The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 10, 1903, Image 2

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    OUEGOX MISTlflflMr
c ot.rd at the Port..(tl. at fit. Helena,
Orey4n, a vond-v.laa aiail matter.
Had Bit rtiartk f Jl; Crtebra.
YANKTON. Classified Advertisements!
so Evaar Famav Motuixu By
Korroa ao PeoraikToa.
iUii eipy our year, in advance. . .
4i month
inly 10, 1MM.
Tiil paper in kept on file at the Ore
fi Pre Association Room t. Hauiil
tui building, Portland, Oregon.
The result of Monday' election ia an
indication tlial the majority of the peo
ple of Columbia County are not in fa
vor moving th county eal and rec at tall Uu at a naary cuat o
ilic tisyayera. It was the Ant elec
Ik.i, a aort of a feeler, and maayoi'tbe
toler war inclined to give their booM
towne tae compluaetitary vote on tie
first ballot.
Soft and crooked bom mean
bad feeding. Call the disease
rickets if you want to. The
growing child must cat the
right food for growth. Bones
must have bone food, blood
. . i 11 i i i
jl.oo ' muM nave uiooa 100a anu so
jion through the list.
1 Scott's Emulsion is the right
I treatment for soft bones in
children. Littledoses every day
give the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
Bow legs become straighten
loose joints grow stronger and (
firmness comes to the soft
heads. j
Wrong food caused the
trouble. Right fcxxi will cure it.
In thousands of cases Scott's
Emulsion has proven to be the
right food for soft bones in
Send for free aample.
COTT BOWNI, Chamlata.
tOV-415 Pearl Street. New York.
... a . ......... - . t .
tlMa tuarta orally teierai o aaa . n
K. lireenhcrg, J.itiu Peterson, Mrg. j Urwlrallea.
C. K Fiohei and family ami many other Quite a nttr-ilrer of i J t '
eitiaens from the Nohaluui valley at- ,i 1,,riU, . F,dav. i.iitnii sth.
Carl Vining went to Clal'kanie the
evening nf tl.e 4th. returning next day.
bre ou the j
t r id.. reh-unMHia
Four ill ol 4 uly.
Riinierwas aril rcptvaenled at
! Yankton voters turned out en masse
L I I..J.. ..1..!..... l.. A.........
.Miasvi Miavk. W. J. IMu, Joseph
Knmgh. Mr. Yt'illiums, John Hoffman,
J. K. lHitiM, the baseball team aud
many others.
Many cilireti from liohle, including
the Brase Band were here m the Fourth
to aMt in celebrating the action'
birthday. Tin Iwnd discoursed excel
lent music, asitiug our Clniskauie City
Rand to entertain Ilia best crowd of vi-
V. J. (.Hiver rvtnriiisl itif 4ili
Haeet flume, altere tiv Nd Iwn
, ing hia parenia fur a f' dare.
V. J. Oliver ami Frnl linilriika
went to Quinry Mondar, h-re they are
j employed aa aawyera in a Uvil"if 'anip.
j tj'litfl a number of dittiiiguialied rill
!xeni ienl the 4 1 It in Yankton. Auiuny
j tln'in were, Hun. W. H. llolmitn and
a Me, Hon. 11. . McltilUe aud wile and
An acrooat of the dedieation of the
bear Haptiat church at Yankton, ia giv
en l-y I be live eorrerpondrut in thai
thriving locality. It ia one of the oeat
l little osuatry churchea ia Oregoa
nd not only lie btU vaa paid for that
ralltil the peofila to ori.bip fr tit Brat
lime Liat Suoilay, but tfcere waa a bat
a net nf at te tbe treaanry, after paving-all-1
be ex penaea of tbe const ruction of
the building. Tliia ii a remarkable j
allowing, and ia creditable to the man
p ew-lit, a ho had tbe building of the
-ili(ice in band.
itora that ever came to our city. The ; j -j. . Mv-Bride,
Mrliland aril repreoenterl here
on the Konrth. We noted the presenre
ol lleiirvl.-lviii ami l.iii.iiv, lr l. of the wld ahoaera. did a thriving
Yin and family, I . M t.nUiam and fain- , wineea in i.-e cream, etc. The Warren
ily, S. M. tirahum J. O .raliain and taml Miu in ,ie pnram on
laniiiy, ueoree tranam, j. r. uranam, ..i, w.,,.,,, ,. ii L i,...,,,.!
! IKHStl.NK.
of character and ! .p,'ll'l",", ''' I
each Male (one in lbi omlv r'iirci ,
' to ifpi-recnt and advcHl-e old
li-he-l aenllliv Ininim-a linn of eolid
Mnancial Handing. Salary fH I.JW aeealy
I with eienea additional. AM ayaiilt!
in cah dirw t each Wednesday Irom ,
ihead ollli-ea. Ib-rw' and carriage fur-1
m.liol hen iw-eeeaarv. Keletvnn -a. ,
Kncl.w a.dl a.ldrecd cnvclo. f olo
in a I Co.. 331, IK-aiburn St., Chicago.
)r. While' Klcctric Comlw, palciilcd
Jan. 1, WSl. I'nre dandi nil', hair fulling
out ni'l and nervona bcd.ii'lie, yet
coat no more than an ordinary comb,
S'lla on fight. Ageiitt aie wild with'
innvea. rnd ftc for aample (half
niiee). Write quick. Thtf lr. White
kletlrir Comb Co., iH-catur, III. i
Mid-Summer Clearing Salt
taVrR iboit of ovtr a thousand uncalled
tailor-nwde Suits, worth $20,15, and $
Get a Ennisworth Suit, it doeu't cot
and it w ill fit, wear and satisfy.
runts hundred to select from. KveryeJ,
tailor-made, uncalled for, $6 to $9, onts.
U-eter K Itaileyand liia mother, and! W AM'KI
.M.'narn. linker ami tiilhlian ami their
wivra bad artiatic and aril (locked
aiaiuN on the picnic grniinda, and
K-lgar Colvin, Mi- Mmv Molcm, W, W
Kliiott and wiie. Krank Klliott find laui
iiy, the Misaea Kliijtt and many otliera.
It ia aai-l hy llio-e who claim to know,
that there were over AJO peple at tha
the band. On account of the rain the
program exerciai were held in the hall,
inMeail of in grove, a bad Iven inleml
al. The pnigtaui, Hon. V II. p.l.nin
acting aa maaler of creuiiiniea, cin-il-
The wan a lu west to Scappoose last
FiAlay aud attempted to induce the
tlciitouiata to vote for Eainier, by aaaur- irmm,
mix loi-iu to& kuak yuux M4iu control
-uunty politica neat year, and that they
a 'HI Id ffet the aojid'aupport, irreapective
iA wrty for oAcial poaitiou, got badlv
i-H Uia work iu too eoarae.
Venioiiia Celebrates Orator
ical Coutest at Night.
St. Helena people, who attended the
Fourth of July celebrathm at Vernoiiiii,
report that it far exceeded any iiiiilnr
entertainment ever held in Columbia
county. They ware most agrenbly stir- ;
priaed to Jind aucti eai-ellent muaicnl
and literary talent in an isolated i-otu-
manity far from tranaportaiion facilities.
The orations, singing by the choir and
the Demoreat medal contest program !
woold hare been applauded repeateilv !
in a large city. Tbe ilnrr ia . indebted i
to Dr. Kdein Roaa for the excellent pro-'
celebration here. Tha Ibm. . (. . nen j e-l of several the l-alid
cer, of I'oitland. delivered the oration, : several aonga by tha Yanktoa choir, a
which s well received. jtongbythe achoul children, recitation
Oak lVuit precinct, including Mayger J'J" Mr. Oliver and themech of the day
and tjuimy, also'were well represented, i ''' Judge T. A. MrKride, ahich nj
We noticed tbe venial iMtintenancea o. j heartily apntauded. Theie a aa a dun.-e
ninny of the beat citizena of both placet ; ln evening.
Among thoe who came from Mayger J 8tindav, Julv 5th, the 1II of the
were: John Hoffman, Will Keberis j Yankton' Hapttat church waa rung for
ami familv, C, W. Kinerain, ami from j service the t'irat lime, ainl the dedicato
Uuincy, Mr. uiith, K. S. I'arne and ry rv' e ae'eluld at II a. in. K-v.
lamilv, tieoisn Badger ani fmily, S. C. J L. M. Rilev. general missionary of Oie-
mitisjwii, nr. i-in jtri pun inimiv, gon, pr.-acnea tne ilmttcation aeiin..n
R. A. l.illich and iau.ilv, Oscar Waiee-i Kev. Mvron Cooler. elitar nf tin. Pscirt.
linn and many nthcra. Hahti!,' assisting' in the evrvice. A
The grand ballon the evening of the . aHH-inl feat ire, waa the r.'port o( (i. Iw
Koiinh waa well attcndi,-!, litf numhera , Tarliell, chairman nf the budding cm
having been sold, jn.itt.'e. Ue ata l that IJ.5I5 had
The biiselwil g.uue stoid ClaUkanie, t been given in uioncv, Tim had paid
8, Rainier. 0. . 'for all materials used, and 1 tenia n d
The horse races were intensely excit- . in the treasury. Not a dollar 01 nioni-v
ing, aa well as amnaing. The first race j had been paid" out lor work, utl of n Inch
was won by Norman Tickering. the sec , baa been donated. A hell costing A2 ,
I.NUI M ill I
mis m-iaona iii each stale to tiavel tor
! house established eli Veil yeasa and a llh I
' a large capital, to call nin mrrchaiila (
and agents lor ki.tcssIiiI ami pri.tltahle
line. I'crmancnt engagement. Weekly
casti salary of TIM and all traveling e-jxiiM-a
and tt.t hills adanced eacli
arck. KH'ricnce not rswiillal. Men-;
Hull reference and enclose self addrrl ,
en-loM. Ill K NATIONAL,
IVarUiru tt., Chicago. j
for liovernmenl I'ositioiia, Kim oja-n- j
Ink's in all lli'ixirtmcnls. Diiamiuatt.uia i
S.S111. I Hrtn ulara tree.
I liter-State Cor. Inst., Cedar liapnls, la.
Our showing of tailoring lway lead.
Our low jirkes plenae the
Farnsworth -Hcrald Companj
2S Washington St., Tortlanij, OKK;)ii.
oud by liilwn. The others were funny.
Clntakanie polled 343 votea last Mon.
day,, 81. Helena. 336, and Rainier 312.
Whu'a Die n-etropolie of Columbia
1st. the rpenaat it viU east for t
iiiA. The unjust provisions in the bill.
3rd. We nerd roads mora than a
Court houae at this time.
4th. Tbe risk of leaiug .or destroying
f he recordi by removing tbe aame into
sjnjo itable quarters.
3' It. The expense it would coat to pro
urt etoate for court home at Rainier.
at b. Ceeause we hear so much about
ah tkattaUdn Of a site at Rainier, but
;n'e seen of ne writing to that effect.
7th. liecause there are fair roads to
4 Ue county seat at present, and they
could iitrt getjio itfinier by road, only by
rpeuilnig fabulous wealth and bankrupt
ing Ifie county.
slih. Tblaisoot the time to incur so
iim li expense) when we can at any fu
ture time, nipt on relocation of county
avnt iwder Uu genera) las without extra
xi lite to the' tagpayerg. '
ml', it might be advisable in tlie fu
Tlie first number on the morning pro
gram waa "America," by the choir.
Rev. Heverling offered prayer, and T.
It. North read the Iieclaration of Inde
pendence. An excellent oration waa
delivered by Professor Kred North, and
Mise Lillie McIouald recited "Our Na
tion's Flag. The excellent choir, con
sisting of Mrs. Woods, soprano; Mrs.
M. R. Keasey, alto, and Messrs. Bert
Itoaford and j. E. Dow, bass, rung sev
eral selections, which were well re
ceived, alias .Stella Hosford was the or
ganist. At the Demoreat Medal Contest held
in the church in the evening, the choir '
Had A Grange Flrule and lee Creaas
A basket picnic was given by the
Grange, on the 4th at Mr. Malcolm. a !
place. .Mr. Malcolm furnished the kc
cream, and all had a very pleasant time. ;
Mrs C. II. Knglieh and sou Harold,
visited aith her parents in I'ortland,
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. (ieti, returned j
from Kreuu't ton, Wash., Monday morn-:
ing, where they had been i n a visit.
Mrs. John McDonald, of Tcnlno Wuh., '
ia visiting with her sister, Mrs. Smith. ;
Mr and Mrs. M. W. Brown and daugh-'
ter, spent I he 4th with Mra. Brown's
pareuta at Hillsboro. j
Mra. C. I.. Smith attended a familv re-
inrerspersed the program wilb excellent ' onion at her fathers home in Salem, on
elections. The orations were models of j tr,e tn- Mr- "'"I ,r- Bomgardnrr,
composition, and the delivery and die- '. have eight grow n sons and daughter,
tion were almost perfect. Following is all of whicli-were present.
fJi"0' ,h onior nd their topics :i Miss l.ucile f'eterson. visited with her
.H" A ""'-' CreH," Telle S.jule; ' parent, at Htllhurst, Wash., on Satur
"The Silent Seven," Fern Marie Woods ; day and Sunday.
'inesmootu Stones. ' I.i v CbeIdelin-
The Wisdom and Jaalice of Our Iw-!
njakera," Mae iJereberry ; "The Saloon !
or .Americaa Liberty, Which?" Si.lney i
Malcolm; "How I,rig: Oh ' How In:i. "
J waa hung, aome money frum the lall
I fund, alao lieini f.-ft in the tn asnav
, Services, were also held at 2 SO. K-'v.
I Myron Cis.ley prearhing, whilf Rev. K
lev preached again at 8. A plca-ing lea
i ture of the evening was an anlln in sung
bv Mra. Brigir. and Miss. Hvd and
j Measra. P. A. Hyde and James l.timan.
; Sunday July 5th, J. N. Brii.n (ell f.otn
;the frame of his mill mid was severely
injure,!. r. Chlf a ho allend.-d him
found hia kuee cap broken, and his an
ile thrown nut nl j int.
Ir. K iss and W. M tickle, l. 11,1, n,
! atlendeil the aervt-v in the Baptist'
chnrch In Yankton, iu the afternoon.
Me-srs Kmerson and C. 1. Hiuen, ol
lloulton, atleuded the dedication w rit
ces here, Sunday,
Mrs. Kate l'errv, of lloulton, attended
church iu Yankton, Sunday.
C. C. Mover, of Howard's mill, li.tin
ier, sient Sunday in Y.mktoii.
Mr. Adams, Mrs IWile .M.'lle, 's er,
is hete from Maine.
sr. ut:iv. IKAIIH.
Official Vole ef tha First leenly
j Seal Special Idectloa.
! St. Helens leads with "M votes, Rain.
: ier follows with fv,l, n ml Clalskatiie has
'4X1. County Cletk Henderson, Just co
William Symoiis, , , Utiun r, and Jus
tii'C VNatktr.s, ol St. lleU-ns, ciiuvusai-.l
the vole We.lnes.lay. Following is the
result ol the ollicial count bv pieeinvls:
Auhtiru Clati-kauie, 1SI ; Ita.uier, b ;
St. Helens, H7.
Apiary Itaiuier. 21,
It air Falla-A'lalskauie, (I, Haul er
Clalkanic t'hilskanic
9; St. Helens, 3.
llecr lalami Uainier, 1
tiohlc - Rainier, Id ; St
Marshland - CUl..i4ic,
Nehaltin t'liit.kanie, J
S. Helens. 5.
hik loiiii-Chilkanie,
7I;.s; Helen.,)).
Rainier Rainivr, 310; St. Htlef.s. 2
."V:l'HK.l - Killuiei , H; St. Il. lrli
, XII , U.iinii-r,
; Si. Helena.
Ilclrns, 2
10, ltatmer,
. ; U.ituier, 2 ,
ST ; Rmiiii r,
I n iii 'lat e,
Helen. . .I.TV
ati. ii Ksint,-r, -i ,
J, l( Unier u; M.
St. Helens. H7.
Il I- ! Ill .nstf.ite 1
tlizab-tli tarly ; "la the W. C. T. V.
Worthy of Ditiieiudnp?" Aerie Shana
ban. There were also excellent recita
tions by Mira Nellie Vaimlui icoiu and
Mra. Bertha ejhanahan.
The Judges who awarded winning
medal to Mias Early wxre Mrs. Nellie
K-aaey, lr. Flaui Ross ami Fred
North. The quartet who delighted the
audience) with musical selections during
the evening were Mrs. W. O. Wood.
Mra. E.ii. Hhanahan, Mrs, I) iw Keany
and J. K. Iow. Oig:n,ist, Mi Stelia
A Pirnie and a Daaee ia a few Bare
The following general write-np waa
tent in by a Yemonu correspondent:
"Gone to the 8ha I;s of the fast," are
the words written on our recrd books
In mmrI i .1- .. t ,
to,, to .L.... .1,. ....--......... wierein we ceie;
;i..;7.:"T .Irltl' " .l,Uribrte y .lemonetrationa
(li H! :
1 Did you get any chicken on the Fourth
of July. Several Fishhawkera took in
the Fourth at Sunnystde.
John Maynanl waa iu St. Helens on
It-gal bo-uieas Thursday.
Owing to the sultry day and the vast
amount of dust tbe bicycle ratvs were
put otf. Aa to the celebration the pic
nic in the arxals nl Sunnyside waa a
lizile. When It began to rain some of
the crowd mine to Mr KUiott'a and had
dinner, and the real went U Will Mil
ler's burn, where they had a very en
joyable I ime until night. All report a
K'KkJ time at the social parte at Mrs.
lyongtiery a. At the dance at Miller's ! added a new otain-r
The Fourth ia piied, and still
rams. II, ere was a big crowd and ,i
good time, Mft won the ha-ehall
,,. .mri am i lauxatue eie well
i repn-seuteii t the Vernonia I'eleb, utio .
Among the , visitors fiom jt. Hel,-,
were Waahingtvi) Mncklo and lr. Ro .
(Jauies Konim-k and V. J. ifellniger
' represented lloulton. Miss I.iiiie Kar-
y won the mnlal ut the 8saking con
test, and the people en ni Id not all get
into the church to witness the i ut, i, s
in the ftemorc'-t inedul contest, lh,
dame waa a finale to tne
day's e.erciae-. V, rooni.i larks oue
tbing that is Hag .lc on hieli to ttv
Old Ulory.
Yeriionia is coming to the front. Whv
not move the iou. ily ,e il hire? All we
neetl ia good roads.
Albert Woodj nou' p-irt a new w ig
Ti.. t,:..t u . .
aiie misoiirg nuwnilll uoinpiny I, MS
and will soon 1
Ycrnortin ti,
that the oi ...i, t. i.i).(i.c ol e.o
rytngooi eiy .ine-..,ul r .u tli J i v
rel. oriitlotls. l iol! I mn -e I ,. ni n . (hs i .j.i i.,r its u . j . r. .-1 . t -. I el
fu is on Hi : in. ..!, o.
Top I JtlLCIit'S ")." and up.
(K'll I illLTLrit'S h.' ." and up.
Til ami
N'iij'p'..!- 1 1, ange
tan- ptepm anon- h.r
to Is.' neld theie llet
iu';ir Ho- -i I. m.I hi, ni
lirst-tla-w article ol j
Dow has his silo alinoot completed.
,',,H,n, riimr, n,j in!vei oen to luriumr out
a dinco, report that it was the moat de-,' dressed luinla-r.
; iigiiiiui anatr mat titev ever attended.
.. "...i Hwn? otrnioiieiraLions no i, n-r. ssni it una i.mih i ,
,r-rr s r- - "m j great event of our liati'n'a biith. Seven pre-cnt ulamt 40 dancers and some 2U . O' Aeajsey, the Yemonu pcstinaa-
r . ' ' . ilong years of lielp fiom noble inanhoKl old caws. Thev had plenty of music, , "T'. " 'wn ,,,,J P"t'frlce a coal of
10:h. Jaet, bflt not least, 8t. Helen and brave womanhood, 'ere we knew and the cows enjoyed the free lemon-' w te
,(lue uir lr to donate a site-!-thev al-1 ,h,t th new DOrn natiou would live to , ade very much. : Cattle buyers are again in the valle".
is inason; cluh
thr I. i - a.t-i p;i-i,i.
.-a-ur ij . . gr.,,
lu, l-i ii eieatie-l
-p-t-l., ly lor int. eeul, aodhi
,i, won s,lls -! .I.'U., o,
ii,- g ,il -n n K r- will l.v ill iitieiel-in-.-,
:.ief I hue will l- ii ,..;i.iii, ,.
teruiiiting ,i,'ii i' Take your h.u
kvio lll.d ellj ' B ,l,l.;lilt outing
Mayger tirnnge n l,,,,ls u.n I
eciy weeks at !i oVturk u nl.i
teriiu.,iis, ninl a regular inu-niig Mill he
beiil l. cut l-iuii.l.i, Hltrrie otl. M Vg '
i ange, Mhnli wis ireenilv iegu.ed
by I , .ti t y Y A. V., iing, is ' .rnpcrii.g
nil u l, iiicii.h.-ta. The oiln ei -are.
,M,i-i.-r,i, O, Mugei; -nret iv,
lirai-c F. M s , k ; nvr-eei , ssll No,
gien ; h-, ui-er, ..r-. in ,,r.-l, ,iiit,
eli:lil nil, l. l K.vlng; 1 1 1-,. m f ,' , , 1 1 ,. .
i l.-lilli steward. IsnitO lUVldjoli;
;i-iiiiin uwaid, h l- .ii lis . i . ; gai. -kier.
Km.. Fiuhti i ;, ,. ,.,rin
H"lfiiiioi ; l'o, in. tni, M.s in, urn R.,,
ens, Flora, Mrs. Omrg.. Koglehail.
I Vi-nun
I IiHlj;rs
1 1
iiav inn
New Om'uiJ
HoifH I'oaor Jlay I'ichscs.
Hnuk-ts, Mttvfrs, and kakew.
Is, i'ltiws, llatrv,s and ruiiio.
Mr. Frank'
mo rr it-. I ai ;
july Jiave tm Wp-U a court noose,
-fswe yitc service in the Christ
piscopa) Charth next Sunday evening
tj unlock.
aar. ve are aa mavn,hi-nlu .i
aany kingdom or empire. "Kn masse"
the people from all along Rock creek,
Beaver and Nehjlem from Mist and
elsewhere, gathered at Vernonia. The
camp ground and tabernacle on the
banks of Rock creek afforded a pleasant
Dlace for the Orancrra anrl ih.i, r.;
. oeorHuou ov eresi north, the reci- V . o-im p,rr,Uup
tion by Mia tally McDonald and the L l"t. K' 8' H",,nn
aVWtf $r emu itrriMigr
k..1,"'?1" aalnlstrstoro if Ciuieef
Pllllasi O. Coansll, dreessed, has iilett la lbs
( unircsunalCalaaiblaCuuBIy.auM ef tit
eaoo, hit Onsl iswigi as report In tal ea
ia. aud that Iks Hon, . Bk Pass. Justs ot takt
.luuii as. apsblnisd Uaarfajr. ihsatd du .1 Au.
um I.! o saoeli K 1 sakl da," S tha
earlbgof said Dual accoanl, awe ,ai sblw-
km llietwte, aad lb Dual astilnurat tUrs(.
. VtMltt AttEf, aVtJSSSt nmt mnt
' tm ratua
I There ia siiiiih talk of starting a cheese
: factory at Vernonia.
Mail tubscrilspr received at this of.
Judgde MrBrtde ukraed the work of!
l.u ...I i.... ..1 tu.... .J .i... ..: .!
... n.. i-u . i.e. vi i ne in rcuii courr ,it. .. m..
Tuewiay, for the present. Following ia r-ve,,,n ''a'". Oregon's
: greatest evening paper.
mnaic by tne choir were interesting f... , Mal7 Heinrich v Philip Heinrich :
ture of the day. However, the uie defendant ordered to pay iu i00 to the
and eakea. the sandwiches and fin.i. clerk of tbe court within 80 days. i
onilei n ivramer vs ' itiiaui r.ec1es & Co. ;
motion for new trial argued and taken I
erowd. The lemonade stand and On. ; under advisement. I
"merry go-'ronnd" in close proximity 1 lhe divorce suit ol Lillie v Will Ma-'
Jtted the need of old and young aiid ,ien". wa" referred U Runyon to take'
(Jurat aad laughter, tbe din of the fire- ' "'""
cracker and cannon all told in unuiis- i L c " vg J . M . btehman, et al ;
taaauie language tnat It waa the Fourth i """P"rrj nijuiiciioii issued. i
wrncc i. doiuisuu vs r.alte i;evor
roasted chicken appealed more itrongly
uic uiaouriiT io tne majority ol the
uiuir. ti icw nere ami there an
onnced by the what to thera seemed
finely chosen word from the English
language that it was necessary to ,M
trength to their peech. beca
great an occasion. Oentlemen, lor such
arewonld be pleased to call you, there
t nothing elevating, nothing relining
in profane language.
The port were few, but the baseball
game and the miming of three sleek
horse with riders, railed forth ijtiiu. a
erowd of on -looker, but H.a ui. ,..i.
ded most to the D easnre nl all ,i,at 1...1
an law rest in thing noble anil gKxl was "' rul oul 01 "u"1-
the medal contest held in the church in 1 Peterson v Oohle, Nehale
we evening, five Iroin amonir NbI.s
Tcilet Articles tad Pnimcrj
Br, 4. t. MALL, fnp'rtfiv "
Nothing hat ever eqtaffed ft
Nothing can eve ypaif it
Ikvr Dicccvcry
A Perfact For All Throat and
Cures Lang Trouble.
Monv aach sT at faila. Trial saaMlse tree.
Johnson ; decree ol divorce on the
ground ol desertion.
M J Kettering va W C King, etnl ; ex
ecution ordered.
M tickle Bros, vs S K and (ieorge Je
niont; judgment for .'t.lMXJ.
James Muckle v James (jood; re
ferred to V, il Runyon to take testimony
n.l a... I....I, r...l... O..I....I ... I . . '
sii, p,i,,n. u; wuii.c vjciiiu or uiige j
F'rnzier at Portland. 1
Nancy 8 Dobbin v O T Dobbin ; '
jtidginent on mandate.
K t; r arrow v Allen Nevin. adm:'
m A PaeiAe i
ne. Five Imin .,.,,,. vui.. Katlwnv; 11 wna ordered that , he ei,i,
leni'a and Rock creek's ,..,,. ploes of the dcfemlont corooration 1
VUI .III. - -. . - ... .
n two young men entered tbe contest "ntllleil to collect labor claims from the )
: Never were seven better orations given ''"rtland Savings A Trut Company, I
!to the public never ware seven con- ' '" became owner of the property I
((estanta more evenly matuhed and ia,j through foreclnia proceeding.
I the lodge been at liberty to award an- ' In the anil of Welle, Fargo A Co. vi
cording to the oonviction of their :Cilumliiii Coumy tlii HiiiinK were fori
nearis, rather than their heads, all l"e deleinlant, and Attorney . II. (Jru-'
would hare reoeivtd silver medals ' 'r ,v" notice of appeal to the supreme I
(iirlgoon. Life' clean while page f",rt- When J. ti. Watts was county I
write upon kind words, kind deed and r,erlt fie Wells, Fargo Bank of Portland,
ucii sen.iinent a were spoken in your ",u " ' " """"(juein tax property,
oraliona. You are stepping upward be- "IMt na'' '"''n P'lrrthaaed by the county,
war of evil asaoulatr that will pull 'yon i '' he clerk collertteil the penalliaa under
fl sMWi kl
1 nava aaa eccaskm to
Mis Jennie Foster and of this phew, wire
Clatskanie, July -tih.
Mr. and Mrs. I'arelitis ol tjiiinev, were
in this vicinity last week, and vistt.-d
the Cedar ('rove Orange,
Cedar Orove Hunduv selusil has a hmn
new organ, right Irom Chicago. ,
K S. Ifcale, the II. It. loini-lrr. who1
has Ihjcii attending couh-reiu-e nt I'ort
laml, waa ret ui mil to this circuit lor mi.
oilier year.
Bixtrr, Hjltu'i mid Wv h'nrn h
ineir new sawmill ulmisi completed
ami win aoon las inntiulaetiiriiig a first
class article Iu yellow rtr lumber,
t eilar drove (nature No. :ti(l l,n, ,.nr
chased mi acre lot and theuieiiilH-rs tnlk
01 oiiiiuing a griig,. (, ,10 ,.ar .
Sunday-school itt the Sch'sdhouse ev
eey Sunday at 10 a. 111., ami preaching al
the same place on the lira) rnd ihfrd
Stiiidaya of each month at II a. n.
L ri'.ini Scti.i! .ttor.
Miliuun Wi-mis, l,uKKU and UmU. I
C.-h!!l;l.t;,t litts ;n; Cil.ii jK. v ..... -i j
6000 OTiUlhO S3S m TUT. GHiDSEH
Childrans' Shoes
KNHiIIT SHOH (X). vm w-fc-
opposite pcrkinI i6-fii
"-whed a large . 3
f Spring Goods, Shoes,
Dry (.(-wis, Groceries, Hoots. Shoes, Etc.
H. Ml)liGU8,
Hwr nuiMiiij;, .Main Sirvtt. St.
8T0121 (l
; v. o. sPHiimn mar. win pun you 1 v.,i..... -iiaiiin unuer
'sdpwnward. Young men, yoor ballot I and the court now ausiain hi
'H-rtunt ; .keep fast, hold of the truths vou ! I"'"""
attend on the evening of Jnlv 4th tim 1 K It Patch vs W D Pluej finding for
,..r mono oe upwa-d and onward ;"C,T., I.;,- ...
, Dear rontestante yon "did u proud." ' . k"Bn r'"1" v "rt West, e, ax, par
ever (ban the conipanioushin of such as t't'n suit i allowed to amend.
mad the.honr that should have lieen Myrtle L v Jerome Maxwell ; divoree
givew to leep, hideous by the ribald on the gronnd of deaertion.
ong, the obscene Jest, atreng evidence ' t,,R matter of ihe assignment of
dr,foe in manhooil goes out ;"'nn Blandhard, the assignee wua ul
Womanhood aliould seek for purity of
5 f n,.PorP . manhooil for the same !
17 1 J,1' ,or lm'-" J-flre for ' On July 3rd and 4th, the A. & C. R
liJWtttf- "i"-l"J trip excursion lickets
I eudence, but Le loval will " Hm -t ONE faro for the
"I'h x! K. roiio I tii;-, cofjd aturt)iii' Julv th. 1
) ..... . . I
aaa vn
BUtk-Draujht Stock and Poaltry Madt.
caw and am plesa! te av that I av.
usd anything fur stock that gave half as
good satisfaction.. I heartily rccom.
mead rt to all ewnsrt of itock.
J. B. BELSHER, St LouU, Me
Bick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stock food any more than
ick persons should expect to lie
cured by food. When your stock
and poultry are tick give them med
icine. Don t stuff them with worth
less stock fowls. L'ldosd th l.t.
and anir up the torpid liver and the
animal will be cured, if it bo possi
ble to cure it. Black-Dratiifht Stock
and 1 oultnr Medicine onload, the
bowels and stirs up the torpid liver.
It cures every maliulo ,JT .1
taken 111 time. Secure a 25-cc.,t can
of Black-Draufrht Stock and Poultry
Medicine and it will pn for itself ten
times over, llorse work r f
ive .more milk. Hot? rain ,ho.
, nd hens lay more
11 --Sl"i ..WI.'-IHIS
nrobli m ol making much Hood,
flesh and enerirv as .w-.ii.t., ..... i
the inallcst ainntint ot food con
turned. Buy a can from vr .l..i
of Mm. Mhe died at Ihe aire (A Tit Vi.lrs
I .' - "" nrni eigni elillilren
1 1 , ' 'laughter, Mr. Kii-
sisrnii ; seven sons, (ieorge in
ward, Albert, John, r-awrwirc, Willism
and Carl. Hue brother. Ilenrv ll..i.
j man, is also living.
I Mr. Coerig was hnried in t. Mary's
j churchyard, Ht pi,,,,,.,.,, rUlk (;,)u(1iv
nah Itev. Father Morns, of Vnncoi'i
1 ver, ollii-iiittng.
Mrs. Uoerig was Uirn in Wewtpbalia
' iJeriiKtn.' I.. lO',s 11... . ...
1 ii ; ' 7 "' '"amen namei
waa lleltmiiu. l iniil she married F I
-V. (Joerlg in this country, and thev soon
! ,"ovc'1 '" Oregon, making the long j,,r.
1 ney across the ulains with an ox team. I
iThey settled at Kt. Helens, Or. where
they tisjk up a donation claim in what !
itt now called tieriininv Hill. In Hlt '
thev moved ncro. the Columbia and ,
00k possesafoii ol Ihe farm now occupied
. .. o 'ne Uiwis RV
'I'llosrs i'r, llnoniU
inrs. 1'Hosr mi
Theodore S. Thomson. Doniisi
Infcrmation and Appointments br Mail.
..,,.!,,.,,,,,.,.,,,,,,, .... ... '.
Take Klevntor In
'"'glOII llld..8.M,l1Mrflv.. ...
' sw rsasn. anu ean isio
v if III Floor.
$2 The JU island The Oregonlan, $'i
ivcr, near
li ill tl
paper and tl, . UV..1.1..
1 oer a,,,,,,,.. , " "cr"'.v "rV-
The Bast in Current Literally.
12 Complete Novelb Ycahlv
$2.60 am year ; 2S era. a coey
tvxwvwuMata complete in iTaau
Vast ll.H..L.,.
"a. . " """" 1 "a.rbeai
, 1 . ' . .. . yeiirs 1 1IIVU iniserv u, .
, , ' ,, s"oy uiiin 1 can
(-- l.tln-lred ! ' l.?.X 1
'""'iWion. am, TZ ZZ
; vinl. Finally w ,, ' "l ""'"in
I eoiin y. our i,re....i i . ""''I'ne
t liamhei Iain's f' i." "."" "in ,,
ri,..fl R,.lm!,,v ; ;;;'"rr'' ih-.--
tnaiiwhohad h,... ul a
I'll fill II 'HI
caso wa.sotimii,,. to my own tl.IV I "'"
dm ei to trv the yi u",l,,at 1 con
aawo.hr7. "r'V: '".' t
II.,.. I ..... ' V; "Oillll lllin y re-li...
...1 . 1
Orr-ton rally
j'i er,
i lull
Journal, a
eight to 1
tn mociHlIu
I'ages, u
I II..
UK. M-..II . I I'T
l-eeo after I... ZZ :.-'r '.'"" ' 'iil,l
for sale ,v
li tew cen Is
.K . in It ,.. ,
tk Im daf fa) Rtw tsntt tttf
H-lge A Ja(m)lyi 0r,.ta fi,,, .ill
finnlai, blue prim, oi in. (..wn.hia ia ,
Ihl flstrl,f.
Th strainer, Sarah Dixon." has iv'J
'hnnpd U. Ilia .iimmer .Hie.ltil.
, ,uvea for Oak Point and wav laml-
ngaoi, Hiiftilay evenings at H o'cl.aH.
l eave l,tM1 fttr (:aiskaniand w)' ;
iiuilings Tueailav ami Thursday even
ing" lit ft .. ',.1,.1, u. : 'l...ea'.
,ii , , f,u,iirNi,iu,
t-latskMiiie on Wedn.luV f.!rTr1uar . '
evMiilt.... .... . . . , . A' . -t .
-ai o clopli, tide pei milting.,
feah lish in seaa.ui e'vc'rFildav. !' .'
ciiil Hiindur dinner "at- Vha oVfa'alH
Hold. ' ' ' ' , ' , -