAV Bv
E. H. 11.ACG,
Due copy, one year.
in advance
,: Hi
Wix months
tegal notice 25 cents per line.
Senator Hodfon, alio i sitppiscd to
represent Colunilii County in the Ore
gon U-gislatnre, evidently bi a very
poor opinion ol the U!iiy ot the people
of thia county an 1 t! ir rapacity for
self ffovernment In ner to n m-ut
K- ' - K .... . .
1ettr tfotu the RecretiiryolXataKirange. )(f ,SCTlilllle (lf li,lnJ Xhe editor ot
xpreing the ilwirr of that orei,"il11-i t,e .i,,t, intent on gvtliit t the truth
tion for legislation along certain !:iie,i f ,,.gtt, r, interv ened Mr. Ilender
the aenaror returned an answer which j Ht pr jjay mrrilnK. and (ound that
nad very much more tike the piocla-. u,.,,,!,,,,,,,,, fuiv n illtng to Hand his
nialion ol a ciar to his subjects than the i f hafe qJ the mtm jiere is Ida state
Tepone ol a representative to a conM-1 Mi,nt.i ..
derable portion of hU coiii-litu nls. lUj rvw Dp lli bill and preented it
'plainly informs the peopled this emnt'y ! , HnrM,nll,iive Mavm r. who ffrst ap
that ho does not thins m m eipau.e u
ioruiing an opiniti; to u lijcji le is en:i
tled to pay any attention and that their
w iniiea in regard to the salaries they are
to pay their connty cllicera have no
'weight whatever with him. lie informs
the people oi this county that the al
arlea of the county officeii are di.'race
ully low and that he has si-i-urrd the
passage in the Senate of a bill raiting
them and that he hopes it will pass the
A more outrajreoa and arrogant n
sumption of superior idom e have
'never know n. It is faTe to eay Senator
lloilwn mould never have written such
a letter prior to the election. I'c is in
Hlie saddle for tivo years, and Evidently
proposes to take advice iro.n no one.
We admire iudepeudeiice, b-it Senator
Hudson g'i fur bi'yond any justifiable
Tpirit.and flatly intultr his constituents.
Savs the Oregonian: "Esids, it i
not the duty of the State to educate
'teachers, or members ci any other pro
fession." It is (lie dfy cf the Sute to
lo that which will lie of benefit to the
'people of the State benetit cutvmensur-i-.'.e
with the eipeud:ti.rS. Tlie state
lias millions invested in education, and
in addition it has a very vital interest in
the education of ita citizens. Tiie ttate
University at Eugene fit its graduate;
for a number of professions and the Ag
ticnltural College at Corvailis i-. as the
n.m.0 implies, to equip men and women
for the profession of agriculture; but the
fission of the Normal School is broader
and greater than either of th.'ie insti
tutions. V'e spend money liberally ior
the protection oi tiah and game and for
many objects uot a9 worthy, bnt when
fever fundi are-asked f'ir the gfat ' pur
pese of fitting mon and trotuen to take
charge of the education of our children,
tn ord'-r that we may pet the best re
sults by substituting approved methods
for slif sl.od and inetli&ient ci:es in our
B-'hoof rooim, a narrow and igiorant
spirit of false economy interposes in ob
jeclion. No doubt there arc too mar.y
Nortnal Schools in Oregon; no doubt
log rolling has been responsible for the
treason of tome of them ; but tiiwe tre
no' too uianv trained teachers, and as the
North went grow s the demand and neces
sity for them will increase. They are
worth all they cost and a great deal
more. TheStatecannot spend its money
to better advantage than in providing
competent teachers for our public
Great is the editor of the Oregonian.
He has: evolved a philosophy that ap
plies to the moral part of roan the same
ijoitrine Mahhu-daiiB invoke for the
physical man. The Savior of Mankind
taught his followers to pray to be deliv
ered from temptation, but the editor
ives us a theory that upsets this idea
u:vJ substitutes therefor thedoctrine that
temptation is the only thing that is
Sit-edsd to develop one's moral nature.
".Man,! eaystho editor, "is a respon
eib!" being, or his is nothing. "Wfien God
inade man we use the common phrase
he set temptation before hirn. The
Maker of man let um say it w ith rev-
Crcn:e knbr i.o other nr.
to develop responsibility and character I
and accountability in man. Strength is
produced only through temptation. The
weakest fall. What tLen? The i.tron-a-est
survive, and they rire' some g J to -the
World. It, is through them
alone that
the world gets on."
Man Is a responsible being, and he
must work out his own mlvation ; but
lie is not strengthened by placing i,t;i.n-
juniguiecitiin ins patli, an-l the e'i;tor ! tractive exhibits in the Palace of Manu
of thaOregoniun would be quick to !e- j factures, Liberal Arts and Varied Indus-
nounce me aaioon ueeper v. tio tempted a
minor to drink, snd wolld hold that
d-atli is not too great n ptii;i.ihm;i)t for
tho man who tcmpti a girl to her ruin.
Jf tho boy or girl were his a '.I hii llne
fpiin theories would vanish in a luo-
Tumptation may deinriiialratectrength
Init it m.'ver products A ybnug man
currouiidi'd by i;ond' inlluiT.ces at home
. . . ,,,,iui:,.vca ui limine
lii:ivdi,vi.lor.btreii"lhsuinri..nt. tr, ui.,
lempti.tioii when h eiiconnters it- bnt
whic-a Iciiir-t.v.ion in his nail, r,,,n
Voan. remove the homo iMfhionc,- ,,,!
;...,..nt i,;,.. i-.f-it,.,.! , i i
Instant's he will full. '
It has become a fied, principle that
mun is "his brother's keeper," and the
strong gain etrcriRth bv aiding the weak.
'Ili'i is a principleof mental as well i;t.of
mural gruvtth, uu.l the editor of the'Or
cgoiiwn has doubtless expettencod it in
his own person. If Owl set temptation
before man for the purpose of develop
ing hit chnrHtPclwhyfihoiil I nt? despise
1'uudur, who, according to the Oregon
jun, in the direct Instrument of the Al-
foi'hty, ' '
' ' I ' I '
Tli li.llowjtigiipptatoUn the U
N-nsior lbd-oii Ims urreeiM in
pn-inir h lull to rui-f tlie tttl:io ol all
I he olii.vrt of l"'iluml'i county iJct-pt
the roiintv mrt, Aiiool tn xm I nit-rult-nt
ii ml ciiMm-r.'- The pcoiile of 0limiln
entity nmv Ik.- wriiT.tly Ml'xmed with
thia iii.iirc. n it i prt!g HfpubUcan
in lM.oi.tini ii nv county has an
overwhelming tiepnldiciiii maj-inty.
The statement thai the nit-flour i
purely itV.u,l)licaii is absolutely untrue,
M it issuance that pspcra.lvnoaiiuit
nonixir'tiwiiiship In county matters
should 1 fuilty ol null a' misstatement,
when ii wan ao easy ,t arrive at th ex
act tnth. The dfiiiocmcy of County
Clerk Henderson hazily le dispu
ted. He Imi Iveu twice elected clerk on
the uVcjuH.rmio ti, k-t, anl he is one of
Mr. M li hell's chief suppi' trr. giving
i l.;m nil the nnntiml l'r t lie utile Mai
proved of it and introduced me to Sena
tor llodson, joint senator from Multno
mah ami Columbia counties, who intro
duced the bill iu the senate and secured
its pis-age."
Sherilf While f-ays he bad nothing to
do witli the framing of the bill, but that
Mr. llen,frsuu toldhinud its provisions,
and aked him whether thay were satis
factory to him. and he ld they wre.
There was a b 11 drafted in the sheriff"
office, hut it provided only (or a raise in
the deputy's salary from 4700 to 'JllOper
annum, and said nuthing about the slier
itfs salary.
Assessor Law s alsxi states that he had
nothing to do with the drafting of the
biil, but had e:resd to Mr. Hcnder
sm his atisf;ction wi'.h the provision
so far as bis own salary was concerned.
Ttie exact truth, then, is thnt the bill
was dratted by a democrat and present
ed by him to the Columbia county del
etion, and that the republican officials
knew of its existence, and would have
been perfectly satisfied with tlieincrease
in their salaries had the bill become a
Ii there any fairness or honesty in the
Register' Statement that it is purely a
republican measure?
If all pr vsernting atto'iievs w ere R ia
sevet. what a job there would be for
the grand juries of this State.
Portland is fast becoming a great city
with all the vicps and virtues of lis
class. The latest is the jenny arcade
About six h'ir.dred grangers and their
iamilies are taking ai tire inter -st in
Columbia County's cxhibi at the big
fair. That spella succes.
Columbia County's exhibit will be
the starting point for Colo nihil Conntv'c
Fair Association. Each year hereafter
we will have a gathering of the people
of this county fur mutual instruction and
When it comes to Utter wilting, Col
t,inbia County cfrla;uly has a warm
Clatsop County refuies to vote an ap
propriatioe for the Lewis and Clark
Centennial. By refusingit cats itself o3
to a great extei,t from the beneCta aris
ing from the fair, but cannot avoid its
share oi the taxes.
K.Kiins in Portland during the Lewis
and Clark Centennial will be whatever
the room trust, sees fit to charge. They
have the room and tho who want
them must pay the price.
It takes twenty-two and one-half col
umns in the Toledo Reporter to contain
Lincoln County's delinquent tax list.
To make a public show of what is
known as a baby incubator at the Lewis
and Clark Fair seems to us to be a hor
rible and revolting proposition.
Mr. Perrlnr-,of Catskanie, prefers the
Appeal to Beason to the Oegon Mist.
' f'Uered by.the pttference.
he Minnesota educational exhibit,
wnicn won tlie gran-l prize at ht. Iuus,
wil .be sent to the Lewis and Clark Cen
tennial. A model hal factory, show jig how hats
arc- ma:iufictu're-1, w.ll be one of the at-
tries at the Centennial.
Au unirue exhibit which ha3 just Ijeen
secured for the Lewis and Clark Centen
nial, is a silk embroidered reproduction
of the Sistine Madonna. The rcproduc
was made in Germany, is faithful to the
original and cjuals it in ie.
A model life saving station, equipped
with a crack crew, will be one of the
! ft'a,urc of tI,e Government display at
i the ,'ewi" an'1 Cliirk Cnlt:"'" '- '''
i drills will be g.ven, showing lww Vik)u
? Wthclimof person shipwrecked
oi our coast.
The roads about the grounds of the
! Tcwis and Clark Centennial will be paved
with crushed red granite, brought from
South America. , The franite, when
cuishtd and -Uy4 cat ci the jreids,
works together so as to form n haril;
compact road, almoit free from dut.
Pennsylvaniaus living iu Orgon' have
formed a society for the purpose cf 'ad
vertising the Lewis and Clark Ceiitenui il
in their home state, securing an appro
priation for the fair from the Pennsyl
7 mia legislature, and providing for the
comfort of r-cnnsylvanians visiting th
lair: There are about wau mmv oi
Pennsylvania now iNing iu the State of
Oregon. "
A Very Pleasant and In
structive Session of the
County Orange.
Pomona niet at IW-r Wand on Satur
day last, and was royally entertained ny
the local Cringe othaf hospitable com
uiubtty. The session began at aliout ten
o'clock in the forenoon, and the ad
journment was at midnight. There was
an attendance of about SO members, and a
large class ol initiates in the fifth decree.
lH lcg.itcs were present from nearly every
grunge in the county ami mc reioii
showed the order to be in .very prosper
ous condition. After the business of the
day had been dispatched, a Ions an1 "'
ccllent programuic was given under the
management of Lecturer topelnit, ami
then dancing was indulged in until the
train -rhistled at 5;.H) the next morning.
The next session of Pomona will be held
at Beaver Valley Orange Hall.
Following are the more important re
solutions adoptsd;
Resolved, that the Patrons ol Husband
ry of Columbia County, upon the invi
tation of E. H. Flagg. the commissioner
appointed by the county court to have
charge of Columbia County's exhibit at
the Iwia and Clurk Centennial I-.xpoM-tion,
hereby take formal charge of the
agricultural atjd horticultuial portion of
said exhibit, working in harmony with
the comaiisiioner, and earnestly urge
upon all local granges the importance of
this work. All cititens of Columbia
County, whether Patron ol uusiMnury
or not. are invited to aid in the move
ment to place before the thousands of
visitors to the Western Fair a display of
our products that will attract to our
county the most desirable class of immi
Resolved, that we. fully endorse the
position of Governor Chamberlain as set
forth in his special message to the Legis
lature, calling the attention of the mem
bers to the provisions of the initiative and
referendum amendment, and it would 1
a disregard of the Constitution of the
State, as it now is, with this amendment
in force, to attach to any law passed by
the Legislative Assembly, an Emergency
Clause, nnlcss such law provides for the
immediate protection of the public peace.
health and safety.
Moved, that it is the opinion of Col
u bia County Pomona that no county
officer's salary should be raised during
the term he is elected for, and, in accord-
j ance with this opinion, wc arc opposed to
the passage of any bill in the present
session of the Legislature raising the
salaries of the officers of Columbia
County; and that acopy of this motion be
mailed to Hon. Geo. Maygcr, with the
request that he rend the lauie in open
session of the House.
War Ships at the Exposition.
For the Lewis cud Clark Centennial,
which will be held at Portland from June
I to October li, the I'nited States
government will make an absolutely
unique naval display. Instead of confin
ing its exhibit of warships entirely to
miniature models, the Government will
station a number of its finest and largest
ships in the Willamette river. These
vessels will be open to the public for
certain periods each day, and launches
will carry visitors to and from them, in
order thnt the people may see for them
selves just what a modern warship looks
like, howr it is coastructed, equipped,
manned and controlled.
As the government buildings are loca
ted on a peninsula, which is connected
to the narrow strip of mainland separat
ing the Willamette river and Guild's
lake, the natural "grand basin" of the
exposition, access to the warshtps from
the grounds is made easy, and the con
venient location of the ships makes it
certain that tbey jll prove a most popu
lar attraction.
The exhibit which the navy depart
ment will make in the United States
government building will be complete in
every detail, and interesting to everyone.
It will include large models from eight
to ten feet in length, which cost the gov
ernment 3,UO0 to f.10,000 each, and
which will embrace every type of war
ship, from the greatest battleship to the
little Holland submarine torpedo boat
This array of models will include repro-
....,.:... 4i.f:. i.
t4u.i,ii3 u, '41 vu..wi njs buii&
1,1 Havana harbor; the Brooklyn, Ad-
j miral Schley's flagihip at .Santiago; the
(J.ympia, jJewey s Ilag,Iiip at ilanilla;
1-esides the Oregon, -New York, Missouri,
(lolumbia, Kearnarge, Iowa, Newark, it.
sui, Texas, Arkansas, Nashville, Ches
apeake, Helena, Tacoma ai.d Annapolis,
and probably several ctlteni.
A most fascinating feature of the ex
ihibt of n-odels' will Ijc two working mod
els oi dry docks, one of the familiar type I
of dock found at most of the navy yards
of the world; the other a lioating dock
patterned after the new docks recently
installed at New Orleans and I'entacola.
Those models, which 'will be operated
continuously, will show the manner of
jdoc!tinj ,nd undocking war vessel, nme
of the ship models being used for illus
tration. .
In one corner of the navy space will be
a map of the world, 20 feet long and
eight feet high, on which will be ilistri
nted diminu: ivc models of every ship in
. J 1
the Uhited States navy. These models
will he moved from day to day, so that
at a glance the visitor can tell the loca
tion of every ship in the service.
''' A' company of marines will be on duty
at tho grounds (luring the fair. The ma
rine swill give daily drills nnd conduct' i?
model camp, '
'Absolutely Pure
Measure Specified a Certain Six of
Hook for Fishing In Columbia
Killed by ridicule" aptly describe
the fate of Mayget'tJiill to regulate the
sile of ghh'Kk, which measure wa
voted down in the senate last Thursday
morning. Senator Farrar, of Marion
roiintr. was ibe man who started le
laugh on the provisions of the bill, and
others put in a word or two until it was
evident that the measure would not sur
vive. The bill makes it unlawful to fl'h In
the streams of Columbia county with a
(Ishhook smaller than 00, or for any
person to sell, jrivo an ay or have In his
possession any fliddtook smaller than
the lite mentioned, in Columbia county.
Violation of the propowd law would bo
punishable bv tlno (f from $10 to tO,
and Gchhookt fnund in the possessi mi of
any person in violation of the l.w may
lie confiscated nnd I'estroyt-J.
When the bill had been read Senator
Tunic explained that the pnrwe of the
bill was to prevent the catching uf ;Csh
too small to be of use for lood. Many
small Ihv. he raid, make books of pin
and catch fish which they throw away.
This evii the bill is detignvil to prevent.
At firl It seemed that the bill would !
pass the senate without much attention,
but Senator Farrar arose to hii feet and
was recogaitrd by the chair.
"Mr. President," ho said; "I have
always looked with fvur upon all bills
for the protection of tho fishing indus
try , and in fact I am so dexiroits of pro
teeting the fish that 1 vote for all the
ti-h bills w ithout examining them ven
cl.'tely. I am willing to lake the rec
ommendation ol the hsheiy coiiin.i-sioii
on nluio-t everything, but, Mr. Presi
dent, I muM draw the line on tl is bill.
It proposes to make it a crime for a
small boy to go out with a pin and
string ami c.itch fih. This is in nuta
tion of one of the inalienable rights of
small bvjs, a.d 1 a:u upp- . -d to the
Senator Fnrrrr's rinarks created a
laugh which was continued when Sena
tor Malarkey said thnt in going to his
so miner residenoe In Seaside he goes
throngh Columbia county and carries
fishhooks with him. I'lidcr this pro
posed law he would lie guiltv of a crime
if he should take with him a hook
smiller than 00. lie 1,-i.ii-d any knowl
edge of the free of hooks, (X) or A A or
BB, or any other letters, and didn't
want a law on the statute books that he
might violate involuntarily.
When the roll was railed, (hire were
only one or two ayes. O il of sympathy
for the sponsor of the bill, President
Kuykendali voted aye, and renewed the
rertland To; rpx Iu I.oner River
snd 5earljr Drowns Crew.
While towing a lxirge tq Chinook laiM
Friday afternoon, the tug M. H. Hatcn
tuuied turtle and nearly drowned its
crew. The Ilazen was makinggrnxl time
when she struck a trap tiling and her
tow ran onto her. Tlie pilot made his
way out ot the pilot huose when it was
under waiter, and clung to one of the
pile which ware only just covered by the
tide. The remainder of the crew scram
bled on the botto.:i of the upturned IkmI,
in momentary fear of death should the
boiler explode.
The puwrsgcr steamer Nahcotta, to
mile away, saw the accident and went
to the rescue, picking up the men and
anchoring the tug so she would not float
. over me imr.
Th Ilazen is owned by Meiirs, Ilazen
' and Cole, her captain and engineer, and
i, named after Mr. Ilazen' father, Mr.
j M. I-'. Hazcn, of Warreu. ' She was but
recently pinrchascd by Capt.
his partner, and we are torry
I'acn and
to bear of
their misfortune.
The politicians nt Halem and Portland
&ie talking about the next Republican
candidate for governor, and mentioning
several of their associates, as if they were
the people and had a cinch on the places
to be given out. Hut they forgot the new
primary law is now in force and that we
country people are going to have some
thing to say about who is to lie the no
minee. And when the farmers ad plaitj
people of the land make a 'choie'e it is
more likely to be Dr. Withycombe, of the
State Agricultural Station, than any poi
Uician a" yct Mentioned. Just remember
I at. ..a T-.-.. r ... f : -
that. Forest Grove Times.
U really In Demand.
Nothing is more in demand tlinn a
niHilicino which meets modern require
ments for n blood nnd vtcin cIciiiiKT,
such hs Ir. KiiiK's New r.lfo Tills. They
urc jut whiit yon ni'i-d to cum stomach
arvl liver troubles. Try them. At j turn
ing's druj; store, ?,rw, KHiiranlccd,
..i rm weather. It
After neverai i) -commence.!
raining Tuesday morni ng.
The patter of the rain drop l' ,,c
reminds us of our vouuger days.
j, Clark moved to Portland last wesw.
The entertainment given by the ;ud
bov last Saturday nigm w.s
...CMS. The hand liumshe.1 . r...
music at Intervals during the ryentng.
The farce entitled "Hans Vou Sn'h
wa well rendered and the in.) am. "
did thcmwlves credit. The Indian tiuu by Mrs- Collin. W1
tee Clatsk.iuie Mandolin Club, c.nihl t l
l beat, while lbs vocal solo by Mr
MadL-c Ihiuce and Ida ItUckford were
rendered iu fine style. The recitation,
by Mastets Hall and I.altarc and Mt,.1 And lust, hut
not least, the lunch served by the boys
after the entertainment was fine. The
idicwho prepared the lunch deserve
irreat credit. The hall was crowded, as
. . . I... Ill,
nearly evrrvone in tiitf cuy w..o
music was there. It is said the boy
cleared alnnit f iO.
It is said by those who claim to know
that auolhcr wedding will take place In
this city toon. Who the contracting
parties are we do not know.
K Couvera it havmii hi hit on
Nehaleui Street graded down to the grade
established by the court. Messrs. Old
n,l Harris, of Oregon CitV, are doing
the work.
Yi'i,;t i,,.,ir.,vmrnti are twitlit tuade
on every hand by the county court ami
the riticen ol the towt), how would U no
r l,..-iiv il.IV to do something that
wmdd be of tnclit to the citwctn, in the
way of building a ncwcr.igc system and
doiiitf many other things that should be
done for the health and comfort ol the
It is said bv some that the tttembrm ol
the Presbyterian church lutrii I building
a haudsoine church this summer or as
oon as a site can I uvurc I. The corner
ot on First and Nchalcm Street would
lie a fine locatiou for a church if the title
can be secured.
It is said that Joe Kanrcr, of lit. ha
wrapped him-!! up f r life in a bundle
of calico.
George Convert and John Pophainuudr
a living visit to the Nehaleui country
Monday. We did not learn the obcct ol
this visit, but tome av the boys went
over the mountain to make clU.
(t. it. it. i urt
!t. KPWIS 111)-';.
ST. llt.I.EN. (IhlUloX.
y ii. ro 1:1.1 .
t.rrrrv ditsk t .vrroaNv.
Br. II; I.h.
n, i;otirttKY,
ltpI Kttiite an t TtmU r l.nnj o. bu.1 ,vh
4irjcu m'!o.
S.T. HKLKS.. : tRl'itr.
v. ri-( llt:K.
ItAINIRIt. -. : ; uarmis.
I. W. Oi V.
. s. bliuali
Will .rrllcp In any Conn, rflaiu or tVlrrnl
Office next lixr to (.'
BT. ItKI.KN-i, :
Iti f iw tilt Court ut i Mil id uf Oregon tur
ine t,iuiii hi roiiimiiiit.
IaiuUh Wflithard. Amiu W-.nstr, mul
Mfiifv vtiiirtirr, titrt'.ttift (nib til
llfiirv Wftnlt-r1, .I.-ron(-.l) .lliii(ri.
J-.liii t). W.lrui M A. Milfi mi. I .... MU.'
liti wnr, Kui Hurl. J, I'utlfk, aittl 11, It,
NlCholK. (Ifii'tHtHlll.
Nonce Ir hrrctiy ntvt-n thnt utnlfr nil liy vlr
tup of mt PXi'Ctition ntnl nrler of !- tNtiii'l
out ol rift'Htl t!tlft of Iti -(Hits tt Ort rmi,
liiniilfor the' onMtr of l'oluintt. on (h 3ut
rlny ot Jrtrtury, V.ttti, iiiilr mu in iitnU(4
of ii Jmlifiiitriit , ortltrr nnt tfi'crfn of fi.n- htTtrn
mivlr ahI f n'ffiil In .M court on ilm 3i;h tiny
( JltflUiir)- I ', III U kliU WlMTflll tllrl kIh.v-
nimvl irlrttniHfsj ntfv-r- Jtitlynitrttt m-:! nt
John O. Wliciix, tlit? nUivii tutntfl fli'triplHtit,
(or (lit! Ktnti ff nl tit- titiii'lrcl Hit'l iwi'iitv Miri
Bid tiltiftv-lx inu- It ii 11 lri'.J(h floiurt. t
with nw liHTfou ffo'it tinl'l 'Ji.h dm of J(ln-
uary, !., nt tli ritif Idi (nt t-vnl (rr nn-
niim.Aii'l ou hti'i'lr"! iloDirn tiiiitii) uft r-j
liifV a fcr, Sitil tjcvriiltitf ftiti: It wmn f.irtli-r!
onleri-'t Bit'l tU-v Uy rt court I hut Mir!
t fr-ix-nv t-n I hi
i Iho w.l hall nl tho
l trior' If lfl? mn lc nif i
tin MtuUu'iini (itirtrrcr of i-imi
foiirtrcn, towMhti fi'Ur iifrrtlt of fuiie wo !
WCt Ol Hltf tt IIMIfll'IU' .! f 111 HTt ( W 1 1 H 0 ' .
h 14, t ft i ii of r 2 of V ,M ) hi (.'oliiiniiin r-fmn-ty,
Orfifoti. Ii't l n iii nt t ti t lnu , mift lbj
lroctirU of tii-li ii to ho Htihi(I Klrii in t v
the cot nml Hxpfur.a of rjni to imy
the ilvrVlvliilil H. A. MMm 5.J,; tliir), to fV
to iihilntlM th ir iiinoniit of lln-lr Jti'tKirU'itl ;
fourth, to i.y th rt innlii',ir, If .my, to tho flu
fiMMlntit II H. Nl.-li.-ln-. U w.tx furtlicr orcri"t
ml ttcr)l tli'it iothcr of lliu inirllc to thU
huH iiity hil nt MUt h miIm, nijf) tlmt IIm pur
chrt-ur Ik; put Into IminciJhitr pMvnUm of kuvIi
I will, An Moii-Im; , the t.ltlh 1.-y of Mnrfht
l',ib')t nt tii hour of tlfvi'ti o'clock In tti
hxertoonof anM (lay, ut the front floor of (hi
cnihtv court hoiiMt. Iu Ht. ilr-li iot lri hmIiI couotv
nnl tfi, null nt hllblir RIK-Moil, f.if Ctlhh 111 liitV-
nil money oi tnc v. 10 tnr riWheni ir.ior, nil
the reul pro(irly iitmve U'-t.nt,r.l t mitlfy
uxccuilon iau'J ott?r of iik'( louther with mc
crntiiK com n.
Iitttwi at Ht. H(Iii,''o1timMit Cuiinty.OroKoii,
thU M day ol rvbrimry,
MierlfT of tho Cnuuty of (Columbia, HUt of
Klmt i.uhtlciitioH Pnhrtmry 3d, li.1; lint uiib
HciitijHt Mnich Jl'l, IIKi.V
TALK KM UP- At nt plat on 'Milton
ri-k bins ycftrlfiig bay marc colt, with
white liinil toot and white hVir on fore
head. Owner can have name by proving
lr)erty and Jiyinj cxjeiiHea.
TAKKN UP-At my mc, six in (Jus
west ol Oohlc, on Moiidny, Jannary ii,
1905, one steer, two years old, red with
some white, and a square corner taken
cut ol lelt eiuv iU'V;rneutli. Owner cnn
lluve the same by ,!rYvig properly and
payiiiK nil expenws, iu(!linliii( cost o
I Walkoyer
I Shoes
I Can't Be Beat
I We have more Styles, Sizes and
I Widths than otjier agencies, in
Oi cgon .all put together.
Cor. Fifth and Washington Sts., Portlajid
Mist and Oregonian $2.00
Ask tho Traveller
And he will Tell You
North Coast LiMited, Is the
TUDCP Iil' Traiiscontincntat Trains p.tily Hc;vccii
lnilljlj " PORTLAND AND THE E.
Sv'iul Six Cents in Stamps for
Wonderland, 100-1
Wrilc Your KiicihU in t Iu East f Ctmioto Ifio
Ii-nis and Clark Fair Next Yntr, ami 'ouh
t ho Xorllu'i-n Parti!.? XOUTIl COAST Li.MITKD.
I lio ('rack Tin in of the V'xt for i leancc ami
Tor map CuUU-r and rates Kast write or caiil
Assistant Gea. Passenger Agt,
By'Thc Big Sawmill!-
1 Ucoivii:
New (SwiU
tion of J)iiK HlnmllrK for Only tlio Ittmt In
Dart &
St. Ili'lens,
General, Clothing,
Dry Gocds, Groceries, Fruit;!,
Proyisiou.s, Furuiture, Slovts, ICtti
"-Lowest - Priccs.:-
('ooper Building Main Mrnt. S(. 1lJnq. Ovcfflty
Crack Train cj Them All.
255 Morrison, Cor. 3J, Porlladrj
Kvoiy day in tli! NVok
Muckie, S
Ooblc, ()rfjr,on