Tho Kind You lluvo Atony J.. - . J . mt in urn u.r iiviT jwiih, mm fy&jfjr' M,,,U' N"I,i' Nloil ftlni'a 11m Inl'imcy. IJ '-WCni Allow no nun 'u.loi'i.lcr. von I.. ' " ' - " - " " ,.-.. iirnt All GmiiitorfoitM, Imitation mid ".Vtist-ni-gootl" urn litifc Kvporlmrnl Unit trlflo wltli and rntliwiiroi-tlio lieultli of IiilUnti mid CliUilrc'il- Lpei leiii o nuulnt Kxiicrliucut. What is CASTORIA Cnuforlu In it lmrmlcHU NtiliMtltiitn Tor Cantor Oil, Pnro Iforkr, Drop, and Koolliliitf fsyriipN. It I Plriiwnit. It contulii iii'IIIk r Opium, Morpliluo nor other Nnrcotlo nilmluiifo. It njio I It miiiiuiitco. It dcntroya Woinm 41 nd nlliiyM IVvi-rUliiii-M. It vnrvM IHuri liti u uiul Wind Colli;. It relieve Toothing Trouble, einex Coiintlputlon lind rtaliileney. It iinnIiiiIIuK-- tho I'ood, reifiilitte the IHloiiineli nod Ilotvrl, gltlug lieultliy anil iiuturul alecp. lUo C'lilMreu' I'anat I u-Tl-o ,M other' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS jy Boars tho Signature of The Kind Von Hue Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. vwff ?! tiNHT, rr t,'if,i Tin; jug stork down ft -By The Big Sawmill!- Ih ll.'t'ivii)'' New (hvmIs V THE MUCKLE STOrtE H.3 A REPU A- W H: ... .. !.... ... I..1U II,,. 1 i I jl I II IH HI l'll f-mimniii i !5 -GKNEKAL MHRC11ADISK-- lb Dart & ILl jg M. Ht'loii.s, ST. HELhNS PHARMACY , Patronize a drug store wlicu you want pure, fresh and reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines rcrfumcry, Toilet Articles, Ktc. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Pine Line of Writing Supplies. Tliiii and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. ninnni fnnm r)nV.I!fVllM1 Ullfclil 11UU1 rUUUoIIGl II&5UI1U M. C. Dealer IVVVVVVVVVVM'VVVVVM'M'VV GENERAL MERCHANDISE lRY (Ul.insl. IKWM' AND (1KNTI.KM KS'H KURNIHHISO OnOU. NOTIONS UOO M ANUMIIOK. I.KATHKll ANIl I.KiTIIKII MMHSti. (I !!( KIIIRS 1'KOVIHIUNM, ri.Ot'H AND FKKH. llAHUWAnr.. uiriw"ABn m f.VlNI AND Oil., HU'YCLK hl'NIIHIKH, TOOl.H. Kit". . : I desire to say that I would tike to do business "with every person in Columbia County. My policy jj is to handle honest goods at honest prices, aud it J affords nic much pleasure when I feel that my pa- $ trons are gcU;'Jg their money's worth. j ST. HELENS, - - OREGON 4 DourM, and wlilrh lum been - iiiin liorno tlio ftlKiintnro of Jim Iji cii niiKlo tmdt r IiIh u r mmiuv mw vom ctr. HARNESS GOODS nts nn( Grades n R3T C L f SS . I N .. E i ER Y JR. F." P .(IT Earycst ftlocfi to Select Crocn Low est Prices Call ami mir C "! If'iitK tiiijlnjr, nr Write for Catalogue V )U.IXSrKl;ST0X -WILSON 0). Cor. T;iyK.r Sis., I'orthml. I ' f Kvt'iy il.iv in the Week i; M tickle, S; Oregon. iv r t ui vuut muihj vu.j iv GRAY in 3 j I LOCAL AMD GENERAL. New novel at the Drug Store. Mr. N. V.. lioliiiuii returned 'fin-winy from 11 visit to frieii'l III Salem. Mr. M. C. C.ruy hihiiiiic'1 clinrge of the IHiHtollice in Hiin jilai c on Tuemluy lut. Juliie Kciiiir'ly, nt (loble, w.i in St. IIHi iihoii ,Vloi.y nil. I Tticsihiy hint. Mr. K. KapUr, of Yunloii, w 11 entti eallirat the Mist office on Titvixliiy limt mid took the llasalo for 1'orfliiiid on a li iiiiliiwt trip. i JoM pti Kaylmrii lm purilmeil four tou near the Cage projurly mid will noon erci t n ilcllinx Iioiim; therion, whiili will l,c occupied I.y Air. nl Mr. Ilitriwui, I M. r. DA. Terry, of I'ortlan'l tia l een I visiting her motlier-iii-'aw, Mr,. Jame I Dart of this phu t during the vieek. 1 Mr. ntul Mr. Winfielil Steven of Yunton were vUit-r to the county teat the neck. ' The revival tm-i'ting at the M. H. eliiirt li are till in progrv. Rev. Thorp uwl Tuggert Imve t ten usite-l hy Kev. 5. W. 1 citulon. All arc invitfit to at- ' ten I. j The large gnoline lanneh heing built hy l.rathcr. of Astoria, for our local fnil-hliyrr, Jaiitci Sheldon, will 1 f nish cil next week. This Ixiat i Imilt with all 'nioi'i-rn iinprovenit n' an l will mi doubt I e nl ureal ocrvii e to htr owner. Avon Lodge No,(',2, K. of 1',, conferred thefr-t und rank , last Tuesday 'niglit, the iiii nil ers of Avon Ir'ge hav ing enjoyed it visit from Lake River Lodge No, Kirgt field, after which ri-(ohiiiems were jwrtiUui of, and a tfood time enjoyed. J Aliout twenty gasoline launches w ill Ic emphnc'l as lish loits hy fishermen in t .'i vicinity during the coming wawn, thus .iving an immense amount of time n I hilmr and allowing many more drift to I made. These laiinche were all h.iilt by local workiiien and reflect great credit UMn their designer, The loy will certainly lie pre pared to catch the j fisli.eveit if they have to run them down, i Mr. C. J. Wallace and N. J. DiiKint j have lx-en busy during the just week fix I ing up the telephone line from Yankton t i Valley. They fotin 1 the line in ter rible con l.tion, most of the le for (our i uiilci being down. They have thorough j ly re;uirc 1 the line and established con nections. j More lunilfer wa cut in the City of jil' last yeir than in any other city oil earth, and, despite temporary dull lies hi the market, the new year lias , started off w ith a volume of business that promise to leave last year's record far in the rear. Water shipments alone in l-'eb-i riiarv, the shortest month in the ycar.ex ' ceede 1 th'ise of any previous month in the history of the iort. 1 The S, liar Vliinie Co., of which Mr. A. II. Smith, of Ouincv, thi county, is stip ennten lent, has K-en awarded the con tract for alout ,'!,i,0il feet of piling for the jetty at J'ort Stevens. The piling will lie got out in the neighliorhood of yuiiicv, an 1 iib the (one no,v at work, the cuiiijviiiv will employ about seventy mill, liven- indication is that the com ing (.mil will be the busiest and most provroas in the history of the county, i The month of of l-'ebruary, Knit, will long 1 rcmcmbere 1 as the onericst, wettest, ilamiest, most disagreeable l'ebr-.iary in the h. story of the W eather J Hiiic in, an I, to make matters worse, it , w is one day longer than usual. The i raiiiiall was 1 1 .OS inches, against an nver ' age of ,,..; for the past ;j t ye int. There j was not a brighuday during the month, i It was certainly a bad one. i Mr. N. J. Duront, of Valley, was a vis 1 itor at the Mist o.licc on Wednesday, lie ; iiilorms us that l)uint Hros. will build a new sawmill in the spring with a capacity of almut ,!!l,(kM dailv. In connection will be a sash and door factory, and Du loiit Hros. will manufacture first-class siish and doors for the rortl tml market. They are running their shingle mill steadily and the ik-uianJ is greater than the supply. Dr. Willis Morse, of Salem, a former well k no mi resident of thi county, has brought suit aji-'i"'' VV. II. Odcll, of Salem, to recover fiilil, allege'! to have , Wen siid Udell for a mineral base, ujti which Morse selected a tract of lieu land, the selection having been disapproved by the Secretary of the Interior. The ques tion that will I e involved in the suit is i whether Ui'.ell is -under legal obligation t to reliiud the money received by him for ; the mineral base. The suit is a very im porlant one, as.if it is decided in Morse's , lavor, Udell will be cotniielled to refund a large sum received by him from various i panic tor mineral The Mist last week contained 44 short items of general news, lour columns of news Iroin the seat of war in Asia, two columns of important State news, the ' l'ortlund market report, the real estate U.iusicrs for the month, notice of the Grange Convention, 40 local und iersoual items, a half column of correspondence from Iloultou and Reuben, and one col umn of editorial. This costs our sub. scrilers a trifle less than two cents a week. I it not worth it? A single item of news might save you many times the cost of your county jvijier. Can any family alford to be without it? The State of Oregon, jointly with Michael Doran, J. S. L. Smith, and Mary Mcsvher, has begun suit against Colum bia County for the purpose of quieting title to those tracts of lund, located in township 7 north, range 2 west, aud township 7 north, range 3 west. The comity has a claim for taxes against these lands. The State has mortgage against them, and the State holds that the county's claim is not valid, for the reason that the mortgage was given before the taxes accrued. The County ha paid State taxes on these tracts of land, ami th: Stale persist in holding these taxes while disputing the County's lien upon the land.- It appears to be very much of jug-handled affair all on one side. Mr. and Mr. I). A. Richardson and' duiighler Ruth have been on the sick list (luring the yumt week. Mr. Richardson ha recovered, but Dan and Ruth are still u fieri n from severe case of ulcerated aore throat. County Court i still in session a the Mist gi.e to pres, and our reader will find a full account of it. proceedings in next week's pajier. Capt. Mackenzie returned yesterday from a business trip to Rainier, where he ha a large contract for pile driving. He will begin work as toon a the weather permit. Married On Saturday, Feb, 27th, by Rev. O. M. Thorp, Frank Gosa to Laura BniUKht. Canned and fresh vegetable. II. O. OLIVER. Over Ml vote had registered up to Wednesday evening. One hundred and flinty being receive 1 on Tuesday last. , Tl.c vote of this county for represent ative at the last election stood; Repub licans, HOH; Democrat, ''M; l'rohibition ists, ll'i; Six-ialists, 811. How will it be thi year Rcmcnilicr we are headquarter for granite and tilMarc, a new suppJy jut on. Magnolia, Canadian Club, Old Govern ment Whiskies an l Gordon' Dry Gin at th Owl Saloon. Old Crow Whiskey bottled in bonJ. Also Old Quaker-made Kye Whiskey. (io to Itailcv & Ilrinn for l:ari:ons in fancy dress goods, clothing, lwot, shot-, staple grix'erie, etc. (ood goods fciec- laity. I'nces, qua.ity and quantity guar-1 unu-c 1. Goods delivered free. Carahaiia cigars two forTi quarter at .".nnn liros. Owl Saloon. j Dart & Muckle have received a com-' plete line of men', clothing, ranging from i..VJ to $'). Call an 1 inspect tacui. "Sale price fl." "Reduced price JjOc." "Sjiecial sale on Fine Turkish Towel the show windows of Portland' leaning th.e elatskanie Lumber Co., spent Sun merchant. The above i my regular : rtay here with relative, prke on i lentieally the same articles, Mr!t. i,ije Woodward, of Montavilla, which applie principally to underwear, shirts, shoes, hats, etc. It is positively a fad that I sell many thing below Port-j land prices, and you don't have to watch I .o, . lO y..,, ... e- orbitant price M. C. GRAY. St. Helen, Or. Our complete line of men's, boys and ladies' swoters are attractive, and prices right, at Oliver'.. I arftesi score an-, wrgesv slUc . can oe found at Perry & Graham store at Iloultou. Goods delivered free Fresh fish in season every Friday, and J ecial Sunday dinner at the Oriental Hotel. A fine new line of candies. II. O. OLIVER. We hope soon to see a lOU.OVH) mill at St. Helens. There i no better mill site on the Columbia River, and it is sure to eouie. What with the fishing, the rock quar - ries and the wood flame, St. Helens will have quite a pay roll when Uie flowers bloom in the spring. llailey & Hrinn's store is headquarters for general merchandise at ! bullion, Ore. . , , , .... . Week by week the Mist improves in apjiearance. How do you like the new tvpef There will 1 more of it next .jjj There are a nnmlxrr of our correspond- cnts from whom we have not heard for some time. Let us hear from you, please. Lieutenant Wiennan an 1 Private Shaw of the Salvation Annv were in St. Helen , , , on Monday and Tuesday last, the guests of Capt. Mackenzie. Wisconsin capitalists have purchased 1 , , . . . fortv-right acres of water front land be- low Portland, and will erect a sawmill with a ca,Mcity ol ,.) feet of lumber jwr day. Alx) Xiu men win be required to operate the plant. They will also run a sash and t'oor factory, which will be an , , , , , -,, extensive plant and employ about 2o0 nn. Old Government Whiskey at the Owl Saloon, Crinn Hros., proprietors. DEER ISLAND NOTES The dance given at Deer Island Hall Saturday evening, 27th, was well attend- ed and .every one seemed to have a good time. Mrs. Eishee and son, of Goble, Ore., visited with Mr. and Mr. J. II. Edwards, last week. C. E. Olson has been con'ined to his bed for the last ten days with the grippe, and is not much better at this writing. Miss Hirdie Boyd, of Seattle, Wn., is visiting w ith her cousin, Mr. Smith. Mrs. J. G. rriugle was a Portland vis itor Monday. Mis Minnie Thompson is staying with Mrs. Frinirle this winter. Mr. and Mrs. P. Clark, of N'ewbcrg, ' Thc owners of the Noon Ranch have Ore., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P. comIIU;nced the building of a hlacksrait.i Clark, of Deer Island, this week. j suop ;)x 10 feet, located a little north of The N. P. train No. 4, arriving at Deer the postodice. Mr. J. Long will occupy , Island at 12:45 a.m., stops for a flag now. it when finished. j Mis Ida Gore," who is attending the Mrs. Lew Davie and daughter Jen Holme Business College in Portland, at- nctte, are visiting at Scappoose this week tended the dance at Deer Island. Satur- day evening. LVer Island Grange will hold its regu lar meeting Saturday evening, at 8 p. in. At their last meetiug 4 were initiated. , . Tint 1HM Itoi.LARS Mr. Edmund C. Giltner, Secretary of Oregon's Lewis and Clark Coiuuiisioner, writes to Mrs. Lucy Gray of this city: "Answering your fav- or of the 27th lust., asking it there is anything in the report that 181H dollars, n1 1 lilo WUU U.C U...U ...a o e 5-. . misses to the Lewis and Clark ruir, I re - 1 c ' . , iret to sav, presuuiuig thut you have one . . . t. ' , of such, that I huve not heard of anv wav of getting a pa,, excepting by putting up a half dollar of any mint mark. Someone was iu to see uie about this th--other day, and I really do uot know where such a report originated." AN I.vsanr Chiminai, Jacob Hilt wu before Jutire Watkln of thi place last Friday, charged with assault with a deadly weapon up-jn P. C. Bundy and Ktigene Smith, near Columbia City. liundy and Smith were conversing with another party when Hilt passed along tlie COUMty r"a'1' The wed tllttt li,,B,,y l'"1"'1 a ,n',,11 to,,e Bn1 inrewii in uie uirecomi ui ui. ...u j M Davc McDoiial l was taken to walked on for a time but turned back ; Portland last week to consult with a doc and came to the point from which the tor. We learn that she had a very M- rock had been thrown, where had been thrown, where a Mr. , Greennagcn, who witnessed the occur- ence, told him Hint Banay did not tnrow the rock with any intention of injuring j or annoying lum. liundy and Mnitn had Mt tlle Jllace anr, iIt fo,Ioed t))em for rti.nce of alx.ut a mile. Coming up ' with them he held them up with hi Winchester rifle and proceeded to thor- oughly terrify them; telling them, not- withst -n ling their explanation, that he ' had a good mind to "let her go." Fin- Hllv tliev talked hnn into a more reason- able mood, and he allowed them to pro- ceed. Hundy then came to St. Helen and laid the matter before Justice Wat- kin and Sheriff Hatton and Constable Thorp proceeded to bring Hilt in. The examination resulted in hi being held to await the action of Grand Jury. Hilt was placed in the Calaboose, where his action and conversation were so strange a to cause ins examination lor insanity, an 1 on Monday last he wa taken to the , , . ,. . . asylum at Salem. According to hi on statement Hilt ha been an inmate wveral oenitenti irie and asvlums. He i undoubtedly a dangerou. man to be at large, Trespass notice and all kinds of print ing done at this oifice. A large stock of novels just received at the Su Helens Pharmacy. MARSHLAND Mrs. Etta Elliott is visiting her sister, Mr. McDonald of Clatskan.e. i Mr. O. w. welcn ana I. v. Oraliain.ol wa9 vi,iting friends in Marshland acouple 0j ,javl iast week. Frank Co,vin w,lQ accidenl,y himsef a (tw weeU,ago is improving, tjowly m Goo(j SamiiriUn HospitaI Portland. Messrs. Harris and McGregor have sold tbi-ir loi'intf interests to Mr. Cline of KcIs0( wUq OIerationi ia5t week. - . .... , There arc sull quite a number of cases of mcasU.s j tuis vkiaity. f Last Sunday uiornine Lolita, the in- , . . , . . , . , r, I.tnl (iniiL.lit.-r of Mr. ttnri Mrs. Itinn K. c . ; ca,Ied from ioving care to dwell among the angles. About two , .i. i . i .1 weeKS ago ioc iiinc one un li at- lcu luc wlii.-ti Iw-mii f-nnir,;ir;it(l with pneumonia, from the enects of which she : . peacefully passed away. She was nearly ' ' in moaths old and the only child of her j young parents, who have the sympathy ' j 0( the entire community in their bere- 1 avemcnt. The funeral sen-ices were con- j ducted in Clatskanie, Tuesday, by Rev. j Hawkins, of the Methodist Church, and , she was laid to rest in Maplewood cenie- ; tcry. ' Smooth the waves of her silken hair, 'Uu uer pure bro-, witn tenier care; ; 0atner (M robcs m a Imal tolll Around the lonn that will ne'er grow old. ! Lay on her bosom, pure as snow, I Tne eiuuieius ol innocence here below. j Kis her and leave her, your heart's ae- j ligut. In peace she sleeps to-night, A shaaowy gicam of lifelight lies , 'Round tLe uas ot her slumbrous eyes, ' ff hir rure ai, ,n J"d Ucla" Ol loving worsts sue nad to say. uut leT gcnue heart lorgot to tat, j And iroui oaiatv head to daintv teet $f U angely' quiet, cold an ! white i The lever i gone sue sleeps to-night, ' Oh. blessed sleep that will not break , tW J'"' T M oh: ptr.ect rest that kuows no pain, No turoo, no thrill ot heart or bruin, Oh. hie suulime beyonl ail speech. That onlv the pure turo' living reach, Go(l una His ways tre right j nis beloved a long gooa-niglit. Weep for the days that will come no more, For tne sunbeams flown jrom heart and aoor; For a missing step of nameless grace. For a ten ier voice ani a loving lace; Hut not lor the soul whose goal is won Whose periect joy has just begun; Not lor tne spirit robe .t in mute, And crowned where the angeis are to - nignt. ... , Mr. John l.son, of Nehalem, made us a pleasaut call on Tuesday last. Call and see our outing and calicoes. - II. O. OLIVER. WARREN A call has been jx)5ted (or a meeting of Kepublicaus lor tiie purpose of orinu- be held at ' Bacon' Hall. Wednesday I ..;., M-tech . for election of odicers. with Mr. Davies parents. The Socialists meeting Monday even-; ing was well attended to hear Mr. C. S. Stowell's lecture on the subject. j Amos Slavens was a Portland visitor i I Monday. ! Several case of whooping cough and measles are reported about town. j OUo j,,., returned Xue lay after sev- Cral davs ubsence in Portland. j j The band wil give a concert and dance at Rainier Saturday evening, March 5th. j Mf Conlc,j luw KMeA the C, W : . ,,,. , Farnson ranch, and Mr. Garrison has , u . moved to St. Helens, ! Miss Maud SI evens return :d to kaauia, Wednesday, after a week visit with her parent here. Weiuhard's beer on t ip at the Owl saloon. . CLATSKANIE CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Harry Hunker of Tacoim i viit- ing with friend and relative in the city j wren. I Casper Libel of the Nelialeru passed through the city one day thi week , b"un1 '"r st- M - . col.i ,uith re,ui,ed in nneumonia. an,i finally creating au abscs in her head. Mr. Stout was doing busines and vis- " "". S' UK"n and family returned from California, recently, bought a a lot in the "t'' an1 re now tnKaKl in Adding Ul"K house thereon. W. J. Zillman, who ha been visiting relative and friend in Missouri thi. icmruco uvuic utsi utii. jic y U" Oregon is the best State to live " n - United State, W. H. Conyer wu down to Astoria Tuesday attending a term -of the circuit court, and on Friday was at St. Helen on legal business. Markwe!l & McKay, the contractor, re vmm,, UD a buihline on Bridue St.. in this citVi to u occupied a hamc gimp. . . . . Norman Pickering is having a iege , ., ., . , We learn that Angus McGilli vary will soon remove hU 'amlly to Kaini- The sawlogs that were put into the ' stream above tidewater thi winter are near.y all run down. j It is understood that C. A. Anderson has bought another lot on Bridge street and will build a busineis block thereon ' in the spring. j Uncle Sam Graham, of Marshland, wm in the city the first part of the week, visiting hi children. ' The Misses Azalie and Hallie Con yer were in Portland last week, buying , a stock of millinery for the spring trade. ' We are pleased to learn and report that Master Eddy Mier who ha had a long I seige of measles an i pneumonia, is now ! convalescent. I KOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, j VOJIcK I UEKatV UlVliS THAT TH K i as un-tersixiierf AUmiuialrdtrix of Oie Ksuie ! H( Je-e Heu.rK-Li..r.. ic-ea-d. ha nle l lu i tne e'.aiitt, -ouit nt Coiu nbi Uoiiot. , Slate o. .r-su, her IoimI sceotittt .mi r:rt iu .ai.l Llime and tlit the Hon. J. o. Uuatl. Jun(e uf toHit i urt a niHiutei UituUny tue Tta.dsy ol Mutrh. I-JO.. i 2 tl k r. M. til tai dy f..r the tiesriDif uf oai.i liusl skouiiI. matt lt ut jeet.uus (Uerctu. mail tuv uul Killcmcnt there ut. . .. KARAH t. llt.SOKH.S3 Administratrix Mine t.uie l Jetj Beud- rick, br.. lieceaaed. SUHUOMS. In IheCttcult Co'inol thetate of Orsgoi li nnt,ia County Ktnuev, pi, tin ft. vt. J. W, Orf, J. M . Ifu fctwcli. a K 0. Ueit., Henry; hub ft iiealivy. A L- ttfinllT. Ho,ltcc j Hiniirel H4i;)-. rriu-K-e Klute u j Harriftt lie lie . Ahfc fcliza U?ilrT, CvtirgUii Jt-ttiifli H lev. Artfiar Kd- i MurJ Ural j. n i all ttbr tavirs of K, u. lieAttiC. Jr-a.ri, a f-M.lnl. ToJ. VS. uritf. J. H. Tf n koca. n4 E. 0. t heaile, Heurr Kiunrtrj Hwale, A. L. j JieiUv, Knui viuuiixf netut o liiie b.izittM.b Htrrivt atrti,Alice Eu bt HvtirT, iuuriint icxiiieti Hetuiuy. Arthur swam Hci'cv, buU nil wilier bi-a t K, i. He-itiey. occaMl. IS THE NAMK OK I'll. ST ft Of ORK Itaii. Yju .dtiCiiiif vou arc herebr rNuirvJ toapea Ail-. uiver thcOJipUiut f)f. aaiu, u ia tbv at.-ove eiiiiiir4 fUii -u or bviui Lbv llth dtv u( Apii.. t-Ot. b. tM.u (. nay u..i tu in iruter ut lUtf vuurt ir y.iu In ap car, n4 if T"U fail to ap pr n01 au-wrr. tn ptaintilf ill ap jijr Ui tti cuun tur luc ' iciuaa trd iu thi complain,, ncnn. tuil acplaiai'ft M j.ilnfU t. b in; vutr wi intr ijtuig )cM:rto'i rvl i-ro tfriy, tu wit: 1 iu !iurtr:M4 t-) 1 tne a. Mtb rM(HKtW; iS ( vet-Hun iiibetwu mu i uie uHu() ui msvUuu tu.i; it 111 -u Damp n - () 1 i-b, mug u (1) wt ui A Uiau.rtW u.riuii., uu ta t cCouui ui lA.uiiiuiu, ct. vlOfEB; "4 til at hi u.l? tiu iu tc qn.vtvu; tid iat you, mni a( U 01 uti u ior ver t-rrJ iratu a-il-t)K a.i, rintit. ti I 01 iutarekt lu vr iu Mia uu ut io pft'i tne ei. In a uii'io.iii ti- i ibltUt Iu iu Orcfon MUt fui (X tiia uyur.or 01 H U. I', a. aiuttri, mi ;e of hiiUrou.t J il.t liiasju uu tue Ulu u vl tteo.uary. A. lWt nra . uuucut,u, rvuruitrv 19. A. D. X'JOi. J t;. itoit. i.' aJ. iltJJW 4uwrHe i.,r pl.-iiiuff. - - Columbia Restaurant TAYLOR bUILIilNti, ST. KELEKS, OREGON MISS L. J. CRODEPrpritr. ' lst Meal and Prompt Service 1 , w IMy w B. D'LLARI MM AR DA DAY, . i TTOR XE I 'S-A T- Ll W Oilier HI -l door to Cmlrthtiuacs IlKLKXs. OKM.ON. in iiy .-ooit, State or Fed eral. : Will piaeli ' Orneral pi ell In cmirf ol Orefrcn or Wal i ,,,,-u uuuie tirectly Inu Mi l i rerK Dr. Edwin Roy, rhysician and Surgeon. it. HELE.NS.OKEliON. Dr. II. It. Cliff, ThlSIClCtH Cltld oUfCOK ST. U&Li..3, yjacw A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIYER ti RAILROAD COMPANY. dailv. 3 as.DiK.wa sTATIUisa OAILY. -u I 22 2 a n "v. . ' V. . i I 7iTi7rA. u 1 i t .0 Lv Portland Aril ! 9 tu S 06 ' 4 .... O.jbl .... 10 04 Ui -X 9 1- 1 ...Ha nier ... DM .0 .ss a W.i ... Pvratuld... to S fl til 40 M.9 . .. Maveer.... 27 7 KM !) .'.. ...Qutn(-.... 17 7 M Ita 10 IO J.3 .. CliilskHuie.. 7 38 0 s jo 10 SS. i .. Marshland.. ITS 7 31 9 III 10 Jl JI.J' .. Weatlion... I T IT !7 10 ! 77 . ... i liflon ... 7 lii 10 (U 10H.-8I1 ....Kuai'l .... I 6 42 10 OS I, W Wil ... Kvan-mi.... CT IM to -JO UlSO.i.4 ...John Uay. . 7 &i 'JO 10 30 II HO l!.r. Astoria .Lv 7 6 111 Alt trntn. maltd close eonneetlon. nt Coblo .itth Kortltetu f.eitiu train to ami itsim the hal aud ouud .nut9. At Ponlaud )th all train. IcAYing Uuioti depot- At A.toria with I. 1-. ,1- N. 'c.-'H beat ami tail line and iSU'ioiier I' J. Poller to and from llwuvo sad Nona , eiieh (mint.. I'tiUi-nLTer. for Aatortaor wit? point, ntim Oaf ti t. nt iloulton. Triuti. wilthtop to let pain -vr.-ia oil' nl llua'ton a lien eouilug Ironi pouiM we-i U lioble. J. ?. iHa).. Oea, I'aaa. Airtn A.toria. Or IT ISA MATTER OF HEALTH Absolutelr Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE AT THE OLD STAND James Spence li returned to Honlton, md If doing b-sinea at the old blacksmith etiop un til hi new building idiall be completed. In aiMition to a gvneral blaeksinitliing, he rarriv the ancie for a full line of gricuitural implements and machinery. Honlton, Oregon. E8TABI,lntD 1MB.. U JOHN A. BECK DEALER 191 Waters, Diamands, SilYenare, ...JEWELRY.... Iicpairing a Specialty. Xorrlv3 . Beu frual fint. PORTLAKD. TAKEN UP OsE WHITE MARE, tvtween fourteen end fifteen hand huh ; hIoih eight or nin yeare old. No visible brand. At niy place ab nt three and one-half mile west of Reuben, Or. Owner can hare the rame by paying legal charge. Me. M. Wasciewiti. !jr Ton pobtlid, bailtT! TEAM Ed it America" M Willamett Slough Route lve St. Helena. ... :S0 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:90 A M I-ave Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at St. Uelene. 0:00 P M M H H M M M FARE iO CE.1TI. Will Crrr Sotbine but PaMn-p-ra anil Kast Freixbt. - ' r 1 FOB PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. HoogSkirk, Matttr. RAILROAD TIME. Learn R.inlrr dally (rsett SuD'arltor Ror. and, at A. M.. detartinir f rniit m. HeWti. at el. -.. FriU'tilne. lravea P- nlaud at 3. t arrltiDf at at. Ueletu at 4 6. Pusenzsrs ani Fast Freiilit PORTLAND LANDING, TAYLOR ST. TAKEN UP At m place near War ren, on" vearlini Hteer, marked with an nnderrnt in the riirht ear. Owner can have same by proving property and pay iug all ehaig. s. O. U. HAYES, S'exen Place, Warren, Or. Farm for Sale. The rlinb 16d acre lying in aeetion 2S. 8 north, am. 2 west, I be north half i-elnnisint to l. W. Copp.and the south h n if to Tboiita R. Coop, of Calgary, Allienn, Northwest Territory. If yon wnt a go.l, cheap farm, with plenty of imi timber, one mile from a sawmill, and fonr miles from the Columbia river, writ direct to n, an we have no iirent. It i one of I he beet farm in the vicinity of Goble. Address D. W. COPP, Cur ries Crossieg, Canada. BEST F.atltarlallr frarlraa. CnlteHtlr Kepnkllcaai. Kew from all the world Well written, original itorie An wrrs to querie Article on Health, the Home, New Book, and oh Work About tne Farm and Garden. Weekly Inter Ocean I a member of the Associated Press, the only Woatern Kewa paper receiving the entire tele graphic news service of the New York Sun aud cpeviat rattle of the New York World daily re porte from over 2,000 epecial Correspondent throughout the country. YEAR ONE DOLLAR anbacrlee tor The OHt:(JOJIlllT a ike Werklr Inter eeatai ttotk papfLra lee l.0. CASTORIA ! For Infant and Children, The Kbd You Km Always Bocgfet Bears the ST? SAJ