ork:on mst E uteri! at tin- t'ostoffice lit St. Helens, Oregon, as second-claw mail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Ihhi ki Kvkrv Khiiuv Moksiso By KSTKt.l.A UAKKKKT, Ehiti'B am 1'aorHiirron. U'ttsCRIITlOS I'KH'K: One copy one year, in advance. . Six mouth This paper is kept on file nt the Ore n I'ress Association Knout l. llaniil- glW I'rCSB tnu'ni v. ton building, roriiaim, "rcgim. Tha discovery of a large body of iron ore in the yicinitv of Milton creek, would make St. Helens, one of the moat prosperous town of the northwest. It would increase the value of farm prop erty in the vicinity of the diacovery toan appreciable eitjnt, and make the own era of farms in th.it eection wealthy. The promoter, who intend to do tho prospecting are taking all the risk, while the farm owner who give! the American Timber Company a mineral lease, lose none of his rights, risks nothing, and lias everything to gain, it matters not whether the iron body is found on his land or some other tract. Tha companv needs a fear more tracts to jntify the ex pense of extensive prospecting opera tions, and the people should give them very encouragement. What "a this talk about Mt. St. Helena Wing hot? Some conscienceless sinner in whom the truth hath found no abi ding place has work! off a yarn on the Oregonian to the effjcl that one side of the mountain ia intensely hot, and is evidently preparing for an eruption! This Uxiiiacions student of nature must have found a side of tha mountain un known to the writer who was there two weeks ago and found the silent sentinel snow-clad to the base, and most frigidly anil pestiferously cold. If there was a warm spot in the heart of St. Helen, failed to fi r.d It. The deep white snow betrays the euldnesa of Helen's heart . Kalama Bulletin. There has leen considerable trouble back in Wall street. One abstractly would hardly think that trouble in a aingle street could affect the entire coun try. The aeeonnis of nation are clear ed" there, ami even Albany takes a hand in it. The present situation is not hard to figure out. Big men have been gnu pling and the other fellows have won Whenever men gamble either in a small or big way, there is bound to be trouble of some kind. Stock gambling is just about in tha same class as faro, though the world puts a dirTereut stamp on it. .Albany Democrat, The Daily Astoriau. established 30 years ago last month in the ni'siern Ve nice Astoria, by The O. Man of this (hack, ha falbn into good hands, Otis Patterson of the Dalles, and Walter Ly on of Salem, a g.wd newspaper combina tion. Thi is the 3rd transfer of that valuable property since we foolishly "let go" in 18S0, after finding out that James A. Garfield was a naudaciom Jiar. Sherman County Observer. It it announced in Sun Francisco that t. H. Harriman has in mind the con struction of a coast railroad from that city to Astoria. The Southern Pacific lias a coast line to California. It i ijnite the natural thing that there should lie plans for extending it. In deed, the report lias it thaf. engineers re already figuring on the matter, though j(e actqal work of construction iay be Utfilf way off, Salem States man. The liarreat ol Columbia county i an !)iirii)tti)t pe "fl.Uf season. , Hay and fruit M taxing the'VOiirtS" of the pro dacer to properly lurtidla. and care for tl.eiu, while the'-export o"f .dairy and lumber products, cJi-s, sawloga, shin gli, etc., tar surpasses any period in the hietory of this district. There are people who wouldn't want Rainier folks (to know for anything in the world) that they wanted to make personal attacks on Rainier people dur ing the county seat campaign, b it de sired to have the articles fathered by some one else. The dirtiest slam at St. Helens wom n was made by the Painier paper dor jug the county set pampaign, when it stated tjje pripcijiaj inhabitants were blond grass widow. Now, that the county seat matter is disposed of, it is time Lo look after road piattert the oil important qno.tion. Tl. ere is room for uiuch improvement in reads in this county. 10, Valjie for ;.7., We still have our side on HO men't suits marked down to f5 7t. lioys' f3 6'l anils fo. $t.B(J, and a lot of ladies', nin and lioys' siioes regnlar i 60 and r ! jjes for and $1,118, ' Such oppori.: nity is well worth investigating, as yo 1 will lie sjj re to make a purchase. J ''in J)ellar( earner pirsf and Yamhill, l'o i laml, Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's rior Discovery ForQK nrsrnsi III UllSaiS CkailJ A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Trouble. Monsy back If n fails. Trial Bottle iraa. Jl i " 00 ft I ! I Hump Back trnm ryiilonN I A hump back atraisht. nlthr will M snake 0 I a srtort leg long, nut K imm ton pona a , and tttatt dtseasad bona and II saw o tha lew jiuhiIm means of racovary in rickets and bona consumption. Send lor trt wnipto. SCOTT BOW MS, Clx-wt. iomh I'Mlri Straw. N" V. Cnited States Senator J. R Foiaker of Ohio, is looming up ana formidable ! candidate for the republican nomina- n tion f-.r the presidency next year. Not- e, tiw, ito lwU alul ml down withstanding Iresident Roosevelt's pop-; "-liill" on election day. However, the ularitv, the Foraki-r boom is becoming doctor has had goo I sale for disinfect strong in the South . "t ver '" Hie Srjl day of August. iTrv again, Bro. Mitchell, nc aspirants . ! for otllce have made their appearance in The fishing season clo-es tomorrow this little town in the brmdi. Perhaps night. I spite of the in.erva., of short ! "ZulZ in slsrk runs, the pru-e ortWiimbia river t,e new court house to be built nt St. Salmon has kept up-to a good figure un- : til the last ten "da vs. Th,ontpiit has r-en a sounv o' great revenue About S0( tons hve been shipel from St Hel ens alone.' George Hill, the proprietor of the Russiau bath honse in Astoria, was bound over iu the sum of $40 to appear before the Octolier term of the circuit court at St. Helens, by Justice Black ford, of Clatskanie, on a charge of giv ing liquors to minors. Hill informed the Asturlan that he was making great headway in electioneering tor K-unier, when placed under arrest. ; It is not a matter of good taste to ex ult too much over the resnlt of the re- j Cedar lumber and shingles are being cent county seat election, or attempt to j rushed into this market Irotn the Meha rub it into'the other fellows on account . k'm valley, during thi go I weather. of the victory. It must be remembeied that the result was made possible by , such Rainier campaign workers as Hill, of Astoria, the editor of the Rainier pa per, and his man Friday whose shingle proclaims his occupation as a notary public and lawyer. The Lewis and Clark Exposition man agement is getting the details of the gi gantic enterprise in working order. With H. W. Scott as preside.. t, and II. W. Cksxle as director-general, the plans for the greatest of North I'acitic fairs is gettiug do n to a working svstem. The State Commission, also ha I begun el- , .. . . . . I lective work and is making arrange ments for the Oregon exhibit at St. Louis, The State Board is mailing a roar be cause a numer of physicians and mid wives are not complying with the new law, and some of thetn are iiabte to be jerked np at any time and lie compelled to pay a fine of 10 for every time there is a failure to report a birth. Under the provisions of the new law all physi cians und midwivee in Columbia county must report all births within five days afUr the end ol the month, to Dr. II. R. Cliff, the heah officer. Contagious dia ease, also must be rejwtcd. St. Helens is snpposed to be the comi ty seat of Calnmbia county, but there were two days this week in which there was no afternoon mail to l'ortland. The mail service between St. Helens and Houlton is a failure, and every change of schedule makes it worse All mails that go to Houlton in the afternoon fiom St. Helens lay over at the former place until the next dar. K. E. Quick, of the Columbia County Abstract Company, says that one doe not know when to mail a letter now, and the complaint is becoming general. St. Helens has fur nished a United States senator, a jus tice of the supreme court, and numerous statesmen of leseer note, and .deserves something bet rt the; bonds of this national gevcriimeiit. " One half the time the management of the local paper has to carry its edition to Houlton in order to reach its subscriber on time. Even to get permission to do this it is necessa ry to take an ironclad oath to support the constitution oi the United State, the by-la sol St. Helens, etc. VERNONIA. , lioss. Well, election ia over. How does Rni- i T,.. .1" " nierieei? I ue " Camp meeting begins this week. I ',e l'--ilio Magazine for August con Oscar IJrown was thrown from his ' t"""' ,U" uUul u the )aci.i races, horse and received a severe cut Tn 2. V". "U'l"il':d- 1"e' re lorehea-l. He was getting along tine a! "U , o7 ""V"' ""f dt'''"rl" the last reuorts i Oniely llluMrated articles. . , ,, , ' . , , . 1 1U cents er copy. $t.uo per annum Among the late arrivals to town are; lne lj,u,' t.uilu lor .ilogu.t contain. Mr. A. Kobinson, of M. Helen. She ; a uumU-r 01 short .lories . 1 iiign liieru l visiting Mrs. U. W. Kice. . ry merit; deuailmeiiu 01 Hie Itouseliolil i W. Kitzgerald, of Lo Angeles, Calif., jout 01 d'ura; artistic ueeuie work; wnut is v s ting his father. The latter, it laj to wear; uiutlier' corner etc; uhudreus' reported, will return to ljus Angeles Ijm Angeles with his son A movement is on foot to build a tel- ephoue line from Vernonia to St. Hel- eiis. for a few davs ' ,. , ,. ., . .. . hd Huzen and folks, of IfotilUm. and Mr. W olf, of St. Helens, are iu camp at ll,A tUllH,'. hlu,Ml Kl ll.u 1I .:). 1 the tatter's place at the 18 mile tree George Kice i now able to run a i bindui . ; The hum of the binder can be beard cutting grain. I 8oon the threshing machine will start np. A party of ladies went out to pick blackberries, and aa live deer, and it is hard to teli who mad the biggest fuss and was scared the most. Plenty of comers and goers. The Vernonia baselnill team played Mist last Saturday. The game stood, Vernonia 4, Mist 18. John Van, of Portland, Vernonia. . , , ... , riw, nr,;h y ' W",h- ... " . W . Koberts, of Houlton, is on bust- J nessai ernoiiiB. C. V. Mellinger ia reidankinir a I ridge. U. K. CLATSKANIE ! I'nele John Colvln. of Marshland, I was in the city Saturday, attending to .' to some legal inisinee. i The grand social dance given by the Rcdnien Saturdiy night at their hall in this cltv, was a grand success in every particular. Will Dippold is rustling shingles Into i ,msel are In the county seat attend this nrniket with all dispatch from the j ti, i,vht.rs' examination this week. shingle mill ol inppoid wms, uaaicu wlUim ilwii and A. Slianahan in the mountain ju-t back of the city. I j,.,t lir,ive visitor last wcek We would recommend that the editor j aiudi taking out a load of apring chick- oft he Kainicr t.aiette take a die of Mrs. Wins low's soothing syrup, fer- haps he would l in better condition at the next general county etection to dic- atalolliH remihlican' IwrtV who they lis. I better nominate as candidates for countr officers. : Wouldn't that kill vou, "Clatskanie as lost her wads." It did make us Helens. We learn that Mia Jones has sold out her canity slioy in t lie .ew Home Ho tel, and moved back to the Nehalcm. C. O. Anderson has commenced the erection of a large busine.s block on Bridge street. It is said that the hank soon to be established here. wilt occupy a part of the building. F.u.cne Whitney and wife are sojourn ing at the hot springs on the upper Co lumbia for a couple ol weeks. P. W. Freeman, of leep Creek, was doing business in the city Tuesday. E. W. Convers is rusticating in the Nehalcm this week. The baseball nine of this city played , ,tU tha Astorji nine last Sunday. The score stood 13 to 15 in favor ol Astoria We noticed the genial countenance of Krick Fricksen from the upper Clata- kanieon our streets Wednesday. KEASEY Mrs Rebecca Webster, of l'ortland, is visiting at the home ol Mrs. Mcl'her- Ull. Thomas Brown and daughter Lida, also Mrs. Hyatt and daughter are at the home of Joseph Keed, ou Hock creek. Miss Mamie Cheldelin and sister Man ila, are spending their vacation with their father auu mother on Crooked 1 creek. ' The Merhardt brothers and their 1 wive, of Portland, have pitched their - tents ad jaceiil to csmd Iralda, anticipa ting a least of good things snch a they enjoyed when here last summer. We are glad to make meiitioi, of a most enyable time at the picnic near Mr. Pettyjohn's, it being the close, for a tune, of Hie school taught ly alias l.ic zie Karly. The dear little childien bright and cheery as spring blossom w ho, scarce ever before had spokeu eug lih, this being their first term in school . bravely laced the audience and recited their piecea in a nisnuer cretiitable to older pupils the older ones have made decided progress, and last but not least, 1 1 A fliiHir, iM.n aiiiiitiu ,ii inwiitrt l.v Vr(t raltiiiat to tlie singing by ibe young la- dies, was a very pleuMug part ol the iirogram. To rei:lial ions v tl K.ur- , ill her usual easy style, added much i tlie pleasuie ol the listeners. All told ol the untiring ettorts aud patience : of the teacher and the love and wiiliug-m-ts ol the pupil'. The tables appealed ' : in strongest terms to the lailugs ol all : : mankind, and surely tlie good mother . displayed an art in the culinary line not to k exceeded, and wit will not forget to mention tlie lathers nnd Ineiula alio I kindly cleared and arranged tlie grounds 'so beautiful, that even fairies might en- vjr pei.pl iheir eiijoyii.ent among the lealy maple, and aldeis on tlie baliks of Hia k creek. The school houe to", cuceriui, cozy anu ueai, uoes cicuii 10 thetrieiuls and patrons of District I H. fence and prijsjierity to you in the lu lu re. The school at Keasev taught by Mir lirnce Brow n, of iorest iirove, clo-ed la"' 'riday, with the usual r riday after nof'n ,ler.c' "c'lafions an- singing, tislaction has Uen given under her ad ministration. Jeacners to please yourselves with a good conscience toward liud aud the results will be most deeiiable. Dysentery Cured Wit bout the Aid of a Honor. "I am just ob from a hrtrd sjwll of the flux" (dyaeuleryj ss Mr. T. A. I'inuer, a well known tiieiehiiut ol biummoiid, Ten 11. "1 uted one small bottle ul Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Uiar rhoea Itenitdy aud was cured without having a doctor. 1 consider it the best choleia medicine III the world." Theie is no need of employing a doctor w lieu this len.idy is used, lor 110 doctor can rescnlje a better medicine for bowel complaint in any lorm either for chil dren or adults. It never fails and is plesant tu lane, tor sale by Edwin department; Home decoiauon ueparimeiu; uome decoiauon. 5 cents p.i copy or -W cent uer iear. Alter bel,tcu"r 1st the Ladies Worm will be lu",rUu ald improved aud the moecrip. i "" will he od cunts ier year. ') depaim.cul is ol ttie highest merit, ! and tne Ueeigua or fall lasnioiis are giv- eu iu an .iHi,.ai- .m.. v. ........ ... ' be up lit tail t vie. o. womuna' Meal buv i .. . .. 3 a topy oi uie lAriiueator lor to cents. The iiepaniiienu are up to date, and ; lull ol vaiuauie inluriualiuii. Conkey'a Magazine 1 cram full of srood things lor the houteiioid ; has a numiwr ; I ul delightful short stortis. ile ceiris a ' copy or bo cent per year. Ifor l.26, 1 '1 lie Jlitt and Conkey'a Magazine win oe ' ' sent ior one year. 1 i - i M"l Cared ot Colic Afier 1'hj slclaii'a Treaiiueol Had Failed. I i 1 My boy when four year old was taken ! : with colic and cramps in his stomach. 1 f... i.a l,.f.,r f.,,,1 ! in i.....M.I I a 4 m ill IV, u mu' ..w but the child kept welting j wore. 1 then gave him half a teaspoon- Iu ot Ulianioerlalll'a colli:, nioiera and 1'iarrho a lteme,!) , and in hall an hour -i lie was sleeping and soon recovered . L. Wn.aiNa. Hhell ljike. Wis. Mr, Wilkins is book-keeper lot the Hhell jt Uke Lumber Co, 1'or sale by J-XIwiiill ; lo", VKKNOMA Weather again fair. Uoada getting dusty.,,, I Thomas Brown is again In the valley. J. K. liw made hi semi-monthly triu over the mountuius Monday, with his dairy product. A few of Nehalem's fair dame and ), ,r u,v received 15 cent p I par iKinnd. Our road aupcrvieora, Charles Mel linger and J. 1'. Shecley re visited last il by County Commissioner Case and Koadimistcr Stevens. The boys are doing some very good and much needed work ou thu roads Iwlh I. I'. Spencer and son, and friend, Smith, were out hunting two days this week. Thev brought back a sack of peas as fniit for their labor. Say. Is rael; can't you raise peas on Jerusalem hill? The Mist boys were again the cham pions in the game ol ha what I played with the VJrnonia lads nt Mist Satur day. ilana Cliristianson is dandling the ribbon for the Kat Fork Sliiuglo A Mannfncturing Company, of l'itlsburg, this week. A sad aivident hnpieiied to (War Kroner, of l'itlsburg, last Friday, lie whs riding horseback alone down by the I old Magoou place, when his horse threw him smnuhow : he can't tell how. Alter throwing the ly the hore returned to Pittssburg, alien a search was made for ihe bov, mid he was found where the horse had thrown him, having received a deep cut across the side ol his face, but could not tell how it happened. At the last report he was resting wen as could be expected. Camp meeting is in full blast. Sev eral campers on the ground, ami more prepaiing to camp. Johu Edhalui came in from the (irove I Tuvsdav evening with one Kev i I ...; William Wood has got the idea in bis 1 neau inai no uou i mnm iu i"' """ ' mow around so many stamps, so he has inn chased the uiuod gruuliing machine plow and . of William Wilson, and soon tlie.iir will f be full of roots and chunks down by i Bill Wood's. Our pastor here at Vernonla g-ts around smiling, and looking the very ' picture of a pruud father, and well may j ha, for he ia the happy poswea-nr of a j booming baby girl, only a lew days old. j We learn "(rum good authority that I 1Mlis Fit.gerald hoe dispo-ed of tusi homestead lor the nice little Mini of; $15J, and now intends to hid the N- lialein and (hegou a tlu.il farewell, a:id set sail for the sunny clime of Cali,or- nia. liooil lurk attend you, liii. Thoniaa H. North is very busy these i days hauling out his w nitei cut of elim glee. Mr, North nuikes a tine shingle, and they are much sought ullor hy tlie carienlers of Washiugion county. Vernon Mowe and wile, of Ihlley, are visiting the family of Adolf Iter.'eison this week. Vernon and wife acre at one time resident oi this vicinity. Malclde I'reteuied. The startling aniioiiiiceineiit that a preventive ol suicide had been dinover ed will interest maiiv. A run down sys tem, or despondency luvaiahly nrecvile " """""a ". '"', '''at will prevent that condition a Inch i l"Ues uiciuca naeiy. .l me urn , li"'""'11 " seiMiesiructiou lane r.icciric liiturs. It being a great tonic .111 1 ro-r vine will strengthen the nvrvia and build lib the eysU'iu. It's also a great Stomach, l.iver nml Kidiiey regulntor. Only 6Uc. hatipfacliou guaranu-vd hy the .St. Helens l'liarui.icy. l o low Want To Xake Xuuey.' And iM'lii'i-e that von liave enoiiili ; ,ui,, njnlitv to successfiillv represent relmble In 111 in v. nrtown and vicinity; j ,e, lull nau.e mid uddreas, witli 1 ten c,.u t cover iwl of Inaliing, te., 1 lor lull particul.irs 10 U iirrk'a h.ivi.Noi., t Seattle, Wash, Tlie 11:11 1 r puis you in touch with man ufacturers who want amenta and ihalero, teaches yuii how to write ad vertis menu and tells you of many ways to m;ike j mony, either working part or all thu: time. Nfnd ten cents today. 1'ropoi.als la.lted. CEALEI) ' H1DS U I J.I- UK KK O ceived at the otllce of the schod clerk of liistrict No, '.'11 nt lU nU-n, Oic aon, until 1.' o'clock noon, Auitast Tl., ltHiii, for the erection of concrete walls under Ihe school In.tise in saiil district No. 20 in accordance with the plunsou file at the ollite of said school clerk. AH bids must lie accompanied by a certified check in a linn equal to ten 1U per cent, of the bid 011 building snid walls. Said check to be forleitrd to snid school district No. it), incase the lowest or accepted bidder fails to qualily a it Is a good ami sutlicient timid within seven davs after the awarding of the contract. the right lo reject any and all bills is hereby resei ved. liy order of the Board of School Direc tors. ANTOXK WISE, W. JOUDA.V, J. M. LINDSAY, Directors. Attest: T. C. WATTS, Clerk. PITTSBURG 1 K j C VISIBLE THE ONLY PEKFECT WJJITIN0 MACHINE MADE to V ? I 4 suussiWwssn. K'i'v 9 L 9 s. jf H r K I. The Pittsburg Writing Machine Company uiji Wiwwt V,t im IHHI DUUCT, Classified Advertisements W A N T V. I v-S V. V V. K A I . I'K.KSONS ol character and good reputation ' "... .1. ....... ....a in tills mil III V leiiulicd) I to represent and advertise old Hished we-althv business house of sol d illnancial standing. Salary y with expenses additional. . All payauio in cash direct each ttednesuay iro. head ollicea. Horse and carriage fur nished when netvssaiy. Kelerenw. hnclose sll-addresaed envolope. ( oki nial t o.. XU. lViirboru St Chicago. WANTF.IV-SKVF.RAI. INDt'STlU ous la'ison In each state to Havel lor house established eleven yeas and with a large capital, to call upon merchant and amenta lor successful and prolital- e line, rermanent engagement. Weekly rash salarv ol ! and all traveling penses and hold bills advanced each week. F.xpeiicnca not essential. Men tion refeience and enclose self sildrcs-cd envelope. THK NAl'lON.M.. M. IVarborn St., Chicag. WANTKI YOl'NU MKN to prepare fortiovermnenl I'osllious. Fine oism ings in all iH-partiiienls. Kxaminalious siRn. I'ariiciilar Frw, .. .. Inter-Stale Cor. Inst., Cedar Uapids, la. EVERYTHING NEATATNTHCELEAN Palace Hotel and Restaurant Rainier, Oregom Ileal Meal ai all llours.il" liiul'lie lat, and Hie elc It o a. MH. k, lYVHUHON. fr)o star y- V V ,. Owl Saloon Baiss BaoTiiKas, MOrKllTOKS -dill) ths bt ol- Liquors aud Cigars Kept iH Stock CYRUS NOBLE A nil xht a.ar iriul ol Hl-kU HiitaM in Uk k. WEINHARO'S BEER "Tom Bento.i" Cigars. i drmM ih croja ol th MJ was (art appraadtlna, I aaL'ctd in ol U.-dal, aad initial to try a koi. L'x I sxptrkuKad seas rci-! b tin', amslh. so I kspt c tsxms, I! In tsxa Banthi and sjow I naastass with a pain tr4 I shall tsk It of) and a mwslhavapaawdttadlraaa.' Femsdi weolnirta, disonlerwd toensea, falling U tb womb and ovarian tronblci do not vtar off. They follow a wotoaa to liochanga of life. io not wait bat take Wliia of Cknlui novr and avoid the trou ble. W na U Cardoi never (ails to benefit a suffering woman of any air. Wiiw of Cardut rlinvd kn. Wtbb when she was in dan- ger. 7)!n you eome ta the ehann of lit airs. Wehb'j letter will ueaut nioro to ycu than it doe bow. But yw may now avoid tta) n Serine aha endured. Dnwjfista ssiifU bottle of Win of Cardui. AiltlEorCAnDUl Coming Suents. Teachers' examination in St. Helens August 12lh. County Teacher' Innilnt m ill It held in Ht. Helens, August 18-Jtl, 1 The writing is in plain view of the ojierator all the time W simplest and atriitigest con-f ilruction, rapid action, easyt touch adapted to all kin.lsolf. work best for tabulating anil invoice work uuiverssl kw.tl Ixiard removabie type action F, instantly tleaned, F Treble the life nt any oth.-ift machine for good clean wmkF r1 i PiOsImrg, Pa . ! " j Vx I j Mr. Lfturik. S. Webb. ) Ss TYPEWRITER Mid-Summer Clearing Sale Must be cleaned t' .witliiu . J9jL3i ,.i2 Ettic..il!!i(iJll . stmk. I'iichUciI for tailor-iimtlc suit woith 200 tJQ() fine f.30 to Uo tailor-made V pairs trousers, taiW - I 000 high as H choice Farnsworth-Herald Companj 24S Washington St., Toktlano, Orkc.on. II? VlWiVVPf I 20Q FRONT STREET . r. lAliLliL PORTLAND, OREGON Top UuLrirs "P- Open I i U IXiX i i S 8M5 and up. Hclniout l!trsc iWcr lly Tresses. IVcritig Himlcrs, Mowers, and Kakcs. HwIrcs " HucUyc " Hay Tool?., l'lotvs, Harrows atitl Tutiips. New Oxford Cream Separators. Millinrn Wagons, Unties and Hacks. Colunibn Iiujgies and Carriages. oi . a.i: 1 Walk-over. Sorasu and Built wells The Bet Bho..H on Earth foi tho Money. s wmfflffiwwwmwmtirmifflifmmfflffliirmmnfiitEti ITHE NEW YORK STORE Ha just 'erelvisl a largs mvoU ol iSumraer Goods, Shoes, 1 g Dry Goods, Groceries, Hoots, Shoes, lite. II. MOKGU9, 3 ('hht Huiltlinir, Main Stirft, St. Helens, Oregon. 8,T.9 Orrica lion,,. i Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments by Mail. Kooiu ill) and 51, Washington Hid,, Hotilheasl corner Wash, and lh Hi PORTLAND, OREGON, Take Klevator lo Fifth r'liair. The Mist and The Orcgonian, $'2 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Oregon Training Hchrsil for tearlirrs' course airaused especially for training teat hei for all brain lies of the profession. Mo t approved mi-thisl for graded and un graded work taught in set mil district si'liool. rim demand for graduates of tins school hs U'Hi hers far exceeds ti n supply. The training depaitment, which consists of nine grmla public school nf als.nt 2rm pupils ,.,.ipn,., in all it. brunches, ini hiiling Hlowl Mil. hp, Ihawtng and CIhshhI luiiuiii'g. The Normal n.ii-p. thi-best u,el quickest way to n StHt.. t ilhMi4.. ,,.,, o-ns Si pi, 22i. l or ciilulogu., r -forniaiiiin, rnldress I'.. I, HKKSI.iat, President, ?r J. B. V. lilJTI.KIl, beuclary! $20 $9.95 units, choice J J (jp tumlc worth a V VTJ , OIK i.O l l S 0 f. K il K E V f AN T II E It KNIGHT SIIOK CO. FORTLAND. ORE. H,Mrr llllJ ttaa, sasiaaasHssaBm4UWB-ssaas 0R98J SHOES 21" tJSrT kT" " ,"BU a. ,,.. M'llee, ll.ir4H ","""t iKe. raoat 147 .Hiiiiii u n hilB ffl A 111(111 in i ii i ii i nn i i- .ii'-'VHi "!.