The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 09, 1904, Image 2

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Entered at the rostoffioe nt St. Helens,
1 Oregon, p second-class mail matter.
ISSUKU Kvkry Fripav Bv
One copy, one yxar, in advance , . .ft 00
Six months. .'. fit)
l,cgAl notice 25 cent per line.
' -
Ow fellow-townniiar., Kiiii. 1Y.
Pillard, who it one of "the IVmocratic
nominees for tho office ot presidential
elector, was tlio firinctpnl speaker nt a
recent IVmocratic gathering yi ,thf
ity o( Portland, mid, 'judging by
flie eccounU' in tlio daily press, lie de
livered an excellent Rddres from bis
taiiy alAiliipoliU; ad Vo'n 'the hearty
plaudits of bii tadicm-e, ail o( which lie
ii full v capable cf doing. We believe
Irrigation I. the routing factor to help
oul the filmier, or fruit grower. Water
and sunshine are the two essentials for
the production uf good crops. It Is un
wise to longer depend upon the freaks
of fickle climnte and futile attempts
to foretell t!'.s weather, for one pood,
eonking rain lour week' ego would have
.Mr. Dillard is a gold standard lVuio
'tcrat, end hie party is to bccouratulatiHl j practicable, which is generally the case,
for this reason upon the fuel that he is j a Urge river or body of water is not
one of its standard bearers.. 'He $rob-l too fer way to be utilised, great' reser
docs not expect to be elected, but , voire are eiectcd, dams constructed, and
" we euppoee he will receive all the IVmo-1 canals dug in which to convey the s
cratic votes of the State, and if bis .ter onto this present sago U-iuh tml
neighbors in Columbia County s'e fit to I worthless land. Sixteen years ago the
give hi in a good- coaUr.:entnry vote
without regard to party lines no great country did not produce revenue enough
barm will be done. j to pay the salary of a station agent on
So far as we can understand from the . the Northern riwitie mt.roa.l, private
'jpgess reports Mr. Pillard's theory seems capital was enlisted, and after huge
to be that the Republicans are not n-1 canal was dug, tire Columbia river was
titled to any credit for the good times , tupped. Tre?to change The writer
lisiLaye prevailed end exist today in ! was in thai sty ilea of couutry again two
years ago, and what did bo behold
Why hop raisers were hipping balis
upon bales of hops. Crch.irdi;ts were
greater proportion is usual during
presidential campaigns, for (he reasou
that the policies of that party conld not
produce good crops nor good
farm products. Jt is,an axiom that they j prss cars of peaches, apricots and to-
could not produce good crop, but as to . matoee, and this once worthless strip of
good prices that is by no means so cer-1 land now furnishes the fruit that gra-
tain. Two things regulate prices eup-ices the table cf tho Spokane hanker or
ply and dcraivad--
t. w. mi sr.
He tin ttotiitn his pu.levl celt wl: h mail
1 Ul 111. tHIf.
A pencil clntehixt In his nortout hnt and his
fv Iirow all Ur i
;' Ho cal trt mins on a lltterot ibol ami
iiioii iw ia ny M. Itair.
, Team up thu iliret vllh hollow sigh ami a
auirr ei aiaiair.
And w.'i bo sir wan hit pencil there ami
iJebieWii more naur. on a hoot and cu.ts
htm HI! mom itioi.
been tho salvation of the potato end ' Whl1' Jii-'iwri.h Mows triu hi irvtil lira we
.. . . .: . cmuwi tMktL'rittaml,
AmllioaiU inert lu lilt nudiioit cell, Willi a
pouctl lu hit BMIKI.
"Now th." h mullet. "ar niro to go tor
our honored carollitHtr..
The will t.. I'r iliotHlmr aid and tkene i
the .lounllol iini;
We'll M'l ilia eicurwt ilowu rljiil here, til eot-
- umim Hide by
Sinbirm'i in low) from whm wtiieel and Ui
thine in vert tied;
Nexludd Nsr Yoik with Ihlrly liiur; mbtrtcl
llurUHMI I'om Ihrve.
And mullily by UUuoK-that uiie It pUlu,
von hhi:
J)utrutll ue add or mullld IKw York by
To get Mk- Ij of Hit total vole that t c.-it dy
'Lei's add New York to Illinois, divide hjp
I bv Ihrtie . '
To flu. I ','( ucj loH,ilin cubelho
Kxttaci la.- wure root of Unijll mid arc
tlie .livldt'iid.
Which ittvcn u ix m! irUjr without a deubl-
(III Mt.'. 'i
And will elect, without doubt, our honor?.!
For thrve iiiiif, three are surelv ulne, and live otne tettw t.tur,
We'll tewp the Uud Irom I'auema lo the itwst
of Laor.ior.
Aiiul AUt! lie wu ouce like ;o jd me. but
m'V him nog .
The tuiitul eye of the mnluJ tnd Iho md-
limn (,'Vortxl lirv.w!
And :1 d iy loii be inciifm Ihore with eiietl
ill hi hud, , ,
While jibU ri'h from hit peched llwwe
caumit iili-len.lMtiit.
He flroros up aie iloutnfiit ttntet end he nets
Ihom al one Uie.
suhtraat Uie lotnt Mom lotncttiitiiT vbe end the
i veri.1,vl.
He dii New koik to Teunevs, dlridee by
And the total voto they'll cm! In the
wild oi tiuritfo!
f ther roct crops in Columbia and ad
joining cmint es. What Is wanted Is
stability and certainty. This govern
ment never did a wiser thing than when
jt eel n;':;rt tna (ones received from Jhe
sale of pulilfb rarids to be useil for irriga
ting the arid lands of tho great Wet,
Tlie fact that the government has the
matter in hand and under control i;
what gives this irrigation question tone
and has the confidence of the general
public. No work on an one section
of country will bo undertaken until all
the minor details atlertiug this certain
local. tv to bo U'tielitted or ivclaiiued
has been ascertained. When found
land around Pasco and in the Yakima
I-I.IZAltin'H Mi'NANtK
sud demand is just
V -importaut a factor as supplv. Those
who remember the second election of
II r. Cleveland, accompanied as it was
It?" the IVmocratic control in both
branches of congress, do not need to fw
told that the four years follow ing were
years of distress And eufenng lor t.:e
State of Oreoa arul WteerT' iliite in
the Union. The Uetuoeratic . idea of
'tariff fetorm wag enacted into law. and,
as a coincidence, ru:r. Ml cpon thou
sands, the value departed from property,
money took to hiding, and men were
unemployed. Unemployed men do not
eat as much as employed men, and those
who earn small wages do not consume
'as luurti iof either food or clothing as do
those iho receive liberal pa v. The con-
mechanic. and has for its products such
markets as P.ntte, Helena, Anacondi,
mining districts, and Billing, Miles
City, great centers for the cattle indus
try, in f ijit Montana. All this fine
fruit, packed in teat boxes and crates'
liear the imprint of this prod'icttve'
Yakima country, Eastern Washington.
Irtlr tree lr.nds are exhausted and this
is why thousands and thousands of peo-
Agltaliou of an Association of Loggers
Has Strengthened the Price or
Logs and Relieved a Serl
oiii Sitaatien,
While tho loggers operating along the
lower Columbia did not effect Hie oigan
ization of an assotintioji, the agitation
has relieved the situation in some 10-
spect and the conditions in others aie
iu a futr way to adjust themselves. A
committee appointed at the first meet
ing of the loggers recommended a new
wage scale similar to the one in exist-
Light and
are made with
pie are loosing ana waning lor a notue encc on the Sound, and when the ramps
in niece nrut sections wncii once inev
bKsom end bring forth fruit. The
government will, as" we nnC'i stand the
law, only chErge the settler ?or the cost
of getting water onto the many thou
sands of acres of land so reclaimed.
This is why we so urgently advocate
the placing of an exhibit of Columbia
traction of the curreucy was followed by j County products at the 1005 Lewis &
a sharp contraction in the expense of ' Clark Exposition. Thousands cf home
ii-'WiS, and the farmer found that the"! seekers 'are coming West uiu?l leave
home market of 70,000,000 people could the fllM an acre East to tind a home for
get along with about one third less of the sons just 21 and over as the father
bis p ix duct than it had been consuming, did years ago. And where can the new
course this was only a coincidence, j comer find a f:etter country, having all
ana tliose who were Democrats because
t;ey were Democrats tightened their
"by.ia and swore that the tariff had
tattling w hatever to do w ith it, although
w hen they deemed prices too high they
were equally insistent that the robber
tariff was responsible for the whole
the advantages of climate, timber, wa
ter, facilities, churches, society and
-cLivils than we posse? This exhibit
Would speak for itself what we 'raise
and can produce just like tho great
Yakima country. Hut we must all work
together and win our portion of the
home-seekers, as other sections of the
state will work. He need. njt tie
named itf f'liltlmht-i 1'iinntrai m wl.ul
Four years passed by and a sufficient ' she can produce and has within her
hum tier of the people to suinj the
balance decided that they would ajain
ibtrust power to the Republican party.
Mr. McKinley, the archproteclionlst,
was elected, with a Republican Congres,
and at once the countrv
1-orciM-s. This it the first vear old Col
ulnbla went dry, and for this you can
blame or credit the local ,ptiomit5.
The Eoreburg P!aindealer reports a
Josf-nhirfe fYir.prv min n-Ln In, an r.r- '
was given the j chard of ten acres of annles that vields
assumoce oi at least lour years oi a him a :)i 0f
rotective tariff. Again the mills began wi
mcney each year; in the
Following is Uieforcaia used bv the ! "vee.
inter he takes out all kinds of sold
bum, capital came forth from Its beneath his orchard, and when begets
hiding, and employment was general, enough apples tind gold, heamu-es bim
Onlya coincidence again, but in such eelf with catching salmon from a stream
Striking contrast to the one of the four with which he irrigates his orchard and
years previous that ordinary men have washes his gold, lireat country, this,
con o to believe that it is caure and
alreei that L'eEOcracy means adversity
and Iiepnblicamstc means pros-verity,
and even Mr. Dillard's eloqiiente wil
not be aliie to persuade tUem to the
' T H 1? &TE A K f? ti? I Jr.
There are three prominent candidates
for the office of Speaker of the House of
Representatives Kay, of Marion, 15ai
ley, of Multnomah, and Vawter, of Med
ford. If the best interests of the State
Are to be consulted it would seem to us
that the choice should fall upon Mr.
"Tawtet. Marion and Multnomah each
have power enough in the House to look
alto their own interests, while the
choice of a speaker from one of the
smaller counties would be more apt to
place the important committees in the
hands of those who would cee tht
started up after the Fourth of July va
cation, the-s was a general reduction of
wages In u small way. The reduction
did not exceed 25 to 60 cents per day to
the man 'and n uniform w age scale w as
established by tho camps geucally. ltj
begins to look as thongh first-class logs
would bting w better price.
man who is familiar with the situation
jeays that the rWnson Logging and Lum
bering Company has notified the saw
mill to w hich it is supplying logs that it
would demand an advance of 50 cents
per thousand when the three rafts now
being made are completed. II. L. Col-
vin, w ho has been receiving 7 per thou-
i sand for his logs, was notified that the
jiUuibernien cuh pay only Q,50 in the
i future. When i: was learned that Mr.
Colviu was to furnish logs at the old
price to another mill he was notified
that the former price still ruled. Mr.
Colvin's logs are good quality, yellow
fir, w hich accounts for their being in'
sui-h popular demand. ' The production
of logi has been cut down various'
cawes. The prices were low, causing
some of the camps to reJuce their out-
put ; others closed down on recount of
danger from forsxt (ires, amf somn to 'I
make ;:eedcd improvements. The Col
umbia Timber Couipat,y, whih ir ope
rating back of (ioble, and putting in 75,-
Absolutely Pura
AntWtfyspeptici may ba eaten
without Inconvenience
even by person
with delicate
emt euuae oeee oo., eew vou
Mrs. J. (. Pringlf was called to Mist
on August 20th to the bedside of her
mother, Mrs. K. A. Davis, who died the
. . i a following morning, at tKK. tn.
A timtier-T , - .... ......
i uve-xnoaiu u'rni oi scnixii win cum
hereon Friday. Miss Ovcrboltcr, the
instructor, has lieen verv successful with
the school and will take up an eight
months school at Heavcrton, lre. S'c
hope to have her among us soon again.
Mr. and Mrs. I'alen and children and
Mrs. C. L. Smith 'Law cone to the hop
fields near Salem and wili-hr gone ittmt
three weeks.
J. A. Holadav, Sli-ts Ora Overludticr
and J. O. Pringle were Portland viitors
last week.
Mr. L. It. Olcason went to Portland
Thursday of hist week to I under medi
cal treatment at St. Vincent's hospital.
MissTri'im Gore was severely bruised,
hut not dangerously, iu a runaway, Sat
urday evening. She Iwd alighted and 1
was standing between the wheels t.ikirir I
out her parcels when the hurs; Ik.r6iti
4 vrtiioM
1 wi
n .-w
s .VI
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,u. w.
I r PenUiid Aril lu
... Oxlila ....
. Msuiier ...
,. 1'V lAtulll. . .
... tlfrt trt. , , .
. . iiutiu'r ...
. lUlklil .
. Vinallxrt.. ..
l ' ll tin
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. SV..,l.., .
Juliu liy.
Ar. AXuri .l.v
f W
s 1.'.
t Ul
7 i
A. M
7 .
1 ss
t 17
7 A!
Por July mul August we will sell all our
$20, $30 and $40
SiS.oo Uncliuincd Suits $ 8.50
v,0o Unclaimed Suits lo.cxi
25.00 Unclaimed Suits. .. 12.50
30.00 Unclaimed Suits'. JS-oo
5.tx I'nciainifil I ronscra 1.45
ft 1 . 1 "I -..
S.00 Unelaitnt'd Troutcfs..
10.00 Uucluinicd Tirfusct's
Odd Vests in all styles and colors
3 95
All imluo mkf clmo rnumwdont al fluM
wliii Nuttttom I'Afitio iratiM lt mnA in mi t9
Ht auJ .x.utij Htut, Al IVTtlnua tih nil
train iisiriiic t iilon diMiJ. 4 '. ArrU MU t
K.AN.ioi bol Rit'l ttl ini Afctl htntinrt
T J litir ig nuil (ram liwitcu u.t Ninth
Hf-'Ml't) IK'IRSH.
ruw.-itKcr4 rr Atrt or wnr p(nu mtul Itng
liudio m IfuuUoti trui will iiii tn Ui Ht-
Urn t'wi. Ai.. Aiurt. Or
2-W Washington S(rt'ft, Now Failing HitlhUnp:, S
portl. yisiTD, opHzaoixr
!lirtfneni f ttt Inlrrtnr,
ivwi t im.iv 1 Ofrtfuh i iiv, Oi;oti
Au:tl 1.. il
VOTlrK ! HfRKflY UWt.S 1 U A 1 1 UK
1 lotldU illc ItJUtf't M'ttit-r inl Iti'Httf inf
lit httctitu'ii tt itmif (itial J r ( in htit''i't f
till rlttltu. I hut jt j.rthl will Is? ii.u-tt
In tli r.t mlrr mm I iiwritef, nt OrrR n t,
(lrt'iC"U. (tti iH'-t'(. r 7, vi
W It.l.lh .Mi t LVK1S:
lUtrr rmtt i-t Kuirv V. u:v.(.r Ntrihu'it
rimirrrr ol .'vi.du T,iKji'l.i i Nt-nit, C-U't
immm ihr full .l:ist !tntt ft
t uid Inn i. .i
trvt-ut. "I ;:H,h. i r. ; iitvir t wllttti. of
Ymihtati. ittv
At.KKNON . LUt-V-iK!!. Itl(fc".
In tho rtrrtilt '" "irl n( ut$ of M?vgia, fur
Juhn in, i !iut,;, m. I ICuuiwn,
I'-lCl"lllt. -
To IUiitv -n.fCi, tVf?ni??vitl.
IN THK N b or fllK r I . IK r OIUHIOV.
1 nr herty rv ihed lo pr Rit
wrr Div ciiu;MnHi( -u l (hp
a HvvpiilttltM uU t-ilof !.(. ftf tlrv Aid rim nt ;
l-tlM'r, i"4i. iii,u tiring tittf (Uy ft .r. in inr or tcr
tI ih (.ourt t',t Mm i-1 a,M-r !)'! tntr, utt 1
Irtorw ttiau nix nw k tunn iiit utt liutntt jtlut
of Oltfl (iriiiiii(. mwt U o Ut . to w-'.oar
riuI mikuvr. trv ;nm!!T 'tl lo ih l:mil
I -IT Ihv ri;it f f). 11. -in mi 'hi- r-.Mii jilnijil,
Thut th t'itlWr tt mlj :nifu mcl twrr-.l
l 1C thW!H 1 til i k' li)!lU.U f lh Llllolrlim
Jkt.HJllV t lltoir fu-.l r.-.l i.i.r...r( 1.. 'I 1. .. tl
Whitened r'l (Iraififctl'hcr uijout KM) ltif f thr ii(hu' .ii.i(Vr nl vt.t..,
yards be(rrc the animal ioulillc stuptwrl. P '"v-"". " tii :i hmii,.
hi tttrt-ntH ovi-r Sutiinlav (inrl itirft:v "L.amcil Mfflli.ui. 111 lh roinity
1 , , 1 t , . f ,Ti inM4. Stal if Ktvc-n; nwl that hu IMU
vevr Islaml nasa ww LifICt. ' Don t ' 'htvio 1 inui-i; ttmi iwi f.iruv.r Ur
mention it, though. j r"J lr"m i4 ii tim. t-vtut. mi
.. . ... die, and a son ri'lmz for life
... .v,...,.s "i : get ur, KiHK cw
line ui b lumg railway, a lew raii)ifl
of this capacity closing down toon re-
dints the ovMroduution- with rh "om aithiiw; hut this wonderful
A Uoj Vh n rift Hide For Mf.
With family arourid eicrctina litm to
in inilc. to
iSvw Incovery for con
sumption, cough and coUH, W. II,
luterrot h!t-v?r Iri nr to it'.
or Aiiv j'Mil UM-t.f, ri.iv.ifn.' .. i-intinnt, tn-tv
plftlnilif rwitir p h: H. frh
HM Urrvii, Hii.fthwt l,r t. kmcu u
tUfltmr reUvt l titr tourt nmv ;
I'hU imnirnni y xhlhhiA lu "The fttvgnn
MUi" twr .'fth wee lor i im citiv wr-s.I
'i iA-cviiic, 1 no., enourco (icuin 9 f '-"umy 01 oiiimni4. ttiiv.t Auyiui ;, A i, :n
i'"t.-s from antliiiw; hut this wonderful I,"111"" r' i-uwntMi ..;,, Aurw. ln mi.t"!
: t: t 1 1 w I'Uimcn'.i'ju, wiu'Kr 7. !fi
I"'-' 17 in me runffl h m. If..
I irst grade logs are in active in- ; soundly
New Fall Clothing:
Men's Suits $lb.op
Uqiial tn SI'tTS nt f 15.10 HI OTHKK STORKS.
Men's New Hats, Shots, Shirts, Underwear,
Six, (J loves, etc. kifiht IVitcs at . .
221-2 23MOR.HSO.-J ST.
Mist and Oregonian
Uutterl Ctafe eoveriiiuent wlien ap&.'v-
ing wliitewasli to public building in
Washington and elsewhere. We advise
ccr city arinera to cat this out and paste
it in i;:c:r imts, when anted. ntiiio;
etibancti tlie p. open ranee so rntich on a
farm lie to see the femes trees, and out
buildings drescl in a Sunday gotj-to-meet
in j extttrnal I dhow, to Buy until-i
in? of enhancing the keeping qualities j
of the property. "
"lake one-half bushel ol unslaked !
lime, slake it w ith bdlirng v:ater, cover j
during the process to keen in ettaiu, I
strain the liquid through a line sieve or i
strainer and' add lo it a peck of salt
previously dissolved in warm water,!
three' pounds of rice boiled to a thin I
and, and it is believed that urices viil
advance for this class of linrs.
writes: "I
every uiglit." Like
now nlcep
John Koljerstun was doing business in
St. Helens on Tuesday, and while there
went before Judge Hattan and was made
a full-fledged citizen of the luited States.
It is estimated that there were about
KJtJiJ persons from various parts of the '
county attending the haw hull touma-
i.ient at this place on the 'M, :d and -Ith '
ct this month. I
Commissioner Casper Lib;l, cf the N'e-
halcm, passed through the city 'en muff
mms of ennvjmption, pneumonia, bron
chitis, roughs, colds and la irip prove
its matchless merit for all thrtal and
lung troubles. Guaranteed IkiUIcs W
and l.00. Trial lyittles free nt St. Hel
ens Pharmacy.
Mrs. N. A. I'crry visited with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Watts, of
Scappoose, last Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Chas. I). Little tetuiiUid tu i&ul
ton last Saturday after a short stav in and
around lkker City.
Mr. and Mrs. W.V.. nelfor l returned
a thin to St. Helens Tuewlav to attend a session ( llou'e S-unrtay evening- from Seaside,
tr .u I
J'ii ml
IV. II. Pfitt Ki t..
Alluiiicv I'-t I'laiiiuir.
paste and ftirred in while hot, half a of the County Court.'
poui.i of, whiting and oriel Aqlliet we?Winff took pUce nt the rt,;.
Z"l".f v by ! d-" "f Ir' S- C. Tichenor on Suuda.
o.... .,i...t5,.,is ev;n)mr. The contracting
a larger one (illtil with water
gallons of i.o'. .ater to
justice wag done to all section of the
State. In' Marion county Mr. Graham ov,er th! tl,e,?ire.i" " ema" Pot hu" in M-
j opposed to Mr. Kay's ambitions and
v"'iTlfcW H.-molilcr i.l 1r o..,l M.- K
will probably vote for the Multnomah J well and hf it rtandV ra? cov'ered i UZ.'7:Jl. ""'. of'
irom dust or dirt. It should he applied mnv was tr formed , n,l Vr r T
a iwrtahle fun ace. A pint of the mix-'shoes, toot t1. inm f,., i ...
visit the Ijuiiiaija Purchase Exiiosition
t'ounty man, choosing for his own re
gard the chairmanship o? t' e Ways and
Slflan's Comuiiti.ce, i. v.-j Jaqring to
Marion and Multnoii.iih'Coiinties abso
Ijito control xif the pursestrings of the
State. Mr. Vawter, elected, as he must
l.e if successful, by a combination of the
erbcrs from the outside counties,
would lie in t fie beet position to do jus
tice to all sections and ail interests, iji
addition to this Mr. Vawter is better
entitled to the honor than cither of his
opponents. 'Neither Mr. Kay zinr Mr.
Ihuloy has ever done any noiiibfe Wort
for the Republican party in Multnomah
cr Marion Counties, while .Vawter
due of the beet known, hardworking
earnest Republicans of Southern Ore gon,
lie is a man of thd strongest
character able, straightforward and
honett, and he would do as much
iure, 11 properly appiieii, will covers
wjuare yard, and will be almost as
MTVlrfH III, itiV a-rwifl Kir-VIr r,f ..... ur.,l
is much cheaper than this -i heapvst of
paint." '
where tht y have leen visitinif with Mr.
I and Mrs. Uavid llenshaw, jr., at Hcm
j stock Hill cottage.
s- r- o t- -. . .1 ,
f v.. a. MiIiiiztvii. in vihl' ma resi.
1-rr,-st r'redh.'k,ii and Miss Alberta ! denCf' a ''ew coat "hile I1'"1-
The Artisans meet regularly at this
place after a two- months' vacation.
We are informed that Mr. J I-;. Dailcy
starts for the St. Ijuis fair toon and that
he will also visit his old home in Illinois
before returning.
Mrs. I). Hcnshaw visited Portland
Monday and Tuesday.
Ifoulton's public school opened Tucs
! day morning with Miis Ruby A, Jackson
as principal, ana Miss l.eou Lowe as'
ant make a tour of the United States.
I'i'c!" John Wilson, of Nehalem, and
Uncle Sam O.iham, of Marshlaud, at
tended the base ball games here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, of California, who'
weeks, left for their borne Tuevlay. Mr.
The cascara bark.ason is about over,
though some are still peeling in the.
! Coast counties. The price this year lias
! liC'i-n ft artil writx 1 nil 'vi.o
! 17 cents which proved a irreat atimtilui I v"rahty impressed with . the climate,
Vi the fiiscarfi ,rit ,.r-lu im.inf... 1 country, etc.
There was dittribnted in the cascara! We overheard one of the Chitskanic
growing dietii;.t for tiie last vear an- i teams say Sunday evening, after the
I proximately '.'M,im. Claike, Cowlitz! -'''" had ten bt-aten by the Rainier
anu iA-wia counties, Washington, were
'.n. , . I""1"" year. wur r.uouc scnroi suirtea up
iiioii;?ii uie price Jiaa oeen only one- mormng (LalKir Iay) with a full
uiiru uinui ;hbi year, rue inuuslry Has i ot ttachers and a good Attendance of
been the means of the distribution of ! scholar.
as considerable money this year, livery t. ,i Wiii t,..;j
the7rJ 'nV I', i ""ended the ball
iof Ui.vlr. iM. nf,lu, l,o(.. m.i. ween aim yisiicu inenuc
work of peeling begins. In this way all ,,,..,., ... ... ..
the ttees from two to three ichen in ! Mr: R' "' W h,Ut ef'!or oi lhe Rainier
- di!iiiir-t-'ii.trt tho lnrai ..u u, ,i;l Cazette, was seen walkimr uooneofthe
country declare that it will bo impossi- posed of. Only the vwy voung trees ' PI,111Pa streets iu the--eity last Sunday
primary teacher.
In the "miner I'otirt of th Slnlc of Ori-con. tnr
I'ilii:ntil4 I'wnnlv,
lu ih waiter ufihc rtti .( !..,!.(. AUlvWn
lri-al .
In Antoiil Al.trlwn i.raRVinler, Msrtu
bn it 1 111 .1 11 .,h ;,ii uii.l !..,;
ullirr hnlr. .if lh sikivo nniiir, U,aiw Allu
tn-n. itiiknnwn ami ri.,rir.-i.i..r.i .
I ml anil em:', ul you r lini t.y enminaml
i"l lo lie ami appisir U lnr itii- l,..u, K s Hal
lull. Ju.lBi- l ihv I ontif y 1 -owl i.l ll,.M,,
"n-Kiin (cr t;niii)ilii i nmur, in ihr court rtxno
ol lha e.iurt h'.ii.v In ,r i tlf til Nl ll. lnv..
lr'i.n. at tell o'elovk III Ihn ("rnii'inn on Hi.'
-irdd.r ol (. inlier, A. I. Itsil. an. hw rnu.a.
If anr rii.l. why ail onlnr ol rata .hi.ohl um t.
inaile by taul l inirt aiilluirlliiii, itfl.Tln ami
IlreplInK Kram AI.Wiii. n Admltiiuraior o
llifl imlu iMtiile, o .ell nt (, iliIKi anriimi ,,r prl
yaio lr, In tin manner nrovllil l.y law, i oe
fultnwlntf "eM-rHici! real ijr,,rtrrtv l.lni.!.li. 1..
aM t.lale. lo-wll:
lita a anil In Hwut.m fn, ami h, ri-r-ti..u
thlrly-onr, all In Towii.liin Innr (4) .v-.rlli
PI ItaiiKC four 141 Weal .,( Ui. Wlllmnnlui Mir
Mian, eo- l.fl ami r.n) i rH., a,
aiioMlns 10 Hid I moil statin !;:.;, al In I'otinly, Oriruotl. . . ,
hulil anl nay of o tl t. A. I. latl. ti!ln0ir
flrn ilay of ll.c (MrtoUr T. rm of nM Conrt, ami
Ix'lnn not I.... Hum ten (10) 'lays alier the .;r-
, - in mi. 1'iiaiioii.
W its ens iiiy 1 1 11 ii -1 ami tlin eal of m.l.l (.ourl
auiAVl iiuq u u liny Ol Allifll.l, A, II. 1'JUI,
li II, HI'.MlhKi-llS,
!' I l lnrk i,l i, f'oiuiiy Court
Uy W. A It a Ran, lt uiy.
(if AH. J. C(;flN,UiKI Any. lor AUuiliil.tralor.
Patronixe a.ilruj store when ytm
want pure, frt-sh and reliable
Drugs and Patent Medicines t
Perfumery, Toilet Articlcf Mtc.
A Fine Line of Writing Supplies.
Plain ami Decorated Crcpc Paper, IJtc.
Direct from Poblislier-Redular 25-cent Novels Onlv 10 Cents
nave oeen vittfuitr u-il, tt,.t .m Vm... r
K. Hawkins and wife the past several I tru'.t . "' n. kni'lsis quite plentiful
around here. The writer luis noticed
,my one man could do toward Making li"'B ttlB 'rl:
the forthcoming session a cicili;nbie one ' n,f""9 death to
io tlio Mate.
Fisher, notwithstanding the dense smoke ' me very f'"e t'1'8". apples and
hovering over the country, was verv fa-i Prunts'
r.vcrynoriv mviteM to tlie ic cr'-am
social this I' riday evening at Perry's hail.
One of N. A. Ferry's horses was badly
itiitirifil tviliir.liiv t'.t ti,f I...... 1
. " . -j ... j ho, ti't-n ii..r-
tieiied is not known.
Ix.ys: " V.'ho frowed dat futt brick hot." I The Kpwortli Uoguc is well attended
llurpitolic schrol suirted up Monday j cvtry bunday evening at this place.
I ,u corin, a wagon loan oi our young pcipl2 ci-
tended the dance at the Ayrcs place lost
Saturday night. A nice time was re
ported. Mrs. F.lizntictli Perry was taken sud
denly ill Saturday afternoon but is re
ported much improved at this writing.
Sunt. Copeland is kept busy the laj:
few days sending out the announcement
oi tne tcacners' institute, which is to be
HI' M M O.N (4.
In lhi Circuit f:onrt of the 8tnto of Ori'Kon tor
III!? difinty of Cotionhla.
Ablilo W. hotilid. I'.alntlir, u John It. Squire
To John h. tiiilr, ilt In th ly en-
iiiot'i aou
A Von r- hurebir n qnlri'il to a.inr and an-
"n in mi
I Ootolier,
Tho lumbermen cf
bleto resume logging ' operations unlif (are left. It requires about nine years i evening with a Llatskamc belle hanging; held at Rainier September l.'lth, llth and
... i. Iiinn I.... In u on jjia arm. " . .
alter ft COlllOIete downfall of I'flin aim I "U'K .i-" vi K'ow inrge rnougu
,av t.k-n , . Thn f t ' ror PW" Wu, peeling. Hut scattered Wash Muckle and Dr. Cliff, of St. Hcl-
, , V i ; .Thu,tors,,t Cre Mre! through the woods of Oregon and Wesli-Uhs, were ClaUkanie visitors to tlie base
a, don ble edgetj., disaster. Iliey not only ington are enough casern a trees to keep ! '5i" game. '
iiesrroy imiDense qnaniuiea cf tmiuor i P"e'eia ouoy uuui me
initr thejr not eff the lumlor
'heir i.t)ire.
W...I1C .1 l-.VQ L.11 1 m. - - .
t. i. " 1 lie ftllKT flllil ffimn an tv . .......
nnvliii'l : " " worn are large enougll IO- n r- 1" 7'
Jiruuun ; I Ti l.IOT- r . n, ,,. The MlST i the ohleal anil nn.f
. i uicucs ia uiame'.er
Hshedin the. county.
Mrs. J.. Wilkinson has hLd her t.nrn
converted into a dwelling house, which
is quite an improvement lo that part of
TtioJapnare making preparations to
j celebrate tho fall of Fort Arthur,
Vr IO lilt- COini.lnltil II Ir.l ..,.1,1.1.1
Biiovcciiiitlcil .nil by the loih ilay u
h.l'l .nit I. ronimnifwl liy pluliitlir SKnlnt
ion liirdiMoliiiliin of Hie murrfnio' nonir uaes.
I.ilnif iii-iww'ii you mul th plolnliil baraln, ami
If you lull io Hii.n r Iiihi now ami t he bhi.i
lime, for waul llinniol, I In- j.l.liill It' vi HI liilu
lu'lKiiient aKiiiiul ou for ii.olinloii' of ll.a
murrlaio conlract now exl.tlni; ln-lweuu y.,u
ami .mil plaintiff.
'I nix wiiniiiori. In mailo mul m-rvail tiy piilill
'atli n In pnr.iinii': l i an orl r niaitu tiy Hie
Itonambla R. H. Ifiutnn, i ounty linliro for
Coltiinlila eoilnly, Mala of (ln oii, ir., the
Hilh lay of Ailuu.t, IWll; alil onlar provlilea
lh. I lh? (Inn pnl.lirnlliiii nf i hi. .iiiiimoii. .Iinll
ik iiiiuiR on too nun imy ol Atiirtl.t, ll.ll, ami
lhe lii.i iMilillcatlon on llivmil, ilnyof hupteui
Lan lvoi. W. M. HAVIS,
A MK H Kept 80. AtloriKiy for I'lnliltllT.
kix.'ki;kii cows" FoitTAtE-i"
oiler for eale, ut a bargain, six fri'sb-
cown, pne or ml ol them. This is a
great opportunity to get giWd eows at a
very reasonable price. JOfj. HAVItOKN,
Kt. Ifiduns, Org.
If 'Is. ;
Sts., .Portland
Opposlte the Perkins Hotel.
acres lonnted on W'illanictto Hlongh ; ac
commodatioiiH for 75 to 100 head cattle ;
daily boat. Inquire on place, MRS. C.
HftLKArv, caro steamer America, 8t.
i.eivun, Oregon.
ipfJum Y(IT Tw?t,'.-canl ' Yw-kU Filling in.
tell? At ,ho,lt lui,,nn(;r,- No J'"i. AH Work Ijiinraii-
JfoliavkllniWinftTWnl and Morrison Sts., PortlnwU Or.