OIIKOON MIST ! Kiitcrcl HI till" Posloilice Rt St. Helens, Oregon, as second-class liuiil iiiiitti'r. COUNTf OFFICIAL PAPER. ! Ism ku Kvkiiv Kkihav Moksisu liv KSTK.LLA ti At'.ISKRT, KuiTOR AM) PROI'KIKVOK, Sl HSl KirTlON i'KIl't: One copy mm yi'iir, ia advance f l.OO ix months "0 Jillv l!4, l!K. j CONTINUE Those who ar fra(nlngrfleah and strnijth by regular treat ment with Scott's Emulsion should continue the treatment In-not weather; smaller dose and a little cool milk with It will do away with any ohleotlon which Is attached to fatty pro duct during the heated season. Send lor frr umple, SOOTC HOW NK, CtuniLtt, 404-41 Pearl Slrpl, New York. Joe. .udSi.ool ll! Jrtigjistt. Upon Letter to the People Columbia County No. 2. of! Ono won lit think to hear ami read uf the blowing aUmt Rainier thai 1 1 n oili er county towns should uetotflhe r n.rth, or pay tribute to that berg. So insist ent has ii tlicir canvass ol "brag," that no othet town could bo named on tin1 same day with tlmt jug lirtn.llo town in t ho wilier of tho county on 'lie out- COUNTY COURT. Koimlur July Torni, VMY.. (Continued from lnt week.) against Hill In the matter of claim t'onniv allowed. Tint following claims were allowed, I and tlu clerk ordered to draw warrant jon ihe general fund in favor of llio fol I lowing 11 11 1 1 1 11 1 parlies mill in the sum ' di'l onno-itv ihi-ir respective inline as side rim. We will present furls taken Thi per i? kept on tile tit I lie Ore gon Press Association Koom 1). Ilanlil toii building, Portland, Oiegon. ! Ti e enUiiUMiig to have new water light sv.teni. i n of Rainier is iRj""iliid i lectrio Assessor Laws estimate that the to-i till value of assessable property in Co-, liunbia comity will In from $150,iki0 to ; $175,000 greater thau last year. While 1 there lias been an increase in t!i vidua i tion of twine classes of properly, the, greater percrulage id the increase in the ! total of assessaNtf chattels ami realty conies from new machinery anil iui- provenients anil yiitcntahave issued to; Pr"m,1 ...!.! I-,. .V i.,....i, i tityfm Kii'onl ol nnmey orders paij to Sher iir llattan for taxes ilnring March, UK'ii, w hen the rebate of d per cent on pay ments was allowed : Tow ns. No. of orders. Total ain't Clatskanie l'.':l $1(573 V'i Vernon ia I8 4li, Til Kainier SI &Ott 70 of ihe county in iieates that the crop it' Clatskanie has li'aten Kainier near Columbia comity farmers are now ac tively eiigigcd in milking bay while the so i shines. Reports fioin every section i follows, to-w it , ,. II M Fow ler roinl , from Ihe I KTimonev. viewer . ... record, and compare Kainier with Home ' John Fair ." other towns: j.hiute Kennedy II I luvtril, ehainnian C V Fowler W T Watts, surveyor Changes in I'riitglo-IUIInid road. K W Shanahsn, viewer C 0 Keasey K K TltriKip li W I'm ker, ehuiiitnaii A M Parker J tl Adams, axinaii W T Walts, sin vejor Kremlin road. J II Wilson, viewer S 70 2 70 t 70 J (HI S 00 7 00 an annuitant one, nut me lanorer arc ,ur to one III us number of money or few . The srareity of help makes it dltti dcrs paid in for taxes, and near three cult to readily handle the hay product ' to one in the gross amount paid, between occasional showers. j Kveu quiet Vei nonia is about 50 per ' cent abend ol Kainier jn it number of Cohiiiibia-oitntv i" taxpayiug orders, and onlv falls behind considerable uuuiber iH homesteads and ti.nber claims, during tile past year, j From returns received frotn tho various ' school districts,? County Superintendent Copeland estimates tlmt there are about 250 more children of school age than there were in the county iasl year. This is practical .evidence that the irerma lu;ion is increasing to an appreciable extent. The tick Kfop of juality surpasses t vcar. This seetioi traordiuary t)iutc' His season he- I 1 V 4 1 r S other fruit eid their couipitrative dom froiu-li'sts. ifud the quail- Id of any past ted for the ex- apples and tiee- two per cent fin-the 2 80 :t no i' oo 2 oo Classified Advertisements W A.Vnai-.YF.U AIi Pl' USO.ys j of cliBraoler and goisl reputanon" In, each atate (one in lhl county reipilicil) to represent mid a.lveriiie old cta ,li ! lished wenlthv buslnes hoi I sol il , llnauciul standing. (Salary (21 (HI weekly j Willi expense additional. All payable in cash diiect each Meiine.oav u head olllees. Horse and carriage fur nished when necessary. Itelerenei . ! nelose si'll a.lilressed envelope. I ol" iiial Co., XII, lVarboru Sl Chicago, ' W A Vl'F i- U Vk"a( K NTS TO SKI I. Or. While' F.hclrle Comb, patriite.l Jan. 1, HO. Cure dandrull'. hair (ailing out sick and uervou headaches. 't cost no more than an ordinary comb. Sells on sight. Agent are wild with success. Send NV lor sample (half piiee). Write quick. The I'r. White Kleclric Comb Co., IH'tiilur. 111. Mid-Slimmer Clearing Sale Must bf clcaucil up within 30 days to . c,Jwtu fr f,j stock. " " 200 Uncalled for tailor-made suit wot ill S20 now (t no to .0 tailiir-uiadc suits, choic pairs trousers, tailor-made worth I 000 hili as ?), tlmiec $9.95 7J A couimuuieatioii was rcccivt-d this week, which docs not appear, for the reason that the wr ter's name is not signed to it, alilvuirh it is worihv of at tention. At this stage of the county Beat campaign, the .uit is making it a rule not to print county seat cuimnuiii cations, iiuies! the author's name is signed thereto. Tne nsidenis of St. j Helens do not favor the building of a! new- court house until something is done : 011 the roads, as ihe present buildings: will aaer all purposes for a few yens: yet, and the vauits are absolutely fire-j proof. A two-story nd lition has been built to the court house during the past two veurs f.t conrideral-U expense. to the Nchalem road, St. Helens first I buili it t.i the sumosit ut lui:ker Hi!:, i and lias donated various sums tow ard the improvement of that road since then. Only la-t winter a considerable sum was donated by St. Helens people for the improvement uf tht mad ibis tide ol Valley. A survey change in t I uioiintain li'tXeeu Clatkliie and Mist. 1 tie new piece otroint wu le built on a ; six per cent per grVhf'thus avoiding the 1 steep grade just tsside of tho summit. ; The Nehalempeople ihd others w ho i have ocitsuiu to pass ove-.this ! w ill appreciate this improvement. are shipped to every section of Oregon and W ashiugton. Kainier a little more than of the sum total remitted. "Surrender at once," says the ?.ette, "or we will take you in at coming June election. "Don't shoot, Mr. Crockett," said the coon to old "Davy" I'll come down. "Hold MeDutr," says the taxpayers. to bulldoze the whole county? Your boom may be over before anoth er general election, and then, as you ' have but limited settled back country t .... lit) .1 LV.ll iV- .1.. : mm 11a jvciirir emu ; .u roans 10 y rs .las Iiw e 'speak of," all your arguments in favor I A P McLaren ; of moving the county seat to Kainier J, 'V1" . f .ll flat A ""W ,',lUl"t- jllliKer.l I Tiiere is no dangi'r of the court house , llio Pen v . . falling down, but we shudder to think ' Kuby lai kson Hereford cows ; "ht havoc would have been made, if it j jj:, :n ' of Oregon. . . had fallen during the trial of one of '! u illi.i ,' were Jos itrough . . . r M Fow ler . J A Schuuenser MrsAttlal.ee . has been completed for a road on this ffde of the I'o yon expect .oad. John Foster A K llarvev, clminninn w Kiiiott : D W Freeman, axinan W T Watts, surveyor Otto, I Hoist, cleaning co bid'ge Western Clay Mlg I'o., sewer p John undersoil, il'l tor o iw" . St. Vincent's Hospital, cure Wa- tenbeig Kttio Vauularicoin, rl'l I. htuaii, N A Perrv, supfor Isabella Fred Trow , sup .Ionian and I,oh- miin Patten Home, cr Mr.Mnckinstcr W Sntln rlaiui. reliel of j St. Mary's Ho-pi'al, ci Ilolnui Kainier ater I ompany, water for Joiilan Wituesws May term Circuit State vs U illianis. ' Mis K II Mitchell W A M'KI S K V V. K A I . INDl Sllil ous persons In each stale to travel (or hous eslablished eleven yeass and with i . i.rad ...n.iiul 1.1 cull uoi'ii merchants ' w ami agents for successful and prolitable , . 'line. Perinanent engngemenl. Weekly! s A :....! .l,irv of IIH and all traveling e- s M i ii.oi.oa aild hotel hills advanced each 2 W In proportion to the farminz area Columbia county has more thorougbred il 'lstein, Jersey and than any other section nutnbet ot theui are medal and cash Kainier s cases, mans witnesses prize, winners at the lairs ol I the North- summoned to prove what ran't ! pro west, and their thoroughbred progeny i veil. One irreverent fellow remarked that for the court house lo have col- ; lapseii at ncii a nearing woulil lie a stroke of special Providence. No dan cmntv Ifer; neither a cyclone nor Rainier' Persons in a position to know whereof they speak, piophecy that the Nehalem valiey wiil have raiiroad coninmuica tion with the outside world within the uext three or four years. At great ex pense the Northern Pacific surveyed and located a line over an easy grade from S' iippoose to the Nehalem valley. It is reasonably certain that this line will be built, which means tiiat there will be two great outlets from the Nehalem val-Jey-otio in the south end of the county, and the other at Ciat-kanie. When once a railroad enters the Nehalem val ley, it w ill be but a short lime until it will become the center of population, then the Nehalem valley will have something to say in county seat mutters. O.'ficcs were fitted up for the superintendent and the county surveyor ; thunder can demolish our court house. in the couit house last fail, and the Only tne itepera(e straits that one may county judge certainly has authority to be reduced to for want of better argu- . lit up an office in tiie court house, if he ment, could haye induced the liniette so desires. Which would be the cheap- i to bring tip the saving of ni i er? to move the court house to toe lenge in such a case, as an county judge, or move Ihe county judge excuse for moving the county seat near tot he court house. Kainier asseils that er lo the place of "hisin.h.V Scat! the county jiiilge has to Slav awav from Vote for St. Helens, and use vour in- the court house, because there is no of- fluence against the erection of a new! fice rooyi for him. r court house until goods roads are con-j st meted, say we. Do not let Rainier'' A county seat does not always con- threat of bringins; up this question; Does it, or not, Clatsknnia got no Pope I.eo XIII, died at Rome, after a lingering illness Monday afternoon. The Oregoninn thus speaks editorially t.f his. life: The pope lived in g.od lie lth a life of hard mental work and responsibility until he 93 years and i months old. During his whole life he obeyed the laws cf health in his temper- j)reciIlct? ance in his fool and drink ; his daily ex- j ertise did not go beyond a walk in his garden and an occasional caniage ride, rystoniatic artificial athletics lo acquire superior muscular development do not seem necessary to obtain length of days pa the part of inert who practice plain iviiij and high thinking. trol the politics of a county, nor does it secure the greater number of the offices. St. Helen is a striking example of this condition. The sheriff came fiouiCIats kanie; the county clerk is a resident of Mayger; tiie assessor is a resident of Clatskanie ; the county judge is a resi dent of K.iiiii, r, while one commissioner r. sides in Marshland and the other at Pittsburg. The representative also is a resident of Rainier, and the deputy s herifr is from the same place. Ivputy Clerk Hani is an upper Nehaleuiite laud has held down the place for the- past iU years. It is also evident that Ids health bus not sintered on account of hia duties lor so long a period in the old court house. 1...- again frighten yon. Rainier will lie snowed under too deep to be thawed out again for many a year. Vote for St. Helens. Respeclfnilv, W. II. DOLMAN. St. Helens, July Itynd. j l'.ck Williams j Win Synious , . D Juliii.on i Anna Johns. ut I A A Spic.nry j C li Stilt.. n ' I Iva A Sutton j C ii Suit. m I Cat Howard Kubv Smith Ie Chirk j K A F.utcrson ; J 15 K llollrne Mrs Kate Shaw I W ituesses beinre the ; State s William. 1 Dan Stehinati Mrs D Stehmau M W Gregg lieo Kane Frank Stiermau . Cal Howard Mrs I! Smith Mis K (1 .V.ilchell . K J Dolan I (HI 12 SO ft (HI tl U :tj no V4 IV 15 (M 10 i:i :u o i no m no 42 70 10 00 Court, 7 i'iO g mi 7 ito 7 8 W 7 (Ml 7 0i 7 1st 7 l; 7 00 7 0 7 IU) ' 7 tio . 7 o : 5 Cm ; 7 Hi 7 liiij 7 rs'l 7 (ki. 7 (Hi 7 00 7 li: 7 till ....I. K ion'iice not essenltul M tion reference and enclo' self sildreed envelope, TIIF. NATIONAL, Ml, iN'arhorn St., Chicago. j W AN lKDYOCNil MK.N to pri pine I for Uovrriiineut Pomiion. Fine " ings in ll IVparlnient. KxniiiimiHoiis j IHMMl. 1 mill ilini" rn-. f . . . . i , tl I., f.. Iiiler-Mate i or. nisi., co ir nii.io C R Sutton Je Krougli A ti llagxin 0 W ('has WilliMtn A P McLaren . Dick William lva M Sutton C It Sutton . . J It K Hour ne ft 0" I. Smith J li Wall, wit. W V Si Co suit A P M. Liren, turd ex Sutton II P Watktin, j p, St v th't , J M I'.lackfonl, j p St v Ssmuel- son F. ! Tichrnor, c instable, State s Samuelsoii Witnesses State v SimueUou. Fanny Hums . Fredernk Hendricknon . I'nllle Fred Clark Louis Johnson fCohtuincil net wei'kl Farnsworth -Herald Company a.S W'asiiinc.ton' Sr., I'krti.and, Orkoon, xv- x m i U 1 -c : ft no r x I w r . ' j i- r "r YANKTON. J. F. (VDONNKI.L Kt ttjitv rvrntinf, 17th. Hit, lv ti'fturt wt llu fHh(HiilitnM, rtn l Ht tttrj r ! R tt'injM-i run n ry huh r; iti ! i.fl. M. 4. lncr wiit rfin.t-n rttdr- 1 (iiati, Mi lht Hv'fr, ci'ipuifv, imk! : 7 0i i Mm, (Hivrr, Itrmf laui, (i I,, rurlx il, : .S 40 j Mri. Mity Hrijrfro nn Im Wm It r.d.wnf . . . . 11 mil t'rv .t;ixttiirt rointnttli'i' mi prtv ' 7 'i' Till' Mnn(i Tuf!"(rtV f Uljf 't H- li 1 5 tiff liH'litlt, l tin (i ififilH tifttcnt ti( in ii-triii ult.iiM'y, ' .tiihttiv, JnN Hit h, .v K. . ttuiit, o( Otcun Citr, ."'ii h"l hi n.- ti .(t . t'Hi lMptiMt rinifi h, tn.rt(ii.i; in i 't ' . . f jit . titii. A .rt' j.tftfiml ititiTrM 5 lt -ll-'A II, III! I Ml Ih fVfilMlvf Ml it't .... ti , tf iht' THM'I1, II ,( nl ( ti tlmi Kn tl tj 'l':ivnr wtt or'tnxt'tl Willi I'm f..'!. ..,--( i J) tiU offn-t-r w ; Mr". M :i V I''if, tf''.ifl ! ,' 5 Uf Mm A. iWnwn. vicvjt ! tent, Mt. Ni i j 5 W 5 ti t'liHrl'm,, . n t;ry Riul t.riwt- . ft fin Sl.iinit, t rrniiri-r, j 200 FRONT 8TRCIT PORTLAND, OREGON ( )r!l I illli'-Xi' n tit I' ll D. 1 lolsc Hi inlet s, Mow its, and knkrs. I'.i ItMutlt I ..-1 i 1 1 J4 HrnliH-s lUul.vvc- " Hay TiU, riuu NYw Ovi'isil Crr.itu Mii'itiin W .K' '"si 1 CdltttllhtlS I'tlif'Us l'nuiT ll.iy l'rt'sscs. Harrows aii'l I'miiji-i. St'ji.ir.iiors, i d Cuiii- fcts. Hot Shot From the thief. Clatskanie seem strange that vote from Rainier in spite of the attendant long haul to reach railroad transportation, new saw and shingle mills are being con structed in the Nehalem valley and juurearo contemplated. Were it not for the fact that a prime Quality of titnlsT We wonder if Fischer w ill make good hia boast, that Rainier will control the politics of Columbia county hereafter? Well, scarcely. Rainier, by some means, got second place in the election ; she w ill howerer, never get first place by several City lU. Rainier wants Clatxkanie to stay by heron the second ballot She will stay just like K tinier staid wiih t'hit-kaine on the first ballot. Where's those 17 votes ? A (MRU. The Rainier (iazette of 17th of July, siys:"St. Helens wants a nkw court house and will have -it, if the county i-eat is not moved", mid adds, "If yoii don't think so, ask Dolman, (jnii-k ami Miles." As I haye lieen referied to hv name in the endeavor to palm elf the I i-talement as facts, I lieg to reply that I I am opposed st this time, or lor some) years to conn', to building a new rourtj hou-e at St. Helens, or at any other; place in Columbia county. I have rec-1 commended (hat proper addition and ! needed repairs werein order at a II limes, 1 I am now, have always been, and will ! continue to be an advocate f.jr gmwl j roads, and for lietter roads. In so far as I know this is the general sentiment i in the south and western! of the county, The county judge lives ot Rainier;! Coininissioneer Colvin lives at Maish-j Intnl; Commissinrieer Case lives at j Pitli-burn. They have nil the say in the j matter of erecting u new court house. I Who fur one moment thinks they would build a new court house at St. Helens, I II lire removal is ueleateil. Vote ''St. Helens," si.il good roads. Respectfully, WILLIAM H. DOLMAN. VERNONIA. Its of hay. A shingle mill man from Vancouver, Wash., has lieen looking over the held : in this section w ith a view of locating. He has goiirf hack to consult with his It is laughable to see Rainier trying can be secured at low rates of stumpage, i l" " me 1,010 iy siat pinui on tne partner. Both part les expect to return s . .w, u.ainivainc. in a sriori lime, alio it is their an- noiinced intention to put in n shingle mill and a sawmill, if satisfactory terms can be made in securing sites and tiui- jt would be an unprofitable to build mills in the Xehaieui valley under pres ent conditions. However, the present high prices of a good quality of lumber product and reasonable prices for tim her in the tree, serves to offset the long haul, and enables the mill operator to ,do business in the Nehalem valley. I Don't try to steal our glory, gentlemen. Ill you want to build up, do so on your jown rouds. 1 ber. j Je.-B Rice has gone to Cornelius after a loud of goods for I (ow ning. ! Mr. Soules is tearing down his burn in Veriiuiiia and, removing it to his sou's homestead.' Rice has been trading horse". W. Crisy is pretty feeble. Arthur Johnson is visiting in Ihe val ley for a short time. fa- E. K. Hogberg, of F'ishhawk, was in tiwn Saturday on business. He re marked that Rainier was off its "ca buore" w hen 11 spoke alxmt it not coat ing innch to go there from the Nehalem. The round trip of f 1.16 from Clatskanie WJien petitions were being circulated ! J"Ut 'AhiiiB. The.t 1 is the livery bill , , . B ... for bis team at Clatskanie, $1.80, and or the passage of an enabling act, I pjr inJ 0wn meals, 60c. If the county px'thinx was said HOout any provisions : seat had been at Clatskanie, it would ior special eiectiori", and many -rsons : have cost nothing, no said he would. Omar Snencer ciiine in to helu his , miliar lr, lit kf lliiluriu (lian It, ..... 1 1 1 S:gned the pet.fons under a imsappre- : tiBVt e oitiieN U, ave j M'"'n "" ";"'''" hension. A few weeks ago Rainier said : enjje ell0ug, tl give Ht. UeleIm tUeir ' Miss Maud Rice w ill carrv the mall get the matter of the permanent location so:id vote oil August Urd. : '"rH ,Uj wt" '" ucker f.., ii .nl . ,1..- ,B'r vacation. He is going to hunt snecial elections. Now. renliziue that it Rainier snys that the country tribute ia hard up against it, Rainier threaten. ; ZS, Ut to submit the matter again at the next ; j,,,, to Clatskanie, and as it is very plain June election. j that they w ill continue to use that road . : until a better one, and perhaps that is I nut pos.-ioie, ne mane, ineretore we ' shall look lo tne town of Clatskanie and the Nehalem valley for a large vote in the next election. W ho built that rond to tho Nehalem ; '-i wo,j ,.,mtl nenrlv all night long, VH"'? . .. ... . I writes Mrs. Chas, Applegatw, of AleHii- How much money or labor did Rai 1 dr'ur, Did., "and could hardly get anv nier contribute toward it? ! nl-'p. I had consumption so had that How strange, that the Nehalemiles if I walked a block I would cough fright wonld derive so much benefit by having ! v n, H(ljt (,ul, when all other tho county seat at Rainier. ! medicines failed, three 1.) bottles of Rainier has la 11 giving those people 1 )t. King's New Discovery wholly cured out there tud Pud Hug" about build-; 1B ttn,l gsined 6H pounds." It' ho ing 11 good roa.l from that town to the lulclv guaranteed to cure :.nghs. Colds, Nuhalem for many years, and now they IjH (;ri))ei lironc.hitis an . ail Throat believe that an ' Honest confe ion i and Lung Troubles. Price 50c ami 1.00. g.ai ior tne soui, aim says u is lmpos- Trial bottles free at the Ht. Helen's hi uie to omiu iue roan as 11 win cost iiu, 0WJ and, tliut they have not got to put .fl - -.. -t -1 -y Mi WOO V)IA tvx. 21 -r. 5!!JE5 M M 6I.WEN Shoes r Childrens' ARE THE CEST. GIVE MB y. TT-'FILj. KNHJIIT SIIOi: CO. plfo rVl a no OPPOSITE PERKINS HOTEL. " I THE NEW YORK STORE I'1 just rneivrd a huge mvoini ol Z iSpring Goods, Shoes, j 1 Dry (hxhIs, (Irocerics, Hoots. Shoes, lite. II. MC1KC217H. hooper JtiiiMiiir, Main stn-ot, St. HpIpih, ()rcron. 0 TO 12 I 6 i OfKIl K Hoi lis. 'I'llOXKS DITfSBURG 1 . iff THK ONLY ! J j j-n P-i.'iJft4tt. I , ' Ji " wiV r.w6Vt. Y'Mh, f - "tnw. ;.:. mM mm mm mm mm mm mm jdllli, Ilooli4l4 jlfe. FaoNr M7 I'KI.FKCT WHITING MACHINE MADE goes on a vacation. 1 .. ,i,.u. .... I' I. tl t r. uranopa uess is seen every Muri'lav at church in tou. lie will l 0U years old this fall, and is as spry as lotsof tiie liovs. The shipments of cream to Portland )y boat am rail from this county have peached such a volume,, that if the dair ies wero closod dow if for amg)e week, Ihsre would be an ce cream fanrfrj in lhe metropolis oflregon. There is talk of getting machine, for one is needed section. threshing bud in this O. K. Mitl't W'a Her Terror. Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's Net? Discovery a u fiiluilBMnu Pr(r 50ctl.M A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Mony back If it falls. Trial Bottle fr. Into rou. is, tint tne people can use 1 Clatsknnie's good roads to get to Rai- ' nier. Why did'l you tell the people ' that before the first flection and not try to deceive tin 111? j Yes, Clatskanie and the Nehalem will ; lay by Rainier just like they helped j "build the roads. Pharmacy. Taken I p. Notice is hereby given that the under signed bus taken up a setter bitch about six mouths old.' Owner ran have the same by proving property, and paying" expenses within the next Kldav. MITCHELL' RAY, fit. Helens, Ore., July lath, VISIBLE TYPEWRITER - The writing is In plain view J of the operator all the time ft simplest and strongest con ft struction, rapid action, issvft ft ft Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments by Mail- Room ;,() mid .1), Washing'oi, lil.l., Soulhct corner Wash, and Ith Ht PORTLAND, 0HEO0N. Take Klevator lo fifth K,ir. woik best for tabulating nn.l imoice work iiMiveisnl key board ri'iimvahie type sctioi instantly chanid. I Treble the life of ,iy iheift ! achinn (or good clean wnrk.ft Th cJ island TlicOrc",oiilan, $3 liaRSDER AGEfiTS WANTED tf Ik ,n h t"wn t1 orders for our now Ill.'h Qrs t H MK M" bicycles. The Pittsburg Writing Machine Company 4 208 WoiMl Street, M 7 Pittsburg, I'a. ricvj inns mndols , , m. Ordo 9'u,Lm . ...1 I, SIMil ftit 1.1 tut p t.oau i.o.jr w 5 ' )a 'a-'Uor Wcydn at nny prioo. May vincr tiiiiAs or mwld you want 01 i" una' L tii'i'm. . i, n.,.s a equipment on all our blc.vc.W btrtmjrt imirm Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL ( . . D. h. nyl2 witlunit a ernt ,,,,, .11,. m nAVfl FRtB TI7IAL Wore puivhaau I hliidiut'. A , BOO Snnnnil Wh ,1St A a- TIL ;TI84 : Jl Mn In Irmln (. mt fi,),...,, reiuli .uircut. UfJ LISHfD ti l",V.'"ll''''l'"l'-l.ir'iUomiw . ,-1 l2ftA6SV. P.ti li(T UIIV Mcvde nmll ..-i Iibti wrtr" ?L 11 " 1 uu ricioHv piooriMn she iiv iiu'ui si air.' .u's ':',; "'r" -al of .11 Minis, .t li.lf rer'1' Kj ff H'r n Cosszok," aurUi.uWii muh wf.si ;;i Nil l yKwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmMMvmmmimBMMimmmMtmamMMmmwmmM-- n .