The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 10, 1904, Image 3

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Oriental Hotel
We Invite tin patronage ol.the General
Public mi 'I Guarantee Cleanliness unit
Good Home Cooking. ,
II? fl
All Kinds and Grades
t a' 6 j r t f a tm
est rices
C all ID I ar our 'U be lors buying, at
Write for Catalogue
0 ) 1. 1. 1 N S I K USTt ) N V I LSO N CO.
Cor. 2nd Taylor Sts., Portland.
' "", ' mi" a " v wV"aw aw-t'swl
i Jt .r .. ' a
. 4
By The Big Sawmill!-
New ('o.m!s Kvcrv Iiy in (ho Week
Hum nl lmf hUmling Ur Only the Ileal ill
I )arl & Muckle,
Cold Killing In
All W ork Unanin-
An.l Haw Your Th'Iu rfiml Km
uitliiiit lmutiut ii:!. N 1'rtiu
t '''I. At
M iluwk llmiilin-r, Third ami Morrjaw Sti.. Ani Or.
'nil? niTn J. MACKENZIE,
lit Hilton, Oregon.
WVinhard's Ucer
nt on tan.
General Contractor
III! 1 1. til.. Mil.!.'. AMI I'll.K
j IHllYIM. A KflAliTV
Iestimates FURNISHED
The Best Pool Table in
Columbia County.
.r. IIKI.Kas. OR.
iii i
Koisai rcU'
nut Nl.xiii Hum k .
W. C. Fischer,
1 w SY
vt. n. Mi.iaM
ti iWr in ronriln'ii,
IIM.,". UMfctiUl.
Will pmriii in any ii.uit, Mm"' F''
Scaled hid will lie it-ecived at the
Mice f the Srliuol C.'lrrk. District No.
"0, Unilirn. Columbia Comity. '
n. f"i' tin; conMiuilion f brlJ','
Mii.t si,nr fomlIiii iiiicl'r iH'
:i-lionl!miM til thnt plufr All nnl
mini he aiTiiiiianiel by ill' OeH1""'
i a crriifip, clirck.uf fil!rl ifr iciil
(lir amount of ll .- The htnl 1
m,. ;. .ii.ii. i,u i'iiv.ix fort in
of t'uliimhlK r.iuniy.
th th y
unity t'ouri
Hlal uf uninun,
fur a Irani. n -i " "r: - i-V.......
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... . . - . '...i.t v ('ml
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J. .If ii.. Aiinlkallon of
" - 11 ... .... tlmmn llfiiiorii
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.";"'"V..n ( mmly Cwl of th
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.H.o ,r' '.. ..... ui.i. of iii-nmiii.
N 'ii.
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l.l Hit
,,, loiuniom '"."'; i,i...i in mi.
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S-'N HIII4 .
ItiiU will be oitn-l J""
I'lon ami .pcrihentmii
iiii hr cen nt the ollicc l ihe v.isrK.
('.. W. JORDAN.
Hoard ill DirceUHS.
Atttfi T. C. WATTS. Cerk.
Owl Saloon
Ullly III lat (
. ........ .I., v a iinor
l.ti'Jimi . ' 1 1 ..million
a, I ... . ,,;"'" ,r "Hon. llo.!y
r. ' " nl.l County Court
l ii,. July ",B."n, ,y, in. lh ily
coiiim.nHiil 7 n lh. eourl-
l1'u'.-..:. ... u. UMiMiia. In i
Ol JOLT. ---,... ... U
bona in m 1 ",,".
county i'd ut.
, ar.ll anlrltuoua
.run l 'l t;'. B ,V iil.ooi-a mid formentud
fjrJ'ot ihTh ,yo,ur"p.tli.o.r. wl.i
Llprs'aiiiCijars Kept In Stock
aver tuny. .
. ii. cronii.. "- - . runlar,
8mlth. O. H'K,u c KVlor. 0. 8.
tor W. KWX ' ir MM K.
Kindir. W' ' Vrz TO
.J...I. Brown. C. Krni- ., .
H'ilvly. t'eii ftSc i.r. Hry 1JM-
... W Hi. mu-
OB drmagtil. ,
All u. luuii.m'uviM'in-MiiiJ 'hr ) ) f
I unirlw'li!'.
Hoover. rrti "..- w
. ....... p: ... jwiv" . .
Fred woouo"-. u Havnrn. r rou
tor. 0. I. n""r: Vi,-;i.rid. 0. Magenji,
.hr, J. M.uinter. J.
Chindl.r, Aio "--(Y "nuni.r. Tl.
wnr " "p,. w. U. laDii.
B Purd.lCJ. J. WnK. K;.y: A"
I'.ir r it Y
Olrl Mitd to do Ktueral bmmcwurk.
Inquire ol Mr. D. W. Rk-hirilton.
Tli Houlton IoHrc o United Artlwn
will give a tucial danc at tltair hull to-tilKhl.
Burn To the wife of Sheriff Italian.
on Wednewlay, June 8, a lrl. Weight,
ten unU.
Mr. U. M. Beeliley. of Vcrnonla. wa
a vialtor at the Mint (ifflce Weilnewlay,
IwvIiik broiiKht In the return, from Au
burn precinct.
I.eler Wellln(tnn, while playinii on a
wKon lat;i'riilay, fell arroutlw tonirue
and cut hit face open, nece.iutin the
Uhi of ieveral titche.
The I'ellda buy mailt a loud bra in
the Vancouver Columbian that tbey are
ready ut any tune to meet the 8t. Helen,
hoy, and have full faith in their ability to
beat them. They mill probably be Riven
opportunity during the trawin tn ielrieve
the defeat they met oa their vitit to thi
city; but bragging will not do It.
W buy our hoe direct from the man
ufacturer and can aavc you the middle
man profit.
Clarenr Oarriaon, Jr., and Mint Anna
Green weae united in marriage at the 8t
Helena reaUurant on Saturday evening
but, by Juati.-e Watkina. Mr. Oarriaon
ii the arm of well known cltien of thi
precinct, and Hiu Green ha been for
ome time employed at the rettauraut.
Afoer the ceremony they were tendered a
reception by Mia Ixu C route.
Mr, fanny Brown, of Deer Uland, be
loved wife of M. W. Brown, of Iecr
Nland, died on Wedneaday, June l,of
imcrirrnl fever, followingchidbirth, after
auffrriug intensely for arvrral day. The
remain, were taken to Hillihoro fur bur
ial Friday, on the early morning train.
She lravr a and two little daugh
ter Alice, aged eight year, aud an in
fant aged trven day, a father, mother,
nd acverul brother and itcr.
Mr. and Mr. Jame Dart were Portland
vinitor, on the Iralda la,t Wednetday.
A large .Uxk of novel )ut received at
the St. Helen, I'hnnnacy.
Ilaitry & Hrinn' (tore i headiuartcr
for general raerchandine, Houlton, Ore
gon. Good gmKl, a pecialty. Quality,
iuantity and price guaranteed.
Dn you know about Jeracy cuttle? We
oHer a few choice bred yearling bull from
our faraou Hatcl Fern Jertey Herd, at
especially reduce price, to make room
for neat crop of youngster. We will
give you vluble pointer oa Jeney
ttnrk. Itetter write u today for prices
on bull, and ttate the kind of animal
ou deire. Addreu V. K. McF.ldowney.
Snpt. I.dd' Farm, 1?H0 Milwaukee Av
enue, Portland, Or.
). Ihipont ft Son, of the Valley ihiugle
mill, wilt deliver thingle to cutomer
at St. Helm, Houlton, Columbia City,
A'jrren wild nriglitmrhood. They manu
facture tlie very fine,t grade ol celar
hinglr and guarantee their price to be
a, low a shingles of tlve same grade can
I jirocured elsewhere. tf
ii a' recent iae the Mit gave credit
for an article on "The Water Power of
the Northwest" to the Northwet mg
a ine. The article referred to wa pup
liihed in the Pacific Monthly.
The report of the United State Weather
rlurcau for May how that the rainfall
w l .RI iVche, more than the average.
There were ten clear, day. even partly
rlotidv. and fourteen cloudy. There waa
a light frost on the third day ol the
There are no hoe made that are better
thn the Stilson line, carried by Perry &
Health Officer Cliff ha ent a legal no
tice to the school authentic at Scappoo
to close their school on account of the
prevalence of measles. There are quite a
tiurahr of case in that vicinity, and the
st hool should have been dosed some time
ko. We deem the health officer neglect
ed hi duty in not caulng thi to be
The fruit canning season is approach
ing and the price of sugar is ure to go
up. Prudent housekeeper should order
supply from Bailey & Brinn, Houlton's
reliable grocer.
Thecitien of Scsppoose, St. Helen
and Warn n, are making preparation for
a loint celebration of the Glonou Fourth
.i t.. i...mrr nlace. There wilt be all
kind of ports, including a match game
of baseball. Full particular and pro-
prsmme will be given in the neat issue ot
the Mist. -
Magnolia, Canadian Club, Old Govern
ment Whiskie and Gordon's Dry Gin at
ilie Owl Saloon. Old Crow Whiskey
Iwttled in bond. Also Old Quaker-made
Rve Whiskey.
Houlton Camp, Woodmen of th
World, held memorial services at tlie w ar
ren Cemeterv on Sunday last, at the mon
ument of Aimer Little, the only Wood
man buried there. Neighbor Little's
mother and son were present at the ser
vices. A brief address wa delivered by
the editor of the Mist.
The Roysl Chinook salmon Is ths best
fish that swims, and tinnooK snoes arc
the best shoes on the market. They are
made ol the very best material and are
sure to give satisfaction. Bailey A Brinn,'s reliable dealers In general mer
chandise, keep them for sale at from 3.50
to fS.
Smith and Howard have a force ot
men at work at tne om nuca qu.y,
near Houlton, getting out building stone
(or the construction of th tiauop -oun-
. ..... M - !.-.. B. I,
tv court nonse. wnn uwj
tbey hould get out e stone for th
new court house t St. Helen. A
A Set of DUhe Free I im giving nway
dl.he to my cash cutomer. Vou get
Justice II. p. Watklm had very nar
row escape from death last Tuesday morn
ing. He was piling wood on the dock of
the Oregon Wood Co. when apportion of
the dock gave way, nearly carrying Mr.
Watklm with it into the river. Men at
the court house and in the Mist office
immediately ran to his assistance and
found blm lying at the edge of the dock,
pinned down by the wood.. He was con
siderably bruised and bis face was bleed-
lug; but he waa not seriously injured.
A new, latest improved Sing
er sewing machine JWO.Ou.
Straw hats Ite and up. La
dies' summer under wear 10c
and up. Bedding, men's and
boys' suits, dry goods, ho
siery, dress shirts, leather
6ndings, groceries, etc.. at
lowest prices. I want to in
duce the trade to bar at
home as much as possible.
St. Helen, Or.
Mr. Horgren, who resides at Horgren's
sawmill, seven mile back of Deer Island,
received quite a serious injury last Mon
day eveninc. It a : Dears that she was
trying to handle an unruly cow, which
was hitched to a post by a long rope, and.
in some manuer the rope caught her
about the face, tearinc it open so that
several stitches had to be taken, and
otherwise bruising her quite severely,
Fresh fish in season every Friday, and
special Sunday dinner at the Oriental
Goods delivered without charge,
willingly and cheerfully. Order freely.
ii. C. GRAY St. HcTeas Or.
Mr. Richard Cob i having a subtan
tial sidewalk built around his property
on the corner of Columbia and CowliU
It i rumored that at the next meeting
of the county court, which occurs Mon
day next, Mr. Colvin will present bis
resignation as Commissioner, thu giving
the present judge an opportunity to ap
point a Republican. If Mr. Col via intend
resigning he owe it to hi party to do so
now He has. however, made an excel
lent Commissioner sad the Mist would
Im nleatrd to have him remain oa the
All the local and war new in the Mist
and Oregonian. Only f.' a year.
Mr. Mary J. Tompkins and son paid
th Mist ofB-e a pleasant visit oa Wed.
nesday last.
Our suiss, from f3.50 up to $12.50, are
better value than you can get in Portland,
Mr. J. B. B. Bourne,, of Rainier, was in
town Wednesday bonding the county of
fleers in the t'nitcd States Fidelity and
Guaranty Company. The bonds are
follows: County Treasurer, 15.000; Sher-
1H. slO.000: Clerk. 110.000. In tax col
lectiug time the sheriff gives 5,000 ad
dilional bond. The county pays the pre
mium on these bonds at the rate of ft
ner 11 .000. and thus secures absolute
safety for the county' money. Mr.
Bourne iufonnt us that Rainier is to have
. full-fleds-ed celebration of the Fourth
of July. '
Largest stock to select from at Perry &
Weinhard'a beer oa Up at the Owl
You can go to Seaside every Sunday
via. the A. C. R. R. Only 1.50 for
round trip. The second excursion of the j
season from Portland to Seaside and re
turn will be run Sunday, May 8th. This
chesp round trip rate of fl.50 applies!
from Houlton and Scappoose. and train
will stop there both way. F.verybody
should take this delightful ride, enjoy
five honrs at the beach and recuperate on
At Entertaining Programme nt th
Commencement KxarciMs,
The first commencement exercise
given by the llouiton scnoot were a
grand success. The first part of the
programme wi. devoted to entertain
ment, and tlie second part 10 ine com
mencement exercises. The pupils are
to be highly praised for their efforts.
They all did so well. The clown drill,
the Chinese lantern drill, and little
sonsT. entitled "Laddies, Laddie.
We've Been Thinking," given by the
primary department, were particularly
pleasing. ,
Uregon was ine suojeci 01 uw
commencement exercises. The Beau
tiful Willamette" by Cora usner;
"Whitman's Ride," by Frank Graham.
and an essay on "Lewis and nark, j
by Eva Wilkinson, were all enjoyed!
very much, and each pupil did cred
itably. 1
Mr. W. It. roweu mint a very
address to the class. Superintendent
I. M. Cooeland was present, and pre
sented the class with their diploma,
and urged them to keep on in the
work of which they had just com
pleted the first step.
Tbe Houlton school ha bad a very
successful year, and we wish to give
the teachers and directors ine com
mendation they deserve.
After all expenses were paid, mere
were $14.00 remaining. This will be
added to the library.
District N. ML
Days tairsht
i lays attendance
Days absence 10
Times tardy
Total enrollment 1
Daily attendance 31
Visitors .". 1
Roll of honor Icy and barnest
Link, Georgia Fowler, Ralph Light
.oot, Kae Ku-byson and sylvan niscn
Nearly all tne pupil aavc tne
measles, and they were given a vaca
tion from May to till May 31.
W. A. YOUNU, leacner.
District No. 4,
Month beginning April
No. days taugni
No. days attendance
No. days absence
No. times tardy
No. girls enrolled
No. boys enrolled
Total enrolled
No. pupils dropped
18, ending
Those being perfect in attendance
r: Le'ie l-arsnn. I racy rarcner,
Elvara Rice and Lee Johnson.
ALMA THROOr, leacner.
. 33
District Nf. M.
No. days taught
No. days attendance
No. days absence
No. times tardy
No bovs enrolled It
No. srirls enrolled
Total number enrolled 3
The names of those who were
neither absent nor tardy during tbe
unnth are: Trcssa SchwennK. bophie
Srhwerinsr. Floy Wilson. Minnie
Washburn. Hattie McAdam. Ada Dot-
son, Rosie Avolia, Mary Avolia, Rob
ert McAdam.
W. H. POLLARD. Teacher.
The gradualist exercise uf th eighth
trade of Uw Warm, school took plac in
the upper arhuol roam Thursday evening,
Jane Id.
CI motto: "Always Onward."
Cla (lower, Bos.
Class cwlors, cardinal and yellow.
Address I'rof. J. W. Allen
Rv..ita.ikn. "Word of Welcome". .
eaaie -sase
Commencement Boat. Clasa
Habitation IsuaersonBtian
Ml M. t. urars-
Ifuaic Orclielra
rvnait Barcarolle
iva urvwvri, urar msaey
Ratt-itatioa "The Face wa th k'loor"
Uaia Baser
Address " L.'Di
Selo-ralected Mrs. t. M. Huyt
Class Oration Grac Diiaey
gong Hchval Choir
Recitation Valedictory Iva Oreweil
Mneie.......' Orchestra
Address and preeenUtioa of di ado
rns Prf.J. W. Allen
ag, "farewell".
.i r. lie
a. Nerr, ti
)Z v (W Morel.
Knitio " "'
.llll IIII .
ft.fcO T alee far tl.W
Also a better grade of boys' suits, regu
lar ttl values for JO.50 snd 4. Besides,
we give a ball and bat with every suit.
We save you about 15 on Men's suits.
You can save from 50c to $1 on a pair of
hoes, pants, hat, hirts or underwear.
Special cut on trunks snd valise. John
Pellar, corner First and Yamhill.
tie. 4 Otpertaalty.
Two-year-old Durham heifer for sale.
Will be fresh this month. Gentle.
Inquire of F. M. THORP, St. Helens.
Mis Ora OverholUer visited with her
parents over Sunday at Tigardville, Ore.
Mis Lou Peterson, of Hillhurst, lu
been engaged to teach the Cannon scuool
this summer. This will not be a very
large school as there are only two pupils.
The party that was kind enongh to take
the games ot Pit and the deck ot cards
from the Orange Hall last Monday eve
ning, should return them at their own
expense, and be careful not to make
such mistake again.
The election went of very quiet In
this precinct.
Mrs. J. G. Pringle and son George were
Prf. Allen, in hi address urged pa
rents and friends ef the schawl to visit
often and become mo-e familiar with tbe
work of the teachers and tbe progreee ef
the ptipile. The great purpose i not to
teach the cealeat of tbe book alone,
ai to give the children an all area ad
develupmrnt physical, snaatal, moral
and to train theni to become worthy aad
utetut citixen. Our teachers are pains-
uklng, roosrieatiou, efficient, and pa-
rvats and citiseaa ought to know by per
sonal inspection what ia being done in
the schools.
Th telephone line le about completed
from N. f. Baker's alore to Tarbells
mill, to connect witt the line already in
operation to Tauklon, Houlton, aud eth
er poiuis.
Henry Larsea from Astoria, Mat
Grewell from 6eaid, Mr. Baxtoa, aad
other absent voter, came home for tbe
election Monday. ,
I. H. Aldridge passed through the city
Tuesday morning, earoats to St. Helens
with the election returns from tbe Neha
leat Precinct.
The election passed off quietly Mon
day, th only excitement being oret tbe
the local option question and tbe office of
Justice of the Peace. It would look to a
man up a tree a though it waa bad taste
for a minister ot tbe gospel to interest
himself in political affairs. J. M. Black
ford, the Republican candidate for Jus
tice of the Peace, ws elected by sbont
two hundred majority over bis opponent,
R. p. Tic ben or, th independent candidate.
We are plea! I learn that Mr
Anna Cirroll. daugl.trr of Mrs. W. S
Miller, is getting along fine. Mrs
Carroll has been suffering the pas'
.everM years wit'i appendiciti. am'
had finally to have an operation per
formed at th ho-eital in Portland.
s t : . t..:. ' ,k. k.' V, ltn wi
ransarting businrs is lb city Sat
I i-.h l.iHel. n' te rsenaim. ine
Rrpubliran candidal for th offic of
county corani:oner, came irom over
the mTinuin 1 nesday morning wim
tmilet all over his face, when accused
of having been duly elected, laugher!
so loud that he could be heard all over
town. Casper is all right, and win
milt a Nil. 1 commissioner.
If one-hundredth oart of the lief
that have been told in this place about
the candidates for office were true
all nartiv must have tried to See
which ermld nominate the worst lot
of men as candidates on their several
A. T. Lewis, candidate lor county
assessor, was in tne city monaay
looking after his interests, and repair
ine the weak nlaces in his fences.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I". Myers, oi im
citv. took a horseback rtde down to
Marshland Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Marv E. Cooledte. of Uak
land. Cal.. who has been visiting Mr
and Mr. W. H. Convers the past sev
eral weeks, returned to Her home
Tuesday morning.
Gearr. Lonvers and nis sister
Nora, made a flying trip to the Ne-
halem last Monday.
Gee whul What's the matter.' i
is said that it took the election toard
all night, and until T o'clock the next
morning to count the votes in tni
nrecmet Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Miller
made a flying visit up to Eugene, Cor
vallis and other points up the Wil
lamette Valley bit week.
The Rainier baseball tesm and brass
band ran an excursion to Skamokaw
on Sunilav last to eneatc the ska-
mokawa baseball team ia a game of
ball. Tbe excursion boat wa the He
nuhlie nf Ct Heteae. under the con
trol ot Captain Frank Watts. The
game resulted in a victory for Rainier,
with a score ot 1 to 1. Caewcll, law
pitcher for Rainier, struck out II men.
The game only lasted eight and one
half inninsT.
Csthlaenet met fort Steven last
Sunday and defeated them with
score of 10 to 7.
Even if ludte Doan did lose, we
still think him "a fine old gentleman
and one worthy and capable of the
position of county judge.
Tom Higgins made Rainier a visit
the early oart of this week. Most of
Tommy's conversation was on the
merits of the Cathlacnet base pan leans.
Come again, Thomas.
u. U Avery was in I'ortianu sues
day, attending to business. .
A very pleasant surprise party was
eiven Miss lusta Herman on Wednes
day last in honor of her birthday. The
vnung people met at the home ot Mrs.
VV. C. Lee, and from there proceeded
in a body to Mrs, Herman's bom.
To sav Miss Herman was surprised
expressing it mildly. A pleasant time
was enjoyed by all those present.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reed accomna
nied the excursion last Sunday to lend
dirnitv to the occasion.
Have you paid your election bets
vet? Rrtrer do so.
Kaimer plays castle kock on Sun
day next. An excurjion will be run
on th steamer Nestor. The Nestor
will leave Rainier at 11 A. M. Better
all come out aad spend a plctsasit
Keep your eyes on Kaimer lor tne
Fourth of July. We're going to have
a good time.
Mr. Geors-e Haach is visiting Mr.
Avery for a tew days. Mr. Hanch
waa formerly the leader of the
Twenty-fsrst Regiment Band, and it
eornetis of extraordinary ability.
The Foarth of July dance will be
given by the Rainier brass band. Don't
lorjei it.
It u reported that Judge acnancson
it still running.
ter of the parlor table of the religion sees
a family to tbe visiting pastor.
This aspect of things haa caused sou
rises to th sctMibilhie of th tea-
cher in tbe FhiUppine. They want to
have it understood that some of the ex
hibit of snaaual art sent to St. Louis as
the work done by Filipino schools da not
fairly represent tacts. They suggest that
tbe avenge work is not of as high a char
acter as the exhibits would eeem to show.
and that In order to produce a good lea
presaion of the people's capacities the spe
cimens shipped to the exposition should
be regarded as somewhat idealisd. What
poor, benighted creatures these teachers
must be to feel aaessy about a gocd lodg
ing exhibit.
However, the St. Louis Exposition may
put things in a different light. There are
pofsibilite for organizing an educational
exhibit tlaat will do no violence to eth
ical conscience and yet will prove exceed
ingly attractive. The recent convention
of the Department of Superintendence of
the National Educational Association, at
Atlanta, devotid part of its program to
consideration of the plana which have
been made for school exhibit at St.
Louis. Howard J. Rogers, chief of the
education section of the exposition, ex
plained tiiatatvery foot of space in the
st-acre building devoted to school
exhibits had been allotted. Thirty state
and all the principal universities arc ex
pected to be rcparsented. England,
France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Cuba,
Belgium, Russia, Japan China, Mexico,
Brazil and Argentina will also participate.
The object of tbe administration is to
secure comparative exhibits from every
important country in the wjgld.aad to
supply the most comprehensive exhibit
possible of every ptase oleCucauouai el-
fort ia the United SUOes-OwaSJi Lng 10
the Forma.
A J. I. Case, twenty-four inch cylinder.
eight boras-cower. Cash sale, or lumber
aad aaiaglcs takes.
1 MamaTsMILer
Vfflimett Sloit State I
Leave Si. Helens.... :90 AM W
Arris at Portland. .10:30 A M
Leave Portland IS0PM C 3
Arrive at St. Helen. 0:00 PM M
a-Aast as) cirts. M
Will Carry Holhlne but Passea- M
tr aad Fast Freight. J4
JAMBS OS, slar
. .. i. j
coupon with aacB cn pu- - MxOay,
- n M Fair, ' . , ..!.. I. ..Ulu laatrai Mlnrai
t .real iiiuuvniroa
ut ttiv store.
wfll pay you weH" to Investigate.
' H, MOROUS, St, Helens,
Miss Rdna '-Oentrr-' returned to Foe.
land.Moiiday with her sister, where she
will visit lor several weeks.
Election is a thing of the past, and
some are happy, it not all.
Rev. Dr. E. l Tifliny delivered
nrohibition lecture in this city last
Tuesday evening, which was well at
Miss Lizzie Early was visiting her
parents, on Piety Hill, Sunday.
Mr. I. W. Allen, who has iust fin
ished a very successful term of school j
at Warren, has been secured to teacn
the Reaver school for the summer.
A fire broke out near the stove pipe
in the kitchen of the residence ot Otto
Malsten Monday, but the timely ar
rival of the Vernonia ladder and
bucket brigade soon quenched it. The
damage was small.
Miss Rosa Lavender is visiting
friends and relatives of this place this
Mrs. John Uaiias' artel ana imnv,
SherwaotU -am vtstaag ocr. uus
Scbeel XxltlMU vt St. d.
Speaking ef the proper moral instruc
tion of the children ia our
schools, I as by a peculiar chaia i
eociated ideas reminded of th great ef
forts now being nude to aapply Ut
Louisiana Purchase expeeitJea at St. Leais
with attractive edacatiocud. xkibit. Thi
may be due to my miiteetuae at having
known a public school system which re
ceived a told medal at aa international
exposition for a mannuai training exhibit.
The thought that has troubled me ever
since is that this particular school system
had no manual training ia ite tegalat
prograai ot work. It had beea asked to
furnish sack aa exhibit, and it had th
courage to comply with the request. That
was all. Aa exhibit ot psleontolegical
research la th primary Khveols would
probably have been supplied with equal
cheerfulaess, though th espease of it
might have kept it dews to a very small
scale. The consciousness of this unique
experience and what haa since come to my
knowledge oi teachers aad pupils basy
with preparations for great exposition
somehow linked itself ia my miad with
the Question of moral training in the
schoola. Others may have observed
similar phenomenon. At least I have
found that teacher do not like to discus
ethics and school xhihits is ennj unction
It seems to make them lick
Tbe trouble with exposition is that
people who visit them expect to e same
thing extraordinary. Th ordinary ev
eryday school work is interesting only to
a limited number of experts who preisr
unadulterated raw material to the showy
tpeciman 1 ideal i nod cildrea'a work.
GesereBy aeakisg esaibitioa work W
i i n i
Nvraar Psaue. Convir asctiw.
&TT0RNE Y- di'- Li W.
Bill Estatt ul Timber Lands Soil
BT. HELEN!, w""-1
nmm with B. X. (jura,
t. BlUlSt. I t OXIOOS.
UsSsaM a4 fallaal Csn.
rt. mtuMM. i ok'oo"-
roN raiTUNi milt
Steamer Iralda
C I, HgkMrk, Mutt.
Us, t.lnlsr dally (xpt SusSay) as
as A. St.. dsparilsf ftesi Si. UWs alJ
'lara. Itlmlui, laim ParUasd at t. t
srrtvUif at at. Nlas at 44.
Passsnzers aui Fast Freiitit
week. - ' 'aittti08Wark. )tawiayiw
Supervise.' Gtistafson has .WM of nQch thc gennlne eharscterof scboal
Walli DiMtls, Sllierfaw,
Kstpairltsg a Specialty.
lfnksikl.Tav) fUst, rOaVTUift
uliu ih'f.iilltHlV: ,
'WnlU rlt Anl"".r.