The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 13, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 5.
In s Condensed Fona for Cur
Busy Readers.
A fUsum of th Co Important but
Not L lntrotlng EvontB
of th Part Wk.
' Edward Wallace Hock U now gov
trnor il Kanana.
A great 'Ialit conspiracy Jhaa been
discovered In Kusaia.
1'harlea 8. iVneen hM been inaugu
rated governor of Illlnut.
Witt In t) urc.l Mlrnkjr a mln
ister u( the interior in Kusaia.
Tli president urge Improvement '
the army medical andjnrdnanc aervlc.
The oath it office ha been adiutale
tercd to Governor Ik.ugla, ol Massa
chusetts. Oovenwr lVebody announce that he
will contest tho Colorado election and
utmost Adam i( possible.
(icneral Stiawsel ay he waa led to
hi,.vi ,y Chinese pie that General
lvur,in ai marvhiiiR aouth to re
lieve him. knw non-ina about the
retreat from Liaov,,,g until after hi
W. J. Bryan attended the Wianjrura
tion of Governor Folk, of M.Wniri.
On invitation lie xUnwwl 11
lature and advocated municiplal owner
ship of public Institution., IU d,-dar
ed that if KouMrvvU isjn, earnest iu hi
desire to curb the po,wer 0( railroa.b he
will had a trenuou ',f during the
next four yearn. :y
Ktissi pLum M .w.nd 1200.000.000
ifllf.!?rding her navy
IK'rTding her t
Miwiourt may appntpriata 1200,000
fo the Lewi and Ulark fair.
The Colorado lcgialatore haa decUtred
Adam elected governor., but Peabody
may conteet.
Comniittcca of Atlantic teamhlp
line sixt railroatda met to Uke atepa
airaint the riisid inatiectinn of iroml
irrant by the aovernmeut, which, they
ear drive buainena from American to
Canadiaan iteamcr line.
Andrew Cametcie baa lntlmatcl to
the official of the Franklin inatitute,
of New York, that if they can aecore
the Krauklin fund, amounting to155,
000, he witl duplicate the amount, aa
he did in the cane of rranklin union,
of lloeton.
All the railroad centering In Chi
cago will apply to the United Statea
district court January 17 for a rerma.
nent iniunction reetrainina all local
broker from dealing in any form of
non-tranfcrab!e trannportalion. The
eralpcr propnae to apjwal to the United
Ktate lupreme court.
The beef truat caae la befor tb u
preme court.
KoiMian revolntlonlata predict an
early outbreak.
Several acvere engngementa have oc
curred near Mukden.
Rumia'e Third Pacific ajjuadron will
be ready to aell February U.
The movementa of the Becond Pacific
KiiMiian aquatlron are atill undecided.
The Nebraaka (Upreme court haa de
clartxl the augar bounty law nnconatl
totional. A million dollar in gold ha been
engaged In Ban Francleco for ahlpraent
to Japan.
The North aea inquiry commfaaion
haa adjourned until February. When
it reconvene Kuaaia promlaea to have
aome enational teatimony to offer.
One man wa killed and half a doaen
pentoii aerioualy Injured in a rear-end
colliaion in which three train craahed
together on an elevated road in New
Fire damaged the cotton mill of the
Edward Manufacturing company at
AiigiiHta, Me., to the amount of 75,
000. Firemen had to flifht not only
the flame but a temperature of S2 de
gree livlow aero.
The Japaneau found 48,000 priaoncr
in Port Arthu.r of whom one-third are
The czar haa decided to aend 200,000
more troop to Manchuria
The flgnhlp of the Baltic anuadron
1 reported to have (truck a rock and
The czar'a declion to continue the
war caunoK great Indignation and bring
a revolution near.
The lnterHtato commerce committee
of the aenate i working on a bill to
regulate freight rate.
A a reult of a collision on the
Ijike Hhore road near Angola, N. Y.,
eight paHHengen were injured.
The continued internal strife in
Hanto I)omingo may neceaaitate the
United Htate to atop in and put a atop
to it
Secretary liny recommend that the
naturalization I awa be amended ao
to restrict many court from granting
Although order have not been I
aued, it i positive that ths Rumdan
Baltic ariuadron will return to Euro
Wdnday, Jan. 4.
UiKin reconvening todav after the
holiday raceaa, the senate plunged di
rectly into the consideration ot tna mil
(or the admlaalon of two ataUa to be
compoaeit ol Artiona and New Mexico
and Oklahoina and Indian territory.
1 ley burn Introduced a bill for the
regulation of corporation, which waa
refeml to the committee on Judiciary.
Senator Rowland Introduced a Joint
reaolutlon providing for a ctptiiutaaton
to train and remrt to congrea
national incorporation act for the con
struction aud consolidation of rallroada
employed in interatata commerce.
In the bonne Keprcsentativ Mann
Intoduced bill to abollah the isthmian
canal coiumlaalon and providing that
the power now Invert cd in the prcal-
dent be attended until the and of the
fifty-ninth oongreei.
Thursday, Jan. 6.
The Joint etaUdiood bill attain occu
pied the major portion of the day in
the aenate.
Senator Hard Introduced two billa
intended to clear away otiataclea that
threaten to interfere with the contrac
tion of the Klamath reserv Irrigation
project In Houthern Oregtm and North
ern California,
Benator llalley iiilmiitted a mied
amendment to tb conatltution riling
the term of nfflraj of the prealdent at
is yeara and making him Ineligible
for re-election.
The houae committee on fortiflcatlona
reMirted the fortincatiiaia bill, carrying
$H,?i,803, which la 770,3UU loaa than
appropriated laat eesahrn. Kcprcacnta-
tiv Adame. of rennsyivania, intro
duced a bill providing forlheeatablhth-
menl in the luatrict of Coiumma oi a
whipping poet for wife-beater.
Friday, Jan. 0.
Arbitration treatica between the
United Bute and aeven foreign coun-
trie were miule public today by order
of the aenate. The countric inakinic
the convention are: tJreal Britain,
Portugal, France, Haitaerlaiid, tier
many, Italy and Hpaln.
The nomination of . B. I rum, a
negro, to be collector of custom for the
oort of Cbarleatou. 8. C. wa coiitlrrued
bv hte Miiiat.
The houae iianae.1 the fortification.
Both houae adjourned until Mon
Monday, January S.
Alter the paaaage of the omnihu bill
and a few minor nieaaure ami Hie n
ing of January 28 for the delivery of
addrvMtea in memory of the late Benator
Hoar, the aenate devoid it time to
the statehood bill. At 4 :23 the senate
The house spent the day in dincuMttna:
minor matter aud at 4 :23 adjourned
until tomorrow.
Small Chanc of Congrai Paaalng a
Bill at This Session.
Washington, Jan. 7. Member of
MnonM interested in aecarinir river
and harbor appropriation are becom
Ing uneasy over the repeated warnings
of Boeaker Cannon and other Kepubli
can leadera that the strictest economy
must be oliaerved from now until l
journment. While talk of this sort Is
alway In evidence at the bcfrinning of
each session, there la more aeriouaneaa
in the tonee of the speaker ami party
leadera than usual, and the fear
spreading that they mean what they
Bo far aa waterway appropriations
am enneerned. the fear is not alone
based on the attitude of the party lean
. hut the further and very aiunifl
-ant fact that the river and harlxira
committee, though It ha been in sea
aion more than a month, baa accom
nllliMl absolutely nothing. One of Us
declare that, notwlthstand
Inir almoat daily meetinim have been
hl. not a ainirle line of the bill has
been framed, not a slogla Item agreed
ii f win. He declare that in . past aea.
slons. when billa were reported and
ihumivI. the committee aiu more acuiai
work in two day than it haa done this
Inter In more than fonr wyek.
Aska Fee of 200,000.
K.rV K. J.. Jan. 7. A fee of
t200.noo for Jamee Smith, Jr., for act
ing aa receiver for the UlllMXi nmies
hl,.l,liltillnir comtianv waa asked ol
fjinnina- in the Unlteil Btate
- n .1 .... i i i -
District court licro Kxiay. miim;i ivr
tlieNheldon reorganliation committee
opposed the application, and aald that
the sum demanded wa ssuuruiwui
He said all the money Mr. Hmiui nan
died in the receivership wa not mora
t,an ti 12R.O0O. The credit for the
...... T-- - . . ..I ,
MMrrt tin ol the company, ne smu
is due to the reorganization committee
New Russian War Loan.
Jan. 7. The proHpectlis of
the new Kusslan loan of $81,000,000
will lie Ismicd tomorrow. HubHcrlption
llyt aKII I mi onenuil In Oemuiny, Huh
alaand Holland January 12. Theprii
nf the iMiiie in Germany will be DO
The bankers' syndicate hn paid Into
the Kusslan treasury These
tr,m are considered here very favora
ble for Buasla, Inasmuch a the holder
nd redemption at par after
six year.
Another Nw Rusaian Loan.
Bt. Ptersbura. Jan. 7. Official an
nnnn.mHut of tilO Issue of nCW loan
1 published hero for the first time
The amount of the loan will be $116,.
750,00 bearing interest at 4 per
mnt from Jnuaiv 1. The first call of
Mn... .Ill not be made earlier than
1917. The whole loan will be eatln
gulshed in 1985.
Houa Organltaa, But Senate Doe(
Not Agree on Prealdent.
Halcin, Jan. 10. The actinia wa
calk. I to order by Krowncll, of Clack
amaa, who wa preiddeiit of the (cnatc
at the session of 11103, lie wn made
temporary prealdent and a committee
on credential appointed. The senate
then adjouriiiMt until S p. in.
At the afternoon session the commit
tee on rrvdentlale retained and the
new member were awurn In, A mo
tion that the aenate proceed to elect a
president waa carried. Knykciidatl,
Miller and Carter were luunliiuted. On
the And ballot the vote stoisl Kiiykcn-
lull 14, Carter , Miller 4, I'lcrc 1,
blank 2. The vote remained practi
cally the aame for Kit ballot, when, at
:0. the aenate adjourned until l:M).
In the evening 111 ballot were taken
with no change except a the IViiio-
rat ahlfted their vote from one to
another. Adjournment waa taken until
10 o'clock Tiieailay morning.
The houae I organised and ready for
bualne. Mill, of Multimmiih waa
lectml iHaker over Kay of Marion,
the ballot Rtandlng 20 to 'U.
Lane Want Freight Rata BUI.
Eugene -The measure which seems
to I considered of most Importuui'c by
the Ijiiic county meiuler of the leu is-
lature I that of regulating freight
rates. All the-memliers of the dele
gation will work for some bill In this
lino, but just what bill It will lt i yet
to lie decided. 8veriil bills are likely
to be pnitxiafd, and the memliers fioiu
hi county will select aliat npjicnr to
be the I "'it and push It vigorously.
This county during the pM tao years
has felt the effect of heavy and Ineoiiit
able freight rates, and all reillse llnit
it i time for something to 1m done in
the line of correction.
Help Pilot Rock Country.
Pendleton "The farmer and im
He, Willi a lew raccpiion, re iniicii
teased over the prosiMVt of a railroad
out through Pilot Hock," said Theodore
IWney, a farmer residing live miles
mm Pilot lbs-k. " course there
are a lew mooiMtcss u nm w
. . . i ... i
come reconciled lo tne diaapia-arance
of the crude methods of W years ago,
and wish the country to stand still. A
ew of the merchants opni the road
ving trade will atl go to IVndletou
Mher towns on rullriuids live, and 1
can not see why our little town ill
not thrive a well a they.
New Phone Lin In Field.
Bilverton An indeHuileiit telephone
rompany has Isvii formed to connect
Bilverton with the . adjoining towns.
P. 1.. Brown is the comimiiy's local
representative. The old compsny is
working hard to keep the hew one Irorn
getting a start, hut more limn I'D
phones have already ln sulwrilied
for In Bilverton. Many advantages
are claimed ny me new company
among which are large exchanges and
free service ln-lween towns. The new
company will be known aa the inter
urliaii Telcphono company.
Will Buy a Fair Site.
Pendleton The Pendleton Fair asso
ciation wa formally organized at
meet ing of representative farmer and
stockmen of the city and county. ll
haa decided to purchuse a tract of 50
acres located immediately South of the
city, the price to be paid for the prop
ertv taring $7,000. The directors are
planning to build a half mile track and
erect buildings to lie used for the pur
pose of exhibiting the product of the
county. It will lie their plan to hoi
regular county burs every full.
Tillamook at Exposition.
Tillamook There wa a public meet
Ing at the opera house a few day ago
to take into consideration the mutter of
an exhibit at the Lewi and Clark ex
position, and to ask the county court to
appropriate $2, out) toward the expenses
County Judge W. W, Cornier presided
The sentiment of the meeting wa in
favor of a county exhibit, and the mo.
tion to ask for $2,000 carried. Jude
Cornier waa authorized to appoint
committee to take charge.
May Extend lo Tillamook.
Tillamook Mayor Colin bus receiver
a letter Irom tne Oregon j ruction com
pany offering to build Bn electric line
over the Wilson river road, provided It
can secure the right of way and a sub
sidy. The mayor lutendH calling a
public meeting at an early date, this
ia the same company that has liccn fig
uring, on an electric road from Portland
to Forest drove, and from there it can
be extended to Tillamook county.
Ask for Bailer Road.
Eugene Farmer in tho vicinity of
liraine have come here with a petition
signed by almost everylasly In that sec
tion of the county asking for extensive
improvement on the public road be
tween J.oralno and Cottage tirovo.
They had a hearing before the county
court and It is probable an appropria
tion will bo made for the purpose.
New Cburthoui for Tillamook.
Tillamook The tax levy for Tilla
mook county wa madn by the county
court, It being placed at 27 mills. Tho
court decided to erect a new courthouse
to take the place nf tho one burned
down about 12 months ago.
Purpose of Law Proposed by Varl-
Oounty Court or Stale.
Oregon City "The Clackamas coun
ty court, through the legislative dele
gation from this county, will seek to
lave enacted at the present session of
the legislature laws that wilt prove of
material aid to the various county
courts of the state In the building and
repairing of roads," remarked County
Judge Hyun.
"I have great faith In the eminent
lomain theory which is liclng indorsed
y the different counties of the state,
oiitihiicd the l lacaamas county uuixe.
'The enactlnu of such a law will give
to the county court of each county the
right to condemn proierty for the es
tablishment of a new road, or the ap
propriation of additional roerly for
the Improvement of road already ea-
tuhllshed, the right conferred Mug
identical to those already enjoyed by
railroad corporations," It Is also the
purMwe of the Clackamas county court
to have passed law regulating the use
to which ail road shall be placed In
the matter of heavy tralllc, and still
another measure that will place aome
restrictions a to the use of automobiles
on the public highways,
Soon Opn for Entry.
I i rant Pass Nea has been received
here that the timber land In Boiitlicrn
Oregon and Northern California which
the department of forestry announced
several Weeks ago would no mrown for entry. Is to I advertised at
once, At the expiration of P0 day
from the lime the advertising logins
the land will le ready for entry. The
sections involved cover a large area of
Hue sugar aud yellow pine tiinU'r In
Juecphlne count v ami iiarts of the sur
rounding counties, as well as Mi-tions
in IN'I .Norte and Biskiyou counties,
California. In a portion of the tract
in Curry county is considerable red
wood, the only redwood In Oregon, and
the giant trees compare very favorably
with the famous "big tives" of Cali
fornia. The tract Is valuable, in the
main, however, for the great amount
of vellow aud sugar pine that it con
Douglas Men Demand Oood Road.
ItoKchurg A delegation of repreaen.
tativ men from a majority of the road
I is! rids in Isiiigla county called upon
the county court in a Issly aud present
ed their petition and resolutions asking
that the court take the necessary steps
to provide this county with three sets
f unslern rofldlmilding machinery, In
eluding that nuiulier of n k crushers,
rollers, engines, etc. r.nthttsiasttc
gissl roads argument were presented,
and the matter was then taken under
advisement by the court. It is Udiev
e.1. however, that the court will act
favorably iiimiii the matter ami that
large amount of gtssl road building will
le done in this county this year.
Prltat for Fair Exhibit.
Oregon City At a regular meeting
the committee having in charge the
exhibit from this county that is I
be shown at the Ij wis and Clark fair at
Portland in I1KI5 adopted a schedule by
which will he distributed lo the pro
ducer of Clackamas county the mini of
$150 for the la-st samples of agriciil
tural and other prislucla of which the
exhibit will 1 coiiiimmmiI. Three
prise are offered for each sample, rang
ing from $5 (or first price to $1 for the
third. The contest is to conclude
April 13. o
Surveying Ended for 8ton.
Pendleton Tho last surveying party
which has lawn making further tests in
tho F.cho irrigation project during the
nasi vear. suspended work January 1
and came in. This ends the work this
season. Engineer John T. Whistler
savs work may lie resumed again in the
spring. The parly which haa Isren
conducting the drilling In the Malheur
nrolect ha been transferred to the
Washtucua district aud 1 making test
of the reservoir sites.
To Fraez Rogu Rivar Fish.
Astoria The achonner Chelco ha
gone to Kogua river lit tod with a cold
storage plant nf a capacity of 225 ton
to collect Chinook salmon for (lerman
sblninent for delivery frozen, This is
the first of a fleet being ciiilpied by
Captain E, B. Burn and a Beattlo com
tianv. and the first time fish frozen on
leaving water will lie delivered fresh to
European breakfast tables, .
Wheat Walla Walla, 85r; blue
stem, HHtftUOc; valley, 87c.
Oats No. 1 white, $1..12H(2.!)ft
urav, $1.35(91.40 per rental.
Hay Timothy, $I4('(I(1 per ton
clover, $Uigl2; grain, $11(412; cheat
Potatoes Oregon fancy, 75(cjB5c
common, OOfadfic.
Apples Baldwins, $1,25; BptUtcn
bergs, $1.75 2 per box.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 27(i?2Htn
Butter Fancy creamery, 25(ft27
Hop Choice, 2flftMle; prime, 27(3
28c per pound.
Wool Valley, 10(C20c; Eastern
Oregon, 1017cj mohair, 252()c per
Bountiful Indemnify for Murder of an
American Missionary.
Washington, Jan. 11. Information
haa reached the Btato department that,
complying with th Insistent demand
the United Statea, th Persian gov
ernment ha made to th widow partial
reparation for the murder ol the Bcv,
Benjamin W. Labarree, an American
missionary, by a gang of fanatics, and
haa promised that all the guilty per
sons involved In the crime will be pun-
shed. The following statement re
garding lh case waa made by an offi
cial of the Htate department:
March 15th laat the Department ol
Btale received the telegraph Intelli
gence of the murder of Be v. B. W. I-a-
barren, an American missionary, near
Ounima, in Persia, by a gang of fanatic
"A demand waa Immediately mail
r III arrest and trial of the murder
ers, whose leaner, neyii aur unsiar,
waa looked umiii aa a lineal descended!
the prophet. This circumstance
and the (ear of arousing religious dis
turbances evidently Interfered with th
prompt and efficient action on the part
if the hM'al authorities, the most
iressiog and earnest representations of
the American legation at Teheran re
mained fruitless until October 12, when
Mr. Bay Instructed Ita minister by
able to make known to the govern
ment of the shah the president's con
cern In tho adequate punishment of all
the criminal and his Intention lo lay
he matter before congress with appro-
irlste recommendations, with bis de
mands for full Justice, were further de
The murdere were thereuon ar
rested, but the Persian government,
holding tho life of a descendant of the
prophet sacred, offered a ecuitlary In-
lemnlty In lieu ol the death penally
or Beyd Mir tibafar, and promised ex
ecution of the accomplices. After con
sultation with the widow of Itev. Mr.
Ijiharrce, the offer wa accepted and an
udemnlty ol $30,000 greatly in excess
of the sum named by the widow was
paid to the American legation Junes.
Solemn aasuranc was given that the
guilty would receive effective and swift
unishmeut ami that no special tax
would be teived un Christians in the
irovince to recover the amount of the
New Mexico and Arizona Likely to b
Left Out of Statehood Bill.
Washington, Jan. II. The joint
statelnsal bill will continue to Ut the
principal topic of discussion in the sen
ate during the present week, but other
measures will receive altetillon each
lay during the morning hour, includ
ing the omnibus bill, for which Benator
Warren stands siMiusor. The hill com
nrise more than, ZUll pages, nut tne
senator already ha uccc-dcd in hav
ing it rend by utilising odd hour, and
this ha put a large and iuiortaul Nirt
of the work of consideration lo tl
An effort will I made to get through
the hill providing for the comensation
of American fishermen whose vesse
were seized previous to the arbitration
of 1HU3. This measure i In the hands
of Benator Hilton, who will press it as
an act of justice to men who have U-cn
liscrlminated against.
The pure f'l bill will remain in
the iMjckground for the present, not l
cause the friends of that measure have
abandoned it, but because they consider
that Its chance will lie improved by
not pressing for immediate considera
tion. They have been assured by the
Republican leaders that the bill shall
have first place on the calendar aside
from appropriation bills, after the
statehood bill la dlsoed of and there
fore they will not antagonize the state
hood hill for the present If at all.
The only real fight is against the
uniting of Arizona and New Mexico,
and there is talk of eliminating these
territories entirely from the statehood
projMwal. it I believed If thi were
lone the bill for tho consolidation oi
Oklahoma and Indian Territory would
pass. Thus far there haa la-en no con
ference of opixielng factions on the sub
ject and probably little will be done to
change the present status so long as
the leader are anxlou to keep other
matter In the background, a apiaar
to be the case at present. v
Krupp Gun Work Visited.
Berlin, Jan. 11. Extensive expert
mcnta are ladng made with new guns
and iirnloctilo at Messrs. Krupp's
range at Mention, on la-half of a cow
mission of Japanese officer. Should
the trials prove satisfactory, large or
ler will be given by tho Japanese gov.
eminent. A deputation of Russian
officers has arrived at Essen for a sim
ilar pimiose. It in reported from Zu
rich that tho Japanese government has
ordered largo amount of chocolate from
various Hwls manufacturer. Hevural
firm have had to decline thu order.
Naval Station at Arthur.
Toklo, Jan. 11. Tho Japanese In
tend to establish a naval station at Port
Arthur. Vice Admiral Bhibayamft will
probably be placed In charge of It
The military administration at Port
Arthur will retain only a small gnrri
son as soon a the prisoner are with
drawn and order I restored. The licet
la busily engaged In clearing mines, hut
owing to their great numlxT miviga
tion will m unsafe for a long time.
Only government craft enter the harbor
Fir Burned for Flv Hour.
Philadelphia, Jan. 11. A flro which
burned for five hour occurred tonight
at the plant nf tho Atlantic refining
company In the southwestern section
of tho city. Tho lo, It ia estimated,
will reach $200,000,
t All rhtraro rhsatsi Im4, la roe-
Jiirura of Iroiiimls Tacstor Boiooaust ur
nr. U0, .... ttnlh ot Use, Jamra bong,
4-rnerrsss nssmti i sua asst sr.
rtnl mi-sNay-fi frmn Pri-sldrtit en J'snsms
nimlloii Kirs nrnirurs aorlb wlu of
lews rosr rsnirm,
a-Tlilriv fclhrtl lu Itwk Ulan wrrrk
nnr Tula ks. Kaas Mnllsr rsiilisUen tie
iriiisn i'miNi'r wiiaro ami n Hrmna.
U lnnlli i,f Ofii. John H. (loritnii
irmn.-r rinllsin sinks In Mirslts of Jiisn d
I em! r2 ll.ff, l! riiltmw Nimiernr
rsllMes Ireuly making Mtikilsn suit Aiming
tiin ptiris Drain of lion. Cbss. Poster
ef "hln. .
1,1 lunlh of Cot. I'hss. PfMif or mat-
14 UrslU of t Oovsrnor As a. nusnnmi
f oh In. .
1.1- New gotsrutntnl Ukes aoie ib rao-
luis. .
1 -Praia r riiwrss Frsnrla Trsin.
M -Turiuulo In Mounilrlll. All., kills ST
f,-mnts sua Injur ovrr lot) fc'loous
Blt.iirr liMllmia sun tihlo rivi-ra
y:i AslMiifid. Norwsr. asalror
14.V- on kunilml snd nlnrijr aitnrra n-
tmulird In uln ior I'llishur r;
ll -I la Inxiuols Thlsr Brs n rrlsrufd
In rii. nn Mrs. Kloronc Msrtirlck re-
h-iivd tnm Knllh prison.
xa-r- irima live usit in mioa rrin",i ...
Vine, t'liln. .... Cotivk-tlon snd sulclos of
Wliiiiiki-r Wrliiltt, KiiglUli prouivtor.
fii-aih ol i Mrrtsr of Nr William
C Whlrnry.
Blli,iul and Japan urns uiuiowaoc rw-
J-iircnl eon. trillion In llsltlmor.
-Jnin Inuila lrps In Knrs.
0 Jnemi wins nstsl victory over Russia
at IWt Artliur. ...
lo Jtidiirr diwlrey two linxisn tlil st
rbumelfin, and ralur 2sa Hmra liwnm
Bsar (lint rlt. .... Iliuula and Japsn d
tlr" r. . . .
n-H!i bnnilrrd nlan aolulr rroi
to drmh on l.ak llslkal. .... IMatB or
krnaior M. A. Ilsnna,
2-.' - J iui nr.. lab four IlusalsB terpsdo
tia otf prt Arthur.
il-l-aiunn t'aual trat rattaed by tl.
B. H-iiaie.
M i;iil fir In llnrhcat-r. N. T.
VT burning vt Vt larenaln atstsbouso In
Ciill"r nf sirl frams fi II story
bolrl lu Nr York: 14 priil killed.
II Jnf lHmlmril Port Arlbur.
II -New Yurb and llndaon Itlvsr Tunnrt
Co'i lunm-l ud.r Snrih ltlr .niilt-td.
.... Klrv hour naisl listtlt off Pott Arlbur;
ff&-ll,B lh l.tmu.
I (' 1 llltrtl Hiam Munrtriuo rourt bauds
down ibcUlnii sdi'emo lo grrst Norlbera
M..i.lil.a I'niiti.Miiv n.rrtfvr.
Id Hi ..I. i, lorunla boat dstrorr blown
Bp In I'nii Arthur harbor.
I lianl.l J avullr. cotton king, sus
rtn.l. i..-iu,tt : tianlr on Nrar York Cotton
Ki, ham Ienard Wood cooerwsd ss
IImJit tifnral by Hrunfr.
21 -I'.anhiiuaks aboika fall In w Kng
land Sl.ilra .... Torusdo daniago lllgglua-
i'j'si liratrartlir tloood la Blair of
Xll.hllr Wr.1.
'.'1 Urn Hi nf Mir Kdwln Arnold nil
nrirnra liu.brd br mob at BL Cbarlss,
2i i- Two mor .nrgroro Irnrbrd t t.
rharlra. Ark . making IS lyncbrd lu ou
wrrk .... Tornado kills six persons nrsr
Cariillirrlllr. Mo. ,
l -tllg sink vf low mlntm, bglu.
4 Itiiaalans drlrru from Koroa br Jsp
nra acUalie.
a - Prrattlrul of Mormon Chunb laaur or-
Sr iirt.hll.ltlu iH.lvaam.
I I lttiatilali lllh-ahlD PotroMthn sk Slink
OfT Port Arthur; Adllilral Makaroff and 7'J
oihrra b 111. ,1. fatuous palutor, Vmotrbagln,
anitina thrni.
U Kiploaloo an battlrahlp kllsaonrt kill
SO mrn
iu -Hrrai Bra In wbnleaal dial Met til To-
toiito. t'aiiada: leas. lo,iM)n. .... lions
i.9aar Oklahoma ud Arlaoua Rtatrboud
Lit i
ill Dralh of Urara Oram wood. nc pop-
'' "''
7J 1 arii'tiaro nanaiia, ptrinrrmrjer, atari
and Van t'lur. aircutrd In I'blrago.
v:i Japanra routrd at mouth of Yslu
ownrrahlii of Panama canal proprty
tranafrrrrd to t'nltrd atatis.
30 -I Itirllllia fr ..ouiaiaua mn-aj myw
lllon lu at. Uula. .
1-Jnnanraa mnt Iti a4anl st and of -
dnra' flsbt on tb Yslu tstb of A
t.ulu Dvorak, llobtmlsn mualrlan 100
llvn l"t l.r hurririti in l ornin, i nina
.. tirain oris.uar lawctii japa
ra ranitir Nrwrhwang.
0- lirath or Mirt-ui jnaai. ituninnan pa
tiiot and nntrlial Drat or sraui ran
Lrubsi-h, bavarian srtltt.
a... Jiinaiira rantlir 111 11V.
T -Death of AuUiaw McNslly, Cblrigo
, . . , 1 ... V. A vl.H H
a 1, trt.r.
J llllnota nrnnoiiran conrcniioa mri
ami drailtiM-h davrlnhrS.
l.v-Jaeaiira natiiranip tiaiaua itnir
fluaalau uiln oft Port Arthur and alnka
Willi 411 men; cruiser tnahlno rammed by
batata and aio or crew 101.
In Japsurai army unvru oara 10 seug'
watiu, lirim aim nravy loan.
4-lllllleia licpiiniieait ronTrntion sa
ovinia uutll May ill with deadlock,n
!I'J Kiploaton of firework! firtory In Kind
taa. tl.. kills Sftrrsl rmplnyra J ana
li.- r l.yooo man In land attark on Port
Aiiiuir: Huaainn loss mw
-Ten uuiirra sunwiiro in lunnri ai
li'lillnmatowll. I's.. Ill coal mln 1 lino
I lly, ll.. destroyrd by 0r with $2.uou.uoo
Mi Itollrrs or townnat r rra n uion mow
np nrar l.niiiavtiir, ny., lining is porsons.
tlllig lss Jiillipa cam lire Klurlinu
.i .Iriv Hiiaaiaus rrotn nanauau nil
bravy loaa of Ufa on both alclra. .... Itua-
.,. i,,,r,i. loot mil itiSiiilou I'ort Haiti.
llrnlU or eruaiot aa. vuay oi t'rnn
Jcrsry cuy .
J un.
a . Illliiols courcutloo idjourni
aflrr II ll sesamn.
III., destroy! 14 lircs aud 1.0U0,Uo0 worth
h"lH lu I liruina uiaiturrT in i-nrin.
f property. ....
when bnliagnt la ao.ppru.
tl I' iril'CU IIOll-OIIIOM ir W'f M
u.i.,.i.,n at lmleecndenro. Col.
u -Drstli of !. U. Udtsr, Chicago mulll
Bllllieen,"-. . , ll,.l, III mm.
10 - ncstn oi ihiu.miw ........
Htiort Petwonala.
Jmusi W. A. MitcUttiisId, New York's
ageil sculiitor, haa been an artUt uiois
Hutu sixty years.
Ptovnti .ikltsch, 117 ywir old. living
t Nish, Servla, wn well acijuuliitcil
with l.ur.1 Hyron.
Althoiis-h S5 ycr old, Mr. Sarah Mc
Tdiiiiihllii of Lynn, Mass., does a goml
dity's work blndlntr shock.
Cbnrlc Taylor of Watrrbury, Vt., I
00 j'cnra old and yet h drov a horse la
a trotting race recently. H did not win.
. Dr. Hiiiloir Ainandir rblllppl, who
died rucontly at Santiago, agd UU, wa
called "the patriarch ot th German ot
Egypt claim th oUlet man In the
world Ahuisd Sellm, who haa turned
lx score. H reinembar Napoleon lu
The oldest orator In CJsrmany, Deputy
Bchnoldor lu Kborswalde. Is aged 103,
end I still in pomessloa ot hi meutsl
14 Find of slrlk of lk rsptalna
la lliiniln of lira mar Ururral Rloraia
n ICaat Hlrrr. Nrw York: 1.0UU iwramM par
lab Vladltontok stpisdroa (Inks two .
insnrsa tranaports, daalrorlng l.vuo lit,
la Annrliaa Uarbr la Cblcsg wo by
o-f iva thomand mualsa aula as.
undid st llsli'hriig.
ai -llrnubllian national eoBTtBtlo PB
In t'hbago.
V3 - llooatrslt and Falrbsoki aoralnit IB
i'ln-Jananra drfrat Huaalan la two-
ai' (lahl at Dolln 1 lit.
.n - ui atn or "Uan" Hmtt, romprsHrr oi
Dills." .... Nine million arm vf Isad
thrown 0Mn ta scttlmnl In Nsbraska.
aatrainr Ko loat la Nona Aliaau
Oerauj 0rr 7MI person pcrUB.
I Twsntr Mraona kill ta Wabask
wrwk st Mtrbarld. Ill
a I'ronlr'a Dart national ceuvtalloa
nouilnatra Wiiaou snd Tlbbla.
ourmorratlr uafl.tual roiivnllon Br
In Ht, lxnla, .... Hrat rains rauso frst
flmala In Kanaaa.
v.-llruinrralli' rnovanttAB nominate A
ton II. Parkrr for I'mldrnt.
lo n.nrr u. rala namrd rot Vic roe
Idml lijr Drmoiratlr ronrviitlnn Mar-
I In ad. Ohio, wrvekrd I, inl,lon tl
killed snd Do lujurtd ta train wrack at Mld
talr, N 1,
11 llilrtT tkonaand JananrM Blllca or
wouudi-d In attack on Port Arthur.
U- htilVr of Wiuoo narkln bona
plojrra brglna n Wratru rlllrs Drat
of Mayor , M. (((..hlrii Hula) Join In To-
Irdo, O ittw llvrs lost In cloudburst sua
DoihI ursr Manila. , .
1.1 -t. a K. I. sirnra on train ria
It tllrtisrood. Ill ; VI blltrd sud 12 Injur.
ll-liralfa tit I'aul kn,v,.r
Stt'M hltoin iluira at llonratwl, B. f.
24 Kukslaus cvai-uals Nrwrhwaug aftr
aluk V
wodiiya' l.i, 1 1 Ir Huaalans aluk ll
Urit lab
alratiialilp Kuluht t'ommandrr off Isn.
"T Kimlaiid timtrata lo Uuaala rrgardln
sli.kln of atramablp Knlnht Commnudrr.
VM-itrnwing r,- itoarbud rrstirtaiioa isna
begun in Chauiberlalu, 8. I.
A Bajaat.
I Death of ri (Itwernor HobL C Fsttl-
Son of Prtinaylvinli.
x Illinois i antra! train ronnea pw ir
rr. III lM-alh of Mrs. Krlaoe A. Mllaa.
iiruian tiimiltlo tntsrs l.saati, uw
foriiidden rlty."
4 a -Japanra attack Port Arthur. '
T-Wrr.k on Ulo riramle railway r
Plln.n, Col., -ura 1) death.
b -Death of ti aWuilur Uro. O. Vest of
to rormar Premier Walderk itniiases or
Pranr dli. .... Natal baltl oB I'ort Ar
thur. . .
1.1 Turk yields to demanda of I, ultra
Ktates In regard to American K-bools.
14 itusiian viadivoato aqiiiuroa .-
ed by Japaucar lu Klralts of Cori-a.
in uou nurui two uraroe at iaa
Hlaleahoro. Ua Death of Uoa. Perry
Hannah at Traterm City. Mlrh
lU-Ton,sdo In North at. Loola. .... us
era I stink on I'ort Arthur.
At Tornado In ki 1'aul. Minneapolis an
tl.lnlly kills la pvrseni and cauan 3.w,-
ouo loaa.
Iltnaatan rrulaer Nl nearnea sort
two day' nbt Buialan win batti at
Port Arinur.
saCsbi lias to Alaaka la eotapwft.
1 Japan take I-alo Yang.
lilg flr. In Memphla, Tens.
4 -Tfiiroirut houa Br la New York and
14 Urea. . .
-atorkyanla strike la Cblrag at saooo.
. . Death of Her. Ilea. C. U rimer.
II Ituatlan rrulaer Loaa arrive la port
st Han I'ranc-laro.
ia Dralb or I'rlnr Hertieri niamarra.
ia Two million dollar wharf Br la Mat-
Ifn. N. .
i'l reter nirageorgtuca crowaew ia
Of Krrrla. . . . ..
34 auty two neraona him irai
wrerk nrar Knozvlll. Tens. .... Ml. Va
tlua In eruption.
ItV-Ilt-alh or Uirradlo Iiearn, ouioor.
sa Japanea rapture Ta I'aaa.
ao- DraU of Benator Oorgs "Triable Boat
of klssaacbuatu.
1- Drith
Blr Willi!
Tarao Bar-
4-Drath of Fred eric
RartholdL fa-
moui r reurb arnlptor
Ml ll.rf I- 1'itna die.
Foot mastr-0B-
lo itoiten t. ynn ippoinieu triHui-
ter General Missouri rarioe wrora
near Vt arransburg. Mo., kill! 101 peopl.
11 Kieamer Call sink! ear rnac
ward'! laliad: IB lire lost.
14-Klng (leorge of Miony aiea. ....
famine In Bwedlak protlor of Uottbur.
nohus. .... ttuaalana loo great belli Bear
Ttal. .
13-1T oreat nam aontn or raoaaea.
52 hnaalan Haltlr Seet Bra upon Knglllk
tahlng boaii and slnki two of tbera.
U4 Kngiaad neminm repiraoon lor n-
Ing of flablng boata by Ruaalan et.
ao lluaaia suua ooi oi av'a a-
27 Mrs. Rse Kranss eonfrue mnrder at
Iteialiuzhter In Hartford City, Ind.
'.k-r:-lloTrnor Geo. K. Nash of Ohio
droin dead Kngland and Kuala sgrea
lo refer North fcea lITalr to arbltrailoB
rourt Tweniy-on miner killed by
mln eiploalon In Terolo, Col.
a Frrorh iteimer tllrond aunk la rot
llaloa off lierblllon, Algiers, and 100 live
a Ronwrclt and Fslrbank elected by
unprecedented mijorltlr.
la-Oal iweepa Atlautlc Coait Btatea.
ld-ltiiialin torpedo boat deitroyer Rl.
toropne blown up In harbor of Cbe-Foo.
1H fcxpUloB lu mine st Morrly. Man.,
kills 14 tnlurri Uis eiploaloa la Ckl-
caso kill! four men. ......
IB Horning ot Missouri bnlldldg at tb
World s Kalr; one Brcmau killed. .... W. C.
I. Hreokliirtdg dlea.
l Tph peraons bar tire I bnrntng
of llrcwklyii. N. Y.. tenement!. .... I7lr9,tAJ
are In liiialnea section of Cincinnati.
USaii'suier Ktpla lost In Black hWa, with
T7 persotia aboard. .
8U Death of Madam Jauauachik, famous
I Loulalsti l'urchaa Kipoaltlon In Bt.
OI,la t-loaii Seveuth luauEiiritlon of
prealdent Dial of Mexico llaloy (lip
found guilty of mmai.iUKhter at Newcaatl.
lud .... Peter Nlsaen, luventor uf a nillcr
boat, dlea lu contrivance on Mlchlgau.
U Death ot Mia U. II. Ullbert. ytt.ran
"oDeath of ex-l'oatumtrr Deneral James
N. Tyuer Uprsilug of laat session of
Mtib Cutigresa.
0 Japanes wipe out Russlsn Beet at
Port Aitliiir. ,.
Ui-blx lire In Minneapolis.
i!l Dcstb of ex-Heuitor tleorg I,. Bhoup
of Idaho Cougress adjourua fur holiday
Odds anil Ends.
A plucky inuii refuse to taud aud
let utyera pluck bliu.
A society womiin's Idea of foolish
girl la oil who want to marry for
Don't blame the postman for falling
to deliver a letter that waa never writ
ten. .
Some husbanda are mean enough to
keep halt a dozen mothcra-lu-law
There la no such word aa failure In
connection with the forbidden fruit
One difference between a bog aud a
man la that a hog know when h ua
One trouble with many aelf-mad
man 1 that the part be talks with I
out of proportion to tb part h think
pean water.