Scrofula Makes hs presence known by many signs, glandular tumors, buncoes In the neck, cutaneous eruptions, in flamed eyelids, sore ears, catarrh and wasting diseases. Hood'sSarsaparilla Effects permanent cures. "Speak Itar Yourself. Lord Leicester ot Holkham, nearly hundred year ago, waa a widower, and In the latter part of bit life nearly blind. He enjoyed an intimate friend tblp with hli neighbor, Lord Albe marle, and bad, lu hit own mind, se lected Lady Aune, one of Lord Albe marle's daughters, a the future wife of bla nephew and the mistress of Holkham. One day Lady Anne came along to Join bis morning ride, and Lord Leices ter seised tb opportunity of asking her "Anne, my dear, how should you like to be mistress of Holkham ?" "There Is nothing I should like bet ter," snswered Lady Anne, drawlug herself np In her saddle "Then I shall send by nepbew Will iam to court you. Lady Anne drew herself np still more, snd tightening her rein, replied calmly but very gravely: "I shall never be mistress of Hoik ham on those terms." It wss then the old gentleman's turu to rein In his horse, Hs looked his companion hard In the face, and asked her, "Why, you dou't mean to aay you would marry me?" "Yes. Indeed I would. And there Is nothing I should wish more." This was a wooing thst was not "long -doing," and It led to a most happy marriage. Ot Wide Interest. Breed, Wis., July 18 Special Charles Y. Peterson. Justice of the Peace for Oconto Co., baa delivered judgment that is of interest to the whole United States. Put briefly, that judgment is, "Dodd'a Kidney Pills aie the best Kidney medicine on the market today." And Mr. Peterson gives his reason for this judgment. He sy: "Last winter I had an aching pain in my back which troubled me very ranch. In the morning I could hardly straight en my back. I did not know what it was but an advertisement led me to try Dodd'a Kidney Pills. After taking one Rnral Free Iellvr an Aid, At the recent lutoruatllnal Good i Roads Convention, at St Louis, Hon, Frank E. Nevtns, ot tht United States Postotfice Department, delivered an address In which he said: "The establishment ot the raral free delivery of mall throughout the coun- try has produced a marked Improve ment In the condition ot the highways. When there Is a prospect of rural free delivery in a community, work Imme diately beglus on the roads. There are now In operation 23.000 rural routes over which carriers travel o&OV 000 miles delivering mall to about 0,000,000 people. More than 18.000 brldgea hars been constructed over streams that would not have been built If it bad not been for the estab lishment ot the free delivery system. Nearly every portion of the country, where road conditions will warrant It, Is now supplied with this service. But In many sections the bad conditions of the roads, or the lack of bridges, pre vent the extension of the service. The rural carrier ot a standard route la now expected to travel about twenty Ave mtlee each day to earn his salary of $000 a year. He Is required to fur nish and maintain his own outfit and team, and to give a bond of 500 for the faithful performance of his duties. Experience has demonstrated that this distance is too great on account of the bad condition of the roads. So many carriers have resigned, thereby caus ing much confusion and labor In the department, that the Congress Just ad journed has been compelled to add $170 a year to the salaries of the car riers of the country. This Increase of salaries amounts to about $4,000,000 a year additional that the department has to pay to maintain this service on account of bad roads. Over a good graveled or macadamised pike road a carrier can easily make twenty-live miles a day tlx times a week. With the roads as they are. It la a question whether the next Congress will not be called upon to add another $4,000,000 to the salaries of the carriers. "Under the road laws of most of the Western States at the present time work Is done upon the roads In tb fall by the various road districts, when there Is no work to be done on the also furnish breakfast In Hambtrrg there Is attached great weight to pro viding proper dinner for the children, the sxpsnse ot which s mounts to about 88,000 mark ($6,004) annually. In Brunswick, Breslau, Cologne, Kiel, Poeeo and Nuremberg dinner, In addi tion to breakfast 1 also furnished. In Breslau, Charlottenburg, Dussel dorf, Halle, Mannheim and Uagde burg the food 1 distributed by publte Institutions, while in the other towns it 1 furnished by charitable societies. The municipal authorities ot Danslg, Dortmund, Hamburg. Hanover, Ko ntgsberg and Poaen contribute toward the funds, however. The breakfast I not alway the same; tor Instance, whit bread, dry or buttered, and milk; milk, with cof fee and bread; coffee or soup and bread, or soup mad of flour and white bread. Usually tb children receive milk, the quantity given being from three gill to a pint The last men' Honed quantity 1 provided to Kiel, INVISIBLE HANDWRITING. Transfer Left bjr Ink Which Ma Ba KMdllT Developed. In wrIUug with certain forms ot Ink on ordinary paper, placing the sheet after thorough blotting in contact with a White sheet of paper. It la possible to make on this latter an Invisible trans ference, .which, as M. A. Bertllloa has shown, may be rendered visible by ths use of certain methods. In fact a let ter placed for seversl hours between ths leaves of a book will leave Its secret in this book, snd a falsification In a ledger may be proved by the ex amlnatlon ot the page against which the falsified page rests. A 8wlss Investigator (R, A. Reles, of Lausanne) has recently made Investi gations in reference to the above phe nomenon and in reference to the con ditions under which It may be pro duced. It appear that tb forma tlon of the Image dependa principally on the Ink, although It waa discovered that the latent Image may be produced by nearly one-half ot the tnka In cur rent use, out of thirteen different varie ties of ink seven hsvlng produced a positive result It further appeared that the formation ot the Image de pended upon the presence of sclds In the colored mixture, the gum snd the sugar having no part In the phenom ena, although the paper on which the writing has been placed gtvee different result. The best results were obtained with paper well sited and polished, for the reason thst the contact In this case 1 closer, thus favoring the production of the Image. Tb duration of the contact I not necesssrily long. In general about an boor, while In order to reveal the Ira- Avers Losing your hair? Coming out by the combfulP And doing nothing? No tense in that I Why don't you use Ayer's Hair Vigor snd Hair Vigor promptly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will dis appear. Could you reason ably expect anything better? inr-i Titer ts s staal wlta l. My (.IHiii out t.ry kadlf . but Ih. Nslr Vl(r itoi-ixd It uo ait It I. 11 tlbt,"- W. U. Lousuo. Uaasat . CI. ft m t von. j. e. t co. All a at for Thin Hair TRIWEEKLY TOMAN Va. Ifit.l .'vV.WLk.'thM 'li I'ui Mil, . .,, I r now a ever I did before." pears. Nothing permanent remains. I sorted to. Tb first method Is to an Pain in the back is one of the first , nd the roads ars In as bad condition, P,T the back of the abeet on which the symptom of Kidney disease. If not or worse, than they were before. Ths latent Image Is supposed to be a warm cured by Dodd'a Kidney Pills it may aeveiop into Brigbt's Disease, Dia betes, Rheumatism or some of the other deadly forms of Kidney Disease. Aa Author Pensioned. Two British author are at present to the public eye on account of pen sions they are receiving. Joseph Con rad has $1,500 from the British So ciety of Authors, which generosity is explained by the fact that the au thor, whose writings are among those in greatest demand by tbe publisher to-day, yet seems to have difficulty In providing for his dally wants, say the New York Globe. Tbe Immediate reason for the pension, moreover, wa the accidental burning of a manu script which catastrophe so depressed Mr. Conrad thst his friends thought it wise to relieve him from the ne cessity of anything so humdrum and sordid a looking out for his bread and butter. The case of Conrad can hardly fall to recall that of Carlyle, who, when Mill brought the disastrous new of the destruction of a complete book of the "Revolution," spent the evening in attempting to cheer the culprit and then set about tb rewriting. i i-vai oi ,imi io o,uuu a mil ror tn . au oruiuary nauron, wnicn is neta construction of hard roads in this la place nnUl the psper Is slightly Western country Is too great In most browned, after which ths lmsge will Instances, for road districts, townships I appear sometimes very clear aod com and counties to bear; neither la It P'ete. The other method does not msk right that they should bear the entire nT change In the paper to be exam- cost Tbe public at large, which shares lned, and consists In plsctng In con directly or indirectly In tbe benefits, tact with tbe latter a sheet of nltrsts should contribute to the expense. I ' silver photographic paper for sev l here never will be good roads In this I rl hours six to twelve the two country until the National Government 'beet being exposed to the light Tbe takes tbe initiative In this movement Photographic paper will completely and the respective States of the Union blacken, but the latent Image will Join In with liberal contributions, and stand forth very distinctly, it should this again is supplemented by local be stated that the leaf on which enterprise. Continental Europe, Eng- latent Image exists loses this lmsge by land and Ireland are covered with contact with water or alcohol. rarls hard broad pikes built at the expense I'lllustratlon. or the governments of those countries. Hauls' Awakening, In Russia It 1 tbe government only that sleeps. The people are nwake and aatlr, says the author ot "Greater Kuasla." They are making uew de mands and fv ling a new freedom which la spparent every day In the abaence of the former rigid repres sion, and lu ths frequent Indulgence lu license that Is miscalled liberty. One will sometimes see on the pal ace quay at St. Petersburg a Hue of people waltlug for the steamer to tuke tbeni to the Islands. Along comes some high official who, Instead of awaiting bis turn, drives to the head ot the line and crowds lu ahead of the others. Formerly such an occur rence would have been received In alienee as a matter of course, but now the people hiss snd deuouuc the otll clal, and police do not Interfere. If a street csr Is delayed for a con nection at some transfer atatlon, the passengers often become riotous and demand their fare back, or begin to pound on the floor and even break windows until the police mske tbe driver go sbead without wsitlng for the other car; and be Is not allowed to atop agnlu until he reaches hi destination. If an omcer remonstrates with a street car conductor for lack of cour tesy to a passenger the crowd will at once Interfere, and even the offended passenger turns on blm. Tb officer 1 told to give bl orders to soldiers who have to obey, not to free men who do not. and not to interfera t tween men wno are as good as be Is. These are trifling things In them selves, says the traveler, but to one One Hundred Years Ago. The Governor of New Hampshire re fused to alun the bill the Legislature had passed agreeing to the amendment to the constitution, adopted by two thirds of the States. At a meeting of the chiefs of the Seneca Indians lit Ituffalo, N. Y., one of the tribe was accused of the practice of witchcraft and executed. The Legislature of Massachusetts of fered a bounty for the encouragement of the cultivation of hemp lu that State. General IVasnllnes. of Haytl. for mally declared war against Spain, em ploying cruisers to Intercept Spaulab vessels. For three weeks there had been an almost Incessant fall of rnln lu the Middle KiiNteru States which caused much damage to er.nn In that section. George and eleven of Ills fellow con spirators Were gulllotlucd at Parte, Seventy-five) Year Ago. The Hoard of Aldermen of Boston re fused to allow the Treiuolit Theater to he oH'ii on the Fourth of July, that lay being Saturday. Commercial affair In Turkey were in a distressed state owing to the sels ii re by tli Sultau's order of sll c-smels bringing produce to market snd con veying supplies to th people of Con stantinople. The courts of Georgia, In order to prevent gambling lu the State, ordered lint heavy flues should be Imposed for such offense. Jiuues I M. Suilthson. founder of the Smithsonian Institution, died at He lion. Italy. The t'miui U .-41 mM tn !e negotiating with the Rothschild for another large loan. Work on the Hunker 11 111 monument who has long kuown Russia they are was suspended for lack of funds. startling signs of a new spirit of freedom. raw The case of Miss Frankie Orser, of Boston, Mass., is in teresting to all women. "Dear Mrs. Pischam: I suffered misery for several years. My back ached and I had bearing-down pains, and fre quent headaches. I would often wake from restful sleep in such pain and misery that it would be hours before 1 could close my eye again. I dreaded the long nights and weary days. I eould do no work. I consulted differ ent phrsicians hoDlnir to vet relief. but, finding that their medicines did not euro me, I tried Lydia E. Pink ham'a Vegetable Compound, aa it waa nigniy recommended to me. 1 am g-lad that I did so, for I soon found that It was the medicine for my case. Very soon I waa rid of every ache and pain and restored to perfect health. I feel splendid, have a fine sDnetite. and have gained In weight a lot." mum trauma Ukseh, 14 WarrentoD 8t, Boston, Mass. ISOOO forfiM Iferlglnm jfjj?" araaois fiwMMsa mmmI pn- Surely yon cannot wish to re main weak, sick and discouraged, and exhausted with each day's work. Some derangement of the feminine organs la responsible for thla exhaustion, following any kind of work or effort, Lydla K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound will help you just aa it haa thousand of other women. No country In the world ever yet had or ever will have permanent and pass able highways constructed and main tained by local authority. "Sixty per cent of tbe population of this country lives In the cities and vil lages; 40 per cent lives In the country, It is not fair or just to place the en tire burden of good roads upon th shoulders of the farmer. The general public shares directly or Indirectly In the benefits and should bear tbs ex pense of an equitable tax for thla pur pose on all assessable values. Tbe weight of It upon tbe individual would then be as light as a summer shadow. none wis specter or taxation may frighten some of our skittish country friends and cause them to rear and plunge a little, they will find on closer Inspection that tbe goblin 1 a harm- leas creation of tbe Imagination. They will get back in benefit ten time more than they will pay out In tax. "Why some of our friend spurn Government aid when It Is offered them I cannot understand. They claim to be opposed to It on principle, and can see no good in it There are soma people so constructed that when look lng Into a pool of water they can nev er e th iky and th cloud abov It reflected on Its aurfacc, but only tbe mud at ths bottom, "This Government never falls -to do the right thing In the end. It will not fall to do tbe right thing In this In stance. Tbe Impetus given to this movement by a few progressive states men who Introduced measure in Con gress last winter authorizing national aid in the conatrnetJnn nf hl.K,.. will ultimately nrodnc th. mW tb Lower Angara, on which aim ah it nnni f.u a ... v.. I Irkutsk 1 situated. . . - v w The Great Raselaa Lake. Lake Baikal, which figures so much In the Oriental situation, 1 a some what remarkable body ot water. Ita name Is a corruption of the Turkish Bel-kul, "rich lake" tbe reference be ing, presumably to tbe valuable fish with which It swarms. Lake Baikal Is the third largest body of water In Asia. Tbe Caspian and Aral seas are tbe two larger. Both are salt however, while Baikal I fresh, It is, therefore, the largest fresh wa ter lake tn Asia, and th sixth tn size In tb world, tbe five Great Lake of North America each exceeding It area. It water occupy a remarkable depression In the vast plateau of Cen tral Asia. Th level of It water 1.S0O feet above the sea, whll th bot tom of tb lake Is, In some places, more wan 8.000 reet below the ses level. Its depth Is, therefore. 4.300 feet In the deepest parts. Tbe lake la 830 mile long, and from nine and a quarter to forty mile wide, Its waters are a deep blue, and re markably clear. There are a number of Islands In It; the largest Olkhon, Is forty-two miles long. There are nu merous hot aprlngs on the shores, and earthquake vibration are frequent The annual value of It salmon, stur geon and other fisheries Is about on hundred and sixty thousand dollars, Fresh water seals are abundant and they are caught for their fur. It re ceives the waters of several streams. the main one being the Balnega River, eight hundred miles long. The upper Angara River, also of considerable size, enters It northeastern end. Its I Baal Cons Syrup. TutM OockL OSS Fl . . la Urns, Sold by dragglw. fSf cause tbe public Interest demands It; the progress or tbe age demands It tbe welfare and development of th country at large demand It and It Is bound to come in spite of those who raise their voices In opposition to It" Th reason why th Siberian Rail road wa not built around th southern end of tbe lske 1 that tb solid rock of the mountain reaches to th wa ter's edge, and the task would be her culean. Event In th Eat may com pel It nevertheless. FREE MEAL8 FOR PUPILS. European School Look After the Wel fare of th Poor Scholars. It Is the boast of American that their public school system la tbe best In tbe world, but there Is one respect at least In which Germany leaves tbe States far behind. In several cities of tbe fatherland free meals are pro vided at tbe public schools for chil dren needing additional nutriment the custom prevailing by the report of Consul Warner at Lelpslc in twenty one cities. With the exception of Berlin, Baa- men, Brunswick and Nuremberg, not only tbe poor but tbe aick and Infirm children were also given breakfast. In Magdeburg food is only supplied In very bard winters Instead of break fast dinner Is given to the children In Dresden, Munich. Stettin and Btrass- Consider the other side ourg, out in iluulcb it Is projected to . be unreasonable. Betting oa a Sure Thing. Tbe magistrate was German, but the prisoner at the bar wasn't "You been her before, already," said tbe magistrate. Bur I has," said tb prisoner. "How many time arrested?" asked the judge. 'Awl I been pinched mor time than I got fingers an' toe," said Mr. Plugugly, "an' I waa alwaya dis charged. Th magistrate took a long look at tb prisoner. Then, leaning toward blm tn a confidential way, b laid: I'll bet yon 120 you're not dis charged now." "Put ten on that for m. If a cinch," aid tb court policeman who stood near by. New York Sun. PlTe rmwiniiniM noaunitm HO aJUrSrtlar'.uMfDr.Kltn.l.UraiNwsl attlorwr. H.rd for rr.. SV trt.l bcxtj.tnd 'fir. Iw. M. a. kU!u. Arcs Hi. r&liMltpbia, rs Fifty Men sad One Elephant, Interesting tests were msde cently la the Madison Square Garden. New Vork, to determine the respective puillug power of burses, men and ele phants. Two horses, weighing 1,000 pounds each, together pulled 3.700 pounds, or M0 pounds more thsn their combined weight. One elephant welub- lug 12.000 pounds, pulled 8,730 pounds, or 3.230 pounds less than bis weight nny men, sggregatlng shout 7.500 pounds in weight, pulled 8.750 pounds, or Just aa much as the single elephant But like tbe horses, tbey pulled more fifty Year Ago. The law forblddlug th Intermar riage of blacks and whites wss abro gated. Tbe Hloux war began. The American ticograuhleal Society. founded In 1N."2. was chartered. A military Insurrection brok out In Spain. Madrid was declared lu a stats of siege. bight Itimslan ships sailed out of SevaatoMil and s tucked ths allied naval forces. The estimated dtstsnc of th sun wss reduced by Hansen. eSronic Sores Eating Ulcers . .i ! is sourcs of so much trouble a an old sore or ulcer, par .t ? rS Xn locatid fupoo th. lower ...romllle. where the circulation tSSSS A f .ngr-n-u. ..tin ulcer unor, the l.g 1. 1 r!Xful .ht...Td a th. poLon burrow Jetper and up into the .' ., . Seneatli and the tore continues to apreau, one can almost ses ths tissue boneain ami . ,freiitrt i an nir out w it h the .ti m i: . st aatatsnv : - 7;.. harue Great runnlnK wre and deep oiicnsivs ulcsrt 0fi,B in- danger alwaya. because wliile all auch orc are not caq. Si .f.w.h..Ung ulcer, and .ore. paruUr In j.(taj urt. are (eiin " a"""1" ihiuj. vuur family. anc because they are o rsittent and unsinnuy Wbs.llns, W, V., May S, ISO. persistent Situ unsin'y gnsseyere aao wniie as wera.x nusm struck I an much IrOllt sss awsisir iaj sws si sir ssiss, aislue4 and delrail .0 b.0,ai pind result, end th doctor Vl one' personal appearance. m t w.uia a ruaiitna sores for nr., h. it-111. .....I ami old nc a- if Ihsy lol up th result would be falsi. 0a. Middle ad ana era pc- hu ai.MUr.n, 1 uri mt iri5. pie and those whose blood ,0dt.,ort.aoiiasaf a. m. a. iisae L contaminated and taint- were arompl ami isralirytn. I lawk ealy a short t contsminaieu - WB(, it msslluln ur up toaaorea.aa t ad with th. (ferin and pol- not aaad la ttoetaf iiulKswa I t. . tm.U,;.nrhHiH tire- aelifcertweeUe ors r brokaa ei !, a4 ton of malaria or n no i Mw , fmmn h , eii4 tne west last w viou sickness, sre the duel serteed eeeartsMt. J0J(lf w yp,,,,,, suffered from chronic .ore. 0m B,huHh HrewUa Co. ' and nicer.. While the .... , , blood remain. In an unhealthy polluted condition, and the sore will continue to grow and spread In .pile of wathc. and salves, for th sore ( the outward litfn of some constitutional disorder, bad condition of the blood and system, which local remedies cannot cure. A blood pu rifier and tonic is what you need something to cleanse the blood, quicken the circulation and Invigorate the constitution, and S. S. 8. is iust such a remedy. It counteract, and removes from the blood 41 1110 iiiniitMMi, m iai. uslly builds up the entire system; snd when the blood has been purified the healingprocrts begins and the ulcer or sore is n entirety gone. S. 8. S, contains no mineral or poisonous drug, of any description, but is guaranteed purely vegetable, a blood purifier and tonic combined and a aaf and permanent curs for chronic sore and ulcer. If you have a slow heal fng ore of any kind, citernal or internal, write u about it, and our fihysicisn. will sdviee you without charge. !Wk on "The UUmd and ta Diseases " free. INC 9WlfT SPCCtftC CO ATIAMTA, OA, Oa Mot- Crash Io Coin. A trarellug man (topped at a hotel st Montlcello. Th proprietor told him I'ubllo Ht'huul la Itaaela. tt.M-lal Service give him lit sta tistics regarding public school In Hue- be could not lodgs blm - not room In sia. There sre M, 54. public schools la th bous." said commercial trsvvler. 1 the Kiuplr. of which number eo.lSl 'Th traveling man prutsaled. H sr under th jurlMlctlou of tb Win must bva room, finally th propria-1 istor of Public Education, 4'J.Mut unil.r tor told blm ther wss s room. llttls; u jurisdiction of the lluly "ynod. sad room separated by s thin psrtltlon , th. remainder under other dafisrt from a nervous nisa who bsd lived la menu, (if th pupils. 73.1U7 ar adults. ins nous tor ten J ears. "'II I to nervous.' said tb land lord, 'I don't dare put anyou to thst room. Tb least Dulse might gtv blm a nervous spell that would endanger his lire.' " 'On. slvt me a room,' said tbs trav eler. 'I'll be so quiet be 11 . tnow I'm there.' "Well, tb room wss given th trav eler. II tlliuted In noiselessly and begsn to disrobe. II took off on article of clothing after another at uuletly at a burglar. At lati be cam to bis shoes. Us unlscrd a shoe snd then, msullk. dropped It "Tbe shoe fell to the door with a great noise. The offending traveler. I. IH boy and l.'.iCi.iarj atrla Tb teacher number IT'.'.issi Th main-leiiam- of thra school costs mor than f.'S.iam.isM, The average school tsx for rlty schools Is 10 50 aud tut vlllsge school f.1 per pupil. tky lKWCCr1INC-T0eAC0l m ruai riawvuniir uiwum ro sun Kajinaiiaai mm stttntmnt- savjawjai forty Year Ago. me srresi or i wo msll driver s Maukato. Minn., disclosed thst xtn tbsn tbelr own weight One hundred lr u"ferl"lf frolu the mslls had been men pulled 12,000 pounds. csrrted on fur a long time In that .Slate, On the Chicago Hoard 370.000 bush els of wheat sold for prices ranging rrom to l.t3 per bushel. ine constitutional convention of Maryland passed a measure freeing ill His Only RtruKe. It wa a well-dressed young man. with a sad, faraway look In hi eye, tbat stood on th step a tb lady openea tne door. Excuse roe. madam." be said, as he slaves snd Drohlbltini slsv.rr in th. MflMl hla hn l,t MtiM .fi.. ' - juu unni nuiurp, me 10 me nome ror ine r nendless?" Kentucky, slotiir the Ohio Rlv.i- 1. Do you mean to say that you are the vlclnltv of Leiimrtnn ... " reiua-oi sue ssaeu 10 with Confederal- u-.u.rin.. .u.r..c. Ma or Oeneral IV H ll....-. 41 I am, madam," he replied. "I am r.,i .....i. s.i , umpire." Chicago Dally iM home mmM. t..r ,.r,...t- i-onreaerate guerrilla raid Failed to Hear Her. It I (aid." remarked th moral- Izer, "that fortune knock one at ev ery man' door?" 1 guess tbe old girl forgot to remove her glove when she knocked at mine,' rejoined the demoralizer. a baseball N w. $5 For a Name $5 rcna in ien or mor. name-or you if people . with means to sreura a Hu.inu van...if..n by and fur Ihe firm una that enrolls purchanlna i:.r,i ('..iw.l.. li,.,i.n. in, , trom usaseholarshiii. w. in r.mii. t. il general toncua, Itepubllcan, killed ... - - - - - i .. , were cioaeu at Milan for thirty Year Aqo. Tbe corner stone of tb Chicago rost- omce ami custom nouse wss laid. rourteen persons were killed snd 100 Injured when the floor of the Central Baptist Church of Syracuse, N. V., In wnicn a strawberry fesUvsl waa In progress, gnve way A two days' battle at Cheloa, Snaln. resulted in the defeat of 10.000 CarllsU a Itepubllcan force half aa lr easb. Addrens, rktwell Business College, Tacoma, Wash. BUY S o u I D FROM erjulpplng the railways of upper Italy wuii American mane palace cars. A Jury of prominent physicians In New Vork was gotten together to de. tormlne bow far blood poison contrib uted to death from hydrophobia. o 13 YOUR DCALCR fou may B saw II V If, V YOU CAN EARN $25.00 PER DAY Oattlng Watar, Oil or Coal with AUSTIN WELL DWLLS Made In all slxet and styles. Wrlta for ;aia- lorues ami nit of users la us wait. H twenty Yeera Ago. I 'I I,.. U ,, 11,1... . ..,t 't. . , . wuiiuiTi m auu ijsuvri ibxcnange of Chicago opened, with beadouarture at 15U La Halle street. Tbe heirs of Ulchnrd Wagner re fused an offer of 1200,000 from au American for th excluslv right to rarsirai." Tb city of Toulon, In Franc, was stricken with an epidemic of cholera. A bill to Incorporate the national en campment of th Grand Army of th Republic wa Introduced In tbe Na tional Senate. The ground 'of the Waahlngton Park Driving Club were opened to the public ror the first time. Tbe third general council of tbe re formed church (pan-PrebyUrlao) opened In Belfast, Ireland. Beall I Co. 11)9 Cornrasr clsl Block. PORTLAND, OKB. II V Klliitlnatloa. On day as I'at halted at th top ol th river bank, a man, famous fur bis luiulltiv mind, (lopped and asked: "How long hav you hauled wata horrified at what he had don., waited tat 'Mag, my good mauT to haar from tbe nervous nisn. Noli "Tl" years. sr." a sound. II took off th a.-.m,1 "Ah! How mnnv l..,t. .1., i.k. and placed It noiselessly utmn th floor In a dav " Then In absolute sllenr b finished un- ' Trom till tn fifteen. or," dressing and crawled between the! "Ah, yes! Now. have pMMetn Half an hour went by. II had have you hauled In all. slrr droppl Into s dose when ther cam j Tb driver of the watering cart Jerk r'on'T'h.r.'veiT1",1" ,n P"rU' bi ,"um'' ,",lk' ord lb. wbsts tb matlerr h iskrd. Then I. " J. cams the vole of th nervous nun: ror murhs n1 e...ts ther I no bettet Iliania youl I iron that mha. mndlcln than I'la,,'. i-ur. r... i!..b.,. sbo!'" Indianapolis News. The lladlnm Atom. Blr Oliver Joseph Lodge, the Rngllsh physicist, contends tbat radium haa not upset received scientific doctrine. He says thst those who thought It was sn Inexhsuatlhls store of energy, or wss generating energy s fresh which ua uoi previously existed, were nils lasen. liuo. I'rti. A HniM'k-lltiwn Araanieni. 8kenie - Vim ha siven me many n.essage frin d'arle. fri.u.l., but But on of Hi no has told u soythiug I uiitn't know. Medium (with diinltfl-t would ksv you understand, sir. ihst Hi spirit of tli dead h.. oiiietliius better to it than to coin baik lo earth Slid ttsrk school. lb rsdluin Stnm hud In II luru store of CtlJSrsrW (liat sass .1.. ..... hd. If they eould ! radium fa..!. ' ""l Mrs Wiu.l,,.,-. Sooifclr.f ther -,. Ia 1 r(,""u '0"' r'ia.l.1,.,..riuiiwu,ihMolilt4f wouiu nna inm. rul a. qui! it sny other stoma; only on In minion would seen to tie ss It were, smashing up, throwing off bit of Itself, snd th whole nronertv of r. dium dependid upon thst. Everything material was In a stats of flux-there wss birth, culmination and deear- n.,.i this was a characteristic of the mate rial universes universe which must hsv had sn origin, Th birth of nutt ier as well ss tht death of matter was wbat they wers now looking for. luiluj to iMtailif rsrlod.. On th oih.r Hand. TSJJ "Of course," remarked the very ynung tnnii who knows It all, "a wom an's 'no' always men na 'ye.' "Perhaps It does." replied th man with th scanty ,atr; !, -m tiltM hero to tell you that her 'yes' norrt nieaut 'no.' "Chicago New. I lf0 Reward. IO0. Th. refUrsot ihlsr..r wilt lie laatl U l.ain thai ili.r. k.i least out diaadiKl dliaM ha. Iu all. lo rura lu all Ha Think Moan liiluel.,.,. An English writer assert, n... .. !'.!':"( ."" Hall's r.t.rt p.,.,,!,.,, . ., , . " ,"in-.Mnr iwiiiii run auuwn lo in cmgllsll puoill hav. urtl. ,.., ' ine-llral It alerullv. I .i.rrh ii... n. Stud lihvslcallv lu......... ... .. . . i '""'al disw, rniulre. a eouitltuikoial tr..t- .,, ." , -.-m.ui ine too rr-!ii"iii lull si ai.irht ur.i.iat.iiluiaruallr, . - ... u "v j . winy. say, ar too clean us a natural oil i make It .,,r.,.u .. ' '" a.i,ti, , - w naa our t in t"l'fisu,rs hat. so inn. h i. removing this oil with loan In enn ! i"'""" "' nr nr on iHdlsrt secuence. w. sr. lor. Z, Jl! 'Kif r.i1 w "" w cold to rheum,n, tlld , , .i,..., k. J. H.gNkt A C0.,Toldo,0. Usil'i Kamily I'llli ara the bast oap. Th ICnirllsh ha "'" '"''Ir uin th. I.. and mueous nil. 1 h .reator gart J'iiidii.,o -l m -n-.,, ami nvim iha ia to protect tin a,.i ..... "'iisitt ir l-aiidiu n. e..ii.iuuif..u . 11 '"sMi.tiii. uaiur. lu ,r.l, lis wurk. Th pas our lima l"l'fitu,rs hat. , murh l.iih In U curatlv M - .IT"' .8"'P 0I,m,, ""' ,,rB th. .kin. aod disease enter, with ease Th Huwntrodd.n. said the man with th "Itemeinber," red face and anar v will turn." ' ' " won" "Well," answered th eot.i i.i........ citizen, "let him. About .it .i. fort the average worm u.i. i. . ........' bi wrlggle'-Washlnirton Mtite .... Pr' Oplnlniti No. ma'am," said the hobo who wa figuring on a ,d1)ut ,!., 00 "'Klar tramp. 1 n-,u Wor years ergo, but inn ship got wreikt au' I wus wuahed ashore," "And It's a safe bet.' retorted tli niiayinpalhetlf) female, UlIlt u0 neon wnabed since." P. N.U. Na. J0-l04. WHW wrttlnv to ads.rtls.ra plaaaal mentlua till papar. I Ten Year Ago. Francois Bsdi-sOarnot, Pruldant ot th ITrcnch Republic, waa aalnatd In Lyons by Oesar Giovanni Santo. Id. Oaalmlr-Porler waa elected Pres ident of th Republic of France to auo ceed the murdered Caraot Th trial of Prsndergast, murdsrw of Carter H. Harrison, to dtarmln his sanity was commtneed In Chicago. IM..., u f ni.i., "'l;'ioliidlnth.lllrii.h.,uuil.,n i7, lhu.,S. l' I" "ah. Tl I-iiimIui eat at oiALaei rr-Vi.,;,:.t "A"""' "' ' "lrl (I i,,,, ,J j .u-qhhi ba. VWatTLAKi vu, " , " "'.ill sunn., O,., Aa RUSSELL "gin&Ebs s'Vs High Grade Hs Machinery The A. H. Averill Machinery Co. Portland, orwion. Writ. W Caiahigu, and Pries.