The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 24, 1903, Image 1

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    12 JE
VOL XXa ' " " - rrrr.rrrr . . .
ST. HELENS. OHKflOK. KttTI.AV. .liri.v oj .ont xr oo
ii i ' . - r i-"-' nli
Real Estate and Timber Lasts Soli
S. 11. GRUUEK,
lihVe wild I K. Quirk.
XT flltms. I I OHIO.
willi. h.l farann.l attention la ell lag .1
K.ll.r. .nlruatad 19 Hi. WtllBlauUMi Is all
Dial. ! 1(1111 Ule i;uii.
" w. ii. i)oy;hll,
nan xx tnanucr aitumhkt,
it urn i i omooN,
Ctrus Na.i w Kt rvau
W. C. Fischer,
K 1'. (iaaiita. T. J. C(.iro.
M ttulkltiuj, rottlaad Oreg"-
t luibie teai.lj biulne. will recall tempi
an. hiivb.
J. w PAY W. II. Mi l akl)
tifftr. act! Iur la (aurthouM.
r iiM.kse. ul..oN
U.o.'.l pUr la rouruol Ofagon e Weak
lu.o'o auaiiacil aala duectly lieea aouyty
Dr. Kihvin Uoss,
J'lii.sician and Surgeon.
Dr. II. It. CHIT.
Vhysirinn and Surgeon.
Dr. J. K. Hall,
J'liisicitin and Surgeon.
Dr. 0. L. Hatfield,
J'hysician and Surgeon.
Watts i& Price,
-MAtlkl IN-
Floor and Feed
Choice Groceries
Staple Dry Goods
Best Quality Shoes
Hardware and Notions
Our Monthly Publication
will keep you potd on oar
work and metboda. Mailed
Free to the
tot any responsible home
Cdliorlallr laarlaaa.
( naiaianilr llapuklteaai.
Nuwi from all tlia world Wall
written, original itorlea--An-era
to quarlea) Article on
Health, tha Home, New Book,
ami on Work About ttia Farm
and Clardan.
The Weekly Inter Ocean
li a moniber ol tha AiioolaUxl
Treii, tli only Woatern Nowa
mper receiving lb entire tele
graphic new lervlce ol tliNe
York Bun and ipeoial cable ol
Hie Now York World-dally r
portk from over 2,000 ipeclal
correspondent throughout tha
yearQ N E dollar
aukaerlbe tar The OHKOON MIT
ana the Weekly lata
aik paper tar !..
- Oregon.
I nreann li.liv i .i i a. . aa
rl"r) I II v Journal, onl. la .... a...
mall, U for all mm, I ha, H.uilW.ek.y
Journal, II to end Weakly Journal II p,,
yer Hi, Journal I. an Independent
li.mnrratlii itvaoap,ir, walking In Ilia in.
in,.,, , .,,, ,(,,! mUrtl
uia iirnn. Hand in
our aulMcrlntlon
Hamiil . (j,lc lira
Addle. '1 11. Journal
'. U. Ilox 11,
I'oiiI.ikI, or.
The Steamer
1-eeves Portland Monday and Thtire
day mnriilnira kl H.'ill a. m. for flat,
katilr, .j,uitr ai HI. Helens ami wav
landings. I'otilami landing at Oak
treel uliail.
testa, roill.ud mi linl.i. hnlail.. auit gal
tday ai 7 . m fur
it. Hln. talamo. Cat-nil i Faint, Hamur
n4 Isso,
lllrli(. forll.ii'l Mond... M
n..4 at1 nil. j .ii. m.
l-avra I'ottUniJ Moinlav, Wrlnfalav
ml l-tl.laa iiigliiaatal IU p. m., Ir Ih'o
aaiti iiiiia inrhlioin-il alajva ami 'Id
Iwlo, rra.-hinn Ilia Inllcr .l at 1(1
a. in. on Hip lolloainii .lay. Hi-iiir hh:k,
tl.a boat Iravaa V'lnlo at noon, and
a.'.la Kik k at i .kiln th alliriKxin,
TuaiaJa, Tliiir.ilaya and huwUya,
laylnK 1'orllaml rally In iha mriiiii;.
.(( U (,! t.lmoii at U IIOI.MAN. Aaiil.
f turn roNn.iMi, fi
Willamett Sloogb Ronte
lava bt. Ilelrnf . ,
Arrive at I'orliand
I rave I'urllaml
Arrive at St. I (pinna
6 .in A M
10 30 A M
i so r m
e oo i' si
itai; o K ia.
Will Carrr .Soililnr kol r.n
gvr. and i a.l Fraiglit.
JA VI.k ou
U, Tla.lar.
-m. DltlONS
Anrnr.ndn tb(rti mnA dnlpi in mf
?inllf Kriii tur 4nlu frthMhr ma
UtawttWHi l pfa) r A1- C'Mwrtiui.Ir-,
.mttrtJr n,da(UL Uul(xtiion riui
ni f ijav (H4M wMirf fur M-jrtii lxita,
Hat ( I . Ifarmifti MrafiB A tu. rlT
HifTm veaii:, wllboal tbam. IB U
Scientific Jimcrlcan.
A kaaitaamalr HlnarnMaa waallf. lanraal rlr.
;lall.n of any Mut (..uniat 1 am,., fl a
f .ar monlba. IU ajabfall n.wa.lalara.
MM , IS .1. ,..,.- u..... ' I ' ,..''."' 1IM
fc w
How About Your Title? I
fl fif. yov lrHl tl U all rlghit
j H Kt'tiKP thftl g?orn. It it 0
rfH-nnli (.( httw whal thcv r
mifn. If toil 4-mtMiliit
(f MtirU) , tftko no mt vruril, but liioitt upon kiiowlng what
Hi ir otA nlow rfr.Ui tht An Abolrm'l tBinMntial as
t1ri1, Iii-iai un In hit it. W hn tit only t of Abitracl
tHHiki in ilio cmiiity A II work itmnpllv immiUmI uti lalltfaciloa
ftiaratittx'tl It )ot Iibvi mfily I Itiiur Ut ui a call. M ara
netita tot lha wt rtra Itmiraih-a rompaiti? in tli world. It fou
bar pn.'r!) (or aaiu Hal it wtin mi ana nu wui aim a on jar.
. E. QUICK & CO.,
0am Stmt
Greatest Clubbing Combina
Bf a ipeclal arrangement w are able to furnish Tui Ohkoom Mit
and THE WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL at tli following club
bing prlc for both ppen :
tar On Wear la A vaaee 1.0
rail itlauihe la Adtaaci, le
Th Weekly Journal, of Salem, Or., print mot lnsld new about
our stat government and the full leglilatlv proceedings. Just
what you want for the coming isislon. Th Journal 1 a larg
igbt pg pPr 'ull of telegraphic nw of th whole world. Sam
pi copy furnished free upon Inquiry at thli office.
R. a ec 12 affloathi tabicrlplloo le THE OREGON MIST,
if al I 0 yf' tubtcrlptloa to Conkey'e Itoat JoaraaL
' V 1 Oae y tar'i nembenblp la Amerkaa Musical Asseclatloa.
la a IKerar and mmlcal monlhlr famllr maratln which should be In every hoi
cover de.lin Is , alwav In colors. II is orlnled on food paper, and merh.nlcall
ie printer s ai
l( la devoted
i i,,r th.. nr. I ha
A ... i.i
before the public, and short and lerla alone.
esti of Hi niollier and dauchtar. ll alto contains
I and aerial atoriei.
rracllral lessoni In lace and embroidery
I'raciicai leaiona in """""" .
hlrlwalsls a
no trie sniauci .mo wi
A coniiilita na
Item ilepamnrni. irom wnii
how tosel tne isoia.
woman who would be ui
fractlCSl IPaaona ii. "" '',
radical lessons in Interior decorallon.
ractlcal luiieallnns tor home dressmaklni.
A com 1ete lasli'on deparlment ahowlm lh
iiiaiorwoira .. . ! ,r'rr... . on Voc.l Tr.inin. and a esaon on Piano
fropyrif ui son., i.h ii.i" - -
laylni b eminent leacher. ..,i,u. , K.. Th.a. artlclea ara
iiors' rets isina a niiv .'yriri""mLi-zy.c iz:i...r.rm.ii
practical aim iu uw ""
"""ifi'a Amertoan Wueloal AeMotalloit enables III members to purchase iheet
Address ail coinmunlcalioni and reuiiltaucei lo
John a. niiCK
Watches, Diamonds, Silverware,
Morrlurnll. Kgi, frunl firat, FOkTI.AND.
Steamer Iralda
C, I. Hoeghkirk, Maikr.
llalnl.l,l Hoti.y)lor Port
. ? ' M l,l''HnI f'ora ai llalrnt all
ri'itl liailltll li ai
I.xaa Portland al 1 Hi f
M., anlvlni .1 al. II. I.
in ai 4 t.
hmim and Fast FreiiM.
I li
r .
I no
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II wt i
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7 44
7 X
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7 17
I a
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i u n
4(1 V. V
10 0,1
.. kalnler ..
. Pyramid .
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Via.iiwtrl,. .
... Itllon ..
.. Knappa..,
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7 4
10 00 I I
If 10 14 I I
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John Day.
II xi m s Ar A.iona l.y
All Iralna tnal. rlua. ruiina. lion, at tttitil
altlt North. in I'acllla train, to anil from tbe
Fl and immiimI j,lnl. At fortland with all
train. Iaariu fnlon dapit al Aalorl. wltk I.
K a S l o a iMial and rail I ma and Maain.r
1 J Collar t and Iroia and North
H.ark Miiula.
raaaatifaralnr A.tnrl. or way point, laltat flag
I r ai ii. at H.HilInn lialna will .lop tn l.t p..
..iiaat. off at Houlinn when rntning Irdn potou
a.atolUubl., J . ('. .flaya,
il.a. l a.. Aat.. Anuria. Or
The largeat (urn ever paid for pre
scription changed hand. in Han Fran
cisco, August :, likll, The transfer is
inrolvd,in coin and stork I112,M0 00,
and wa paid lv a party of holiness
men for aecillc lor Hright's Dlaaaee
and Dialwtri, biiherto Incurable di.
' eaare. Thay coniuisnced the aerious in
j vstigation ul tbe iecific Novemlier 16,
IWOX). They interviewed acorei of tit
cured and tried it out on it merit by
treatment and aatching them. They
also pit physician lo name chronic, in
curable cases, and administered it with
the phyalciana for Judges. Up to Au
gust jo, by per ctni ol in
ner cent ol tli teat caaei
! were either well or proereiiing favor- ;
bly. Ther lieing but 13 per rent, ol
failures tbe parties were satisfied and
closed the tranaactinn. The proceed
I ti are ol tbe inveetigatlns committee and
the clinical reports of tbe testcasei were i
! putilialicd and w ill be mailed free on ap
' plication. Aildreiithe John J. Fulton
'Company, 480, Montgomery
I San Franciaco, Calif.
Rminhtr thl It U th
our buiiuM to March tb
It t tltv run I ! ii In rltlon to Una
buvtm Und or liiln monr r .!
sr. hcums. on ceo M
horn. Ill
t everr
niti.tratMl articlna nn inblacta Dromlnentlv
The second half il devoted to the inter-
. .
neweit dellfni la bat nd COItume
- H vanain. utmi
Information that I. nK.uar, to th
Comprchenalva Review of tha Import
ant Happening! of tha Paat Week,
Preacntcd In Condcnacd Form, Moat
Likely to Prove Interfiling to Our
Many keadera.
An hliinliop Katzer,
of Milwaukee, ii
King Kdwanl ban etarted
f Ireland.
Tlie war Ming againat Rumia i
igruwing in Japan.
In the destruction of a Nome hotel
threo people lout their live.
A ttreot car collidwl with a wagon at
Kanraa City, mrioualy injur;ng aii
A Connor crii'k mine, near Huntiog
Urn, liai loen rohlied o( a large amount
ol money am durit.
The heir to the Britiah throne ii to
viait the 1'iiitml Htata and will be the
guwut of I'rpftident KooBBvelt.
In an explmion at the Minnequa
alt) Korku, I'ueblo, five men were
bitrnexl by hot mittal, tno fatally.
A bloody battle occurred at Cindad
IJnlivar, in Venevat-la, when that place
waa captured by government forcei.
A aevere wind, hail and rain atorm
awept over a part of Sou t'i falter n Iowa,
dentroying all cropi in it path and lev
eling many building and tree.
(iiivcmor Yatea, of Illinois, baa re-
turnetl from a trip to Kumpe.
Tae next animal convention of
Kni(htof St. John will lie held at
I'eoria, 111., on June 22, 1904.
John I-anbernhim, of Ioi Angeles,
the llarvaid rtudent who tole an auto-
mcbile ai a "lark," ban compensated
Hie owner and been released.
A dog which hit a number of cliil-
lren in Milwaukee prove to have had
rallies and the litalth board la trying to
Bud the children in order to apply an
The death by apendiciti of Mr. K
0. Matthiesen, widow of the former
president of the American engar refining
company, leavei Her uepliew, Lonrau
II. Matthieaeu, heir to f 15,000,000.
Axel Simoninn, a aea captain, ha
sued for libel a magaxine publiahing
company for publishing a Mory repie-
aenling him as having been the first to
leave bis wrecked ship. He says the
tury is fall and by depicting him as a
((ward damages hi reputation.
Notice to vacate has been served on
68 squatters on a tract in tbe suburb
. , v t- ...i.i. .k i a ... Man
rerted into lakes lor additional water
supply, OQi some ui .neui win rvaiea.
Included are four churches, four schools,
six hotels, ten summer resiliences ana
about 40 farm.
A package containing six yards of
lace mid to lie valued at ItiOO hag been
missing inee April 6, when it wa
shipped by express from New York to
Washington. The lace is a part of a
set valued at (30,000 belonging to tbe
wife of General A. K. Bate, of Wash
ington, 1) C. It was a family heir
loom. Japan has now a gold reserve of 173,-
Tbe battleship Kearsarge ha started
on her race across tbe ocaen.
United States authorities have cap
tured seven Italian counterfeiters in
A conspiracy ha been discovered
among army otllcers ol Portugal to over
throw the king.
Fire destroyed the Babin hotel and
natatorlum at Pert Arthur, Tex. Loes
$100,000, bartly insured.
A paint and oil warehouse in Denver
burned. The loss is estimated at
200,000, nearly covered by insurance.
A report is in circulation in London
that France intend to transfer it pos
sessions in the eaBtein Pacific to the
United States.
The Russian war minister says Port
Arthur ia a fortress inaccessible to all
enemies no matter how great their num
bers or whence they come.
The prohibition of the importation of
arm and ammunition into China ex
pires in August. Tbe minister have
decided that the prohibition Is useless
and ineffective and that the Chinese are
capable ol regulating the importation
of war munitions.
Twelve Chinese were killed in an ex
plosion in a Nanaimo, B. C, mine.
Treaty port of Manchuria will be
opened by China through Russian con
sent. Chicago striker threaten to shut off
the city' light unless their demand
are granted.
The salmon fishermen on the Fraser
river have given up their fight, and
will accept the term of the cannera.
Colonel Morris B. Belknap ha been
nominated for governor of Kentucky by
It i said that should Postmaster
General Payne resign H. H. Kohlsaat,
ol Chicago, will be named as hi suc
cessor. Great Britain ha asked the United
States for an explanation regarding the
annexation of the islands oft the coast
of Borneo.
Many Indian war veterans, whose
claim have been turned down, will re
reive pensions under ruling of Interior
Issue Which Paid for Territory to fie
Shown at St. Loots.
Washington, J ly 22.-One of tbe
most interesting histrolcal exhibit to
be made at the St. I.oui exposition
next year will be a collection of can
celled bonds used in payment for the
Louisiana Territory. Then) old papers
were recently found in the treasury de
partment by Chief ClerkJHill.
A history of tbe payment ha been
compiled by R A. Bayley, of the treas
ury department, who statestbat among
the national loan of the United State
wa one known a "Louisiana 0 per
tent stock," issued in 1804. Mr. Bay
ley rays:
"tins loan was contracted to pay
France for the province of Louisiana,
ceded to the United State by that
power April 30, 1801!. According to
tho conitrnction of the United State,
the c-ssion by Fiance included all the
region between tbe 31st parallel and
the Golf of Mexico, and between the
MiisiBsippi river and the Perdido river,
now the western boundary of the atate
of Florida. The United State bad
heavy demand on France for spalla
tion committed on American commerce
during tbe pieviou ten year. Tbe
amount of these claim was estimated
at 'i, 000, 000. The fint proposal of
the French minister wa that tbe
United State should pay for the pro
vince of Louisiana 100,000,000 franca,
and take upon themselves the payment
of the claim for spoliation, but tbe
amount wa finally fixed at 115,000,
000, ol which France wa to receive
1 1 1 ,250,000 in I'niUd State bonds, pay
able in 15 yearn, and bearing interest
at the rate of 6 per cent. Tbe retnaind
er, amounting to (3.750,000, wa to
be devoted to reimbursing American
citizen for French depredation on
their ommerc. Tbe treaty was con
firmed by the senate of the United
State, but wis the occasion of an ex
tended debate in the houte of represen
Tbe act to issue tbe stock in payment
for the territory, which became known
as tbe Louisiana etock, wa approved
Novemlier 10, 1803.
Only Preliminary Arrangement Made,
but Will Be Elaborate.
Only the mct general funeral ar
rangement have thus tar been made.
a tbe shock of the pope' death for
tbe moment occupies all attention
Cardinal Oreglia, together with tbe
member of tbe sacred college, will de
termine the detail of tbe elaborate fu
neral ceremonies, which will last nine
days. In the case of Pius IX, bi per
sonal friend among the Roman arigtoc
ra' y we e permitted to see tbe em
balmed bxly before it wa removed to
St. Peter', where the general public
had a like privilege. It isjexpected that
similar plan will be carried out in the
present cane. On tbe evening of the
eighth day tbe corpse will be enclosed
in two coltlns, the inner cue o' cypres
and the outer of lead, wLuh will be de
posited within a sloi.e acarcsphagus.
It will not be imac Ji.itely committed
to its final resting but will bede
posited high over the door near tbe
choir if a chapel in St. Peter's, where
it may be viewed by all visitors. The
ultimate burial place will b tbe mag
nificent basilica of St. John the Lateran
Following Pope Lso'i expressed wish,
the niche in which it will lie will cor
respond to that which the pope desig
nated a the resting place c f Innocent
III. The marble memorial will show
a recumbent figure of the pontiff, sur
rounded by allgorical figures.
Plenty of Chance to Steal.
Washington, July 2J. The special
report of the treasury expert on their
examination of the affair of Anditor
Petty, of tbe District of Clcumbia, fixes
the shortage in that office, for which
Jame M. A. Watson, a clerk, is now
in jail, at 173,397. The expert criti
cise the system by which the money
was bandied and say that for a period
of more than four year Wat sons' work
wa not revised, checked np or other
wi e proved or tested by any other em
ploye of the office or by the auditor.
Caaslnl Gave Verbal Pledge.
Washington, July 82. In a conver
sation at the Russian embassy cm the
afternoon of June 28 with the Associ
ated Press, Count Cassini referred to
tbe call of Secretary Hay on tbe day
previous, and expressed hi gratifica
tion at its results. The ambassador, in
reply to the question as to whether
Manchuria wsa under discussion during
tbe call, replied in the affirmative, and
stated that be had assurred Mr. Hay
that Russia would execute to the letter
her pledge in Manchuria and concede
certain portr.
fllve Old Soldier Preference.
Washington. July 22. Acting Com
missioner Williams, of the internal rev
enue bureau, by direction of Secretary
Shaw, has issued a letter to collectors
of internal revenue, attention
to President RoofevelC order of Janu
ary 17, 1902, providing that pre f ere n e
shall be given alike in appointments
and retention in tbe public service to
honorably discharged eolideri of tbe
civil war. Col'ectois are instructed
carefully to oneerve this order.
Chines Seek Revenge.
Honolulu, July 29. It ha been an
nounced that the Chinese here will
hold mass meeting to make an em
phatic protest against their exclusion
from the United States. They will ask
their government to enact tariff regu
lations against American good a a
matter of retaliation if the immigra
tion restriction are not removed.
Earthly Career of Oo of World' Moit
Remarkable Men I Completed-He
Wa Over Ninety-Three Year Old
and Had Been Pope a Little More
Than Twenty-Five Year.
awoitoLocT of ran uo xm.
Born at l, March 2, 110.
Kntred n Aleut at Kunie, 124.
Matriculated at Gregorian unlr.raity,
Kntered college of Noble Ecclealaitlea,
Appolnu-d domestic prelate br Oreff-
ory XVII, utr,.
Order ol prteathood conferred, Decem
ber in, ix.17.
Apostolic delegate at Benevento, 1&37
IMl liovemor of gpoleto, lMI-lxt
Papal nuncio at HrtiSMl.. IMI5.
Created cardinal, Jiecember If, 18A3.
Made cardinal carrnerleneo, July, 177.
Klected poio, February an, IS7S.
Keviewed Koman Catholic hlerarehv
In Hrolland. March 4. 1S78.
Kne-flical condemning communism,
ao-'lallau and nlhlll.ia, December 28,
Kncjcllial aain.t hersv and aoclal
tani, Norember 5, Wi.
Recognized unity of Italy, October 7,
Encyclical condemning,
Novemlier 6, lMh.y
Celebrated golden Jubilee, ISS7.
Celebrated grand Jubilee. MUD.
Kricyi li. al on socialism and labor.
May 16. ixfl.
Celebrated Eptacopal Jubilee, Febru
ary, bi.
fanned appeal to F.neland tor reunion
ol Christendom, April n, 1(.
Celebrated alxtieit: anniveraarr of his
first maiw. February 13, le.
Be. lared iwiu a year of universal Jubi
lee. May, lMif.
Held conaiatory and created eleven
new cardinal., June If, Ifcff.
Celebrated ninetieth birthday, March
2. lwu.
Ktrli ken with pneumonia, July 3, 10aj3.
Died, July ft,
Rome, July 20. Pope Leo XIII is
dead. The last flicker of life expired
al 4 minute past 4 o'clock this after
noon and the pontiff now lies at rest.
Tonight tbe emaciated and lifelet
frame which beld so brave a spirit lie
on tbe bed in the Vatican, betide which
almost all tbe world ha prayed. The
red damask coverlet rest lightly over
the body, the cardinal' arlet rape ia
about tbe shoulder, while on bis head
has been placed the psps! hoed cf vel
vet, bordered with ermine. A white
silk handkerchief is bound about his
chin, and in the hand that have
bleased so many thousands ha been
placed a crucifix. Sc Pope Leo will le
main until tomorrow, watched by uni
formed officer of the Noble Guard and
rough clad Franciscan penitentiaries,
who will keep a ceaseless vigil until
tbe bural ceremonies.
Tomorrow tbe sacred college of card
inal will assemble for the official duty
of pronouncing Pope Leo dead. After
this sad function ha been performed,
the body will be taken to the small
tbroneroom adjoining tbe death cham
ber, where it will be embalmed. The
funeral ceremonies will extend over
nine days, the body being removed to
tbe cathedral of St. Peter', where it
will lie in state. The ultimate resting
plaee of the dead pontiff will be in the
magnificent basilica of St. John the
Pope Leo's final momenta were
marked by that same serenity and de
votion, and, when he wa conscious,
that calm intelligence, which is asso
ciated with his 25 year' pontificate
Hi was no easy death. An bour be
fore he died, turning to Pr. Lapponi
and hi devoted valet, Pio Centra, he
"The pain I suffer is most terrible "
Yet bis parting words were not of
tbe physical anguish that he suffered,
but were whispered 'benedictions upon
the cardinal and bis nephews, who
knelt at tbe bedside and the last look
of hi almost sightless eyes was toward
the great ivory crucifix hanging in the
death chamber.
Practically all the cardinals now in
Rome kneeling at the bedside, watched
the passage of his soul. Earlier in the
day Cardinal Vannutelli had
impressively announced tbe absolution
in articulo mortis.
Tbe condition of hi holiness varied
from agony to coma. W ishing to re
lieve him, Dt. Mazxoni suggested that
morphine ahould be administered.
War Feeling Orowi.
Victoria. B. C, July 22 The
steamer Indrasamaha, which arrived
last night, brought news that tbe war
feeling in Japan wa stronger than ever
when the steamer sailed, a arenlt of
the alleged secret concession made by
the Chinese government to Russia.
The increasing excitement of Japanese
papers ia also accentuated by the change
of attitude of Prince Ching, who it
id to have gone over completely to
the Russian side.
i A
Death ef Aged Pontiff Expected at Aay
Rome, July 20. Tbe pope lie in a
tate of coma, and there ara nan
doubt in the minds of hi doctor
whether he will ever completely
emerge. His immediate dissolution
seem only to be diverted by the action
of hi heart. Hi pulse, though weak,
continue teady. Shortly before mid
night, ir. Lapponi aaid:
"The popi a4 the pre nt moment is
in a state of coma, wbkb mar be railed
a condition preceding the laat agony,
the duration'of which it i imooaaihl.
to forecast, although everything leads
to the belief that hi condition cannot
'To'be mor exact ha i aim i- -
- 1 . ,u a
state of tornor and .tnnn. i.i-l
l - , ".ui amvu,
however, bs arouses occasionally, when
T ' . """Hue, as, wr instance,
tbe insistent voice of una r m. u
iars calling loudly to him. Left alone,
uo rciapaea immediately into a condi
tion of torpor. At intervals be mur
murs in hi .eep, continuing to have
forbodine that ha fa lu;nn -k. i j
by hi valet, Centra and mvlf
these are the
cerobra! anemia and oanci A.i
- ai"i ciuioga
lion, lie can no lontrer tnrn i. hi.
bed withont umi
- , Buu mna
kept alive by artificial stimulant.
iui nig mo laei x3 nonr he has had
two inicCtiona nt
- fJJl
three of caffeine and two o" hypclerm-
. ... ... oesiaea drinking stim
Central State Softer Qrcat Damaga by
Milwaukee.. Jnlv 21.p....
- - ---.j. ui
damage from vesterdav'a ..
coming in from many parts of tbe
tate, and are to the effect that the
crop were battered down flat. r
many instance it will bi Impossible to
harvest the grain crops, and the only
raw,rK o he farmers will be to
turnktheir livestock into the field for
The atnrma ara. 1 ,
r-wubwarij severe on
Lake Michigan. Thousand of dollars'
worth nf diimaa. ...
--- wrongnc to the
government-pier which protects Jlil-
WankM harhne r. 1 ..I .. .
piles were uprooted and tossed aboot
Ilka feaiheea n-.-. .....
wuuacHir ,u 11 gay
that massive stones wjighins; a much
a IS tan. n j, , , .
..m uispiacea and tossed
across the breakwater as though they
weighed but few pound.
RhaHai Inu. . . .
--. worn uprooiea in many
aawttnna of Mi j . .
. ana onndred ol
cellars were flooded because ef the in
adequacy of the sewers to carry off the
fiOOd. Two inrhM of ..;n aii i ....
.nk- -J'"""" '
.. .-,,, loporia a.04 inches.
Janeville, Broadhcad and Chippewa
Falls report severe ttorms and minor
railroad washouts.
Cabaa Prealdeat Rejoices That Treaties
w Mtapatteo.
Havana, Jnlv 21. PnwMani o-i
ha sent a letter toPreaidant ia
expressing his personal gratitude for
the consideration shown by the United
States throughout tbe negotiation of the
treaties, and also hia nl.... .u.
satifactory conclusions regarding naval
sUtions and the Isle of Pine question.
The Cuban administration is great
T pleated over the action on the treat-
tAm Tat-k Ilk it, a. . t
V. r . U, ievefl relleretwhat
miebt have devAlnnavi u .
-aw alU rJZUUSr
rassing situation, both to the United
V.! Cuh' The ""'oritie
earn that the amount of trovernmant
land within the area of the naval sta
tion at Gnitanamn I. . i.
. auucu greater
than was supposed. The expense of ac
quiring the private holding will not be
great e
The gunboat Nashville will proceed
at once to Bahia Honda, where ihewill
Plat lillti ansa L. . i 1 a
"j tne uooan engineers.
Tha ama ol n .
- - aiatiuu ai uania ilonda
ha been delimitated, and include land
on both aides of the harbor.
Hail KM Fruit and Alfalfa.
Pueblo. Colo.. Jnl 91 a a-
, . .- J Dinviai tu
tbe Chieftain from v-int ,
One of the heaviest hailstorm ever ex
perisncea in tins country visited IVine
land thi afternoon, accompanied by
high wind. The hailstone were as
large as walnuts and tbe ground was
covered with ice to a depth of three
inches. The alfalfa cop was beaten
into the ffronn.1 ami Inuu .-I
of their fruit.S The area of the storm
was only about three mile.
Turkey Must Explain.
New York, July 21. A report has
been recived bv Re. T)r. T r n...
of the American ooard of foreign mil
. "Tjaraing ine seuure and im
prisonment by Turk of Professor Tena.
kijian, of Euphrates college, Harpool,
a graduate of an American college in
Turkey. The professor is charged with
conspiracy against the sultan and with
fomenting revolution. The report as
serts that he has been subjected to cru
el treatment. Representations ara be
ing made to tbe state department at
Six Regiments Coning Horn.
Washington, July 20. In carrying
out the program for the reduction o
the force In tbe Philippine the ecref
tsry'of war ha directed that three reg
iment of cavalry and three regiments
of infantry be returned to the United
States as soon as transportation is
tvailable. The regiment having (he
longest service in the islands will be