The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 15, 1904, Image 2

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    .1) 1. -.1 1 a 1.1 II sa-a-a-aa-a-a----------
T?fi iSlf'i'f Tti . iVT ' "...-... . 1 u ' - - -r-r- fH!,!a-l-,--r.-:;L'-;.---.- 'I " - ' J.-1 - ? """
tlH IMlll II 1 nuuiiumi, .A W..0.1 son. rnrMu - r ' 1
" -- ' a. .. Swr .a. I A karnini M nMiLnsivMl'IIIJI, A
f.ntctM at the Postofhee at St. Helens,
vrvuon, as secona-ciaaa mail matter.
Issuer Evkkv Fhiday By'
Proceeding ol the I'onaty Cv.rt, J.Iy
Term, iv.
A W..O.I ...
A kmine-na.-...
Adjourned to 7th tnit.
ne copy, one yenr, in advance . . . .l 00
motths 60
legal notices 25 cents per line,
FRIDAY, Jt'lV 15.
ti i i. il " r
it is oniy a lew snort years tinea
William Jennings Bryan, the featlcss
july 7, 8u ji uicul day
In the matter of the petition of the
directors of School litrict No. 30 to lay
In theuialtM of .pprovin the official ' W,er ,n rMl1'
bonds of county officer elect, the follow f""1'.10' no iier'ere with flub
inir officers ..,.,, i.r - ,Jlc ,rav1 county
R.S..Hattan. theoounthid,anJn..J . In tl,e ,,mtu'r ' Mt,in n.onntof
perW.OQi.nty.MuuiUsiunw.M.avinff ?. " . "i'V1 '.VU 'ltor, ordered
previously' qqsifl by lilins with the. . ta colleo-
clerk their, certificate of .l. ti., ..! ; wr' Hilton to Lis official bond.' in
oath olr office . Martin W hite, sheriff . . n ' 'AW'WM ln until
elect. H. Henderson, count el..rk eU-t. I ",- 11H- lto"1 tM -mount
KUwiu Roes, county treasurer elect, W,
r iranviia ... .' - '
orator of the Finite, atatutveded the "y "veyor elect, It. K.
Ttemocratic National Convention irlthPT. '7 'w
Alie declaration that labor ahonld not Lln ll,e ' petition of O. E
r e crucified upon ejews of gold. Mr.
ran would not stand for iU The sal-
now presented hy sheriff to the court
aud same was approved.
In the mutter of authorising the draw
ing ol the county officers salary warrants
Uunterfora license to sell lioiior ami i . y . C0U.n,y clcrlt' orJerH "
hard eider, liuanae granted for one rear . . 7 ,tH co"nl!"llmli monthly
i.i - - . . ' on tno it iiflv i.r N1...1I.
.. . . . i.irotu jniT uin.iijiu . . i ... -.. v. u.uih.i, ...
'on 01 ine country depended unon . .. " " -. .1. ....
t.A ..ii.:. i ,... 1 ie matter of anoolntimr aeon-. V P"'n 01 a. u.
lru tviiunu vi liner , . ...., : -. r . KuUdiuian
9 ratio ol lQto 1, w.thout the con- . p.miv, ptmiuns 01 . c
0 anr other natkin., In.WI th.r"'"'" "'. m. owier were
gx-urrai oiuns uir f . . '
,initeathattl.e concirrecce of other "V" ? pwifon of
..itions in our idfaeof nuance was some- rr,so" "U,CI1' conta.ns a larger num-
thing to be eerlouslT Lr 01 .el 01 lx Wo aaid pre-
and others, for a brldue
rose the Nehaleiu river,; teuort of the
iBdn. U rn,eJ t0th8 "J it appear-!" "my to building w,f3
imong Uieji . . . bride was presented to the ennrt ..,.1
depriving ua of an opportunity to show jc'n ,n" 01 M- is
oqr Independence. Oul a lew short n mai unson iitcii-
-eara.and ni w fi,,.l it, n,. -in " n1 he hereby appointed con
lug to stand own a platform coutainimr 'W oi"iJ R'n''- precinct, and that
HO declaration whatever unon the u,one ' uhty ccrding to law
qoeatioa, and support a candidate who
la known to be a thorough gold stand
rd man, and who ia in close, touch with
the money tnonareha of the counlrv
And all this as Uie name of party regu
larity. H hat a pitiful spectacle it was
when the erstwhile leader of Democracy
plead with the convention to ask of
Judge Parker some concession that
would salve hit concieccs for his re
nunciation of hit vilxlt -principles in
favor of his party? .Ala. Bryan, if he is
an honest maa, must believe that Judge
rarker ts an enemy of the common
people, and yet he will support hiui in
the name of party. Uow dilferect the
anion of the nominee, who would not
consent to, run upon a platform which
in the matter of appointing a justice
of the peace and constable in Deer Is
land precinct, it appearing to the court I
I. .ft Cim. Vff Ml
the sune being adverse, petition is de
In the matter p.( dstroyluj. tl, poll
books, tally sheeis," ballot and stub
over two year old, it waa ordered that
all such be destroyed by fire, up to and
including the election of June, J1XU, in
the presence of the court.
Ia the matter of maintaining the of
fice of county road master, the com-
CliHskanie's Cheerful t'ltlsra Cealrol
Carloads ef Cairara.
0rsoa Journal.
W. E. Conyers, of Clatpkanle.has se-
curmi an option from the Benson lag
ging A Lumbering com puny to peel tho
bark from all the chittlm or Iwrberfy
tree growing on SO.OtH) acres of tlmlier
land in Columbia county. Were the
ruling price tho same a last year in
the latter pn,rt of the soanon, Mr. Con
yera would have a fortune within hi
grasp. However, prices for the liark
still range higher than for a number of
year part, and tho huliim brings in
good ireturn.' The chiftlm tree are
(nifilland scattering, and it is only a
question of a few year when th wood
til oe a scarcity in Oreiron forents.
Considerable quantities of hark are ex
A felamltlaCeaaty Ulrl Drove Aw
Ml Lou A. Fwkes, daughter pf Mr.
and Mm, P. A. Frakri, had unite an
exciting adventure on the K,",0,,,
Fourth. She was sitting under a cherry
tree in the yard end heard someone walk
ing in the house. Thinking It was sonic :
of her relatives her parents being away
he entered the house and found a
tramp helping himself to some money ;
thi(t had ln lelt upon a stand, She i
iiiiinctlut;cl V onlere.1 him out hut he re-1
fused to go and asked for snuicthing to '
eat. l ixiti Her reliimU to comjuv wiiu
this requcul, he onlcred her to open a
tmuk, so tliut she could search it. Mits
Kntkes then told him to get out of the
ImlMft? nr hi would slliMlt llitll. Slid lie.
believiiig discretion to lw the belfcr" part ,
of valor, complied with her mjiirl. I
Misa 1-rakcs was entirely alone at the 1
I time, and no one within calling distance.
f inn rfTi ii rnn
For July and August we will sell all our
$20, $30 and $40
ported to fcurope, and manufacturer 1 it M , ,c, o( coumk on
that 6eo. "Merrill and Jacl Strain, th. XZ,' VUd' B" II,tan
justice of the peace aud constat! re
spectively elect of said preciuct, hay
laiiea 10 quality in the time prescribed
bylaw, it is ordered by the court that
tnesam Geo. Merrill and Jack Strain
be and they ar hereby appointed jus
lice of the peace and constable res oect-
ively, and that they now qualify accord
ing to law" ; and it i ordered further in
this matter that said Go. Merrill and
Jark Strain be, and they are hereby ex-;
onerated from liability oa account of
tlieir taiiure to qualify; - .. .
In the matter of the petition of Jesic
Hfndrieks for a to sell lfouor
The following claims against the spec-
1 tMT liimt ii It;...-:... v. ...
mi lax iuua ot Koad District No. 13
were auoweu ana wananta
drawu in the following sums:
Bunirr hrot .
J 14 niuoa
John 1.111...
1 U .-U'rt
iohn I'cltfrtuu..
k; oruubrar
A K S4eH.
J A n
ohB K r'tron..
t. Oniutwrs
47 IS
IS su
3 Ml
11 OU
U 74
11 :i
I 7
40 M
IS i5
waa ailent n r-n t I.a tnnnnv
without first making public the (act that "J h"r4 cider' licel"" KrD" for. i
be ia a gold standard man, and if elect- "" "i w
ed president be would do all the law
permits mm . to do. to maintain .the
present financial system of the country,
Jodgv Parker is an honest, man. lie
prefer principle to party. Mr. Bryan
iaaflopper. He prefer party to prin
ciple, and would stand on any platform
and support any candidate in order to
secure Democratic success. Will his
follower also op? ,. ...
t- TB"
Mr Champ Clark, at the recent Dem
ocratic National ConventionKpropanded
. he following conundrum :
"Will some tand-patter explain
by Americans should be made to pay
one-third more for American ateel rails
than the citizens of other nations?"
It ia hard to understand why Mr.
Clark should worry over the fact, that
railroad companies are compelled to pay
mare for steel rails in this conntry than
the same class of rail can be ourcbaoed
for in other countries; but the cause is
apparent, and Mr. Clark probably on
dersUnds it aa-jre-l a any one. The
protective tariff ensblea the manofoc-
urer to charge a higher price for his
product m this conntry than be could
$f compelled to compete with the coun
tries that pay lower wages; but it does
not protect him when be compete with
the product of this same cheaper labor
in other conn tries where he i desirous
of slluia; ha uplus product in order
iauwaier employment to his men
and machinery than he otherwise could.
Protection, by stimulating our indus
tries, baa greatly decreased the cost of
steel rail, tinplate, and other products ;
hat it haa kept, and, aays will keep,
them abovef the price fevel of cheaper
labor countries. The wisdom of a na
tional industrial policy must be judged
oy lis gsnerai eoect upon the country,
There aoe no doubt many articles that
would be much cheaper (temporarily
at least) if tie. tariff waa taken off, bu t
wouw me general, pnblij be. as well off
a nnder the present system? Woald
it be a good thing to have the Wileon
bill re-enacted? Doe Oregon want the
tariff taken off of logs, lumber, wool,
hops, pnwes, or any of her great pro
ducts? It is only eleven year since
1893, and those who were.old enough at j
that time to realize the effect of a Dem
ocratic tariff measui will not be in any
5 w vpie lor a return to these dark
.ine country may pay too high
price fer, cheapnee .
. 1; m
The follow iug claims against the coun
ty were anoweu ami the ckrk ordered
ouraw warrants 111 payment thereof:
Beall 4 Co.. supplies lor rot- crusber... I a
J b tJoso. islepaoutu la rd iDiirr" i
Ju .xue. biu-kuuirii wor d-r crusher jo ,
li &CMWkaeo, 1'S.iUlllltf fdilnf liri.l.. 1.. ...
liix-d ilnnttm Ua.pitaJ cr ol Fanurvo
and t'aulsoa. M
J". Xrw stJiti luc couuly ctirVe!"" in t.i
of medicine in the United State are
la rye consumers.
The pseling of th bark kill the tree,
and aa the young htnb are ot exceed
ing slow growth, the available supply is
rapidly diminishing, and fancy prices
are certain to rule sooner or later. While
the highest prion ta.i fall were largely
speculative, chittlm bark Is cerlaiu to
have a sublj oimn.ercial value In the
The tree, grow principally along creek
and river bottoms, but thrive in the
vicinity of sin nil mountain streams.
The active medicinal properties in the
baik are so strong that it is possible the
tree might be cultivated with proht iu
the future.
St. Msrv's llu-piul
In the matter? of claim aeainst the
several road districts, the followlneaum. fc?,". Zl'- ZT!' f'-
were allowed atd warrants orJeresi ' .' . t;u,, v- ,AIC A
drawn fn Vl J.?")u,,r? ' If.-
drawn In payment thereof:
Road DiitrNj 1.
P Loosiiroonl '
Geo w 1. rati l
K WUr.ot
A Newman..... 11". '
P KsmsuATcr.
H Band
MF E LvtraasJ '.UlllVH'l
Geo Hues
via breosll.
Bond Oistriei No. a.
R O Uun
W c Cooper . '
J"w rtTjf .
Uum luoua
J 8 Brown
Jms BeIe........"...U"."
Road District No 1.
Dsn A Unckla
A U ATirill MschlDSry Oo...""
I'errjr Uniham .
John Winters
Her-nan l'"ner ..1111""
John Crefia. . .11 .
Levi (id. a
Harry Hughe. " IIIIHI
Psra Viicl.cll
M J EDglert
James Archibald
H m. Brought
A N rlrk
Ctiiu McCauTey
j Herman L'toer Ll.Tll
-ante V.UI......
Kt Huwi
Jsme B. j-d Z
w t Smiih
W ni Cooper . "
John lttsoo , HI '
Percy Melutyre 111111...
Koad District No. .
CH InKlish
raien Clark
H C Gore
PO Johnnoo "..
N A Aodrtaa .. 11111111111
a Johnson
C UUen 11
Boad District So. 5.
emit Wuser .
E' ue Kobie .U11
Julian Wajwer
eo JlorrHI-
--.auk Bishop
Fred Bucher ' "
Id Black
K Link 1"
lieo Mukmaur.-
Christ Hoven 11 .".'.Villi
Boad District No. .
A K Moman ...
. S OU
. 7 00
. (O
. ou
. S 00
. 29 IW
35 00
3) 00
95 Op
St 00
21 ,V)
... 2S 00
i so
w w
. 1 ti
. 21 V)
. as rd
. s
. u on
. J
. 24 50
. 40 JO
. . U0
. E! 4 I
. 'JU 00
. -1 00
. 3i W,
t uktiown cuu. t,40i
C i. llatheld, wtmeaa
K 1 Vaublaricon, same . 1
Ida aams.. .........
Ida Allen, sane " 1""
C chainerlain, same "'
riorence Kim, im.
tlya-ee Ko. same . "
. .. , . "ta' v- Harry Krser.""
J M Blarkford, Justice ol toe inace
K U Tichenor, cotn.table-
L Culbersou. wituesj
uuc;.a t hlshiuih. same. "1111"
Chs Mlj-der, nam. .... ....1111
lJS Washbura. aaiuc. 11. .1. "1 '
. Male a. Ma Vanbliricom"
S p Ballanl, Justice ot the peace
Alice A Kaie, wuiie. .... ........111
Jle Ko,e. .awe .v. ".1...1"""'
n Hce. same
Harnaon k.c, ,ame ...1 i "
C Cha-abcrlalo.. .1.1111 "Ill
Edwin Kuw, poiage trea-tirer s" o'lhwl...
K L BlackloM, sunonerv . .
U Hcuiierson. pualage clerk s ortlce.. 111111
tita.-a it PniiiUotntutf, statiouer. ..
K 11 Slilcbeil, ame .. .
M c Orar. sup lor courthouse auii jaii"ll"
i. .. """nrau. work iu clerk s oibc
U Uendci-a. omcial bond
Marttu A hite, same .
Vit I V atts,, . "
I II Copcland, irar.linK aipcuw
W D Ca-e. coun!r cumtnia-iuuer 1
teo (iraut, .up Kua- iUL No. I...
U to
t M
S Wl
t M
1 50
1 TO
1 TO
I Ml
1 lo
l O
i JU
1 jo
1 .
1 u
s ;o
. II Ml
. -9 Ou
. 29 S
. - 00
n ou
. i 00
. 7 ti
. t T
. 2
. 2 ao
. t &
. t -i
. 9 U0
. M 00
Vi t' l-iiwr. aii.
I C N iiaMe, same, '
. S70
, 5 JO
. J ub
. 2 UO
2 Ou
2 0U
2 0U
10 US
i 4 J
-0 IM
7 ou
.7 i
l w
l IU
ti uo
4b Zi
Z) J
21 i.
Dr. Hall, wife and their sons, CUuka!
and Arnold, lcf lat week to attend the I
St. Louis Fair. It is said that thev will
visit their old home in Pennsylvania be
faae returning home.
Mr. Al Montgomery, L. Leonard and
V. II. Conyers will represent Clatskunie
Tribe No. 14, I. O. R. St., at a meeting
of the Great yvuiucil, to be held at Sea
side on the aith and 27th of this month.
Ghee Whit! Aint it hot. The ther
mometer stands 90 in the shade and still
a bilin'.
Vriah Kellcy, wile and daughter, re
turned home from Houlton, Saturday,
where they have been visiting friends the
past several days.
Host of the women and children living
in this vicinity, and part of the uven, too,
are out daily iu the woods picking blackberries.
M P-Weri
l'im Pureed
A K Morgan
-rank Alrori ...
Yeon-Pelton Co .
II C yatt
C h KMridse
Wod St Norton .
Win Muckle
Herb kiee
110 00
XI 50
W 7b
.j ae
47 S)
18 U,
n ti
h i ti
a eV,
47 as
ae 87 !
a m
M 2S
1 97
.184 00
c JS Oiacir, same,
.d mack, aaine. M
u W Klchaidson,
L broaiu. same " '
J a luntr, same "
H chud ll-.rm.i.
o W u elcb. Mtnc "
J A Van. nan)-.
C W aiellingcr,
Edwin itoaa, exot Rusaell,
Jack ttraiu. arres:lu same -
u P Watkins, ex oi same
A ii ataiihe., juror -lay term court.
Jau.ea H SiieiJuu, aawc.
H 40 0U
" 4o(W
4 li Ml
" IU- W
117 i
" 7 .... 40 0U
" a in ju
bj iu
" li iu -,i
- u
' 14
In vane ...
1 L (.allien '.
W M Lowmau ...
J W Lowmaa
k Girt
Dan Htehmaou....
C L Girt
Frank Aleord ....
Albert Burns
District No. 7.
. 19 So
. 21
. 14 20
. C75
. 4 sO
. 7S
i a
. .7 10
S 0
2 2
. 3 i.
' 00
tdwm Boas. oOiciai !... . ... ST
" " J'"!'). "! in asscaaor olnce.. C W
t 5 T""'euor. deputy asacsaor uo
Ti, 7" "oi purcnasers or sute lauds 2 .
' ol tiual proofs from L' S rco 3 no
,'. "ol'e. deputy aaew 90 on
o w Barues, resUtenng Tours a u
U coujers !i Si
1- Fisher, fj fj
Wm Blackiord. . i
OOMayger. .. t 77.
?lu''1' wrd of prisoners . 7 00
Casper Lioei, couhty comiu.ssion.rllllll 14 -n
HLLolv n tmmt - 2y rsi I
m it f-nr .: n w
. ... ..auuiuii irisouer
u -I Clin, coroui-r. I ,ir, .-.,!. . .k.. . . I . r-a. : .. - a . . ,
children matter...... ". " a 00 UIJ nu' oeiong 10 ackv clique,
Arthur Eastman hat sold his interest
in and to the Hughes & Kaatman saw
mill tcKdward Hughes.
Isaac McKay has quit carpentering
and is now eng-tRed in running a nrt fur
saimon oown on the Columbia.
Iiiuen oruftam. ol Marshland, visited
friends in thcity hut Sunday.
Wm. McCallam, rtfter a brief sojourn
away up in Alberta, has settled here with
his family. William savs there is no
place like Oregon to live in.
Gus Flager caojb. home from down the
Colombia Saturday and says that the
water is so muddy in the rivet, that the
salmon are afraid to come up or are all
choked to death with the mud. It is
presumed by many that the cloud burst
in Eastern Oregon will account for the
muddy water in the Columbia.
The Rainier baw hall team came down
Sunday and played with the Clatskanie
team. It is said that two or three of the
Clatskanie team went to Portland Satur
day, got sick, or got left, or something
eise, ana am not return home until a
later date. Result ClaUkanie's team
was badly left.
It is said that oar new Justice of the
peace and constable have duly Qualified
and are now ready for any business in
their line that may 1 brought before
them. The bovs in turn aav that th.
her prt and deserve couiiurudatloii.
One of the dearest old Indies ever
placed on this earth once said to me:
"We should all be slow about making
friends, but having once nm lo them e
should ho steadfast and true In our
friendship," says ''Ell," I11 MiunsajHil!)
Kullelin iid Trade,
And Auntie was (had rltfht. fhe
realised that noue of its had riiouuh real
friendship to spread It over a very wide
surface. We can do better I7 con Oiling
oursclvut to a smaller territory and
sticking everlastingly by the frlrnds
whom we select .
There are a lot of fellows who go
through this orld slapping other peo
ple on the back (id prvtriiding that
titer are friends of everybody. I am
not mticn taken with these hack sl.111-
pers. I tno doien good uieii ol
whom I could borrow money it I needed
it, t'Mt-auso they are true fri,nidsuf iiiin
and I consider that the best lest of (rl
il ieildahip.
I am a member of several lodges.
There is where you rfii tiller out s, lot
of these tck slappcr and lly dnsers.
A lodge is a good ileal like the church.
It shouid not I I'Vmwd for the
wu are simply ua'ng U to lorttArd their
oansellish eiils. fcvery limn 1 goto
l iile Inect srvciul felloas alio I know
aie there only to ork a stnnd iu and
Hi mi it into profit. 1 : u t I can nut prove
it ami so they stick. AH of Hie fiuter
tiity which ever found its way into their
Minis must hnve hit a long nuts I mm
horn .
Excuse ine from the man or woman
who is plating th Men hhii. pm t.,l,
galleries all of tlie lime. The onlr krnd
of fiieudi-hip uliuli li'igs fili - l.'iut I
which meets n i Ulnnl u, si n.-n. j
ulnuig in , ..,., :.c.i. ti;.. so
suygrative of tl e human vuUuU licit as
the everlasting j.ilicr. Ihut is nhy the
average politician tin 11 a th-; stomsch ul
a sensible imtu tho tuotuent ho b gins to
To lie a r;'vn friend in nn honor t.-sny
man. S.-imtyr liauut kne ih:. That
is why he fought for his good friends so
ImM. And hgliting fur his friends won
his way to a lugli pUce In the hearts ol
tho AmeiiiNtn a-ople. CriemU who
trust each oilier, w ho are loyal U en li
otlierand who will fijjhi for each other,
5i8.oo Unclaiuictl Suita
20.00 Unclaimed Suits
25.01) Uuclainietl Suits
30.0a Uncl.iinictl Suits
5.00 Unclaimed Trousers,.,
8.00 Unclaiuictl JTrouscrs..,
10.00 Unclaimed Trousers,..
1 45
Odd N'csts in nil styles and colors ,
LM Washinglon Stn-ff, New Fniliuj Ituililiurr '
the New J wit Hot Saw Tour Manor? w .v 7,71
$i It the best S
la th Market
S , 1 ,r . rjri At!
Aud Have 'nm SJ 10 9a.
l the Uteat
kkapr at
ft aa $a Ro
New and Handsome Styks
At $U,7o, $ l'5), $15, $18,
$20, and $22.60
A lull
222-3 Horriao 51., Ccx.
V v
s I rom tl la ...o
hi Bit t o mitts.
til ot . AT
llruhcn li,
U la
1 Ken's
Mm at
!, tl.r.
N a - . ... V-
y urntrni V,
Adjourned lo 8th inst.
Mr, Sol Blamaner is very moch afraid
that the passage of the local option law
will bring dire result opoo the State of
0wgon, and cla-ma tljALthe damage tf.
the Lewis and Clark Fair will be ireat.
Among other disasters Sol tat ). ;i ! !"
r nos Jsorru
C L Oirt'
1 t Stewart
m v wratr .
Dean HlanciiariJ- ''
Jt W toman J!HIT!
W U Lowuan
Band District No. 8.
FraxJ Trow ,
F Baozer
John ijtociteiiterg.....
The Marker (.0
Harrf iletu-rva
i IMJ Y.'.'.'JZ..."
A D Kalrehild
ueo EUKelaart
lr farcher
Kobert Johasrin..
te 2i
10 73
M 00
2 Vi
1 U)
It was ordered that the count, clerk
draw a warrant on the general fond iu
the sum of J) in favor of Mrs. Sobiska,
provided that upon examination of Mr.
hobitka be be not otherwise provided
In the matter of awarrlinv mnl..
for reoaira tn .nnntv,. V7
IA t a.: J- .
6 ' o I v j 7er" opeueo ty tlie court
u,u v. ooper, amount
' ' aoi;eP'0 ana ordered that said
i so V ' ""P" outer into h contract with
s so j vi uo ine worsi acx-oniing u
nw imciucsimni. ine Dill ol J. K. Mi II.
and are not control! -d hy any (action,
and will do justice in all cases brought
oetore mem. .
James Geary, of Marshland, attended
a session of the I. O. O. F. lodxe in this
city last Saturday night.
I'atronic a drtij' store when you
want pure, froli aud rclitiblc i
pSSliji Drugs and Patent Medicines
and within himself, honest with ,im- f U VHIV1HUU
Sell, and with others. llu uiusl I
willing and anxious to do nio; U tiis
friends than he nerivva. That kiu.i (.(
a nia is not shipping every one on the
back. He does not uiuke a politician
always, but if he goes into public atr.iiie,
is found amuiig the statesmen. II he is
in a store, tie is known as one ol id
!.. I ....... iH . . - . , .
.. ...... ... m, ujwii, ami it never
worries Iiiin if a certain t la-w ol neoi.le
re sgainti llitui.
for labor alone. reiecU-H
Tito fee books of the connty clerk and
county treasurer were checked up by the
wui i nuu luuuu correct.
In the matter of appointinir a health
officer fur this county, Dr. Clilfwasso
tn the igatter of the petition for the
B.rndtip McAdam..
Johrl McAiaai
C .iiylrr- .
4 50
a 7i
- - 85
10 5.
Road District No. .
State." It ia iFMt nr..a;i,l ll.. .t, .n?..,B,.1 r
- J J -'-- ... v.. u CLLC ! - l-l a l Ll'IfUlil ...
COUIJ eet alone, will, nut M, Plm... 1 Matson
!2 alteration o( the Clatnkania and Mint
'it i -'-"-j ! in-imi-u uving d. jq, ana
prohibition conies in Kovernber lie will I cross
be "one of ti.4 first to mnvA f..m t.
I John Kola..
ii battalia ......
Ho4 UUtrlel Ho 10.
N Merrill
Koad District No 11.
iman.r. ' .- u ...
and not feel the lose very greatly. Jle j Heur' "idsencuV. 17.""."'.!T
is hardly in the same class as the late
Senator Corbett, and if he has been any
particular aid to the stc.te the fact has
been kept quiet. i-Mr. JBJauer was
te manajrer .for the iqnor dealers du
ring t ne recent campaign, and bis
tnctlioda contributed greatly to the suc
cess of the locnl option tneaeuro. If the
Uciaor Leugun can induce Mr. lilumauer
tiave the state before the election, or
t -e muzzle him, it will be better for
their Iniere-ts. -
no application being made for said alter
ations, it is ordered by the court that
the parties allowed to with
draw the bond and affidavits of posting
notices, from tho tiles 6i the court, bcre-
uii.t. iiira uy mem.
Adjotjned without date.
Urntyalljr Tortured
A case came to light that for persistent
and unmerciful torture Sum perhaps never
oeen equaled. Joe Golobick of Colusa.
calif., writes. "For 15
vi'im'ili"-. 75 insuifwable pain fron rheumatism 'aid
Mark Kllio!t.... 21 in : nothing relieved me thnutrh T (ri,l
s no
... 41 IU
21 V)
... .2 00
Mi in
... 10 o
24 UU
51 98
The Freewater, Oregon, Times tells
how N. W. Mumford, a ,fri(ifc grower in
tlie vicinity of that place,, isjecuring
trge returns from a small tract of land.
He has tract of one and three-fourths
ne( net with peach trees. The snijiB
.."id is also eet with; Cljrk'a Seedling
atrawberry lints. This year he told
toiu this f.nct strawbeiry plants to the
value of 225, and hoijjes tolio value of
ft-17.36. About half of' the peach trees
.ire of fwarins ago, ami prouiUe a crop -wii-s..V."'.""."."" '-"11
iw w hi..h be tu, (-oo. j &.'.fcv ::.!:r:
I, ..i;, it ' 'V i, : , .... , -
Malc4iin tliiott....
C'luUkaoie Lumber Cm
Boad District Ha. 15.
.1 H ViUon ....Hill""
aner' iri)s.............Mrf......
a fins
3 A Van
B N Usi
K (iroubsri ........""""
John '. 1'clcrn.u ."
J H AldrWje
Jt It McAsicy....
Koad Dlslrlct No. II,
C W Mellliifer ,
m cj Meioitger - . ,
B Hn.ltnl J'"
A' I- i.-ar;u "
K Krlcltaou '
J Kiun'.ns ' "
P Olsiiu
a Hiihtr '""""
J K Cheldeilu . "'
W c Kiebraait
T .-ettljohrt "'
w m Duvfins ....;;
T M Tucker
U M Bc.lil.i-
I O -1J1IS
a is
tning known. I came across Electric
Bitters and its the greatest medicine on
earth for that trouble, A few bottles of
....'.11 13 so j"t completely relieved and cured me
"T v, oo ! Justgood for Liver aud Kidney tioublw
Onl 50c. Sais-
24 25 1 and irenr-ml rt. iii'tit ,
! to oo action guarateed by St. Helens Plinrmacy .
. SO 75
. 8J 00
. 17 60
We Hare Yob Money.
Be safe with your investment. We
a. ' guarantee yon a saving of 20 per cent on
j WjarslreJass tnen'e and boys clothing,
7 4. j witn a general line of shoes. Our prices
li o? j are ns.ied in piain flureg, a, w, jjave
so one price to all. U'e guaranteo satis-
s soj faction or money cheerfully refunded.
J JJ I John llellar, corner First and Yamhill,
At this season of the year there are
begini ing to come in inquiries as to ths
open and cl.wied season for jh and gam.
in Oregon. The Miip prints the follow-
ing brief synopsis furnishing the in-
tprrnation :
Male deer, antelope and mountain
sheep, open season July 15 to November
1. Female deer, August 16. to Novem
ber 1. Killing of spotted fawns, elk or
beaver prohibited at all times of the
year, ho one is allowed to take more
than live deer in a season. Night hunt
ing or with dogs, the purchase or ssle ot
hides without tags, or of venison, is nro-
t.:i.;.. '
Open season for silver grcr snuirrel.
lAJiooer i to January 1.
Quuil, grouse, native pheasants, oral
no chickens, open season October 1 to
V ecembor I ; limit, 10 birds per day.
Ducks, geese, and swan, oneii season
from September 15 to January 1 ; limit
oi oucts, 109, per week or 60 in one day
CgSts of game and song birds protected
the year 'round.
Trout, open searon April 1 to Novem
ber 1. To be taken with hook and line
only. Sale prohibited at nil times.
The laws of the state require non
resi(ent market hunter to have a !J-
""i touting fin per season.
it is unlawful lo hunt within ipclo-
sures wimout owner's permission.
Working Mjl,i n,l( lUy
lucuuurasmi Uiilttici.t thinir that
ever was matte ts lr. Kitor. i n-
Pill. Tt,. ..ill.
-.... .in-. iiiistnan-rw..i-n. ....
n ------"V . in,,,
strengtu, Itstlei.ness inu energy, hrair,.
tag into mental power. They're wonder-
mi in huiltling up the hculih. Only :
per box at the .Ht. Helens I'hitrmacy.
DIt. I). II. STl' VUT
Office In Hie DelU Illntk
lhloZVCl"1' " Omen fo,
lo tli u.iu.r of tl,, p,,icii..q ( , r,llh.
ITccllir. f "" """ ' l..lut
To thu Hun. County Court oliha m.i. ,i
mm ioinci.;;;;",";,,:"''''.!!!.
Perfumery, Toilet Articles, ICtc.
A Fine I,iIlc of Writing aSttppIies.
I lam and Decorated Crcpc I'.Jir, Ktc.
AH BaitssL. -B . I If a s .a at
, .,ui i uouwrer-ncKuiar zoceni mmimi mm
And Hav Ynr Tcifli
ifolmwk HiiiMinir. Tliinl an.l Morrium, Kfa in,i fh,.
t and Oregonian $2.08
"ii. aim who nave m:lu r I,. .. a
sruiitm to lx.uis ( Inhrir t" i i?, '""''''
(U., ami malt II.MWirs, ari.l ha 1 r r n '
titles Irss than one i , , , ,', 1: ,,l''-
sinet. c.iumiii. ( .;'!" ?;'' ' ; I " ''
litiiusa tm Issued l.. .L t . ,' 5 ' It
.-...v. . mi, i;, ar ,i
K. t. IliLri,- II
naruca, Jarvy,
I. I
It. II
Parna, tl.
W. flarncH n ir
Harncs. K. Omana. . nillli, K
rr;,ll. Ch 11 K7T.'. '.?.
N. 1-uvlil.ou,...,, k,nV.,erMm.'j j '
Him -It .libera, H Mi-
- Dolanrjr. I 1, wv,
aw. jiiitn li
K. VlnhiK, K. It. KlhK, A
Barnns, Hliuon gaancr, M
Mom. ('roach, A f. Jtcli
. S -to
or in
', its. I
Largest stock to select from at Perry &
y j Graham's.
No PHy Hhown.
"For years fate was after trie continu
ously" writes V. A, Gulle.lge, Verlena,-
Aia. "i nari a terrible cane of Piles
causing 24 tumors. When all failed
Bucklens Arnica salve cured me. Krjually
good for Burns and all aches and pains.
Only 25c at St. Helens Pharmacy. t
All the local and war news in the Mist
-jcuraw, Biiutr r In ij, i( i, i.i,'' .'""'t"
(Iraw, j V. AlalilM,,,', , ."u ""J' .'
Kemp, ( lark toolry, Ulios Klnh,. 7 tt
annwcn 1 nAnaPOTATlON CO
WlflWve 1'OKTf.ANI., tZ of WoahlT ,
ftresi, Suiirtay. .ts ,. ' "Jr o?JU
Eulaula, aud way mints. ' '
Tuesdays and Thursdays at p. in lu,n.i.
ssiile and way i,,,ts. hZX!?. ',''' V
jand Orej)iiinii. Only f a year.
t Chrtii- ll,
Ths Company reservss ths rl h
. tlina without o'ltlce.
You like Comfortable Clothes?
00 Do Your Feet. : s .
Walk-Over and Sorosis Shoes
OppofJte the Perkins Hotel,
General Merchandise, Clothing,
Dry Goods, Groceries, rrits
visions, Furniture, Stove., Ktc'
-lowest - Prices,:,
BllihKlr, ...... ..
7; iu:u'J wwet, St. irolou,