I I , 0 11 MR 4 'tho Klml You Htt A!wny ..might, tuid wlilcli liu Wen In mm fr w'r y yitrn, hu burito tli algnttttiro of f - lio Wn iitudn iimlcr hU nr. jC4r7jtjfis 'mX ""ImtvUIoii mIiii o 1U Infant y. 4C( Allow no unit to i1hiIv ymt In tlil. All ('niiitrfllt, Imitation nmt HiittNlKutMt urn but : pcrluicnt Unit tilllo with unit 'ii.liuiK r tlio lirulth of InlUtit nml Cill(lrfii-i;iMrltio iikuIiikI KajMirlinuiit. What is CASTORIA O'lorln wilwtltuto for Citator Oil, rureirorlr, Drop nml Hmitlilnir Hyntna. It U lliirinU' nml riciin.tnt. It ,-onlnttt in lllior Opium, Morplilnn nor oilier Xurcutlo atiiifttuiM'tS llnORO la 11) gunriintco. It drain)) Worm Hint lUluy 1VvtU1iiimh. t cima Dlurrhiiw mid 'Wind t'IU. It r ll vc T llihiir TroubU-n, run CoiiHtlimllou iiml I'lutiiloiiry. It tVtMliiillittr tho I'mid, rt'milulo tho Kioiiuii'h mat llowcla, ghlttu; lu-iiltliy nud nuturul W--p. Tin Children") I'ltuiM-tut-Tlto Mother' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS jO Boara tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. tM .. a . MtlftaM jmt jl jii jmi jmljmljUjpilljmtT THI: STORE DOWN 5 i By The Big Sawmill!- I- IN'fitiii'j ,Vv (.'o:iN V t I 4 THE MUCKLE 8TORE H A3 A REPU'A- tt.iit i.f I j-.tiji Sliuidiiitf fr tatty the !" .1 ill --(SKN12KAL AlKRCHADISli Dcirt & 13 M. II.l.MISa, - On-iron. T r ST. HELENS 1 PiitioiM.c a di'iiK want pure, Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A l'inc Line of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, htc. Direct from Publisher-Regular Ik . C. GRAY Dealer in a- M. GENERAL . ... . L vt-l lUfM tutv ..onus, i.ai..i:s- ! VVi , IHIIIIH AMI alliiKi. I.M1I Ml AM r,M7 l ii " - I desire to say that I would like to do business with every person in Columbia County. My policy is to handle honest good at honest prices, and it affords me much pleasure when I feel that my pa trons are getting their money's worth. ST. HELENS. A A n j UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family liiwahv The Beet In Curront Literature ia Coiwntrrc Novri Yii MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPfCna OM TIMELY TOMC8 $2.60 pen vgaa I 28 ot. com NO CONTINUED STORIES VHV NUMBCH eOM-t.lTg tW ITt n . d U Signature of a Kvpry il.iv in tin Vi't;!; Muckle, st'm' " J'011 V fresh and reliable Articles, Etc. 25 cent Novels Only 10 Cents 3 MERCHANDISE -H Kt RMfHISlI II00IW, NOTII1SM , ki i k. WSI.1X..H. n..... kh.k l.k.' ut'llKSsW AKK KIT, OREGON m. a r S t n 1" A. m ' ,v - lh KiBd Von HMiwr Boojfit Signttars of H.l..ea A Galloway, Oregon Cily will fiii uii.il blue prints of any t-.w imbip this district. in The steniner, Saraii 1'ixoii, una 1 . .. 1... Ul'llt., I 11 It'. now She nov, leaves for Oak Point and wav hind imrsoii Sunday evenings at H o clock. I r,es IVirtland for Clatsktiliifanil way binding Tuesday and Thursday oven lug lit A oVI.sk. Returning. Wye Clatskanie on Wedne. ay and r rlday evenings at 4 o'clock, tide pei uiillim,'. 't LOCAL I 10 year old wliUkcy t Duke's. I 1'iliK.lit ,x Hons, of Valley, iv i f cedar shingles (or Ml lit ifiiult.ui lot See Wellington fr the j coolest Iwrr In town. largest mid I Ei.glrrt' studio, next door Tlll( . Mist oHIce lii open ti,e : Bom, at Warren, Auitndt I HI, Io,1, to ' rur.ey, I ton, UmimmiiUt the piuts, olid, glass, etc., al XI. C, (.my, Ht. Helens, Oregon Good gissl tit the lowest prices run lie secured ut ,N. A. perry's tfitncritl it. nr. ehandiae Hi or- hi Hnulton, I II. It fliir will U at lii nHlc mi I oi.silays, Wednesilava nml Th liratlu I'm only, (or a lew weeks. I tart A Muekla have received lot of lny' and youths' clothing, ranging in ii ire Imiii 2 W to " 50. I'.nlley A Hriim'. t.(r.rej in licniliiiiir tem d,r yenenil iiirn IihikIIih) m limil- lun, iiii'Kuii. .!"i?.i:r. --i-.na ii experii-ii.i-.t Job printer, audi pre . .in. in .Mi iiriiuer. anil ore- pared to do all work promptly. J.J. Knglerl't ttiulio, next d.or to Tut Mim ollhe, 0111 lor work every ln) in the week. Ann IIiiIiii f Columbia county, and Fted Paiker, of Multnomah rountv, were married in M. Helena, August 3rd, JiH.tl.-e II. P. Walk ma oltiriating. Correxpoiidenta ahould nJ in their mailer lo reach the till nllice hy Wed nesday iiiorning at the laU at. IjiU-r im loilniitin.Uterri.nl cent separately. Henry Moigu ha added a full line of furniture to aim k of general iner chnii.lirt' eliaira, LedaU-ade, etc., and a iinpU-Ui line. Il.v. W. A. M I'.reik. of Portland, win ei.iniucl aeivicea In i i.riBt r.piMU- j put clnm It next huudav i-ieiung at M in. I TheU-fl phyaic 'lianilMrlaiii' Slnni m li nml l.i - r Ti. I. leu. Kaay to tiike. rii nniiii i.i i Heel. For aale by Kilwiu It.ipa iillliii.t. I have no piie to offer, but give my . eii'ti.iiH're everything in value ol the ' . " i HfiK'it. . A. Perry, general merchant, 1 . iioiiiion, The CMIiilJ-inurt will lhl S-c Lit .uiliiit alllr.lalf. It I Uiidrislood : thai l!i'i iinlttf dl uiiilding a new court , houe will lie biought' nr-but it ia J d.iublbil if the member ol the txmid will-be nn unit in opinion lioto liallry A Ilrimi for baagain in fancy .Iresa g-ssls, clothing, boots, slioe., ' jsluple gnseries, etc. liood iumI", a iechi. ! ,-lcciHlty, Puces, uuanlity and iunlilvj ntrvw King went to Rainier last giiaiaiili-eil. jSntunlay afternoon, and 'altendeil a I I try to carry the thing ynn want, ' meeting f. the .Masonic lodge, ti. F. ! aii.l don't Irv lo eiua.le y.,u to buy Hlaugbler premded s wornliipful maa ihul you don't want or need. My iter. j g.atls ii.ovi. rapidly, an 1 am able lo ol- ; U,.V- y. ,. M. Uieck did not fill his iter Ihe public aiti. lea Iresli and up to appointment al Christ Kpiaeopal cliunh .Lite. M. C. l.rsy, SI. Helens, Oregon. Ufl Sunday uittlit on accoui.l of the ! Waller l.vons, who was (ioveruor , boat Iteini! 'behind lime. Hi family ''lifer's private aerretary, and Otit Pat- arecauipiil near Mount Hood. : teraoii, ex-ltegister of The Dalle hind j Stephen Lampa waa down from Rocky I. .Dice, have puicha ed Hie Daily AM..N- p,,!,,,, near llolbr.sjk, Inat Friday. He an. IV.Hi are prominent iirwepnper j, j ,. ,.,i,ioy ol Mclmoeh A Co' mm null long expeiivuce in Orogon. wig ta,p, who are building a chute Morton Toii.pkina and Mist Maud two miles in icnxhj.li to slide their log j Wilw.n.lwij well known Wairen young down lo the river. i tci.pie, were inarritHi in j-.ngieu a puo- losiaiih gallery on Satiitilay the Hth .Mr . and Mrs, Tompkins left soon after I l.c ceremony on a wedding tour, and It L enpe. tc.1 ihal they will either lake up tin ii re. i.lciiee here or at Warren. lit v. (i. A. Tn.'gart waa the otlicialing clergy mail. There will now I a double lsint ser ue Itetween SI. Helens and Portland on Smidnin. The steamer America w ill Lime M. Helen as uatial at :30 a. in., .1 .........1.... I..u. l'.1rll..n.l .1 .J.'ll ,, returning leave Portland at 2::U 1 1. in. The steamer Republic will leave I Portland l H a. in., ami start from St. : Helen" on the return trip at 3 p. in. 1-n-l ler, the Republic w ill make two or three freight trip per week. A free ball and supper will be given in SI. Helen thi Friday evening, in honor of tlie la-rtiiRnent location of the I countv teat here, we! an invitation is: I . jicii'lfl to tho entire population of Colnii. bin county to lie present. HicK-i iter's orchestia, of Poillnnd, will fiirnirh 1 the music. I he com in ut se on invitation ,j i i n..L. it. it li r-iiir mtnsii-.a ". I.. -n , . ... v , Dr. Edwin Rose, Clay Clark, E, K. tjuick, N. A. Perry, A. M, lloltoa and Walter Hlnkesley. Hon. Harrison Allen lias been ap pointed prima minister to (ueen Franjown houie. ces nml all matter pertaining ro nei reign will lie promulgated through him. He i to li her public representative in announcing her wishes and receiving petitions lor her royal lavor. His selec tion pv the Regatta eonimiltee, with liit- approval of ihe IJueen, is a very happy niie as Mr. Allen emliodie the t:riice ol manlier and plcanlries of leccli that are essential to till such an exhalled and distinguished position. Astoria liudget. Tlie Heal h Penally, A tittle thing sometimes result in dentil. Thus a mere scratch, lusignili cant ctits or puny boils have pnul the death pemilty. It ia wise to have Huck leu'a Arnica Salve ever handy, lt'a the best Salve on earth and will prevent fa tality, when Hums, Sores, r leers and Pile threaten. Only S&V, at ihe St. Helen Pharmacy. General Pi sseuger Ageut Mayo Issie A Magnlllceut Ilooklet. J.C, Mavo, Ihn wide-a-wnke general passenger ngent of the Astoria A Coluui- bin Railioad Company ha issued onool tlia must attractive descriptive pam phlet ever bancd in Oregon, and is el iaiilly de-igneil in the highest style of the engiaver'a ami printer's art. D ia illustrated with M half tone engravings, show-inn UP to excellent advantage .cenea in the vicinity of Tillamook na-k. cottages aim mucin si wis's 1 . .It,,,., III. III. of the railioad; also an excellent cut of Rainier. Mnnv of the engravings are of lull pugfl d tire true to na- '"i'lie roadlied is in excellent condi tion, and trains reach the seaside in lleacti, picuiiestittv ewit-. ( four hours from roriinnu. c lose con nect iuna are made with the steamer Poller Hiid the Nahcolta for llwaco iiiiu ver a v(.,lr p1U)ti Hlui j w m eongialn Long Bench points on the iialiiiiirton ' lltlH ' her andean. She will lie one of aide. Beach excursion tickets are sold the u.M,..rg f tlie Clalskanie eidiool at I'oitlan.l nmt are '""'" """f" "1"" Iiel ween me Vancouver j Transpoitiition the ntilriiitd. Company alciimera .unl CASTORIA For Infant and Children. The Kind You Hays Always Bought Bear tho Signature ot , w - ' -- J I- r s ' y I'LItSONAL Mm. Mnrlln White In vinltiiiK friend down the river thin week. WIHIhiii Kimli, of KidKfleld, who in Hi. Ilelent TneiKlHy. Mr. nml Mm. W. II. I'owrll have re turned from tlielr vinlt to Newport. Minn Jennie Mitchell wan (rueiit it the lloulion dance laat Kutiinhiy niht. Mr. (). H. Culpnr, of Portland, it vii itlng her paienta, Mr. and Mri. H. 8. Wy at Ihiultoii, Joe I'lHHlnril (if IVirllmxt liu. I the Ket ol Henry Morons foi neveral : uuya in in wee. K. (J. Illuekford Hjient Friday and Sat unliiy in the city, in Hie interent of hii pnper the Cliitnknniu Chief. ('ptiiln llazen upeiit yesterday in Warren, where he tooted for Ht. Helena in the county wiit election. Antorian. Merchant T. C. Walta.'of Rnelien. wkh . p,,,c,Tron the .learner Kellogg L for Portland Monday morning-. j 8' Mr. and Mr. T. It. Ilaine expert to move lini k from Kan vie Mand to 8t. Ili li'in in few Jy-. d.;.,,r Vt. X. L. Chilhergj are visiting I .i... ...:T.. . .. .... ... . .'. . .... nm miuny ui men uni-ie, n. a. nine.. Mr. and Mr. (.'. K. Whitnev haye irone to the Little White Siilmon in WRuhifiKtoii, lor au oulitiK. (ieorge Adam, who ha licen in the Nehalem country for the paat two or three months, ha returned to Ht. Hel ena, Mr. and Mra. J. B. Oodfrey expect to leave for a three week viait to fan Fiaiu-irro and California S.itunlay eve ning. Attorney 8. II. Oror;r, arcompanieil by Mi, (irulier and a prtv of friend i spending hi summer vacation on the Little While 8alui.ni in Washington. Captain Hnoghkirk and family are till camping on Kock creek. C. Hiley , Burcesslully mauaiiing ti.e liul.la In It? Captain liatea otliciatea a pilot. M. C. lirav, K. E. tjnii-k, Eugene and Walter lilakealey went to K.a k creek alove Vernonia Wednesday, where they will camp for a week or 10 day. Mrs. II. Hendersoi and daughter, Misa Kuth, relumed Saturday morning fioin several week' vi-it at Mavger. itiev were at eelde a 1 i uta. portion of tlie Misse Mabel Silver and Amy Eng lert, J. J. Knitleit, William Cruthre. iene Mile and tilenn Watkiu went to Itaiuicr, Hunilay, to witness the ball game. rMr Nettie Kobiska, of Valley, made . linal ni. sit on her homestead belore the I U - onnly clerk l.isl Friday. Her vritneas-l were Slepbeii Ijiuina and Fr.mk Ulin yrH- jr. slaughter ami her niece, Miss Slaitkthler. returned Irom Portland Tuet.lav niL-lit. Mis. Slaughter baa been receiving medical treatment in Poitliiii.l lor several weeks past, and is now much improved. Miss Wiuilred Way, who left Portland on the fith inat., arrived safely in Sun Francisco Infl Sauirduy. W hile in San Francisco .he will visit with relatives and friends in San Jose, Psndetia and ; i,1B Auirele Rev. II. M. Frevmire, recently from North Dakota, has purchased eight lots near T. It. Ixilt's place, and has a part ol the lumber on the ground for a dwell ing that will lie occupied by himself, wile and two children. Rev." Frevmire is a Wesleyan Muthoiiit minister. II. and J. Cade returned the first of the week; from the lower Columbia, w here thev had been engaged in gill-uet fishing, j'hey reported thai salmon bad dromicd to 3 tenia, nud that they bad to h.y off about hall the time during the ' Jlst frw duv,( I1 Rev. II. Mova, who filled the pulpit of Ihe Methodist church lust Sunday evening, has leuioved from Rainier lo 82 East Ankt tiy street, Portland, where Rev. and Mrs. Jlnvs me occupying tneir jiev Movs doe not intend toetiitnge in the work on this circuit dining the coming year. J. WHtoniell, of the Northern Pacific Railroad, spent a pii't ol Inst week at his home n ur Yankton. While there he and Jesse and Frank Hendricks had n tu-cesstul limiting and lishing trip on Ihe upper Chilskiiiiie. Mr. llomell is the ow nei- of a gmal limber claim in the vicinity of Yankton. He recently re cently received a transfer to the through freight between Portland and Taeo ma, a position with which be ia highly pleased. Not Over-Wine. There i an old allegorical picture of a gill scared tit a grass-hopper, but in the ad of heedlessly trending on a Biiake. This is miralleled by the man who ' spends a iiirgH sunt of money building a evi lone cellar, mil uegiecis to proviur his family with a bollle of Chamber lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarihtsfa Rem edy s s safeguard against bowel com plaints, whose vi. tiina outnumber those ul tlie clycloiie a hundred to one. This remedy la everywhere recogiiixed as the most iroii.it ami itiuti.ie lueuiciue in use for these diseases. For sale by FM- B j (us. Uoble School Closes. Mrs. Gerludo Collin, teacher of tho Goble school, cloaetl the spring and summer terms last Friday. The school now has nearly 100 vol ,1. ...,u 1 fit,, tilirari ocrt of which were i pnn based bv nionev raisext 0y tlie pu- ' .. ; ,,tls The pupils raised tlie money to buy a new organ, mathematical nioeK9, glass Itookcasc, pictures, etc. The pupils raised money this summer by clearing tlie school grounds and cutting the logs up into stove ood Mrs. I oil I lis naa iniigiii me imoie- t ..K, S,.UW) almost' cuiitinuoindv for during the coming year. NO TRESSPASS, BUT PS0FERTY WILL BE SOLD. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY caiuioiieil not to cut or take ituv of the limb -r off my place two miles lurk nl Golilo iu Columbia county, Oregon. All the timlier ou the ranch govs with the place lor 80O. There is a snap for boiiic one. 1 have positively given no one au thority to sell any timber off the place. I), W. COI'P, Curries' JL'rosjsing, lu , ttii-io; CaijatjA. llmi'ltuxwl It tlifl rrfeetliiii liiilffr (Hv itntr nl nml jndae (or yonmelf , C. (iry, Kt, Ht, Helens, Oregon. Teachern' Examination In l'rofrem, and the Teaeher.' Inntltato Will Ceacene Heit Tnrada. A rlaiit of 13 Ik laklnK the exnnilna lion for lonntyleai hem' rei tifii nleii at the public ncliool building in this cily at follow) : Iiuiae Matlock, Portland; Phvllia M. Blacklord, Ixiult roll, Mi ry E. Tiche nor, ClatHkanie; Vida I. lwia, Bell yi; Millie Wsuderly and Jennie A. Mitchell, Rainier; Charlotte Hall, Day ton; Lucie F. Peterton, Hillhurat, Wath.; Myron C, Knafon, Portland; Mary E. Enrly, Mary Wo.hU Hatfield, Vernonia; Milo li. Sinilli, Fithlmwk. Three are takinx the examination for ttnte papera Mianea Daiey Matkint, Kim McDonongh and J. II. Col I inn. The hoard of examiner conaiat of Countv Superintendent Copeland, Mr. Vv id V Powell B' Wl,y W' 1 ow'1. Ample preparation are being made for the Annual County Teacher' luati- tote, which will convene in the public ....... i...:i.i:.. ; u, ni... Tneeday, Augtiat 18lh, and continoe in ion three day. The instructor are President E. D. Realer, of the Mon mouth Ktate Normal tk-hool, and City Superintendent Frank Rigler, of the Portland city tchool. Btate 8uperin tendent Ackerinau, also will be in at tendance. There will be lecture in the evening and mrjiical program. Fin! or Itnter Flulit. "Two physician had a long and tub- porn nglit witn an ancess on my rignv lung" write J. F. llcglie of DuPoiit. (ia., "and gae me up. Everybody thought my tune nan come. At a mac retort I tried Dr. King' New Discovery for ConHimpliun. Hie benefit I receiv ed was striking, and I was on my feel in a few day. Now I've entirely regained my health." It conquer all Cough. Colds and Lang trouble. Guaranteed bv the St. Helens' Phaiuiacy. PriceoOc, aiidtl.00. Tiialbottiesl.ee. Real Estate Transfers. Alliert Adam to F H Adam; 6 a off iide ae' ol hw L, of nee 15, S.T, ' 76 00 Albert Adam to F D Kainmever ; v I,, of set,, of sec 1A. it.. 525 00 j.; g and Marv C Bryant to John ki'lork iml M..rv V ltun.il- 0n. 2 a in laaac Wagner d 1 c 200 00 John A Parr to the Penaon Log- King and Lnmliermz Com nanv: riffht ot wav over l.u- cretin Davis die 50 00 A II and Sarah E Bell to the American Tinilier Company; mineral lease W W Plakeeley to James M tickle jr, and Charles Muckle; nuit claim to lot 1 and 2, block 7, St. Helen 50 00 W T Burney et al, to Jame Bry den, J C Miller and John Stewart : undivided interests in sw' : of sec 20..4. 2 1 00 Jane Hilleary and John W BeviatoJohn P Atkin; el of ae'i of sec 2, 5, 2 1000 00 J C ('arson to Ii.ol.ert I) Inman; quit claim to two tracts in see 31, 6, 1, also tideland in . front of Leniontd Ic 1500 00 Chas F A and Luella J Cronse to Chas F' Abbott; tract in sei of sec 3U, 5. 2 500 00 V 'E Crisav to Win Pringle; lie '4 of s'w l4 Ol sec 5, 4, 4 .... 115 00 W II and N E Dolman to J C Carson and John Poulson; 0, c to 2 tract in sec 34, 5 1, also tideland in front of F A Leruoutd ic 400 00 Florence A and Charles E Davis to Etta Williams; 10 a in F M Warren's d I c .... 350 00 Herman and Rienkie IV.ulia to J E Hall; tract in 4, 5 1 00 T F mid Ellen Elli to E T Holmes; lot 3, bl 5, Scao poose 75 00 John Fritx et by E E HogbeMS, ail. to J M lln -hern; lis) a in see 20, 7, 4 1000 00 Thomas J and Florence M Flip pin to John Pelleter; tract near Clatsksnie 640 00 UEGriffifth. etal, to Win and Martin McPhertnn; ew'4' of set" Hi, 4, 5 800 00 8 II Hudson to R P Burns; tract itisei4'of sec 12. 7, 3 200 00 W J Hess to Benson's; tract in 0 4 1 00 Tho D lloneymaii. etal, to Hon- t vmnn Trust Company; n,ls 01 d I c of David and S 11 Cloninger 1 00 Joseph Hansen to The Sage Land ami Imp Co; 80 a in sec 25, 4. 5 . 600 00 Sybert and Emma lv.-rson to H Noble, trustee; tract in see Sfi, 7, 5 1 00 Chas Johnson to Cbauncey Wil son ; tract in sec 0. 7. 4 25 00 T L and ltelle Johnson to lieu-son'- ; neL,' of see 10, 0, 4 . . 1500 00 ; E C and Pauline Joigensen to David Murk ; 160 a in sec 8, ; 4, S 1 00 John Kiernan, et al, to Win Mi-- I Pheraon, jr., et nl ; tracts in j 4, 5 7UUO W John A ami Lnev L Kiikwood to tlie Suge IjiiiI Imp Co; tracts in sees 20 and 21, 4, 4, 500 00 Est of Livingston Loeb. II It Em mons, adm to W W Cotton; nc'4 of sec. 21), 4, 2 1000 00 IT S li and Gertrude Lvncli to E II Lvnchetal; 50 a in Jos Stonghton d I e 1300 00 Estate of Joseph May, adm, to W W Cotton: m-i r-i i. i, ;,nm w David and Maggie O'Dmnell to Win and Martin J McPher- son ; seii ol sec 17, 4, 5 2000 w II F anil Henrietta Pra-I to II E Noble, trustee, 11(0 a, 7, 5 . . . 5 00 t) W and Minnie A Price to V S G Lvncli ; 10 a in so''t see 27, 7, 2 400 00 Samuel and Elian Rich to Ben son's; tiiiiisT ou n wit sec 27 7. 2 27 .0 00 Amanda M Swain to Mcpherson", nw4'ofcc 111, 4, 5 000 00 John B Splint n lo Anna and Ilel ga S Freeman; II a in G and Anna Merrill din (KX) 00 Jacob F Schlicht to L Montgom ery ; ii V of see 2.', 4 8, , . . . 1 00 Tyler and Mury Woodwind to John Kierunn; quitclaim to tract In 4, 5 (UK) 00 Kate Wilbur to Sugc Land Impr. Co; Kin a iu sec 2,., 4, 5 ... 000 00 J ii in os M nml Marv C Watson to 11 K Noble; tr in 7, 5 100 00 Malinda A Will'aiiiKon to II E Noble; tr ill 7. 5 2d 00 A P and IVthnnin Williams to V W Col ton ; uel.' of sec -.0. 4. 2 l(i:0 00 .1 G Walts, el nl, to I! S ti Lvncli 10 in sel of see 35. 4. S. . . . 400 Oil ! Ilarrv West lo Sum ami Julia A Adams; tr in sec IJ, 3 2 ... 8.SA 00 , Hairy West, Mnv Wnim and W A Wniin to ET Holmes; lot H bl Scwjipoose. 75 W HiHItM) 0.0 Team Bar n en $13 to ,n :'i Saddles ll to t2 1. 6(i Oar NewCatalcEDen,'''': Uv hHritK, lMf nil ny uriMte jfu une iKr ffir. pfni kit M iiwiny, Pacific Mail Order Company 2nd nd Salmon St., Portland, Ore. Mtr fir. he no for n utony 2nd and Pat an Knd in It All. A grievous wail oftiine come a a reatilt of unbearable pain from over tax ed oricana. Dixxineta, llai-kache, Liver complaint and Cunatipulio-i. lint thank to Dr. King New Life Pill thev put an end to it all. They are icentle lint thorough. Try them. Only 2'm:. Guaranteed hy the 8t. Helena Pharinacy. F'resh fish in season every Friday, and special Punday dinner at the Oriental Hotel. Rainier Win Tiro (lame la Nacre sion From Washington Teams, bat Lose to St. Helen. Rainier i getting to Isa something of a baseball center. One week ago last Sunday there waa a game with the Kel- to-Catlin club, Rainier winning by a score of 5 to 1. I -est Sunday morning Rainier defeated the Cathlamet team by a score of 4 to 3. In tho afternoon, a same waa played with the St. Helens team, which retailed in a victory tor tlie latter by a score of 1 1 to 4. The Mist i indebted to W. A. Wood, manager of the St. Helen team lor the following line-up and score by innings of last Sunday's game: Ht. Ilslens Rainier Ilawkina c Krongh Itlnncliard p.. ... Sappington Cuinmings lstb D. Williams Wautl Zuil I) I Pratl 3rd b Mile Thompson ss . Williams Green rf Tavlor Schritt II W.William McKibben ef E. ISroiigh Score by Inning. St. Helen 1 5 tt-3 O 0 1 1 0-1 1 Rainier 1101000-1-0-1 It is expected that Riinier will play a return game here next Sunday with the St. Helens U-hiii. Reach Tree whiskey at the Owl sa loon, Brinn Bros., proprietors, direct f om Kansas Citv. Mo. COUNTY COURT. Present, Hon. J. B. Dotin, county judge; Hon. W. D. Cass-, cunty com missioner; H. Henderson, clcik; K S. Hattan, sheriff. Wednesday, July 1, 1st Judicial . lav. The proceedings of lat session of county court rvad and approved. In the matter of the petition of the A. A C. R. R. Co. for leave to widen the county road across ne1 of sw1 of sec tion 24, tp 8 n, r 4 w. Petition granted, provided that before occupying the county road at point mentioned, that it make at said point a wider and more roomy roadlie.1 for public travel without cost to Columbia county. In the matter of the petition of O. K. Hunter for liquor license, the same was granted for a period of six months from July 7th, 1903. In the matter of the viewer repot t on the D. W. Freeman road ;- ti rat rea ling of report in open court. In Ihe matter of viewers report on tlie II. M. Powder road; i:rt reading of viewers re)rt now had in open court. In the mniter of the petition of S. G. Sclioonover ami olheis for alteration in Ballard road ; first reading of the view er report dow bad in open court. In the matter of viewers report on al terntion in Kalhinl road ; first reading of tlie viewers report now had in nen court. In the matter of the petition of P. Bergerson and others lo 0ien a countv road in road district No. 15; it appear ing to the court that tbe opening of the same would ho very eogtly and not of snlli. ieiit pi bl c uliliiy to warrant the' expense, tbe said petition is therefore denied. In ihe matter of ihe aprdicatinn of O E. Hunter to. redeem tbe hotel property at Goble bid in by the countv at delin quent tax sale of 18!5 taxes; ordered that redemption certificate issue to said O. E. II tinier upou payment to the clerk of 5. . Friday, July 2nd -nd Judicial day. In the matter of the viewer report on alterations of the county road, ki own its the Ballard road. Second reading of the same now hail, report accepted, .tnd ordered Ihat saitl proposed road as sur vey out ami plaited be recorded as a county road, and that mail supervisor oten same to publie travel. In tbe matter of view-era report on al terations of the coentv road known a the John Pringle road survey No. 61. Second readiiiir of snne now had, re port accepted and nidervd licit proposed road as surveyed out and platted be rec orded as a county road aid thai the su pervisor open Ihe same to public travel. In the matter nl the apMtiiitment of a roiitlmastei for C ilumliiti oul'itv. it h on ersi mat v . r rsrevens ne. anil is hereby appointed rnadmaster of C.liiot- Ida county for the term ending- I tee. !!lt 1IKI3. an It bat liaumilify ai-oording 1 1 law. In the mutter of the salary of the sal nry of the ron.l muster ; it is-ordered thitl the sulry of tbt ronlni iHtcr be S0 per nioiitli up to and includine: the nion ti Novemla-r, "ml that din ing the mouth of Dcci ndHr he be paid only for I he time eng iin-tl In view ing. Continued next week. NOTICE FOR PUBLICiTIOI. trvphriitii'nl of ibe liticrlor, ljtntl Ollicc st Orcnou t'iiv. ( trcwon. Jnlv is, ttsu. NOTICE IS APR Ell V i;IVP Tt.T TIIK fittlniviiitt itsmeit reltlcr lias Hte.1 noilce of t bis i .iMMiliiui I., make Ini I pi in in c . f I hiit claim, slid thai tt!il proof HI .- inude b -lore the Kefiistcr and Iteeciw"- nl oreoti Cn. i OieK'.li, on .-eplttiiilier .'ith, lit-.'l, t u1. II MiUIMlS K. slllltK, II. K. No. IJ..11A forllisse1 id section T, ip , I ii. r i west. He name. Ibe f.tUitiiig ulttiessps to prove j It Is e'.iitlnti'.ils re-tidenee uou and ctlllivatmil nl said land, vis: W. i, W.iisls, E. A. Moilllnli, J. . MclinuaM, ot Aiimiks, Oregon, ami Prank - Muilh, of I'ortlan.l. Oregon. I AI.I.EKNH.N S. IlKKsSKIt, Kegislrr. Dnrt A Muckle have received a com plete line of iiie-is' clothing, iiiiigini; ti i on i;.5J to U' . . S-'-'H and inspect THE SIGN OP TH8 BEST 3 OVERLAND 3 TRAINS 3 DAILY It does not cost you any more to travel on the "North Coast Limited" than it does any other train. Try it and your .verdict will be It's the crack train of them all A. I. CHAllLTON. Aaaiatant General Paaitenjger Agent 25 Morrison HI., Comer ol Third. Portland, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Iwiturtment ol Ihe Interior, Laud office hi Oretfeu Uity, Oregon, KJOTIf K IS HKRP.BV fil VEN "Fh AT TUS Mu.wina-iiaiofl.tiler i.u Hied n.4i-e of bis lniuu..a Ut iiiMke nuttl prtHtt In support of his claim. Mild that said tint. pruol will b n,.le Uiiire KeKisterand Kscrlver at Oresou City.Oreguii. on September lsth. lyya, ris: KK.VSK o. UAKkiau.S. H. K. So. l:afcjtf, tor ibe Krtu,r.l uw!-io( aeo tlon a. t, In, r:w. He names lb followinz wlnie-sm lo pmra his )iiliiiuiis residence upon and riilli.allon nl said land via: c. t. Avres. Johu Ulnien, tautlon, orexoit: Leopold liisnl. Valley, Or egon; Paul l .OerrtsoB, Portlaud. Ureitnn. ttislS AUiKK.No.S e. IMtfcaSEK. llt-Kl.Ier. R-I-P-A-Ji-H Tabule Doctors find A gtwd prescription For mankind The S cent packet l enough for usual tweasiona Ihe Inunly Is.ule (IH cents) conla.ius a ear supply. Ail drui;iMa sell Ihrni. MOTICK TO CKKU1TOK8. N'OTICE is hereby given that the un dersitued lias been, br the Hon. I. B. Dona. Jtvlge of the Comity Coiirl of tbe state ot Oregon lor the l iinulv of I'olamhia. appointed eac titrii of (he e.lale of Jesse Hemir.cks. r., .Ifceiuied. Any and all penunt having claim aaantst said estate aie hereor required n, ,.. sent the saaie, verified ec-con-iug lo law. at the ofh.-e ul E. E. cjnh k in m. fjcien. Orexuu. within six mouth, from the dale here.il . K. ilEM.KU-k'sl. Administratrix ot the Ksuia of Jess Uaud rtclia. sr.. deceased. law. too, Oregon. July OUth, !'.. H0TICE FOR PUBLICATION. licpartinniil of the Interior, Laud OOicv at oreguu City, Oregon. Jnlv IS, 1SU1 -VJOTIOE IH HEREBY GIVEN THAT IHE i. lollowiiig-ndiued aeliler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wl'l be mads liore the KeiiiXer and Receiver at Oreguu cn lirvgou, on seiite.uLer 5. Isoa. via: WILLIAM li. r. Wool l, II. E. No. l-.Mta, for ihe nwli of section U, tp4 n, rl west : lie limns, the following witnesses to prova tiiaconlinuoua reideitee npoo and cultivation of taid land, vii: 11. K. shirk, Ed A. Monlimi, J A. .Mcttouaid. of An.mka, Oregon, and rrank tjuiitU. yl Portland. Iirvpon. AH.EKMIN . 1JHESSER, Reirialer. HALF OF REAL 1ST ATE. N OTICF! is hereby given, that by vir- tut of ail order of ihe the Circuit Ctiurt of I lie stale af On-e it. for Ihe Cunlv of Colinii' I. ia. tn dean entensl on the lilt ..ay id Auuu.-l' 1; it, in iu e lin-iii Ellen Ellis and T, Klyis. her hiiM,iid. and M.ty W. Haini and V. A.'W'ami. her 'U-lMlid.are planitins, and Bret II. Wet. ( tin -limes caned Bert West), and llattie W.s.1. ins wile, are .ieiHuilauts. I will ou salnnlaj, ll.e lath .lav of e,.te.iilier, 1MXI. al the hourof lOo'cl ck in Ihe l..!enswi. iu front ttieeol.rt ht.He do..r in M. fietetis. Colum bia county, llrt-itoii. oHitr for sale at public alio ti.ni to the hi)fbet bidder, the toltuwiiiR- de seritHI wal e late, sitti.ue.1 in the Coaniy of Columbia, stste of oresou, lu-wit: All that part of the Tmiolby i.amlwrsou and wife's 1. 1.. c. tyitot East ut cotiiny nmd run inita from si. Helens In Porlhord; all of Ihe l. 1.. t:. ol llauicl ile.-ner and nile mul all the 1. I- of Mateotm McKay and wife, lying ICast -oi the present county road running from sit. Helens to Portland, in stsrtion ii and 7 in tp. g li, r 1 ; and pa-ts of sections 1 and VI iu Ip J n, i i w, of lie rtiil.unefe Mertiliau; also alio! lot IC. section 7. t J,ll. of tin t tllamelte llf rttilaii; also ail d lot f, lying south of the cen ter i saut.n iixe iu sec i. tp s u, r l w. of the Willnmel.e Mcri.tiMu: also the m;1 of the s.-1 of sec. X!. I p 1 it, r I . of toe t illainutle ! ii lian. lerii.a.d sale: 10 per cent upon date of sale, and italaucc u .u.-Jimutiou and deliver of otcd. oated this lo.hdat- of Anust. 113. E. t. lit li t, Referee. Beat So Violently. Its Movement Could Be Seen Through Clothing. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Cured Me. No matter what'a the matter with your heart, it will pay yo I to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It is a great heart and blood tonic that cures by removing ttte cause. Try it for a short time ami you will find that you are no longer short of breath after brief exertion: that you can sleep in any position with com fort and without the dread of smothering spells. It removes the symptom and cure the disease. It strengthens the heart' action, enriches the blood and improves tha Circuliition. It his cured heart di.easc when ah else failed. It baa brought relief when death seemed uigh. "Since taking a number of bottles ot Dr. Miles' Heart Cure during the past yaas lay health is Itetter than for many yean. I no Ion 'cr eiperienee any trouble from lying on my left side, which disagreeable symptoms use 1 t homer me greatly. t he frequent pel's of palpitation and fluttering that 1 was at that time subject to were m st aUrmintf. At limes my heart would beat so violently that the movement was nntic;a..le through my c'othing. Doctors said my heart wa enlarged an 1 1 had frequent sever shooting ? tins through and in the region of my heart, think Dr. Miles' He trt Cur a great asedi cine an I h ive always been bl to aecur gr.'at relief from it use. I am in good health now. considering that I am bo year old. 1 wish you success." AMuaaw Jach son, Centra'ia, Wash. All druggists sell and guarantee Brat hot tie Dr. Miles K-medi -a. Send for free Imok on N rvous an 1 II art Disc ise. Addna Ul, Mika Malic.) Co, ElkJjast, lad. 1 Heart