ORIHON MIST F.nirr4 a the. Iiln1et at St. Helena, Oregon, a euodelasa mail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. . ... jii Mg -i au.i . - jga"Beg-rwfB Isscco Evaav Kmida Muknimq By E STELLA UABBKRT, Eoiroa anu Paorairroa. HfJBSCIUPTION PRICK: One copy one. year, in advance $1.00 Six uiuiitha 50 August 7, 1S03. L i. n-J1 a Tbi paper ia kept on til at the Ore gon Presa Association Kooiu 9. llaaiil ton building, Portland, Oregon. THS SLSCT10S RSSVLT. 01. Helena retaiua (ha county aeat by good majority. Tba result might have been different, bad not tha good people of Kainier, and there are aorue excellent jcilixen there, liatened to the blandiah- menta of two or three carpet bagger, who took it apon themaslre to manip .late tha campaign. The olid prop- .erty owner wre,4led tor campaign "dough," aud the manipulator were largely the beneocmrie.Ttition were aigned tor an auabling act, but no men lion was wad of apecial elwllo.is Tha relocation si the county aeat could have .come ap .at the ngular electioui next rear, but it waa too fur off for the graft era to wait. A number of Kainier peo ple now openly atate that their cam paign organ waa hindrance to their suc-cese. Mother's Ear SWUM I a rmii m mmri mmt aswan mnmimm mm imMmr. mho m rue momwum rwar coate aeeoaa Tnr nmm, nCOTT'9 KMULBlON nmm r aaraia mmni tmo aouammwr ao eeesr eo rm mam Of morn mothmHamo cwtie. Send for 1rm fSMnplt. SCOTT ft noW.NK, Chtssists. gfi PmH siiw, Naw Vara. CLATSKANIE A Lot of Red Hot Items. It it satisfactory to know that suffi cient money haa been subscribed to ex tend tha St. Ualana and Yanktou tele phone line to Valley, ' diatance of IS niilea from tbe starting point. It ia also gratifying to know tltat thin local co-op-ratire enterpiae hai proved a lucceaa in furnishing- in subscriber with a cheap and effective telephone service. The next more will likely be to extend tbe line to Pittsburg and, Vernonia. John Wallace, ol ihe Nehalem, in now hauling cnhir lumber ovur the moun tain to this miuket, where it tiuds a ready ante. The county seat fiction in over, and everybody Is glad to know that they will pet a it at from politics until next June. Iliisine-s ha resumed its nurniHl suite, and every body seeing to be happy. The county sent election passe J off qiiielly litre . There was nothing to mar tin- good feeling existing between man and iiihii, except a little trouble over some had hiskcy. Mr. Itcnson haa lren in the city tha I past sevi ral daxs, looking alter his rail- 1 road interests here. Following ia the vote by precincla of j w. U. Powell, of St. Helens, w as here the second county aeat election held last Tuesday, reprt editing the Stale, and Monday. St. Helena retains the roumy Judge Hughes, of Astoria, the defend- aeatbya majority of Sftt. St. Helena . " caae oi vmiatmg me minor mwa on cecum, ot. I Clatskanie precinct cast S41 rotes last . Monday at the county seat election IN! for St. lieltns, and 48 lor Kainier. .No doubt had the people ol Kainier formed a combination with Clalskmiie the countv scat Mould hare been nettled in the lower part of the county somewhere. SCAPPOOSE. (Classified Advertisements WWaWMWWaWaWMIi The Vote. majority of SIM. St. Helena receiyed II U votes, and Kainier 751. A total of 1815 votes were polled, while 1707 votes were polled at the special election on July 6th. Following is the otficial count a? canvassed by the county clerk and Justices Watkius and Sj- Weather condii ion nr favorable and grain culling is in lull blal. The creameries here ai lm ing prol ilahh. Mfftxin ml nie reiichiiig out for milk in every direction. Reed A Nehou, who have a saw mill in Washington county mar the (Vliimpta Cellllly line, arc fllippillg laitf' lot of lunilier at this mull. mi. I. li. Wikatrom'e new mill on the north fork will begin culling ihis "' fail Kridel but begun erecting a neal i cottage at (his place j J. 1. McKay i" tilling a largo eon it act lor oilier poKli lor rail ehipmeiil. j Watts A dice are pulling out large ; quantity ol llr wikmI for the I'm tluiitl , jmuiket. ' Allwrt Johnton bu bruun the en clion 'of an up-to-date ics'dema on hla low lanit hum. A party of friend swooped dow n upon II. Wost'on Tuesday evening, and le- : minded him that he hud jul passed an other milestone in his life; and a picas-, a lit evening was spent. F.loclion passed oil' ipiietly iind a' laigo vote was cat. All feel that the taxed count v seal contest is now cUwed, : 1. 1 1 K SAl.l'.- I'AIK YOl'N'. MAUI'S, UfM. One light faint watfon; six cliouw i milk cows to sell, or trade for baefslm k. iti. 0. lil I. SON, St. Helens, Or. I ' W A is TKl- sl',Vr.H.U; I KKmlnS of chMiiicler aud g.Hal icptllaltons ill each slate (one in ibis county required) j to represent and advertise old stal lishcd weallhv business house ol solid lliiancinl minding. Salary $21. (HI weekly I w ith espenses aildiifiial. All payable in cash direct each Wednesday Irom head oltlces. Horse aud cariiiign Inr nisbed when necessary. Uclctciicea. l iiclose aell-aldressei envelope, t'olo mill Co.. U, IVaiboril St., Chicago. " AVli:i- I.IVK AUK. NT TO SKl.l. IV. While's Kleclric Cointia, paieineii Jan. 1, W. Cure daiidrutr, hair falling out sick and nei vmu headaches, yet cost no mors than an ordinary comb. Sells on sight. Agent aia wild with success. Send rV'e lor sample thalf nine). W lite quick. The l'r. While K.lectiic Comb Co., IVcntur. HI. Wri;i- SKVK.KAI. INOt sl Ul oils peisona III each slate lo travel lor house established eleven yesss and with n Ihiuc ciiiiilal. to cull iiim'II men bams Mid-Summer Clearing Sale Must be cleaned jtp V1? 11 ..'l!? ....t iil0.!"1" for fuu stock, 200 rncnlkd ft r tailor-n.ntlo suit woith $20 $9.95 Q() fine ty to $40 taiUr-tn(lc suits, choice J I Q 0" 345 s . nntrs trousers, timor-imuic worm as 1 000 i ligh s fg, clmict S3 mons : Auburn Raiirer 13, St Apiary Rainier, 21. Beaver Falls Kainier, 58. Clatskauie Kaiuier 48. St. 183. ! A Wilcox ami son, Oan Kice and mauv others of our cilizeus residing in Helens, 113 i the upper CUtskanie country, weie in ' the city Monday voting as their coil Helens, sciences dictated. i' ii;.. l..i... i. ,i ..i i..:..:. f I 1 it t ... i Ui't ifnin?iiii, Hi iiKiuu:,, n na Uoble-Kaiuier. !W. St Helens. 28. win. the Mies Nora and Marv Marshland Kainier R2, Si. Helens. 1 (',,, n.k iv.i, u u c. 11..1 ..Aouiera. Rainier-Bainier34". St. Helens, f ' .The Junior baseball nine of Kainier, i Scppoose-Kainier7,St.Helens, 182. V ' "'"f1)'.1"81 Sunday- wtlh the Union-Rainier 3, St. Helens, 407. '",ur. !!"'., u !'o i! The score m iwi , v inmanuiu iU i.itiiitv( la j V ill Van ami Johnny foster are vn- j gngi'tl in hHuliny cvilur iuu.lwr from -Ntf-j Warren Rainier 1, St. Helena 7a. mot af. uni..iia f i.s )i(I;llr4 ri'MMUll I thiil mid audita lor successful and profitable St. Helena will now lake on new lite, ; line, permanent engagement. Weekly and make . I giant stride forward in the cash salary ol $18 and all traveling inarch of progi ess. Tl.ere is much iimm penses and hotel bills advanced ra. h for it. week. Kaperience not eracntial. Men- Mm-. lion tefeienie and enclose sell rddnssed . - 'envelope. THK .NATION A I.. 3S4. I I'earborn St., Chicago, WANTKO YnCNli MKS to preiare me oat for Uovernmeiil Positions, tine 0wii 1 infs ill nil Hvpurtiiiciit. I'.xaiHIUHtlons soon. I'arlii ulai s r ree. Inter Slate Cor, Inst., Cedar Kapids, la. FarnsYorth--H( raid 2.1S Washinutdn' St., Poki'land, Orkuon-, Companj FISHHAWK. CIRCUIT COURT. Having is just about over. hay out yet. Mis. I'raaen and daughter, of I'ort land, nie visiting iclativis on upper Kishliaw k. There was a aiK'ial ilmire at Mr. lim it might not be a bad idea for the pianagers of the 1'ortlaud Kiposition in 1UC( to nail down tbe grounds while jne noKJ upa are all the rage, nuce some errajva hebo might carry off the site. The groumU are right in "sight" of tbe city, and some one might get "in cited" to make way with tbeui. Salem Capital Journal, ' George Hill, tbe Astoria boarding bouse manager, waa arrested for dis pensing liquors on election day at Clata kanie, and placed nnder bond to ap pear or trial in tiie Jaitjce court. So news of tba outworn e of the trial ha been received here. Hill waa election eering for Rainier. Mew buildings are atiil going op at a lively raieat Rainier, and tbe hill are fairly dotted with new residence. J. E. Doberty'i elegant new block i about completed, and B. L. Smith haa com pleted a neat dwelling. Jf President Booeevelt continues to give f 100 checks to all babies named af ter him, the United State Senate will have to increase his wage. Evening Telegram. Judge McBride convened nit ad journed term of the circuit court last Monday. In llie pariition suit of Elli vs West, the court decided in favor the plaintiff. and the estate will be told a a whole. instead of being partitioned. Mrs. El len Ellis, one of the heir of the West estate at Scappoose, brought suit to have the property sold in a body, con tending tnat it would biiug a better price Oiau if partitioned among the heir. Bert West, who holds title to, one-half the estate contended, on i'ie ' other hand that it would be more satis factory to have the laud partitioned among the heir. The West estate comprises 800 acres, aad is one of tbe j most valuable farms in the Scappoose ; country. The court made a persona! examioatiuu of the property, and come ' le the conclusion that it would bo bet- ' ter to sell the tract in a body. Harry ' West, who bolda a mortgage on the : properly was made a party to the suit. E. fc. luick was appoiuttd referee, and will sell lb properly to the highest bid- i der ou September 1'Jlh. baiam to this iitace. f Some hav is still out in the fields in i this pint of the country. ! The entertainment given last doy utght by the Ebwoilh f.etigeiirs was j well attended, tacli ol the young folks 'rendered ell their individual parts, j It is s-iUl that n musical entertain ment will be given iu Keduien's hall be ; to e uiauy moons. I Miss Ai nie English, of Portland, was in the city last Suiuntay night, and took part in the Kpworih League entertain ment held iu Keduien's ball. Ed Hughes ha bought himself a bran new, one-liorse buggy, painted red. I tjnite a number of our cilitens at tenued tbe Columbia County Pomona Oiange held at Vernonia lust week. vey's on lKep creek last Saturday liyht. Every body bad a tine tune. Some neoole consider tbe item alouti Satur-' Kouiib ol July dance in Millar's; nam an instill. 1 assure you n m urn ( iuteuded as such, and I hoj tlieie will le no hard liulingi held against me iuj the futuie. Andrew Cair had an accident in the VERNONIA. from woods Satiuday, but he was able to be i out to Snnday-scliisd. Al Harvey brought in u lie self-bind-j er the other day. j Mr. and Mis. ('. 1". Kinney, of 1'orl-j land, were visiting Mrs. Kinney s p.ir-: cuts, Mr. and Mis. 1. I'aywuit, i.i-i w tea . The Catholic church at Sunny-ido is Hearing completion. Some fall giaui is -learlv n ady to cut. If it keeps ou raining we HI lone to harvest our gram unoer a lug umim-Ua. The llshliank Poet The I heme ol my stoty is founded on tiuth, (. . in ii mi g ti e (vuitthip of a most verdant youth ; Theie were others who saw it, but only kept nolle ; His mania deli d i n 'iui and said if w as cute. Tim old lolss objected, s a matter ol comae ; Andritd'otn thi ir bs't v. 1 1 1 1 consid erable (nice. The girl was too young lo engage iu love's diciiius ; Ttiu vwiiiii, t b'.iigb ailuid, was Just in his teens. In the suit of Smith vs N'ewsome. the his new acre. findings aud decree were in favor of the j iv Keneh day at Wi noma. defeuuant. VERNONIA Tbe escaped convict from Folsom are (till terrorizing Oalifornia, and the bUxxHioand and militia have been brought into play lo aid in their cap-tare. .Cardinal Sarto, patriarch of Venice, Is the pope, and now reign at the Vatican pver the Catholic world a Pius X. He ja now ,98 year old. Js'ow, th4 (lie pounty seat election ia pver, it would oe in order to fix up that road, lending ojjtoftjwn tJ the direc tion of ftmppoow. ' J "M gfljpehow or other t)ie Tucoma lawyer and the Astoria tailor boarding house manager failed pa deliver the goods last Monday. fc- Ji.J-aaj t waa clran sweep at Deer Island, nd Warren, Scappoose, Clatskanie, Auburn and Nehalein are entitled to places at the head of the class. Hot air and bad whiskey doe prove to be a valuable campaign junct in Columbia county. not ad Weather cool and cloudy. Haying almost a tuing of the past. Grain harvest will soon call the atten tion of the farmer in this vicinity. The omlook at present, is a soleudid yield of grain and fruit. The Pomona Orange met at the Grange Hall m tins city Saturday. Au gust 1st, 1903, with quite a large a'ttend- auct a ciass ol 31 patrons taking the filth degree. We noticed State Denutv Master J. S. Cast) strolling our streets Saturdav. Lome again, Uiother Casio. Vernonia Grange, ia steadily increas ing in numbers ami interest," notwith standing tbe prophecies of some of our leading men "that the Grange won't last long," we ssy with the exception of the G. A. R., it has ami w ill outlive any other organization having birth in thia city. H. G. Downing has vacated the old McNutt sland, and will hereafter weigh out beans and bacon to his customers at hi own place of business, just north of the poBtotlice. Dr. C. L. Hatfield's new building on the hill Is beg-uning lo take on the ap pearance oi a tunable home for his Uuiub-animalg. Omar Shanahan w as a Pittsburg visi tor Eriday, putting in a bill with the Est Fork Shingle & Manufacturing Company' mill lor lumber with which to bulla a com modioli barn. John Vaiihlaricom and family, of Portland, but formerly of this vicinity, 1 re visiting relatives ami friends while gathering blackberries. The annual Evaneelical camo meetin? begins next Sabbath, August ytli, iu3, visitor over Dow, (he butter king, made a lioulton. A. Partiu ia in from Portland after land. Joe Reed supports a new- saddle. O Sulclile I'reiciiieil The startling aiiuoiiuieuirm that a, preventive or suicMu had been due icr- , ed will interest ui.u.v. A nni..,iin vs- j M b- I"l. ol a in. h ; fust : j thought ol sell destruction lake Kl, ti ic j liltleis. It being a great tunic an I n. r- S"".iuu aiil strengthen the nei v.s and , build ub the system. li s also guatj trip to siomiu-h, l.iver mid Kidney rigi .itu Only 6oc. .jt!-iarii'iii gi.u.inic'i l looking t!ie -st. Helens Phuriu o v. ' j evening - it rv mrsl parlor and was Colin i on g her stum II Mrs. J. V. Rench haa returned a visit to Earuiingtou. Mrs. Kda liogue is visiting her Bister, Mrs. Rice. Mrs. Loguu is Horn rariu-i lein, or despondency n.v.o.ilily ingtoii. I suicide and soiiisiiiiog brta inn Lois of Grangers in town. (that will prevent thai, condition ti. II. lK.wnnof bs at l.t ,ne..l inl..! """"' mtldeS llticlv. At til At laloiie lii e tathetJcistl ; He wiilkvl into tho helped to ii sl.sil. A nd now a din ussion age ; II r n liiultid bis wntil On ssgetl. Pai lisiiienlary rubs were su-pended, lio ib ii bl ; Wbiiithe gill's inolber iuvilel bim oltl, Doin kill me, t.cciiid. snaic u y ofe 1 uiiploie ; As . I.e gr. bl i d d i hi, but i,d tiiitdi- foi the ihs.r. J. F. ()'IK)NNi:iJ Top Hutrjxies ()! i ! ii lururit 200 FRONT ' PORTLAND, rr ntni up. ft; ." ami up. STREIT OREGON ! Dysentery Cured Without the Aid of ' a locior. I '-I am just ub from a hard sp II of the flux" idy,eiiury say s Mr. X. A. Pinner, a well known uieichaiu ol 1i uiuiiioiid, To li n. "1 ustd one small bottle ol Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar i rhoea Remedy and was cured withoui ' having a doctor. I consider it the best choleia medicine in the world." There ; is no need ol employing a doctor when i this icmiUy it hscu, lor no doctor can presenile a better medicine lor bowel . ioiiiilanii in any lorm tnher for chil dren or adults. It never fails and is phsant to lake. Eor tale by Edam Koetf. Do Ya Maul To Make Vuae)l And believe that you lone enough business ainlitv to siiciesstuliv leoion-ot a ruiiahiu hi in in your to n i,.i , icnuiy , I II so send lini liituiii h lo t ioliliis-, ..o i tell cents to cover cost uf niaoing. nr., for lllil l.irilllll.il9 to Ullllr.s A., i I.Ms,! i ftcaltit, O ash. the i ir puw you in touch nuh uiau I Ulaciurers who Mttni ageiiu uu,i .n iei , ( leaches you lo,a to w i ue hUvci lisii.eio and tells you ol i,,auy nys to i.i .kc I mouy, either wuikih, oau or so li e time. : cstitd leu cents tod.iv. i d out liter b ol and bit hi-u his lack n id the ikvauid l.kr oft She reach ii blurt, "1 w ut the small of i. d ol bis stint. lli l iels it ev oin, tuldrrov 's kiii- As I.e (iirifii j the grotii.ds foi a Sn.t lo I, gill. HesiruiK lue irail MU.ireiy, ah. Icon ln.i run Sy i"g - 1 1 i'il, tribulations baie jusl i g.iu. Illshesltis row broken, his hie is most drear, A iid be win never go coin I nig without M.ima is near. TlIK Co V-AUS. Not lit,., . i.e. Horse I'osvcr Hav Prcjtstrs. ISsiiiicrs, M.iwt-rs, ami Kakct. IUlnumt HikIj-cs " Huckcye " Hay Tixils, l'lows, H.uiuws and I'miips. Now Oxford Cream Separators. MiUuiru Witxi, lUi;ieH and Hacks. Columliti IUit gits i t,d Caui. te. There is an old allegorical !' HOULTON Hot as blue Waxes tcday, tt ednesday. We all wonder how Rainier feels about the recent election. All kinds of lots for uale cheab. On August 64 and 25 the X. P. R. K will sell tickets at reduced taies to Port land, on account of Kuigling liros. cir cus. I'.our.d trip f 1.15. Mr. and Mrs. N . A. Perry are sia-nd-ing a lew days at the U-ach. George and Frank Kellv via.ted Port land last W euiiesduy, lemming in evening. Teachers' Examination. "VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1' (he County Superintendent ol (Jo Wliat the matter of the 62 " im migrants" that returned to Portland on (.be I raids Monday morning T LOOS ASH MILLING. I, Q, W'ikstrow tartd np hi new fawmifl at Scappoose this week . It will be an important industry for that section. Joseph Long is getting out a lot of fofes and post on Germany bill for the ortla'nd rjiarket. f AH tbe mil) and logging camp in Columbia county are running in full blast, and more enterprise of .le kind fir? teing'projecM. ' wiih Revs. Vernon. Green, Wemerl and h.i,.l,iu c,.,,,,,!, u,n 1...1.1 ,i, .. other in attendance, we are told. lamination of applicants for state and Our new marchant, E. E. Throop, is couuiv papers at St. Helens as lollows keptyuitB busy these days freighting; Eor Slate Papers. Irom bl. Helens lo supply his many ctis- I r ..- 1 , turners. Keep at it Ed, ind success will ' ,C" Wednesday. Angust 12, be yours ( at W o clock a. m., and continuing until , , . ; Saturday, August 16, at 4 p. m. Once more on Monday, the vote. of ; Vlednesday-Peiimanship, bistort-, Columbia county met to settle the ; selling, algebra, reading, school law.' ceunty ...t fqubble, which will add: 'Jhu.sdav-Vl r tten a,, h.i.e.ic. ..,:- more costs to the taxpayers, and which win mate some ol ibem scratch and tui u their pocket wrougside out sev eral time er'e it ia paid. Mrs. I.ula Kuutson, second daughter of Mr. and Mr. A. Sbanaban, who ince her marriage has been living iu San Francisco, Calif., came home to the old homestead Sunday to visa parents and friends. ry ol teaching, grammar, book-keeping, 10MBIC-, civil government. 1 rriday Physiology, geography, men-' tal uruh rnetlc. coinoosition. oIivhok! ! Exhibits Milp.ied I ree. In ordci to ei.com. -ge exhibiioia and Ulteiiiluiice at llie uu l.ur, Um Soiun ei 11 laeilic Comiimiy nut transpoi t all exhibits, ll.i-iinin.g live sleek, lu and Irom the u.i gou suite lair lue o) cl.uige, rxlubitois Mioiilii ship direul to tho ( .ur Uruunlis, wo. ii- ilny will In. 'I ,iu,Oe ia cilllles lol lill.o-o.l. Mil i xhlblts. Propo-als Invited. CKAI.EI) RIDS MI,I. I! K UK O ceued at tbe olfice of the si iiool clerk ol Ihstriet .No, -.'() ut Ib ula-n. (he gon, mini Ij o'cliM-k iksiii, Angusl ind. lUoa, for I he fieclioii of concrete walls inner llie school In use 111 aid i.istrtct No. itt) in sei onluiii e with the olsiisnu the I ''le at (he othce of Mini school rl, is. Ab bids iiiust be in ioiiii,iiiihiI bv a cerlillcd check ii a rum iijiihI lo tin 111 per cent, of the bid 011 Imild'.i.g said wnlls. Said check to be forfeited to siiid Si bisil district No, it), in case the Ion est or accepted hWih-r (ails to qualify wiih a goisl and iMillji ieiit l end witbiii seven days after the nanrding of the contract, 'lh right In reject any and all bids is hereby reseived. liy order ol the Hoard ol School Irirec lors. ANT' IN E WISE, i. W. JOKOlN, J. M. M.vHHAV, lhn etors. Atte.-t : T. C. WATTS, Clerk. cdoe of a girl scaled nt a grs-liopin i , but ju ih set 0 1 lierdlessU lie.nling on 11 simke. ! 'Ibis ia isralleied by lint loan al,u; spend, g lurge sum o mciiey building a j cyi lone celuir, but ingl.vts t. prortdn Ins family mil, , .tib- ..I ClmmU r-1 linn's I ohc, ( holeni 11 ml liiiirrhoea Item. ' edy us n saiei-aul ng.niii bisr! coin I'lalii', wbo-e i. liins ..uiiinn.ler IboMi ' ol the clyrloiie 11 hiliiibcd fo one. This? n imdv is i-ei 1 h hen- ri ginred ns ihe, liiosi prompt mid itliable 111. biclne mi ii-i: lor these diseases. Koinilw by Ed will K is. ! EVERYTHING NEAT AND CLEAN AT 1 HE Palace Hotel and Restaurant Rainier, Oregon Item M. uls ui all lionf, ,!,.. IriK Hie dy,, n.e .Neai.m It o o in M I . K MVVKKHOK, froprlsior s.. - 'good mkm mis m m children Childrens' . Shoes ARE THE BEST. Knight's GIVE KNKiHT SHOE CO. Taken I p. Not Ice is hcirby given thai lhn under signed has (nkeii up 11 setter hitch ulsiut six months old. (Inner can have the same by proving properly niul paying expenses w ithin the next In davs. MITCIIEI.I, KAV. Kt. Helens, die., July IHih. W. Eeltdt, of Buxton, is erecting a fine and commodious house on (he farm of Allied Hitmahan above town. Professor I. Ji. Copeland and family, were me guests ot J. Uow, while at Nothing ha cvrr nqualled it Nothihg can ever mrpasi it Br. King's tlmi Discovery sal uui u a LBS A Fgrfecl For AH TlfQtit nd Cifi 1 Lupg Tfovtom. MowfiDaeklf Ittaga, 1 (Mtlee free. geography. baturday Botany, plane geometry, general histoiy, English Ineiaiuie, psy chology. Eor County Paper. Commencing Wednesday, August 12, at W o'clock a. m., and continuing until Eriday, August 1, at 4 o'ebxk p. iu. Eirst, hecotid and Third tirade Ceitifi ca(e. Wednesday I'fnin.-inehiu. histoi v. tan.H. flTsT u.7. V . .. . , orthography, reading. place. Kuuly 1 rhursday VI ritien arithmetic, lory 01 learning, grammar , CI May geography, mental 1 r a 1 t tic, scl.oid law, civil goveriiment. ill A neqderfnUontlon. j Primary Certineute. J It n interesting to note that fortunes j Wednesday-lViimaiiship, ortbc gra- f are frequently made by the invention of phy, reading, arithmetic. Iff articles of minor importune. Many of ( Thursday-Art of questioning, theory ' d of llH,'hili. roHtlwula t.l.uuO.I. ..... s - e".-"'""'s . I 1 1 I I 1 1 1. I 1 VI , County School Hupeiiiiteiideiit. Dated at lioulton, Orcgjii, this 2Hlb day of July, HfoX JlssSr. A AAA A irk yw A arV A piTfSBURG VISIBLE TYPEWRITER TIIE ONLY TKIiKKCT WJHTINH MACHINE MADE MH'Jra. sasH. n I OM. AAAAAAAA A AAsy hn.elic, the-M M ... V,;fcj , physiology. ! J M ."T Jps w VA tal uritiiiiie-1 i"rr.-ir,i-,(t. ,.'.vi -t J-v Uat. A part of nickel plated music rsrk, on the mad between xankton and War ren, via Hoahon, July 4th. Finder will receive reward by leaving it at J. P. Ba ron's store at Warren, or notifying bim gf its wheieuboutt. the most popular devices aie those de signed to benefit the people and meet popular conditions, and one of the most interesting of these (hat has ever been invented is the Dr. White Electric Comb patented. Jan, 1, 'oy, These wonderful combs positively cure dandruff", hair fall- 1 ing out, sick and nervous headaches, ; and when used in connection with Dr. j White's Electric Hair Brush are posi tlvely guaranteed to make straight hair curly in 2ft daya' time. Thousands of j these electric combs have been sold in; the various cities of the Union, and the demand is constantly increasing. Our ; agents are rapidly becoming rich selling these combs. They positively sell on sight, tieud for sample. Men's size 35c Hoy Cured of Colic Aflrr I'lijslclmi'a Treatment Had I-ailed. My boy when four years old wap taken with colic and ciiimps iu his stomach. I sent for the doctor and he injected morphine, but the child kept getting woi.n. 1 then gave bim Inilf a un-poon-f is I of Chamberlain's Colic, Choleirt and Diarrho a Remedy, and in half an hour be was shcniiur and soon recovered. Indies 50c hall price w bile we are inlio . V. L. Wii.kinh. Bhell l,kp. Wis. Mr. dining them, hee Want Column of this , Wilkin is book-keeier for tho fibell paper. The Dr. Whiltt 'Electric Comb l.nke .umber Co. Eor sale by Edwin Co., Deciiitir 111. j Ross. aj s.tt - I- - III?" .."T t. Tb writing is in plain view! of (he operator all tha lime- simplest 11 ml atrongest stiiictlon, rapid action, touch adapted to all kinds 1 work best for tabulating sllj invoice work uuiveisal key board removable type action instantly cleaned. Treble the life of any otiieil muni lor good clean wmk. If El fib aad Wash. His. d n n t 1 AMD CFP06ITE FEnKINS HOTEC ITHE NEW YORK STORE Has just tiei nd a large invoice ol if.nrin0 fronds fibnAR E I)' (c.nlst Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. I 11. Mouaus, ('oo)ici' IsiiiMin;, Main sm-i.t, St. IIpIphh, Ort'on. iuwiiun.niicaiaiUiiuciiiiiiiaiUiiiiUiiiuuaiuI, 1 0 TO 12' I ,Y6i Orrica Hoi as. 'PlIoNX (llllii-r, lliam O (Kea. Eauar H Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Infcimation and Appointments by Mail. K.Hm iO and Ml, W.l,i,,gt,. l;, Houiheast corner Wash, knd 4th Hi. I OHTLAND, OHEGON. Eh-valor lo Eifih I hair. Take The Mis t : rdfhc Orcfionlan, $2 i i 4 2015 Wood Street, ! Jf The Pittsbarg Writing Machine Company ritttiliurg, I'a r ,7 M If l.'IVv fUIU Ilsr i I vw i ik"! WJJ In ei h town to talin Uluh drill OuaranUMul lilevch,.. How 1903 Mod oh "BalUaa," Complete $8,lg " CoSBSSCk," Guaranteed filch Ord $tOl "Siberian,'' r. wuy $12-1 "Nouttorf," iu.d itiuiw $1479 ris. Ol i"e. .nuuAS u nny (H-iiiiM-a tut" -' ""I""""! n allour blcyclca. ktrmtyttt yuurmu f?! N 7 s""p APMOVAl V. O. 1. t' wr "S lU vHlhmt a cenf dximmt and allow in DAYS FRt11 .T?T,,l 1 i'!,h"n " tnui? ' our t'lile,,,, null ,mres, LlJ " V iLiiatpa i" ""'Z"m n"i.is.ria nw ,,nnr Tltwa .... a . .w 9t .9 rncillKT rHICtl ANU PBCi in."- M "r""r, nu nKirurw tiwii t,i kind. mt. hair n'inn i'. . . --""lo-wf. iirnsiri Korin r.( inwfui Information, n ri"- -is . L. HEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, 111