Loss of Appetite la lo of vitality, vhroror tone, and is often pereiiNor of prostrating if kness. Thin i why it is serious and mos-l serious lo eople that must keep up and doing or get l i iimilliand. The lt tiling you can do for loss of ap petitels to take Hood's Sarsaparilla It ill make you ready to rat, Hive a rel ish to j our food, and a.-Ll in it digestion. This great medicine cures all utoiuach troubles and builds up the whole system. COST OF THE POT WAS HIGH. Cambist- Won It. but Carries a Bear as a Nensenibraiace. Tbli oar which you sea on th back of my right hand ha a history, and whenever I look at It I drift back mentally to the earlier day of my life," said the old gambler, "and can not suppress a feeling that somehow men are often forced Into channel which are not exactly what they would like. While not altogether smothered with regrets I feel that tbla la true in my own case. When I recall the serlea of bright things that have hap pened, the moments and hours ami j days speut with congenial spirits, tin- ! spicy bits of narrative which have ' marked the progress of many evenings -but why mention all these tilings now? i "I am drifting on to the closing hours and I guess after all the old man's chief delight Is In memories of thing and happenings of the earlier times. Coming back to the scar on my band, I I paid rather dearly for It It is a I pity that I cannot wear around this experience a bit of romance which would heighten the color of the yarn and give brilliance to the lines. But I this la simply a gambler's atory and. while not exactly prosaic. It does not take on any of that prettier coloring such aa one finds, for Instance, In Co- nan Doyle's story about how the major lost one or hi ears. He gar up his ear to av a woman. I got the scar reaching tor an ordinary stake In gam of cards and no large stake at tnat. It was many years ago. That fe verish Impulse to gamble was just get ting into my blood. On night I fell Into a game .with a crowd of men, all of them but one strangers to me. The game had "not progressed far before I became aware of the fact that I was playing against two csrd sharks. Luck wss my way on the last round and my hand called for the atake. But one f the harpers wa bent on getting my last penny, and he threw down a better hand than mine and one which I knew be had faked. A quarrel be gan and I reached out for the stake, eerenng the money with my right band. Aa I did so one of the ihapera wmpped out a long-bladed knife and tabbed at my hand. The blade pass ed through my hand and Into the table. Hand, money and all were pinned to the table, and until my friends came to my rescue I was In a helpless con dition. My friend pulled the knife out and released me. I got the stake and th car which yon ee on the back of tny hand 1 only a part of the price, and a small part at that which I made for It The excitement and novelty of the experience Intensified the gambling Impulse which had fevered the blood and tissue of my nature, and sine that tim I bar been helpless and hope tea gambler, enjoying the usual f6c tune of the man who spends his life to this strangely fascinating world." Kew Orleans Times-Democrat "If you refuse me ( shall commit ul- Ide." "Well, pa aaya you can't hang around here." New lork livening Bun. i Hjonnson win you lend m your lawn mower? Bjackson-Yea, If you'll cut my grass to pay for th use of It Somervllle Journal. I Harry She evidently made an Im ptvealon with hi in. George How do you know? Harry I saw him devel oping aome suapht of her. Yonkers Herald. Jim-Say! If yoe'U notice, you'll e that most or these bW Wall street men started on a farm. Sam-Yea, and that la where they learned to water stock. Princeton Tiger. Teacher (to Utile e-year-old-No Freddie, what la a volcano? Freddie (with great conaalence Oh, I know that! It's a mououtau that Interrupt all the time! Life. "Margaret I thlak you cheapen your self by going so maah to the theater with Mr. Jones." "Sfo, mother; on the contrary, I'm making myself very dear." Harvard Lampoon. "Van Major baa wade a fortune In t Another R. "Well, talking about name, said the oyster. "I lik May better than Mary." "You do?" replied the plain lob ster. "0 course. Now, If it was tbe month of Mary it would ahorten my vacation fearfully." la Boston. Judge What do you know about tbe case? Witness I seen him bring the tuf opctairs and Judge That will do: step down. I cannot lioten to such an abuse of lan guage. Discharge the prisoner. Always. "Too have been in many fights, I oppose, Pat7" said a landlord t one! uo, a great many, yer honor!" replied Pat, unaffectedly. tbe automobile bDstoeas." "I dldn' know be manufactored that class of vehicle." "He deean't; he repair them." Cincinnati Tcibuae. I oiggar how oa I know you r blind? Beggar h you uppoe I'd only ask for a nickel If I could e what a kind, libexal-tuokln'gent you be. er lork Evetimg Sun. Nell Mtudn has soddenly discovered that she needs enccise, so she goes out for a walk eve day. Belle Yea, I beard that she tad a lot of new clothes Philadelphia Record. Summer Boarder-! thought your ad vertisement said (oTmtthlngibout boat- ius: rarrucr un, yes. we nave boat and oars onfcy sometimes th creek dries up. TwtJ and Country. Murphy Will y give me yer prom ise that ye U love' m4 foriver? Bridget fcure, an' Ol d kiikw to do that same. Murphy, but Ol'm hxrdry of the opin ion that Ol'tl lasat Cs long as that." nam s Horn. He Wasn't Sure: "Stand up. Me- Nutty," said tae police magistrate: are you guilty or Bat guilty V "Faith. an It s mesnf as can't tell thot till Ol hear th' Ividince," replied McNutty. Chicago News. Not Too Soon: "This Is rather an unusual hour for yoa to be going to lunch. Not hungry se earir. are vou?" .No. but I will be by the time th waiter condescends to net Ice me." Philadelphia Press. She Is It really true that the blind can determine color by the sense of touch? He Sure. I once knew a blind man who was able to tell a red- hot stove by merely putting his finger on it Chicago Daily News. Mademoiselle By trie way, count. It very awkward, but I do not know your name. Russian Count Vould you like to hear It "Most certainly." 'Den, if you baf ten mfnutes to spare, sit town, and I vill tell It to you." Belle Married next week? Why, ju i"iu us you were Dooitea tor a personally conducted tour with a small, select party. Marlon-Yes, dear. But George la the personal conductor and I'm the small, select party. Tlt-Blts. me mysician Airront: "Ho you have decided to get another physi cian. "I have, answered Mrs. Cum- rox; "the Idea of his prescribing flax seed tea and mustard plasters for peo ple as rich as we are!" Washington star, "Say!" demanded the ugiy Individual suddenly appearing from a dark alley, "what time is ItT" "You're just about two minutes late," replied tbe Chicago an; "that other gentleman you see run ning away has my watch." Philadel phia Press. vuauueu: nupermtenaent (or gas works) bat do you know about lay ing gas pipes In the street? Applicant U. S. SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA Recommends Pe-ru-na For Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble J I -I'll. I . i 'H.k ...I1..J""." Ex-Senator M. C. Butler. If you do not derive prompt am sat isfactory results from the use of Peru na, write at once to Dr. Ilartman, giv ing full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give yoa hi valua ble advice gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President of The Hartman Sanitraium, Columbus, Ohio. Catarrh of the Stomach is Generally Called Dyspepsia - Something to Produce Artificial Diges tion is Generally Taken. Hence Pepsin, Pancreatin and a Host ol Other Digestive uemsdies Has Been Invented. These Remedies Do Not Reach the Seat of Difficulty, Which Is Raally Catarrh. Ex-U. 6. Senator M. 0. Holler fiom Sontli Carolina, was trustor Itoni tlui ! state for two terms. In a recent letter ! to The Peruna Medicine Co., from ! Washington, P. C. i-avi; I can recommend Ivruna for dys pepsia and stomach trouble. I have ' been using your nicdicino for a short period and I feel very much relic ed. It Is indeed a wonderful medicine be side a good tonic." At. C. Hutlcr ! 1 he only rational wav to cure As- pepsia is to remove the catarrh i Peruna cure catarrh. Peruna does not produce artificial iliwtlon. It , cures catarrh and leave (lie stomach to perioral dilution in a natural aay. This is vastly bettor anil ra.'er than re sorting to artificial method. Peruna has cured more cases of dv pepsia than all other remedies com bined, rlmplv because it cures catarrh wherever lotaled. K catiirrli is lo cated iu the head, Peruna cures it. II catarrh has fastened itself in the throat or bronchial tubes, Peruna cures it. When catarrh becomes rattled in the stomach, Peruna cures it, aa well in this location a In any other. Peruna is not simply a remedy for dyepsia. Peruna is a catarrh rem edy. Peruna cures dyspepsia becaur-e it is generally dependent upon catarrh. seem at A Prophecy. Critic That actor doesn't borne in his work. Theatri al Manager So. he isn't but be will be unless business gets bet ter pretty soon. Chicago News. riTft Permanently Currd Ilia ner nrM.I. Dr. U. H. Ktiuc, UJ..XJ1 Ari.li St., frlldljiln, Lot His Identity. "So you want to nt married?" "Yes, rah I'm resinned ter it." "Kver been married before?" 'Two or three times ssIk" "Don't you know for certain?" "No, fall, utter do third one got me iycurrt N-oflt.oriMTTouMiMs, I never knowed alio I wnj, or how I y usetrlr.Ktmtb'aon-AtNvrv ' i , . , . rr-jtriibotimitru. i come here. Atlanta ( onetitution. Both to Blame. John You are alway busy when I come in! Charles Well, you always come in when I'm busy. For fortv Tear's Fuo'i Cure for Ton. sumption ha cured coughs aud colds. At uroggisu. fnce cents. The flaking of Him. "It' ridiculous" remarked the I tailor, "to say 'i iothes don't make the man.'" Think o?" "Sure," replied the tailor; "why, they've made me." Btlll l TMIST offtr On U andred bollsn Rswsrd torts ueol i soarra ttist cu netbacursd bv u&ii-a surrb Cure. ' K. J. tHf'Nr;Y4Ce,PrllTol.,ie.O Wthaunderlinl.haknnaF J i h,. tat l- i . I i.-, mn. an.l b-,! Inm prrln-l. aon-rjbie In al L-u.lh.-. Inmactl.-n. an.l ta- HOLLAND CHABITABLt WORK. Church antl Private lualllutlout la el la in Aid 11 rati tail. A tweut report of the minister of IN Interior of the Netherlands Is of pat tli'illar Interest, giving complet sti tlstlc of the amount expended lu chat liable work lit Holland, any the Hevu Sclentllliiue. Tills umtler Is regulated In Holland by the law of June 28, IHAi, which recognise four sorts of clmrlu able Institutions-those which are ad mliilsteretl by the state, the province or the I'onuminen; those which belong lo a church and are for the purpose of HHNlsllug the poor of the parish; Hi Itixtlttitlous founded by lay bodies or private tmllvlduaU, and mixed lustltu tious which uru directed by the public Miilliorltlcs, together with the church or private Individuals. In all of these cases there 1 a distinct Ion made be tween asalHtnuce glveu to thoae who HKk It of their own will and those who me ukIihiihhI to k ami are soutint out. In an averiigo year the assistance at the homes of tlin Indigent amount to a lit tit more man ii,wii,"o irnma, of which iMUHJ Is lu money aud the rest lu provisions, the whole being distributed among about l,0W poor. In this total of expenditures the part played by public funds Is B.ixiU.OOO franca, the rest being almost entirely furbished by the churches, tliu private Institutions distributing hardly ouo.UW) franc. The churches distribute more money than the public Institutions. Tim poor who do uot apply for as- alstnnce are almost exclusively cared for either by the churclie or private iiHlltutlona, as the public otlUlnls do not posses siilllcleut Initiative to seek out the sufferers. The amouiit distrib uted to these "ashatued" poor rvpre- scuts an expenditure of some 1.ji'.ii i-niics, which Is divided almost voualty twieu the private and lay lustltu- Ions and the churches. The distribution ot provisions and fuel reaches the modest total of SiO.OOO fruiu-a dUtrlbuted among l.Vi poor. he source of most of this aMtstam-e la the private Institutions, the pulillc granting but little more than 13.000 frnucs to 500 poor. Tim explniiatloti of the relatively modest part played by the government lies iu the spivttlcatlou In the law mentioned above Hint pul- llc assistance shall be granted only lien other agendo are lnudixuatv The charitable Institution of Holland are pulillc, 3,-ti supported by the number about S.mxi. of which l.irno church aud 4. are private. 13 Miss Alice Bailey, ol Atlanta, (la., tells how she was permanently cured of Inflamma tion of the ovaries, escaped sur . a a . a I ! H peon s kniie, ty lakins; i.yuia Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound. ' I had surTersd for three year wlta larrlbl pains at th tima of msr truallon, aud did not know what the trouble was until the doctor pro Bounced It Inllittiliiiutloll of ill vurlca, and prnH,'l an oertlon. " 1 felt so weak aud sick Hist I felt ur thai I could not aurvlre th or deal, Th following week I read aa advertisement In the paper of l.yilla) E. rink hit in' Vcgctrtblo lout round lu such an emergency, aud a) ilccUlad to try It. Oreat wa my lojr to Hud that I actually Improved after taking two bottles, and in the end I wascurtitl by it. 1 had gained righteaa pounds and was In ei-allrat health." Mm Ai n a lUit ar. V) North Hoiile vard, Atlanta, tio. $tooo tttntit fiia wa). '""in a ii i m Th Cut Dlrsct, Tb folk-Wht would you do II . man should eat with ynH? u ' uyK,','"1 thwU M 1,1c1ImI LOWEST RATFS To Cblrtgo. liuhiiiiua MJ al . Kaali to IH Molne. Kansas cm. ... Iha Boulheast. via Chicago oi V- ern railway. Electric light! I nniualletl snrvbw. Write in t Whero They Uo taia,. Mr. NsgKS-Pabawt WomB d, 'lit a much thinking a men. ' IWlbly? but tl... their thought by diluting u, J " word. Uuleraiin iMtiwhlnw Co ai-i'KMiitt To Jnil 1'iait.K. eart Mwriaaa M.. WllaaJ u... l-ar-m, lla..a Aulomaoe, h.i ,',. ! .ulll.-lHmM t'Mlla-. IU h.,".Vr""f I lw.. k.fM liw.-k.f. Ma.mlll Mar km,,, ii ; au. K.,ler. Ma llr.,, Mifttiea Mritauaaaau in aa.aiurr nit. "'lie. liaa.li.. The STiiiptonis of Inllitiiiiiintlon avnd iltarusr of tli uvurlcs ur I (lull thrublilug; pit In, uit'onl unuleil by acitao of l-iitlcrnraii ml licnt low down in tlir PORTLAND ACADEMY a tm.i kh km a awiru Vim u luvi urn vueil rue W.lh ft eatf a rulrM r-Mi,,.,, , lli.ii.n,.) ! In. lurtl a hall (tw.i.l. ."Z " aeeiMl'tieHU ana ijMn uiM mt a laferj koine l.eallna la m. at Ibe aut Ivauiital '-'" "I H.e fa. 10. ma I m "j liraltbiMt Im ealaiMiua arilie ronuANo ACAotur. ronruND. onw. - rf OMrkiOX roktisp Ht. I1atja tf call Is You Caa act Allcn'e Foot-Ess FREE. W'rlt Allen S. Olmsted. 1 Rn V V f,e a Ires asm j le of Allen 'a Knot-r ase. It cures weatinr, hot wnllen. si-hln(r teei. It masea new or tijrht hneit eay. a i-ertain cure ft.r some, inirroirfnicnaitii and hunloni. Alldms fiitiicUlt. lon't accepl any lubslltuie. An Explanation. Askett Why are they buildim so many "skyecrapert-?" knoitt Oh real estate cost nothine up in the air. a uia wi-arrj uuian; oulnaiiuna mails Waer A TiiCiX-. rV'liiilMa.e druicfitis, Toledo, aLWMl Kl.N,i UaKVII ... WholeiaJa Ijn i in, Isledo. O. nail it alarm (.are U lakeu tiuernallr ai-iini i'"' ' an.l mio-Mn surlaariai aaai'i Fsmliy fU.aara tan M.u There Wss a Difference. t-oekKon liuekm How do you like my Hamlet? uid btager-Oh, it was your Hamlet was it? Weil, I didn't recognise it si Shakespeare'. Brooklyn Lii. Evening Shlngs I p. Boglt They nay that, after a time the engineer ol a limited (Iyer lose his nerve. Joggs The engineer does, but the Pullman porter. not Mil Xhe Kind Von Havo Always Hotirrlit; ture of Clins. II. I-'Ictclicr, and 1km ben BMln ,!,.? bilt persnal nuporvisiou for out .'JO yours. AUoiir n ,,nn aocoivo you In tliN. Counterfeits, fmii.-.r r tliQ iU to And I euppose you 6ght grimly you for plaee M t0T" I know they never give in, 1 mean?" fight till I die," said Pat. 'I always Storing Coal Under Water. Certain kind of coal deteriorate rapidly in tbe ocean air and Lord Charle Breeaford has expressed the belief that the total loss may reach 60 per cent. Store under water is the remedy of an English experimenter, who, noting the fine quality of coal dredged from a harbor, ha kept JJon mouthnhire steam coal under sea water two month with a loss of leu than 1 per cent of heating power. hadn't oughter be laid until the street ha Just been repgved. lie got the place. Judge. "Well, Jones I certainly a patient man with a temper hard to nilBe.' Patient Is no name for him. Why, that man has been known to go out with bis wife to select- wallpaper and go through the ortleal without losing nis temper." Haitimore Herald. Cause of the Mirth: "Bridget," said Mrs. Ilyflyte, "your lady friend mustn't stay so fa hereafter. Her uproarious laughter woke me op at 1 o'clock this morning:" "Ylg, mum; 1 wa tellln' her aborrt how you tried to make cake wan day." Indiana Dolls i " .Just-as-jrnod " aro but Experiments, mid en'daiii-or licultli of Children Kxpc-rience against Kxtierinu-iit c What is CASTOR IA Castoriiv Is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, I "are. porie, Orops ami Soothing- Syrups. It H Pleasant. It contains neither Oi.ium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic substaiiec. Its afro is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays 1 cvcri.-diiio. It eures Diarrhtra an.l Wind Cohe. It relieves Tecthincr Troubles, eures Constliiation and I-Iatuleney. It assimilates tho 1-VmmI, retrulates tho Stomaeh and ISowels, fifivlnar healthy and natural bleep, lhe Children's I'auucea The iVlother's l'riend. The Kind You Haye Always Bought .uears tne Signature of Sanitary Record for House. Paul 6traus. senator for Parfi. m,n is one of tbe mot practical authorities Bun on municipal affair, i about to pro-! Major DlxIJo you think lt' going pose mat a compulsory sanitary record to rain to-morrow, Lncle Isham? I'n- should be attached to every dwelling, j cle Isham I dlinno, honey. It's mighty . . hahd to prognosticate. When de Lawd had charge of de weathah I could tell sumflu' erbout It, but sense dls yer weathah bureau dun bin ninnin' It Un cle Isham s bad ter gib It up. Judge. names l m arraia 1 in losing my mind. When I bejrrpw money from any of my friends, Iku sure to forget all about It. Howes Why, that I no sign of mental decline. On tbe con trary. It show a fine business capacl ty. Barucs-But I alge forget when a friend owes me something. Howes That's all right That1 tact-Boston Transcript. S7 Kir.).-iie was flrt used for lighting lu ls'H. Tlie hli.li.nt luouiitiilu lu the ni-H.u Lu nt least thirty live tt! .jusand feet; that la fix thoiifatid feet hight-r than Mt. Kvt n f. tim a.-iiill pen ni,, tlryliig powdsis an- ot III ued In Kngllsh law Courts mil 111- llwiiae of Lords, anil lu the I'lfiuh t'lmml it t,f lieput ea, SlnLInu rt -f!Ulilatl e tins In-vli iolut. id uul lietHei-u the remarksble aiu leiit ru tin at Ziuil ulitve, In h l,-l.i, an.l antliu:tlcs In t'ornwiill, KiigUnd. i Kite linwkn time tx-cum so b bl about the giiTlmm In Ilurianh that they swtsip dotvn on the no as tnlile and seljie fin d from the a .lih lrs' uliile. A trateler has iiiaib; the olnt-rvatlnn 111 it euffit-ilrii.kti g in. iil ar verv Id lii given t dmiike:iiH-. In Pr ill for liihlance, vtinte coffee la gmwii exti'iialvely and nil lh Inhabitant' Ir nk It many tlmen a day, liitml.-n lli.ii Is rarely .tvu. The effei t Is m.t n'y iiutlreiible unioiig the i.nthe. but he ftirelgiier w ho . ti.- th.-rv, th itiuli lui-a.Mii-d of evi r sui-h s pusilnii for strniiif ilrlnk, grndttally loa.s his Ilk- n for alcohol at he iic.iilres the offte drinking hnblt of the llnul.lnn, ieiuiaiiy has a pay wedding, at which the bride reeelvi-at her gumts wl.h a Inmln before her In which each pi-rton ciitT iig deposits a Jewel, a sll ur spoou or n pice of nmuev. In fM.niv aiot iae arnta.l lor sltl, t.laal side. I I -a-ltl. .1. ...... ...I..." i i. TI.M ra-H..M " a.-i- . '.7-. I '' "-'. ailOW 4Miie WellilllC. I atl..tl and ..lal cutaea Uu.le, , i. j MU"tt. Ait. In eha'aa u at, lall.la 1 I ion.t.aia.1 ratal. tt all ninianiiu ,.,i. ........ Im "' eil lWtaittU.e II, l4. ..-le.anD.lll.niWWW j I't KANOK TttHHHrt Tokta. el Psac ana War leaad la lb Kcanawkk Vallsy, Waahlatea. Whers th great steal brldg ol Iha Ncrthern IVillc rsilaay spsns lb t olnmbia river, halt ay Maaen Hto. kan and Seattle, Washington, aud near the rouflueiira of th Hnsk and Columbia livers there i fought slsty year ago a Utile to the death l-etanrn two Indian tribe, probably th Cay utrs and th Wsllahwallhs tr lb Clhullba hit h latter Uiba aa a iac. leas and thieving oi.a. Oreat Irrigating 1)1 lit, Co-nplltd. The railaay company haa rarantlv tompletetl a giaal irrigating ditch SS miles long and :u le.t aid that is turning this valley adjarrnt to Ihei wet bank ol the Columbia Ir. in a saga ,' bruah plana into what a ' veara hem will U an orchard a id garden .pot I'O miles s.iare, ill. rlimsta laculiarly adapte.1, It is nl, to rais ing all sorts ol vegetable, l-errle, peat-bn. apple, plotn. charriaa and l!lla. In the tnarina on mma an old Indian battle u nind bar been und on uia rame x.t wi nre l.vaia and Clark, the pitinaar rxplorres, pit. h thir camp and om ,,,.h Ul,. puthe-l their way up sum, i to tin mouth of tha skims river In the yaai 1 & HJ t Famous (knsrsls rought Thsr. This is all historic ground aa at later date Grant and r-hertdan and other liotatl army old, era era sis tione.1 in this vlcluity;r,1i (n H52 3 Hhnridan In 1Wi,',., U-n, 0 ,, taking part In repelling Indian upri lugs. In tid old battle ground, ami Brat by means ol a wall, there was nn earthed recently, skeletons, flint lo. k rules, Indian bda, braea badge bear ing data of 14.1, lfl,krn Ukhats, spear l.eals, elk teeth and pie- ol cloth tr matting spun from thread ol weeds or hen. p. Kver) thing went to iinw mat. nn part ol the Karuiewi k valley was at one and the same time an old Indian battle and burylun grot n I, It i now known thai the 1 fill lot list jsw..sa-.aL. t. I : -ii"Tiaieii nern in great iium lei-art Mtawraal aww, . -m ALCOHOL, OPIUM, TOBACCO USING- ltt eOUlU-,tllAttBCtla,n tlitl aas Haatraamr ill. . ffltm4. Pew. law '. I HF it , ft w 11 iVk $23 ii:k dav tan 1 a-ada auk aa AUSTIN VU Machine. Ma.ta In alt alia, ana St , laa tvr Mil Ml a aier auf tlaftlt HI; A LI. A CO. Oaa. (la. ill IHaM, M nix a IH-liriASO OHtillOla BAD BLOOD -rre - all !. as IW tkaa . "''O aetieu Ifca.eolua a. a-e-l i " e-Mtattl to lata a4 al ft Zr.H '" ' taaii. ta.a. mt -I a ua ai.a.a ana a.. ... "Z"??'l""' 1 aiaa Malta, la "t ar Ma saujs auj LatMaU. laaa. Ml ltie till eta i,t I li emn ti v It... Iu ik...1 the eVmte f the' r,;" Z ng "'T .1. ,11 be me, by ,,,,-i, pa,-,,,, fnr J,,,,. Zlu . , ,r "Hf, what he .at, or Urhik. The rl. es higher altitude, drove them i, u, mo l-nlil fur viands and drinks are high, hospitable r. g'oni. mi me yiiitiiK eoiiiiie ihihi Innkn a iimbioiiie prollt out of their weddinir renlUilng a sum riulte sufficient to tii r t them nicely lu life. A writer In Power tells us that In tint iftt sttiim eiitlnis only six to fifteen per cent, of the c al burned actually produce power that can be usitl; the rent Is a dead lorn. One a Strong Trading Post. How many resident of Washington u m "I'." ""l J"''ctW ! the Wallawall ,,J Columbia river, was prior to th. vl.lt ol Uwl and Clark! . .. u, . iiiiiaon nay comianv 'vc"f; ,M H"""-. " known Wallula .and that on their eaatlmund AT fvtk CAHa' it V j CATHARTIC jl or?.".1.. T'L'1'!? fs" One rw taoua .at s aaa Waaaen ot-ea sw m aa, aJe..CU',, OOKHTIPATION. ... "-, baut taaaa, eMew-, alnalh B.. ,.t. MS VO-TO-BAC 'ia.i.il ailSrar IX WiaiaWCM,'-riSaaUaWis: In Use For Over 30 Years. vm ee-cr-ua eaaeaae. t auaaae veaare. ua naa cm. My Hair "I had a very aevere sicknes that took off all my hair. I pur chased bottle of Ayer'a Hair Vigor and it brought all my hair back again." V. D. Qulnn, Marseille, III. , ; One thing is certain, Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al ways, restores color to gray hair. S1.M a ssttts. all IrattMs. If your drnrclat canuot atninlv von. aa4 us ana dollar and we will express voa a bottle. at yeue aaarast n press ol Bs sura and give tha praasoftTce. Adrtraas. J. C. A YER CO., Lowell, Mas. it-i..... . ... .. i. .-i.. ., .... .... i. n-re ui-ea it iro t iu on nnrii ik i iu ... t . To begin with, twenty two nor .,. croma.1 tha i'.i.,...i.,. . . es tip the chimney In smoke, five per encamped about a mil. l.... ?' Hi la I.- , . I.l.l. ...i . '. lo ... uminiii utfsr rroin I 'ie. B, Hie nlfilllli i,r the boib-r: one per cent, ilnmi ti,i-,,,ii, wollah" rK-.r the grate; ten per cent. Is consumed In pumping water Into the holler, while Wh,t -'"Hand's Navy Costs. i.iij-ngteii per cent. g..e off In steam' J" "y7 wlili.-li give. KngUnd Her pausing tiiroiiKii the est Is accounted for waste heat. the "Wall. Iho engine. The inl,"cy of th sen coal lft5,()uo 000 by leak and f,y,r' "r "ul ""' than th United ,.-.-,a ;s III fWllSlliri.. Tho icntre of the uiothir-of-D.ail in. ' ... " The .hell oyster 7MtZ,M ma laainiliS Ma,,, u iinitai. dtistry Is Hlugnpure. is six to ten luetic long, the htrirer At a Stage It-bearsaL "You do not Inject enough coat mpt, I epite anu venom into that word." "I can do no better." "Nonsense! Speak It Just aa you say 'plush' when yon meet a rival In a sealskin eacque. Life. Afraid to Uo Himself. 1 Householder There' lomethlng wrong with this bill. It' too big. Grocer clerk That' why the bos sent me to collect It. Brooklyn Life. Many a man has a gnat head from other than intellectual cause. SieiCMervbus EMERSON'S BRDffiO-SEtTZER 10 CENTS. CHSHU laaBJxgBalle, eaaaci Quickly cured Br OKI ri na,r- r nili an u i li. aa .......I. ..... ..... ,, , . p0lH)g It 1 found on bard-bottom channels between Islands, where the current I strong. In gathering It a illvae i.ku. with hlin Suspklous. "I'm afraid my husband doesn't love me any mora." .i.t ,t.. , ' ! - . . ... n I'l, . - . ,lvl rMB ni a bng of coir rone one r....eii, "1I n""ni", with an overeen-, .i..i. i.f ,. I,,., I, t ,n...... ..... , "wiian .11.1 " l" "'aoie.er, matin m largo' . " , " yon di .rover meshes, Which, while sillied f,.e 1...1., MW1" Ing the shell, 1o,ki not Impede hi- , ? U"" 1 J1' 0Vered that he had mill traveling along the boitotn. The ap.l, C,'"K" In hi. pocket, pnrnt us for diving ha. not been i,lro.' t'p lCd 11,8 0,l"a' sadly -Kx- the on,., ,.i ,ne 1-nupplnc., allhough Manlln shell bring the high price of a dollar a pound. change. Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wiimlerliil 11,1 tiea. ili. iu, I. ,..11,4 r.-al iMH-auee tie eurea "Mle oilh,,!!! ,,. "" mat atasiv.it ui. In ill.. Ia rurra al'it llliaw WunilerO.I t til. Ilea. Ii.flrt r.aMt, hull, "" ami v.aetahlre Ilia, ara atlllrelf un Siniwii bt meiln-al at'l. em-a In Oil. nmal.e LI"" ,,"',",v retiiri'llaa II. . faiifuM ilvHar - - - n. mm mi issaaai Ml9amAaT ".i"-). Mlitrli limiv,rf.ftii, hi itHf-" ! aT? I!t "" rwf leHMtrli. ' in., lung, thrcii, rliPtiniaKaiM, vttUBiM, e:,,i',a,,',.','.," ": i "r '".'"J.t1; Je tin,,. -ai,., ( ,, r ,, (, i'2", ,r.v"i';!rJ .'l""- N""' fOHt'le iauo.n ntKa. anmtKHM r The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. Aide- l Harilsnd. drsfas. aM.iilli.il payer. P. N. V, Na Jl0J. I VVM,CI tr,,'" "aTtTrTsars plaaaa I I ' nia paiiar. Olvlng Dellnlte Infonnatlon. Next door to Alderimin King' office In the Ninth ward Is an Italian l,,w. maker. A lawyer culled at the alder man's olllee the other dny. The alder mini whs not In. The lawyer went to the Italian. "Io you know," asked the att..m... "ii-tu.t-i. A lit,... L-i.... ....... ' " " ! nn miia; IB "V.n," said the Italian. "Then where 1 he?" asked tbe at torney. "Ho Is mil, ipolls News. Iff- MsaiMcn,. aaaal was the repiy.i,,,!,,,,,. It Is a guild plan fur a wife in . lain friend f her hiiHl.aiid o. . , y, so Hint the children miiv it... .,e..." ii. thinking their r.iiher doem't know bow to c.irry on a cou,trutloiL NOtUiiia .... e-iUii e,lir, n.-.k mm.. m ''"" rsusaias H.alh.n., .. ..... in s -"-" KKU 111.. I.-...'. .. " -a, vregaaa Caaa Acaala, a B J Tin Southwick Hay Press Suutbwlck II isrgtist rsparll,, , l, .,, ... .. . a. '.i.l...: M.,,, ny nay rirmarm,!., LCWIS STAVUt OO.