Catarrh fMM It li ol the oot, throat, ttomach, bowels, or more delicate organs, catarrh la always debilitating end should MTtf Call ot attention. It It dttcbtrte tram tbt mscoot m.m ran when kept in a tut ol taflaaomatloa by an Impure, commonly aorotuloat, con. aUttoa ot Um blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla Carat all forma ot oaUrrb, radically and nermtosotly It ramona ttM canaa and trarcomaa all tba effects. Oat Bood'e. " Maadarlaa Wanted. Three ot Sir Chentung'a daugfctert art living, and tba eldest; Mia Wun Met, baa come to ttila country with ber father and two aniaU broth-. There la a Uttla family Joke connected with tba young woman'a name, which doesn't detract, however, from the atatetnent that glrle art welcome In Intelligent Chinese houavhohka. ' BUI, to hare future mandarine about tba house, there must be boy a Tbe flret child In Sir Chetung'a houaebold waa a little girl That wat aa tt should be. But tba tecond waa a girl, too. Juat for luck they named tba aee- end baby Wun Mel. which meant "Change." That la, Wun unnt change and Mel meant tbe lintel That waa a hint that the third baby ahould be a boy. But the atork flying about Kwang-Tung Province didn't take the hint Tba third and fourth children war glrle, too. "80 the laugh waa on oa," aald the jolly Sir Chentung aa ha finished the atory of hla daughtr'a name. He can spring a purely Yankee joke with Oriental gravity, and never miama an opportunity to do to. Chartoe A. Sal- la Peartoo't Magailne. J HIQTrtniAM I HOW IHt HOUSE NaPKNED. ; aSaaOaaaai OM Man's Secret. Alpena, Mich., Sept. 6 (Special) Seventy-five yean of age but hale and hearty ia Mr. Jerome K. Fournier ot thit place, and to thoae who aak tba aaciet of hit tplendid health be givea tbe good advioa "Use Dodd'a Kidney Kile." When aaked (or hie reason for to atroogly recommending the Gteat American Kidney Remedy, Mr. Fourn ier related the following experience: "I lecommend Dodd'a Kidney Pillt becauae they cared me of Diabetes. 1 aufferad with my kidney for a long time and Buffered terribly from thoee Urinary Trochlea that are ao general among aged people. Then I started to nae Dodd't Kid ney Pillt and eight boxeaof them cured my kidneya, regulated my water and made me feel like t hearty young man." Dodd'a Kidney Pills make the old feel young becanaa tbey make sound kidneys. Sound kidneya mean health and health it the other name lor youth. Poetofllce Clerks "Foxy." The "sporting blood" of "Billy" Carr, fireman of engine company No. SO, waa roused when Frank McGulgan, Janitor In court No. 6, offered to bet him that a letter addressed with putxllng tlgnt would reach hiui through the mailt. "I'll take your bet, and it la easy money," aald Billy. The result waa one of tbe most anlqne addressee in picture writing ever received at the poatoffice. Mc Gulgan lost much sleep la framing np the addreaa Thursday. He mailed the letter, which bore on ltt face the fol lowing worda: "A police wagon, a vehicle, matches, abode, a nut, nnder which waa the numeral X 1682." When the leter wit received at the poatoffice lta tender wat aet down by the clerks at "another fool trying to be funny without knowing how," but Charles Smith, superintendent of clerks, and Harry Ewlng tet to worlc to translate It Tbey lucceeded in making out of it the name and ad dress of the fireman, at follows: A po lice weapon, Billy; a vehicle, Carr; matches, fire; abode, bouse; a nut Filbert; with tbe X beneath to make Tenth street, below Filbert; 1082, the data of the founding of this city. Tbe letter waa delivered to Fireman Carr yetterday. Philadelphia Public Ledg One Hundred Year Ago. Tbe province of Louisiana wat la state of Insurrection against the Unit ed States government and waa about to declare an Independent government Work was begun on the first public road through Georgia and Tenneaaea. Tbe King of Portugal ordered atl governors of western islands under hit jurisdiction to raise aa many troope aa possible to quell (the Insurrection among the negroes In the portt of the Portuguese settlement of South Amer ica. Francis II. assumed the title of Em peror of Austria aa Francis I. A valuable lead mine wat discovered on Perklomen creek, near the Schuyl kill river, Pa. Vice President Aaron Burr arrived on the east coast of Florida The lighthouse at Old Point Comfort. va.. at the entrance to Cheaapeake Day, waa destroyed by fire. Seventy-five Year Ago. Salt fields were discovered la Great Sod ua bay. New York. A regiment of militia waa aent out from Baton Rouge to search the sur rounding country for runaway negroea who were fleeing, owing to the scarc ity of provisions on the plantation An ordinance wat passed In Cincin nati to expel the colored population from lta limits. Tbe militia, which the Governor of Missouri ordered to the frontier of that Bute, returned to camp, having met with no trouble with the Indians. A alave ship from Africa arrived at After crosses sod losses men grew humbler and wiaer. Franklin. Originality la simply a pair of trash eyas. T. W. Higgiuaoo. The beat aumber ot pcraooa to each bed ia one. Yon can't go abroad ao a narrow ta-eome. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mutt Bear Signature) of 5m Pac-Siaalla Wrapper Bolsw. Havana and unloaded lta cargo of ouO alck slaves after having loot two slavea on the voyage, The Delaware and Pawnee Indiana became hostile In Kansas. Owing to the fear Fort Leavenworth would be attacked help was summoned from Jefferson barracks. A riot occured on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. at Baltimore, fifty Year Ago. A violent tornado swept along the Cleveland and Pittsburg railroad, caus ing great damage and delaying traffic. The Austrian government addressed a note of negotiation to the Cxar. Balize, Honduras, waa destroyed by fire. Tbe United States minister to Spain declined to attend a dinner which waa given in Madrid to the editors ot tbt liberal press. Tbe first American trading vessel to enter tbe porta of Japan left that coun try on lta homeward trip. The fete of St Napoleon waa cele brated in Paris, but Napoleon III. and hla court were not present The Russians blew up the fortlflca Hons at Hangho, in sight of the allied fleets. Yet," aald Mr. Mutt, "It wat rather odd, the way I came to rebuild my houte. You tee, Mrs. Mutt wat la town one day aud happened to buy a very handsome hall lamp one of the kind that stand on the pott of the stair banisters," aud theu, tayt Lon don Tlt-Blta, be went ou to describe the development ot the houte: "Well, aa soon aa tbe got the lamp home, we aaw that tt waa too large for the ttyle of the ttalre, ao I had to get the carpenters to come In and widen them aud put In new be lus tra dee and potts, and aet them more toward the center of the hall. When that waa done tbe hall didn't look like a ball at all, and I had to have the carpenters tear out the walls and maka the old dlnlnc room Into a new hatl. "Then, of course, the kitchen had to be torn away and rebuilt at the back of the houte, ao that the old kitchen would do for a alttlng room, aud there bad to be a new dining room built to match the finish of the hall. And when thtnga got ao far we aaw at once that wa had to have a library off the hall, and then (he veranda had to go to make room for the library, and my pet rose bushee came up to give a chance to build the new veranda. "Well, to make a long atory abort. I had to remodel the tecond atory to match the first and put a third story on In order to take care of the rooms that were crowded out by changea In the second. And so I had a new house all round." "And was your wife pleased?" "Only partly. You see. Just on the last day, when the carpentera had completed the third atory and were finishing work on the whole job, one of them dropped hit hammer through the ekyllght, and It fell to the hall tud amaahed the lamp that had etarted the whole thing." I I I aaaaaaaaaaaesaaaaaai BaajaBiaBaBBBBwaBaBVavaaaaBaaaBaBiBaaaBH Aycr's Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats, hack log coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion,' sub Cherry Pectoral dues Inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. He knows all about this cough medicine. We keve smI Avar! Chm FeWtorai I r tomd? fr rt fur tim-fii .. lung im, ma w in ma no rueitin auan n, V sTUaaBeiUT. AplM.Wa. Mum, .Mtv.t! M. AH rlrn-ttt.U, for 4, C. ATM CO., Weak Throats Ayer'e Pllla greatly aid recovery. rureiy vagsiaoie gently laxative. THOUGHT HE HAD 'CM. ear aamall eat aa sssy I . te take aa sagaa. I 1 a iwrn'n I IP I -. saw laiXelaraty FOI IEADACHL FOB OIZZIMUt. roR uuoum.s. FOI TORPID UYfJ. FOI COKSTIPATIOH. FOI SALLOW SKIH. FOI THECOMPIXXIOI vxjvaa mtmmmt qiaaawa. TtgaltMeyW ml't CURE SICK HEADACHE. S "!3M 111(1 fHMI All oat Guana Sjrruo. T. I HUB '1 J'an Hmfc Sold by draairim. III! Mill. uouo. usi rritu. .IL I ! IsalU It .1 1 forty Year Ago. There waa much excitement In tooth. era Indiana over the report that Con federate raiders In Kentucky were In collation with traitors at home for an lnvaalon of the State. Gov. Richard Yatet of Illtnola issued a proclamation asking for the raising or a run regiment or State troops be fore Sept. S for emergency service In the State. The first railway postal car ever run tn the United States left the Chicago and Northwestern depot Chicago, for Clinton. Iowa. George B. Armstrong, the founder of the service, had trans formed an old baggage car into a crude postal car at hla own expense. 'xne residents of southern Illinois were thrown Into a panic by tbe op erations of a tmall band of Confed erate raJdert, which bad captured the steamer Kate Koblnston aud croased the Ohio river near Cairo. Secretary Stanton reported the death of 03 men and the wounding of 106 otnert In the blowing up of ao Ameri can barge In the James river. Twelve men were killed by tbe ex plosion of the boilers of the steamer Racine, bound from Chicago to Ruffalo. The accident occurred off Roudeao I'olnt, Lake Erie. Thirty Tears Ago. The Rev. John Henry Whltehoune. bishop of tbe Episcopal diocese of Illi nois, died at bla home In Chicago. England, France and Germany for mally recognized the Spanish republic. Ten negroes were killed and a num ber of whites and blacks wounded In a race war at Austin, Miss. Information reached England of a severe famine In Palestine. Twenty thousand marchers were on parade at a home rule demonstration In Glasgow, Scotland. Twenty Veart Ago. tremor of tbe earth, resembling an earthquake, was felt from Cleveland, Ohio, eastward to tbe Atlantic coast Charges of cannibalism In connection with the Orecly Arctic expedition were given teml-offlclal credence In Wash ington. Presidential nominee James O. Blaine, Emery A. Storm and others ad dressed a monster meeting at Marana- cook, Me., the formal opening of the active Republican campaign. Henry M. Stanley, the African ex plorer, at Paris outlined bis plan for the aggrandizement of the Congo Free State aa a federation of native chiefs. under control of an American aud Eu ropean eeuiffiJwdoa. ferrtfylas aad MjtirlD Kaperlapce 1 .outhera'a Visitor. Now and then E. H. Sothern admits visitors to his dressing room, lit did ao in Cincinnati, where he entertained somewhat nervooa and exctteable gentleman during hla momauta "off stage." In the midst of one of their argo- menta, during which the visitor expos tulated volubly, there entered the room dignified and decorous colored man. who advanced to tbe center, eay4ng. In an earnest montone: Have you no fear of God!" and mysteriously departed aa he came. Mr. Sothern't guest waa greatly dumfounded, but wat too well bred lo ttk questions. Resuming hla argu ment he again grew heated In hla re marks, and again the colored man quietly and mysteriously entered, and. clearing bla voice, declared: If yon were the devil himself, do yon think you could make me like your To the guest's, surprise, the actor took the Interruption as a matter of course, ao 6othern'e visitor. In a dated manner, continued hla argument only to be Interrupted again and again by the aame colored Intruder, this time with the remark: I know yon know, and God knows pity yon." Mr. Sothern't gnett wit now too surprised to talk. He aat In a collapsed condition until tba tame man had en tered three separate Umea, and in an expressionless voice had aald: "I am aa changeless as the ana. I will carry my tool pure to heaven." "Ton are the strange woman." "too shall be as beautiful aa I im and as happy." This last remark was too much for the man't nerves. He was barely able to gasp: "Sothern. what the does this mean? Is this a Joke or an Insane asylum? Who Is this fellow?" That." aald the actor, "that la sim ply my dresser, Lewis. Hit duty it to notify me of the progress of the play by lines. In that manner I know when my cue comes." Oh," said Mr. Sothern't guest wip ing great beads of perspiration from his face. "I waa beginning to believe I bad 'em." Chicago inter Ocean. One Iangaage Too Many. "What waa the matter with that col lege professor?" "Didn't like him," answered the una who endowa universities. "But he bad a fine knowledge of the dead languages." "Yea, but he waa to uu fortunate at alto to have an acquaintance with En gllah, which constantly tempted him to publish erratic statements In the newspapers." Washington Star. There la a limit at which forbear ance ceases to be a virtue. t-Keelcy I "Grw I atmi UOUOftffOftrHINE-TOeMCCOf HABITS POMANCNTIV CURtfi fOt ruu. MMTKUISU Confidence of Youth. "Now that you are through colttf." remarket! a trieotl of the youthful grad uate, "wbat next?" "1 thsll study medicine," wss tbt grave reply. "Hut isn't that profession already ovtr- crowtiedr asked the friend. "Possibly," snswered the trsdua!, conscious of his superior knowledge, "but 1 propow to tackle it Juat Ilia same. tuJ those who are slretdy In ths protsaaUiQ will bave to take their chances." Th number ot opium smokers In ths United Ststes Is estimsted at l.OOO.OuU Plso s Cure h s mnMv for coughs, oolds and comunipuoii. Try it 1'ncsiSosuts, at druggists. One Man's Observation. Greening 1 read a paragraph tn a medical Journal tbe other day to the effect that people who sleep with their mouths closed live longest Do you believe It? Browulug I bave no reason to doubt It It Is a well-known fact that people wbe keep their mouths thut while twake manage to dodge a Job lot of worry and trouble. About one-third of ths weight at sa egg is solid uutriuirut. FORESTS Of THE NOWTHWHT, Minnesota Still Has Millions of Feet of Lumber uncus. The chief fire warden of Minnesota In bit auniial ropurt tayt that the ttaudlug timber In tbe Btate It worth tally 100,000,000. and it 11 iu prop erty which the fire wardeu eyttsui teeka to protect, according to tha New York Poet Tb " lulf WM 2.000.001) acree of laud, a part of which It fvrested aud protected by the lire warden system. Th State last No vember told $000,000 worth of tUiiher from ltt own laud, and use tu all re ceived Hooaww for Just the timber sold from lauda it received tt a gin from the United Statce. . Tha Stare will cuutlnue for wauy yeart to tell timber of varlout klndt from these lauda, aud It ou thlt particular accouut deeolY lulereated lu preveuuug asm- ate by foreet flret. The local tervlce lu preventing aud fighting Urea, both foreet and prairie, la reudered by the town tupervleore, who art fire wardene. and by tboae whom tboy tumnion to assist and lu unorganised territory by fire wardens specially ap pointed. Tbe eervlce It paid for lu the first Instance by lha countiee in w uu-u It It rendered, and the State paya to tbe counties two thlrdt of tuch ei pause. One of the richeet P timber re glout of the Norlhweat wat the Sagi naw and Huron aliore districts of Michigan. In m3 there was cut lo that district So,000.0i0 feet of plue, but the supply of pine timber had so diminished .during the next ten yeart In 10 ouly d3.ooO.Om ft were cut. The uumlwr of feet of pine logs cut lu Minnesota the season of 11)03 waa 2,000.000.000. The antouut of plue lumber cut In the year 1WX1 by the mills lu the districts of Iuluth. Miuneapoltt. tbove Minneapolis tud St. trol wis 2.200.IKO.000 feet A comparatively email amouut of thlt may have been from the roreata or Wisconsin. A liberal estimate placet tbe remaining standing pine In Minne sota at 28.l.0OO,0OO feet n can Judge for himself." says tbe wtr deu. "therefore, bow soon this forest capital will be exhausted tud say whether tt la not time to begin a sys tem of reforestation by utilising waste laud In tbe production of pine timber." In summing op bla report the war den saye: "Wbat foreatry meant for Minnesota it simply thtt: The THE K1KTG of BLOOD PURIFIEHS SSS1 i No remedy .m r.t JAiSLS not known and used. It la .uoerlof in many wayt to the, ordl. n 1 . 1 .....ul... In the Artt Plact S. S. S. it Ktiurant...! purely vegetable compound, made ticlutlvely or medicinal t0iAt 1 , 1 .i.-ie wonderful Durifying and tonic profile, th. upon tl.eblood, purging it of Impuxitie, goring U to a h..thy natural condition. At the urn- time, under it. tank ,l0cU the erul lyttem improve., the II1V.n' ." ? VAt r.w.4 ttrength and vfgor "d betterleellh ia thf result. No tad after-effect, follow the use of S. S. S., ? bapP-na wllh blood inedicne, containing ttrong minerals, which derange the a tontach and digestion and in other way. damage the ay.tem. For diteatet o the blood, tuch at Chronic Sore., Rheumatl.01, Catarrh, bcrofula, Iii, and Tim. .boa. .welve y.eta I bave to Impure at bs.a a.ln, your a. aa a ee.seheWI reasedr. bad Condition of the blood. I have teesa II aa a lonle aad aatellaer. aad he- D0 remedy acts to proino(l Ihsrs is aoa. better. 1 have sae4 H let ml ,nJ thoroughly a. 8 ft I shlldrea at various far UMIt tela emUee, 1 , " n' lie aad poisons seasad ar Heelae? wis weeae. .--.- .p. sealed,' a is mr aever salad what la Ue long-standing case., upon .... i .... . battle ot , a a. U tse.e e which tha ...'..l we J blo a-4j and tareapnrille comwind, as. la. Asaaall-reBdfsaallFBe4llaeIeeaa4ef 1? i""""s av.ia. m .... . ,w. kiaa laal have I "a V0 no elleCt. I-.ven w hara Ut M0.T.cT.WlTTIIiaTOt. pr, J,position to dise.s S. S. S will search out and remove from the bUxul tha fixed poison anj build up the haalth 5 it enrichet and purifiea weak, thin blood and 11 Im. uUtct the circulation. Pure blood it essential to health. You r.a exist without good blood, but can paver be robust and strong; for every organ, tissue ana nerve in nm uwwy v ma- uiuou ir nuurttnment. and unlcst thi. vital fluid I. kept ia pure, healthy title, the rest of the body tuffert and the tytlam tooa break, down. Nature hat pro. vided in S. S. S. a remedy for diseases of the blood which lone experience and a thorough test have proven superior to all others, tn4 the acknowledged King of Blood l'urilven." OUR MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, In chargv. of graduated physicians, ia an important part of our busineat, maintained for the benefit of thost who need advice or special information in regard to their case. Write us, and our physician, will advise you without charge. thc $wirr Mxmo co., atiamta. cjl I Tli. Cry si Fk." I, Drasiles. A gsaeral c.n M-ur. rontrol for this uurltory handling PYKiH IUE. ih.drr ch.m Ira) Ailupic! by tb. World'i Fair and l.rjril corporations. Cost 00. Unin thai ot oihra M.nalsi turs-t br ths Wl-fTERIt FIRK AI'Pl.IANCX CO Inc., SI. V artel sirs!, D.n!co. Not an Eireptloe. daphead So youh-aa- done think the clothes juake the-aa-niao, Miaa Caus- tique? Miaa Cauatlquc Well, they certainly didu I 10 your rase, at least Canada la ao Indlaa word, 'collection of huts." moaning Bla Lake of Ice In Colorado. vtune me peopie or Denver are sweltering In the first hot westher of tbe summer a little mountain lake only forty-five miles away lies calmly enjoying Its perpetual freeze the lake la eolld Ice. Thlt Is wbat was found by C. A. Parker, In charge of the tele graph construction of the Moffat rail road. In tha shadow of tbe James peak, en tbe continental divide. Perpetual snows blanket the moun tain on the sides not reached by the tun, and amid the wintry scene of glacial whiteness lies the little lake, one big lump of Ice. How long the lake has been frosen no one knows. Sometl met It melts, but thlt year ll hat not ahown any tlgnt of tuccumb- lng to the higher temperature. Mr. Parker enjoyed the cooling proximity of the lake when Denver waa receiving tha first real tliare of hot weather. Ha si so Inspected the enormous banks of gladtl snow, some of them extending hundreds of feet on tbt mountain aide and scores of feet deep. Officers of the Moffat road are much lntereated in the finds. They knew that tbe glaciers were there, but the lake wat something they did not ex pect. Now everyone from General Manager RIdgway to the office boy It trying to determine bow long that lake may bave been frozen solid. Growth of Preabyterianlam. The Presbyterian Church reporti during the la at year show an Increase of 22,000 members, which, compered with the total of latt year, 1,(K)7,000, abowt a growth of nearly 2 per cent Boaaewhat E(otl.lcaU Downing Are you a believer la the turvlval of the fittest? I'ppton Certainly; and I shall con tinue to be at long at I live. We suppose a mother of a family bat troubles, but wbat good doea it do her to bave them? She hasn't any one to tell them to. Te Break la Mew Shoos. Alw.ff that. In Allen. rool Ews, a povd.r. II euros hi. .wmiIm. n-tiiiis. voll.n u lure. earn.. Inf roving nalli .nJ bunion. Al .11 druf tat. and (boo .lores. TkV Poo I .mini .nrtutetlluls Karopl. ai.ile.1 rREg. Addru. Alion U. Olm.tsd. U Hot. N. Y. Aosten Chsmberlsia Is 41 ytsrs old. but betrsrs no inctinstlon for mstrtaioov. His father, Joseph Chaaiuerlaiu, haa been married three times. Consumption is four times ss frequent In fsmilies whose snnusl Income Is ! th.n :tOO ss it is In fsmilies recslvinf more then 11.200. i&bi 1 !Mra. Huzbson, of Chicago. whose letter follows, is another woman in high position who owes her health to tbe use of Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. "DeabMb. Ptnebam : I Buffered for several years with general weak neaa and bearing-down paina, caused by womb trouble. My appetite waa poor, and I would He awake for houra, and could not aleep, until I seemed more weary in the morning than when I re tired. After reading oneof youradver tlsementa I decided to try the merit! of Lydia E. I'inkhain'a VegetuMo Compound, and I am to glad I did. Mo one can describe the good It did me. I took three bottlea faithfully, and be aidca building np my general health, it drove all disease and poison out of my body, and made me feel as spry and active aa a young girl. Mrs. I'inkham'a medicines are certainly all they are claimed to be." Mat. M. E. IluoiitoH, 847 East Ohio Ht, Chicsgo, III $eoo0 ftrf$lt If rlglml tf stsvs l(r pmlni f.imo. MJHiof 00 eras' us-. More than a million women have re. falned health by the use of Lydia JK. 'inkliam'MVeiretableC'ompoiind. If the allgbteiet trouble appear which you do not understand vrrlte to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., for her advice, and a few timely word from her will aliow you the) rlrbt thing; to do. Thlt advice coat you nothing, but It rnjivjueaa JJXo or hapyiueea or melulng original pine Umber will be cut tn tha next fifteen years. Some second growth pine. If protected from fire, will then be cut from year to year, but It will not be as good as tha original growth, and there will not be enough of It for home consumption. Lninber will be dearer and our great lumber Industry will decline. Tbere re, however, fully three million aerea f waste land In scattered localities. which If planted with pine would tn time become normal foresta, yielding forever a supply tulTicleut for our home need. Boob, foresta would by their growth perpetually yield a net unual revenue 00 the capital Invest ed of 3 per cent, compound Interest, besides many Indirect benefits. On such wsste sandy land It will take on an average about eighty yesrt for a crop of pine trees to grow to mer chantable alio. ludividuals cannot wait ao long for a crop and tbey will not engage In the business. The Htate, tn whom time doea not occur, must undertake the work by purcbaalng waste land and planting It with pine. The Minnesota forestry board la ready to go to work, but until there It aotne man In the legislature who will make forestry a specialty and fight for It with energy we shall not get the nec essary money for forestry." Csass and KsTvot, "llreew apples," remarked tkt Baa vho bad bevu ro.dluf tbt trlenilAe pegs lo a ruutic aliuauac, "are said lo be ae eiclleiil cholera preventive." "liuew Ibat a rlfbt," rejoined Ike eras clerk. "Auyvar, It's a ssfe bet that re- ; p.none who die from eating arvoa applee lit never be troubled with cholera," CASTOR I A JFor Infanta tad Children. TI11 Kind Yob Han Always Boo... Itetwrt t'uafieoa. "Say, vbv don't tu kwp vara ims eat ov ojji corar" a.kej Niiaa llarls, anfnijr. "Why doa't yew Imp r rum out my kogsr quorisd llir.m U.lrsks, vslae I. Molk.nvlll tad Mr. Wliluv-. KuXklef tftap Iks ko iaoJ lottas lot UaoW aaudna tfurl.f Ike tsolblng porlud. Oas aogr.t.rul uisa ds sa Injury tt all wke stsnd la eed f tid. t'ubllee yraa. Basra the Blgaature Hilling 10 Ubllate. "No malaria about hero, I suppose," said ths pru.MH-tive sunim.r board.r. "Not ennjr," roplied ths rural laadlord. "We ain't o.vrr had no call for tt: but et lhar'a eunjr t.v be had deova toe Ik' vlilate t rtrk.n ri bn we'll gll ll for you." MAIRIMOMAL OPPORTUNITIES, t trmmmnuf i ra. sta asevsaavaa p artl.r'.tMul KUWlUiMlln Iwont - in.M. II. aiiM.U4 .av tnsu, ttiiaaiatis, ia, llelplag tbs MlnUisr. Cl.ra Was vour fslr a aurrsesl iura-Ye., Indeed. The minister will hate eau.e to be aral.ful. "How nim-h wa. aiador" "Nothing. Tle rw-.ipia last thsa tbe espeiiaea. Hut sit teoa of a. got en gaged, sud the tuiai.t.r ia to perform the corvuioaiea." POSiTIOMS OUARAMJCCO. loitoll lswl a Ilk a i!.wl tsat a) ate ful ar tollurs oa our i.tavg trsa Vj rtis ItHl.y. atoarftvi Bumli9 Ooltmgm faeeava, Mfaw. Columbia There Is a childlike simplicity about tbe peasant folk of Montenegro. A wouian who hat traveled among thetn aaya that both men and women, on her arrival, aaked her, with perfect frankness, tbe moat personal Ques tions. When she explained that aba bad come by train and ateamboat, the Inference waa that the bad great wealth. 'And you bave come ao far to see ut? Bravo! Are you marrledr "No," tald tha traveler. There wat greet excitement and much whispering. 'Walt! wait!" cried a woman. Then. at the top of her voice, aha thouted, Miiosti: Miioahl" A tall, bruuzed boy tbout eighteen yeart old, edged hit wty through the crowd. Ilia mother stood on lint,. and whlapered In hla ear. Ue looked coy and twiddled bla fingers. Ask her! aak beri" cried the wom en, encouragingly. Mlloah plucked up courage, thumbed hla cheat aud blurted out: "Wilt thou bave me?" "No, thank you." aald tha traveler. lauguing, and Mlloah, muoh relieved, retired, amidst the jeert of hit friends. 'Mlloah, thou trt not beautiful enough," tald the men. Then they suggested Gevro aa being more likely to please, (lavro made bis offer, and was smilingly rejected. me crowd was enjoying Itself vast ly and took much pa Ins to provide the any witn a really handsome suitor. Phe, on her part, looked about, and chanced to catch the eye of a goodly youth. "No! nol" cried a woman, seising hit arm. "He't mltiel he"t mine!" Amid ahoute of Itughter he waa withdrawn from competition, than an. other youth ssld frankly, "I htvs no money, but perhape you have enough." na ne is good and beautiful." hla friends hastened to add. Hut he, In bla turn, waa relucted and the enthusiastic crowd pushed forward another candidate. Five suit. on In twenty mlnutee made, the trav eler thought, a noble record. Youth's Companion. Deafness Caaaot Be Cared br lor.l pil'.i(n. m lb. esnaot reaeh ike U.m4 .uru.,n ol lb. ..r. 1 sore la oas v.jr iu euro I.ju. .nit ih.i i. bf eonuiia tluu.l lotiuHiiiiuM bf aa Is ri.uxt emlitlin it iH. siuFuu. lining o Ik. Ktwlarhiui Tul. Hb.o Ihl. lubol.r.B.mrf t-iu bat. a rumMInf .uml ot Imparloct ksw. ii. f. ani van llia.oilr.w tba r..u,l, sil unlM lha lunammaiuin ess t vkn II It. .luodVlsatneHlt inammaiuia eka i l.a.n out .ml Ihlt lulio ra.loi.J Ut lis iurvii CiJIrgiats, rrvpara lory, t'utntiisrcial and University lirr4' U,,J Boarding erlioul (or ollog men sod boys. 1st n tahinltr rark SutiM. snUai era, tvli'.t ..r Vsial'ie Wkllt THAT TAIK. tal falv.nlro.1 tian.lanl tubi lrn re , iuk. fsai ir iiu 10 . K..I .i.nlt4 vruushl If'S V'P. I Infk. ' pt k I..I, all ! la kiu-s ai4 ioIm4 -l4,l Ill.Ml Ktll.l ptlO ft ma) p...r r4tftiv OOS lrrol f iMltiul.. Ktttbjf, lostbot .14 rsiiv. Wtltts. k. an4 feorttftg si vkol.Mie orlr. ft i. m tnt tut tut la lbs machine'? Iln lrrt.Uun ,i,nu a eorlsliv Mtlstsi Matha-art to.. Iart sat, ovossa. BUY xn4llln, h.arlng vill ho 4iroto4 foror.ri Din. ram oulnl lea are tsuawi kf f .i.rrk. I - m iiun nui sa inusmoe coaaiiloa of Ihe-murou. turi.roa, ft. will fits on. lnnlrs4 Poll.r. tat an rsaool ln.fiir(ru.t br oaiarrki that e.a. n..i i mr..! t,j Ut4l s ( sist ia Lata. Bsa4 let Clrcui.n, Iroo. . ' rl'tT 4 CO, Tolsd,0. rV.ld by t'ril.fUI.. lie.'. .mil, l lli, are the boot. Possibly. Mist Aakerman Mr. Nuptat, the widower, bat been married twelve tlruea. Mlsa Uopeser Why don't he marry again? Mite Askerman Probably ha la tu perstltious. Woman't Ilome Companion. u I "V J o PROM YOUR DrjAUCH P. H. U. No. J7ieo I lira KM orillai tm a4orlMr. plosssl If alla tkls eaasr. ri "DID'NT HURT A IS WHAT TliEY SAY tan .street aa. or all your Ir.lh with, out huriino a bit. ami out la a. baoih Iho aaiae il.r II r"0 dsalro. Our ayai.m ol pp.wn an4 hrUfS work la latpl., aulck and sinloM. Dr. P. A. Nlsrkmors will hsv. rhargo nl oiir llraah.m ofhr .t.rf HsiuMar Th. niirutt i. a fran anil r.alaior.4 .letul.i. ana wo iooi ounnooui that b. sill I povpio rif at. BIT When the fuuilly goes away on a va. cation, they don't have a good time for two reasons: worrying for fear pa may have a good time at home, and that he may not aeod them all the money they want Every little while we run acroas a glum looking man who threatens to gult hla job because be Isn't being treated tight. sawWKaf, isl lbs ll tZmX llaL V WISE BROS., Dentists ,UWh,WK,LWoN iia. i. i. o ia io ev.alngs till t tundart Irani 1 rhooe Main ut. 1 iiR. W. A. Win RUSSGUL M TrlULtHtf URM CYCU01NE3, liNQINUH Write for Catalogue and Prlcea THC A. H. AVERILL MACHINERY CO. PORTLAND, ORI-C10N. Vuu ( an ( omit Your ( hlck.nt Delore Thar Are iisi. n.n In a CHATHAM INCUIIATOR, Kvnrr nl. el( yon put Into a Chatham Ineii. baii.r lll '..in1iiiiahe.lihr,iiurnr uhlob. Th.l a lha rai nril the Chatham Irirubab.r haa ma4s lr ' rooar will bring Iham n.r up iniuir th.n tha mnat nimh.rlr h .a 'j iio iiiaii. in r.lalli. t-hlo.ana miii. - "a. ham '' ator. Th. t.rm.r who ot.r ,., hi. I.......U ,, hla h.ialnraa la naalartlnf . , i ,11 f h'TV,!'"' 1 l''yl"lg rt-.a.l.fn!. h'u (arm 1 h. Ci liw, i:. , , ,,r, oudll. . 'Vhi"!: ;.,;B.,'lh"ru"'' WaPraSili; Ol ll iiKKKR: W. will Mil .nn , rhatham In i nn IU. ( a.akiir ami hi..,. .... - .... " 4r lf. toal.uJu,b . -. '.'""" WUKr '' Bo aflO art?, w. roorr Paolllo Oomt Agmnt SAOIUMCHTO, OAL. J11 m v.