General Debility Day In and out there l that feeling of Weakness that make a burden of itself. Food does not strengthen. Bleep does not refresh. It la hard to do, bard to bear, what Should be easy, vitality It on the ebb, aud tbc whole ay tem suffers. For thia condition lak Hood's Sarsaparilla It the blood, gives vigor and tons to all the orcana and functions, and la positively unequalled for all run-down or debilitated comlitiona. Hosu'a I'ill cur.'cnttpation. u crou." GOOD :i Short Glories It Was All Right. lighted jour fat hoi? "Yoa don't have to, George," re plied the sweet young thing, who had joit accepted him. "He told me today that if yoa didn't apeak to ma tonight he'd speak to yoa tomorrow It Is Muted that the Do wag-er Em presa of Russia once saw on her hus band'a table a document regarding a political prisoner. On the margin Alexander III. had written: "Pardon Impossible; to he sent to Siberia." The Cxarina took up the pen, and, striking out the semicolon after "lm- "And now. my dear, said the de- PJle." Pt It before the word Then jhted youth, "when may I speak to 'the Indorsement read: Pardon; luipos f.kt Bible to he sent to Siberia." The Csar let it staud. According to Those educated Sandwiches. College Idiot (in the lunch room) There's one good thing I can say about these sandwiches. Kind Friend- What's that? College Idiot That they're college bred. Columbia Jester. Aakcd and Aaawered. Irate Father Ah! how is it yoa kissing my daughter, air? me, sir; how is it? Young Man fine, sir; fine. I catch Answer Machinery OB the Farm. Ad investment that returns 10 per cent of the amount put in will satisfy most financiers, but the farmer some times hesitates about tbe purchase of machinery that will make a teturn of 25 per cent of its cost. Machinery that is not needed is expensive at any price, but very few farmers buy more than can be used to advantage DEAFNESS CA!(.10T SI CtTKES y total application as they r-annot reach the afseued portion of th ear. Tbare isouiyooa way toeuredeernew. and tbei ) by constitu tional remeriiet. lcaftiea la caused by an In flamed condition of the mucous Its isoflh Buslerbian Tube. When tbia tube eta In flamed yoa have a rumbling; wand , imper fect hearing, and bcn it is entirely cloeed Seaincss if the result, and utiles? the inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube minted to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine canes out ot KB are caused by eatarrb. which is nothing but an luttamea oondition ol tbe mucous surfaces. We mil give One Hundred Dollar for any esaeol Kearneasicsused by catarrh) that can ot be cured by Hail's catarrh Curs. Send for similars, free. T. J. CHKSKV CO., Toledo, O. old by Druggists. 7ac Ball's family PUle an the beat. an exchange, a Mis souri woman sat up until 1 o clock the other night, waiting foe her bus baud to come borne. Then she gave It up and went upstairs, only to find him In bed and fast asloep. "His decep tion," as she called it, made her so mad tbat she didn't speak to him for three days. Her auger can be under stood, whin one considers the disap polutment she must have suffered being deprived of the pleasure of de livering the choice Mrs. Caudle lecture wilu which she had doubtless Intend ed to greet her wayward husband. A North Missouri editor received note the other day telling him that one of his subscribers was dead, and asking that his paper be discontinued. A few days later the editor met the "deceased" subscriber on tbe street. and told him about tbe note. "I wrote that note mvself." returned the sub scriber. "What for?" asked the edl tor. "Well, I wanted to tfv yer pa per," said the subscriber, csudidly, "an1 knowing' bow bad you need the money I didn't have the heart to come right out an' do it So I Jes" wrote you the note about beln' dead." The late J. H. Sborthouse was af flicted with a terrible stammer. which he used to say wss a blessing : In disguise, having led blm to use ', tbe pen as his great Instrument of ex pression. There were times, how ever, when tbe stammer almost ceased. and be could talk on uninterruptedly One very striking and touching habit grew out of the stammer. At "family prayers" he and his wife read all the praters together, because, If so attack of stammering came on, her gentle j voice would cany on the thread till he DIAZ AND HIS ARMY. ..-uvr. .-.-a. t . V. I. . . tVi lj r. rn.i.j . ;r k. Prevented aU nervousness on bis part. have a portrait of bis majesty must boy I At a cer,aln Loon church the col on. In France every peasant and ar- leetlou used to be made in nicely em- tisan is compelled to look npon that of broltlered bags, but, so many old but the president each time he votes at an tona and siale pieces of chocolate be- election or marries a wife or registers a lD8 put In, It was decided to try birth in the mairie. The first act of ,"P'a tea" Instead. The first Sunday tbe usual number of coppers and three-penny pieces were put In, but among them a bright yellow shining piece was observable. On Monday morning there were more callers than usual at the vestry, some of them with the same application. After a short Interval another came with the same, "Oh, I am so sorry, but I put a sovereign into the plate yesterday by mistake. Could I hare It, as I real ly cannot afford It?" "What?" said the vicar; "you are the fifth that has been to see me this morning with the same application, but the church warden has Just told me that tbe sup posed sovereign is only a gilded shilling:" the minister of the interior after the lection of a new president is to re quest him to have his portrait taken, that it may be reproduced and ex hibited in the 40,000 communes of France and Algeria. Senator Kearna a Hercules. Senator Kearns of Idaho is the strongest man in tbe United States sen ate and can easily floor any of bis col leagues with a single blow from Lis pon derous fist. In tbe early days of Ida ho, when nearly everyone carried a pis tol, the future senator refused to arm himelf, and although he frequently was involved in altercations was never known to come out second best. A single blow from his good right hand was sufficient to send his adversary to grass. Claim Loubet la Irish. President Loabet's visit to London recalls the Irish people's claim to re gard him as one of themselves. Lou bet, they hold, is merely a Gallicized form of Lou bet, a name which is quite common in the south of Ireland, and that the president's ancestors bailed frcm Ireland thry eutretain not the slightest doubt. Our Queer Town Names. Yoa have aucb queer names for yonr towna over heab," said a titled Englishman. "Weehawken, Hoboken, Fougbkeepsie, and ever so many oth ers, aou i yoa know: ' I suppose they ao sound queer to nglieb ears," aid the American, thoughtfully "Do yoa live in London all the time?' "Oh, no," said the unsuspicious Brit ain. "I spend part of my time at Chipping Norton, and then I've a place at Pokeetogg-on-the-Iiike." Boston Christian Record. Discovery In Harmony. Mamma G'a'lys, you were rude and Indifferent to several people last night Gladys Yes, mamma; I've decided tbat it isn't worth while to have man nera if your clothes don't fit. Detroit tree .Press. Poetic Progress. Ed m and Vance Cook is developing into one of the most skilled poets of the land. lie has just succeeded in rhym ing "captains of effrontery" with "father of his country." Denver Evening Post. Warm Weather Diversion. Percy How does your ice cream club workf Pauline Oh. I treat Ethel and aha treats Edith, and Edith treats Laura J il a !lel"HClte In the Swiss style bad and Laura treats me then hecir. ; been or were now taken, tbe verdict 11 over again. Detroit Free Press. WHAT GERMANY IS AFTER. Ensliabmen Think Kaiser' Plan Is to 1-zcel in Be Strength. The Idea prevails In the United States that Germany's present activity in increasing her naval strength bus some relation to what are alleged by some to lie her designs on South Amer ica, fiut some Englishmen explain Germany' action In a very different way, representing that It her purjiose to rival orurpass Great Britain In sea power. Karl Blind, In the North American Review, endeavors to ex- piiiin "Why Germany Strengthens Her Navy." Prof. Hlind points out that Germany Is geographically wedged in between two great military and naval powers, which are now In close al iiitnce, and that It might be necessary for Germany In conceivable clrcutn .tames to tight a uorensive war on two fronts, east and west. In such a use it might be of extreme Importance to her to have command of the sea upon her own shnres. At the beginning or the last war with Krance, when France dominated the sea, Germany had to detach ItJO,- J0 men for the defense of her coasta and harbors; and the German army and population would run enormous risks, In reference to provisioning, If, In any future war, the .North sea. Into whose vast corner bay a mass of Im ports converges, were not properly pro tected by a strong naval force. Prof. Blind negatives the Idea that the naval aspirations of Germany are of recent. or of royal or Imperial, origin. One of the purposes that were closest to tbe hearts of the liberals In 1848-49 was the restoration of the German power on the sea. Prof. Blind says: As to the feeling of the nation at large, It may be taken for certain that, The Rural of Mexico Would Wla Ad slr.tlo mt World If Pwt to Teat. Most Americans If aaked to tell the strength of tbe Mexlcau army would voice the general opinion that It c n listed of a few thousand aud of the Irregular, nondescript sort so common in Ijtiin American state. Turu to some year almanac, however, and one finds tbat tbe peace strength Is 40,0001 that 80,000 men, trained regular sol diers, most of them veterans, are avail able at a fortnight's notice, and 100,000 would be ready In another two weeks. The l ulled States Is supposed to have no more than 50,000 men at com m and. Tbe military strength of the army of any nation Is not to be Judged by the mere count of a few tbousauda one way or the other, but by it condition of "ntuos," as tbe English say, and la this light the facts concerning Gen. Porfirlo IMax's very capable military support are wortb knowing. Tbe Importance of this. In the light of the attitude of the Mexlcau govern ment to the Monroe doctrlue. Is not to be loo highly estimated. AVer tbe I'ntied States called upon some morn ing to make the long-expected staud of force lu defense of that doctrine the strongest support which it would get In North or South America would come from the republic beyond the Rio Grande, w hich has been taking stride to tbe fore as a power In the last ten. years. President IMas, In his message to Congress six years ago, pleJgtd himself snd ministry to the unquali fied support of the policy that forbade further territorial aggression by Old World powers In western continents. It Is a long look to the fore to behold In Canada, British Honduras, Guiana, Jamaica, etc., sovereign states, but that so great a man as Porfirlo Dial should look for this gives an ade quate conception of his attitude In case the Monroe doctrine wis tested. Should It ever be, tbat hard riding, straight shooting and fearless corps, tbe ruralea of Mexico, would win the j admiration of tbe world. How much It behooves tbuse most Interested In this country's welfare to take these things Into account. Denver Republi can. L ZTSZ:rrZZZZZ er,ntfrl AVARICIOUS AND FILTHY. i it a TTvf nrTTTintfi' inn Li vv I n I AffH IHM Irl I Y I nr lIIJ in.lsJ' . n..e.ot.ri.tie r th Ui iwuwiw " - Ab.lui.llfc I'hs rHut inurder ncr His 't'f' .i,- niu mi of M, uuiioia or K7t!-UU r.AA NLif f-Tnrl I Jn Of a. mi., a r'reucb correspondent accom vvaa ivAiDtiauit v-uwiw -r -- M).Mlllll .nmion. . Walk-r'e-ru-na Lured. Many Persons Have Ca tarrh and Don't Know It. Mr. James M. Powell, (133 Troost street, Kansit- City, Mo,, vice grand of I. 0. O. K of Cherryville, Kan., writes: 'About four years ago suffered with a severe ca tarrh of the bladder, w hich caused continued Irritation and pain. I was miserable and could not stand up or walk for any length of time without extreme wearincst and pain. I be gan taking I'eruna and it great I v relieved me, and In eleven weeks I wai com pletely cured and felt like a new man. James m. Powell. I tkW ' " -N a -SM J t '.'.... -'..--... . VW.! .. v I .M J ilk Justice In Old Kentucky. The attorney for the prosecution: "Did you hear tbe prisoner declare he would kill the deceased?" The witness: "Your honor, must I answer questions that would Imperil my persoual safety'" The Judge: "You must answer the present question." The witness: "Your honor, I throw myself ou the court I am a married man and have a family depending on me. If I answer the question in the affirmative I'm as good as dead." The Judge: "What would you have the court do?" The witness: "I ask the court's pro tection. I want every man lu the court room disarmed." The Judge: 'Bailiff, disarm the per ilous in this auditorium. Here, take my gun first." The witness: "I want a gatllng gun tutioned In the courtyard, and a com pany of mounted sluirpshooters about he court bouse door." The Judge: "HailifT. attend to the details mentioned by the witness, aud t once." The witness: "Thank you, Judge. And now Just one other thing. Let me breathe my answer into your hon orable ear." The Judge. "Very well, witness. Ktep up and let's luive It." The wit ness steps up and whispers to the judge. The latter nod. The witness whispers again. This time the Judge shakes his ln-sid. The wltuetis: "Thank you, your hon or. The Judge: "Resume your seat. The court is salisftitl. Let the trial pro ceed." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Hundreds of Dollars Spent in Vain. Mr. Cyrus llerehman, Sheridan, 2nd., writes: 'Two years ago I was a sick man. Catarrh had settled in the pelvic organs. I making life a bunion and giving little hope of recovery. I "pent liun dieis of dollars in medicine which did me no good. I was persuaded by a friend to try Peruua. I took it two weeks w ithout much improvement, hut I kept on with it and soou began to get well and strong vetr fast. Within two months I was cure.!, and have Iwii well ever since. I am a strung advo cate of Peruua." C. Hershman. Pernna cures catarrh of the kidneys, liver and other pelvic organs, simply because it cures catairh whirever lo rVWIV - Mmmr JAMES M. FOWELL me I fated. No other systematic catarrh j remedy has as yet ton devised. In sist upon having Pi-nina. There are no medicines that rail lie substituted. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results ftoiii the use of 1'etu na, write at onte to lr. llitrtumn, giv ing a full sUleiuiMit of your case and he will lie pleased lo give you his val uable advice gratis. Addree Dr. Ilartman, President of The Ilartman rauUanuui, Columbus, Ohio. 'turned the eyes of the world toward a ..a.-... t I...mI,U ih.lrt'hr stlHii. nair pagan by some of whose peopls tht u mder !. committed. The McMillan expetll turn Is to learn how much of the Ulu Nil Is littVluable. so that, wit It w 'opeiilug of the Hrltlsh built canal laround the Hocoiid Cataract of U Nile ... i.-.,,f in. rich aui'lculliiral ami mineral products of central Abyssinia mav be floated down lo the Mm'ii ueau. A th bead of Ihe eP''itltl..n la a Bt. UiUs inn it, aud his present noaltluii la uot without stave danger, i Washington, as well as I'nrls, Is Inter rated. Th dlsasliou defeat of liy time ago at the ImtuL of King Meiiellk l.aa uarue.1 t 'h llcuslll 11 llSllollS IllHt lite Abyssinian la not to le trilled with i Dwelling on a lu.wd table mnn some i . ...... ... ii-.. 1,000 feet above the lieu m-a, w hich nr. to tbe east ward, ami poeliiga cmi Irv as large a the Hlntes of New York tnd California combined, the Abysalll Ian ir i oat tintotrtl advantages over iau Invading foe Normally a coward, he van be amused to a high pHih !fer.-ltv. and flalils Willi much th. 'same freuty us his Mahometan neigh llHir on the cacot, the Soinnllinsii. Illnloiiincv. therefore. Is often fat more potent In vanquishing the Ab slnlnu than giniowier. He Is u premely vols (lie. Quick to anger, he Is uuicker to forgive aud forget. Catch Fit for That Only. ' No Trkk at Alt. Si Slocum Josh Medders Is hack j "She thinks alio is capable cl presid. from New York, an' b'goeh, he's got ing over a home of ber own." m ney to burn. 1 "And she ran, too, under the right Hi Kornlop Gosh! lew tell? j conditions. Why, atty girl can do It if 81 Slotum Yaas; he bought ,00i) she only has capable and well trained worth o' stuff for f 1 50. . servants and a husband with i lenity of . money. Presiding oter a home tbat A Cheerful Outlook. J other people make isn't nearly so hard Guest Here, waiter. Has my bill: as making one yourself." Chliago been made out yet? j Post. Waiter No, not yel. The proprie- - toi cays that his ideas seem to come LOWFST RATFS MKrt.iK ii. or Aini.'i, very slowly today. Mother, will fln.t Mm. Wn.l.,w s SootMm syrup the Ut i um (or their chlMren in. leethttis easoa. Movement of Trolley Cars. The trolley car is not drawn or poshed by the electric current at all, but is lifted again and again by the at traction of magnets for the armature coils of the motor. FITS- Permanent!? Cnre4. wo fltaor nervotunea. anr nn.1 day's 'nr kluiff suri-al .Nvrve Kettorer. Srnd ror Fre. Wt trial twutt and irattM Ir. H. U. Kllue, Lid . ll Arcb ., I'bllauvpbla, l a. Youth's Romance Soon Ended. Blllico They are really the most devoted lovers I ever saw. Cynicus Yes; it seems a shame that they are going to get married and spoil it all. Stray Stories. would have been and would now be In fuvor of proper naval preparations agulnst the Increasing contingency of risks, even though an additional bur den of taxation bad to be borne. Though thirty-two years have passed since the last war with Prance, the lesson of that time has not been lost upon the German people. The readi ness with which military and naval budgets are always voted In the French chamber of deputies, generally with scarcely any discussion, and the great and rapid Increase of the Hue- rossf Poor man! He can't helD it He gets bilious. He needs a "la" 811,1 r'rum'n nts are for Ger- fOOU llVei" Dill Aver'5 PilU !manT significant monitory signs. h,r AirtU. .v i. "Along the North sea and the Rul- ney nti uirecuy on me liver. ,t cure Dinousness. . C. slyer Co,, Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black ? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE wen en, w psmwiimi tat a r. am c., ute aut. a. P.H.V. H J6-I00J. I-IVHKW writlna; t Bt IT swmMm Skis BHp v.rtlsra plMs awpar. Ing population. Year by year the num ber of men who come from the south to enter the navy Is steadily Increas ing. This Is true even for Alsace Loraine, which now furnishes far more volunteers for the navy than might be expected, comparing its population with that of Germany as a whole." Every mother Imagines her baby's toes look like rosebuds. Real Thing. "What game have yoo t!ay?" aaked tbe half-starved Eastern man, a- be registered at an Arizina hotel. "Kven-op and poker, sir" replied the proprietor, as he extended the glad hand. Chicago News. 5alllc and Willi. '"I notice, Willie, that berries are becoming pretty plentiful upon the market." "Yes, Sal lie, and they will remain more plentiful npon the market than npon our table until the price gets smaller and the boxes get larger." Roller Monthly. ToChuafo, liiihuque and the Fast; to les Moines, Raima City and j the tviutheast, via Chii-ago Great West- eru railway. r.i trie itgnie-i trains, I'ne.iualled service. Write lo J. P. Klmer, 0. P. A., Chics?), for Informa tion. Making Slow Progress. The German Antarctic exdition in the Gauss has reached the Cape of Good Hope after nearly two year of effort. Kvery previous well-fitted ex pedition ha peneltatcd farther south than it. For brimrlita! Iroui'lcs trv IMsa'a Cure for t'oiisiimi'tion. It is a good rough medicine. At druggists, price il tents. Terrtbl. Case. "They say L'nderwood baflfed six physit ians." "Must have been a terrible case." "It was. Although they took him to court they could never collect a cent." Volcano. There are about 3o0 volcanoes on this earth that have performed in modern times. There are n any hnudie-ls more that have long been extinct. hronic Sores Eating Ulcers, Not l"p to the Tart. Except In times of war the soldier Is piilarly supposed to lead an Idle life. arring a bit of drill. Really he mut be an actor In addition to his more martini qualillcutious. How many p-moiis could stand for hours and hours Immovable, as the guards did who watchfd (ju en Victoria's coflln? The requisites of the "brave sojer man" appear in a story of a drill master who was putting a raw com pany through the exercises of a funer al Service. ue , ouiu suira sic ugt caDcnouii, a rreat manv nm m, tt,; i atl.arilrlntia rf all rtimiii als,,-!,.,.,!;.., .,1. i ' ;rv,.: T- . rl-r,.:' nu"ore8. particularly if can A Constant Drain Upon the System. Nothing is a source of so much trouble as an old sore or ulcer, particu larly when located upon the lower extremities where tbe circulation la weak and sluggish. A gangrenous eating ulcer upon the leg is a frightful sight and as the poison burrows deeper and deeper into the tissue beneath and the sore continues to spread, one can almost see the flesh melting away and feel the strength going out with the sickeninr discharge.;.t i and deeo offensive ulcers often develnn frnm . .;i n. . He had them drawn up , bruise or Dimple, and are a threatening Azr,. .1..,..,. ' .t.?. i,I with thlr arm. rw.ul o,l .. .... ... -I ' i . -----. "-T", HCUUK, WlllIC Bll said: "Nov I'll be tbe bearse." to the side to see how bis men were behaving, be stopped suddenly and roared: "Can't yoo men put on an expression of regret V" cer runs in your family. Pace sorea arc common and cause the greatest SORES ON BOTH ANKLES. 80 he marched solemnly down the annoyance because thev are so rx-r line at a slow pace. Turning, his eyes sistcnt and unsightly and detract so much from one's personal appearance. Middle aged and old people and those whose blood is contaminated and tainted with the germs and poison of malaria or some previous sickness, are the chief sufferers from chronic sorea Modern Translation. and ulcers. While the blood remains in A West Philadelphia Hundiiy school an unhealthy, polluted condition heal. teacher has a class of a dozen small . ing is impossible, and the sore will boys, ranging in their ages from 8 to continue to grow and spread in spite of 8 years. Not long ago the lesson was washes and salves or any superficial or from the twenty-second chapter of j surface treatment, for the sore is but Genesis, upon tbe temptation of Ahra-1 the outward sign of some constitu ham to offer Isaac for a sacrifice. The j t'onal disorder, a bad condition of teacher told them In as simple Ian-1 ttle blood and system which local guage as possible the story of the go ing Into the mountain and tbe prepara tion for the sacrifice, and when all was ready she explained that Abraham aaw a kid caught In the bushes aud took that and killed It There was an awed silence for a moment when she had finished and when one little lad gasped, with eyes wide with horror: "A 'kid." What, a boy T Pbllndel pbla Press. O.ntl.m.o t About t.n ao a mall or cam. on .acta of sot ankle. Cw get Into the snd they b oam. iars. .atln ulcer., and I uf f.rd Intently for n.arlr t.n year. I bad .pent mors than $600.00 try ing to gat well whan I cbanood to 8. 8. B. adv.rtteed In af.inphta paper. I began to tak. It and was cured. Mr limb have never been or or given m any pain at all inc.. I bav. recommended 8. 8. 8. to a arrest many p.opl., and am now giving It to my son for fco.ame. Durln my loosT slokn I we livlns near M.mphla, Tana., but have alno removed to Kan City, and am now raeldlng at Wo. 614 East BUtntn Btra.t. "I"' B' HASBI8. Xwnsas City, Mo. him In the right uiol, end one may baud blm to hi. will. This tnvrciirlsl temperament crop, out lu a biiiidrvd various ways. lu birth, marriage, and SVen death, the Abys.ltilaii betrnys Ills Bill nature. A husband who can afford the ei p 1 so I thua coutlntialiy sibling to hi. household of wltes A e..;i 11. hi. fit vorite begins to pnll on blm be d.-powa ber for another. The nw wife ri!r tbe bouse, dlctntea orders lo tlin other wives, who. etrnuge a. II may ae-ui, obey ber without om-ii reiiioiisirsuc If any of th former favorite ever cared for their lord they soon cea to e Jealous of hi affection They know, too, that tbe time will surely coiiio when they will be turned out Into the streets to look for another tnn.ter Th custom of dlais nil ug whe. at rsndom us practically dotrored the Abysslnlau's Idea of monthly. Though devout lu otuMTVIng the more form, of ('hrlstlaully, lu fnsllug m-nrly two third of the year, yet hi. social life la deeply delmaed. t'lmallty I. asld to I practically unknown. The word frnler nlly doe not belong to the language Avarice ! one of the besetting .in. Aby.slnla. and the anylug I. a common one even siiiong hie own race. "If b can't g't more, an Ah liilnn will e hi soul for a farthing " The faselnallon of Jewelry and la.( la so Irresistible to tbe ustir wotneii that they hesitate si nothing to gain such coveted trinket. A man will ask a stranger not only for money but th clonk on his back or the shoe on hit feet. When a child I born, nix) stretches nut It tiny luiiwl, Its mother boasts to her neighbors thnt i, ready asking for a present. Dim cht after coveting almost everything vnlu able In hi province, and obtaining the most Dial be wanted by command ,,, aol.ure, died with these Horde crn hit Hps; "llury me near (he truck of the gtenl caravan, so my spirit mil make the titereluinls pity me toll." The Abyssinian' pleamin. In gloat ing over ins treasures i. aliuoat as In tense as bis dealre lo possea llieiu. If is fur this reason that be must see and fondle a gift, on receiving one. When a chief Is presented ,y bin aitlije.-t with shei-p, goals, sw liie or cow s, h anliiiiils me always brought lulu hi . ....... . . . . roniHi iiiuu iioiim., ao iiint lie can put ineir sides aim iiituuro thein. It unit lers little how much the lHals mm defile his abode. The Abi ssliilnn tlcally has little love fur ch-niilltii-B.. And thus the subji cts of MiMtollk d,. spue me aHiirillioilM or till. Illlihiilch litlitaeir to learn mill Itiltndtice Into ,u kliigdoni western Ideus mid cuhi live III Inilesct-lbitiile sitntl(1r. In w morning an Abyssinian will rub hl eyes with a dry cloth, ntnl Mien hi ho I ously "do up tils halt-." xv Iti. Ii i. takes an Inordinate pride. It grows so luxuriantly that be U able to lcr 0,i wtKilietl pillow with perfect H.Tcliltv Half-Sick " I Nrat used Avar's Sarsaparilla in (tit fall of lti4H. hlncsihen I hava taken It evsry spring as a blood purifying and nsrva. irsngihrnlni medicine." S. T. Jones, w'lchlis, Kani. If you feci run down, arc easily tired, If your nerves arc weak and your blood 1 thin, then begin to take the good old stand ard family medicine, Aycr's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. tlilariM tl kimm l thl im4 wttt tw (MMBna4 . l. u. A f Otx, bmil. Ham, 'Ki4 at Mr(- til.. Vmttm4, Orvfwaj, fButt!k HlUMH I'tlllrr, ttirHatf tiatt.t h..Ir tlii4 mifhitw .vs.iin miiiH w rn u tutu in ftftHl 4 1 At.COUOI, OPIUM, TOBACCO USINGj witii n luusnuTiB atuoa ! EMistri in.. sWetaUsetV Orb l.avtw. ktaia 1". W. L. DOUGLAS 3.2S&'3SHOES Y trow $3 ! 9 fti hf ttuivn UTlt '' Ida ftin M 1.1 ) l ho tut llriirt k.A i.( V. (, lhi"i( iiti.i lil ur t)-;t prr y ltrrt !' frtf ritn )t)'l Jrt tl iNi'ttt'I tUftl htt(lHIMltr I alt ' Ihtftj im !. tbwi, i $t4 r ihr mm4t. 0-'' $4 ti n t4 t .rABH W ts evafw''" ? 9 hf mU, fes r.t. oitiA. lltw.riJ ltJ ft. H. U IMII t, Iliac IM. Teaching Them a ! .n. "One of our cars ran over another man last night," announced the super intendent of the tramway. "Well," replied the manager, "after a while the people will learn that the only safe pluce Is aboard the cur." London Tit-lilts. Proof of Waning; Affection. "My husband has ceased to me. 'How do you know?" 'I can't make him miserable more." Kiniu t Bet. love any Htrengtb of the Mormon Church. The church of letter Uuy Saints (Mormon), now In the seventieth year, has some 4(K),000 adherents. remedies cannot cure. A blood purifier and tonic is what you need. Some thing to cleanse the blood, restore its lost properties, quicken the circula tion and invigorate the constitution, and S. S. S. is just such a remedy. a-f ? these old chronic sores through tbe blood. It goes to After untangling f,.- t lis sumi-Ih le the very root of the trouble and counteracts and removes from the blood all soak the mop with melted butter .. .i the imniintlc. anA tvniann. anA n,..t.,.ll.. k,.IM. .. . ... . ' oiinertllul Ii. A , ' . , '. . "i' uniirc syaiem ana tnen combs t nlo rutitiiHilc hIuiiw. i, Strengthens the sluggish circulation, and when the blood has been purified ' W. love for n change Z Jl ' ' flnri tom mirw.i a. .11 ... 1.1.1 .... " -' M 1" ' b " avl lUUl UU1, unhealthy matter the healing process begins, and the ulcer or sore is soon entirely gone. S. 8. S. contains no mineral or poison ous drugs of any description, but is guar anteed a nttrelv veiretalilj. r.mj a 1 1 purifier and tonic combined and a safe and permanent cure for chronic sores and Ulcers. If you have a Blow-healintrnnrrnf anvl-ind t.,,.i it. 1 write us about it, and our physicians will advise you without charge Book wltl1 b ow" ""' i-lmlr on "The Blood and Its Diseases " free. ,ln Abyssinia, and so ihc dlin-rs n ,,,,, IWeiMrreiiroimM on the grass covered lloor range his locks a new way every morn ing. Next lo Ids boisl (hat he can be tin j worst enemy, th.. Abyailnlnn witn l,, clnlms ho Is at time. . II)H, i,,,,,, table friend. Kealdes hpreiidlng a la 1110 ror uis kiichIm, II, lH Aft I goes so fur as lo feed the I COLUMBU UNIVERSITY PORTLAND.OREGON fosmt IB IT tMt Ci'J" mo ib 1!"S 01 I Mr II t V lie ApIII !:tti l : M T MS tsivig MIT If so: n l' A si. Unaitti A.jJ'mk leu im Cewits ts tUuki. tf!ud tai Slsu. Oat ftt sol lour ytai (leiairMftUl Cawsn. CluUr Collrriilc Caurtols Oauin. lef Inh. bcmril $.KiVf. Itatory al IUvomb k. 1 irabt nj looirewnr. tl tl tnelanr Inf. HtvliAiikjl tnttarrltm tnl fcUUtUll hiif-iswlr.. 'I'll, lUitk v-sr, be tin nlnj Set, 7, IWJ, ends Joni le, I'M. CxuUx wnt free on pp!i caiion. Addrnt PIV. M. A. OWNLAN. C S. C. UNIVhHSl 1 Y VAUK, OR KciON. WSOHJ "I bav. b..H ('' MKT fur laamii,a, .ui ai b I bav. lit.K ..IVktrrt ,..r iiir rrar.. .ml I ran sai tbat t w.rat h etto it, a ttiMr.r.Unf t!mtiti etrtvi tvmw 91 I l.(.r. v.rr lrl,4, t .hall rfrialnly rvr "ri. airn l limin tu wr l.teml. twin, ad Ih.l ar r.prcarntrd Xu UUXV, k.ta, lit. M fVj CATHARTIC IN rt laaaa Mrsa VIMI. .tB Sl.-,.o, , u,,,, w ... CUHK OONSIIPiTinii " r. i,.. M.'at I .ll.,.HMl .11 ... isu w lta i utMa. n.o io-to-bic:: ' 1 111 'frwrnmrnmrmmmmmmmmimmmm tin box iaii(iieer Southwick Hay Press 4. rs a inn with in,, t Die just high enough lo be free of knees. The host rolls up n bull ,, dough, dips It In some honey, and ti. pushes It Into the dlsletided mouth ,, his chief guest. Often ,e m M ,, large, and In this case the html lit.. Ily Jtinis the morsel down t, t,(III meter's throat, lie then f lh, other guests the same way, and ihei an icetj one unother. Th. a. ... , i i. v. . i , . ,. ,u. ,.rK.ic.iKii7, is tastest srui easiest worker of aur Uav Press mtd Betid fur catalogue. Mailed free. 7 7 a. MITOHCLl, LCWIS A STAVUt OO. Pfllmnd, 0faM Flrmi mud Taylor It you are In love, talk about It t the object of your affection, but to no other parson. use- KOPAUN ImL) you? HOMES Iwal r-Hfloo?j ere. ' U OMeS MARA Trmt Afor scfiArc j 1 21 SSiAOESA COlOfiS , ....mZ2 MSST ojaa wao ""n arruu, 'l aalua Uiaal. Ue n IT 'taiirHIl.t Ji,erso'frsj riniiiiifiiii-i aV4-l