The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 08, 1904, Image 2

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    .l.-l.1' .'' .'J. J .All lip
I mm i ii ' II
Entered at the rostofticc at St. Helens,
Oitkoii, n ecotil-clasil mull matter.
IssuEn Uvkrv Frihav By
H. II. l'LAGO,
One conv. one year, in cdvauce . . .
&ix months. .V. . ...
r lefral notices 23 cents per line,
fl 00
'ihe Mist is setniUis bills to nil who
npicar to ba dclitiquent'uidre than one
j-ear. The previous innnnRPnror.t ' of
this paper has been so tooso that we
liava no doubt some of our subscriber
ro eutitleJ to credits which they have
hot received, and these will be cheer
fully given. We trust that in every:
instance where an error has lieen made
and a bill sent for more than the amount
due, it will be promptly returned, with
statement of fact that will enable us
to (' matters' right. The editor desires
to correct his list and to collect bat is
justly due, and to drop from the list
ilio.TO who are greatly in arrears. Iu
om instances men are delinquent for
ten years, and very many owe lor five
years. Most of tluso we believe to be
honest and responsible people, d lue
fault is largely due to tho manner in
Nvbieh'tlie paper has been conducted in
tho past. It" you do u't wai t the paper,
pay up and stop it. The Mist will not
be sent to any one w ho does not desire
t. We have to pay for the papers we
send out and v.c want to make the
paper worthy of the patronage of every
titiren of this county, therefore we in
tend to send it only to those who pay
heir subscript! in. .
LEr"ua move OX.
The gpntlomen connected w ith a soap
taciory now in operation atSerttlespent
two days a week or ten days'sgo look
ing over Eainier with a view of starting
a similar factory at that place. The
gentlemen are very favorably impressed
with the facilities oflered there and the
bonus asked is very modest, if we re
member right. The site for the factory
roust contain not Ksca than one acre of
ground, and the Hou. Dean Blanchard
was approached as the owner of the
location most desirable, being not far j
from the old sash and aoor factory des
troyed by fire. In addition to this the
Citizens are asked to subscribe for stock
in the enterprise at 25 cents per share.
aThe soap is of a superior cualiiv end
ihe gentlemen who are at the bead of it
certainly have a bonanza. The soap is
equally as well adapted to the toilet as
tho laondry, for it contains chemicals,
is of a gritty, sandy nature, and remotes
ink, paint, and any other substances.
The Board of Trade or business men of
Bainier took up the proposition at its
meeting held Saturday, when the ques
tion of raising the amount asked to
compensate for the site and number of
shares taken was to be considered. The
factory is said to be entirely odorless,
and therefore no nuisance to a neigb-'
Borhood. The gentlemeu bring skilled
workmen with them and as soap is a
Staple article, any one subscribing (or
stock can easily see that be runs no
risk or that the enterprise is no gold
brick proposition.
' As Iloulton has a stave factory, em
ploying fifty hands, w hich is as impor
tant to a town as the Columbia River
Sash A Door factory at Bainier, it needs
no pessimist to see that the day is
almost here when capitalists or enter
prises seeking investment and locations
ere bunting us up. Our river and rail
road facilities are superb and our forests
furnish abundant - raw material. ' A
good, healthy pay-roll is the back bone
ef a community. No one scatters money
more quickly and evenly than a uie-
' St. "Helens aloae, of. the communities
of Columbia county, has shown no
decided improvement in the recent past.
Since the editor was hut a resident of
Columbia county' the county seat has
acquired a water works system, a band
some school house, three new churches,
and crushed rock streets. These are
substantial improvements, but we ex
pect a much greater advance in the near
future. For many years there was no
place deader than St. Johns; but the
dme cans when the water frontage was
Seeded for Manufacturing sites, and the
old tcwu look on new life -acd.ia now
filled with the hum of industry. The
same thing will happen here, and we
expect next year to see the beginning of
Bt. HelenB' substantial and rapid im
provement. The corner stone for the
sew court house will be laid, and there
will be a new wharf and a modern saw
mill. -
In all the denunciation of the miners
of Colorado for the violations of law
eharged to" their account, it hhotild be
remembered that the rich mine owners
of the state were the first to violate the
law, and that this action on their part
is the cause of all the present trouble.
The Legislature of Colorado passed an
eight-hour Jaw and the mine owners re
fused to comply with its provisions.
Then came the strike. Law-breaking
by the capitalists led to law-breaking by
tbe miners. The troops were called out
On August 2d ami Sd a convention
will meet in I'ortland, under the au
spices of the Portland Commercial Club,
for the purpose of organising an Oregon
Development League. The organitation
of such a body is long j-.t 'due, and 11
' is proiier that the movsuieut should
originate with l'Oiliaiui s commercial
organization. The main fotor in the
development of Oregon is to be the
luiuic-seekor w ho conies for the purpose
of engaging in agriculture ; but there is
tso al; oppor janity for the manu
facturer, the future great market for
Oregon products is to be tho Orient
T'u )'li!ilippi,te, Japan, China and
Omental Russia, will consume millions
of dollars wortfi of foodstuff and of
woolen goods. The manufacturers of
the Eastern states labor n ruler an im
cienio disadvantage in supplying these
markets', on aecorftit of distance. Fac
tories ocateJ in Oregon would, there
fore, have a groat advantage in com
peting for Oriental business. It ill be
tho province of the Development League
to make tiiee facts known, in an ampl
tied form, to possible investors and to
home-seekers. There shouM be at
every county scat, and in every iuipo
tant locality, some person who will
make it his business to answer lettersof
inquiry, and these answers should bear
the stamp of approval of some organiza
tion of reputable citizens.
There was at one time published a
pamphlet entitled " "The Resources of
the Slate of Oregon." It was compiled
by authority of tbe State Board of
Agriculture and printed at tbe State
priuting cfU; c, ami, although it was nut
as complete or as well gotten up as it
should have been, nor as thorough!'
distributed, we have no doubt it was
instrumental in bringing many desira
ble settlers to Oregon. As all seciions
of the etat'j benefit by tbe distribution
of reliable information, nl as a docu
ment from official sources is always
more reliable and influential than one
from private or speculative sources, it
would be a gool investment of the peo
ple's liioiiejr if the next session of the
fcegisUfture 'provided for"the publication
of .1 complete exposition of Oregon's
resources and advantages and placed
the same at the disposal of the Develop
ment League for distribution.
to study the men and women at work,
or witness a dog feast, to realise their
primitive character, mid then to pass
on to the constabulary, tho boginntng of
tbe army of tho Philippines, representa
tives of many tribes hostile to oh
plher, but brought together and har
monized by the uniform they wear and
the Hag they salute.
The Philippine Exposition was or
ganized to show what has been done,
and what is being done tit tno istanus.
It is an educational exhibit from be
ginning to cud, and we want you to
see it.
If yon will call upon me at the ex
position,! shall be glad to supply yon
with nasses. If at any time you want
eeueral Information about the exhibit,
or special illustrated articles, I cau fur
nish them free of charge.
Yours very truly,
Chief, Department of Publicity Philip
pine Gov. Exposition.
Augusta, Eva and John SobisUa
Drowned in Tediord Creek.
riisfortutics Have Been Hultlplled For Them During
The Past Week.
At the recent meeting the Orenon
State Grange adopted a resolution
asking the State Legislature to make
nn annual appropriation of $1000 for
farmers' institute work, and this, ac
cording to the Oregon Agriculturist, is
considered to be a reasonable request,
and should be acceded to. We have no
doubt the appropriation would be of
considerable value to the agricultural
interests of the state; but this, and all
similar measures naturally evoke the
inquiry, "What is the duty of the state
toward its citizens?" We are rapidly
becoming paternal government, and
the appeal for Btate and governmental
aid is becoming more insistent every
year. If the people of, pastern Orejn
can not raise wheat profitably, on ac
count of freight charge?, then the state
must build them a canal at an enor
mous cost. If the salmon industry is in
danger of extinction, then the state
must establish hatcheries and provide
officers to see that the laws fcr the pro
tection of our food fish are enforced'. We
must bare a State Board of Agriculture,
1,'airy and Food Commissioner, a Bu
reau of Labor Statistics, a t isn Com
missioner, and other boards and officials
whose chief duty is to protect certain
lines of industry, and there appears to
be no good reason why exception should
be made of tiie industries that are not
now under the tutelage and protection of
the state or of the General Government.
Throw open wide the doors of the treas
ury and let them all take a grab. There
is no reason, except its superior im
portance, why agricultur; should be
more highly protected than any other
industry, or wby salmon packers and.
fishers should receive state aid in pref
erence to chicken raisers. The medical
profession is one of the greatest import
ance to all mankind, and why should
there not be a free state medical school,
witbachair for every separate fad in
medicine? Wby should the General
Government be so partial to a one
eighth portion of Indian blood as to
clothe and educate its fortunate posses
sor?. Why should partial socialism be
commended and perfect socialism de
nounced? Where is the line between
socialism and the present system, and
bow olten bas the line been moved?
Ono would hardly think that there
is onough in tho honor of being a car
nival queen to warrant tho expenditure
of :t tWO by one person for voles for his
favorite candidate, yet tins is about the
amount Mr. Mason spent for his daugh
ter, and when she declined to serve as
the, Mr. Mason was. giveu. tils
niouey back. Lantern.
Of any age or breed to till an Import
ant position. Must,a clean face,
clean habits, a clean recoid and a clean
Need not know how t roll a cigar
ette or know how beer taste", and if bo
is not up-to date on the smutty jokes
fynd vile stories of the pool room, his
ignorance will be overlooked.
lie must be a boy ho gets up in the
morning cheerfully and builds the fire;
one w ho can on oceasitm lay down his
book and do au errand for grandma,
who treati his mother and sister and
every other boy's mother and sister
with respect, and who doesn't refer to
his father as "my old man."
lie ined, not be especially brilliant at
ech.ivl, but he must be studious, perse-
j veriog, thorough in his studies, never
vlieat" his teacher or tuiiieeii on ex
amination, or pass a lecsua or proiilem
until he has mastered: it.
fie must be truthful, prompt, obedi
ent, industrious. 3JUSI mane iiisem
plover's interests his own and never be
afraid that ho is eai uing mere thai) his
wages, or is called some time when it's
"John's turn."
He is wanted to respond at once
and in unlimited numbers. Merchants
want him to sweep out the store a few
years and ultimately take charg of it.
Newspapers want hioi to commence in
the crowd at the bottom and work up
to the roomy place at the top.
lie is wanted every where in the law,
in medicine practice, in tho counting
room, to run great railroad systems and
build immense public works. The peo
ple who pay 110,000, 25,000 and $50,
000 a year salary are looking for him.
The people want him for judge in the
courts, for members of congress, seua
tor and president, and Un nicest girl in
all the world wants) him to be her bus
band. Ex.
Those who reiul the account in last
week's Mist of the attempted suicide of
JvdiU Sobiska must have had their sym-rmthit-s
aroused for the old nuVu. who,
after suffering for years from the result
of bring injured by a falling tree, sougiu
relief in death; yet, had he had tne
courage to resist the nauiial impulse to
escape pain, a much greater tragedy
would have lwen averted.
As a result of his injuries, Miss Augus
ta Sobiska, who has been for a long time
employed as a waitress at the St. Charles
Restaurant, Portland, was summoned
home, and on Saturday afternoon she
and her sisters Nettie and Eva, and her
brother Johnnie, went bathing in the
mill dam on Tedford Creek, a small
tributary of Milton Creek, with the re
sult that Augusta, Eva and Johnnie were
According to the account given by
iour sincere thanks
who have
K desire to cxprcM
.. . I..L....I. Hilt, Ht'lU IfUl"
to tne ' " -., ......ii,!., ,,..
klnillv assisted us since "" '""
,, by which tyre, mr
family lost tw'.r l!vr.
hold them In Kn.tcti.i
1 H IS fvmiiii"
The editor of the Mist is in receipt of
tbe following invitation :
MitDeibSib: I take pleasure in of
fering you the ireednih of the Philip
pine Government Exposition when you
visit the World's Fair at St. Louis, li
is the largeHt sin'la exhibit at the Fair,
with a eoqiplete organization of its own,
including a department of publicity. :
We have now under way a special preaa
building, ecuipped with desks, tele-'
phones, etc., which arc at your service.
We invite you to make this building
your headquarters at the Fair, to have
your mail sent in onr care, and to ca 1
upon us for any assistance we can ren
der you. The Philippine Exposition
Brutally Torurel-
A case came to light that for persistent
and unmerciful torture has perhaps never
been equaled. Joe Golobick, of Colusa,
calif., writes. "For 13 years I endured
insufferable pain frou rheumatism and
nothing relieved me though I tried cv
thing known. I came across Electric
Bitters and its the prcatest medicine on
earth for that trouble, A few bottles of
it completely relieved and cured me."
Justas good for Liverand Kidney troubles
and general debility. Only 50c. Sais
action guarateed by St. Helens Pharmacy.
tiie Catholic church, of which the So
hUk' arc nu mlwrs. In all our bind it
:. hunllv tx)ssi!lc that there was so sn
group as that assembled on the Nation's
holiday at the gravesides of the three
young people whose untimely "'
senres the theory of a Pivine Providence,
and cut, be nude compatible with llmt
theory only to those who sec with the
vision that is given lH.yoivd ttic giave. oi
by perfect faith in the doctrine of all-
wise Crcitor who iloclliau tilings
The expenses of the sad events of the
past week have left Ue family in Mrait
encd circumstances, and subscription
papers have been started for their bene
fit. In this connection wc quote the fol
lowing from the editorial columns of
Tuesday' Orcgonian:
"The afflictions of the Sobiska family,
of Columbia coiintv. are indeed grievous.
With the father injured from a blow on
the head while working in the woods,
v ' -
.1 V-i
Mrs. C. II. UliKlil attciulril the wrd-dliiKofher'nlc-e,
Ml V" WU'kum.
of Portland, on June W'th.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. I'rlngte and inui
H-i't the 4th iu I'orllaml.
Miss Anna Ove.boltcr Is vWtlng with
lu-r sister at Mr. Sheuter' this week,
Mr. Hert Scficrt and children nl
the 4th at Chitskauie,
..v ii niilriice f the
.1.,..., Mm. Caswell, in IMrtlaml
Hunt- . -
UcitUy, June 2S. V V- -.
i;. ririle tientrv mid Warrta J. Kinder.
Mr .,l Mrs. Kinder will resident Peer
bland (or the prcient.
ii.,sTo tlic wlfa of WW. Timet rr,
son, Ir. flill, attending.
A r-.-itioii was ulvrii to Mr. nud Mr.
i- :...i... i..,,.t iv rvriiiim at iKt r Island
i ittii. . . - - -
hull. IHmcing was Indulged in until IV
..Vlia-k. b e crruiii and cake were serve
i ..ii ,i....,n,l (or home, wishing the
Him mi , -
bride and groom many gi"l wtlir.
.... . . - . -
ii I'll) Nlui.n.
For vents late was after me cotitimt
otisly" writes V. A, (.u!UM:e. NtrlHim.
Ala, "I bad n tirriiile law oi rues
causing "I tumors. When all lailrd
Ituckli us Arnica salve curvil me-
good for Itiirns and all arhes and (suns.
t,)nlv '.Tic at St. Helens Pharmacy.
A'J thu local and w:ir nrwsiu the Mist
and Oregoni in. Onlv J 4 ver.
oiU.r fur salu, at a imrgain, fresli
cows, una or an m mem, t ins is a
iiroat opportunity to gt gisid cows at n
a""" 11 i. ,.. '.i.. inij hi vin, i...
Very reHMOimniu n iivrijinni nvu,l
St. IMmis, Ore.
itnTlll lIoUHIC FOU BAJ.K-Vi.lul7i
about I'.1hI pouiuUj ago night var; ,
good roadster or all-purpou ntilmal,
uhk1 bargain, luqium at Ht, Helena, oi
t H. KAI'l'I.KIi.
I'AUM FOR 8A1.H Twrnly-otie acres
Ko, .l mil; new house and Imrti; yoiiiqi
orcliord; lia'alcd adjoining tlio townsltv
af the coiintv i'ti on railroad; reaily
umrkrl l IHgli price lor rverytlilng tlmt
can Ih- raised. Apply to Miller brothers.
St. Helen, Urcguii.
"7AIIIY FA KM FOR HAia:- :i70
acre located on Wlllauintte Nlough ; m-.
rominiMlatloii for 7i Iu 100 head csltlo,
datlv Isiut. liiqulruon plain, MUM, V,
SFI ENFm Caro leaiiir Aiiicilv. HI.
Helen, Oregon. S-ft-ll
Morr'on Ml., I'ortlaiitl, Oregon l mm of
lha best known ami liKMt reliable Cum,
panic on the ('(to!, furnishes all kinds
Help on horti'at luillce Free to Eiu-jiloyer.
When U Portland do to
Tho Empire. Hoatiiuranl, In:' Thlnl
Hlrri'l, threit dmira Mouth of linker The
ir c. Muni bom Hi cents Up, 0mii
day and nlitht. Iylers In any tylu.
Win. ItohlRiider, Prop., formerly of Hit
((cya). 11 and Madison.
Watches, Diamonds, Silverware,
Kcimiring a Specially.
k.irilasl. U.t fruul A ru.l, roll! UNO.
Nettie Sobiska cin Sunday last, she Ijc-
came mired in the soft ground and called
for help. The others naturally rushed to
her assistance. Then by a freak of
chance, Nettie pulled herself from the
treacherous, clinging mud, while her
rescuers found themselves fast sinking
beneath the water and unable to get a
sure footing on tbe muddy bottom.
Nettie's strength was exhausted when
shereaclnd a place of safety, and her
efforts to" save her sister and bnithj
were futile.
ttie three young people drowned in a
still pool, not over seven feet deep. The
dam is in a. little gully, almost entirely
ridge-locked, aniis secured by a sluice
gate. Had this gate been opened at Net
tie's first call for assistance, there would
probably have cen no fatalities, but the
sisters and brother obeyed tbeir natural
impulse to run into the water to aid their
Upon receipt of the news at St. Helens
Mr. K. R. Quick immediately tele
graphed to I'ortland for the collins,
which arrived by express Sunday at
Houlton, and were immediately taken to
h. Rohuika home, where kind hands
prepared the bodies for burial and placed
,..--. in the cask-ts. It was at first in-
l-VA f!l II. SKA.
and slowlv
! wound of
recovering from
the throat Mil nilli,
Sot (Jlre
Receipt Does
Title To Land.
and martial lawlessness took tbe place combines a scientific interest for stu-
of civil law. Men were arbitrarily im- dents of politics, civilization, economics
prisoned without charges having been and ethnology with popular features,
preferred ngainst them, and officers w hich surpass in vitnl l.uma.n interest
ulccteu by the people wera compelled by i any of the Oriental groups .shown in
tho capitalists to resign under threat of
death if they refused to do so. Hund
reds were deported, and the military
other parts of the grounds.
It shows the grades in civilization
from the diminutive Negrito, who is
uuuiuriiies nave noi nesimieu to an-; only a step removed froni the "missing
nounce that it is their intention to ; link," thrdugb the (iog eatir.g and bead-
rush out the-"Western Federation of hunting Bontoc, and the Moro, who iB
Miners. History does not recoid an now causing most of the trouble in the
instance where the welfare of a nation j Islands, to the Scout, who is a regular
was Imperiled by its working men ; but in the United States 'army, and the
it does record instances where n-ilitary j Visnyan, who weaves fabrics of great
rule has resulted in the destruction of ( beauty. One has only to visit these'
bb rbo invoked it. natives and watch tbeir tribal daio.s,
ir.ou i... 1 ,.u :-. ,:. I... .. ' ti
The register and receiver of tbe Ore
gon City land, office rendered five
decisions recently in regard to home
stead claims affecting title to lands in
f,inn county, about 10 or 12 miles from
Larwood, Ore. The entryuien, in all of
these cases, hod made commutation
proof, and after their proof was made
and final receipts issued, contests were
initiated, and the cases were tried out
upon the charge that the entrymen bad
not resided upon, cultivated and im
proved tbeir claims as by law required.
The decision of the local office was to
the effect that these parties had not
complied with the homestead law, and
recommended the cancellation of their
entries. It appears that the entrymen
sold their claims soon after making final
proof for 000 apiece. While there is
nothing in the homestead law to prevent
an en try man selling bis claims soon
after making filial proof, yet his claim
is subject to conteet until patent has
issued,' and tbe party who buys the
claim mti8t rest his title upon that of
the eatrymen.
.rtiiy people imagine thai final receipt
is equivalent to patent, which is not
true. These cases are being watched
with considerable interest, as there are
many others in a similar condition.
Night Was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night long,"
writes Mrs. Chas. Applcgatc, of Alexan
dria, InL, "and could" hardly get any
sleep. I had consumption so bad that if
I Walked a block I would cough fright
fully and spit blood, but, when all other
medicines failed, three f 1.00 bottles of
Dr. Kings New bhscovery wholly cured
me and I gained 58 'potrnds." It's ab
solutely guaranteed to cure Coughs,
Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all
Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c
and f 1.00. ' Trial bottles free at the St.
Helecs Pharmacy.
Our suits, from 3.50 up to $12.50, are
butr value than you can get in Portland.
a ghastly
trd latrr
with suicidal intent, and the drowning
of three children in a l ol water near
their home last Saturday, it would win
that the climax of misfortune had been
reached in their case. Pnvertv, verging
urm want, also assails the survivor., due
to the excuses incident to the mi. for
tunes that have overtaken them. nd not
from lack of industry. A s-itmeri'rtum
has len started for the relief of tlirir
more pressing necessities, mid i-rsoti
willing to lew n kindly tax upon tlirm
fclwes for tur'fu-iu-til of these unfortunate,
people arc invitrd to send money to the
St. Helen Mist for this purpose.
PftJwMy iu rwpi.'Use to the above the
Mist yesterday received the following
letters with im lonirvs:
Portland, Ore., Jul fi, l ul,
K. II. I-I.ACC, I-sij. My Dear Sir. I
have just Ijccii informed that you are
getting stitiscriptions for the relief of the
habiska family, and I hasten to hand yo'.l
check as a.jd lor my unli
very resiieclfiilly,
PoKTI.ANii, Ore., Julv fl,
To St. Hhi.i'.ns Mist: Yes, I frcl
sorry for the Sjihiska family fi worth,
and vou will find the fl 0:u
of the boys worked for me while I was a
resilient of your pretty little citv iu ''.1
tended that tlie funeral should Uke place ( mid ''.IT, and I know soinetliiiig of their
Sunday afternoon at 2 o clocK, mil in
deference to the wishes of the mother,
who could not V-at. to part with her
children, it was postponed until Mon
day, July 4th, at 10 a. m., Rev. Father
Ctirlcy, of Portland, conducting the
funeral services according to the rites of
faithfulness, and as I write this letter
these words Come to me as I lay aside my
millions and demurrers:
Dear God come near the earth
And weave a bridge for three
(Who duty did from hirtli)
Across the Isir Pltrrnitv.
C. II. I'iiXott.
The following is tbe report of District
No 14 for the month ending July 1:
Total enrollment, 21; number of days
in attendance, B; numlier of days ab
sence, 17; averoge daily attendance, IH;
numlier of visitors, 2. Roll of honor.
Armstrong, Martin wnnsiensen,
Robert ChiiiWcnsen, Omar Sheelcy
Detislow, and Rosclla Armstrong.
J, W. Au.KN, Teacher.
Working Night a.,d l-4y,
The busiest and mightiest thing that
ever was made is Dr. Kings New Life
Pills. These pills change weakness Into
strength, listlessness into energy, brain
fag into mental power. They're wonder
ful in building'up the health. Only 2.rc
per box at the St. Helens Pharmacy.
Uuod Opportunity.
Two-ycar-ol.d.Lufiiara heifer for sale.
Will 1 fresh this month. Gentle.
Inquire of V. M. THORP, St. Helens.
Largest stock to select from at Perry &
7 m
s iv
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..John Diijr.
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All tni!m lank close ronuecttoiia si (inl,l
with Nnrttmrn I'unlila irnln. f i aiid irmn (lie
Kt and Hound (mints. At PortlKiid tvitn til
trslni leavins Crilon itsimt. At A.lnrU with I.
It. At N. :o.' IiomI kinl rsll lln tttu Hti'anu.r
T. J. 1'otii.r to sod from Jhvuco mikI orln
Ueoca pointH.
I'ssseiiKor. (or Aston or wnj point, inu.t
trnlris nt llonlton. Tralim will ptou m Im
riaun oH m llou!toti when coinln,; Iroin puinii
We Hare Yon Money.
Be safe with your investment, We
guarantee you a' saving of 20 per cent on
firBt-class men's and boys' clothing,
with a general line of shoes. 'Our' prices
are marked in plain figures, as wc have
one price to all. We guarantee satis
faction tit money cheerfully refunded.
John Dellar, corner First and Yamhill.
A J. I. Case, twenty-four inch cylinder,
eight horss-power. Cash sale, or lumber
and shingles taken.
GU3 HRGKLF., Houlton.
J. V. Uiiio.
(tn. Anl.. AMorl, Or
Notice l hereby given tlmt the under
signed bus la-en, by the Hon. J. II. Ijoan,
Judge of the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of ColmiiliiH, up
jKiiiUcd adiiiiiiistrator of the eklaut of
Oscar V. I'arr, deceased. Any mid all
IiersotiH having claims against said estate
a;c hereby, required to prewnt the same
at 'Che liiw office of W. if, Powell, nt St.
Helens, Oregon, duly verified according
to law, within six months from the date
hereof. '
Dated this 10th day of June, l!iOL
W. H. Powftll, altorney foriidin'r.'
Dll. D. B. STUAJiT,
Ofllcc In the Deltr Ulotk
'.,y r
i ' ' ,
The Nw
J At $j I the best v
In tho Market C
y o:
s i ft 1 1 t.j i
WHY Kot Save Yoflr Mans? ?
Ilu t'U' (irl kull
Anil iae I'roi," '
In the l,alri
Miapra af,
PI anil a no
t t-'f-s- -ft' ff tt
New and Handsome Styles
At $9.7n, $12.50, $15, $18,
$L(), and $22.5( '
mil n
.I III l.s AT
I ram l I 1.Mt
ttrskru sr.
14 la l.'Je, 11.1c. V
ii r im 1 1 it run ,
222-3 Eornscn St.,Ccr. First
A toll V
I In
Men's Ufiisrwearl
l 3c v
t-arnacat, ;
Putronizc a dnij; store when you
want pure, fresh ami rcliahlc
j Drugs and Patent Medicines
Perfumery, Toilet Articles, lite.
A Fin I.ine of Writing Supplies.
Main and Decorated Crcpc Par, Etc.
Dirprt Pnh!ichfr...Rfllntor Ofi.ron MaMc flnlv fl fVnk
miivui iiviii i uuiiuiivi IVqUIUI tiU VbUV II U IblJ VU'J IVVVUW
VaVV -, -,-.VsV'V -SsvsVsV
Mist and Oregonian $2.00
You Like Comfortable Clothes?
So Do Your Foot. : :
Walk-Over and Sorosis Shoes,
Opposite the Perkins HoteK
General Merchandise, Clothing,
Dry Goods, Groceries, I'ruitH,
Provisions, Furniture, Stoves, Etc,
-.Lowest - Prices.
Jiuii.uiitr, Main Street, St. Helen,