l iHHIHtll'tllt,'l'ttlilltlf'fl(ftni.n. ,. 'i J AVflclaWoPripaMlionrorAs slniiujilnd UttJocKlntHlUiCuLi ling lite biDUuidrt ami lkmcta of Promotr WiiMion.Crtfcr rui ncM qtwl lfcl Contains neMrr (hmim.MurpliliiC iwr Miiiaal KotNakcotic. jimn a IIM" Aictrcl Remedy forfor5lipfl- Cm WlritiuirK Tlinrrtuu'i Ii, linn..""" "".,, PhViirHWoitviiLsKiius.ri'VYrish- lUSS "d MISS or MXE!'. 1. 11 I.iiivW Sigitntura t NKW YOHK. tKA5T copy OF WKAPPC . ft 4 L, . twiwdfi ... I ... . . .i , jnl ei jmi j1 jbI jti Mi uijnjnjgijnjmi I TIIK Mil STOUM DOWN 5 - I)V I he Hilt Sawmill!- J U UiM'ivjir New t'timN I e THE MUCKLG STORE H AO A REPUA- I i"ii of l,"ig r- . n.i 1 11 f.ir . il'. t o' ' I in . 4 --(Jl'NI'KAL .MnE:UAI)ISl- Dart 6fc Muckle, 4 M. li.'l.'it, - ST. HELENS 4 ratnuiit' :t ilt'ti;; store wIumi you want pure, ft csh ami rcliaMc Drugs and Patent Medicines IVifuuKiy, Toilet Aitic!o;t lite HEADQUARTERS A I-'inc Iuie of Writing Supplies. Pl.un ami DtToiatol Cicpe lV.per, ICle. Direct from Publisher -Regular 25 cent Novels Only 10 Cents f ga ia i f p ay. ay a-a t r V V V V '.a'" M. C. GRAY Piulcr in t (il-NHKAL MHRCIIANDlSh I.KV tl.H.IH. LAHIKsl- AM. tiKNTI.BMF.M iioiiiM am miiiM, i.ka niKi mii l'ltnVlsSl., KI.IKK AMI rKKIl. I'AINIU AMI ml.. lih YCi r. I desire to say that I with every person in Columbia County. My policy J t is to bundle honest roods ut honest prices, and it j r 11 affords nie much nleasure irons at getting their money's worth. r.1- rt, I i . CT HELENS, - if U 1 , I IUL.UI (Ui ft . MHlifWaa Her fen-or. , ,, i , . I . . ' 'T would i-oimhneiirlv all niiflil lon. ! 'Hea MrH.Chaa, .VppleKate, of Alex'"'- drin.Ind. "nndcoiiU l.ur.liy K.t ..nv f'ep. I iui. I conaumptioii w In.. 1 1 nt " I Willki'.l ii block I would cuiIKh ("Kilt-" Hilly iiinLapit lihaal, but, when an oin. . 'neillcinea Inilctl, threii 11.00 I leu "i- Kintt'a New Discovery wliollv fiin'tl 'hi'iiiitl I tjained M poiiml." I1'".,1'";''"' I'llcly irnilruulceil to cure ;)imsfh. . . ' l.l I li iio.i. ll l.i.l. ... nil Throat i i . i, . i.... M,.. ..,.,11 iiii. uiiK irouiiii'N i i ice "... Trial hoii..u f...,, ., 1 1 In, S1. I'liarnuicv. , , .1 lleiuh Tree whiskey lit tin. Owl. w ; ' i.uoi aniiiia (,'ii', Mo. , SEE THAT THE 'sfac-simile SIGNATURE -op 13 ON THE WRAPPER CP EVERY BOTTLK OF (Worlt U rt ra U rti.! krttlix wtr, Tl ill I la C'il. .'n l alio tnjona to Mil 1 r aayitio ! pa lU tU or simuImi lht It j ti "luti at utii "will aunrr ry pur. jwa..1' tbat vim j.1 0 A-8 T 0 H i. 1 .yiistr'Tsa Kven tl.iv in tin Wct k eX Ori"'o:i. FOR SCHOOL BOOKS 5 8 5 - KrUMMIlS.i titjOIK ',!''NS if " ' , II A It 0W V It K, V)l l.t-.NM. AUh el NI-llll". I'"". KT would like to do business J m when I feel that n.y pa- 4 i 4 - ukluuin a . - . . Jl. JLA AAAAll i lllir sliue Sale ., , uo,i,iM I have piclied from mv stock taira , 'i ,.ira' ninl childien a alines, " ' f ( ,oca, ' hcn.'on sale in my ' H ' . ,. , in ,lkl, ,,. 1 ,. , ,tfnr i shoe at ''".V j " " I '.'.V Mj,.es' " l.7ft" " i'hililr.'liH' " ! -.,.iu i. ,,rt of rtiniiini!i' "'V Tl in la . aort of riinimae,' sale on ' . i it,.,.., urn will lln-l . "HI I" ' V111. win ln, Hiiocs, in . i .,.. a,,,,,-, ... . ..e,i11,,1-iee 1 ..' inaiiv pan a wen .... 1 ... . hich ire selling f.ti'li.ilf'h;' '''''' M. C. l.HAV, SI. Helena, Ore. i t Dnvnai . r Klshluil. dees ' J J " ,h , ,.,.n..l,v neat f LOCAL tv I v '..'&,, i K.,f(.. s,n Mf,, ,fj Wflniuii' beer 011 tin, m tlit) Owl llllOII, lupoi,l,V Hon, of Vnllcv, liuvu H lot hi cciliir hliinuli or milt! in lloiilion. Judge Mrllrii ii la iHil.linu u ,ii, id li'iiii ol tlm lin iiit court , null the jinny court In In li'ipihtr fit union. 41 it- ..... ..: 1 ... .. . lodge i, Udi I'cllowa ,,,,,,,,,t,iii,.,l a to " . n UIPL llll'f.'l I IILT III,. Ml I i.li.nu 1... n... 1 .... . ' . '' in.- oi-iini 01 me iicoiuu.r mi i-ich. I'uilik Mncklt. have, received u li.i .,1 "' iimJ yoiiilm' clothing, iiiiniiitf in pi ice Iroin ft do t 17 f,o, fins ollicc hna Hi ciiicil i,f HcrvicoM of an oxpcriciiied job printer, and la ut.. pared to ill, n w,i, ,run,,i y, lm't foigct 1 1 n- hlnrti Mile hr-guu thin ,r "l . "iihv'k atore. 1st. Helena. dm II . ... I10I1I acivici-H in thH CongicKiilioiml!"1'" 'y' chinch ncm nuniliiy rvcninjj. i lion, Miirtin I'.olh nml Inn T'lati J'orrcapomlciita ahoiilil ,.IM in their ! ' I'1"'1' mnonu the Kitinier people in ii.iillcr toicich toe thi.olhce l,y WVil- j X" " , , lll'nly- iichIiiv nii,r iiiin; lit the hiti Hi. I.Hicr iui-j Wiilie Allen, of Vcrnoniii, win over portHM iiuiiicr i nn Iw M-iit i p,ii,iii )v i llm of the week, aii'l took out u lotul H- i.-y Moi(jn In., icl.icl u lull line j l'""1'' of Iui inline p, niH-k ol jtcnciul mcr-1 A. .Mi C'auley moved nut o!ie-hlf chilli. Ii. c- -cluiirf, U'llnteuiU, etc.. nm) n I mile W. of lloulton lliin week, where c'Hiipicu- line. Much local nml cililotiul uunic r j, neat row 1I1 I .jilt in make room loi count v dii uii,n -Never lufoic In the liialory of Coluni hiii coiiiiiy nut thuitt audi "lairgaina in Ii hiiind in my nhim aiile. M, C. iruy, M. Helena, he. Hie nci ipia in the enmity clcrk'a of li.e lor May .N,tcd up J II.; -, p, tioiie.1 i a ..l..w : Kecniiitny ih i d- and other 'ii.tiomi iila, .',h 'ih conn h en, liJ oil; r ' . 1 a 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 . , 1 1 p . :fi .'Jo t.oilnly t I, tk lleiiiterroi iaiiei mar llll'e llci lulu-111 Smiic 1 11 u lu in,, 1 1 1... bin II 011 June :7th ; Aniii lu ',ack and rt. 1'. t UM- J line 2tith, Jeiiiiie j;. l oti r "ml 1'iai.k ).. k-er on Julv lu. 'jciltu.le, ilauihter. ol '. M. ( i ' r- "L"e "lie oi ii, c Muck e hoiiM-a , ! . ... ii 1.. ... I,. - . .it , . . .. ir, inn iiv V liilllilalllllira .-loiiiMt h anil l.iwr lahl. ta. Tiiey lu- ' tr ''it', tin i im- iiii'piion, icg i " "oneii, HI,. I pi, vent Lllioua (. li k. l or aale ,v Kdnin l(,,r. r i ne look ciisi.cr at ihe old j;vcrK finettt ijuuily ia low town, u.ia moved hi roiliuiiil !! ci k. The cilv aiiihurJ Una m mi . a ol n i, rink In 'The lock ctiial.er lit iiii iiiiiiny ami have u-ed it in unpiov ing t lie ad ini,i'( iii i ie .in. t. lo.iii or woiiuiu in th,. ,r B; licallate to a,,, k Well ! liHll.hcl l.ilu'a Soun.ich mill I.i v. r Tahieta nllei once n.Miig Ihun. Tlie) iiiuata pioiiuie a 1'li'llaalil ll.oM-uient o (he U.aclij, Illl- pi. .w- i ue up,,, in,. i atieiiytheii the iiii;f...,ii. j-,,, ,4,l-I.v I;, Ivtii, . , a-. J. J. I.'i-.'lert tin l t .it.li hril In-. tllO ll-lll next ibair to the Mint Ilill a lid la pn pa 'i-il to Uil.e cm ivilun t l!in,p pi. tiiir lu tin- lur jert mi I.- c i ' l. nii.l loo u,,ik ia guMi'anii'i-d. I inapiaw-,1 aiiiioiiU'i-iociii will appat ncm .il. Mr. huglmt will la., ui cr noiii.i until alu-r the r'oiirtli. . lr. It.ia Will ltu) ii Hack. Y"tl a'alliln' no l i- b when Vult I Chi.iiiN-rt.uira ( iilic, I'hoicia and 1'iai ih.a a lii llie.lv. IvilWn toa w ill letllid l.'lir Inoll.'V II U.il ale Hot aatiaticd ni i-iii' it. It Is cw l A heie a. Iui Mi. I m ItC t!te llioal 'ICl-elll rvioeoy in tl.e lor bowel coil. phiinia ami ihe only one tl.a! I eier faila. It n phnaaiit, tale nml reliable. m in tal I" KafiiKer Ageul M.litf K-uca A Mui-nllicenl ItiMiklct. .1.1' M iyo, the ide-a-ivakc general i.iei.g.'i it gent of the Aatoi in v. Culiim bin Itailinad t'ouipatiy haa ivMn-d one oi llu' liin-l nlliaclive tleacriptive puiu-pilh-ta i vet i!.fil in llreoti, and ia el itanily de igued ill the hia'he-t alyle of Hie i i i; nvi-r'a nn-l printer's art. it is illua! i ali-il w i!h 'li l.all' t.'tie en:r.iviiijj-i, howii.g up to ixcelleut iiilvmitut'c ai cuea in tint vicinity of Til! ttii.Hn; ink. I'titlagea and liotela nt I'lalson I'ciich, ptcliiieMpie scenes along the line ol the i-.iiii.md ; also an excellent cut of Iwiniier. Many ol Ihe oiira inJ are ol ml! page size, nnd tire true to un title. The roadli- d is in excellent C'li'li li'Ui, nml lrani tcin h the aeaside in huii hours (ruiii I'.trtlaiid. Close con liccltolis tire made with Ihe steamer I'otter nml the .Nahcntta for liivai-o nml l.ong la ach points on tlie Wiit-hiuirtt'it si.le. Iteach eXcuisUin ticl.i'ls an- sold at I'orlhind that ate iniereh ingciihle between Ihe I). H. A .V, Vancouver Tiaiispoi tali, in Company steamers and the lailn in. I. ("Imlrrit lm'atititiii -im i i .. . i ..... 4 ..I.., i .... of the iiiost tlaiiiteioiiK and hilai . I eases lo . iliich infanl.s are anl jc I. It can lie cnitd, ho ever, when jmii-i I v treated. All I loll i- neces-ni v is to v-i vet' lia in her In i h it Colic, Cholera niitl liarrh"ea Kciiieilv anil castor oil, n iltiecled wit inch laii lie, and a cure ia certain. ale he Kd in K , For j , (iuittimtet'd Safli-rwclorv. o nivine whatever. W e do our duty . hind expect mil to life Vol jmln- :ni"iil. I'.y tloinj; ft y, u i' i I tind . ticca 1 at this aline If he ill" nn al leiiaoiiuhle ' i.. ihe cilv. We cmrv n hnire Ht.-ck ol in -n'a and hoys' clothing mil ninl a tf uieral line t i ll Ittrnifl - , A ,o. ! irii,.'ka viihsca. hats', cain. eio. We ili I play choiIh in Itl show windi.wa. Kverv i ni licle ni.n ked in plain Insures. We : have atncily one pries It v. ill pa v you ' 1 1 investipite. John IVIIar, cor. first ' and Yamhill, l'oit'nixl- WARREN I ( rrli.-.l t o hoc fe.f lasi week ) I The l arreli I'.itntl g"ive one of their; ! vet v popular concerts, followed by a; ihnice, ill Mrs. bacon's hull nt Win reu : TucmI.iv evening June the Slid, The ciowd was line ol Ihe largest, as well ita; lone of (he most recherche, that linsgnth- j en d at Wi'.ncn for inan a day. Visit-j ! ora ciiiuc from Sattvics 1-1:1110, .-v'ii.p.is., Yankton nod Si. Helen. 1 1 lose inni Ihe lutter place wee brought up Ihe "brv" bv ihalinosl accoimi'lai uik' steam-,( h nil' man, Capt. leant. Those from yar ioua a uloiilS I1"' l',"'' '!' 'Vr' V1 ' hau's gasoline launch. Music, far dune iug wns liir'iislied by I'o'h tlie 11.111-1 and (ircwcll nroa . i "', m 1 1 1 1 u 11 1 a were; sci veil in tne 10010 '" , ....-...... . uecieiim and cake, and all aw ll r.ies and cicnin. Dancing citiiniined until ( t u "ee sun." liolirs , liuvu vin, "' ------ . . . .- , - i lllltl Ills gill slllllVtl lioiiie.t ....... -.' I boat ni ii-r i-onvcMiin - . j.v ve.y ..oud of her "Ihiml Hoys . - JIIsb Dorothy Coieln ml, daughter ol lo-eph Copela'iul ol U in ren, ninl li. A. Ivcrnick 11 Hcnllliy miner of Toropah, iNevada, were nun 1 ied iu l'mlland, last Wednesday. Thev have uone to iNevn dti to reside h"ic bolli have extensive in. nil, inlcicsts, ...no.-, oaunier, 01 ( '. M. 1 i.ifi',v in-, 111 rived heie from ut her wri.t aiveieiy I 1 idny evi -u i-H Wmlny iiignt, and nie n n piece ol if'.nrr. The wound iaahoul ll,oiiie. o l. he, l.-i.tf t,. tlee-l.,.. ll,H,anf J.Ml.;,rre, the g. It'll le, p. M,. ,,.r , ,.. nun .' ! PERSONAL '2 (bounty HHiMMJf Hnrvcyor W. 'If WiittHT waft in town Kriiny. lien ISirki'iiMil, , of )c hfR-k, who Hi hi. IIcIi-hh WtiilimnlKy. liHViil l.iini', of Mit, im n St. IIdIiiiib ; tiil.ir 1V...I...U.I..., i i.'i 1 iith'imj . ( i. I, IMywult. M liromliiciit oloiiccf i ol r inlilniH k. WHa 111 town tlim week. Hon. John Idilmi, of VVuriuii, wui in Ht. Ilclmm J'liiliiy, ('. I'IhIht viKitnl Viincoiivur mill Woodliinil yeftcnliiy. Mil. 11. Cox in coiilliii'il ta lur home with illni'KH. J. D. IVrry nml wifi-of Torreon, Mex ico, mccxilecliMi la arrive Iikik thin week. John Mnyimnl, it well known old re- uifiit ol 1'inhhnwk, la 111 Kt. Ilcli-na, 1II111111 Cooper, a well known rcsi- ; lll'lil of VVh rri'ii uik. 11 Kl II.. tun. U'.,1. ! . . . jlie nml Inn family will n-niile. Mta ljuifeiie Hhiki-ley and ami re-1 ' 1,ir,e'l Momiiiy, alter a week a visit with rciiuiveain uaiiiier. Mra. K. 1 .11 11 1 11 11 and son, of Van k Ion, 1 were in town Monday evening on their j way hiiine ,oui roitliiiitl. I'oiOmuhtcr l. W. Keaeev, ')( Verno-! nla. waa out by team tlm 'lirnt of the j week, mid mu le 11 aide trip to l'ortlund. j , ., ., , , , Ja le,,nK a,i family returned Ved. liieaitar liluht from a hall-nionlb's vn-it to his mother, Mra. Stinu at Monmouth, i, Mi ,..... ... A r. Ill.it Mra Ilill'lil llavia of l..ptj ' lainl, were 111 town over hiindav ueaia ol her parcn a, Mr. ox. and Mr Ivn I'. S. Senator (i. V. I heie from Ih Ivflat, Wed- ( 11 ie Iiolinan . ninl auiK'rinlend- ent ol the Aatorm ,c Cohimliin Kiver j uniiroiin, wua uonig ni. Helena ea- j McllIde and! 4 V sj II. H. Wilcox, a prominent farmer, Jny Milla waa in town Weilneailav onw.t trmiinir in tliecitv Hum week. bia way to Vernonia I.i apeilil the' .. .1,, 1 1, 1 r ouith ol J ulv at home. He ia ruiinini; ! .l.uik. y engine in a Cnthlnniet logging ""'I'- 1 w ar I la; ter, 11 prominent attorney 1 I'iiiiiiji, roik coiinlv, was in ht. Ilel ena eitiich'tav( Hint appeared before; the ciicuit court in an important cam-.! K. Hull, of Warren, waa In UiwnTuei day. He haa m.I.I hi place, near War ' nil, to a. Mr. M.lier, of Mount, 'fa'tor, j and wiii leave lor Wiiloi Walla, H'ah., ! oexi wck, uncre ne exja-et to uiaae ' in-, iitiiiio uoiiie. .in. llall ia an old leai.li ul nl Wairen prci inct. Mica r.caic il itt.in went to Pottlnnt e.lnea.iu v niiet ii'i tu to particii.aie in the muMcal u.'i ra! uivi'ii the Y. M,C. A. iia inatot ihe beiicit of the lltn'pner aiilli-ier. Mt.-ts IJitttan w a- hearth ap- plu.i.l. d in her .iai.oaoloa:il ret., onded encore. Kx-Cuunly CoininiMii'iner I'. A Frakes, id t-npno.i.e, was in St. Ilel ens edni'-dny. He stated that hnr mig Ihe dan :i;e to anme tame hay, bis losses wete slight, lie ih tituiiiir ,otii' new cuts tiiiid'- uf rouie of bis thurougl blei! Ilolsteilis. I : V, 1 uisi.'Uoiit, a well k, . i now n dairy- ii. an ol W.!i- c.i.io.i e, was in St. Helens.'. lav. liis daiiL'l.ter. Mis Janio. :ts sttltering fiom the ell'ccts of a fall iiylii ,' 'reigui itain, aim every steamer go a eh. ri-v inv. Mr. 1 iaignont lias in-' ". ." ' utmost capaei- ,M.il;c,ru new Iflavnl separator ,aml ! -v ""'kl"' ru"" for more shingles auJ sells the separated product to Jolisou's i lull,l,er. creamery. I lVter Farlln, a prnaperoas farmer of i K. C. stanwood, of Yinktoii, km in ' "I'l'f Clatsknuic, waa in the city Mon ! town, .U.iim tl"" week. He st-ed that ; ""' l"'g me traditur. Messrs. ilrnn A Stuiiwood iad their! Arthur Harluwr, a former resident of "mil rca.lv lor .feintioti, nd have a i "'" I1'"1'''. w'."' Iia neen attending v, line laaiv of tiinb.lr to workinto luin- i u"'t a M'Almiiviile the past two years, her. Tiiesawniill is an eeelieiit one, I ' visiting friends in the city Inst eek. ami h is a caput itrtt.l l'5,iil feet ilailv. j . ''ve I'-'vis, ftiriner editor of the Mint, The planer is altn'. ne; ami the new I 18 " "' V Una week, tu.j interest linn have evc-lleiit hictlities for turning:0' tl:l' i.Oregtm Tiinberuiau." out a lini-hcil tiroAlilct ol lumber. Arne I recnian and wife and Hon, Ste phcti and other members nf the family (I. ruil'lwiii nnd family and llalilwiii Vkhnhnia, Ork., June 2H In the lb Iga-. ui and tie, recent arrivals from ' Mist of June I'Oth, we hear from l'ost .M in ins. tin, are ca npe.1 tit the picnic ! mister Clark, of KA1MF.U. Whiie we Uioiiml. Thev nie favorably impressed tl.m't boast of being a broad guajre man, w nh Columbia county, ami the. two first ' almost in Ciatsop county and in favor of limned families will prohnbly locale 1 the county seat at Hainie-, there aie a licae and buy farms. Mr. l-'iccmun ' few .voters and taxpayers iti Auburn lirniiiiln itl.uig i cnihm.l of stock, con- j precinct, that nre w illiiig to make h I it sisliui; of seven cow and three horses, j tic suciihce lor a lew years yet, in order j to keep Columbia county in a jroo-l ti- Case lllucki nam-ial condition- so that people com- I County Commissiotier W. D. Caie and ! '"' the K.tat to the r.icil-c coast, iMrs. Au'tieiia I'.la.k, iH.thol fittsburg, i 111 "ut l-' llrove nn-l kept front our i we--c ma. ricd in the eailors of the St. , eoniily .;n account ot a burdensome tax Cbni h s lintel, I'otlland, Tuesday even-1 .;..n.h ... !?..,. I ..it. not of '.Fiicai i MethodiVt vimieli,' as the 'ntlicialiitf ! elervyman ami the ceietiitinv as pt'l-. Viile." Dm inyt the cesaioii ol ihe county ( court Mr. and Mr. Caaa are um.-ta at j the lloulton Hotel. Many liienila ex-! end congratul iliona. Ill ii l m 1 1 5 t on u red. A eas'ecatiie to lislit that lor perMatent ; nnd tttiniei. ll'tii torture has pcrhajM nev-1 vi Ireen etiiftiled. Joe (iololiick ot Colu- ea, Calif, w rites, ''fur ISyeara I einlined j ! iiiMill. rai.il' pun Iroin tviieiiuiatittin ami I inn linifc- lelievi tl nie ttioiin I men every j thiii); known. I cauio across Klcctilcj Hitters' unit it a the ftreateat tneiiicine on earili lor that Irotihle. A lew laittlea of ; it eonilileiclv relieveil ti tut cured me." 1 .hint as tH"l fur Live.- ami Kidney trotih les and ticueril iH'lnlity, Only StK1. Satisiacli.in guarnnteed by the fcl.llelen I'liat niiicy. YANKTON. Yankton heM a very iuterestin,? tetn-l perancc meeting timrsiiay evening 1 n-:txon. or sltould tlua have any weitrht last week. A good pronrnut was mater- wi, votl.,. 9 fiu. even 11S 15 or a) nlj,.s ed U'Kiie a lume and attentive audience, I lr,ml j, Helens. We are not Irving to and a ftrotiK drohihttton sentiment was I io im Vernonia or l'ittsbtirt;. but we do exl.ivsacil by the speakers, whnh W.is!,liMk M ,.), questiens o'l'ht to i heailily appltiiitlcl by nil. Following ,,llkl ,j , as t.v r,.v ,.e j ,, 1(nv waa the hrocram. Sinijmtf, ' 1 hrow out ; v,..,r ,,.. ,,eo),)o of Clnuibia eoinnv the hie line,"; set iptnre verses, prayer, t ;.1V ,,,. ,),, chance of the ciiiiii'v ti. I.. Tarhell tiling, Wtueia a inockei ..,-, iK, R wlwM ,,, ,, m Hv ,vl. bv the cl.oii ; rccitaliou, Miss .le.sste I will )0 ,,,. t,lt, t ti-it ill" btinleii, Mitchel; si.cukiuif' Merle Nam ; reading, , ,imn , , i,i,,s0nt. W e now have all wo Mrs, Wiiodwai'tl ; sting, lUuh Itrovvn Hint j ,. M.,nago Ollie lly.le: recitati flnrenue Knot' s s to Mr. I'lna's eslioinie that the ,,H ; reading, U. I.. Jai lieu; soug i me i choir; recitation, tieorgo Hyde; song, ,;. Hyde ; rennn ks, K. S. I'as.ni ; song, hy Hie ehon ; reading, Mra. It vile; reci - ; l!,li""t ln Oliver; closing song, Uod be i wil Ii you. . ,M,8, (''.ihi Crotise was in St. Helens .;Tuesiiin, . No ity Niow 0, "For veins fate was after nie c intinu inislv" wriiea K. A. tiulle.lu'e. Vcrb"iia, , isi V w rilCB r . -1. nuiictine, , ei u--no. ,, I had a terrible case ! Piles cans-; iug -4 tiin.ors. When all failed ISttclt Icn'.s Arnica Salve ctnul me. Hipiaily good lor I '.ii 111- and all aches and pains. 'Jnlv Sov at the St. Helens I'harinaey. SAMIV S.'.B ll(! DIM BUI C' 'V ""3 i r-n sAW'tv s.'.bii m n n -y x xx o aXi ei v y Coming uefs. tif July celebration Hi (.lilta- miil basket piciiicn ul Vernonia 1 v., ,iL-1,.,. , . .. .... ., V , v , , .1 . L 1 ' Hii.i.Iiiv,, fuly , jlli. Hcrvic will Uv" lalll a. n. 11 ml tlm hithioi, will I tin nc.liuil liv Kcv. l'Oimnl M. Kilcv. ''I'l ...i.i... I:. 1... inv jmioiii; ih cortiiHi'y invileil to IH! l're"'-llt Kirnt HpKciul f "omit y hwiit election Momliiy, July tlth. . Bi-i.ikki (irHfir w ill Iihvk a picnic on Hiitiioliiy, July 1 1th, Hint proiiiiH-t to ! h Kict cvi'iit. There will Iw pt-nk-ini, luiiaii; mill other mini, tioim of 1 HM-inl iiHturu. ' . CLATSKANIE (i. W. Wclcli, II. 1, (.'olvin, John Col- vni, l',ilir tilvln, John UoikIi'V ami J. "eiy ol l n rli latifl , atte.imc.tl u ; ... .1... .1.1.1 l.... 1 1 1 . .1 : .t :.. in" "on renowi looge ill hub city, Haturday niht. Hny, Ihivh, Iiow would you like to rep reHent tome wild cat Iiinuruucif Couiiii 11 v in fhia iincc. There in money in it, you know. C. W. (iiKliniu end on (i'-orjjii of MarMhliind, were iloing liuuiuea in the city lint week. Mr. and Mm. V. S. Miller, who have 1xh.mi viaititiK their liautthter, Mra. Anna (,'arrol, over on the Cowlitz the pant aev- eral weeka, returneil to their home last !day. ti... ..,1;,,. f,.ii. ,.t u;.i I...I their II rat round in the courta lieJo lat week. One aide not a black eve, and the other wna told 10 keep Mill. It ia by thoae w ho eliiim to know, that the faction ho i, and haa la?en ileae crating the (. 8. flux, had U-tter haul in their horna. Thev are likely to lie ,.,.,, u(jn ln. te diatrict attorney, to .xnhiin I. , . . , . i.""J 'l win 1 iiiaitiiw iintt; iircii iwi 1- n i .... Jled by a gay young lothnrio from Hen- vcr, rcpnentiiig a wild cat Mutual In aurance Company, the pant aeveral weekH. Americana like to be liiiiubugg ed 'voU know", l'atronixe home iiidua- try and save your inonev. Don't net the idea into your head Hint our home busi- neaa men don't know anything. Krank l)ve. the aiuu-eaaful losrer. of the tipir CTutakiiiiie, waa doing buti- ncr, in tne cny Alonuuy. I i v-.. .. "1..1 1... - .1 .1.. in... a aitio-iiii 'aiuin ui ion r,.i,.,l vn.... i.,,...i 1.... 1 ,.t i.; JMm p,,,,.',, M,ki.t j ,his ci,,. on Moiulay, where be aoou disposed of tliein. Kni. k Vim a prominent e:i mill ma:!, of the Nehn e u valley, waa doing busi nenain the city, Monday. Tn learn fioin well authenticated aoiircea that the A. A C. 1. U. Co. will auun con. lie li. e riiiiuing freight train into town over tiie lieiisoti switch. -j j j. w ill In: a jfreat cmvenietice to our mei chants na well ia the saw tiiilU and the tK'oiiti! ttencrallv. Our puali club, since they haye fnutnl ut win re t':iey are at, have placed fc--v-r.il thousand feet of lumber nn the round for the new sidewalk out to the ailroad atation. It i claimeil bv thoae , ,, Munw ,(,'. ,ja.wak will ls i-onipleled befoiu the county sent election takes place. It ia also faid that the cc tinty surveyor will soon commence surveying the new route, laHween Claukauie lii.d M:st, for the county r. ad. Mrs. J. N. Kict! and Mrs. V. O. I'.uck. u-..r. ci.,,....; ; i.. r.....i.... ii, .am en v ,11111 tidi . , , , , . , ' . . . . ; m inS lutum ""' " pofil.le. fcv j K. SwmaH Talks. !To tlie Kilitor of Tiik .Mim . " ' "L,M,K8 I "V..'V"., ",r wti.ii : 10 tuMiio your launeii lvuuier Mi He 'Meiise nf the whole county. 1 he writer aitrueil a petition to eive the votcra a chance to vote for the relo cation of the con n i v yeat, lnt did not ntnlern'aud it to he a permanent looa t ion. 1 never Iietird of audi Hit net be fore as a perniaiient location, that tin; H'nple uoiild not change if they so 11, .l V0 ,) r. u'illii,.. I isi,d ....o,.f 1,.,,! vtt,r ti,e privilaa to voto a he e,,sea- Imi we think eve.v voter i.io.lit t we w,t , j9 d,,,,,., befr it js tl)U u, Ml. C, k 8ilv, ,lt ,)ne (l Vl(, i-orrea IMiiuleuts ha (jivon a Mingle reason that would have any weight tu imlu anv voter to he in favor ol" St. Helens, if he H-tl not live within 10 mil. a of that place. Now, Mr. Clark ; you are a broad-mind, ed ma i 1 it a permanent location that t'-a people cannot chano. if thev so desire? Ia a tux debt of H 00,000 on the al ready tiix-burdenetl people of Cohiiiihiit county, to be desired? Antf then the county seat to lie moved to h place mote ilisHdvaiita.'eotis to the taxpayers than it i at nresetit. We would like to know tt the.ro is anv ; ,..t would only U $ltk) tn remove the ,.,iiintv seat lo Kaiiner or Ciaiskanie, it. j .ninK. vwfv misleadirtg to ninny of i Mll, v,,.ISt .. i i,,,VH wl:lt Util 'rett- ; j (,v(r !,.,, vvv VV(. j,, ,,.luto seat iL'ht in the V. t-t at ono tim', and : know that it is hard lo toil where mil w hell I lie ex neuse will st"iv or enn. !.i i rto,,r t,. ,1;,,.., trvtiiniil aliover we haw? m ttle up our niintla I'nr the it mil of C.i , lunibia counlv a l.l all t.r in ..si iti thetii III..., !.. ii il,..', .... ..Lit .4. ull ,vu,..ii lo ! that in it. that we I . ..... ii, ...... ... ..... -. - knock II out til" ncn rtiuiiil, and leave the counlv ae.it at St. Helens. We that k Mr. Clark tor his open letter, as we I, lieve tn knowing who we are talking with. Now. Voters of Cohtuilvs co'tutv: I I advise you to count your tax money, be- te 011 the (itli iltt v ol July. for success, K. SlJsSii'.IAN, yata Imaratrit ttrof llfUfl lira Hai-k)ir fnr lm li'.Hi heiMl lor ( a'li,Kii M. V H (li-lllllllf alfuklH Allixi. O ).4,'i A U if liKht nil. I ,lre--y h.i. Our l,iiw Cm iitlarl.at & i.JS l a b.OKal:;. No. M h'', 1 l.mlldof 1'alrii timni'l C, .1,;.'. Nkioe, liueiihoi; for lit:;t wear V anil Ilawum, far 'j.O.', 12 liu-ti i.Ia'Ich V t'rrr fnr iIip klHa; our Pacific Mail Order Compau) t'Okl l.tNII. (IKKUOM In tlie l oiinty l""ii't nf ihi. ute 0( (iri.Koii In ttll'l for llllllllllla I'.'llllly. Ill tin; 1, oilier of tlm Klie 01 Jeaae W. UuiM. Ileera.. To KI11..M ('lull.!) ArinairxiiK, William K. li'lll'l, Hnllle llllll.ii) llleaaniK, 'Ihere-a (O11ll.ll llilllil'a. i-lilMrell ui nui'l (li-nctit, U,H llaelifi 1. Harris, wlii, ,w ..(nil. I l.aaa'I. and alt wr noun uiikiiowii, liuercati-il luiujii enunu: liaaaT IKo : IN TIIK NMK flf 1IIK STATU Of (IKE Kim: V'i'i at.-l vueli "I von a.e liercliy cile l 111 aiie..r in tint 1 ouuly I11.111 i.i Ilm wale ol Oreiion. lor Ihe I (iiniiy 1,1 CnhiiiiMa, at the l ourt room lliere',1. ill .-It. Ilelein, 111 It,,. I 1, limy ttt i'"I.'iiIIm, 'in 'I neattav. (In; lf,i .luy of July, KM), at 1 11 clock, In the iifleniooti in ani'l'lat'. Ilieu nie I there lo allow cinne, (f any there I.e. w tiy 1111 ortler arifiil'l n,,t l,e ma'li- irrHlititn, lo tlie ii'linililtra..r of amil ealnte iwrtnlaaiuii and illreitlinj him lo noil thereat ealaie of olil tie (K-a-erl al I'lil.lic auction, aui't real eaiale l.eln; ile-crilel a- lollowa, to-wil: l.'oiiiiiieiieltiir at Itie sK corner 01 mv. T. 4 N., K. 1 UH of lll. Met, met riintiliiu thence N. tothe ai-elioii line rHl: Ihence 11 on a line (iHtallal Willi the s. Una of am.l .KK .41 1,, t,j iaee. line, mli. la nee ft 'j mile: lh-111-t; t. to ihj s. line of nui e... Jl: tliencc on the s. line il -aid ec :t4totlie ulaee of ix-Kiiiiilita, conuiiia 4 aciea 111 coliiiii inn eoiiiily. Oregon, a l-o a certain (arm ullua teti on Sauv ea' l-laud, in a.-ti.na 2 aid II In 1. i X.. K. 1 Moat of the Mill. Mer. hi Columbia, county. Oregon, i.anii'niarly ilearritwl aa the . '1 "I I'l Sec. 11. except lot Z there", and ah of tlie N.'-jof i! ,e. II. exi-eut the w, .1 the N ami all ni the") K 'i of Ihe ill .1,, nii.l I"1 o' Hitt aet-t.otl 2, euut.iiu Ilia hooih ,.:l ai-rea. Utlneaa the llonoral.le J. B Imui. Jll'lire "f Ihe Co. inly i uri ( nie Hn,e f orenon, fur the Couriti of Coiuiiihia, with the iwal of tuiil Conn aftlxe.1. II, I, l,t ,iay ,,( Juno, . I , 1 MH. Altit: H. tlhliKKHN, Clerk. Bv W. A. HAUKH, llep.nyl lark. t I Sei of iheCoitiity Court ol Cohimhia J jij uanty, Oref. ii. NO 1 ICE OF UNAI, SMTI.KMKNT N OTICE is hereby giren that the iin-ler-lrn-tl ..a atliiti ntslmtor ..i me estate of Jt-ieio.Hh Ortlvin. deetaeit, haa Hie i in the of-I tics of the Co 'I it IT I'I.'Tk of the Cieitily Clcikofj C.iliimhia. Mala oi i,rrt,n, his final ae"iuiit of In-a miiiistrali.iii ll;-. u sai.l eslale. t'nrt-t rier . with tiia dial repoit and laeuioii lor dl-lrllm-. tion. and llo.a the Hoc J. !'.. li-.ini J...th of I said court, ha-ap.-oicle'i Monday, the llrd day oi Auioi.-t. A . li . l'.aii. at 2 o eiof W in Ihe slier ! l.eon of sal. I ilav. aa the lirne. and the e.airt I loota oi suid e-'iirt in si Ili-iena. tirenon. u I tlie (tlat o he.i!ltlr tlm same, at which time and p..,c any pei r'ni interested In said estme I n.a - a teir nn i rite o'.je.-iioii- in w. itinx io sa d ; final aecount or sold t.nal report and (.eiil.wn i for 'liatrihation, auy portion or eilker of the : utino. i JOtty DOI.AS. . Atlniiiiiatrator of the Ftte of Jeremiali i.al-j vin. deceased- i Vi. H. IDWRLL, Attoaaey fur Jdministrator ' NOTICE FOR PUBICATION" peitartineiit of the Iniorior Laud Oihce at llrevon i'ity. Orejin. June cf. N'OTICE Is IIKRKBY I.IVKS THAT TICK n.lliiwinff-iiaiaed settler bus flie 1 noii, of Ir.ieniiou to make Una! eroof in aapi en ul h.i eiaim aadlbalsaal prtso' lae wade be lt, re Ihe ileci-ter all I Hi-caiier. at Urefe.ill City, oreaoli. ou Atmiist IJ. 11.1. v:z ma it:; a. hi hp. H. K. Sn. 137S7. fjr the lou. ;I and 4. Section r,, lp n. r .1 w ai. He names ihe folio, in witnesftea to prove Lis continuous re.uleuce uu Had cultivation of said land, viz . Wilson ll imp and Juaob fc'eich. of Mountain dale Oregon. J.N. llol'man. cf Foreat oiove. nresou, and Peter It ittian, of Hscona. II hoc. ALnhHNON S. Illite?t.lt. l.eulster. In. the cliriiit court uf tbe iiate i.f vtresoo, for Columbia t oimty. In the Mutter of the Estate oil Notice. i'c.in P.Ia'i.-hurd. Inaolient Ilehtor' MiTtCK FOR PVBUL AltOS. D-eiwrtri.t-M of ihe Inlerio-". l.uaU o;t.'-e at trfrf'n t'iiv. rtirn, Jun? 6, l:MKi VTOTirE IS IfKKKHY 4-1 VEX IH.W 1HK i ' fii!"WiD;-iitDtHl j'tilr iui ti !( tioti' c nf )i nil -ntitiu ( nirtke tnnil yro4 in suprw-rt .! Ins cl.uid. aii'l that wut jlnal prrwif will tv ihtitir bLhre ihe 1,'uuiity t'lvrl, ( i lumti i im , at si, Iit'leus uifiiu. ou July i", i'MtS, M' Abol.F SUtiKVE. II. E, N. 12rii, tor ih xyi nw siw1 of nw lA t sOt'iiou anl xv' i ut'4 i'l se-i -don 'ti . ip it. r i !. He iinnies . tie rt)Uwini wiine-s in prnvr hi- "iiuintitai re-ivifiu-e uptui aixt rnuivmion nr .iil hitii i. J Hut l', tt U v r1i UK uti'l (ir-h-rt Mirrtwk. .if uiiey, tr.-ipiu l-n:c V. W il i'U. til ViijLUn, nnd t.u. n.tiey. u( Montinu. ALGERNON S. l.KE.sKR. KHr A Wonderful I mentitiu. It is interesting to note that fortunes aie fieimently made by the invention of in tiulee of minor importance. Many of lite inoi-t mpiiliir devices arc thofe dc eiarueil to lieuetit the people and meet popular conditions, and one of the most interesting of these that haa ever lieen invented is the lr. White Electric Comb patented Jan. 1, ''.0. These wonderful combs poeiiively ore liiiinli ml, hair lull ing out, sick and nervous, headache, ami when used in connection with Dr. While's Electric Hair Brush ate posi tively guarantned to make straight hair only in -J5 (lays' time. Thousanda ol these electric conibs have lieen sol i in tlie various cities of the Union, and the demand is constantly lucivasini;. Our agents are rapidly becoming rich selling these combs. They positively tell on siirht. Send for sample. Men's sue Site ladies 50c hall price while we are intro ilticint; them. See Want Column ot this paper. The Dr. While Electric Comb Co , li'cat ur III. Working Night anil Day The busiest and niichtiest little thine : that ever was made i Dr. Kind's Now j Lite I'llls. Tnese pills change weakneas ' iutt strength, liatie-snesa into etietyy, brain-lug into mental power. They're ; wonileriiil iii hiiil'liiii; nt the health, i tluly -.'oc per box. Sold by the Si. Helens i I'harinacv. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache AU diaeaaes of Ktdneys, Bladder, Utinary Oigans. Also Rbeuniatiam, Back tclie. HeartOtseaas.0ravl. repay, Feuials TrouiUan, CURE Don't becoma ctlBcouragei. There la a Cltre tor you. If lieeessnt v write- llr. 1-eiliier. Ho hua spent a Ii'" time' curiuit 111-t aucB. caseauaoura. All coustiltauoua rrea. I "prj.ettr8 i had bar'Kiiche. severe palna aeroaa kidueya and scalding ut-iue. I could not ?et out of bed without help. The ue of lir. rennet's Kidnev nnd riio harlie Cure r nored me. O.WA(iONKK. K nohavtlh- I'n." nniscHts. 50c.. It. Ash forCool. Hook- Free. ST.VITUS'DAPiCE Feuner, Fredouia.N.y I For sale by M C. irav, .M, iliiin-; also Uill'V A liiliin, ije"""! "''' I chants at lloulton. Part A Miickle have, received 11 com plete line of mens' clothing, miming from 7.50 to Sbr. Call and i.-cct h'nl.. THE SIGN OF B K S T 3 OVERLAND 3 3 TRAINS 3 3 DAILY 3 It docs not cost you Any jiiore to travel on the "North Coast Limited" than it does any other train. Try it and your verdict will be It's the crack train of them all A. I. C'H A Itl.TON, Aaaiatant General I'uaaenicer cent 2.VV Morrifcon St., Corner of Third, lnrf land, Oregon. i Owl Saloon IIbinx KiioTHKKrt, PROPRIETORS Only th ot W Lipnaui Cigars Kept in Stock $ 7 CYRUS NOBLE An. oMier fMp!iUr Itn itt)-, of whi.-kip WEINHARD'S BEER ou firm-it; lit. "Tom Benton" Cigars. All the 1tc-l npwwp-iiM'rsHrnl other pop- utnr prtHiH-!-. y Timber ltn. Act Juue 3, 1H7 8. NOTICE FOR PVBUClTtQH. ( NiTKti TTr. Last? ffht, fltcoii t'jty. Urvfc'iri, Aril II. IVH. Ni-Tlri- IS IIKKEBYfilVKN TAAT IS VtXl- fjliatii-f wirt, Hi- jrovi-.hiiH of the Ai,t l'oiniret of June :i, lH7-, ciititkil "An art foe the , k- of timsr l-ind." in the .-late of f aHtoriiiu ort-K"!!, Ne a. I.i mn W ai-hiutcton Territory," t-sieii'V. U. nil the f'ohUr I, nnd .Male by m l of AuKilt 4. Iw.'. Imh e V. ( Mmul-el). of j I'nrtl.ttni. ( ouiity of SI iltitotDit-h, stale of tn I ifni. !;;. ill ti tiny file 1 in t(ii oiliip his xworu sotrnient No. i tteC, for the nn-hae of tbt "f1 ol otctiod No. a, iu lowuatii)! No. 4 n, raDfce No. am.' w ill otler pro f to "hnw tliat ih lamt i miucht niorA v ulna hie for it timtM-r or noiit than or ancnliutal purt-oiHi. ntirl toeHtal,tih elaim tos.ii.i Uii.l before ihe KegisUir ami I Kn'rH er of iui?! office ut Oris;ou . trcjjou, ion s!riH-, tite Htliany of Jul, lit uaiiK-r. u vitiit'M-s: Juli tH t. burke, of MoUUn iirt-s. t k i ltitrfct. ,m.pU Oibton.ima Jme- Miilei. of Priluti1, Ortavm. An ui Htl wrrHiiifl t ,!i&iih Bilveoely the ittmve dcMTiUl laoiia ure rtoue-.eI to lile their claim in this ortiteouor bemie aid Uib day of Jul. lci a24 -je-ti H AtlLEH B. MOORE.. ReiriMer. i niilr l.an l. Art June :1. 1S7S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Cmteu stairs Land Orrica, dreitoii it.v.dreKoii. Mayfi, l'.K13. N'OTICE IS IIKRKBY IIIVKN THAT IS COM pliance w uh ihe wrovisitnia of the act, of I'oii-tss ot June a, ls.H. entitled "ad mi-i for 1 the salt- of tinil-er lands in the sitalcs of Cultfor- tn. Orf.ui, l..Blll, mitt it.vtiinutt.u Terri I tory." a- e.xteii.li'.i to alt ihe I'tiidic Lud Maie-t l.y act ot Auitiist 4. tstrj, Iva H Meleen. formerly n ll. Str.'iiali.in. of rorltaml.' oioity of Mult-, j ivitftlli. Si.itei.f (iretf. u.hilstliis ttuy nkt ill thla I ofl ee her s.i ti stalctn, i:l No. -Vm.'hir the pur. I cha e t.f the c1 . ol -i- ot seeli ,n a. ill tt.an- llHl u. rali.e '... rl iie.st. ult.l will lifter proof to sh.ov thai ihe land soii'ttt la more valualile for its tim her or atone ilutu Itn. Hcriciilturu! purs IK.se., and ie estai.lt.l; lier eliiim to aiiitt la mi he tore the Register mid lleeeiier ol this nitice at tireiion I ny. Oretfutl. on s-nturUav, tiie ISth day oi J ilv, naa. she niin.es as nltneases: Cora Blake. F. W, Vurney, autt Milts K..Mv:eeil. of I'ortland, Oreat'ti; ami Al Tarker, ni I'tltslniri-. CreKon. Any and all persons eiuimini; ad versely the ftliove tleserila'd lamia are requested to tile ttu'tr claims iu Ihia t.iticeonor la tere said Istti tlay of July, IPtia. UiSjiO AI.CKUNON S HRKS.sEtt, Kentaler. I Aotii-c For I'ublieitlion. ! rciartnient of the Interior, ! J-ud nttU'e at (iiei;..u ( itv, Oregon. I Jane X. VJtu. NOTICK is hereby given that the fol . t. wuitf nnme.1 setilei haa rlleti notice of l..s iuteii. Inn t.. make tinai pr.iot iuiitppoil of ' his I'laiiu, unit thai -aid prou mil he made be fore the l entity l.teili ei ClimtoiH County at j St. Helens, Ui-evon. on August 7tb, 19(X1, via: 1 NKlTiK sitllll.-ls A, I II. K. No. 11.01, lor the se't oi twi4of section 'A, ' tuwnartina iioith, ranire J Weat. i she tianies ihe follow in witneaaea to prove . hei (Hiuttau.'its re-ident e i.kiii and eullivatinn of aiitd laud, vi.: Slyve lonpa, Autoll Keroskl, ' Joe soiiiski,. el Vullel , Oregon, Ulid Fruilk dilu te ki. oi SI. llelrtis.Oie-.oll. A1.(.I-.US(N 3- pUKSSKK, Kcalstcr, face Was Always Very Pale and Thin. Nervous Prostration Faint Spells. Pr. Miles' Nervine Saved My Life. Ther? is (Treat aa'.fjer in & run d'twit coa diti m. Overwork, mentnj wrain, the cares a:t'i worries of btiHiiieis an' I the home, alt huve a del U;riou; eifect upn the nerves, whiuh in tfcir devitalized condition readily t .jl prey 10 the utt.icks of dt6eAt. Aide fro t'firt danger there is no condition at tended by so mtny tli? agreeable symplnnu; such as Itw-s uf apiwtiie, nuikre-.tiot or nerv ous dyspepsia, headache, fired feeiinfc and loss oi iUhUti m together with the aumy of sleepless tnnta snent in tfvsin.j reilessiy ai'out. o ,v t rie e.iiiat:itcd in the morning. Ir. MdkV Nervine is a trw nerve tmue which, hy sirent,'neiiinv; tlie nervet. restore lienlth asvX appijt.U and btiaH sweet sleep, "Kor six yeTr I sulT-red almot cntntljf Jroni a lomohcatiotX of tmuhleti wtiich CuUni r.:iV'.f in comj.lcrte nervous posia! st. It ul i' j arptits-. I ootiid nut I atfereif from iudi:tkji and nervuUsjuer.ii, A is so often tiie cae in nervous prostration I fits 3 gently h id weak, ftiotinj ypU D -ctora id not help nv- They said my blxvtt waa very pinir. and I know my face wa always verv pale. 1 he very Hrs'l inua of Ur. Miles Nervine ( tiok civl me noticeable rebel and J felt htron vr than I had m years. My noifit'-hi'TS in I'uvallup, Wat-U where I then l.ved will teMitv lo this. I also used some of Ji. M.ki' Uestorative Tonic and Anti Pain, j' i)s I b Jieve the Dr. Miles Kerned ie saved my liie." Mr. J. C. BfcNfcWCT, Tuck er, Utah. AH drujsrists sell and guarantee firt bot tle IH. MileV Remed es. Send for free bookj on N-rvo'u nd Mert Di-eatA Add;